Causes of the second world war

Post on 30-Nov-2014

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Transcript of Causes of the second world war

Treaty of Versailles:

◦Germany was guilty.

◦The Germany´s army was limited.

◦Union with Austria was forbidden.

◦De- militarisation of the Rhineland.

◦SAAR was put over control over the League.

At the end of the World War II, the Allies created THE LEAGUE OF NATIONS.

Japan invaded Manchuria in 1931.

In 1922 Benito MUSSOLINI became IL DUCE (dictator) of Italy.

He was a FASCIST.

He wanted the expansion of Italy:

Italy invaded Abyssinia in 1935.

Abolish the Treaty of Versailles.


Expand German territory.

Treaty of Versaille: SAAR was put over control over the League.

In 1935 Saar returned to Germany after a plebiscite.

One of his first steps was increase Germany´s armed forces.

In 1936 Hitler reintrodiced conscription.

Treaty of Versailles: the de-militarisation of the Rhineland.

Hitler placed troops on Rhineland in 1936.

In 1936 a civil war broke out in Spain:

◦ HITLER AND MUSSOLINI supported Franco.

◦ STALIN supported the Republican goverment.

GERMANY, ITALY AND JAPAN signed the Anti-Comintern Pact.

Anti-Comintern means Anti-Communist International.

With the successes of 1935 and 1936 to boos him, Hitler turned his atention to Austria.

There was a strong Nazi party in Austria, that caused riots.

Hitler told the Austrian Chancellor that only ANSCHLUSS (political union) cold sort out these problems.

The Austrian Chancellor called a referendum.

Hitler sent his troops into Austria in 1938, supposedly to guarantee a trouble-free plebiscite.

99,75% voted for Anschluss.

Czecholovakia was a new state created bt the Treaty of Versailles, included a large number of Germans.

Unlike Austria, Chezchoslovakia would be no walk-over for Hitler.

Britain, France, and the URSS had all promised to support Chezchoslovakia if it came to war.

Hitler demanded the annexation of Sudetenland.

CHAMBERLAIN (Britain Prime Minister) tried to solved the problem and met with Hitler.

Hitler said he was only interested in parts of Sudetenland.

The French and the British put to the Czechs their plans to give Hitler the plans.

Neville Chamberlain

Hitler increased his demands: he wanted all the Sudetenland.

The leaders of Britain, Germany, France and Italy decided on the fate of Chezchoslovakia. It lost the Sudetenland.


“peace for our time”

•On March German troops took over the rest of Chezchoslovakia.

•Hungry and Poland did the same.

LEBENSRAUM: space of life.

expansionism to gain space for the Germans

BRITAIN AND FRANCE told Hitler that if he invaded Poland they would declare war on Germany.

Stalin concluded from the Munich Agreement that France and Britain were powerless to stop Hitler.

Hilter was interested in one front war.

They signed the Nazi-Soviet Pact, aka Ribbentrop-Molotov Pact (Foreing Ministers of Germany and URSS).

They agreed no to attack one another.

They also agreed to divide Poland between them.

The German army invaded Poland, the Second World War started.

On 17 September Soviet forces attacked from the east.