CATTLE BREEDING By: Jeremy Coleman. Progression Since the start of existence to right now, this...

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Transcript of CATTLE BREEDING By: Jeremy Coleman. Progression Since the start of existence to right now, this...


By: Jeremy Coleman


Since the start of existence to right now, this very second everything is changing. The same goes for cattle breeding processes and practices. The progression of cattle breeding has been brought from… “letting it happen” to now-a-day practices of extracting and selection of the best genes to then be put into a specifically bred female mother cow to produce genetically “better” offspring. With the evolution of cattle breeding the process has become a more developed, efficient, and a better practice.

ARTIFICIAL INSEMINATION The first introduction of artificial insemination was

with Arabian horses in the 1300’s, and in 1780 an Italian biologist by the name of Lazzaro Spallanzani did his first AI procedure in sheep, but really it didn’t start taking off until 1907 when vetinarian Elias Ivanov opened a testicle of a dead, snow-frozen sheep and found live spermatozoids. Even though the technique was invented many years ago it didn’t become more viable until the 1940’s and 50’s. The American Breeders Services (ABS Global) was the first to improve their services by selling liquid nitrogen to farmers for storage.

The first successful Embryo Transfer took place in

England in the 1890's. This was by a man named Walter Heap. Heap used rabbits as his first test subjects. Although the experiments was a success, Embryo Transfer has not been used in commercial areas until the bringing up of the hormone FSH, (Follicle Stimulating Hormone) this happened in the 1950's. Originally the only technique was surgical, and it was to both flush and implant the embryos. While these practices were successful; they were very expensive and required a large amount of experience for the practicer.

Embryo Transfer

Cattle breeds

Cattle breeding has affected everything that is now the cattle industry. When you look at the piece of meat you are about to eat it has been affected by

gene crossing and processes within cattle breeding. During cattle breeding everything from AI to “letting it happen” (still has chosen the two best cows of the

group).All breeds from the angus to the Randall breed have all been apart of the cross gene process within cattle


Highland Cattle


Belgian Blue





South Devon


Angelin Cattle

Bue Lingo

List of Breeds

Affected Areas Cattle breeding has affected everything

in the cattle association. The programs and techniques has also

affected human AI programs and the Human AI programs actually get their know how from the cattle breeding programs.

Bibliography "Artificial Insemination of Cows."

Artificial Insemination. Web. 16 Apr. 2012.

"Embryo Transfer in Cattle." Highland Cattle. Web. 16 Apr. 2012. <>.