Carliri Makes Waif Speec WHl MEET"hd...

Post on 16-Jul-2020

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Transcript of Carliri Makes Waif Speec WHl MEET"hd...

, j , ; i'4Wll.l»lf!Ba,>.1»>M..S_.->.4«R**.*., miM:^&m:;fmii'--,:\im :!-Sr-t

- _ ~ — - j i . —-.^c*. Jr.


$1 .00 A Y««r to Advaoce

^ Cannwig Hamm P e m - _

for ivO^ Gn|Mlii:fiwai IKseu*. '

\0. A. Muutgumm^. (i!u!l"'/'~t*'iiu"u»»i«»i'J'J

rlf a;-

Agent) ^ 1-hftve b«da nuinberof inquir-

4 .»«J .SrA^g^"^ ies recentlr /e^rdin^ the right m i ^ Smrdfy, April 28.1^"^ ^ ^^^^ » «P "^«« "' B l i W j t K a i a a y . ai» interest

Carliri Makes Waif Speech MAY 2 0 SPECIAL D A Y

CioTcrnor N u n e i Better Church «nd Go to Sundfty School Day.

y/iu^ hwld «t the hew

l.wittt spray mixture to as«. B«> low are instructions furni^he^ me |

I of Mr. and Mrs. J. | "^ ""= ; ^ ; , f l i : " g L ^ ^ H l l ' ^ ^ P„,.p^y^;,f Spray and take advantage o r t h e f

f o n i ^ il» orgabiza^on of girls F ^ f f ^^Z ^f ^^^' - ^'f^f i l ^ ^ a L b e ^ : j n e m b e r a _ M theljjat have destroyed s6^much of,

C Q B t ^ T S S i clubs and had ^ ^^^f 5^1^ !"°P ^^ ' ^^ ^^^ y *"" I ' ^ t l ir»g» limit f»r f.irthar,'"this s e c t i ^ ,

.The organization Bordeaux Mixture 3-5-oO form-1 and thg club will be :^1^' ^"^ ^^^ application - cop-;

junior home demon-jP^'- sulphate (blue stone). 4 ^ i f ^ *

^ l l l ^ ' j ^ is to have a broad ;^«^^^1^L__ . ^ „ _ ^ „ -,• ^ l J S ^ S ^ ; : ^ ^ S c i ^ ' a a ' t h e r e , ™ " P ^ • bS^e-5Tooms open is aSidl'a demand this year for 1^"°^'- • . ., . •.

»^,._tfee Observation of every possi-! f ^ "'" ^P^^ ' ^^* ^^^^ J-- ' bSrS6a-DrDd«6t, is ex-j^^t?; f^d repeat at^about three lwctadthat^9,vrganiMt1onTrtHiy^^ ^ ^ S ^


This may con-

WHl MEET ATMMFRIK" First District Cotincit Of Safety

to Be Organized Wednes­day Evening. "In time uf Natiotial ari.\it;ly j

and resolve it i. iittiriK thai l)ie| people of a i"'firislian state should ' A committee lo bt- known a^ the :.pei;ially honor such cherished ? Virginia Agricultural ro inc i l of

Safety, composed of representa­tives of agricultural, educational Mti -«»rw oi'gaBtJMtfiohB in the"

institutions as the Church and the Sunday gchool," says Gover-noTTienry Carter Stuart's procla-Doation. TTKeEefore pfocTaTm Smiday,^ M a y 20. 1M7, Better Church and Go to Sunday School Day and call on the ijrood people of this Commonwealth to assem'

" t)te ofi~ that d a y in their ascnt places of worship and these con aider how they may bring the largest attendancfr and the great . est good to these beneficent iij-stitutions.

Association, the Virginia 6unday School Association and the exten-Bton-departinent


servation club plication. The largest gathering of people s e e n j n Conner's Hall since its Th, girJs.responded'readily i o J ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ S ^ ^ - - t i o n listened to the address ^f Hon. C. C. Carlin V^ednesday

the caD and several,districts of moved by dipping<'the bunches the QpuiBty were' represented at! into a diluted solution of vinegar the'ffieeiing. Many who had-or acetic acid. The grapes may promised to be present were ab- t ^ - ^^^i^^^^f ^f^^^ ^tls sent, owing to the long distance ^ f ^ - g Bordeaux. to drive and the rainy day. Thir-, — — — t^^bec^memembe^of thecrubi|lEEJ ^T BAPTIST CHURCH and they are expected jto go back

Manassas Citizens Ask Congres* to Prohibit Use of Grain

in Intoxicants.

to their home eommxim^es and try to get the women and girls togethpf for organii^tioru ;

Miss Emily J. Johnson was unanimo.uahL,.elected president, Miss Edith M. Haydon, vice-pres­ident, and Miss Marion . M Lewis, secretary and treasurer. The foilowrng c o m mi-11 e e w as sp= pointed to go.over the constitu-

slty of Vlrgi&ia have united^tbeir efforts xa help make ttiti day a 2bmplete succeed and either of these orgaoizationa wilHbe gla4 to send siigges^oB on haw to make the day of re*l value,

The comrnttnity leafoes of tb& were present. - If **'« ^ ^ « been specially orKed

Col. RotsBit A. Hutchison introduced th% speakers of the ocai- toTteli^trtte pr^jier obaeifvance aion, calling firatupon Mr. C^A..-M»ntgomery, county farm dea»oi»iP*lP£igy--

night. The greater part of th« i^idience was seated bat the cfaaira in the hall failed to bold the crowd frhioh quickly begin to increase after the aiJpiwheW bottr haS aftavifeid. A large hunilbeir of ladies

A resolution -petitiofiing our representatives in Congress to enact as a war measure "such

,iaa's as m&y^be4e€mcd necesaaqt to prohibit the manufacture of

iT ' J u 1 ^ u„ . „ „ „ grain into intoxicants of any kind tion and by-laws lof the .home^, ^ ,, j c j d^nonstration club and flee if any whatsoever" was passed Sunday

. • . • j„ . .„* evening bv the citizens of Manas-change is-necessary in-order that ,. , f- V, M *1.V, it-mayfit our organization: Misses sas. at a mass meeting held at the n i.4.- m-ii i,«- ^ T „^,. Manassas Baotist Church. The HattieWiUcoxon, chairman, Lucy • ij, , , n T»- J J »* _*i^ T^u„=« resolution whs oiiered by Rev. Haydon and Myrtle Johnson. . . . , . ,., , , T ^ •'. ..

mu ! u t. t u^u „ r^^^r Alford Kell^, pastor of the Thp club expects to hold a m e e t - ^ ^ J ^ v ^ entrance or Ame

^g-in"a55uT three^eeks. The . l ' ^^ ff ' ^ j caH toa»e

—memfaera enrolled are as "follows; by- a standing vote of the 360

Misses Emily Johnson. Myrtle P^^f'^f.P'L^'^"^- , , . . . . Mr.westwood Hutchison.chair-

man of the meeting, made the opening address and called' upon the ministers of the town to give expression to their views cone»n-|; ing the resolution to be offered.

Johnson, Mildred Harrell, Elea­nor Lewis, Marion Lewis, Edith Haydon, Dorothy Haydon, Lucy Haydon, EvaKidweli, Irene Led-nian, Cora Mooney, Hattie Will-coxoii, Ida Urn Glascuck an J Lil-lian Gilbert/


J a t i t e ThenUon Accep i* Sii^geition Cor c«ming Granting Soft-Driiricijcen«e.

To unify the method of obtain-Ticense • to se't soft •drirrkg, •mg license lo se.i so.

Commissioner J.'^idnev- Peters 'iBasi'ast sent ietterslo al! county Dr, Hervin L'

offieials thrftug'hout ttre sratF:

Short addresses endorsing the the purpose of the meeting wer6 made by R«v, Mr. Kell^y, -Rev.— H. Q. Burr, pastor of Grace Meth­odist Episcopal Church. South. and Rev. J, F. Burks, rector of Trinity Epi. copal Church. Other ministers who were grouped around the pulpit Wgfe Revl T. D. D. Ciark, pastor of the church;


"^•'suggesting that all ipplicahtf fcf ?geh ticgnse be required to T?«:wt on the front dcxir of the aopjj-cant's place of business for [h'r-y f\-ny<f, nnrtpf of the time and da: he will apply to the circuit ciurt

"for' such license, on '.vh-.o'-. i.iy the applicant must appear, a? well as any person who de -ir---

cfinti?.''t-'<Vie yyanting—/ -*•**-

Roop, pre^dentof TTe'ge, and R6v. B. D. L' Eastern L

L.:cas. aTso of Eastern CoilegeT ,Ratf Mr. C l a ^ J ^ t

a:, i ;:-: rodace<Ll|t,. Hw c.-i rn an of the meeting. The ...vccation was .N: ..rr.


.\raerica," the national - / i v : after which the asaem-a^- .cas dismissed with bene-

-rrr>m by Rev. Mf. L a c a a . — —


1 - . }«dge Thorirtor. has annc'une'^>-

tft«t-he will adopt th]s method.



UbfrarutT Gr«du«te »iid Native at Prin,:e ' W S i a m thmt in BuckingKaw

Pet«r H'anSxiTO'ap'h Hooe cl:ed

in BBckinghaujti ceunty. He was

;: - text of the • 3-^e : ^ as follows:

L\. i f.-eas. The Preeident of t:^ " - "f>d S t a t e 8 , _ { ^ n g under the ^ ' ' dec-ar-ii that a s t a t e ' ^ war ex-T-L~ 'r 'ween Germany ifid the \'nur.: .-tates. and

Wr.treas, the question of food sii; 1 '7 :s now confrontingtis asa

stratio^ agent, who made a five-minute address oh plana'for com­bating tbe present food situations -^ - - —

Mr. Montgomery was followed, by Mr. B. K. Watson, director!-' xJ the Agricultural High Schoohftf the Eighth Conerreasioiial Digi triet. Mr: Watson's address was aUmg the line of agiicullunU pre- IheUmiiMU'y Satrker-for QfpKT paredness, outrinix^f-briefly the pte,na,of the Prince WiUiam county * Smith committee in bringing'all Uife forces of Prince WilHam tfiggthpr fo^ active coopecalion in increasing the food^supplyT

After these short addresses RetHesentl^ve Carlia'sj gan. AeeerdiBg^ewcvious annottnecmoht, hei

c T b r

of the day," which signifies to every mind in Amjriea-the story of the great war in which we are to bMbme active participaniS: - irt^te Baptist €harch, the MiniB-

^ , Gaijin was very earnest in his attitude, -apd his agrioHiinpyi and gravity were communicated to his hearers, who sat in almost abaotoe.4itene» exc^at f«tjQnaa8i)tn»lTimHraiMw of aorptiae or a«e-' quieMOice and spontaoeetta Djjcyts of-aiH^lause.. -> '

A dramatic moment during bis speech was the recital of the story of the night in CongreBS when the war resolution was adopted. "1^0 man cared for the opinions of hia fellows," said Hr. Carlip, "he was searching his own soul and Ms own conscience. ..And lie it said to the credit of this old Commonwealth, which ^vef birUi to the Republic, that not one "No!" came from old Vligfnigr**- ^

His opening r^narks dealt with tbe events leading up to the entrance of America into the war, and his closing wends were a darioB caH to d»e men who wouW accept^t^ "blessed privil^e'' of offering their lives, if aeed be,^>a the altar of freedtoi. fcH^Ldb ly^ Justice apd penaanrat peace. When he spoke of President Wilado, "thegreoteat man i n ^ White "~'°it linrr thr iara nf Thpman JeffosojD." a great i»art)f applause went up from stssemblaga. '


GdavMwy to Prpteet Battb Street CnMsng.

