CB 4 session 10

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Transcript of CB 4 session 10

  • 7/30/2019 CB 4 session 10


    Session 10The Firms Duties to The Employee

    Course Name : CB142

    Year : 2010

  • 7/30/2019 CB 4 session 10


    Kewajiban perusahaan kepada karyawan merupakansalah satu dimensi hubungan industrial

    Secara tidak langsung, dengan mengakui kewajiban

    perusahaan kepada karyawan, hubungan antaraperusahaan dengan karyawan berada pada level yangsama

    Pengakuan ini secara tidak langsung menolak tesis Marx

    yang menegaskan bahwa hubungan perusahaanterutama para pemilik modal yang dikenal sebagaikelompok borjuis dengan karyawan yang lebih dikenalsebagai kelompok proletar bersifat antagonistic


  • 7/30/2019 CB 4 session 10


    The Obligation of Company to Employees1. Indiscrimination

    Discrimination in a company is usually emerged whenemployees are threaten differently for irrelevant reasons,

    i.e. concerning with religion, sex and race.Ethical arguments:

    Argument of utilitarianisms: Discrimination ruins thecompany internally.

    Argument of deontologisms: Discrimination is opposedagainst dignity.

    Argument of justice: Discrimination is opposed againstjustice

    Bina Nusantara

  • 7/30/2019 CB 4 session 10


    Dalam konteks perusahaan, diskriminasi terjadi bilaada karyawan diperlakukan dengan cara berbedakarena alasan yang tidak relevan

    Yang dimaksud tidak relavan bila pembedaandidasarkan atas, misalnya perbedaan agama, ras, ataujenis kelamin

    Like and dislike

    Kalau perusahaan membedakan karyawanberdasarkan alasan yang relevan, tidak bisa dianggapdiskriminasi.

  • 7/30/2019 CB 4 session 10


    Ditinjau dari segi Etika: Argumen utilitarianisme

    diskriminasi merugikan perusahaan itu sendiri

    Argumen deontologis

    diskriminasi menghina martabat dari orang yangdidiskriminasi.

    Argumen keadilan

    diskriminasi bertentangan dengan keadilan

    Khusus mengenai favoritismekecenderungan mengistimewakan orang tertentu,umpamanya sanak saudara, dalam seleksi karyawan,promosi, atau penggajian

  • 7/30/2019 CB 4 session 10


    Bina Nusantara

    2. GuaranteeofHealthy and Safe WorkplaceWorkplace is defined to be safe if it is free from the riskof accident that may put the employees in danger.

    Workplace is defined to be healthy if it is free from the

    risk of diseases effected by the working area.

    The threat on the safety of work is usually happened inimmediate and unexpected situations.

    Harmful effects on employees health generally reactslowly and need more time to show their influences

  • 7/30/2019 CB 4 session 10


    There are any reason for a company to take working healthiness and safety

    in prior:Worker right (especially right of living: every worker is entitled to apeaceful condition of work)

    Argument of deontologisms : mankind needs to be treated as the goal tohe himself, not merely as the tool.

    Argument of utilitarianisms : Healthy and peaceful workplace will provideadvantages to company itself, society and especially to the growth ofnational economy.

    There are any general reason for a company to refuse responsibility on anaccident in a workplace:

    A suggestion that the workers death or loss is accidentally happened,not intentionally caused by a direct action of employer.

    The worker takes the risk of work freely on his own.

    Bina Nusantara

  • 7/30/2019 CB 4 session 10


    Any ethical conditions that need to be firstly fulfilledconcerned with a high-risk work are:

    An alternative work should be available

    A worker need to be informed in advanceanything about the risk concerning the work.

    The last important deal that the company has to

    take granted is depressing the work risk asminimum as possible.

    Bina Nusantara

  • 7/30/2019 CB 4 session 10


    Keselamatan dan kesehatan kerja memiliki kaitan erat, namunbisa juga dibedakan.

