Carte Zdrenghea Curs

Post on 03-Apr-2018

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Transcript of Carte Zdrenghea Curs

  • 7/28/2019 Carte Zdrenghea Curs


    _67 _c) soelsl-qqgEeg - specializattoo aod gboere,lizatloa(rastrlotioa and ortenEiou) bring about a 4bacge qf th,o a@&&s-tlc value3d) oaycholoqlcal cgaseq - taboosr eephca|sns, enotlveforce, expreesivltySfe etlll lrave to nek a lietlcctlou betwaea ggfg4gle4]tsqgr rhi.cb have the sortrce in the n,ened objeetsrand LnEerSg&g.gilg, wbicb depsod cn tbeir lingutstic forme ard on th6lr r-lstions withiu th systea of laaguago. trhls elEssifioatlon can-riot hido Ln lts sirapl.lcity the great veriefy of chaoges cjf, rrsa&*ing co:lsidored in i;be great number'of fcrual bypes and ihecauses thab genoi:ate ihen without speakirg of thelr fundaaeataxcoeplexi.ty. .l clrauge of i.a raroly slmple: tbe hanch."dada" ras consj.derd atr arpreseive oetaphor uat3.L etynoloryfr:und ths tracs of i,te fir6t usegp lp a traoglatlon fr.te theEngll-sh, thereforo boiug a,.:alque.

    i.4.\. The grpat maJorie' of cba,:gos are the reeultof muitiple procsses. Wa realize tho d,if,fl.cutff, tbs hg;:otjee_ticar values, the dangers of Euch analyses as sooo es tb6 iee"stinportant link ie nissing. Ie !t thea nosslble, u.n,jer theg cir*cr-rmstances, to ostablisb senaotlc 'rL&ss"? iYe aould. cor'.L.t lt aetbo problon raised uscountable coatroverelea"?o the extont to wirtch tba eignlfi.oativs reLatioa i*purely conventional, rul,:s cannot exietn ex*ept seraiol*glc r!116g"}ut the words a'o arweye notrvated &aal th!" eu.bsequont evor.u*tion ls deterniaed by idontlfiable anil dsflnable causbs, wijieh.inpllee ths notloq of 'rl,arrr.But ee se have seea thls determination l"s free andlt is oot possible io prectlct the bbttr or csstiBc cf a wordbut tbdse of an iadlvldual.8e can ostabLleb - like ic sociology - anly tnden_cles! tbe dleeppeere.nce of rotrvaii.on , the eLlisi.natico of hona-nynto conflicta, notephoriaatior of qbetract notroos, extso$ioaor restrlotica of privXllgod. psyeho-soc1al tbe.aes, ths prJ.lclpleof tire smallest effc*t, ete, shicb ue fousd in all epocls aeeel:L !,asg''ece, bui r'bici'l a?e sarifleble ouly lo part, as tix'jrcas of,fer an explsoantLon for each loilividea! case. &oy ere

    -68-of tite piler.:neooo, but they are cause Ee?e:? nceEsarii, they are 'rot r'lawstr but siatist_ic te-rrcea-

    CNA}TER "fi5. iNlWJqEErrq Smnaisnrcs,r)

    t. Setnasj"lg _k gqj s_-$ a{6 3 og_ q_ Esse* t;g--Lery9;1SEI5"1.o. tha flrst attempts to applT Eiructura1io insesantics are nade by bier.d, and. porriglj.?heir works sentlonthe bro bastc aspeois: the paradl:uoatic and sybta:natic rela-tlons betrfleea l-exlcal. iteas. tbe adJectivesl cJ.eyerr w!_Eerc"oaing, etc. beioag to a lexicql paraiigr,:,; between to_$g anri4osrlo cgt and Sg111 Ploqri and be,i.r there exist syntagnaticrelatiocs. The theory of senantic fields - proposed by !!ierand Poizig - l-ed. to aany. gebates but it also inspbed a n,rnber

    cf concrete descriptiens4).fbe baslc ldlpa of tiro tvo thsorcticieoa w3s tbat inboth ' lerical and th6 phono3.agi.ea3. e;rstens there oxlst op-positions ihat eupport 5hs etrfucuuring of the lexical systes.Tbe Lesicoc ls ao longer usdgrstood as an annorphous oflerical" unitso but as a 6?sten and, ccasequeotl_v, it can boOtrueture,Il.v doecribod. In crd'er to ro;,reseni; the pri-cciples cfslruct'"rra} seeeatigs we have to have ia vJ,erq ib vork of Cos;r,ir:l\'Ttu.{tarn l+gg:rlfjli*g.g_eegar!:g was introduced by lakoff e;at.Ec describe tl;e senentic tileory pro!-osed by J.Eatz ici..r,Eats, $eq4q!.ig tileery.oliarpe:: anii rtow, liew TlrkrfgZArp. ji'9in\*/Jost {'ri*r! Dr:r*{q4!gp}re. -fortscliete in Si;nbezlrk des-. tsr--qsag; ffiTEffi ffiFs ;Ti}t)-L#' j',lai uer Por r- ig, $3eg3$l g-!g@,pBS, iB, 19it,, PP" ?c-]l)+JSe,* Hrs'st, *.t*gi;*,X*IlS--gS$q.l!*b;[g4_!r9lt-le*dt]iqce,,trIfiine ben " L971

  • 7/28/2019 Carte Zdrenghea Curs


    oo le:re&atlc st,'uct'res5). Cos."iu eophaslzed ibe necessity cfa gtruoturaL aenaatics ln teacblng foreign laoEreages6).TnLa eooceptlon aboui tle structuling of the lexi.coaLB enp].o$roil bJr tbo applied sontra,Ftive gr]araaar. Evoryoo

  • 7/28/2019 Carte Zdrenghea Curs


    *7i'^Tc esplalo b.ffi s. sllBakel, j.6 abis to nnder6tanC een-

    tgnces rre D:rst expLe.ln hcnp ha 6aee fron rhe neaniags of, ibeircr.uhenea tn specifle ayntacti-c :,letic!'r to oacb. cther to tbsmeeaing cf lho sentecco, Ite aust rscguctruct t?re eema,rtic !non-].dgs ee ldeel apeaber.,-hearer hau of the neanlags of tbe nor-pirenee 1'l iiis iar.:g*age! the ey&ti4x of the BenteDeaen a.nC theconpceiti.onal" fr.rnctton tnat girtes hl-a tbe neaning of the esten-ce ln tsras r:f lio*b of *beise" Xhls recoastruetion att&pt6 toforarulata rr:ls th,el, {oitaalJ-w rcf}ect the sttucture of thisxryIg.g,3g- i,r pr )(i Ec I ngi selr anr i c =u p""* u o tlilEE*6i""*ili-n t6 ae E sfi.on cerao"lsE$Fse::!!,:EL;q9 of tbeir elgggutqgE,Sgt$s aad thesynteri;lc l6.l;ticn6 hs**e"tr