The town council Monday even-log passed a ing the Southern railway to pro­tect the Battle street crossing -ixf watchman MT otherwise." The resolution, which was ttitro-duced by Councilman Arrington and seconded by Co«i>cthnan Cmv ner, was adopted by a single vote, the deci4iiig ballot of Mayor -Ws^en&r Six flseml ggaaett^were preaeniaiid the vUe

the-measure was aa follows:

aeraad Speidoi; no, Conneilmen -Naaht-Jotoson and Wenrich.

The town water rate was raised 5 eentrcurHie 1.^00 galkais, the minimom charge bdng raised from $L50 to $2.25 per quarts.

Reports were presented by MaycrWagener. S^geant Wine,

;ority of Congress.' *'•'» | Sqpt Rosenberger and the chair-maaa of the Public Utilities com­mittee. The Public Utilities re­port showed the collection of $4&9.61, for eieca-ic lights during

T H m r TO ffifis^^

Talmi lor ^ e * b r Ceuatry FoUc.

A good story is told by Repre-entative Edmund Piatt, of New

York, and Representative John J, Rogers, of Massachusetts. A d ^ or two before tite extra ses-

a"hd vfg^ orous statesmen, having a day on theirchands, came out to Manas'-aaa to take a tesson. in "histoyv without books.'^

After consultation with Lieut Round and geefaaaster Da vies, they staftScTTiul on a" fwi^Eeea-mile trampjoyei tliegiuunil wliBW the Armies of Northern Virginia

The ck»ng hymn ^^' ^ r ' ^ T " . ? 5 ^ £ ^ ''"^ battle on J ^ ^ S T c S ^ an! oo^ft^^ i e £ l ^ & ^ BfeLean farm, near Btackbom's ford. They left Manaasaaat 12 m. and reached the Washingtoo tsol-ley at Fdrfax Court-house at 4

nr When they readied Centerville

they availed themselves c^ ^ueh enceJtainnMst aa waa furnished •by Hw^cuuntry store: While lunching on crackers, eneese and sardines, they entered into con­versation with other guests on historical subjects, and when-in­terrogated as to their names and mission they followed the exam-

state;' waa appoliiswl by Governor Stuart at a meeting of the farm and home d e m o n s t r a t i o n agents of the extension divison of the Virginia ^gfricultofal and Mechanical Cdtege and Polytech­nic Institute, held at Richmond, April 17. The meetinii^^^9 was attended by repr^^atativ^s of the Virginia depfftoent of \gri-culture and ymimigr|tion, ^ e

tion and " -tiona. —The purpose of the council of safety iu to coordinate the eff^orts of all the state agriealtorti and educational agencies on a definite program for {^rodoction,. conser­vation, economic use ^ d distri^ !butio&of food and snppjifts in Vir­ginia, /

Authority: Gdveraor S tu a r t yave to the cooneil theassuraQce

cAiPAffiN o r E R ^ ^ n s ^ ^rrel-the full suietion and authority

SflBitli Mewnga Be^pii

of thu union pro-' hibitiQDjervice Sunday'evemiig

held aspedJiM -maefug^ A» -Cypi^ Saaitly jr.y the evaagelist. has reqa«tted that the meeting begin on Jon^ S. iiMtead of May 27, tbea«K>cia> tion acquiesced m hk desire.

Mr. Smith haa been working

and wishes to have the month of tpravjous to hiagiBar

mer campaigns in Maaaflsas, Middleborgand elsewhere.

It wis decided riso-to- itold imion pixyer meetings dtuing t h e \ m o n ^ of' M ^ , bcsmodng Ikext wedc. in connection -with the di^riet niteetitts^ to- be h ^

, i ~ .. ^ on Hogday and FViday, prelihii' al VHrtnrt on Tramp m,y | „ j ^ , evaugelteUt mm,

of TBie ex«titiYe braneh of the sttate government in its activities, anddematidedl promjii and penua-nent oi^nizations^tci deal with the food situation. \

It was detenqined tft create a agricultural coPDCil of

l^fsafet? te^^-oseeute the -work of ' tfaie state council -in each county ^ ^1 each state. *

Tthas been conai(kredwise to plaM 4m'|fie'*cou^ council tSe farm and home demonstration agentaand the division superin­tendent ef schools and then to create district' cnondls to further the_w<ffk in each magisterial dis-taT«*l>l thecciihty. -

These councils are to be com-of a representative ctf the

4-paign. The schedule of union prayed

me^nga-is as foUowi: Mav 9-Graee Chnreh. Rev.^T.

.guea.'a county cipwiai,~a^; Ixnaa sai a farm gopun, t ^ a baidEer ot buainess man. In addition each ccmneil may include Bocfa' individaab TSf p^srraenta- " tives of local oiganizations as . may be desirable. These coun­cils will w(vk with-all the people iQyd institoticHis M'their districts; WBA vriS'carry <»)t the general , Mnea 4>f ° actioin thafc will be di­rected by the Vitgliua Agricul- . turri Council of aafety.

The cotmty council will call a meeting in each d i i^c t , in thft


D. D. Claiic, leader, i f a y IC-'-Bspflgt Church. Rev;

J. F.Bnrka. leader. IncKt wcckor two May 2a-Pre»byteriatt ehurch,t^^^;;^J;i;;5: ,^,;

Rev. B . Q. Burr, leader. May 3d—Trinity Cbiireh, Rev.

Airora K.euey. waaCTT Onihetot^two S r a d a y m | ^ ^ ^

union fyr*nqt^^if. awnriftM w the tabernacle. On May .20,. the

Ciark. It is hoped That the churehea

throughout the ooon^ will co­operate—la tlicae—preUmiuary meetings as Veil as in the evas^ gelistic campaign. Pastors- tie^ sizing tajBOopenitc are reqitinted to send thdr names to Rev. Al-foi^i^^aB^fpaeeretaiy of thrs^Boo Minitiiiial AsKtciation, Manaa-

Ya. .

pose uf getUng the forces togeth­er and to organize or appoint thfrdJHtrif.t cottneilfl. ThftflPt mert:^ ings will bo in r^

team of not less than six speakers: —TwcLdates so far have been an-nounced« The first raUy will ^OEe-^erBrDimifrtea WeduBt— day evening at '8 o'clock and the second at Independent Hit! 6h Friday raaening. May 11, at 8 o'ek)ck. Every member of the

be commnnij^es are invited to


4* Prince Wi

The Navy Department

riH'U t»><^mauf«<*-' • b«» ••• •• mtoxicarttfi of •Sf-Lje i i ; .<>

rMr-:i ^ bora-at Mayfield, Prince Wijliam tat -.i^ "•- co6ai7, on May 13. 1889, was'pa,^- -

" a t t f a e Epiacopal S i g h •?>^e-~flrv to "'• ^ .-•—'- gB4 • was ' tore r.f ijfra.n

LOi aiij .s.-r..i wiiatA'*^v^r.^fxi ""l:ttSi>ived. I'.aX a Cul:-. •.:: i.::;.-i

'••??' .t:i-*r. P' .-cnf *" »c-r..i:«".r ' Thfirrta? >• Ma": :'. .-'"••'a;.':- ,.-. .:'.'

^y'r.&r.f'^ . ar..'. r.i] '" '^•'• !*Cum- President .n tne rnitc-d Slates. "lobe," "Done by order . f citizens

of Manassas. Virpima. -n mass assembled on .\prii 29.


faoth in the Army and initfae ffitffith of M ^ - ^ and our h-Ties. ^a ter rant for the .uarter ending

h'^xijved i hat our represen- . •, i -rv_„^ K, ,t/H«., ._.i.,| .•j re a.-s •-.'.-.. he deemed were-issued aunng ttip month.

(>••<*» i'or $-;.•>.. -,; to T; Railway, ir-twr date

The association decided to re-rnrrd'.yt.i;"»;"::k^^;::fnir.'^:tqo«t Wr^^ to ho^d^gbeciaI] leased a larg^ tract of la.

truth." ^ „ _ _ _ _ . - I every SatuKiay night. _!» straining camp to A few (lays later Repres«enta-' All preaching ser^-ices in thejably o.'VHl sa.lor;-




• ca; : r -^rv.f,^ t.-• ortte''•=i niec ~

' '.T'T:. :he raiir-viu pai pr -'fr h("!

.•\ cess, pool on ti'.e .ii:- ; .: i Unah Wilkinson was referrecj tc J the street committee for report.

!'-•. . .ncii and » ;->rr: un; ^ as hr .<;, Jr traCic t::- the mimci-

•;ive;!-tOj?m receive,-? a wen-wrif- Manassas churches will be .sua- undergo,ne tii». t*-n i»itter from A yt*K4 R --"f C-«t-' Tt^ ^. i y,

f . l . r . . . . c . ,nfon«=f«r (,.m that ,t.i>€nded on the mor: -.K- of May • wffc»he»r^ccurrert|v rfrHirted that 1^- which ;-~ Baccalaureate Sun-

P-ad passeti:da.v ;i: r,a.-iera L-c-.iesre. The - r .pis^. . \. ..•":. "'^'»> • • ' • l i i

iVn" .<: «• •.. >, id \ i . , « i , . >(f a f u r • •i'-A, o f ' " f " n j ; ' >' :

• •• ^ •• ; ;.-, e - took plc.-.-'. (••Arn ny-^r

^ a t tr.« •' '.'. be de.;'Cr"-rpr

wii lK .-. liam^ ^'

. ^,w . .,f>,p ft,.,.' .. -T r ',r, .'.avj ""•- .1' S<i" rr-tnaPl^'

• -.-inTntT o

\n'e\\<. ibii?he ' " w::.

. •-"• •- •• piar^ lor

...;.: r.x.v ;,ee:-. mad£ trc' ^•cpartnient. Qfttiiliar 1 ''evrr > a.., and others

"flfiii- f*e ;ticat«fi -m then f Long Island.

\\. E. B.'undaire. ^ D,. pa.- • Wooden barracks will be -used the camp, as it has been dem­

and iH'.ace rt nn ---:ne Warrerto- r;Kp.

tor of the EckmgtonPresbvteriar; onstrated that 4;hey are cheaper C%yreh, WashiHgtofi. and inore readuy provided.

^ MMi^i^^»«Ni f t£^ . i iM. -W

..._: /* mm i—wi^i—i^i^f^^f^^^i^^^F—"!• w



TO FOSTE^WOOL GROWING GRffiNWICH WINS B A W m C o l u m b i a SkephmtTs Staff|M«n*MCi Gr*<ters LoM Coonty

Keep* Hoom t)iMBa Daily

i i t l c ^ ^ b i a ^ ^ b e r d ' s Staff, an aasociatioD in the interett of thfftr rwifing whirh wm ri!ff"*tfy formed at Manaiu&riceept its roonu in the M. I. C. Baildios: opm daily to visitors. A bul-iwla buml a t U w foot of the stairs on Battle street contains reference to the association and its wmk.

