Cat scratch

Post on 08-May-2015

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Project developed for "Crash course on creativity"

Transcript of Cat scratch


Cat Scratch

100 ideas to prevent your

cat from scratching


1# Special kind of jeans/pants to prevent scratches from coming through

2# Cat gloves to cover claws

3# Food dispenser which cat claws before they can get food, so they will learn to scratch the dispenser not others

4# Perfume to spray on your legs and deter cats from scratching you

5# Get the cat a scratching post to scratch instead

6# Special type of clothes with a texture that cats don't like

7# Get the cat some toys to keep it busy

8# Have a bottle of water that you can spray (mist) on the cat after they scratch, so they learn to stop

9# Have a loud whistle you can blow after the cat scratches, they will learn to stop

10# Wear plastic shin guards (similar to what is used in sports), have it designed so when the claw comes down, it catches on a piece of plastic that is pointing up. The cat will kind of get stuck and stop (won't hurt them though)

If you are tired of getting scretched by your cat, maybe you could try...

11# Have a mat/rug/carpet made of material that will make the cats claws get dull (less sharp) as the walk across them. This way their scratching won't hurt

12# Have a human sized doll/mannequin with legs that move so that the cat can scratch that instead (freaky!)

13# Make a fence around the area you want your cat, so they can't access your "safe zone"

14# Wear pants with a button mechanism on it, whenever the cat scratches and touches the button, a siren goes off

15# Wear pants/socks made out of balloons or other inflatable material (maybe chewing gum? Haha). When the cat scratches, they will pop!

16# Put a collar on the cat that has an electronic transmitter, when the cat comes near your legs it will make a siren and you can walk away (you can wear an ankle bracelet with a receiver in it)

17# Put plastic bags around your legs, the rustling noise will make the cat stay away

18# Wear socks that have a sticky outside (like reversable tape). When the cat comes close, they will get a little stuck (not too much to hurt them) and they will learn not to do it again

19# Make a pathway in your house that is raised by 1 metre and has a fence so the cat can't get on it, then you can walk freely around your house (lol like a freeway in your house)

20# Wear an ankle bracelet that has bells on it, when you walk you will make noise and the cat will stay away

21# A pair of scissor that looks like a mouse so the cat isn't scare by it

22# A special training course for cats to do not scratch people legs with food as prize

23# A whistle that bothers the cat, to teach him to stop

24# A bed for the cat, made of a special material that get the cat a bit stuck if he gets the nails out, so he learns on not doing it

25# Special kind of clothes which smell bothers cats (like citrus ones), but not humans

26# A simple laser light to get him distracted and make hims move away from your legs

27# Hypnotising the cat with a flute melody, like the “Hamelin Flutist”

28# A laser surgery that stops the nails from getting sharp

29# A training for the master of the pet to get used to be scratched by the cat

30# Special resitant elastic socks for the cat that stop him to get out the claws, and protect the cat paws

31# Wearing underwears that are armored so the cat doesn't hurt you

32# A pillow to use on your legs, so the cat scratching doesn't bother you and he is comfy

33# Training the cat with a clicker and positive reinforcement

34# Placing bells on the cat's collar, so you know where he is all the time

35# Putting catnip on the cat's scratch post so his attention will be deflected from the you

36# Mentally stimulate the cat more often, playing and letting him out for walks

37# Putting on shelves all across the house so the cat will spend more time there, since cats are fond of high places, and less time scratching legs

38# Bubble wrap yourself!

39# Trimm the cat's claws more often

40# Nail caps

41# Reinforce alternative responses to scratching legs and reward them, while using a soft water spray as an aversive stimuli to scratching legs, in hopes to decrease the frequency of this behavior and increase the appropriated ones

42# Having a special couch which the cat prefers to the legs of the owner

43# Breed a special kind of cat that has no long nails

44# Having appropriate objects which the cat can scratch and use positive reinforcement when the cat uses them correctly

45# Having a big garden (surrounded by a net or glass, anything that keeps the cat from running away) with trees and wooden supports on the wall, in which the cat can spend the day

46# Playing with the cat more often so it spends more energy

47# Having some sort of leg protector made of sandpaper on the outside, so when the cat scratches, its nails are lightly polished

