Carlton Speak 2018 · Term 3 - We- Week 5ek 7Term 2 Thursday Thursday 18 Augu14 June 2018st 2011...

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Transcript of Carlton Speak 2018 · Term 3 - We- Week 5ek 7Term 2 Thursday Thursday 18 Augu14 June 2018st 2011...

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60 Cameron Street, Bexley NSW 2207 T 9587 3717 - 9587 3162 E W

Carlton Speak 2018 Carlton Public School E-Bulletin

Term 2 - Week 7 Thursday 14 June 2018

Dear Parents/Carers Centenary Raffle A huge thank you to all the children that have sold their raffle tickets and delivered the tickets to the office. A special thanks to everyone that has taken extra tickets. The interest in the Centenary is starting to escalate so hopefully the weather will be kind to us on the 23rd June. Last week I thanked Mrs Sherri for her work with the raffle prizes. We now have over 100 prizes to share throughout the day. Special prize number 7 has been kindly donated by the Petrovski family who are sponsors of St George Rugby League. They have donated a voucher valued at $440 which entitles you to two Legends Club tickets to any Dragons home game at Jubilee Oval in 2018. Dragons fan or not, this is a special prize. Thank you to Mrs Boesen for assisting us with this and other Dragon prizes. Another valuable gift was 20 vouchers from Domino pizzas. Yesterday I met with Mrs Sherri and the Domino’s manager to present him with an appreciation certificate. The St George LEADER has written an editorial on our Centenary so look out for a mention of Carlton PS or the link.…/heres-to-100-years-of-educ…/…

All children received a book of 10 raffle tickets last week. Tickets are $1 each. Please return the book of tickets if you do not wish to sell or buy them as soon as possible. Someone else will sell the tickets. Sold tickets need to be returned to the front office in a sealed / labelled envelope by Friday 22nd June 2018 with cash or cheque only. Please do not use POP. Additional tickets can be assessed from my office. Our Centenary Capsule & Plaque have arrived. Next week every student will be asked to write a Centenary message on a Centenary notepad. Each message will be placed inside the time capsule which I expect to be opened in 2118. My role is to write a letter to the principal of the time so I have to think about what a 2118 school will look like. A book will be available at the dinner for guests to write a message if they wish. Centenary Badge: As part of our Centenary celebration next week, every student will be issued with a special edition Centenary badge. It would be great if the children had their badges pinned on the Open Day. At the P&C Meeting parents asked about the rides at the Centenary. I have checked with Festival Amusements and the rides we have selected have no height or age restrictions. A question was asked last night about the school photos. We have been advised that the photographs will be delivered before the end of term.

Regards Stephen Vrachas Principal

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School Banking The School Banking Coordinator Roster on next Tuesday 19th June are; Angela, Sophie, Lily, Su Ren, Natalie and Farhana. Please make sure students hand in their yellow deposit books to their class teachers as soon as the bell rings at 9 am. Also ensure both sides of the slips are filled in (Student name, student number, account number, BSB and amount deposited). If you have not yet opened an account for your child, it's not too late. Please go to the nearest Commonwealth Bank with your child birth certificate and your ID to open an Account. Volunteers needed urgently: If you are interested in volunteering to help out this great program, please contact me (Farhana, Banking Coordinator) directly on Ph: 0403323639 or meet me at the office on Tuesday 9:00 am. or Email: Reward Day: Next Redemption will be on Tuesday 26th June. Continue banking and collect more tokens to redeem your rewards.

Centenary Pavers Pavers will be laid around the flag pole as a memento of the centenary. If you would like to purchase a paver, print out the form and return to our front office. We’ve sold quite a few already which is fantastic.

P & C News

Volunteer needed to organise Father’s Matter Breakfast – Wednesday 29 August

We are seeking a volunteer or a small group of volunteers to take on the planning and organising for the Father’s matter breakfast,

on the 29 August 2018. Please contact:

Centenary Celebration Devonshire Tea and Gelato Stall – Saturday 23rd June

On the day of the Centenary, 23 June 2018, the P&C will be running a Devonshire Tea and Gelato stall. We will

need volunteers to assist on the day. Please contact or respond to the poll on

Facebook to nominate a timeslot.

We will have Scones, Cream and Strawberry Jam and the choice of either Twining’s English-

Breakfast or Earl Grey tea. There will be gelato in seven flavours, Vanilla, White Chocolate and

Raspberry, English Toffee, Coconut, Dairy free Strawberry Sorbet, Chocolate and Rainbow.

Please consider sparing an hour of your time. This is such a special event and we want to do our

bit to make the day a success and show-off our wonderful school to the wider community.

Fundraising Meeting – Next meeting Friday 21 Sept : Week 9

Thanks to all who attended the meeting, we discussed a lot of upcoming events and it was a really enjoyable afternoon. We are

looking for someone to organise the Father’s Matter Breakfast.

Next P&C Meeting – NEXT WEEK, Tuesday 7 August (Term 3 Week 3) 7:00pm

This meeting’s presentation by Mr Vrachas on the “4Cs” was very interesting, encouraging our students to be Critical Thinkers,

Creative, Collaborative workers and to Communicate with each other. P&C meetings occur twice a term on the Tuesday of Week 3

and Week 7, at 7:00pm in the staffroom. If you have any suggestions for presentations topics from staff about school programs and

activities at the P&C meetings. Please contact the P&C at or via Facebook as we’d love your input on what

YOU would like to hear about in future meetings.

Don’t forget to download the ‘SkoolBag App’ to stay up to date with all the things going on at Carlton Public.

