Cascade Jet… · super-reliable...

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Transcript of Cascade Jet… · super-reliable...

Cascade Jet Sales Aircraft Sales & Acquisitions

Page 1 of 10 2008 Beechcraft G58 Baron Sn TH-2212

N203WA Cascade Jet Sales, LLC

22000088 BBeeeecchhccrraafftt BBaarroonn GG5588 // GGaarrmmiinn 11000000

SSnn:: TTHH--22221122 RReeggiissttrraattiioonn NNoo:: NN220033WWAA

FFeeaattuurreess:: SSiixx SSeeaatt EExxeeccuuttiivvee CClluubb

CCaabbiinn MMeerrllyynn TTuurrbboo--CChhaarrggeerr

SSyysstteemm GGaarrmmiinn GG11000000 IInntteeggrraatteedd

AAvviioonniiccss GGaarrmmiinn SSyynntthheettiicc VViissiioonn ww//

““PPaatthhwwaayyss”” FFlliigghhtt GGuuiiddaannccee IInntteeggrraatteedd MMaappppiinngg ww//WWAAAASS CChhaarrttvviieeww EElleeccttrroonniicc CChhaarrttss SSaaffee TTaaxxii SSkkyyWWaattcchh 449977 AAccttiivvee TTrraaffffiicc FFaaccttoorryy AAiirr CCoonnddiittiioonniinngg KKnnoowwnn IIccee PPaacckkaaggee

GGaarrmmiinn XXMM WWeeaatthheerr 119944 GGaalllloonn FFuueell BBoooomm BBeeaamm LLaannddiinngg LLiigghhttss MMiiccrroo VVGG KKiitt PPaaxx CCaabbiinn SSeeaattss WWiirreedd ffoorr

BBoossee HHeeaaddsseettss CCoommpplleettee LLooggss AAllwwaayyss UUSS RReeggiisstteerreedd aanndd

NNWW BBaasseedd IInnccrreeaasseedd GGrroossss WWeeiigghhtt

OOppttiioonn LLooaaddeedd wwiitthh OOppttiioonnss!!

Cascade Jet Sales Aircraft Sales & Acquisitions

Page 2 of 10 2008 Beechcraft G58 Baron Sn TH-2212

N203WA Cascade Jet Sales, LLC

AAiirrccrraafftt:: 2008 Beechcraft G58 Baron (G1000)

Model: G58 Sn: TH-2212 Reg No: N203WA ACTT: 1013 hrs (12/11/2017) Six Seat Executive Cabin Factory Air Conditioning Merlyn Products Engine Turbo Chargers Garmin G1000, WAAS, Synthetic Vision, w/Pathways Low Time Aircraft No Known Accidents or Damage Operated FAR Part 91 USA Owned and Operated Since New!


Mfg: Continental MotorsModel: IO-550-C31B

• Merlyn Products Engine Turbocharger System!

#1 Engine – Sn. 688367 TBO: 1700 hrs ENG TT: 1013 hrs (12/11/2017)

#2 Engine – Sn. 688368 TBO: 1700 hrs ENG TT: 1013 hrs (12/11/2017)


Mfg: HartzellModel: PHC-J3YF-2UF/FC7663K-2R

LH Sn: ED5476B RN Sn: ED5482B

• Propeller Synchronizer

Cascade Jet Sales Aircraft Sales & Acquisitions

Page 3 of 10 2008 Beechcraft G58 Baron Sn TH-2212

N203WA Cascade Jet Sales, LLC

GGaarrmmiinn GG11000000 AAvviioonniiccss SSuuiittee

Garmin G1000 Avionics System

The Garmin G1000 system was designed to be intuitive, so the pilots could quickly understand and act on the ever-changing mountain of data they are presented with. Its revolutionary design brings new levels of situational awareness, simplicity and safety to the cockpit.

G1000 puts a wealth of flight-critical data at your fingertips. Its glass

flightdeck presents flight instrumentation, navigation, weather, terrain, traffic and engine data on large-format, high-resolution displays.