    {i.1.2. '!be F}Fse$s v}rich ends witb tbe asslgnoetrt$of a aoDaniic interpretetioa te a $+BteBce begias, as wg b.asses$, sith the aselgnnent cf a noar-lng to esab cf tbe nrcrrpbenee0f thAt sBntFoCG, 'Ifrc paaping of n rn9tTrbemo rs rs{o.eeent.d &q:hi! jg_Sg[--ggil a dictiouarlt qn!ry. But cu,qy, parhaps ainostull, norpbene,: ar.e senaottcally arnbigucu,s" Se sball uee thetrs 66rsh Xn tts custc$ery uea6e to refer to p,rgll!bg_4!E*qq"-q't rgrqirJ !rosarve tr tero teaglg& fo:'.tbe cg'ilectiqq o_sq!,r'' crpqene ( oq e::irgeBioa) bael:.' .& cc ordio8fu ,

    tbe ueanlng of a norpbene ,cF as we sbell sayr &L+.ricaL ite;, is th se_ii gfl ee_Sge_tr_t-_bee*ie_lb6di_qt.igssg, end' fbs neani*g cf a c,f,reple= erp:.esslorr ts ih.e set cfsensos lt o-I*TtseJFG-EFil :ire-i-r eeds-rc6ps!! I s cnpa61;:-*n{-

    Sr';s, a di*ticne:- ert'ry uri.ll eantalu a gene$tic rps.e-seBtiij.rla for each. t*n6 a.l it: i::lteel" iten, and tbe sesanticr-rFiasecietioa r- tne ne:.ning og a iesical j"ten riil blu' iakesio oe tne s6t cti seaenfi-e re:x"ese1it{ii;lnBF of its gssge.Se ep"*i; a. repr'ges*atlf,r. rrf s s$aaa tc f a-nal3;r dis-ti"nguish j-t fr5:q ctlei'" rser-ls &sd sc for:iatLy reflect .bt. res.-Tx--"^//Tle i:stj"ueticn l,etr.;** g*",Cg ,.rcc g;g1g!g i"s ;:rc;:*st:ei ti-yoT."Tn$iit:, ii n.$ses.ri6;..(: t:_5o:flrflerpi:*-ffnc*r-liei lic".:kri,;;?


    t.r in whici: :i i.; siaiLa|c+ otiler sg*ss, i1]e fo.r.nai ;;l+*l,p*rtLes of a represee+;ation Eus; be such lhat csnLlr';atioas ofs repr+Sectatloa ritll nl:ters will. result i.a co*eci rpre-ij.eestatioas of tne eBn66s of ccnpiex e4ressi-ons &!d represeataSion cf a segse lust fornall.zg ihe sf,fi:ctcr af'a senge, refleciing in its fo*al glrFustlr*o tb.e aatrral dlvislcnlbf i:be sense it rs?rsnts, thF flill extrlblt the $iructuxai{orclilexily ',{hlclr displays the sinllariiries aod d!f,freoceo a&oog

    6.1..:, 'Fe thus itrtrcduce a palt cif"cal t*r,nsthat i.r:corporaie tbis Cesign f or --he roastru:rioa L.f sesaaticrep?eeentaLioB6, F uae the ror.n iea-diats, tc rsfoi to a sg,,glic

    Soure sanantic oarksrs wiil l:ave a bighly c;npiex:r, Jntroal structurs refirctisg tbe bighly ooapJ,ex iniernal.1::s;ructuxe of tb corcepts theJ rprs$eat errd

    .& reading lg a set of sosantic ararkers.Finally we dr.ffersntia ie *etween lg_Etgg1._ggeg]gg!.. tba seose into its lxrts and ijheb ln',;errelatloqso If, thesoi:'' repreeentattoos are bail.t sc th*t .*fr*l!-ffiI acallsls

    :1.1:and de.j.ygd lreadj.ogsr, tle forrer l-:,ing re:dirgs*.ibfl! +qsn4jle.d.:gk:::Il J p !r_i es wl'i ip:Lgi;$g :'i r are f orqoj_fJss_tcdf 3:.ree::!s!p nr ,lglpqqeliasJ!_lqqie(iqi. .li:.: i4"\f:bs status af the seita**ic isstu?6s is ,ruob osbe.iod..:t, Siesielh (Ile,cfre,i Aj-orwisci-, giS9_r*o*196?) propcses tie-: sa*calied cog;rtive uriiuersais]*T;-ffi;*a,l;s.t-iy-fiiq 1e;ical.:'.'; rrlits fc: the Cese*iiiiili aI iryiri*h ipe must ;ntrodilce 'a-aai5eses wbieb repr*se=t so*iai factors,'Iha eost jrpos:tai!*tbing is tiat tbe features ba'ro a EuriErtic f',Ltrcti"os. esdth.ey are iotroduaed as short*ned forrs of Ehc BErseEiosslt every-day Laoguag*,

    sn!-s- sf seoseLiB tne sare

  • 7/28/2019 Carte Zdrenghea Curs


    - , -:. S]I,IAI{TIC MNRKffi

    6.2.0. I,et ';s conslder the 6ot1on of senaotic aarirer::rri:ner- .:'i FsE. il !gi1l occun to tile readsr that tho smantic::e:i.:ers are collectlvely ti:e ibeoretlcal vocabulary for seoao-'":c represent3tios. io a varlet-y of ce,sos ssantio aarkgtg ars:c;r:oii:ceci D-,, iire operation of prcjectioo rules. Tb,=se rules-rr nrr-'r'i np eeadinr's id such a nannef ibat A senantic nafkorir one is iitied iot.r a senaniic oarkP in asother or trans-i:,:'led :i-nro anctirer, thus creating a partly newr parily cLdcrirs;rLtrb. i*ch ssganllc narkors need not be:ncluaiod ln'bira:.rcor!ti:,ri voca'oulary of senaotic theory. tbey are uniguelyietgrsllod ly tbe set of seoantic narkors occr:riogi.a dlctlo-:lary eofrios aod t'ne projection rules. Moreovol, they conprl'-:.e an:.nfi-cibe set oi senantic rsarkers aod so could not inp:inci91e bo listed io the tlreoretical vocabul.ary.:'le oext t':rn to the qrrestlon of, the interpretatiog of,:e.iianij,c aerkers. As we have already lodicated