Correction from last week’s newsletter

2018 National Chinese Eisteddfod

On the 19th and 26th of May, about 40 students from our school participated in the 2018 National Chinese Eisteddfod,

which was held at Birrong Boys High School. The Chinese Eisteddfod is an annual event in which contestants are

required to recite poems. Our students worked hard on it and achieved very good results. Both teams came first in their

age group competitions. Well done! Also congratulations to the following students who received an award in their

individual competitions:

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2018 National Chinese Eisteddfod : ‘continued’

First Prize Winners: Second Prize Winners: Third Prize Winners: Special Award Winners Lucas Z 1 Orange Sophie L 2 Orange Charlie Z 1 Red Bonnie L 1 Purple Michelle J 1 Yellow Ashely Z 2 Yellow Stephanie H 3 Red Carolyn Y 2 Orange Lynn C 1 Purple Charlie Y 3 Orange Christin H 6 Red Rex L 4 White Felix Y 1 Blue

Blythe K 2 Orange

William C 3 Blue

Zoe H 6 Orange

Silver Awards


The Silver Awards will be presented at our next 3-6 Assembly.

5 White Evelyn J

5 Red Gabriel SH

5 Orange Ansu K


The Silver Awards will be presented at our next K-2 Assembly .

1 Yellow Naba AB Rayan T Jamal M

Fatima I Ella A Daniel D

1 Orange Victoria A Michael G Isaac C

Isabella P Hassan B Anika S

Darra L Huda K Oviya PK

Aaliyah SV

Class Awards

Early Stage 1 Stage 1

K GREEN Khalil E, Belle K 1 RED Basil A, Mariam AS 1 YELLOW Samuel B, Rebecca C

K ORANGE Anastasia B, Dylan M 1 PURPLE Ryan S, Lynn C 1 BLUE Mark P, Evie M

K RED Lana L, Dennison B 1 ORANGE Anika S, Mark S 1 GREEN Jawad A

K WHITE Serena L, Kingston Y 2 ORANGE Dimitri N, Jaira L 2 WHITE Mary C, Christian

K BLUE Zaiyaan G, Sofia S 2 YELLOW Sofie O, Frank A

K YELLOW Zara K, Kritika R 2 GREEN Batoul Z, Nathan L

Stage 2 Stage 3

3 ORANGE Okan C, Luke P 5 ORANGE Aracely A, Stefan C

3 GREEN Armaan G, Brendan Y 5 RED Patrick Z, Ibrahim S

3 BLUE Abbie F, Lillian D 5 WHITE Oliver N, Scarlett M

3 RED Matea D, Safwan A 5/6 BLUE Filip K, Sophie C

4 WHITE Darcy M, Isabella B 5/6 GREEN Carlise H, Natalie T

4 ORANGE Saan D, Hayfa K 6 ORANGE Mohammed A, Hassan AB

4 RED Lilian S, Edbert L 6 RED Jessie W, Hiro N

4 GREEN Victoria D, Musab U 6 WHITE Linda B, Rayan R

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Thursday 18 August 2011 Term 3 - Week 5 Term 2 - Week 7 Thursday 14 June 2018

From the Arabic Language classroom:

It is always a wish to become one hundred years old, but the wish became true and our Carlton Public School is celebrating its

centenary. I would like to congratulate the principal, the executives, all the staff and the students for their hard work. Also, I would

like to invite the parents and the community to the open day in our school, to see the results of the cooperative work done by

experienced teachers and their students who are willing to learn, do their best and be critical and creative in whatever they do.

Arabic students in Term 2 are working on improving their language. All the classes are focusing on speaking Arabic. After learning

new vocabulary, students are playing a game to practise reading, explaining and forming sentences.

In my teaching I am trying to introduce different activities to teach students new skills and to keep them engaged in their learning.

Examples are: card games, Interactive white board by matching vocabulary to pictures, videos from YouTube by repeating

vocabulary, singing songs, dancing and doing research and Art work. Also I am doing a video of year 3 and year 4 through which they

are expressing their feelings in Arabic.

As our topic is "Animals" we are reading stories related to the topic. Students are trying to perform the stories or showing a tableau

related to them.

With "Mirath in Mind" activities students in stage three are doing a research about an Arabic artist, gathering information and using

their creativity to produce a collage. Also students learned a song to sing as a choir and a dance to perform as the Lebanese dabkeh.

Mrs Awad

These are some Arabic students' activities:

Kindergarten Year 1 Year 1

Year 6 Years 1 & 3 Year 5 Years 1, 4 and 6

TERM 2 2018

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

Week 7 11 June


12 June

Stage 2 Gymnastics K-2 Assembly 2pm Premiers Debating @Ferncourt PS- 1pm

13 June

Maths Olympiad S1 Fitness

14 June

Athletics Field events @CPS

15 June


Dinner @ 6pm Hurstville Central

Week 8 18 June

Kinder Calmsley Farm Excursion

1-2 Assembly 12.30pm

19 June

Stage 2 Gymnastics

School Banking

20 June

Fitness Program- Stage 1

21 June


Fri 22 June

Sat 23 June


Open Day 10-4

Week 9 25 June

3-6 Assembly

K-2 Assembly 2pm

26 June

Stage 2 Gymnastics

Banking Redemption day

27 June

Fitness Program- Stage 1

28 June

SPAF combined Choir

Rehearsal @ CPS

29 June

Week 10 2 July

1-2 Assembly 12.30pm

Kindergarten Assembly 2pm

3 July

Stage 2 Gymnastics

4 July

Year 2 ‘Little Diggers’


Fitness Program- Stage 1

5 July

Year 1 ‘Little Diggers’


6 July

Last day of term

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Thursday 18 August 2011 Term 3 - Week 5 Term 2 - Week 7 Thursday 14 June 2018