Cascade Jet Sales Aircraft Sales & Acquisitions

Page 4 of 10 2008 Beechcraft G58 Baron Sn TH-2212

N203WA Cascade Jet Sales, LLC

All flight data, including navigation, engine performance, and sensor readings are displayed on large, flat-panel LCD’s. The Primary Flight Displays (PFD) compliments the Multi-Functional Display (MFD).

G1000 replaces traditional mechanical gyroscopic flight instruments with a super-reliable GRS77 Attitude and Heading Reference System (AHRS). AHRS provides accurate, digital output and referencing of your aircraft position, rate, vector and acceleration data. It’s even able to restart and properly reference itself while your aircraft is moving.

G1000 also includes the GFC 700, the first entirely new autopilot designed

and certified for the 21st century. The GFC 700 is capable of using all data available to G1000 to navigate, including the ability to maintain airspeed references and optimize performance over the entire airspeed envelope.

G1000 seamlessly integrates built-in terrain and navigation databases,

providing a clear, concise picture of where you are and where you’re heading. A Jeppesen® database supports onscreen navigation, communication and mapping functions. For safer arrivals and departures, optional ChartView™ — available through Jeppesen’s JeppView™ subscription service — lets you overlay your aircraft’s position on the electronic approach chart to provide a visual crosscheck. Using information from the built-in terrain, U.S. and Canadian obstacles databases, G1000 displays color coding to graphically alert you when proximity conflicts loom ahead. In addition, you can augment G1000 with optional Class-B Terrain Awareness and Warning System (TAWS) for an extra margin of safety in the air.

View your position on taxiways with SafeTaxi®, a built-in database of either U.S. or European airport diagrams. Optional FliteCharts®, an electronic version of the AeroNav U.S. Terminal Procedures Publication, lets you quickly find and view all AeroNav Departure Procedures (DP), Standard Terminal Arrival Routes (STARs), approach charts and airport diagrams on the MFD.

For added visual orientation, optional SVT (Synthetic Vision), and

“Pathway”, both installed on this aircraft, recreates a 3-D “virtual reality” database landscape on the pilot and copilot PFDs. Thus, SVT enables you to clearly visualize nearby flight and enroute navigation features — even in solid IFR or nighttime VFR conditions.

“Pathway”, when enabled is displayed on the PFD and will show flight

path information in the form of a virtual 3D flight path, composed of rectangular elements which form a tunnel. The depiction of this Pathway is derived from the existing FMS navigation capabilities of the G1000, and the display will be consistent with that of the active flight plan shown on the MFD.

Cascade Jet Sales Aircraft Sales & Acquisitions

Page 5 of 10 2008 Beechcraft G58 Baron Sn TH-2212

N203WA Cascade Jet Sales, LLC

Real-time weather and terrain data ahead of the planned flight route can

be accessed via the Broadcast Graphical Weather system. With the optional subscription to XM WX Satellite Weather and the addition of the onboard GDL69A data link receiver, you have access to high resolution weather for the U.S., right in the cockpit. GDL 69 provides NEXRAD, METARs, TAFs, and more that can be laid directly over Jeppesen and topographic map databases.

For the best in “scan-your-own” weather analysis, G1000 is interfaced

with the Garmin GWX 68™ digital color radar. At 6.5 kilowatts, it packs the power to penetrate serious weather.

With the added Mode S transponder, the G1000 also displays Traffic

Information Services (TIS) alerts that identify surrounding air traffic. Electronic charts are a particularly useful feature: pilots can access airport

approach plates, electronic checklists, and digital airport maps which display the real-time position of the aircraft. AAvviioonniiccss FFeeaattuurreess:: Garmin G1000 Avionics System Dual Integrated Mapping w/WAAS Upgrade Receivers (Option) Garmin Synthetic Vision (Option) Garmin “Pathways” (Option) ChartView™ (Option) SafeTaxi® (Option) Garmin GDL69A XM Satellite Weather Receiver (Option) L3 SkyWatch 497 Active Traffic Advisory (Option) Garmin GFC 700 Autopilot, FD/YAW with VNAV Garmin GDU 1040 Primary Flight Display Garmin GDU 1045 Multi-function Display (Option) Garmin GTX 330 Transponder Garmin GWX 68 Digital Airborne Color Radar Garmin GDC 74A Air Data Computer Garmin GRS 77 AHARS Unit Garmin GMA 1347 Master Audio Panel TAWS-B Enhanced Terrain Warning (Option)

