Causes of World War I. The Main Trigger Why was the assassination of Arch Duke Franz Ferdinand so...

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Transcript of Causes of World War I. The Main Trigger Why was the assassination of Arch Duke Franz Ferdinand so...

Causes of World War I

The Main Trigger

• Why was the assassination of Arch Duke Franz Ferdinand so important that it caused World War 1?

Imperial Europe


• Looks like a small and insignificant country in a world of large Empires.

• How was it a threat and how did it lead the world to war?

Colonial Rivalry

Colonial Rivalry

• As you can see, much of the world was split between Britain, France, and Germany, the main players in Colonialism.

• Imperialism – Competition between countries to acquire the most land, resources and therefore status.

• “the sun never sets on the British Empire”


• Germany was much smaller than Britain and France.

• German Leader, Kaiser Wilhelm II was determined to “gain a place in the sun”

• Needed market for growing industries

• Gain respect for Germany on world stage.

The Balkans “Powder Keg”

The Balkans

• The Balkans are made up of primarily Slav people.

• Includes Serbians, Bulgarians and Romanians.

• Many Slav people were claimed by the Austro – Hungarian Empire.

The Balkans• Serbia wanted to unite all the Slav

Peoples, including those in Austria-Hungary.

• Austria-Hungary wanted to take over the Balkans to protect its empire.

• Russia Viewed itself as the protector of the Slavs.

French German RivalryAlsace-Lorraine

• In 1870 France fought against Germany and lost.

• Forced to accept humiliating peace treaty

• Had to give up Alsace Lorraine.

• Group called the Revanchist wanted revenge

Arms Race

• Great Powers increased spending on arms

• All more than doubled, Germany and Russia quadrupled.

• As each country increased its weapons it became more confident, and war more likely.

• New technologies were being developed (Machine guns, Field guns)

Arms RaceAnglo-German Naval Race

• Britain had the most powerful Navy in the world. Since it was an Island it depended on it.

• Germany had the best army

• Germany began building Navy Vessels.

• Not a major concern for Britain as it would take forever for Germany to catch up.

Arms RaceAnglo-German Naval Race

• The invention of the Dreadnought battleship made all other ships obsolete.

• Germany was able to catch up and build 8 of these to Britain’s 9.

• Britain was now threatened by an equal navy and superior army.



16,000 tons

4 12inch guns

4 9inch guns

9 inch thick armour

18 knots top speed


18000 tons

10 12 inch guns

18 4 inch guns

11 inch thick armour

22 knots top speed.

The Schlieffen Plan

• German General Von Schlieffen devised a plan to attack France.

• They would walk through Belgium quickly.

• Arrive in France before British would show up.

• French forces would expect them from Lorraine.

The Alliance System

The Alliance system brought war closer by:

• Creating two armed camps The Triple Alliance – Germany, Italy, Austro-Hungary and The Triple Entente – Britain, France, Russia.

• If one was attacked, they were morally bound to protect each other.

Crisis Test

• 1st Morocco crisis – France wanted Morocco.

• Kaiser wanted to test the Entente by paying a visit to Morocco and gave a speech supporting its independence.

• Thought Britain would back down• Britain supported France and Kaiser

forced to back down • Kaiser humiliated

Bosnian Crisis• Austria-Hungary took control of Bosnia-

Herzegovina.• Serbia wanted it for itself and appealed to

Russia.• Russia set up a conference but Austria

refused to attend.• Germany demanded Russia accept or

face war.• Russia backed down humiliated and

became closer with the Entente.

The Balkan WarsOttoman Controlled Area

Balkan Wars

• Serbia, Greece, Bulgaria, and Montenegro allied to kick the Ottoman Empire out of Europe.

• In doing so, Serbia gained more land and became more powerful.

• Austro-Hungary much more threatened.

Serbia Gains more land


• The Heir to the throne of the Austro-Hungarian Empire is assassinated by a Bosnian with support from Serbia.

• Gavrillo Princip was a member of the Black Hand, whose aim was to unite all Serbs in Austro-Hungarian Empire.

Alliances kick In

• Austro-Hungarian Empire declares war on Serbia.

• Russia supports Serbia declares war on Austria-Hungary.

• Germany moves into Belgium to start the Schlieffen Plan.

• France declares war on Germany• Britain Supports France, declares war.• World war 1 begins.