Literature pertaining to sheep raising, marketing, samples of

"Track and~Field Comped^^ tioo by t Points.

The Qreenwich athletic team won the county championship last Friday afternoon at the an

t\2nd, Taylor Weir. Mao: Carroll Bailey; 4th, Dillon

Broad jump, yolbs., 15 — Won by Wilbur Kose aid, l>illwi Wood: 3 ftttley; 4th, Taylor Weu".

80.yard dash. 116 lbs. Won by Dillon Wood; 2nd, Warren Greg-ory, Manasaaa; 3rd, Edward Con­nor, Manassas; 4th, Oden 6re«den, Manassas.

AY 4. 1917 _

436 COWS TESTE&tN APRIL eport of Official Tester Contains Names of Twenty-six

Honor Roll C o w s Which H a v e Produced More Than Forty Pounds of Butterfat Per Month.

nual track m f m ^ o r ^ Z ^ ^^^X^'t'''""

woeli and foneyig arc o»hibite4r- -a eaw PiunwDisi»U!.h

of last Sunday published the fol­lowing article concerning t^e pur-poaes of the orgairiaation: ,

An association to belcnown fay the naine of the "Columbia Sbep-

sif" has been organized In thjRvaction witii headquarters, heM in Mftnassas. The leading obAct of tiie dissociation isto p)ro

Prince William county schools. Manassas was a close competitor, with 70 and l l- lSpoints to the Greenwich tally of 77 4-15. Hay-QWket. represented by onS inan, came in third, with 6 pcHnts to her credit.

The result of. the meet was in the nature of a surprise, as the Man«s{«s graders h»ve captured the banner far-four successive

The summafy ef ewinte fdlewa; 50-yard dash, 80 lbs., 7 2-5sec­

onds—Won by Waltejr Clark. Ma­nassas; 2nd, Everett Robinson, Greehwicfi- 3rd, JuKaajGi^TOry, Hanaaaa8;4th, Charles Lake; Ma-nassas.

High jump, 80 lbs. 4 ft. 4i in. —Won by Herbert ,Beale, Hay-market; ^ d , Biakemore Fleming. Manassas; 3rd, Walter Clark; 4th, Bennie Rosenberger, Manassas.

Broad jump, 80 lbs., l a f O F in.—Won by Everett'Robinson;

. .^ . .^ ^„^ 2nd, Biakemore F,lemlng; 3rd, ing animal industry in this p a i t j ^ * ^ ^ ' Manassas; 4 ^ , Her-

•«» yard daofa, 96 Ibo.. 7 3 6 ooe.

dward Conner, Manassas; H. Lintner, Greenwich, and Irving Taylor, Greenwich; 4th. Wilbur Rosen-berger. - - . .

Broad jump.115 lbs., 16 ft. fi in. — Won by Wilbur Rosenberger; 2nd. Dillon Wood; 3rd. Edward Conner; 4th, Carroll Bailey.

lOO-yard dash, u n l i m i t e d weight, 12 1-5 sec. Won by Dwight Hopkins, Greenwich; a>d,-Caflylo DeButts, Manassas; Srd, Warre^<?re8ory;4t^i Btny^ Rosf, Greenwich.

Trie April report <jf Mr. H, W. Sandei-^, ottiLiai tf.sler of ihe i'rinee Williani (x)unty Cow Testing .Association, slalet; that 43G : Give your horses a little tonic eowh were lehted tiiH-ifts the ffK>nlh. • Tlie i\ and records of the following c-ows in the association produced more 30 days:


rep,>rtyveHtht*narrie6,^gfQ,g they have to go into issociation which have

an 40 ()(>unds of butterfat during the period of

J. M. Barre t^

hundred years l i^orts^e War Between the States #afl4be lead

of Virginia. It expecta to find much uUiw buaiiiesfte look* af tea' in helpinsr 6) enforce eidsting laws against the wandering dog, creating a bettn* interest In tbia raising of all manner of stock and poultry and i s the protection of insectivorous birds and in dis­seminating knowledgg^throagh 'OAkft and ftthcnriso along tho

lines. The asaociation ea^peeta

•Won by Dillon WuuJ, Gnwii-wich; 2ttd, Walter Claris; Jhrd, Wilbur Roeenborger,' liaiiassas; ,4th. Camdl Bailey, Greenwich.

—Won by Wilbur .^paenberger;

880-yard run, unlimited weight, 2 min. 35 sec.—Won by Dwight Hopkins;' 2nd; Ereest Bailey, GreenwichnBd; Bffiirltoss; 4m, Dillon Wood.

High jump, unlimited weight, 4 ft. 7J in.—Won by Dwight

M. Seese SnevBball. W. D. Sharrett No. H . . . . _ t i -s ^^-„- .No.-XXIH F. L. Smith

H^kias;-tied-lor ooeond place:}A. g."Ma<;Michaei'.'.'."Blue Ernest Bailey, Burr Roes and Schley Ross, all of Grerowidi, *hdX:wTy1e~DeButl8^hd WairMn Gregory, Manassas.

Broad jump, unlimited weight, 17 f t 8 in. - W o n by Dwight Hop­kins; 2nd,^DawaoB Bailey; 3rdr Carlyle DaBotts; 4tb, Warwm Grogiory^

12 1b. s h o t put. unlimited weight, B3 ft. 6 in. —Won by Daw­son BaUey; 2nd, Edward ConnM-; 3rd, Carlyle DeBotts; 4th, Burr Ross.

E. _E. Btou^h.

J. J.

l.ady Mary >-hortUt, l.ady Mary Kickef

s p e c k l e O u e m s e y

Anne G. H. •. G. Dur. . G. J G.i...:-. (;, H?r, 0 H. . . .

<.i. ...

Mra. H. M J. F. Hale

. B<Pa Pauw

• Keil Bf'jiuti G. JJur. ..Wliit-fmce r. H

. Aris StWer deKot ."tf. . . f;-.

.Baby II G. H.

.No. IX J

J. 'B. Johnsoo C. C. L y n n : . . , , . . . 1. A. Miller . . : No. XI. J. F. Miller .7 Beauty.

Black. .

H u m p y . .%k S l u b b y . . . . . Ant i i f Ko<»ney. Cnp Mary Pop Eyes "O. C" . . . . .

G. G G. H ii. a..-..

...G. n^i...

. G. J

. G, H. (i. H

. G. H G. J

. . .G. H

. , .G. H. . . . . . .

.. G. J

. . .ۥ. J . . - . -.. Daisy G. H

.;nd. p.-. i > i . i 1' .. ru;.. • i r k - - d r n T Burtemr

936 4.3 4U.i! l u l l 4.2 •iZ.-)

y«i 4.1 10.2 1152 3.8 43.8 i a j 7 . . 4. 49.1 1:547 3.7 4».8 H64 4.9 42. ;j

!U77 3.8 4U.9 •Hft) 4.9 44.5

1224 3.6 42.8 1276 .S. 63.8

885 4.9 4 ; i2 981 4.1 40.2

1083 3.8 41.2 1068 4.1 - 43.8 1092 3.8 41..-i

963 .'j.6 53.9 1 4 2 2 - - 3 . T " 5 4 . -12«3 3.7 46.7 1203 .•}.8 45.7 672 tJ.l 40.9

1314 3.6 4<>. 1290 4.2 54.2

882 6. 52.9 "987" ' 4.6 46.4 1410 .-3.1 43.7

the field every day. It makes

them more efficient. W e have

Hess & Clark's or International

;^nnceWilliafflPliannacy y M a n a s s a a , V i r g i n i a

PrescriptioBS ? Tk^'s Oar Bosiseu.

t^FOR^RING If you value Accuracy in the CTecurioii--o^^wrl3ob Wort, you will not be disappointe with THE JOURNAL'S service

to establish here a warefaoose in which tos twe and grade wool fox the sheep tmaaa tat&to arrangii with banks to finance and othnr' wise aid the industry.

It is befieved t h a t - ^ k k the

a long-felt waDr~fn Virginia should the (»rganization become as far-reaebh« as it is hoped i% will by th«M> who bnreatartdl theventorer ~-< -

The sheeip industry, while it ia a most neceaaaty line of bushw-dry, has recdvei-tittle enooora-gement and -lesa attentioo by owners of land. Therehfve been two reasons-for thisr—^e first. ts that a 'farnuir m*y have,a fine

^I^m^ C: M B ^ L7 JVT a i^ o ' ' ...-3

•ftoefe-lnd by the next iiM»tun^ through no faof t^BSTfE wST^ be worthless, on aecoant of tha worthless dogs which have heare* tofore beep allowed to run at large over oar eoontiea. Thia has been reme£ed inVirgisia by a law which makes it a wi«»^» meaner for anyone to let hia dog ran at large, aiid if this law is rigidly enforced tbe^uxocar will be able to rest mtnc aecorety when he retires."

The other reason is that the farms in V i iy ma have to a large extent not bccu fuuut'Uargta turn sheep, and to do this the farmer has to go Is etmaiderable oxponooj hat pfiees ot woot tMre is strong i » centive te fenee ao that rfieeir

^ may be raised. The o h j e e f i ^ i t e t % i ^ h l i

Shepherd's Staff. thafc-fe^JB. terest the farmoa in seeing thak the dog laws am HBforeed, iBd to encourage the J]gjgatry aa much-«sti(»£bl^aiHltiia hooic orgaaisatiaa haa in view the }fn>-ject of beeoiiiing the owner A large traeta o f land whidi «t pfCTtafgan be boMTht r w r y fi? $12 p«- aera, to start^i more cz tenaive mt»w—^ i^ ih^p nimif . and in naay w i ^ to aaaiat io heliMDgthe produe<itodirx>aeof his prodncttoabetttradvBotagai .\lso to rfloduet a ' aralMmac

wool and gfC a portkm of the corth of the wool witho<it hay-ng to sell the first party who

may desire to do him a favor to buy his wool at half price.

S.-etkrea. WicbiUu. K>i i i , J«a* 7 .15 . , 9 1 7 . .,-,•, 1 th«>b<»»« fmgfrToorv. .viiii).

••.<,-• '.-sr.r.j. _sa. rttara ....-.• :•." •-•nr..; .^)^DU for cl«a..- ~ <» r.!«

iftGikesifi*eWTs ALtAyooL

Garden making is in order. Do you ne«9d any new tools? We have afbig stock to select

Trdm. -SBnBerai_BfiiQaabeE,_Hfe-are. sole agents for tlie~01i'^e

lilled goods—plows, culti­vators, ptow points, etc. The only place in Manassas wh»% you can get genuine Oliver pmnts.



Ricii's N e w Style Book of -Shoe Faafaions wiO^ins Mailed on Request

lUuBtrates aeveralof the modelt which ^ -Will be worn this fall ahd winter by

dtoeriminating people—men, women and children. With it yipn e«»i-with perfect Sirtiafaction.


B. Rich's Sons ItfrOae f St, Car: lOtfc


X v e r y t K i n g ; G o i n g U p T Cost of living; farm implements have

adyancbd; it coats much more to educate yoor children than formerly; wearing-»PP*r»l and everything you buy is going_ SEi W< arH Tntd that fire umuHtnce-

If £t t ing qualities, appearance and nidttri ^sh^)dihcss<are .conadcfadons with-yett^-inaiat


-^A. B. K i i ^ h b a u m Co.'—whose advertising has g i v e n coinfffy-wide f a m g t o the fa^mous

•Ml-wool— lovpercent and nocomfinmiseT^ ^.