Cascade Jet Sales Aircraft Sales & Acquisitions

Page 6 of 10 2008 Beechcraft G58 Baron Sn TH-2212

N203WA Cascade Jet Sales, LLC

EEqquuiippmmeenntt aanndd FFuurrnniisshhiinnggss:: Refrigerant Type Air Conditioning (Option) Factory Known Ice Package, (Option) Includes

• Wing & Tail Pneumatic De-ice Boots • Electric Heated Props • Electric Heated Windshield Panel • Heated Pitot & Stall Warning • 100 Amp Alternators

Micro Aerodynamics Vortex Generator Kit Installed (Option) Merlyn Engine Turbo Chargers (Option) Pilot Control Wheel Digital Chronometer Co-pilot Standby Instruments - Altimeter, Airspeed, & Gyro Horizon ARTEX C406-N (3) Channel ARTEX Emergency Locator Transmitter

• Remote On/Off/Test Switch ROSEN Monorail Cockpit Sunvisors (Optional) G&D Aero Tinted/Insulated Cabin Windows (Option) Performance Aero Baggage Door Stabilizer Rods (Option) Control Wheel Steering Avionics Master Dual Electronics International TIT Temp Indicators (Option) Co-Pilot Brakes Heavy Duty Brakes True Airspeed Indicator OAT Temp Indicator Electric Trim Dual Map Lights Flashing Beacon Lopresti Boom Beam™ Landing Lights (Option) Prop Unfeathering Accumulators Propeller Synchronizer Janitrol Cabin Heater, w/Hour Meter Flight Hour Meter IInntteerriioorr::

Original Interior by Beechcraft (2008)

Excellent Condition - Six(6) Place Cabin, Club Seating Arrangement, Beige Leather Coverings, Beige Leather Seats, Stockton Patterned Carpet, Wood Finished Drink Rails, Fold-out Exec table, Stainless Drink Holders, Bose Headset Jacks at Each Seat (6 plcs), Sheepskin Crew Seat Covers, Rosen Crew Sunvisors, Cargo Net.

Cascade Jet Sales Aircraft Sales & Acquisitions

Page 7 of 10 2008 Beechcraft G58 Baron Sn TH-2212

N203WA Cascade Jet Sales, LLC


Excellent Condition Painted Overall Matterhorn White by Beechcraft Factory, Blue & Gold Accent

Striping MMaaiinntteennaannccee SSttaattuuss:: Annual Inspection Performed June 27, 2017 (Due July 1, 2018) FAR 91.411 & FAR 91.413 Altimeter/Static/Transponder tests C/W July 7,

2016. Due: July 2018

Cascade Jet Sales Aircraft Sales & Acquisitions

Page 8 of 10 2008 Beechcraft G58 Baron Sn TH-2212

N203WA Cascade Jet Sales, LLC

Cascade Jet Sales Aircraft Sales & Acquisitions

Page 9 of 10 2008 Beechcraft G58 Baron Sn TH-2212

N203WA Cascade Jet Sales, LLC

Cascade Jet Sales Aircraft Sales & Acquisitions

Page 10 of 10 2008 Beechcraft G58 Baron Sn TH-2212

N203WA Cascade Jet Sales, LLC

Cascade Jet Sales (Cascade) has obtained the aircraft specifications and information from the aircraft owner and it is believed this information is reasonably accurate. The information and specifications are offered for marketing and presentation purposes only. All information and all specifications regarding the aircraft is the sole responsibility of the purchaser or lessee to verify upon their inspection and to satisfy themselves as to the reliability and accuracy of all information. Cascade makes no representations or guarantees as to the information, specifications, qualifications or certification for any use or performance of the aircraft. Aircraft subject to prior sale or withdrawal from the market.

Cascade Jet Sales, LLC. PO Box 1990. • Oregon City, OR 97045 USA • Tel 971-223-2905 • Fax 971-223-2911

Steve M. Callistini - Managing Member Email: web: