Causes of wwi

Post on 22-Nov-2014

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Transcript of Causes of wwi

Causes ofWWI

What were some long term causes of WWI?

• Nationalism• Imperialism• Militarism• Alliances

• Imperialistic Rivalries

• Nationalism

• Militarism

• Alliances

How were Nationalism & Imperialism intertwined?

• Europeans nations wanted to prove their superiority

• Competition for colonies became a issue of national pride

How did Nationalism & Imperialism contribute to Militarism?

How did Nationalism & Imperialism contribute to Militarism?

• Militarism: glorification & expansion of the military• Nationalism led to competition

for military size & strength • Imperialism led to the building

up of navies & armies to protect colonies

What incident ignited W.W.I?

• June 1914, Archduke Ferdinand of Austria-Hungary assassinated by a Serbian nationalist

• Austria Hungary declared war on Serbia July 28, 1914

How did Europe respond to the outbreak of war?

• Europe was divided

• The Allies: France, Russia, Great Britain and Italy

• The Central Powers: Germany, Austria-Hungary, and the Ottoman Empire

What was the Schlieffen Plan?

• Germany’s plan for fighting a two front war

• Take out France quickly with an all out attack

• Remove France as a threat, then attack Russia