48# Having an electronic toy in a mouse shape, controlled by a joystick, so that it catches the cat's attention and also makes it spend its energy playing around

49# Having a cat collar and an anklet that when both objects approach, a high frequency sound is heard by the cat, causing a slight discomfort and making it stay away

50# Creating a big fortress made of connected boxes, in and through which the cat can walk, jump and spend most of the day

51# Making a pseudo-upper-floor with supports on the wall, on which the cat can walk through the whole house without being on the floor (as in, seeing everything from above)

52# Building a small window nook on a high place for the cat to spend the day looking at the streets/landscape, which keeps its attention

53# Adopting a companion which it can play with

54# Hiring a "cat whisperer"

55# Making a magic spell to keep the cat from scratching others

56# Feed and play with the cat near the scratching post to draw attention to it

57# When the cat shows his claws, run

58# Music therapy to calm the cat down, "music calms the savage beast"

59# Buying a "Meowlingual" (cat translator) to politely ask your cat to stop

60#Wear a citrus smelling gear, since cats don't like citrus scents

61# Taking your cat to an AS (anonymous scratchers) group

62# Hiring a psych to foresee when your cat will scratch you, so you can stay away

63# Wearing citrus perfumes

64# Padding the bottom of the entire house's wall with a scratching material, so he will have plenty to scratch everywhere

65# Wear one of those japanese "cat tail" and "cat ears" gizmo that reveals a person's emotions so your cat will understand you don't like the scratching

66# Wearing citrus moisturizing, since cats don't like citrus scents

67# Ask how to make him stop on “Yahoo Answers”

68# Offer a reward to whoever makes the cat stop scratching people

69# Pray for the cat to stop

70# Create a cellphone app for this (there are apps for everything after all!)

71# Hire a bodyguard to keep the cat away

72# Take the cat to anger management

73# Take the cat to "scratch rehab"

74# Make the cat wear a funny outfit, so he will feel embarassed and less prone to scratching

75# A type of soap you wash your body with that repels cats

76# Create a crash course on “How to prevent your cat from scratching you on Stanford”

77# Have the cat to see a pet shrink for therapy

78# Give the cat some herbal medicine to prevent scratching/calm their mood

79# Stop patting the cat until they stop scratching, only pat with good behaviour

80# Get a special type of leash for your cat that keeps them away when he feels like sinking your claws on you

81# Have the cat live in a different area of the house, wear protective clothing when you visit them

82# Eat a type of food that expels something from your skin which will ward away cats

83# Buy a type of shampoo that repels cats

84# Take your cat for walks, this will give them attention and keep them too tired to scratch you

85# Make your cat fall in love, for love calms the heart

85# Wear a type of stockings/underarmour (what athletes wear) that will stay skin tight (unnoticeable) but is strong enough to prevent scratches from hurting you

86# Learn ballet so you can jump over your cat

87# Buy a robot cat

88# Wear special clothes that will spray water on the cat when it gets close

89# Buy a “cat television” with tv shows specially made for cats, this will keep them occupied

90# Do not pat the cat after it scratches you, as this will promote scratching

91# Write a log book to determine the different types of behaviour that makes the cat scratch you, from this you should be able to tell what is triggering the anger. Stop doing whatever angers the cat

92# Have the cat hypnotised to stop scratching

93# Have the cat go through a series of exercises each day, this will keep them active and they will receive the much needed attention they require and this will stop them from scratching

94# Make sure to feed the cat on time, this will ensure they will be happy and reduce the likelihood of scratching

95# Burn some incense, this will soothe the cat and prevent them from scratching

96# Massage the cat with nice oils that will relax and calm the cat

97# Make sure to give the cat lots of love and attention, regularly patting them for good behaviour and make sure to brush them regularly. If you don't brush them, their fur will become knotted and this will hurt the cat! That pain will lead to frustration and they will scratch you

98# Put the cat in the “naughty corner” if he scratches you

99# Dance with your cat, the cat will stop scratching you because it is tired and had so much fun

100# Get a dog instead!

So, thinking of ways to avoid being caught unguarded and getting scratched by your


Our selected idea was...

Learning ballet to jump over your cat!

Drawings by Créativité Academie. All the images belong to their respective owners

By Créativité Academie