Causes of the Revolution 1 st 9 weeks Patriot A person who is loyal to their country.

Post on 18-Jan-2016

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Transcript of Causes of the Revolution 1 st 9 weeks Patriot A person who is loyal to their country.

1st 9 weeks

A person who is loyal to their country.

A colonist during the Revolution that was loyal to the king and England.

A letter writing campaign throughout the colonies to inform everyone about protests and boycotts.

A law passed by Parliament informing colonists that British law would be enforced in the colonies.

A tax or a fee charged on imports

The laws imposed by England after the Boston Tea Party.

The Intolerable Acts closed the Boston port.

A search warrant for British officers to search colonial homes and businesses for smuggled goods.

The Writs of Assistance invaded the privacy of colonists everywhere.

Money earned from work or products

To force captured people to fight on the side of the opposing group.