Catholic High School Diocese of Lubbock Christ the King … · 2019. 11. 15. · Diocese of Lubbock...

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Transcript of Catholic High School Diocese of Lubbock Christ the King … · 2019. 11. 15. · Diocese of Lubbock...

Discovering, Learning, & Experiencing The Word

Christ the King Cathedral School and

Diocese of Lubbock Catholic High School


November 2019 Mid-Month Issue November 2019 Mid-Month Issue

FACTS Ren-Web Calendar CTK Cathedral Athletics

Click on each newsletter topic for more details. Each topic can also be found in the"NEWS" section of the school website:!

Upcoming - The Feast of Christ the King on Sunday, November 24, 2019Gospel Reading: Luke 25:35-43 - Jesus is crucified under the title King of the Jews.

On Sunday, November 24, as a Church, we conclude our liturgical year and celebrate theFeast of Christ the King. The Gospel we proclaim shows the great mystery of our faith: In the

moment of his crucifixion, Jesus is shown to be King and Savior of all.

Luke's Gospel has been loaded with surprises: the poor are rich, sinners find salvation, theKingdom of God is found in our midst. Here we see the greatest surprise of all. We areconfronted with the crucified Jesus, whom faith tells us is King and Savior of all. The irony isthat the inscription placed on the cross, perhaps in mockery, contains the profoundest oftruth. As the leaders jeer, the thief crucified by his side recognizes Jesus as Messiah andKing, and finds salvation.

Jesus is King, but not the kind of king we might have imagined or expected. His kingship washidden from many of his contemporaries, but those who had the eyes of faith were able tosee. As modern disciples of Jesus, we, too, struggle at times to recognize Jesus as King.Today's Gospel invites us to make our own judgment. With eyes of faith, we, too, recognizethat Jesus, the crucified One, is indeed King and Savior of all.

from Loyola Press "Sunday Connection"

In Gratitude Thanksgiving Prayer

Thank you, Father, for having created us and given usto each other in the human family.

Thank you for being with us in all our joys and sorrows,for your comfort in our sadness,

your companionship in our loneliness. Thank you for yesterday, today, tomorrow and

for the whole of our lives. Thank you for friends, for health and for grace. May we live this and every day conscious of all

that has been given to us.

From The Catholic Prayer Book, compiled by Msgr. Michael Buckley


It's almost time for the "Big Raffle"! Raffle tickets will be available for pick up next week.

Watch your email for details and pick-up instructions! There are some great prizes this year!

Remember all families are required to sell a minimum of 20 tickets!

CTK School Garden Family Work DayTHIS Saturday, 11/16/19, 3:30pm-5:30pm

Meet us in the garden! Great opportunity to get some family time and volunteer

hours completed at the same time!

Prayers and Best Wishes for DCHS Varsity Cheer Squadas they travel to Belton to compete in the TAPPS State

Cheer Competition for the first time ever! We are proudof you and all you have accomplished already!


115 Gift Boxes Donated to the Boxof Joy Program!We have a wonderful and caringschool community! With yourcontributions, 115 boxes were donatedto the Box of Joy program, a Christmasgift outreach organized by Catholic

schools, parishes and groupsnationwide. The boxes were packedwith toys and other gifts which willbless children suffering from extremepoverty in countries such as [...] ...»

DEADLINE EXTENDED TO 8AM onMONDAY, 11/18 for ChristmasGreenery & Poinsettias Orders!The Junior Class is selling Christmas

greenery and poinsettias as afundraiser for their senior trip toItaly. The greenery comesFRESH from MINNESOTA,and the poinsettias are grownlocally by Ivey Gardens. Theschool has worked with both ofthese companies for manyyears and the quality of theirproducts is wonderful. The 24"[...] ...»

VOTE for CTKC School in City Bank Community Rewards &KCBD's Best of the West

CTKC School is currently in two different competitions: City Bank'sCommunity Rewards program and KCBD's Best of the West program.You can vote once per hour per email address in City Bank'sCommunity Rewards program to help CTKC School win a portion of$60,000 being given to local non-profits. Click here for the [...] ...» It's Breakfast Burrito Time-Next

Thursday, 11/21! Orders Due Tuesday, 11/19!Take a break from cooking breakfast athome and grab a burrito before school! November's breakfast burrito sale of theyear is on Thursday, November 21st! Please place pre-orders prior toTuesday, 11/19. Click here for an orderform to ...»

Mark Your Calendars: AnnualChristmas Dinner onWednesday, December 11th!You are cordially invited to joinyour CTK and DCHS student(s)for Christmas Dinner onWednesday, December 11th,2019 in the CTK Café! Dinner issponsored by the CTK JuniorClass (Class of 2021) All parents

and family members are invited to share Christmas dinner with yourstudent(s). You may take your student(s) out of [...] ...» Winter Clothing Drive: December 2-13Winter Clothing Drive Sponsored by TheDiocese of Lubbock Catholic High SchoolTheology Classes. What do we need? Gentlyused winter coats, jackets, sweaters, hats,gloves, scarves, socks, outdoor gear, etc. Anysize blanket or throw. These items can be formen, women, children all ages and all sizes!Why? This is a great opportunity [...] ...»

Uniform Shorts Season is Coming to an End!Please remember that uniform shorts will be taking a hiatus

from the approved daily uniform code after Thanksgiving Break. No shorts should be worn from after Thanksgiving Break untilSpring Break. After Spring Break, shorts can be worn again.

Also, mid-year is a good time to check skort and skirt lengths forgirls, to make [...] ...»

Fall Festival AppreciationThe Home & School Association wouldlike to thank everyone who was involvedin any way with the Fall Festival! Hundreds of people enjoyed the food,games, and friends even with the lastminute change to move the event back into the school due to coldweather. The first and most important thank you is [...] ...» Input Requested for the Future ofthe Diocese of Lubbock CatholicHigh SchoolEarlier in October, High SchoolPrincipal Eric Gray sent the followingmessage via e-mail to school families,students and staff asking for input to assist with planning for the future ofthe Diocese of Lubbock Catholic High School. If you have not taken thetime to give your input, it is not too late! In [...] ...»

CTKC School Board OpeningsThe Christ the King Cathedral School Board is accepting letters of

interest for openings on the Christ the King Cathedral School Boardfrom members of the CTKC Parish and/or CTKC School communities.

Those who are interested should submit a letter of interest to GailAmbrose at at the school. Please

submit your letter of interest by [...] ...»

Host Families Needed!You may have noticed that we have several International Students hereat Christ the King Cathedral School and Diocese of Lubbock Catholic

High School. We are currently looking for host families for both currentand future high school students. Host family's responsibilities include

providing student with his/her own bed, transportation to and fromschool as [...] ...»

Trojan Sports SchedulesFriday, 11/15 - Varsity Basketball v.Ascension Academy (HOME - 6pm-LadyTrojans/7:30pm-Trojans) Monday, 11/18 - Jr. High Basketball v.Harmony Science Academy (HOME -4pm-8th girls/5pm-8th boys) Friday, 11/22 - [...] ...»


LOW EFFORT FUNDRAISING OPPORTUNITIES! These are easy ways that your day-to-day spending

can also help CTKC School & the Diocesan Catholic High School!

Convert Your United Family StoreRewards Points to CTKC School & DCHS!The United Family® has been piloting aprogram with our school for the past fewmonths that allows supporters to chooseto donate their Reward Points to Christthe King Cathedral School & Diocese of Lubbock Catholic High School. Anyone who wishes to donate their Rewards to the schools may do sosimply by visiting [...] ...»

Use AmazonSmile While Shopping Online!Many people use Amazon for their shopping -especially during the upcoming holidays! Here's another way you can help the CTKCSchool community with no additional cost toyou! The AmazonSmile program is a websiteoperated by Amazon that lets customers enjoy

the same wide selection of products, low prices, and convenientshopping features [...] ...»


OpportunitiesVolunteer Opportunities AllCTK & Diocese of Lubbock

Catholic High School(DCHS) families are

required to complete 20service hours (10 hours for

single parents) for the

Just a Few WeeksLeft to Turn in Box

Tops for 1stSemester

Thank you toeveryone who has

submitted Box Topsfor CTKC School so

far! Current


The CTK Café is openfor the 2019-2020school year! If youneed a refresher on

how to order lunches,click here for printable

instructions: How toOrder Lunches. All

Don't Forget to Order SCRIP Cardsfor ALL Your Daily Purchases!You are encouraged to buy gift cardsfor over 300 major retailers to use foryour own day-to-day purchases or givethem as gifts! Visit for a full list of retailers. What agreat way to help our school while taking care of your own buyingneeds! Parents and friends of the school can [...] ...»

Calendar Dates: dates/times are accurate at time of publication but are subject to change

TONIGHT: Pep Rally@ 2:30pm; VarsityBasketball v.Ascension Academy(HOME-6pm/7:30pm)

Sat. - CTK SchoolGarden Family WorkDay - 3:30-5:30pm

Mon.-Tues. - VarsityCheer Squad @TAPPS State CheerCompetition

Mon. - 8th grBasketball v.Harmony Science(4pm/5pm)

Tues. - Picture Re-takes

Wed. - H&S BoardMeeting @ 5:30pm

11/21 - BreakfastBurrito Sale beforeschool (order formabove)

11/22 - All-SchoolMass @ 8:15am;Varsity Basketball v.Sharp Academy(HOME-6/7:30)

11/25 - 11/29 -Thanksgiving Break

12/2 - 8th grBasketball v. HarmonyScience (4pm/5pm)

12/3 - VarsityBasketball @Southcrest Christian(6pm/7:30pm)

12/4-5 - SchoolReconciliation

12/5 - JH AdventRetreat

12/6 - All-SchoolMass; St. NicholasDay; Christmas Paint& Sip; First Friday

12/6-12/7 - JH GirlsBasketball @ AllSaints Tournament(TBA)

Looking Ahead:12/8 - CheerChildcareAfternoon

12/9-12/12 - AngelWorkshop

12/11 - ChristmasDinner; 2pm EarlyDismissal

2019-20 school year. Tohelp you fulfill your

requirement, here are some[...] ...»

classroom totals areas follows: [...] ...»

lunch orders for theCTK Café should be

placed via theRenWeb lunch

system. We stronglyurge you [...] ...»

Christ the King Cathedral SchoolChrist the King Cathedral School806-795-8283 | |

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