Case Taking in Homeopathy

Post on 19-Jan-2016

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Transcript of Case Taking in Homeopathy

Case taking in Homeopathy–A Repertorial ApproachThis is an attempt to explain how each part of a well taken case can be utilized while searching for a similimum in the repertory. Majority of the students and practitioners are taking the case in detail but not utilizing many of the points available from the interrogation

Problem faced in Homeopathic Prescriptions

Paucity of symptoms

Many symptoms

Difficulty in Confirmation of Symptoms

Time Factor

Hahnemannian case taking (From Lesser Writings — Medicine of’ Experience)

Symptoms Which Are Constant, Frequent, Strongest And Most Troublesome To The Patient

Seat, Course And Sensations

Confirmation By Re-questioning After The Completion Of Case Taking.

Assumed Aetiology Should Not Be Considered For Remedy Selection

Why Repertory?

Medicines Represent group of individuals & The Case Before The Physician May Be One Among

Correct Prescription Without Reference Is Impossible In Most Of The Cases

Reference of Materia Medica Is Time Consuming And Confusing.

Age Related RubricsInfants

Abdomen, Inflammation, umbilicus,infants

Children, Respiratory affections, infants in

Eye& inflammation,infants

Mind, Crying, children, in babies

Nose, Obstruction,children,nursing infants

Rectum, Constipation,children, in,infants

Rectum, Diarrhea, children in,infants

Rectum, Diarrhea, nursing, after, infants

Skin, lntertrigo,infants in

Rectum, Fissure,infants

Nerves, Convulsions, children, in,infants

Fever, Children, in,infants

Lungs, Pneumonia, infants

Abdomen, Hernia. umbilicus

Generals, Nursing children, ailments in


Abdomen, Enlarged,children, in

Abdomen, Hernia, inguinal,children, in

Bladder, Bedwetting,children, in

Bladder, Urging, to urinate,ineffectual,children

Ear, Boring, fingers in,children

Cough, Chronic,children in, emaciated boys

Fevers, Children, in

Food, Appetite, ravenous,emaciation with,children, in

Generals, Obesity,children, in

Generals. Touch, general,agg,children, in

Generals, Walking, late learning to walk.

Generals, Weakness, general,children, in

Lungs. Asthma, general,children

Mind, Abusive insulting,children,insult parents

Mind, Anger general,children in

Mind, Capriciousness,children, in

Mind, Complaining,children in

Mind, Crying, weeping.children. in

Mind, Cursing, swearing,children in

Mind, Depression sadness,children

Mind, Destructive, behaviour,children, in

Mind, Development of children, arrested

Mind, Disobedience,children in

Mind, Concentration general,difficult,children,in

Mind, Dullness mental,children

Mind, Fear phobias general,children, in

Mind, Fear phobias general,night,children in

Mind, Fright, ailments from,children. Mind, Gloomy morose,children in

Mind, Hyperactive children

Mind, Irritahility,children

Mind, lrritahility,sleep,after in children

Mind, lrritahility.sleeplessness with.children

Mind, Jealousy feeling,children between

Mind, Jumping behaviour.children in

Mind, Moaning groaning,children, in

Mind, Obstinate, stubborn,children

Mind, Play general,aversion to in children

Mind, Restlessness,children in

Head, Headaches, general,school girls in

Mind, Screaming, shrieking, shouting,children in

Mind, Sensitive, general,children

Mind, Slowness, mental,children in

Mind, Striking,childrcn in

Mind, Wriiing,inability for,Iearning to

Mouth, Aphthous, ulcers,children. in

Nerves, Convulsions, general,children, in

Skin, Boils,children disposition to

Skin, Eczema,children, in

Skin, Rash,children, in

Skin, Urticaria, hives,children, in

Tecth, Decayed, rotten, hollowed,preniature in children

Teeth, Pain,children, in

Children, Fingers,mouth in the, children put

Nose, Nosebleeds, epistaxis,chuldren. in

Nose, Discharge general,purulent,children

Nose, Obstruction,children

Mind, Talk general,slow learning to

Rectum, Prolapsus, of rectuin,children

Rectum, Constipation, painful, compels child to desist from effort

Throat, Adenoids problems with

Sleep, Sleeplessness,children, in

Sleepiness, general,children, in

Adolescence & Puberty

Bladder, Bedwetting,adolescence

Children, Puberty, ailments in

Glands, Thyroid, gland,goitre,puberty, in

Mind, Depression sadness,puberty, in

Mind, Hysterical hehaviour,puberty, at

Mind, lrritability,puberty in

Mind, Sensitive, general,puberty, in

Abdomen,enlarged, in,girls, at puberty

Breasts, Nodules,girls, puberty, before

Young People

Generals, Hair, baldness, head,young

Generals, Obesity, people, in

Skin, Warts, general,girls, in young

Female, Menses, irregular,painful,girls,young in

Varicose, veins, general,young persons, in


Female, Menopause general

Blood, Congestion, of blood,menopause.

