Catania Piazza Stesicoro

Post on 01-Jul-2015

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In Piazza Stesicoro we can see the Monument to Vincenzo Bellini, and opposite, approximately 10 metres below street level, are the excavations of the ruins of the 2nd c. BC Roman Amphitheatre, built in lava stone faced with marble.!!!!! This is a notes page presentation. If you want more information, read speaker notes or after the download, follows the steps: File-new-read only-view-notes page!!!!YOU CAN WATCH THIS PRESENTATION IN MUSIC HERE: have the link on the first slide)

Transcript of Catania Piazza Stesicoro

Piazza StesicoroPiazza Stesicoro

The enormous Piazza Stesicoro marks the modern centre of Catania, one half of which is almost entirely occupied by the closed-off, sunken, black remains of the Anfiteatro Romano, dating back to the second or third century AD. In its heyday, the amphitheatre could hold around fifteen thousand spectators.

Enorma Piaţă Stesicoro reprezintă centrul modern al Cataniei deşi jumătate din ea este ocupată de ruinele întunecate ale Amfiteatrului Roman datând din secolul II sau III î.Hr., acoperit de-a lungul timpului de lava de 7 ori! În acest complex impresionant, care imită arhitectural Colosseumul din Roma, astazi ruinat şi îngropat în pământ, puteau asista la spectacole peste 14.000 de oameni, o cifră foarte mare pentru acea vreme.

Un giorno Dio decise di fare un regalo alla terra! Esso si tolse un diamante dalla Sua corona e lo gettó in mezzo al Mare Mediterraneo dandogli il nome di SICILIA!

UNESCO World Heritage Site, representing "the final flowering of baroque art in Europe.”


"To have seen Italy without having seen Sicily is not to have seen Italy at all, for Sicily is the clue to everything." Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Vincenzo Salvatore Carmelo Francesco Bellini (3 November 1801 – 23 September 1835) Italian opera composer, was born in Catania. Known for his flowing melodic lines for which he was named "the Swan of Catania", Bellini was the quintessential composer of Bel canto opera.

Vincenzo Salvatore Carmelo Francesco Bellini (3 Noiembrie 1801 – 23 Septembrie 1835), compozitor italian de operă, s-a născut la Catania. Operele lui se remarcă prin reliefarea personajelor feminine, neîndreptățite de destin (Somnambula, Norma, Puritanii). Iși numește lucrările „melodrame” sau „tragedii lirice”. Supranumit „lebăda Cataniei” Bellini a fost unul din compozitorii de frunte ai operei bel canto.

Piazza Stesicoro

Vincenzo Bellini, Catania’s swan

In Piazza Stesicoro we can see the Monument to Vincenzo Bellini (born in Catania), by Giulio Monteverde (1880-82)

Monumentul lui Vincenzo Bellini din Piaţa Stesicoro a fost realizat de sculptorul italian Giulio Monteverde (1880-82)

Seven steps: seven musical notes, the number of steps to end suffering. Moving seven steps up we find the four wonders of Bellini: the statues representing la Norma, il Pirata, la Sonnambula, i Puritani.

Şapte trepte: cele şapte note muzicale, şapte paşi pentru a depăşi suferinţa. Deasupra celor şapte note cele patru statui alegorice reprezentând operele cele mai cunoscute ale lui Bellini: la Norma, il Pirata, la Sonnambula, i Puritani.

La NormaLa sonnambula

I Puritani Il Pirata

the ruins of the 2nd c. BC Roman Amphitheatre, built in lava stone faced with marble

Palazzo Tezzano, 1709

The Palazzo Tezzano is a historic building in Piazza Stesicoro, which is in the center of Catania, Sicily, southern Italy. The construction of Palazzo Tezzano started in 1709 on land owned by the count and physician Nicholas Tezzano. It was later donated to the city of Catania. It was transformed into a hospital by Alonzo Di Benedetto between 1720 and 1727

Palazzo Tezzano, 1709

Palazzo Tezzano, 1709

Palazzo Tezzano, 1709

At the other end of the square is the Chiesa di San Biagio, also known as the Chiesa di Sant'Agata alla Fornace (Church of St Agata at the Furnace): common beliefhas it that this is the place of St Agata's martyrdom. This hall church, built in the early 19th c. by Antonino Battaglia, is typically neoclassical in appearance.

Biserica San Biagio, cunoscută cu numele de Chiesa di Sant'Agata alla Fornace

Sound: Vincenzo Bellini – Puritani - Mado Robin

Qui la voce ...Vien diletto..Son Vergine

Text: Internet

Pictures : Sanda Foişoreanu


Otilia Contraş

Gabriela CristescuCopyright: All the images belong to their authors.

Arangement: Sanda Foiş