    a sengnl;ic nalker is a theo.cetica] sonshuctw @o trrres9_oj-a*cincajl t_,.[hq !'J s-:arb of ibe sense of no:p[sS+_asd-_piber-cpqsij.-:ffi -ttfr?l;;;"-:;;i-T;Graaes+z/Senses are corcepts and proposltions coaBsctsd titb:be pironetic (or orthograpbic) objects 1o natural iacguages.3lnce tbese objects bave physical, counberpqrts, se can lookio bhe seoautic and phoiletic represatrtatioos of seaiences andtho -jrannatical r.ules tbat ststeoatically intarcoosect repre-ceoi:iions of neanlng and sor:nd to lnCivldoate conca?ts end;lcposificns. ff tbe S'.mn83 p:ovides an accouci of -bire selqan-f,Lc ccnient of eacb objact in tbe language, then tLre pairing o:f;ounc aod naaning ?llL proyide the required lndivtduallzatLon i"r.te::!is of piror:eiica!Ly speclfted features gf sirretches of speecb.Ii:ose'f,rss ri11 Cifferentiate bire neaoings wltb. which theyare cor?si3tC under this eappinB.Therefolerthe probien of j.n-

    1 i) F.v a .. nn n:*i.-/t pJriiental id.eas thls eoanection 'rc da aot neac insgec arrariicular tccugnns.:"t



    -dtviduaiing abs'uract concept::al F?j[li!'s j.g--Bsrt ;f tie qa]e,:'31:gSobiea of g,'arnar consbructictr"Siace the rrnblon is s;Ivad by speakora l.h ihebaeis of therr ling'lietic conpetrlaco, the f;"ar"carrs reconsurus-tloo of lingulstlc conpetonco wj.1l l:ave to"explaln ihsif, sgiu-Scn.

    6.?,1. Sono furtlar intul.i;ive soosiC3r$:ioos w1ilelar:ify'ihs Ilotion of a secaatic rarke:. i{heo v ooostde:l so-'eaatic e.arkerg iq tbelr role of repreuontiag cenges of cc!:stl*ti:ents ws find tbai; there ars few w&,Ys ro th -nk of tlem"i reed-ing-, p:icrides a dogo8pgs:!-lgg-g-tl".sss*aj.t*rssrgsqn-ls*)fqlg3j=4,3-::9ry8.!b1!--.-19:-F-?--.1S,"9-t1,-s-.-s9!1pqp-,-qi:cacopte" sre cf & co'lcepEually soiie is ibus lei'IEc-led ic Ehoform cf soaE.ntic naf,kexs' whicb servo as t.hq-Jg!$gleleqesfs tosa@. Fon axanlle, tbe ao-qt c"cron -eqseof tbe Ei:gllsh noua "cbalrntican b deccnpcsod I'oco a eet ofconcepts vhlcb might bo represanted. ;.:7 i;l:s sernastic a:*kere tila'b.f o1low r

    (Oblect). ('Fhysical), (llon-living)' (Artifact)'(Fur-irtiire), -(9c:table), (Sonothing with. te89)' (Qonetbi-n6sitb a-laix)" (sooiltuins rvith a soat), (Seat for oae)l'6It ls obvioue tbat tiris anaiTsis Leaves ort e coosido-rable anount of loforroatlon" Each of tb: colcepis represeotad b7bhe sesantic inaiksrg uertlooed abovs can ltself be broksu intocomponents. For eraopla, .,bQ coneept of an object representsdby | (Object) ' aigbt be aae lyzed, as gg, .oT53,nizat-lsa- of eqqtc

    p:.r ai; r::e ..sp.a E I o-.lefl !-glg$y 4 i- rt ti F,"Jotis Yrtrlcglavine hn orieaniti-,gn-iq,,soace.On sucb furtber analysisr ibesenantic aarkere rpresF3tlEg tbo concepts of tlegst, tbackt,anC tseatr could'ps for:nalLy rlatd to tbe ootios of paris inthe acalysla of the concepi of an rbject o as io lndicate ibatlbese are ths patts of a chail. gbls wouicl provide an aepect oflhe digtinctior, -os'bwoen ths noanlag of rebairt and otbor alesely


    t"lfter;r,, sertqqjiclbegq-T' p. rlo.



  • 7/28/2019 Carte Zdrenghea Curs


    -75-telated words lik rtabl.erIT. 41"o, rae ni6bt be able to foroal\i?eprp65*ot tbe ootion rorleotatlon !.n specer so tbat lt coul"dbe sFecified here as ioherntlJz vertlcal, tbus provid.icrg abasls for the differeoce.ln neaolng betweon.- an fhe chalr is tall.b. fbe cigarette ls talt.

    6,2.2, Aoothqr way of tbinking of senaniic .riarkersis 3s iho e.Jfggntq iE tertrB,q*L:'t rtlsj" can be made" Consider tbqr word cbair in conneefloaru';rin DJio !rcrds fha!r r'ieggiL, Ebgllg, cer, inolecule, end csor,-r-?"st;he'sa ,f,iith words such es @!Er SMtb, SSEBE!,, lqgllng" 15resense of tbe words is the first group &r jtr nany ways g.uiteijj'iereni.fronr one another, yet tirey are senanbicalty siaiiarin:: way in y;hicb the sonses of the r;or,rjs in tbe second Eroupare notl ei-'.ch ',lord ir the f irst grurup contale:-r tlio concept of,a!. cbjf3t i1s one coicpocen; of 1ts seise vrir:ie nc..ord:_n tbcs?conq .lf,oup has a sense cootai.ning this co$capt, fhe gene.r,atl*cation e.iiout ti:e inl;ragI'oul similarlties acd intergroup

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    /-\ -\


    -77 -1 -c oovo sYri:tlyrerrsati-verb ,--- '' ::1;: '- *:" : ; ;;j-:;-' l:\a* z- -ali.y, ic ilui.;er' ic.'" *' \- vibrate\--rt\ e' t\.\r_(.

    r'.L"to prfors in thre sharac--'-. jh,.. *- "\:--- r,.: a ,\\ sa_.\L1L.

    I. the staSe rc-r:esc-ialicaof a dra&a; e pexf0rmance2.

    -----:ci:f, -..-\----.--u."

    irs li'iurd j-o this gch*rae tlre pcrtion cl-ac-$ifis5 the syrrtactic r'oles tbe lexlcal ites cas piay in seateeceE,rqiile t)e seirractlc por.iion supp!-ies ooe Be.?Eg of ils lexicaL iten,ti rh! tet:$iaa.i elepen! +f eacb conplete, Cistlnct, deecenoingrai:: thrcu:l] tlre trec which reptesents i;he entrJ'.

