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Transcript of CATHOLIC DIOCESE OF AUSTIN...2020/02/02  · CATHOLIC DIOCESE OF AUSTIN Visit us at:...

Pope Francis

Rome, Italy


Visit us at:

St. Charles Borromeo Catholic Church

P.O. Box 1748

1927 W. RR 1431

Kingsland, TX 78639

Office: 325-388-3742

Reverend Father Uche Evaristus Obikwelu



Office Email:

Office Hours: 9:00a—12:00p Tuesdays and Thursdays

Web Site Address:

Mission: Our Lady of the Lake

120 RR 2233

Sunrise Beach, TX 78643

4 miles off TX Hwy 71


St. Charles Mass Schedule

Saturday 6:00 pm Sunday 9:00 am


Tuesday 6:00 pm Wednesday through Friday 8:00 am

Sacrament of Reconciliation

Fridays 8:30 to 9:30 after Mass or by Appointment

Pastoral Council Chair Donnie Jung

Finance Council Chair Betsy Watson

Director of Religious Education

Richard Collins - (325) 388-3830

Our Lady of the Lake Mass Schedule

Saturday 4:00 pm

Sacrament of Reconciliation

At St. Charles on Fridays 8:30 to 9:30

After Mass or by Appointment

Pastoral Council Chair

Chad Darilek

Finance Council Chair

Charles Sadler

Joe S. Vasquez


Diocese of Austin

February 02, 2020

Feast of the Presentation of the Lord

Readings: Malachi 3:1–4 Psalm 24:7, 8, 9, 10 Hebrews 2:14–18 Luke 2:22–40

Today’s feast marks the Presentation of the Lord Jesus in the Temple, forty days after he was born. As the firstborn, he belonged to God. According to the Law, Mary and Joseph were required to take him to the Temple and “redeem” him by paying five shekels. At the same time, the Law required the child’s mother to offer sacrifice in order to overcome the ritual impurity brought about by childbirth. So the feast we celebrate shows a curious turn of events. The Redeemer seems to be redeemed. She who is all-pure presents herself to be purified. Such is the humility of our God. Such is the humility of the Blessed Virgin. They submit to the law even though they are not bound by it. However, the Gospel story nowhere mentions Jesus’ “redemption,” but seems to describe instead a religious consecration—such as a priest might undergo. Saint Luke tells us that Jesus is

“presented” in the Temple, using the same verb that Saint Paul uses to describe the offering of a sacrifice (see Romans 12:1). Another parallel is the Old Testament dedication of Samuel (1 Sam 1:24-27) to the Temple as a priest. The drama surrounding Jesus’ conception and birth began in the Temple—when the Archangel visited Mary’s kinsman, Zechariah the priest. And now the story of Jesus’ infancy comes to a fitting conclusion, again in the Temple. All the readings today concern Jerusalem, the Temple, and the sacrificial rites. The first reading comes from the Prophet Malachi, who called the priests to return to faithful service—and foretold a day when a Messiah would arrive with definitive purification of the priesthood. Likewise, the Psalm announces to Jerusalem that Jerusalem is about to receive a great visitor. The Psalmist identifies him as “The LORD of hosts . . . the king of glory.” Christ now arrives as the long-awaited priest and redeemer. He is also the sacrifice. Indeed, as his life will show, He is the Temple itself (see John 2:19-21).

The Sacrament of Reconciliation is scheduled an hour after Friday Mass (8:30 to 9:30) at St. Charles. This will allow us to prepare for this beautiful sacrament, which invites us to deep reflection, introspection, and gratitude to God for His Love and Mercy.

Sacrament of Reconciliation

Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time

1st Reading: Mal 3:1-4

Responsorial PS 24:7, 8, 9, 10

2nd Reading: Heb 2:14-18

Gospel: Lk 2:22-40 or 2:22-32

Feast of the Presentation of the Lord

1st Reading: IS 58:7-10

Responsorial PS 112:4-5, 6-7, 8-9

2nd Reading: 1 COR 2:1-5

Gospel: MT 5:13-16

Mass Readings

St Charles Ministry Schedule For Next Week:

Feb 08 & Feb 09

Day Sac Lector Host Ch Org Ch Exit Server Usher









SAT Debbie Claudette Richard Claudette Debbie Paulette Glenn

SUN Kathryn Karen E Shirley Karen E Norma Kim E John M

In an act of continued evangelization and support of the poor young students in the

Eastern Nigeria, Africa Fr. Uche’s book collection is now available at a discount when

purchased as a set. They make good gifts for family, relatives and friends.


Presenting the Present: Scott Hahn Reflects on the Feast of the Presentation

The Presentation of Jesus in the Temple, Fra Angelico, 1440-1442

St. Charles Borromeo Catholic Church

Pilgrimage to Fatima & Lourdes Discovery

with Barcelona October 18 — October 27, 2020 •

10 Days • 16 Meals

Itinerary at a Glances

Day 1 Overnight Flight Day 2 – 3 Hotel de Fatima, Fatima

Day 4 – 5 Barcelo Hotel Almirante Bonifaz, Burgos

Day 6 – 7 Hotel Mercure Imperial Lourdes ,


Day 8 – 9 Evenia Rossello Hotel, Barcelona

For more information visit:

Pricing Save $250 per person* Double Single Triple $2,999pp $3,399pp $2,969pp $3,249 $3,649 $3,219

* For bookings made after 4/20/2020 call for rates. * Included in Price: Round Trip Air from Bergstrom International Airport, Air Taxes and Fees/Surcharges, Hotel Transfers * Not Included in Price: Cancellation Waiver and Insurance of $329 per person * All Rates are Per Person and are subject to change based on air inclusive package from AUS


Sat 2/01 4:00 PM Ernestine Jordan †


Sat 2/01 6:00 PM Tom Grohman †

Sun 2/02 9:00 AM Presentation of the Lord Tom Grohman †

Tue 2/04 6:00 PM No Mass

Wed 2/05 8:00 AM Communion Service

Thurs 2/06 8:00 AM No Mass

Fri 2/07 8:00 AM Communion Service


Sat 2/08 4:00 PM Ernestine Jordan †


Sat 2/08 6:00 PM Penny Rivers †

Sun 2/09 9:00 AM Tom Grohman †

WELCOME Newcomers or Visitors

PARISH LIFE...come and be with us

We thank you for always worshiping with us together as an assembled Body of Christ around the table of his eternal banquet.

Please if you or your family feel moved by the Spirit to become members of our Saint Charles parish, do not hesitate to ask ushers or our Pastor, Fr.

Uche, for the registration form. They are on the table in the Narthex or Sacristy.

May God bless you as you consider.

The Rosary is prayed every Sunday at 8:30 AM before Mass at St. Charles and every Saturday at 3:25 PM before Mass at Our Lady of the Lake.

Join us in praying the Rosary.

Mass intentions can be booked in the office on Tuesday or Thursday or you can fill out the form and drop the envelope in the black box in front of the office. You will find envelopes in the book holders in the pews. You can book Mass for your family members, the sick, the dead, personal needs and God’s blessing.

Requesting Mass Intentions

Please join us for a Holy Hour on Monday evenings from 7 to 8 PM at St Charles in Kingsland to pray for all our priests, and especially our own priest, Father Uche.

Mass Intentions: Feb 01 - Feb 09

Last Week’s Collections

Rosary & Holy Hour

Cleaning the Sacred Altar Linens Volunteers Needed for Cleaning the Sacred Altar Linens. If you are interested, please call June Schuh at 325-388-3789, or there is a sign up sheet in the sacristy behind the altar. Full directions are in an envelope attached to the right cabinet door above the refrigerator. We have openings in two week intervals or, if you would be so kind, a month.

St. Charles $ 5051.00

Our Lady of the Lake $ 640.50 “Give and it shall be given to you… For the measure you

measure with will be measured back to you.”

Luke 6:38 We’ve been promised that God will not be out-done In generosi-

ty. May God bless you a hundredfold for your generosity to His Church.

Second Collection this weekend for the Poor Fund.

This Sunday, February 2, is the Presentation of the Lord. Jesus, the King of glory comes to be a light for all the nations. Since it is Candlemas Day we will have blessed candles for a small donation

VOLUNTEER NEEDLERS is a group of ladies from St. Charles and OLOL who make lap blan-

kets for children, babies and the elderly. These are distributed throughout Llano,

Burnet Mason, Lampasas and Travis Counties through the CPS, Elves for the

Elderly and any organization that contacts us. We meet in Lee Hall every Monday

(except the second week of the month) from 9am to 11l00am. We have kits made

up for those who would like to try sewing at home. We always welcome newcom-

ers and visitors and donations of cotton. If you have any questions, please call

June Schuh at 325-388-3789.

We are putting together a Children's Library: If you have any children’s books with religious theme that you’d like to donate, Please drop them off at Lee Hall.


Flu Season is here. Not feeling well? A smile and a nod is just as

nice as a hand shake or hug. Jesus is fully

present in the Host, so it is ok to refrain from

drinking from the Chalice at this time. Running

a fever? We love you and will pray for you, but

please stay home.

RCIA: St. Charles is hosting a series of discussions commonly

known as the Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (RCIA). These ses-sions provide an opportunity for all non-Catholics and Catholics alike to learn and/or increase their understanding of the teachings of the Catholic Church in a friendly, relaxed environment. The classes will be led by Donnie and Margaret Jung. The meetings are held at 6:30 pm Sundays in Lee Hall. If you, or someone you know, is interested in learning more about the teachings of the Catholic Church, please contact Margaret at or cell phone 512-715-2805. You may also contact Father Uche directly. Please take advantage of this opportunity to grow in faith and love for Jesus. Everyone is welcome.

Cedarbrake Retreat Center

A retreat, dinner and Mass for Married couples

will be held at Cedarbrake Catholic Retreat Center

in Temple- Feb 8th from 4:00pm to 7:30pm

This is a day for celebrating the sacrament of marriage.

The day begins with a talk on marriage, followed by Mass with Franciscan Father Albert Haase

Ending with dinner. The cost is $50 per couple.

To register or for more information, call (254) 780-2436.

Faith Formation - food for our journey! 1.800.803.0118

Drs. Donald & Margaret

830-693-5438 Jung

Send bulletin announcements to by 5:00 PM on MON-

DAY. You must put “bulletin announce-ment” in the subject line of your email. This will help us and it will ensure your important information is not overlooked.

Hail Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with thee; blessed art thou among women, and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Je-sus. Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners, now and at the hour of our death. Amen.

Read more at:




$180 for 12 months

$45 for 3 months

$7.50 for one week

“A Sacrificial Gift"

How can I determine how much is a

"sacrificial gift"? One way to deter-

mine a sacrificial gift is by relating

your gift to your income. Some people

reach into their pocket to see what is

left from Saturday night.

As a good steward, you are being

asked to consider donating one hour

(2 1/2%) or two hours (5%) of your

weekly income. As circumstances

change, increase gradually toward

the ideal of 10% to your church and

other charities. Some will be able to

do more while others may need to do


There are two important points: first is that your gift be a sacrifice and sec-ond is that you relate your donation to your income. If your income is $1000/week or $4333/month then a weekly sacrificial gift would be 2.5% = $25, 5% = $50 and 10% = $100.

PARISH MINISTRIES...come and be with us.

Share the Harvest Don’t forget our “Share the Harvest Food Wagon” at St. Charles and the “Box” at OLOL. When you are out do-ing your grocery shopping please con-sider picking up an extra item or two and bring when you come to Mass. Also cash is five times as good. Every $1.00 given buys $5.00 from the food bank. Thank you for your generosity. God Bless You.


We, the people of God of St. Charles Bor-

romeo Parish in Kingsland, Texas and Our

Lady of the Lake, Sunrise Beach, in the

Diocese of Austin form a faith community

that challenges each to love and proclaim

the Gospel of Jesus Christ based on Faith,

Hope and Love with no regard to race, gen-

der, nationality religion or social standing.

at St. Charles at Our Lady

of the Lake

Statues of our

Blessed Mother

All life is from God, precious and priceless. It begins from natural con-ception until natural death. May

God grant us the grace and wisdom to honor and respect this Truth .

— Fr Uche —

Buchanan Boat Works!

Boats Fixed Right!

Joe & Luann Steinbrecher


Let us pray for the

protection of the


and for the

dignity of all life.

– Friends of Life –