Mind, Depression sadness,menopause.

Mind, Hysterical behaviour,menopause at.

Head, Headaches, general,menopause.

Sleep, Sleeplessness,menopause period.

Rectum, Diarrhea. -general,menopause,

Rectum, Hemorrhoids,menopause agg

Old Age

Generals, Elderly, people

Head, Headaches, chronic,elderly people of

Lungs, Asthma, general,elderly, people, in

Rectuili. Constipation general,alternating, with diarrhea,elderly people in

Rectum, Constipation ,elderly, people

Rectum, Dianhea, general,elderly, people

Mind, Dullness mental,elderly people

Breathing, Rattling,elderly, people

Skin, Discoloration skin,dark spots, in elderly people

Skin, ltching,elderly people

Prostate, Enlargement,elderly men, in

Eyes. Cataract,senile

Hearing, Deafness, general,elderly, people.

Female. Bleeding, uterus, metrorrhagia,elderly. women

Mind, Insanity, general,elderly people, in

Mind, Memory ,forgetfulness,elderly people, of

Mind, Slowness, mental,elderly people, of

Generals, Emaciation, general,elderly people

Generals. Obesity,elderly people

Generals, Weakness, general,elderly people


Eyes, Cataract,women in

Rectum, Constipation general,women in

Mind, Gloomy morose,women, in

Mind, Jealousy feeling,women, between

Mind, Restlessness,women in

Mind, Rudeness,women, in

Mind, Sexual, behaviour,homosexuality,men

Mind, Sexual, behaviour,homosexuality,women

Generals,Weakness, general,women

Presenting Complaint

Every symptom related to CLSCM can be converted to rubric.

HPCGive Us Idea About

Recent Aetiology


Nature Of The Disease

Onset And Progress Of The Disease

Extension And Alternation


Generals,Convalescence, ailments during or since

Rectum, Diarrhea, general,vaccination, after

Headaches, general,injuries, mechanical, after

Cough, Measles,after

Eye, lnflammation,sand and dust from

Chills, Exposure,rains, during

Nature Of’ Disease




Heart, Endocarditis,acute

Eyes, inflammation,acute

Liver, Jaundice,acute

Lungs. Tuberculosis,acute

Generals, Abscess, suppurations,acute

Generals. Cancer. general,leukemia,acute

Stomach, Gastritis, inflammation stomach,acute


Coughing. Chronic

Generals, Chronicity, of complaints

Head, Headaches, general,chronic

Larynx, Laryngitis, inflammation, of larynx,catarrhal, chronic

Liver, Hepatitis,chronic

Liver, Jaundice,chronic

Nose, Coryza,chronic, long.continued

Prostate, Prostatitis, inflammation of,chrunic

Kidneys, Nephritis, inflammation, kidneys,chronic, parenchymous nephritis

Kidneys, Nephritis, inflammation. kidneys,interstitial nephritis, chronic

Nose, Obstruction,chronic

Rectum, Constipation general,chronic

Rectum, Diarrhea, general,chronic

Skin, Urticaria, hives,chronic

Sleep, Sleeplessness,clironic

Stomach, Gastritis, inflammation stomach,chronic

Throat, Inflammation, sore throat,chronic

Back, Pain lumhar,chronic tendency


Throat, Tonsillitis, inflammation of tonsils,chronic recurrent

Nose, Coryza,recurrent

Eyes, lnflammation,recurrent

Generals, Abscess, suppurations,recurrent

Skin, Boils,recurrent tendency

Onset And Progress

Vertigo, Sudden

Mind, Anxiety, general,sudden

Headaches, general,sudden, pains

Nerves, Paralysis, general,gradually, appearing

Stomach, Vomiting, general,diarrhea,hefore

Extension And Alternation

Generals, Pains, general,directions of pains…

Generals, Sides, of body…

Obstruction,alternating sides

Chest, Alternating, with…

Skin, Eruptions,alternating with…

History of Past IllnessGive Us Clue About

Remote Aetiology


Development Of The Disease


Hpi- Aetiology

Lungs, Asthma, general,eruptions, after suppressed

Emergency, tnjuries, genaral,chronic effects of

Hpi- Diagnosis

Heart, Endocarditis,rheumatic

Swelling, testes,mumps from (in infertility)

Development Of The DiseaseSurgically Treated Diseases in HPI





Enlarged Tonsils


Varicose Veins









Mind, Talk general,slow learning to

Children, Walk, slow learning to

Teeth, Dentition, difficult


Emergency, Stone-cutters, ailments in

Rectum, Constipation general,sedentary, habits, from

Asthma, general,dust, from inhaling

Skin, Urticaria, hives,cement, of


Toxicity, Alcohol, general,abuse of, ailments from

Toxicity, Tobacco, ailments, from

Toxicity, Narcotic,ailments from

Obstetric History

Abdomen, Enlarged,mothers, in

Pregnancy, Miscarriage spontaneous, abortion,tendency, to

Legs, Varicose, veins, legs,pregnancy, during

Female, Infertility

Family History

Give clue towards

1. Diagnosis – consanguinity in parents of a child with mental retardation suggest chromosoamal defects

2. Miasm

Treatment historyWe can utilize rubrics related to treatment history  from different repertoriesGENERALS – MEDICINE -GENERALS – REMEDIES



Uncovering <

Warmth Desire For

Warm <

Heat Sensation Of

Clothing Intolerance Of

Warm Clothing <

Air Open >


Morning 5 Am To 10Am

Forenoon 10Am To 12Pm

Afternoon 1 Pm To5 Pm

Evening 5 Pm To 10Pm

Night 10Pm To 5 Am

Nose, Sneezing, general,evening 15 medicines)

Nose, Sneezing, general,night (8 medicines

Nose, Obstruction, evening night.


Eating Agg, Amel





Ailments From


Bowel Habits

Ailments Before, During Or After Character Of Stool


Urinary Organ

Urine Stream & Flow

Before, During & After Urination

Character Of Urine


Before,During & After Sleep

Character Of Sleep



Menstrual History

Before,During & After

Character Of Menstrual Blood

Nature Of Flow, Duration

Leucorrhoea, Character, C>

Before, During & After Discharge D

Before. During & After


Observation and examination

Eyes,Discoloration around,bluish circles,

Eyes, blueness.

Face, Acne,

Face, Discolouration, brown,spots

Face, Expression.

Face, Pale, spots in

Generals, hair, auborn, baldness, gray, hairy.

Joints, Cracking, of

Nails, Discolouration.

Neck, Brown, neck and nape

Skin, Hardness of skin

Skin, Discoloration,dark spots, in elderly people

Teeth, Discoloured

Diagnostic terms

Throat, Adenoides.

Throat, inflammation, follicular.

Urine, Sediment,oxalate of lime

Urine, Sediment,phosphates

Urine, Bile,containing

Analysis and Evaluation of SymptomsCommon SymptomsSymptoms Common To Most Of The Diseases And Most Of The Drugs.In Repertory, Rubrics With jjy Medicines. Eg.o Appetite, wantingo Thirst, increasedo Anxietyo Fearo Forgetful.o Breathing difficult,o Headache,, eto

Peculiar SymptomsSymptoms Peculiar To Certain Drugs And Diseases. InRepertory, Rubrics With Moderate Number Of Medicines

Reference RubricsRubrics With A Minimum Number Of Medicines Should NotBe Taken For Repertorisation. They Could Be ConsideredFor Reference

REPERTORISATIONSelection Of Repertory

Selection Of Repertory On The Basis Of Nature Of The Disease Is A Absurdity.

Outdated Repertories Should Not Be Used For Repertorisation Proper.

Special Rubrics In Each And Every Authentic Repertory Could Be Considered For Reference

Modern RepertoriesSynthesisMurphy’s Repertory

Some Valuable Rubrics in Murphy’s Repertory.

Rectum, Constipation, hemorrhoids from

Mind, Crying, children, babies

Bladder, Bedwetting, children in

Rectum, Constipation, chronic

Abdomen, Pain,constipation, from.

Abdomen, Distension, constipation during

Abdomen, Pain, hemorroids from

Back, Pain, weakness with, before or during vaginal discharge.

Back, Pain, exertion from

Mind, Obstinate, children.

Mouth, Fingers in the mouth, children put.

Generals, Weakness, hunger from.

Generals, Herpes zoster. neuralgic pains remaining after.

Merits of New Repertories.

Increase in number of medicines under frequently used rubrics. ( Characteristic rubrics

Correction of errors

COMPARISON — MURPHY & SYNTHESISNumber of Medicine Under Some Rubrics Synthesis                             MurphyEndometriosis 2                 38 (Acute),45 (Chronic)Tonsillitis, recurrent 17              33Constipation, chronic 2               13Obstinate children 19                  27Varicose ulcers 14                         9Cracks on feet 6                          14Hypertension 100                        79Hypotension 32                           25Male Sterility 36                           2Asthma in children 21                  29Kidney stones 20                         32Appendicitis 40                           25


Incomplete Main Rubrics ( Murphy)

 Breathing, Panting.

CALC CARB a first grade medicine under the subrubric ascending, agg. is not found underthe main rubric.

Feet, Eruption, back of feet.

CaIc carb and Sepia are found under the subrubric itching, but not under the main rubric

Nose, Coryza, chronic, long continued.

Ars a is found under sub rubric asthma causing’, but, not under the main rubric.


Number of rubrics selected should be moderate Eklov, 10 or best result) -

Two or more rubrics from the same sphere or chapter should not bc taken for repertorisation, unless unavoidable. If Selected, two from the same chapter should not be considered fur elimination process

Common symptoms should not be considered as such for repertorisation. They may be used in a synthesized’ form.

Fixed and confirmed particulars should he given more value than assumed causatives and general symptoms ( Mental or Physical

Symptoms represented in a scattered manner in the repertory should not be considered for repertorisation. ( Eg.. Renal Calculi

Surgically treated symptoms in the past history are to be considered as confirmed presenting complaints

Hot and Chilly’ fractions & Side’ symptoms should be grouped or synthesized to make a sensible combination

Examples Of Synthesised Rubrics

Appetite wanting, thirst with

Emaciation, general,appetite,good

Abdomen, Pain,constipation,from

Nose, Coryza,fever, with

Back, Pain,weakness with, before or during vaginal discharge

Vomiting, general,food,fever,as a concomitant of

Acute CaseEven Confirmed Part Of The Pc (Clscm) Could Be Considered For Repertorisation, Giving Emphasis On The Most Annoying Symptoms

REPERTORIAL RESULTEvaluation & InterpretationCriteria Of A Good Repertorial Result

A Minimum Number Of Competing Medicines

Related Medicines Number Of Medicines

Less Than Five Is The Best

Many Medicines With Almost Similar Coverage- Results From Repertorisation Of Common Symptoms

Related Medicines

Rr Containing Inimical Medicines Is The Best

Rr Containing Complimentaries Is Next

Rr With Antidotes Is Last

Rr With Unrelated Remedies-

Relationship Of RemediesInimicals :Maximum Similarity. Eg.

Rhus-t, Apis

Phos, Caust

Calc-c, Bar-c

Psor, Sep

Bell, Dule

Merc sol, Sil.

Antidotes : Moderate Similarity Eg.

Bell, Hep

Borax, Cham

Canth, Apis

Graph, Nux

Ipecac, Ars

Nat mur, Phos

Complimentary: Similar With Contradictory Modality Eg.

Rhus-t, Bry

Ars, Phos

Lach, Lyc

Methods Of Analysis Of Repertoial ResultFirst Method

By studying the symptomatology of each and ever medicine under the repertorial result in the Materia medica and finding out the most similar one, based on the symptoms present in the case.

Demerits : Tedious and Time consuming.

Each case presents a fraction of symptoms of a medicine. Comparing the-whale medicine as found in Comparative materia medica is very easy but comparing fractions seem difficult

Reading the drug pictures of similar medicines yields nothing but confusion.

Second MethodBy preparing a potential diftèrential field ( PDF), by finding out all the symptoms of the case other than those taken for repertorization and analyzing the repertorial result by referring for these PDF symptoms in the repertory or materia medica

Merits   Takes less timeYields a confident result

Verifying Repertorial result  One Among The Medicines In Will Cover All OrAlmost All Of The Rubrics Under Pdf , If Not, ItReveals That There Occurred Some Error In OurRepertorisation. ( Rubric Selection Error, RepertoryError Or Mechanical Error)

Potency selectionIn Chronic Diseases, Higher The Similarity, Higher The Potency.In Acute Diseases, More The Case Is Acute, Less The Potency To Be Administered.

Repetition of medicineDepending On The CaseDepending On The Medicine