    -.i"r. Ibe ex1;ii:i.r icciusicn cf synou;rns in a

  • 7/28/2019 Carte Zdrenghea Curs


    -79 *Lt le clear b!:at eoy lexlcal iafsrnatlon uba'[ s e onventlona]"dietioniir.v onir? ca.n rpresent cas alao b repreeooied by etrEnErf, i.o the icr.s eroo abpve. It 1"6 eq!.}ally clest that Ls.y6a4antic reiatio;s ti:at cac. ba recoastrueteC frci! the forserr;i1n of eEUT ss.n also be rrlos$bfucted fros the lat*erzo,.lloffievsrr tiiers ss seeact'-c relatiooe uir.Leli cau bo c"eeongtrsct-eri froo estrles 1B our oornaL forn tui not fpc$ eiltrles In{h.s cocv6*ti+aai Ciotie*.ar.I fornel) .

    5"),?" Seaaatic ealrkere are 'ihg jaemssis-fulqrlag_Sfw " Bere thel.e:c ff, 8t:'o36 anllo4y ';gr gr.aonati.nal irar:kera, sllcs a gra"oma.bicalFe{'keq (Souue. V*rbi }dJective t*.) ls gD 16sent tn terms of,'' PFw th eenastlc:l*:i:ers; a.i.ox:i:aI 1.,';an lr: a,iicticnarlr eot1.y are:r*ie$,1$d tc refiaer whabeyer syabematlc relatlogs hold betseen-*tiai:req and tbs r6t cf the voeabnlary of bbe ianguage. On'i:he othar band, tbe Cietiaguisbra aBslgod to a }exlcal ltamars intendeo to refle,rt what !q 14!.ogyqqr:g$"-:3]9ll!41gJfue, Oeaarallyr apeaklag, a charrgie in tbe qysteoaf eenaniJ.c narkere has xtsneive ranifisaticns tbrougiroutthre ntirc geaantlc tbeory, i.e. sucb e chaage radiealiS alterstbs seeaocic rslations wrich the .ihor? cl-aiss ii.rbtain beEw6enlndefiui.iel"y &any yryds io the ianguage. But a eh.ange In";isher osrnly aLters the relatlor beli*eroa tha whr:ae

    TJTli:'l,'. - 8r .-II,[. algtiogglshel has been c.laigeC and lfcos Ril:eb Yrcre sf,Dcoinr:?s.Il pot exarpler if ths disti;ittion narkers iilaic) anif: lgenale) were ouliterated is a :eaantic 5r :r3r of Eoglish? !o,al: routa every pair of so:.-aatonymorl-s wclics ba rep:eson-bed as stno-I syiooo" bui tbo indefiniieli sr1f, clber setxaniic relatioas -s-[,. vofving thls disttnction wrul,i also be lacorrectly represe$tedl,,.ay tn" tlreorf,jIl t 6.1.r. tsxanebing under 3 senasf,ic s,arksr is ';ornetioes[ "tetngutary but, rrery ofiea, i.t i"s

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    *f r

    rI ' -ea -lrI bacbelcr ---+ sorrc * iEu:rran) + (cala) *i*oo :u"-o*n*Jl L aerrie{i lII bactielor -> ficuc .* (Hi.laaa) + (liale) --["ot; :i'tightI , - sorvic6 urld3 lrhe star,dard. of asltber knl8htjIl, Slnce the aurbiguity" of bgghq-LpI: is represenbcd oc}f;{ tt c -llfference of distlaguisi:rersr ther 1s ao ra;r t.i:.ei a thsoryI *hcss dlctionery cdatains tlnls eni*y can eolv* it. $ut thor,rglii . tbt" ls an absolute lls,it.ation on .5uch e, tb6osy, lt is aot *nli "u"ofote linitatif;s on ih' ronstru4ficn cf seagniic uLeories i.rrI geoeral. if rce no'i:ice ihai fluaot speake*a d.e r:ct ieke eucbI srntances eg "Tha oicl racheLc: f i.caily iiad"l:t 're a*i:ig::ci:s,ta-,, tbuo w9 cot$tru.ct our sa*earia the+::y to aqa+aorl&r fh:-.: sinp,lyI'-l ,Oy taking ti;e loxlcaL l"rforn*?i.on that e bacl:*ler in tlre secosd| :r- "uuu is oeceesarily young .bo be earkes i*fornatior rsihe:r tb.anf -,- af"tiosrrisher inforarstioo, is Coae by adiieg tbe narker|,, /toro1/ to the narker systen and ::elr:'iting t;b,e c j.iiof,art entlJ| ..' fbr. !es!qLor according\y:l' ,t t't'l' 3rcmrlnril' I| , -u oriD'7.::;::'': ?-' ts-FI fEundEJ [iiir"r)I ----- \. - ------,N . (uare) isno bas bhe ftrst I (mare)l. _rr\ lor Joweei ecaaealcl I, -./ L degreo i i| lguo (r,ouns) - (rrynsj| ' ll3: ;:;-i ***0, servias ,:-;eil ii:* uior. sbenrt.' I rted I ltue stardar"d of aa- i ;r.ryithout a inatst| | oothar kni6ht I liririug ib. i| *ilreeilng tists jl-.T.l- ,I e,]o6. fnue t'ar pe iavo roccilstructe

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    ,B'-'Jcn'ieoiiocal dicticnali-es gj,ve ihat is reiovant to synchronic;::.3rC1c deSCIinti ^....rqli,,roc ^. j.nforrcati.on aboui che reLatioa beiween;;,_;;;,"rr:e::tar"n conbinations inuo which a texical*Trem osy"-.',rrrf","lt_:uo=u the lten bg-als io those_ 9r1,allggtiops. For_,,;;';;;,,":,:nrry f or the word rhonesrr.,i. .. 3:-;i fe"uon: or,ui..uou.] """;ut:."I''. virbuousr uDright... of, ronanl chaste,,.,ii,,,ta,,,,.*.-,. tnu "of pe::sca', aad "of worneo,, are inteocled io, ,f ,riro. l^..:n:. "un"u" l-bat fol1ow them apply only untier thed; ..rre i,,,r'*-u r;i1e7 specify. is, tbese specificetions !o_, , ....]"' ":.:"" noninal head wirich rhonos;r nodifies refers:..::.,rj.r r ,,.,. _:":out specification of sex ihen rhonestr has the::!'r:es r;-":::l noral character ".'' and lf the norrinsl horrl- "uuanr then rl:oaeSt, neans eithel "of gOOd ncrali:ala]CUvt...., Of rl.hast,r, ------- =- - -:t: such reconsbructioos J.j.K.atzl4) uses left and r:enlt:::;::^":tt.tns a Boorean function of gIffli; :i::":l';:;at'oos o, """oo*ffiiiu:,., .uru.r,^"::-" :r " path (either the Cisting"uisher or thec.csrrued ..""-::::: tf rhere is no distinguisber) anrt wit1 ber seiacttca.l .,_-. "u.q16g a necessary and gufficient conditlcrn foe,-"ttt acceptable combinatior-25)!'articuiar. a paih tn the dictionary entry fr--,rr'rcnesil ailL be:

    nonest -> i*j:gg+ul +_(svaluative)+ (Moral) *i}_nnoc*or?$";l il; T ",i""ii -io ii;; il;;j ?. an;ffi i'ff ;T:",,:: to be ccnstrued as saying rhar an adjecrivalCCulence cf r,-.^^^-. - "sJrus uileu an adJ'Ctir.Cl+ (rioral) -. lr'::::"' . receivs ihe interprtaticl: (Evaluabive).--> (Iioral) -> l-i ^^ -:ese ;he *.UT_"llllr. ci illicii senral inteicourse] r ,tusi inase ;he heaC it m^^ j 14:_ _-__--- J seAudl, rauercours _l r itic narkers - -r nodrfies has a patb corrtaising i:.;tl:. theic ilaxkexs ( (ir,raqni-'aqa (Fonaie) ).

    i4)cf,'j.J.r^n- ^2i)ro, ,**"i^a ' . !.erantic ,$eorir,{arper andrprn,;n.^-iI r !ce .rffixatiou to tbe r,.r.t.";;;;":; -''ls apDiic;a nooiiai i::ilw cf :uhar --ath


    Row, llew fsi.r., j!!llof a moCiJier de-of iae noCifier to

    _ Btl+ _4. I,EXIfuf, N$D D.ER-I19-8EAD1]iG3

    6.4.o.Having coosidered Ebe notion of a sdnantlc net*sone detall, we roturn to our dlsclleel.on of Lexicel andreaCiogtF,

    , ,J ,. )? ,t/4 .t. o{1,, 6.1+.ln Succlni;iy, the precese o.f, forniug and asslgningderlved readlags follows: *e pir:g9.q.--Bg,Ckere of a sen_teoce that provide ttio inforna*ion neces.sruT for F-er0e0tir.,re-!:I,ossenlatt-on a'o reeeived 3s i-nput by the semantie co'poneaEo:,lts firat cporation is to aseLgn lexlcal -;;ir;*;-r;;;t;;;-;;._tlonary to eacb terninar ereent of tne pb.rase narker tbat re-' $rosenys a neanlngfur. er.enent ln the sentence. Le:ricar- read-' r'ag* are rhen conbrnod by the pro;ectl'n rule tc forn derlvedreadings whicb a:re aesigued to the lowei:t onder e;rntactlcallycomplox constituents. T:s projectlix ru)-e goes ou to conbinodexived readings untiL a set of der,lveil readingsis associatedwith each syntac.i;i-oa1"ly eonpiax clnstituent, rncl-udinR thesbo1e senrence ibseLfn6'4.2- trre plocass just skotcbed nu:;t not onry cons!-ructradlng, i'5 nrril* elso Frevea? tite coostTu*iicn of ii:eu. Tf weco'lrt tte nunber sf ;isa6es cf lerical it*ns !n r: crrdinaryfifteen- *r fwecfir-'ncr'd sonrsnce and ceri.uto ths total nu.nbe:af pos+ii:J.* csnb:ne6i.ocs i.;hat c.uld. be f,:r.neri f-rcr: tiress sers-es i'or tr'.o whore sentLanceo thO nr.rmber of ;,ossible usuall.\.rusg l;iio h.*nd-r'ods. frinee ao sente.ce hae aoywbe* near ti:is!''grif dif1.-x'o:t seer-r+s, l iafir,;-r sevi. ic,rr, of saloeiior :l::;tb': at ''pc::k in ihe I-ifocoFi.q wh*reby derlvcd r.cadi,,6s ere pfci:ice,].F;:r*ile r'l0c:o ! tite fac'; tha.i, $r-)ae r:eit i:ei:gss h.evs no sense, e!.,iliirc;i-t6n i;*ei.r indiv:dr_'-al. ircrd.s ero $a*a$in{iuJ." i.ndica;es

    IoxlcaL ree.i,i.ngs are the

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    _8r_tbe absoaoe of 8eoser 1.o. neaninglsBaDessr is tbe 'l"init ofwbatever seloctional process gives riee t6 rultipliclfy' senees!.e., eiabiguiby. 3otb. tbese conslderatl.ons suggeet that thescoo'"iii! of i;his lrocess of 6eleotio0 included tp the senanticcoopoaent of a grannar nust be ia terns of gorrs cecbanlEn thatalloss ar blocke t\E fcraat!,-d of, a derlved reading*

    r ,. $S&!.*'v1!-B$.B5SW,6.5.o. Since tho fornetlon of dlerlved radiirgs boglssri.tb ti:e coobinatlon of neadiager tha latter coc-tals besidee e eet of ssnantio BarLstsr I saSesllon rest?lc-ti on*-' .

    * The adjeotiee "gs16'27) for inatance at Least twoseoses - ihat cf boing nade of a cgrta.ln asalteable netal-Ilcelemeot and that of baviog a dee!) yellocship eolor. i{eithe:rof tbese Beases can coebi.n witb the 6oses of noung lilrertrutbt, ltbougbtr, rvirtur, erpreselorrs Like Inet,al hruthr,tys:r'1$.,r thoughtt tyollcxv virtue.i are seosel.ess. ttle selectionr"esirict,:ion r9q_t!$!rq0"tg*"!Eq*4!93&g!iqp be-tsteprr-j:]:o-r"anga glser:er* v!!h silich &iivsrlg" ire rqnge qf sense i.* cqmot uaito. t'Yhenevera eons'iituent ls fornod fron colrpooent eonstituente ano theseES oi one beloogs to bbe ran6e of secses escl-u,lgc1. fron co.ili-binatioo with tbe ssnse of tho other, then tbe constituerrt igeaarringless unless the conponect conetltuears have other sensesthat can +onbine.


    -"/Ibe tern nae describod by Porzl6 a 'rneaolag relatLons'! instlucturaliet sorks ls naoed "Et:eucturaL syntagmatlc rala-ticns"; Coger!u calls lt "Iexlcal eclldariQ/r ($ugenlo Co-celiu ierdl.,alisclle Solidaritiiten. Poetica. L.1.967 po" l-]ol)"- n t rpiFiTldnranmEEdffiTfl is"ras t I* i s i i pe i .iiirtr uh ql i;.lalHeioolL'er3' 19ts).-' /According io Chonsgr (t{oan Chons}ry, Aspects" . . ,1945) is :.npossd bJ adJectlves and verbs, tbe nouns being" couter.t-frg, liowever. ib-FDe ercist erceptlone wbea' resiric-tiotrs are lnposed by nluns. It is i:iro ca3e xheo tbe nor,.ia isrrsed aB a nodifiar" se caonot I E8ra33-gL-qIE*EggEg or" TTI-'']{.\liF.

    f ,,, -AA-lfr,..I l' . Both seoses of rgolar can coabine the sense of1,.t,, r"O"*t 6ivlo6 the tvro seBses of tbe sesnai;isally a&bi6uo"as| .: ""pr""s!cn lgolC chalrr, ee,ne\r, one of a raEtal ctrair and uhel;.; otber of a ctrail of a certai& colorn &rt on\y the first sense1,.11;, of rgoldt c,an conbine with tbe sensea of the otber constltuentsl'"i fn r$b.ite-gold ringr to forn a sense fbr bhe whole , flhra,rsl't'.: only tne socood senso of tgold.t can comblse with the seqse off*11=,""cistt to fors a rJense for t golil nistt. ',?ere rgoldr io iaave[ ', *W the flrst sens, r6old nlstf would be neaningless. {be| :i. l "uo""" of t'rords like rwhiter, rredlr rbluef aro an'boaynous with1,..-.,. rgoj-dt in tl're sense cf the color, as ie rnon-goidt, but theyt.l. Aave tbe saiie ran6e of combination rcitb other sensos that tgoldttr.,:: ' ao"s. fne sane thiogs tlrat can be gold (in color) can be whiteI ':- -I., rodn blue, tc., aad the things tha'L cannot titerally be gokil_. canoot literally b lehit, red, blue, ete" fbus, chere is some*l:- tUiog coruror in the senaes of ihe ?orda to which rgoldq,iwhlte'|",, rredr, tbluer ebc. apply that narks lhen off rs a class frogrIi: tnose rqords ra wblch tgoldtn rwhitet, rredr, tbLuet etc. cannotf";{:trfnff"this,oo seraantic element will be stated in the selec*1.1 tion rostriction of rgold!, rwbitet, rredt, f blties otc. arrdl: the fact tbat each of tbese words has the sa,ae seleci;ion res'cric-| , tian w*.II e:rpress this generali!,atioo aboub a con&oc rerlanticI - -*| ."-Lelrg!. Slnce, furthernor,e, as in che case of, any ele.:;eni; of| ,,. u sense, sucb couon senantlc elenents axe represented cy se-l " oantic rarkers, a selection rstrj-ction nust be fonaulatec as aI t requirod on the seuantie narker content of readin8s. Tbus i;heI selection restriction ic a reading sgecifi-es. ihe_ F-ggq!.!j-q_Og3ier:l ' "tL-aL@ hevg in o_rder thqt they n1L ccnbine j-iijllj . .I,II 4.5.1. Let ue coasider e crude illustration cf a dic-t.I tionarf entry. the adJeetive rhandso&et appears io have one sens-,e| ": where lt meao6 tbeaturlfuL with dignityr, another whcre it neens1.. tgrac5-ous qr 6en6tror1sfn arc stilt aootbor where it maans raode-lj; ratelf larger. fke first applies to persocs and artifacts, as| ,' to erpresslons like " a irenrlsone wo&an'r or " a baodsone desk";| , tbe second appLles to sone fonns of eooduci, as in the elryres-1... 81on " s bandsono wellcome"; and the tbird applios to anount-qrIIl.III|.8f '';h:

    li selectioa r,eetrictioc wilL

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    E$ 1s "& IiEndedsr sulu'th&sdgcno' look

    s -cf oo&e3t''.ilbee dtct1ce*r:y eBtry\,4


    henrisoeao;fl'I:> n &. lttll.t;,.vt )1ta('u (Grecioue) r{So$erate}y$l{

    od)tbu senani;ic narkers eocloged !n *ng!-od bee-ckats represenithe solec'bicn rastxi.r:tion far ths.i setrse29)Buuld*" thsse se3.:;qtian restsietlcrae thsg'o ero unlversalrestrictisns. On the baelg cf eueh reshri*tisns a sentenoeIike 'ihe stons l$ eellgg,-Ltg-eeqg casnot be acceptod' fboia;t,;n5*Gmffi nitk a subject Eelty;ecl e5(-ini*atu:, ()f cl'".:ree, thele 8r cas-s ?'bea Eht; in+ourpati;liiit"" ie- ii rerpasee a ane a se n i;a ace llke .StFg*ngili#-L3.tgting nr itierr{ is *;cepted. weinreloh (ti:"le i Wejnrelshe' -ffi i5FaffiE' "TETenactic - Mre orxnllout orr, ft e llague n 19? ol tr ic'toA-ffitdIE rffi ough "'h'ansferreil f,e&tu.rsffon olliusr'llngi;let;i*s cxs be e,ssi.Giletsd to e, predatss epi'&al"whoe6 Fr."*ly i* xy frieu8. ShX's ts th* be5Fin*ing of a. Eet:sre*'tive tie':i1p *f foa'u*,tr;liar. 1{ever'6be}eEs. *hs ecgponellu cf thencoei r:t:.'j;rea ;x'65natle tafor'ns,iiorr? i'oo, wl:leh nrs.LnsBetrrrei nh t s 1.he$r]i' uueat*afaoicry,

    ..,. Jpet*t*"';,I tna*. "" JI taa; " ..1

    Ope can sea bssr givea aoesthX'*g Lihe tb@ dgflgltionof ehais" th* Cerivod reaeling for i:ho Borag trlrasdecne cbair'eoirl"d bl oee of sbleh the seses ie "a p(veicel *bJect whlohie a pcrtabie pieoe irf ftr:rniture Bith leg** a baeko aad 6' Eeetsh.isb $6rvee r?,-c s eqat fol cae and wbieh Js ae erttfact ef,beau.fry sn{ d:6nit"J'q" fhs other Lextcal *ejedlnge of thanilsceatwould noi *oa?:Sse u'i*b *hls Ie*lG&:. 3'eading of rchalrt bssausei"t coot&iuE nelther the eenantlc rnarber c(centluct) t notr' tbsseeastic marker t(Anount) r29"

    fr 6. t@wp4ggI-g4g6,5"0. lXre dlctlonary consiets sf a uenpiete Xlst of

    dieiionar:.v enbrieso one fm eacb lerlcat lten 1B tho lexlcosof tbe Srdtactlc conllonest tbat represscte a meaniagful lten

    (ot;*"$, {neautl.*ur) \'-.,rae),:..*rEle), (i4nouEt)f)