    Keselamatan kerja bisa terwujud jika tempat kerja itu aman

    Ancaman keselamatan kerja biasanya terjadi secaramendadak dan langsung mengakibatkan kerugian nyata

    Yang banyak menelan korban adalah terjadinya kecelakaanpada industri maufaktur dan ekstraksi, yang bisa berupa tangkimeledak, pekerja terkena mesin tertentu, gang pertambanganambruk, pekerja terkena sengatan listrik, jatuh dari bangunan

    gedung tinggi, atau tertimpa banhan bangunan Resiko cacat seumur hidup bahkan meninggal dunia

    Ada kewajiban etis dari perusahaan untuk melindungipekerjanya

  • 7/30/2019 CB 4 session 10


    Alasan penting dari kewajiban etis ini adalah Hak si pekerja

    Alasan deontologis

    Manusia harus diperlakukan sebagai tujuan pada dirinya, dan tidakpernah sebagai sarana belaka. Jika keamanan atau keselamatan

    pekerja dibahayakan sedangkan bahaya tersebut sebenarnya bisadicegah atau dihindarkan, maka itu berarti bahwa perusahaanmemperbudak pekerja

    Alasan ulitaristis

    tempat kerja yang aman dan sehat paling menguntungkan bagiperusahaan itu sendiri, bagi masyarakat, dan bahkan bagi ekonominegara

  • 7/30/2019 CB 4 session 10


    Walaupun argumen tersebut cukup sebagai alasan etis bagiperusahaan untuk menjamin keselamatan atau kesehatankerja, namun perusahaan sering juga membela diri daritanggung jawab ini

    Kematian atau kerugian pekerja tidak secara langsung

    disebabkan oleh tindakan pimpinan perusahaan.Kecelakaan kerja umumnya disebabkan oleh banyakfaktor, termasuk diantaranya adalah kelalaian si pekerjaitu sendiri. Lagipula kemungkinan terjadinya kecelakaanuntuk pekerjaan terkadang tidak bisa dihindarkan. Banyak

    perkerjaan yang sudah jelas memiliki kemungkinan risikotinggi, namun tidak mungkin dengan alasan tersebutmenghentikan pekerjaan tersebut.

    Pekerja menerima risiko kerja dengan sukarela

  • 7/30/2019 CB 4 session 10


    Jikapekerjaan berisiko tinggi maka secara etis untukmenjamin si pekerja, beberapa syarat perlu dipenuhiterlebih dahulu, yaitu:

    Tersedianya pekerjaan alternatif

    Calon pekerja harus diberi informasi mengenairisiko apa saja yang berkaitan dengan pekerjaantersebut

    Mengupayakan dengan sebaik dan sebisamungkin agar risiko kesehatan dan keselamatankerja tersebut bisa ditekan seminimal mungkin

  • 7/30/2019 CB 4 session 10


    3. Giving Fair Salary3.1. Review on Fair Salary

    Liberalism: Salary represents reward of achievement.

    Socialism: Salary has to meet the need of the workers.

    2.3.2. Consideration of giving fair salaryIt has to be applicable to labor regulation issue

    Reasonable fee in industrial sector or certain area

    Companys financial ability

    Special nature of certain work

    Comparison with other company which run the same kindof business

    The fairness of fee

    Employees years of service

    Bina Nusantara

  • 7/30/2019 CB 4 session 10


    Pandangan tentang Gaji yang Adil Dalam gerakan-gerakan sosial di zaman industri,

    upah atau gaji yang adil sering menjadi pokokutama perjuangan

    Pandangan liberalistis

    upah atau gaji merupakan imbalan atasprestasi

    Pandangan sosialistismenekankan bahwa gaji yang adil harus sesuaidengan kebutuhan pekerja

  • 7/30/2019 CB 4 session 10


    Pertimbangan Gaji yang Adil

    Peraturan hukum

    Upah yang lazim pada sektor industri atau daerahtertentu

    Kemampuan perusahaan Sifat khusus pekerjaan tertentu

    Perbandingan dengan upah/gaji lain dalamperusahaan

    Perundingan upah yang fair Khusus mengenai masalah senioritas dan imbalan

    rahasiayang hampir selalu dipraktikkan, membutuhkanpertimbangan lain

  • 7/30/2019 CB 4 session 10


    4. Company do not cease an employ unfairly

    There are any various reasons for a company to ceasean employ, such as internal reason, external reason

    oremploys mistake.Employee can only be fired for a reasonable matter.

    Employer has to consider any applicable procedure inceasing an employee.

    Employer has to confine any possible negative effectof a ceasing execution that may affect an employeeas minimum as possible

    The way of executing a cessation may represent anemployers ethical quality.

    Bina Nusantara

  • 7/30/2019 CB 4 session 10


    1. Tidakdiskriminasi

    2. Jaminan kesehatan dankeselamatan kerja

    3. Pemberian gaji yang adil

    4. Tidak memberhentikan karyawandengan sewenang-wenang

    Kewajiban Perusahaan

  • 7/30/2019 CB 4 session 10


    Menurut Garrett dan Klonoski, kebijakanpemberhentian karyawan dijabarkan sbb.

    Majikan hanya boleh memberhentikankaryawan dengan alasan yang tepat

    Majikan harus berpegang pada prosedur yangsemestinya secara konsisten

    Majikan harus membatasi akibat negatif bagi

    karyawan sampai seminimal mungkin

  • 7/30/2019 CB 4 session 10


    Pertanyaan1. Berkaitan dengan kewajiban terhadap kastamer. Terjadi dilema,

    misalnya KASUS Honda harus menarik produknya! Bagiamanapendapat Anda terhadap dilema pentingnya obligationtothecustomerdi satu sisi dengan kemungkinan jatuhnya reputasi akibat produknyaada yang defect!

    2. Apa saja kewajiban perusahaan terhadap para pekerja?

    3. Kelalaian/pelanggaran apa saja yang Anda tahu dilakukan olehperusahaan atas kewajiban terhadap karyawannya?

    4. Menurut anda apakah semua pekerjaan lain diluar tempat andabekerja merupakan conflict of interest ? atau mungkin tergantungdari jenis pekerjaannya? Jelaskan

    5. Jelaskan yang dimaksud indiscrimination.

    6. Mengapa diskriminasi tidak baik ditinjau dari etika?

    7. Jelaskan yang dimaksud loyalitas, integritas, dan kewajiban pegawai!

  • 7/30/2019 CB 4 session 10


    Case Study 1:Wage Differences at Robert Hall

    The Robert Hall Store in Wilmington had a department for mens and boys clothing andanother department for womens and girls clothing. The departments were physicallyseparated and were staffed by different personnel: Only men were allowed to work in themens department and only women in the womens department. The personnel of the storewere sexually segregated because years of experience had thought the stores managersthat unless clerks and customers were of the same sex, the frequent physical contact

    between clerks and customers would embarrass both and would inhibit sales. The clothingin the mens department was generally of a higher and more expensive quality than theclothing in the womens department. Competitive factors accounted for this: there were fewothermens store in Wilmington so the store could stock expensive mens clothes and stilldo a thriving business, while womens clothing had to be lower priced to compete with themany otherwomens store in Wilmington. Because of these differences in merchandise, thestores profit margins on the mens clothing was higher than its margins on the womens

    clothing. As a result, the mens department consistently showed a larger dollar volume ingross sales and a greater gross profit.

    As a result of these differences in the income produced by the two department, themanagement of Robert Hall paid their male salespersons more than their female personnel.Identify and analyze the ethical problem of the case above. (ref. Manuel G. Velasquez,Business Ethics, Concepts and Cases, New Jersey: Pretince Hall, 1998, p.419

  • 7/30/2019 CB 4 session 10


    Case Study 2

    Indonesian workers strike at Freeport mineThousands of workers kicked off a weeklong strike at Freeport-McMoRan's gold and copper mine ineastern Indonesia on Monday, demanding higher wages and protesting the dismissal of their unionleaders. The U.S. mining giant insisted the work stoppage at the Grasberg mine in the remote province ofPapua would not affect production. Grasberg is one of the world's largest gold and copper mines, but hasfrequently seen violent worker protests, while environmental groups complain of alleged pollution andunfair distribution of profits. Union official Juli Parorongan said up to 10,000 workers from the mine wereexpected to join the strike after labor groups and management failed to re-negotiate contracts seeking

    wage increases from $1.8 to $15 per hour.

    "The company ignored our rights for a better wages and conditions," Parorongan said as 2,000 workersdressed in their work clothes and wearing red ribbons started gathering in front of the mine's gates on thefirst day of their peaceful sit-in. "They even fired our union leaders, who were struggling for our welfare."

    Thousands of other striking workers, marching from the company's mine area Tembagapura, wereexpected to join the strikers, though union officials said some roads were being blocked by police, slowingtheir journey.

    Freeport's spokesman in Indonesia, Ramdani Sirait, told The Associated Press that the strike was illegal.

    He urged workers to return to their jobs while the company continued to hold talks with union leaders toaddress their grievances. "We do not anticipate any impact to production," Sirait added in an emailedstatement. Freeport McMoRan Copper & Gold holds just over 90 percent of the Grasberg mine, while therest is owned by the Indonesian government.

    (source: http://www.thejakartapost.com/news/2011/07/04/indonesian-workers-strike-freeport-mine.html)Identify and analyze the ethical problem of the case above.
