CARNEGIE LIBRARY BUILDING Gilroy, California Patricia Snar ...Patricia Snar, 1986 195 Fifth Street,...

Post on 17-Jul-2020

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Transcript of CARNEGIE LIBRARY BUILDING Gilroy, California Patricia Snar ...Patricia Snar, 1986 195 Fifth Street,...

CARNEGIE LIBRARY BUILDINGGilroy, CaliforniaPatricia Snar, 1982195 Fifth Street, Gilroy CA 95020South facade of the building show­ ing the main entrance on the Fifth Street side.

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CARNEGIE LIBRARY BUILDING - Gilroy, CAPatricia Snar, January 1987195 Fifth Street, Gilroy CA 95020

Expanded view of the north side of the "building taken from the NE corner.Thoft> ^2 of 10


CARNEGIE LIBRARY BUILDING - Gilroy, CAPatricia Snar, January 198?195 Fifth Street, Gilroy CA 95020East side of the building taken from the SE corner to show the exterior door placed in the lower level in 1957.

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CARNEGIE LIBRARY BUILDING - Gilroy, CAPatricia Snar, January 198?195 Fifth Street, Gilroy CA 95020NE Corner of the building.

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CARNEGIE LIBRARY BUILDING - Gilroy, CAPatricia Snar, January 198?195 Fifth Street, Gilroy CA 95020

North side of the building (rear) taken from the NE corner.

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CARNEGIE LIBRARY BUILDING - Gilroy, CAPatricia Snar, January 198?195 Fifth Street, Gilroy CA 95020West side of the building taken from the SW corner.

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CARNEGIE LIBRARY BUILDING Gilroy, California Photographer Unknown, 1926 195 Fifth Street, Gilroy CA 95020Historic photography showing the south and east facades of the "build­ ing "before the ramp was installed at the southeast corner.


CARNEGIE LIBRARY BUILDING Gilroy, California Photographer Unknown, 1910 (Cook) 195 Fifth Street, Gilroy CA 95020Historic photograph Showing the wes- and south facades. Taken in June of 1910 just prior to completion.

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CARNEGIE LIBRARY BUILDINGGilroy, CaliforniaPatricia Snar, 1986195 Fifth Street, Gilroy CA 95020Gallery room on the east side of the upper floor taken from the rotunda.

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CARNEGIE LIBRARY BUILDINGGilroy, CaliforniaPatricia Snar, 1986195 Fifth Street, Gilroy CA $5020

Rotunda and research room "beyond showing the archways, decorative detail and brass chandelier.

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