    ,, - 88 -'"of, laarrager erd a llst of whati #rcy. rulgs I

    se Eay c6t! AegSg!&-*giun-

    oo i;be baeie ef tha,;:t

    fbe riiias *a* be iil',:st:aied bYla. (h:rsitr:re) __* (if,tj"i-aet):':i',:,:, b. (Arit"fact) _--+ f(GbJect) ]/ (Peysical) if ()ioa-livine)ii" I:ese rules -rc'r:IC eiapllfy the lexilal ;sading fcnttoou ""o"u of ':l:air- bv elloulng the eLi"sioation of t(ObJect)t,*;- rqgsysicai)tr r(1{on-1-ivin3)t, t(}rtlfesi}t' 'Ib"ere wlllt of

    *,: *"*uu, be rany Otber redrf,sder,-:f luLes taat eLj*riaafie ssaaiiji't{, n*rltert sach as r{pny*ical} ! as

  • 7/28/2019 Carte Zdrenghea Curs


    ,:'j rneir s;rntactic organizatioo (ibaj.; isr whlch ibsns gc i-,o-.1.:l)rei'tc ior.n cosstituests of ths sent nce and by what rl"eti*cr,; si:ey eoe.bine ). Altho'.rgh infornai;ierr of, this $crt is in-rrlll:ig,f ir: al-]" oi tho phrase E&rkers ln the gttucturaL desc::r:-1;:cn of, a sentence, the utrderlying pl:rase daJeirors seen to give:; ix lts. Ecsi co(rrgiete for:r. Ihe other pb3.1s ,riarhtsrs reeui";1::l:l i:::r.nsforsrgtioss, aod transfornational operationg of de*l:fi;n an,i pernutai;i-oa eiininate information abort botb laxi,rjiill-.::;enc cor:s'i;it:rent strucfcr. fhorefore, if ii:e semant:Lcrr:npcrnt is ro have the ayntactic infornsi;lon it oeedar it.::ieits tr$36on.lb1e tc roo3iro thst tbe .!"nput to ihs sesantic oon-'r.r:ienb fo:" a sentenoe r$r is hhe urxJBrlying pbress lartsel/s,/ of,rllr ;;e;:e.raieC ly tbe syttacti$ coapoaafrt.

    'e,6,2n the first a-top in tba procss qf rced*il,li f* il:e lonstiiuents of a sentence is io assign appropri,r-;c lexieal reaClngs fron tbe dictlona.:ry to ths lexlcal iteasi'r the toruinal string of ths ':nderlying pbrass oarkor. 'I'bj"sran be Cone on tire basis of tho followlng convgotion: aD occl2-rencr of a lerical it;l in tbe tsrninal sh:lng ls paired with;;b,e set of le.:ical readings in the dlctlone.ry ntry for itsj.ta* on ihe condi lirrn that tbe syntactic narkers iu the lexL(:otan-,try catoae?:-ze lt is the sem way tha! j.t 1s oategotized isihe underlyiog phxase narker. {nl.r6 6Jnp}eet fona ef this conven-tion yo'"IlC be ih6 si;ipulation tb,st the sot of, Lexical roadin6spaired with e ierlcal lten in a tiictiooarJr eatry is carried a-J.oag wi-th the Lexical iten when tho lexlcal ruSe of tho syntac-ti"o con-ocnont inssrts that lteo in a preterminal string.Onco iexical roadings are assi.goed r'o lexical itsn: jr-3.iJ undErij'j.rrg phrase narker, tb'e seoaatic redundanoy rulss cerlir-j.,rei.J to fil, orJt colopressed iexicai. =eadings by suppl,yingli:e senantj-c na::kers which were excluded for purposes of oconouyi.rr i:ire for.nulatioa of lexlcal readings !n (iictionary entriee"'fi:'::E selllaniie :rark*rs sust bs latroduced aE tbls stage beca'J.saibery piii bo:.egr;ired t* ieternii:o wheihe! or not lexical;s carr con'rine tc' i';r* ,lerived readin4s, For. instance! th:?irue 0f tharCr neaning inct easily penotraied.t can conbine,,,;ith.:l:,* ssiis? cf rchai:"r r.op:e s*atad by ilre lesj",tal ;.ear:i.1;g giq6g

    iil.:i'ilFeoaotic narker doas nct eotua.Lly &ppear it the Lelical -read-.t-.1.fag of rchairr. ligccs, ii; *uet gs introducsd bg s, senaatic -e-.:.,{r duaC.eocy rule prior to iho poiat at shich ih Fx,ojesfion r:*ies.

    t:lil:, eF$s. fne proj;ction ruL.:s ti:en c,:3liin* rr"a,li*ge aesociarei ni,f,h:'i:i. su'occostiiuonts to forrc ;ha rea4ing; fc* ilre ful.1, e onstjt.:roctpr,:,::r:r.'suoccDsti;uont-q to forrc ;ha rea4ing; fc* ilre ful.1, e onstj.t.:roctpr:ii.:.;,,ti.rf io this a: n&viri frr:r'r iuall,er ta l*-rg*r e*ilEtitiienis J.n

    ,i.|u,,r:ii-. bafo:'c oniy if the nas!:er lphTsicalr appears in thei: reading ct lchairr ig: an rts-,ler13'ring ph,rase marller. Eui thie

    ,, Fould conbiae readicae of rbardr and refralrt to ob'laln i derl.--dd readln6 for thard cbalrt,Cooe the seraarti* redutCaacy r;l:.e havg doae thslereork, ;.'e iiave vbat ee .r'iLl c,rli lg@I"lytEfi, pE:,qle.-9.?it{glg.!befie eo*stitlrie the d,rn*in of thq proJoctics

    r"-fii, rules. lllie projceti.on nrles finisb, tl* jcb of givlag tbs read-t::: l:gs fc: tli= con,grj-tueat,3 oj a esnience bg e*olgnlag al1 of thedarived t:a'iings. fsey cca'rert lexica!.ly iuterpregeC underlyingphrase narkers Into gegqgt-iqg11z-itrteraretgg_ q egeggE-&.S,, :Iech of tb qonstituenis of th.+se utd*rlying Srbraso aaF-i., kers ig asscclared with an oj3,l*StfieA-Slgggg:eCs, thet ls,': to vr s:'qqlp,tiiuent ls;,-epresentad by oq1-Iggggg.La--tb*get,t:: 6'5.3. fire proJectigniules first corsblas rrpandted le:rJ.e-:,!. :ee.dings" lhe;- nest coiablns t$e derived roadi!,gs forasd fron. tiro conbiaaticn cf e:lpanried le:clcal roo.dings and continne con-. binirs deg:lvgd reld.iags.-u[til tbs proeess terni.nats with the

    itt,assiSnaent of Cerivsd i-Dadiego bo thq llhola senteacs. Ihsa tboi' Ie>:ical reaCings we:e aesi.6:.ied .to terelnal synbole, thc eenantic;i co'r,poneit used. ti:e underlging phraso nar.ker for inforoatloo:,ii.,r,'aUout fitet Le:

  • 7/28/2019 Carte Zdrenghea Curs


    [ !]llll.liilffi.,lj.i i,.;i,$ ;:,f, r:'


    ffi,i$.ii*.t.,$iilgiiil*i1ilr*11iit;;[.i]';:tiit;iilt*ri$'t ll:ilxli

    l-"-er- IIrulos appi-y f,irst to the icae::nost labelsd bracketing of bbu Iterninal" s;ring ol ac usalerlyic8 phraee narkert theu to the- Inext tnnermost, aod sc oc until tbey roaeh ttle outernost' In | .orher words, tbey proceed froo the t'ottcn to the tr:l of fhl^ 1,,u,.free. in tho co!-!cse of ttreF operation' the proJectioa ruLes l,erfcrcoselectlonrest-rictioDsateachstel:'thusprevantingl.soae readings fr-cm ccmbiniog wh1le allswlrrg others to forn-ce- 1,..,, ,rivad readingsr wbicb are essigned bo constitueotg' Ia this- l-aannerr eacil coosiitueoi, in an unrferlying pbrase na'rkerr lo-* t-clr.iin6 the vli1o16 sentence constitunt, recoives a set of tead- l'itgs lc represeni lts eeanin6, and tbe lexlcalLy l-Btarprted | 'unisrl; phrase narker !s converbed lnto a somaotically i'ntet^ |-:'eted underlyiog pilrase uatker' | :" 5.6.4. :i:rcioction rules d'iffer fron cne ancther by Itrrelr cor]dit.long o.f applicgtiou and bJtno operations tbqyrleri- 1,":i:;l i:i pro.luciDg a cerivod readin6. A prcjection rulo apptaes Iio a set of readings associated wlth an n-tuple of constltuer'its | "jrrst io case the o-tup).e sutlsfiee tbe araurue.tlcal relatlon-ll I -i;erns of which tbe proiectlon ruLo !e defis:ed" Ther'e ist ihen il.a diffe::enr pro;ection rule lor eech distinot gra'uiure'ii-"1-:::-- |laticn - ooe for ihe atbributloo relatj-ori one for ti:e subicr- |-"?rb riaiiorj! ooe for the verb-indirsct cbiect t*tuttoot- ^o:' -. Iso co. Fhicir lroJectioir rule applies ln a g;iven step in g:roln: l-'a senaniicaliv int,erpreted unrle*}'ylng pi:'r'ase marker *Ot" :::-1:: Ion tbe gra.nnaticat relatioa tbat toids a;ncng the sBbcoostrrrteluc I(of ibe coEs:itueDt at tbai stop) 'which e'lreaC'v have readlngs Iasslgned to tbnr and the full conplet oonstitr'rent ihat tness l.,coastituects forn, whlch does not es yet havo any reading:.::: l]:...s!6ned to it. If' for exaoplo, the relation ls tbat of *"lt::*t 1.,.to head, ib6 t'be projeettoo nule applies whoss conditions*of l -appllcation sre aeiiosd bv tbe rodlflcatioo relatloa; tt-:i:^^ 1,.=reLati.ou is ver'o-object, tben tbe proJecti'oo rule tb'&t apprret |

    'tc raadinss of a aodifier and readings of its head forss a dB- | 'rived reac,ing oy laking tbe Boelean union of the senantic nerrors Iin both readinsst wbile tbe prtjectioo rule tbat cosrblce1 rlaa- |ings of a verb etiih readiags of lis dire:i object forns 1e11v- 1..ed }eadings by enbaddln6 tbe reading of tbe 'ilrect obJsct ro | .t;Il:'Il,'t.'lij1H

    the read.lng cf tho ve:rb et s f,i:nod poet'tion. Or coureen eucbconbinetcrlal olrrationa are lxrrforned ooly tf the reacllugs luthe do!traJ.D of, a lrojee'i;ion strle eest tbe salectlon restrtctloagoveI|alng tksir conbtnatloa. flhur;n tha poJeotlon ru!"es assosia-ta typee of eemanttc ooq!:lnagiein wltb parttou}ar grammattrcel:relatj_ons. saey speclfy tba eenantie Lmport of tbo gElsnrnatiealreXatlose dafllod ln slratactl"c tbecryo tlso f,u!.} cbaras'berlzatl"oa!s3 uieun e p.lne foz'sal. unlverse,l on *b@ sesentlc levoll 6eeen-tlc theoryr nust cerrtain a epeetfli:atfca of, the foru of, tbe dlo*tlonsry add a epaciflaetlsn of the forn of tbo rules tlaat proJectSenan?ie rotaessntetiona f, ar o ocpie a s-r"'ctactle c oniEt ltuslta flrontho dilct onaryrr roprosoatatlrtts of, the sqnao$ '+f theJs rulnfuna!"eyatestic psFte"

    6n6.5" fhe obiesi;lees of Eatt aud Fcnder can bs r"t-'dueeel to three nai: Probl-ensla) the ;pnobl"r:n houen"vm3lp*kleerly - whicb ehmye thewag in vh*oh e noa--ambiguoue senautic etttrratuIte i's coDstitutealof ee*h eeparato cosotltr:ort ts th'e ssnteaeoe'b) ths prcbl'en of tbo anonaLy ln the Bastnceshs* sbffi8 b@ and to what axtost I sliqker "fsals" that a sen-teEeellkosEhosrutdeaesleepfiJltouslyllalncorreet.c) the probS-eao of t\e rel"atton of parapbrase - whicb!,avs 6, great rola in tbe degp strr':'E'lture and iB l'he re!-ations ofanalltlciWoThis sanentic th*or;r refare xptl'cltely onl"y et tbei-evel of the aentoiicc and 1* ls a.tii;aohs?'i to the genoratfvegr&&qaF$itdescrl.sgstheg*.Eautlgetrrnogllroofasutelreeana-lyelng tile EdEiF:p6c cf ccilstl'duee'ug. ?1,9 p..rredi8natlc endsyutaguatierela*3.qll$rstrsX&inf;rai&li1!:)t?:*d'eecrlptlonofths.le;riee.]. ltesrs. Xy auaS.eigy wlrlh 'i:hc'nrclegvo the doacripttoo offeature S'nelud'ee senarrtlceu too' Eala6 Linited to the I'evol of,t,!.rgeeritence,tlresltuattc|oa].cont+' of the f"c**ure i's not *:.1-artfiedo