^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ « ~ « ^ 3 P ° J ^ i i ? ? i . « : ^ ^ |;20, $ 2 S a n d u p j o ^

AD wool tingles in c^-ery strand with life cotton it clmraaerlaK, Imtterk^ dead:

-Woot fe sponds to the tailor's needl^ and shapes Jtaeli under•ntstouch "nittOTirBif^^te^^Metw4 unre^x>nave.

-Cot toa h i<^ i^ in a fabric of wopl cuts its way to m e fnmt» so that a suit w h i c h dart^ out a» if ft might be »U mml ends up by kiokiiig^aaif i t might hr MJl-fUm, - ^ —


Tl iU ia -prood ol: i«M»Ili$ec^~ tion with America's dominant all-wool house

- ' HinU on tfu Care «/ Ciothts

Brash your suit or overcoat bejbre'you put it o^*ai

when you take it off. T h i s will keep out the grit

and Atat, wti ich-not only wears out the fabric.but 'jMLh-a fated aMWuaace. ~—v^~. ~

Don't wear a suit for nwre than tltfee day* in suc-<-«sMOA. Tlkeii yjfc^k^a thoiAiith bniahinf mai hare it prcMcd. '

O o c c a Inoiuh utm th« coat aatf trousers insiSc o«t and jtang them out of doofs for a thorwigh airiag.

A_a«enutis ebscryance of tfcesc oinpte mks, will add at least cix mooths to (he life of tfa« clothes. '

Rector & Co. hf HAVMARKET, VA.

MCDERT^KERS P r o m ^ ajad aatiaf«ctory aer-^

x ^ - H e a r a e fumiakkd for -

any reaK>nable dbtftm'*^

companies are advancing their rates in tremendous proportions—BUT REMEM­BER—the old rriiable Fauquier Mutual Fire Insurance Ckwipany have not as yet advanced their rates. Now, before that fire conwn, inmrw your property. Bet.-ter to lane i t a sd not need it than to need^ It and not have i t We will be glad to giveyouratet . No renewing every year or two. JNO. M. lOJNE. ^ ^2-16 Manassas, Va,

C « » r a l A a M m U j SoutbMv P r u b y - . teriaa Church, BirnungluuB, AU.—.\r-COTnt the aboTe m«etinR Soutbero Bailw^v wilt'li«»»on n l « WWashington. C T ' , ADZ princip*! poiati ia Virgiaiit rHueed iuuuJ — trip faweioormoo ticket* Miy Mth to ITih

o****. hsariag final ntnm liaii ^ ^ » « » tnp i a d o

-H 1,1617. Coimik Ascats lor dauilo or wnt»

W«»hingt<m, D. C. 48-4t'

— FBBBS & GIDDINGS T b e Qnljr E x c l u d v * G n t a ' Ovtfitt«ra m the Coonty , Maaitasaa, V i .

" ^ ^ Tr«Trf«»'Pro»«etiTe Autx^^tyan • f AsMrica. S a n a a K G a . , J n a * 11 th • 1 Sth^ i a t 7 . AccooBt this cooreotion .^..ntbern E»flw«T Will h«v» on u i « « t W«»h r.i^n 0. C , aDd principal stations .a \ ;ra i..... .M dooed rOTud trip far? uciBta ;r .-viri . J a B e _ ^ t o UHh. 1917, bearioc ^o». r^-.i^n linu» of Joi»~S2537 -timr«i>d-«»*>«4Uiu;. . i . »topCT»Meoroute,(jouia«ndn»ton!inj; Cor. Wk Aawita far de>«fl« o, wrut-^H- ^ hr-BnUa.l) P. A , SOMIMM FUiUa, . v«.„»-ragux. D C . •-.-. ,:

j 12lh Annual S«««ior S U B O « T Cootreaa c o l N«.hvi, i» T f a r

j J3*fc-lStll. -\(S-. jrl ihit. .T ..r: jera B«)iw»T wiji ;,»»,. cm an.. ,: • I ton, D. C , and iitA;...r.t .-,; - • ,. i *»r» liokM* le N»«nT-:i« "a .r 112U. and '..ith .=,,- ; ..j .'

I lex dstailn or wnu- V. H. IV: .; », . lSooliM>ni RulwaT S»Tit«n, Wa» ':

ic. • •

Geo. D. Baker J

Undertaker And Licensed Embalmer

."r-.a-.p! »t;«itir.n g-,iRn ail .TMWIL P n « » *8..o» aa gnoc. u-r^.at uiA maj&ial irilj joa-

. u';.'. MFTALIC C.VSKETa C A E B I E D I -

i JOTTKi ^ -4^WB^3I¥, MAY 4. l « r ;%->

Tlie Manassas Journal

ilw NanasMS Joenial PablisiiiBg Co., be.

Ente/wl at the Pi:>i>t ntticc at Majiassas. Vir^nm. itis Secuini (.mss Miiii Mailer

Siiscnpd«B, $1.00 A Year ia Adruce

Fr-uiay, May 4, i917

W m r W E ARE AT WAR A recent editorial in a com-

'mercial leaflet * published at Gloversville, N. Y., has an origi­nal way of explaining the en­trance of the United States into

-the war.. Thefditnrial isaafol-lows: ~

T>i5if tho T^nHH Ptfft^ cVin.Ti

trols her. She is not engaged in a war of aggrandizement. She is warring against no nation as a iialioM, but simply as the ex}X)nent ot' a [irinciple which she (•oneeivfs li.i i>e apposed to her dearesst iieritagc. .\.s Oen-eral Cjaj ' f said just I nature the baUl<-' of Lexiiiiiton, ••'I'he very children here seem to draw in libei-it> witii Llie air—they breathe."

To the real American, to be deprived uf liberty is the one thing which makes life unen­durable. And 80 we have started to "do our bit" to help pay the price of world—race—liberty.


become a participant in' the g i ^ t world war ia not at all to be wondered at, for its -so doing

Ts simply in^accordance with the law of cbmpepsation which de­crees that we pay the price for everything we possess, or enjoy. A l a w which c e r a t e s as unerf


The annual fair of the Prince William county schools sur­passed in interest, quality and importance all school exhibitions o f former years. Its success is attributed largely to the inau­guration of d i s t r i c t fairg. These preliminary displays have stimulated community effort in the management of the district competitions, eliminating the accomplishmenfe df lessSf v'Shie —^only blue ribbon, exhibits be-iiig entei'ed in the-cutHtty^ con-test—and raising perceptibly tiie standard of exce l l ence

This achievement is properly accredited to Superintendent McDonald who conceived the


Events of Commencemeat We«br: to Begrin With Recital on

MotuUy. May 7.

Commencement week at East­ern College will begin on Monday, May 7, with an expression reci-tttl and the Preeidest's prize de­bate. The public is^cordially in­vited to all the exercises of the week. No formal invitations are issued by the «}iIeKe.

The events of commencement week follow:

Monday, May 7—Expression recital by Miss Arrietta Smith and Mias Blanche gushong, at 7:30 p. m. President's prize debate contest at 8:45 JK m.

Tuesday, May 8—Expression recital by Miss Carrie Fetzer, at 7:30 p. m. Allebach prize orator-"halt contest at 8:45 p. ni.

Wednesday, May 9—Senior

Sianuforte recital by Miss Mabel ones, at 8 p. m. Thursday. May 10-Students'

pianoforte recital at 8 p. m. Friday, May U—President's re-

2E ax This bank is a bank of the pec«le, by the people, and for the people.

of d ie p ^ p l e because _L^/

ceptioD to senior class'at 8 p. m, Saturday. May 12—Exhibition

and reception by school of home economics at 3 p. ra. Recital by pupils of expression department at 8 p. 01.

Siinciay^May 13—RamaJHiiniatf! sermcm by President B.T7. Roop, LL.D.. at 11 a. m. Camnut praise ssrvice at 6:46 p, iri , Kiir

plan and e n e i g ^ c a l l y placed It Annaal Com&tsaeiemeat at 1ft a. in operation. The Second year \uider tfie new scfaedHle is ex-

^ ringlj as the law of g r a v i l a t i ^ ^ a a d ^ ^ j i r w i a e leVfin' greater ai»d tme which can netthelrSe broken nor circamvented withr out disastrous results to those wliD attempt to sidestep i t

For years the workl has been to regajd the w a w

which have tooken out iri Ea-rope as quitfrels of rival dynas-

' tiesf or efforts on the part of monarchies to extend their do­minions. When the present

-strugg^-was- in it ineipiency, ^aad^or more tiia&a yearafter-

warde, t h e p e c ^ of ihe United States viewed it is as such. £>at gradually, as the inwardnMS of

Interest thnn^gfaoiit the county. » " ^

The crowd of schod children at t h e c o w a t y f a i r w f e a n J ^ i r -iqg s i |^ t t o be remembered. And a jpartiealariy iuiaring

t j i e t ^ ^ n ^ ' B was revealed, we came-to v n d ^ s k o d tJu^ this war was the climax and outcome

.of all preceding wars. That it ^ras a wBF agaiagtwar-and tha^ princifdes and poficies which made war peesiUe. Yet even


thii% was their patriotic choice of flying the Stars and Stripes instead of the school banners which heretofore have contrii^: uted chiefly toUve^ f(Wtiye as­pect of the fair.


Bestrontr. We are not here to play, to dream.

to drift. We have tiard work to dp> and :_ -loahLtftlift. : : • - . Shan not the struggle, face rt,

/ C s Oud's glf L •

lay lance in rest as modem Doa. Quixotes. We waited until our own hberties were assailed.

Th^ieaze certain great race

Besbrdn;. It natters not how deep iQ<

. , trenched the wnoft. IhwigKsofwfi ichldveofhberty g^jrSatftheti iatel!0«.theda^^ . ^ x^ZZ^...^ is o i L _ The race is at p r e s e n t ^ , how long ^ L j f e - ^ ^ ! l ! f J « J S : i ! ^ 2 £

Faint o ^ fight on. . Tomorzow comas the aoas:

—By Maitbia faNmnl,

IS o n e ^ T i» race is ai present respoirfii^^ to the vage of the l i b n t y tiiooght and working out i ts own destiny. It feete

_aie_cogigali»otLM i ^ i ^ ^ e ^ desire for iroettoHU i t c o o l o j a more hold back from the inevi-table than wiaar can ladp run-

~ m ^ doWft' hill Most persons familial

bodies of f reA w a t « , track lakes and reservoirs, know that at certain seasons they became

bottc«i and 1 ^ water seethes. I l iuuaidtobc"wnrkiTc" Grad­ually the di8tiutsEBee4i«s & m n

BeslrmaK. . Say not the days are evi l -^fao^

tofc^aiae? And f<rid thy handsand aeqaieBoe

0 Btiame' ^ Stand^np. qMiik oat. and h n v d y ,

in God's name.

noal addros beforeCbristiaB ASi sociationsa'tS. p. m.

Monday, May 14—Glass day ex-^rcfsesat Sp . m. ' ^ ^ D ^ ctritcMt byadvanced papfls iT pianoforte department, at 8 p. m.

Tuesday, Mi r 15—Eightamsth


T f e fwrmers wete T'eiXBony to see the heavy rains.

Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Abel, of Washiiurton, spent a few days with !&. Abel's p a r e n t M& and Mrs. W.J'. AbeL jThey: tuynsd to their home in Wiw i n ^ n Mondav ni^^t.

Mrs. John Cair&t spent sev­eral days with h » mouier, Mrs, NoraDavi^of ItcsMiow Brooke

to home inWaafaB^' t c ^ .^\S^

Messrs. u. (I twujnandR AbeT spent Thuraday in ISdt-

THEY MADE IT by the people because

THTTWi^^Trr and for the peoptfe because



Are you using i t ? I f not, w h y no t ? All your neighbors do. Our patrons a r e the people. You should be one of t h « n . Start today dding youjr business W I T H U S .

Eank of Hana$s2^ f \ : ^

- T H E B A N K O F P E R S O N A L S E f i V l c e ^

i f t f i J^ ,' J


TBudiWt lAwirmr OT Doctor, amoe f^<u HnmaSi^ d f f i i i d «*'» f l ^ aaiTllifi htut rnsti IM>

» . •• St a . a


mcmd, r e t o r n i ^ tib Thursday n ^ b ^

^ PERSONAL MENTION Mrs. Nora Davis aotddaugb-

t » ^ Mrs. Calvert, spent Satur-wijh Mrs; Eva AAdersoi^ of

Misses A C. and A M. Dunn eajiad Friday to soe their-aiMst, IIES. Jt.'T.Syneoa^^io has been veor i t t ^

J g n c s Anderson ioaiek reryii


4feii» fiiw-no :?fe¥rfark sharpers' It wffl pay y^ te taffi ifov^nffid get cwir lateiL u n .:__-;^---

We I ^ he wui soon


7 The. fanners of this section are busily engaged in agn^cultu-nl poTsoitB, Xla? time for phmfr' w y a r i y crops being " "' ^ ~ aeeount of the ~


_ late aprii^and rains. ^ • Kaii Wooifendea was a

ness of Mr. Max Weber. Among the persons frwn this

neigMranieod who attended the fair at Manassas were IGsses

and the watra- is aeen to- he-gerthaWoolf«nden,AnHaftoo*- * clearer than before the agitation commenced^

That i B ^ t a p l r nature's way of purifying such bodies of w ater. It ia an inherent power they puBsasB a n d - a _ _ ^ which they ha»» tio control Mra Hattie Worffenden spent

fenden, Hattie Goi& and Mary C u t e r and Messrs. Waltesrand K^niwr** Woottienci n. - ~— —-

Biifoes Anna Woolfenden and Mary Carter were the goestB of

: once started it must run its -^^^^^^^ g p ^ ^ Tuesday mght

\ r....i<,

,Uow-n ^J^ouiaer:n

d-at xa. what the race is n ;his war. It is W hen the war is ended , \-.u\ r.avr .'urified itself

ano .i^^itocracy. ; .^:.i:f5 nas not • ry»cau '* "<*' any

Mrs-'Cleve Wrirfit Sundayr me " . Themaa Woollsnisa ami

- • 7 with Mr.Ihomas J. Woolfenden, >., having come here in search

again, improve

l i t t l e Miss D(wothy very ill id; her boEoe. '

Mrs, J. J. Amidon is improv^

U| c»rai|'s # e InsipQce Afency to hef'home in Duuifrjeaafterf

tnthhCTuna^' Ji Amidf"*. - •-.


eni Sunday with Mi'. Ctortee spent Sunday n Davi8,of Meadow Brook.

Mr and Mm J ff TapffBPtt

W: Abel, of ft4dw with Mr.

lery. viator Sanday at <i»r hometrf} , ^ J ^ ^ J ^ * ^ " [ J * M r . R W . S t < ^ j c t a W w n a r e ^ d n ^ h i p ^ r ^ a .

to learn of tFe A ^ - t S ^ ^ T J u ^ l ^ i ^ i ^

The new paster wifl PfOMh fais first a e m a n a t Bell Ha?enj S m d i ^ M i ^ Wehtapetoaee

Mrs. J .H.Cato«pentMondy with her i M ^ i t p ; Mrs. C C. Donn. • ~ ~Mr. WaQace Randall made a flying trip to FrederickiAaig M o 3 a y . _ LOOK I T 0 * B ^


Mis9 Elisabeth Ellison, -of | Washington, D. C , apMit the week-end at the home of heft brother, Mr. C. E. SiHaon. ^^

aHKfle"thaf waWfeedsway.t Mr. €hai!«sHP. Bl'owcr, t3ft#

- 1 hnrr

Mr.ThomaeWootfeialett m x k j Norfolk, son of Dr. and Mrsr afiyingtriptoGarrisonvillethis C. F Blower, was hMoe for a ^Q^l^ ..few davs this week.

Commencement exercises will The farmers are busy plant-] h.:^. a: ]',^::^'.:iooir'.? Fr.-, i:\i: oorr. and the wneat m i n i s .

and' '" . - le - i : :-, at ivinp zood.

cKi'i>'-»=. a worthy

r -- » her. •>"*" ^ • • • • i » ^ ^ t ; . . k . M.V, Hvs^




Iknassas Prduce %ha^€ L A R K l N T E E P ^ B t m - P T N G , C E N T E R S T R E E T I




if — Mra. Hugh P^yne has been

quite sick for the past two weeks.

- Miss Etnnpt Ellen Ledman, , the littie daiu^er of Mr. and

fMn. L. Ledmant is seriously ill.

, —Mr. and Mrs. Ober Boyd, of Richmon<i, are the-happy parents of a 'fine son, bom on April 25. Mrs. Boyd will be reme(S5dre^ ift-this neighborhood as Miss Lil< lian Holmes.

—William Bailey Davis, the in­fant son of Mr. and Mrs. J. ILB. Davis, is in the Children's Hos*

Mrs. Davis is SDending tlie weelc at the-hospital.

—Mill Park Schoorneir Hayr market, will close on Monday^

—A dwelling near Thorough­fare, owned and occupied by.

. iJbgrntOB Jftboaoa, —a^ cologad preacher,-was 4«stn^«d by fire last Friday morning. The loss on house and contents, which was partly covered by insurance, was adjusted Wednesday by.Mr. W. N. Lipscomb, of Manassas, and Mr. Tntvers, of the Liverpool and London and Globe Insurance Ck>m-pany.

—The 98th anniversary of the Independent Order of Odd Fel­lows will be celebrated by High­land Lodge, No. 252, at their hall at Independent Hill on Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clock. Odd Fel­lows and their friends are invited

) The closing exercises will be held 'T'Monday evening Ht the^Bc: f hoose, under the direction of Miss

•f Minnie L. Swart, teacher.

-Mr. and Mrs. James R. Lar-kin, who have been living at the Herrell 'property on Battle street, ha^e rented the Main street proo^ ec^y of Mrs. S t o i ^ . Payne and


-Thr Loadocm Ttmes reports

a iwjuig umu iu Nurtheru Virginia from his parents if^Kenaai^ oaa-ve^ei t y s ftigirificiint mflsnagf underneath the postage stamp: "Wea^sitarving."

- • T o m m y ' s Wife" and ''The Elopaneot of Ellen" are the titles of two bumorous plays to be gvtreii ATE^steirn-widrtorium tomorrow ev<^ng by moBberB of the Eaatertt dramatic dub nn-der the direction of Miss Mabel Martin, head of tbe eoXlage de­partment of dramatk art

to bB preanui. TliBiioim: ittllttflfi "faong^iiranen unuicn, near iiie^ in ffharge, which ifi Composed of Mesws.-^ames^ B. 6ole. N; ^ . . imd R . C . Linton, C , fiasan-nounoed that speakers of promi-nence will be present.

—TEe Sanassas Civic Legi^e will meet on Monday evening at the Town Hall. As many mem­bers will be attending the dis­trict prayer meetings, which are to be held preliminary to the G y ^ sy Smith campaign, friends of the league are requested to meet

11 take immedjgtf Doa»>88ion. at 7 o'clock, so that the business

ment made at 8. The subject of that a cen8orgd.letter_received^|^^^^^^^^,^^^^ ^ ^ ^ ^^^t^.

estlng miatters to be considered shoukl draw a large attendantce. It is hoped that the members will come promptly.

—The anniul reception, of thi Tau Beta Phi friitemity of East-em College Twgr,.tepdejrgd: thfe

nraay students Saturday evening from 7:30 t o ~ l l « t the gymnasium^ Music for dancing «8s furfiished bjMi^Washingtan^irclwstEa.

—Miss M^ude Tftnner, daugh­ter ofiferaoitHlrarJotoirWrftBF" ner, of Occoquan, and Mr. James Henry CIMA, 6tC6)eheBim,Fvr-fax coanty, were narried here' Saturday t y R e v . HT Q. Burr, pastor of Grace MethgdistEpiacp-pal Choreh^Soathi Ui Clark i s a son of Mr. C. A. qurk^of Col­chester. • •

—Major Rober^tf. -^i S. A.," soa of Ifaw^

gymasiom was decorated with pennimte bnd . th e fraternity oolor^_oraiwe and Uaefe The orchestra was plaeed in the cen-fej of fee floorahd" Ihe fikaoyras

Patterson, T^^hmtyne

Patterson, of Manassas, will ao company the first Red Ooss hos­pital unit which is to s » l for France at an early date. M a j ^ Patterson has been director of the bureau of. medical service of the American Red Cross for the past four yearBJ rr^- \

THE JouawAL is iu reeeijt<!t of a recent bolletia of the New York State School of Agriculture on Long Island. Farmingdale, N. Y. The boitetin was prepared by Prof. H. F. B6ttoa, head of th^ departmeac of farai crops and soil fwtility.-who. waa-^tha first direetw of Manaseao Agfi^ cultural HigESchoot

—Membws of the Womw^s Christian I'emperanee Union Sre requested to remember the Due Social which is to belietd/tonig&t at th^ hCMxi Of MW. X. B. SplM, beginning at 8 o'clock. The tyeat in store wifi inehide a s|deadid program and wThw good things, It is aaiHWifisdi- '.l>itt!L£|Kcet vour dues."

the presqit prc^bition law is nn-ofustiiuUuual, undenwenate liad un-Scrietoral" is to be given to-momiw eveoiiy at tiie pcd>lic aebooi at Nokesville. Tbe pixti-cipants are Mr. € . Fltzwatef^^l Nokesville, affirmative, aad CeL Robert A. Hutchison, negative. The poblie is oocdtafty iavited to attend. - ^

—Lotukma a n d Sbendandoah counties bave—made appropria»

drapedVithAmeriekD flags. The attractiveness oitfae ball was in' creased by the subdued liglit produced by theedored draperies over the lights. RefreshmeptS ^ere served..

Mr. Roswell Round, of the University of Virtjinia, this week was the gu«st of bw parents. Lieui- iind Mrd. George C. Bound.;

Mrs. L. Frank Pattie and Jutlel Miss Esther Warren Pattie are; the guests of Mrs. Pattie'^ aunt, | Mrs. J. M. Kincheloe, of Upper-; ville. j

Representative Carlin during l his stay in Manassas Wednesday ' was the guest of Judge and Mrs. J. B. T. Thornton at their home on Grant avenue.

Mr. R. R. Hayes, of Indepen­dent Hill, spent the week end with relatives at Marshall and at­tended the Baptist convention at


Ir rnt-inuiy ut our dear siisti r, Jennie S Oean, wiio left us this day, four y>-art a^u.

Oonf", but your prayers, coi'nse! anil guiiioiict. slill clinK UJ LU unU U> all.



I'resljv I. r Alford Kelli

PRESBYltXiAN mil Diurch, Man. ey, pa»tur.

»erviceti — SuiiUay Sutyect, "Jeaus,

.M- I j i


.-)Uijject, l>.j meeting at V


Mr&S. H. Griffin and her little daughter, Mary Louise, left yes-terday to visit relatives in ICen-l ^^^-^°°*'f • >""'tf|'''

ville, Kev. J. F. Burk tucky. They were acconripanied bjT MtesSs t l y CsBtieman, -Mrs. Griffin!s sister, who has been her guest.

Mrs. Rudolph Werner, of Ruth­erford, N. J., and her daughter. Miss Ruth Werner, this week were guests at the Prince William. Thej/ will visit friends at Indep^fi-dent Hill h< fnrft,Tfitaiming t/) NPIW Jersey.

Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Johnson, of C l o m Ilill, Had'as thMT guests during the past week-end Miss Ida Lee Glascock, of Agnewville; Miss Cora E. Mooney, of Green-wieh, and Misses Eldith sad DorO-ti»y HaydoD.


TakM Part i » Aaiuul FroBe.

Tie frolic-of Prof. Mosher's -p^Uie-speaking class last night a£ Eastern: College kept the audi-eiceija^a; i w ^ ofitierFiment fropi the opening scene to the last good


Mr. Albert A. May sptet Sj^n-day at Luray: ' • ' ~ ~

Miss Irene Ledman. reeentiy visited friends at Springfield.

Mian Maiy Snook, of Bristow,' ^waot Tuesday in Manassass shop­ping;

Mr. and Mrs: C M . Gilbert, of Thrtwughfarft. were recent toyn visitors. *

Mr. aad MncT. C. Andersen, of Bristow, yrere Manassas Tisi-tors l^iesday.

Mrs. Fewdl L. Athey has re-

dance in elown costiune; Mr.' EattetSQiu. g a r b ^ as a member of the dusky race, sang a' solo^ the Pohl brothers as champion 'HieavywelghisiiagugtAliii a witsU l ing mftfafh im«t<»r th«> dirRfttkm SMr. Jtottman; one of the Pohl

turned from a v ia i to rdatives ia I^nnsj^v^mia.

Miss j m m j w t j r GUI, at Hay-JDUukiii coudn, week.

i n » : ^ goest jof. ha. Mrs. H. J. BuUer, last

y wara. J . A,;aiddle, of Bridge-water, and Bay Brown, of Har-risonbnrg, yenerday.


brothers took part in a sketch which two of the participants de­sired to wed; Mr^ Martin imper-aenatc^ a ne^rtn^»BcBer; Mr.-Polen posed as a commencement OTator, clad in cap and gown, and -Mr. Ititmsey mikde a roudng cam-« I»ign speech oi^>08ing Bepcesei^ Hative Cariin andbfferiagliHQsdf in Mr. Carlin's stead.

Tbe (Alpfne trio, advertised* as gemupe' cnaBwWiqHa nrancl. _yas con^wsed of Messrs. Moeher

Mr.. Biehard Merchant, of Ches-ter. Pa., has been viaicing £ 1;€eorvr Br^faddor;^-^

:A d*.«o.j'aa™arTh.. s^J-aSi^^^^^ wide Hynson.

Mr. and Un, I. L ShaekleU left recently for Sot SfMugs, Aik., where they will ismafai for ^several W(

federate vetems to the annual reunion at Washington, June 4 to si ?ft?««fn-of |909rTpe appro-pnated by the Shenandoah board nf sopsrrisors and the Loudoun •V.Ard nas placed fiiods in the hk.::-^-'- •••' Sherf? Fdwards for •Jiftrb•;:.:.•; l the r^U'of $.S«ach

ton. ol Tairfaz. this

J. B. T. Thomttm.

Tlie Board of Supervisors of Wm&ni cuuuty haying

ordered tiie erection of a bridge over Chestnut Lick, at a point Imown as '""Hoirt's Ford," in

tions to pay the expenses of Coo- the week-end with Mta.^Hsnn^ Cainaeville district, on road from Misa Annie Laurie-Swart spent

Seeley. of Haymarkci. and Wn.

Mr. and Mrs. Edward Qw>k and little daaghter, of Washing­ton, were jruesta of Mr. and Mrs. R L. Bryant Monday.


nr-- ,nab'.r' tc- pa'\ v

r nr: Mrs. A'.l ..i •; been .r, ;

-i^Tence. JP'-" and

tKoi»-asiunsTto:; icr itvarai iswjiUii.

Sunday 9:45 a. m. ant of All

Preachintf at 11 a. rn Christian Kndeavor

p. m. Subject, "Lovi Preaching at« p. in. Sutjject," Done ' Tuesday—Teachers' nmetinjf at 7;*i

p. m. Lecture on "Country Life and the Country Church" at 8 p. m., illuii-trated by 55 Btereopticon alides, most of which are coiored.

EinSCOPAL —Trrmiy ProteaYant Episcopai Church, Manaasau, Rev. J. F. Burks, rector.

Service Sunday at 11 a. m. Sunday School at M&-ttT-m-.

. rector. Service Sunday at 8 p. m.

M E T H O B i S T

Asbury Methodist Episcopal Church, Uanassaa, Rev. J. Halp«tiny, pastor.

Sunday School at 10 a. m. Epworth L e a ^ e Sunday at 7 p. m. Prayer meeting Thursday, at 8 p. m.

Grace Methodist Episcopal South, Manassas, Rev. H. pastor.

Church, Q. Burr,

Sunday School at 9:45 a. m. Preaching at 11 a. in. and 8 p.» tin. ilaaior JflpiMtii Lamue at 7rir,~Bi.

Senior Epworth League at 7 p. ra. Saerajnent of t^eLord's Supper after

morning service. - Wednwday evening meamg-todby Eev. T. '. p. D,


—TTninn prayar C»»rk.

Bet^l Lutheran Church, Jfanassas, R^. Edgar Z. Peace, pastor

instructkm Friday at Catechetical ^15 p. m.

Sonday School at lO'a. m. Preae&ing Soaday at 11 a. m. -

.: ,^ tffHTFn iBiriiinyi - — ^ ^ United BrtthrepCharehes, Kiev. L.

Messick, "

H i and t b ^ Sundays at

Dildth^^Fiat ahd thirti Sgndavs-«T S-pr-mr

Aden—Secmid and foarth Sundays at 11 a -na. .

night Prof.. Mosher precrided and in his best stage manner in­troduced his students ^ d i h a r special stunts, which'^it^cluded jdhndngrSpegdi^.and music. .

Mesafs. Hamsey,'Rottmnraai^ Etolan; the only ladies in the per­formance, except for one of the Fohl brotheni, exhibited tiieir conception of the. latest styles an^ took part in a cbantry dance with their male i^rtners, Messrs. iQalleher.PolenandN^n^. Messrs. Vtanrn anH Ttati»Hff«» pyftf.nt.ftd a

^ 1225 F Street N . * ^ . WASHINGTON, D . C

' • 1 - ? ' . • •

Jewelers SflveramUu

and Galleher, violins, and Mr r CTZaBf yT»glso%t VHHEWrVK ^rBVIIr^FVIO^

decorated with a highly colored giuuu hat with feathers project-in the rear. Patriotie monc v^as a feature of ithe program.^

Verdant t^oquets were sentedio the awticipanj adnurers'throogiiliCr. Porterwh» made an imposing figure as the osber of the occasion. Prof. MoRierreoRveda resembling a medal of honor,

LOYALTY With chanty

right, as God r Lincoln.

"With inalicf tijivard none,

for all, with Jirmrmss in the

given us to aec the right."

A State of War has l:>een thrust lipori us. A united Nation in this solemn hou/ calmly faces the future with .that confidence bom

-of complete faith in American Ideals.

The Peoples. National Ftank .stands unitadL. with every member of" this community and-

—Country to^^oopemfee in every way] in resisting any attempt to abrogate Amer­ican Freedoirt, Justtce and Honor.


The Peopks National Bank OF MANASSAS. VA.


If you value Accuracy in the

you will iiot be disfippduEited

Wtam^mm^^ C« with THE JOURNAUta


The Rower of FLOURS ft—you will wai|t more

-We have a nice stock of the following machinery tiial wje are in a pdution to of£er you at a good price:

Kkig Manure Spread^^, Hooaier G)mplantqrg^ eder D^rflbandCmie Sow«*«i, W€l>er Wagons,

Mogul and Titan Enf ines (Mk. by L E C u.) X L pase Plows, mt^mational Fivok

Whed Cultivators, Deering lUkes, Mowers and Binders

Hidrory Grove to Cetberpin. and i ^•pjng ttppnmti»(^^ mp f.pmrni.s»| £oher to receiveljida for erection of said bridge. I wtftreecive saehj bids untn May TO, 1917. Tlans and specifications famished on | applieabon to the undersigned, j

The right is reserved to reject | any or all bids.

DC^^TIUGGIES Priimrose and Sharpies Separators

«ir esjieaies- • fisve returpt-a u ¥

J, F. A: \y.^ 1 Manassas Feed, Supply and Implement Co.


anassas. h • **a«k.i. A \. s a. 4;*-:-tii

mm •m Ml ' v • . . .- ,• j ; .


rFj ^-^^^^-^I^Smt'^^^ MANASSAS JOURNAL^FRIgA\^^J^^^4, iHll^


F W | M U -at M U t Hound E w m p U f y V«lu« ; of P h y u c a i EducAtiao. ,

The ?arenl-TBachers Ai aocia-tion uf ihe Richinurid City Nor­mal Schcx)!, according to a Rich-

^lond newspaper, recemtly gave another of its largely attended ••demonstrations." Miss Ruth i-U>und, director of physical cul­ture in Binford High School, where she handles from 1,200 to 1,400 pupils in rotation classes of >.':reat popularity, showed the parents and her fellow instruct­ors in the public school system what her pupils can do.

Miss Round, who came here from Manassas, continues the artkle; is a TJoIumbla graduate.


whose jtwrtund giaceful person-aiity ia considered .one of the best of the numerous valued assets of Binford school. She is a daugh­ter of Lieut, and Mi*. George C. Round, of Manassas.


M a m a u u Higk School Boy* W i a FIT«> I a a i o ( Contwt 1 0 t o 9 .

The , Manassas High School basebiall team played the first game of the seaion Friday after-

-^—noOn,. dafgating Haymarlrtt, 10

Mr. and Mr*, (.rtwrge Retzer, who tifitHH the i«tst winter in Haltijnore vviifi their dauKhier, Mi-s. Grat-ff, have relufned to Vir iiiia itud are vLsilin^ nuw at the home uf Mrs. li. L. liinton.

Mrs. George Ixiwe spent sev­eral uay.-- wotikari the guest of Mrs. Juhn Garter.

Mr. A. M. Yates, of Manassas was a visitor Sunday at the home of Mr. S. Ijong. .,

Mr. Gar I ion Hill, who attended f^astern Go liege the past sessiQn haa returned to his home to as­sist in putting in tfte spring crops.

Mrs. Nellie Keys has returned to Manassas, where she has been Hlayiiig with'Mra. L T. Bauser-


Appetitv Jncreased, Dig:

Helped, Rheumatic PaiiM

Gone - a F in«- Iron

System Tonic.


Mr. Earl Lynn motored to Ma­nassas Wednesday, in his new car. -

Mr. Clifton Storke spent a a few days this week with his parents, Mr. and Mrs! B. W. Storke.

Hayfield School and Civic League will hold its regular monthly meeting Friday, May

'11, begining at 8 o'clock. Ad­dresses will be made by Supl'. Charles R. McDonald and Hoa C. J. Meetze. Music and readings will be coiilributed byTOae^ Myrtle and Annabel Merrill and MissHattlftSimpson and Messrs.

With thirty years reputation behind it and with a huge sales compaign introducing it through­out the country, Acid Iron Min­eral is rapidly taking the place of alcuhoiic, iron preparations con­taining little iron.and altogether too much alcohol.

People should note on the label the quantity of alcohol in medi-. cines they buy. Thegoveinment H^at.(^.tA yon. Alfif^ol is now, ta booed where one is suffering with

George Oleyar, Richard Thorp

napso; L. Hinton and

Ttfdney, stomach," bladder, liver or nerve trouble.

Acid Iron Mineral is a non-al­coholic Bfttura).' iron compoun4 containing lafge quantities of iron in t h i ^ forms together with calcium; sodium, magnesium, potassium and sulphuric acid, all of^which have great medicinal value in the treatment of stom­ach, blood, kidney, bladder and rheumatic complaints.

The story of this great mineral deposit's discovery reads like a romance. It opened to the ^orld a new method of getting iron to the blood and MtureltTraisfoOnd had alrieady provided the medi-.cinal iron, chemists have sought


The EvangelisticXampaign which will open in the Taber­nacle on Grant Avenue Sunday, June 3, is designed to be one of the most imgortant campaigns in the history of Manassas.

It comes to the people to help them to be better, to do better things, to be better christians,'to ioye each other, and to bring the unchurched into a saving relation with God. As a prelimi­nary preparing for this great campaign, cottage prayer meetings will be held regularly in the different sections of the town to whiOxall people are cordially invited and urged to attend.

Let us make this one of the moet enthusiastic occasions it has ever been our pleasure to enjoy. COME,




Theiai6taxbooiv.suf Occoquan. district are now in my hands for collection. I will be «t Wood-

.-flbTidfire Tuesday; May 1st. y to 12 a. m.; RusseH's Stwe, 1 to 2 p. m., and Hoadley, 3 to 5 p. m. After that date the books will be at my store at Occoquan. Va. John LaaryrDeputy Tr«a0.48 ;^^d

Notice—The town treasury is in need of funds and the sergeant has been ivmicted to take what action is i^eadai^jo collect over­due taxes. JjnaiKe Qimmittee. Town Council. 50

Owing* to the further increase


to 9. 1 -Haymarket led off.and by the.

first inning hadxsroesed thi pkte^ five t imes . TSiereaftfer they] were held by the Ideal boys who -^^^ jj ^ B^JI jg quj^ iUat raUied and began to roll up their; ^er home n e ^ here.


: • > • • •

^ end of the score. " AJE fBeefid bT"{E¥^flE Ih^^ the game was oUled on acc»antof

• rain," "' " ^le^outstandin^'pointp of the' ~ contest .were ^oe Htintli homer

in the .fijrst and the ctmsistent batting: of Sandors, Morr&t and Steele. Fielding boncH*8 were generally accorded taJLegTS^, of M. H. S. "The local boys wUf play Bethel High Schbol at BeUiel next Friday a Fteraoon. ~

JJe^rgia. LeohiMd were Antioeh visitors Wednesday..

Mr. C. ii. Garrison pitas togo

-rh. PATRIOTIC b n ^ M A O C

lUv. H. QiwM» TMMlen U M of Laadti to PIKMM Wio Hare Na C^aas^

The purpose of the Agricul­tural Council of Safety will be speedily accomplished if ev iry citizen is ready to show the spirit of cooperataon exhibited by Rev.

~^ Laws<Mt. Mr. Lawson says he «ua. spare as niiuch as ten acres of land on^his farm near Manas­sas and that he is willing to di-vide it into garden plots for iixe benefit' of persons in Manai^as

Miss- Bell Winter and Miss

RaJtitnnre next WP6k. Mrr -W.- t McCuliot^

Miss May Garrison wwre gu< of Hiss Eliza~Pea]ce last Sunday.

for- to perfect. years to per Overwork, strain, nervous ten­

sion, and hea(}aehe. indigestion, and the many ills that come from our rapid method of living, make it necessary usually to take iron and if you begin to feel ran down,

ftnd full Of,uric acid.. Or if your

Homlay night-^Cottage prayer meeting at the homeof itevi Alford Kelley.

Toiflgdaynighl^.J'j iU^nir rohoaf^ni gt-Proghytf»rinn Cl^nrch

___. Wednesday night—Uhjon. prayer meeting atGiaceXhurch,, Rev; T. D. D. Clark, leader.

Thursday night—Full choir rehearsal at Presbyterian Church. Friday night—Cottage prayer meetings: District No. 1 (for

persoiis living west of Main street and north of railroad), at home of Mrs. W. C. Wagener. District No. 2 (for persons living east of Main street and north of railroad), at the home of Mrs. W. R. Myers. District No. 3 (jfor persons living south ofrailroad), at home of Mrs. G. W. Rosenbei^er.

•Nwt!—The announeem^ts relative to the choir^are tiF tended only for members and not for the general public.

lH~prtB»^«*nB8iFiHa"Tmpit on

appetite^ is falling off and meals don't taste as good as before, take Acid Iron Mineral.

This natural iron compound, known as Acid Iron Mineral, and highly coneentrated,is ah econom-

blood se^ms to b«„weak, impure ical spring" toaie and system jn-vigorator. A half t^sixxjnf ul in

a glass of watef after meals is a dos^ Whole families may take it with splendid results.' ^ --

Ali^dru^sts have it and en­dorse it m preference to iron preparaticMis containing altogtfth er t ^ much albohol. - 50c. and $1,

• UCt;


- : who want-to take up t^o hoe foy national defense.

Citizens vhose aqti ve participa­tion in agricultural preparedness is hampered by lack" of groluid are advised to communicate with

E ^ -efferr-

<1.00 a year in tdvance-

The Lanier and Osboum Liters ary Sodetiespf Mana—i High Seiiool ere planning to hold'an afternoon entertainment at the Ruffner Building Wednefday at 4 o'clock. The program is to in-jelude tableaux vivants And read­ings by Misses Dorothy Jobiison i and Sally Larkin. sdngs by Mr^ ^ Patterson and Miss Swartleyahff violin music byvM. Mosher. Re­freshments will be served. The price of admission is ^ €gnts>

To Jessie Bates and Andrew Bird,

You*re hereby no t jSBHl l«r» ten o'clock a .m. , on the »econd oi June, 1917, at the ot-: fice of the andersigned oommusioner in the Town ot ManMsaa, Prince WiUiwn CpunW, Virg^aif, the oiideriaigDed oonunisaioner wiU .BTOMe^to execnte the decree entere4-%y the OironitOoart lor the aforewud county on the 6tK day o< Deoeinbar. UHC. Ui Um i. liiituwy gait tbarein dependiiig'under the ityfe < i ' i n -I n* 1 I iMiiiMi ijMaiii Hiiiriii Bhinh An


Sb^eplus Clothes ^

coal, we have been forced to ad­vance the cost of water to the ftonaamer R centji per, thousand jpallons—this applies to all raies-and the minimum from $1.50 to $2,25 per quarter. Public Utilities Committee, Town Council. 50

For sale—Business property in small town. Good- in vestment; small capital necessary. Apply or address X care JointNAL. 50-3

Horse for salS' son.

-Rrthf A H i t t p h i -


"For Rent^-NlBe-rooffi hooser" water on pprch, garden.hen bouse and stable. Apply to Mn. H. D. WcHricfa; MaHasaas: ¥>r - * ^ . Fbr Sale-r31 bead good sheep and litmbs. F. Warner Lewis, Manassas, Va. '45-pdlt-tf

Eggs for Sale—Thoroughbred S CTRhode IflJand Seds. $X p » 15 or $6 per 100. W. D. Kiiae. Manassas, Va. -42-^ _ jTwr «!ent—Six-rowD fitftlft.f nassas, Va.

_boJ»e on D, iT Arrinctnn, Ma =


draw DiiJ Wjmiuet J* dee directed die nnderntpiad to repeit es foUowe; , i , . - J

1—Of w^t land the defta^ant u eeixed id Prince WilKam Ooonty.V > .

2—The liens btadingdm^ >» ">• ormt of their priorftp incJiwjjy correnr aSlt 4H lino gent taree _ ^

3—Whether-*je rente and-fteMe wUl, Mr. Lawson. If the number 0f-|^t]un &re yean, pay oS and £Bch«igg tiM appUcants exceeds his supply of " garden land doubtless there are. other f a n n ^ -who wUI be pre-

- pared to mate thfi samff patriotic

Hens binding thereoB 4 ^lu uami aai fee simple value. 5~-AnQ other -petiinenv maweri- j- - — Said decaee also diieotad the imlihaatKMsot

this notice for faor weeks ia d>* ¥ • • • * • • • •Imirmal ia-ttia .agent nntim f i w r t » g -eealei ap»» Miri Ji irtich said notice oanapt he BO exee««»d aa to

MKTBatee.^ .nQnUTGS PAVHtB, Cowmisawer.

A -VENTUR& H* Saundera' SapitMy

Jiathoda Demand .That He A M a Nfiw^law.

So many of tny customers have requested me to carry a line of f res* fish in connection with my meat market that I have decided to do so, and beg to announce "that hereafter I will offer dailv the choicest sea food the market affords. My campaigfi for hetter^meats that I have been t^Ung TOu about throuffh T H E JOURNAL wtltabKr

Bured and W^te PlymoBth -Boekaand\Wiiteand Drown Leg-homs—eegs $1.00 per 15; $6.00 p&e lOO. Won 4 firsts and 1 secondr at poultry show. Harvey A. Yoong, Mannssjuir^ya. ^gtoS-l

FW~1^ster'Pure_ White iao^iiii Sock ^is-ILOO foir J. J. Conner. Manassas. Vi,38-tf

For Rent—One tanre room jsver 1 room, suitable for office or-

entoffriaer-ApNf^- to E. R. Connwr. 38-tf

Fire. XSsnrance—If .you are afraid of Hntoal Ass<»nnent8, try our old Line Companies. If you don't like the increasing <M Une rat», tir our Uotuai. Take

fourchoicii. We represent both inds.. Austin Corporation. 35. For Side—|t^tistea!«d Holstein

maleealves from high producing cows. J. J; Coaaerj MaM»> Has. Va. <

Wanted—5e,000white oak crosB ties. See uAmd get prk«s. II. Lynchi&Ce.'^ ~ —


WaatML-A uviag wage

o the

./^ -^ij^^T&rEoPomr$I7r=^tE5r~S' the comMBaitofl ddT-lW—iBrflr

r.^»}' H«; K i I -j^ i t j j r - g i v i u i i * Having qaalifiwd as admini»"

tzatxv at the estate of the late

Sstj^bu tte Nstioni^CIothes. -wsdcf tae-pft<mi**ooitwi»-*tJiiBn pnr«i -mm we mote ihinVirr'iWTijjjhriithit rfijj--fr '•^^flfrl*^ ' '1 ***' * * H—. yAgwiafieJat tSe Muut ttyte in tbetshrici (•Bngftel ot wwit-and-aTk).

-'f'r Tte**. uuiMlwor^aiinihip Uie tt^c {saoatee. jrf t^leaSi wear a^

The immad fac^tytf ha hnt iTtfnHH T ^ maken'oacput, tkm la^teri-


Ueanetta Johnsdh. 1 WUT settle

' •rfif ieMmdc^edto the estate wiU please eome &r-' ifavd and lettte^aame. 8t R. C. LEWIS. Adm'r.

aBr reihidiitt r—'-«>^riin mirir^"a« opfccsa ot the wgrtcy ^^^f great qnaotities of doth «t the the» !•*« prices. CoapfaJ wi^ ft* •ctmgftHtJWW-""*"*'*' BWhOJ </* iBiaMfTiiiriag rhw uhaynrr wa, tiirm-wtvtngtJuwa WrtMcd dtem to fa»p dw price the —Hie. zi^-l—

Virit thil IMn todarjpid reaKw at once that their fwnl

ecooomy a 7<N»r

^ inclu ing TOu about through T H E JOURNAL ^ a i a r ude better fish. Tia newest type of f r e ^


coolers has been bought and you are iDvited to inspect it. This cooler will insure w u ? ^ t t m ^ ftsh that are clean ami free from the

Permit me to mijH-ess upon you



it's soid here it's sanitary . The thought of quality lingers long after

price is forgotten.



"XI L&- ' ^?t?lc*JUZ-

iLthBiSMik'aOSM of.teCiiowtC^Krt ol PriBoa WiBiam Ooaatr, im neaticM. tUs itAitfci Aynl, W17.

Ckaiias R. Csnm, Gast- V la ^aooery.

t i i i i LblslU/


HUda CiHTim. DefendsDl. J

It ippaaring hj appiteatioD and af&dsTT^ ior aa Ofder ol pnblieatioo tbm d t j hlv<i in

SsBus Ihal tfce e^ieet ol thu n u t is ca ai»-, a dixacca • >»Mi»i« t^trtimntn upoa Uie

«MaMd cd. dtaerticp; tbat the deianduit. Hi) S i O o r a B ia not a reaid«Bt of th« Mjtto i ' TnshB*, sad tkst h«r larl known r..i-lt<^-3« ^^ y . - K ; . ^ ^ , > n_ ^ ^ tatred xf.c^r^s^

S i ^ Qilda CTonim r o j y sftar f\n»

-xttcr'* CM Stand ManaMa». V'irg inia ^5;ft»«*K*» ' l*Sf•»ew^*M .- aP^ -^rSJsast.^ isasBSi^iaassiEaS im^f- •

ot u u s . wbat IS a(ii:«—nrr to prouv-t hf:

and Ikal a oop7 of this orcjer '> oaoa a waek for f. ar »uf>ci~-TVs Manawisfl J on nui 1. a D «> .. IjAsd ia said rrmniv a.nd :! poatsd at the fmr.: d said oonntT »« u** '»"

" c.r.6. •• T'...Ei;. ; ^ ~ " - Br ' , , - . . ( . • , . ;. :, : DHA.N-


S B W ^ W i ^ " " •PPipiiiili VPHiMipiHIMiWillPPB

i: t-J i 4


I^-^OI^*- THB MAlt>^"-Jb.JCB«aa<^«iJBAY. MA¥ 4vlSa7 '-:i«?^,S^I?«»KS-



In effect Jeptdinb«r 24, 1916 Scbodol* igant paVSithi^' ooR'

-. muMn "ao< gqartatm. Inlir-


-Many Fine Exhibits Shown —Athletic Omteatt.

The annual fair of the Prince William county schools brought

! ? « = Pick handle —Ist, Washburn i / ^

ArrinKton. Bethel; 2nd, M. K. i/zTi

Ajce handle - 1st. Jolui Sliaver, Cannon Branch; 2nd, No. 104, Aden; . rd. John Bell. Aden.

Honeysuckle or Willow basket — Ist, Selwyn BaRxett, Aden, 2nd, Joseph Love, Woodt)ine;.'ird,

hundreds of ^^^_mn,.^^^,^l^^^^^^^^ on Friday. The exhibit hall in EastertL auditoriuns was brijirht with the array of school exhibits and g«y with ffarongs of visitora.

The events ,of the day w«re properly inauarurated by a pat­riotic demonstration g i v i n g special emphagja tathe imnagdlate Woodbridse

TnunsLeave Manassas as follows SOCrrHBOUND. .

No. U—But; IOMI, 8:80 a. m. Mivvn •oan«<rtion at OrMure daiW »Wf Pt Sundmt to ('. A 0 . for OordooiTilI* ano Rioikmoad.

No. 4>—Daily throagh tn io for dbarlottc, lU'.OSs. m. "lU atop at Haaaaaaa on flax.

No^lT—ExceptSoodar, local fnm Waak' iagtM to Wan?Mton, 6:22 p.m.

N«. 15—Daily local for Warranton, Char-loitMTiUeaDdwayBtatioiia,5il2jt.m, Pall m ^ P«rlnr Oar to Warrenton.

needof agriculturalpreparedaoM. The program state headquarters in recognition

No. 41—D^ly tlmniglitniir, 10:16 p, m. •topa to l«t of paaawyara from WiaJuagtoa ana Aiaxandna and to taka on fum for pointa at which aohadalad to atop.


Kb. Iti—Kuapi donibT, lo«J from War' aar, io< ranton to Waahington, 7:00 s.

No. 1ft—Daily throogh tisia ' 'llTI^'"M*"'""'"i ^

of Wanting Dfty, which was 6B-served~throughout Virginia by proclamation of the governor. Dr. Hervin U. ROOD. presideBtof


Waahington,) No.lf—Bai

j B d m».m.

Daily from Harriaooborg to Wkah ngton, 9:47 a. m. Pallnan Fturlorpar.

No. Ifr—<»l, 2:10 p.m. C ooMeta at Oranga with 0. A 0 . Railmy fr«<> B i ^ mend aM CkwdotMriUa.

Ko. 28—Dai^. 8:08 j>^m..loeaI tn i s hs iwaan Harriaonbttrg, MaiiaaSM asd Waah­ington.

No. 44—Daily thr«agh tma.batwaM Ma naaaaiandWtatiinatoB.BrttSp.a.

[TI in TlTlj lliliiimli lilili. ilislliw ml •leeping cara for Waakaglea aad H«ir^«(k. 10: ' f t p. m.,fl<opi6al

WE8TB0OHD No.4>—Dafly1ae»l

iDtermadiaia poiaia, ViV> C'cff: No. 21—Daily loeal to' HarriaoDborn

5:00 p. m W. H. TATLOE, PaaaJTnSo Kgr. H. F. O t t r , Gw^Paaa.4gt. R, H. DeBUTPa, Dir.Paaa. '

—wxraiHora ii:ur

OViLt. r Leading^tore

—For Ckina, G h i t , —SOTcrware, &c.

Our stiutaoEiscy xti has Men reec lines


Starljag Silaaa;<*M*' FiiMat Plated Was*

TaMa Caaaawara

TaOatSaCs BraaaaMl4 Ckafiaci CkafiacDiali^ Shida«rf.aia>i ^nr'T^'^'wya" KitdMB UtoMtls Batknaaal £ddi


Eastern College, presided over the exercises.

The musical program included "The Star-Spangled: Banner." which was rendered with enJiU' siasm wLlteTheStai sand Stripes waved above the heads of the ^uliicti^Xs;^ ~"

Brief addrooooD on the relation of food to the war, practfcid methods of meetingr Uie food crima and Virginia's partintha

en (juop Ist, Henry Butler, Haymarket;'

2nd, Gregory Mayhugh, Green­wich; 3rd, Greorge Frazier, Stone House.

ler forshlpptng one doz en eggs by parcel post—Ist,Pearl Gay, Greenwich; 2nd, Joseph Lov/e, Woodbine; 3rd, No. 214,

Container lor one pound of but ter—Ist, Howard Hni, Woodbine; 2nd, Freda Davis, Qroveton; 9nh Jatt Pattie. Catbarpin.

Picture frame, hand work—Ist, Woodford Pfckett.Mill Park; 2nd, Howard Hill , Woodbine; 3Ki, Lewis Tubbs, Dumfries. —BpeeimoB &f leathe*—iaeinsf— f| lat, Ernest Bailey, Greeuwid^; 2nd, Philip Abel, Joplin.

Door mat, made of native ma­terials—1st, Mabel Fairbanks, Smith6eld; 2nd, Emma Arnold,

±Aden;-3ntWalter Hedges. Beth^

line tA defense were given by Mr. Qtwles R. McDonidd, di­vision 8upei:;ii)ftend«it of schooln Mr. B. K. Watson, directaorof

-Aj[rlr!|cultunkl U t g h School; Miss Lillian V. GUbert, ooant? > home deinonstration

. MoQtgomiary, frmntjT farm demMiatgatofc Hwfe C J. MeetBC aod xossxs ofeers.

. yH|i i|ueiwiz«r i va. t h / fwr

Mill Parki ard, • "bndger

Rabbit gam

fin^ exhibit m tne rair was awarded to Bethel fiigh School, <A Agnewyille; Ike £ietM ex­hibit-was notice for the exeel-liRit diiplar (tf its midMud train-ing dajwirtniMit. •—'•

The 4ueUbit^'wfaicr

stodenttihddan was uui cutiirad

la 1 ^ eoonty cdmpetitioh. " MawaaMa HafnatoH H^wittrlro*;

|n the kUehAU game and Green­wich led in t i e athletic contests, the Manassas graded schod los­ing tbe«ove^dhon^whichhid

MLita pnmiriwinaftor four yeM-B. Th* taiifiTng nf fJM> tables pnmiiseB todevekni keener eompet^ion for the ebmii^ year. - Thejadgesof theexhiUtwere Miss Lda D. Mettj of Manswnw

h^de^46B»l^k:«Md Miae . ' ~ ~ _ The

list of aw»ra».-jL-eoBtinn«tio& firom last wed^'a-iswe^ is-as £(^

^^CoUeetipn of qocoona, mounted

Bethel; aid. Katharine HamUi C rpyeton. ' -, ..

Ctdleetion of^mCSw woods, mounted with iian»a--lBtJ6Be|A

fLowo. Woodbine; arid. J. e-^^at-sbn^ Bitt<Hrj Grotai An^ Cloorge Waters, Domfries.

Te iewwiar plants, pressed, n a m e d and

UNDER ELEVEN YEABS Rug woveaon aloom—let, Ma-

b l Fairbanks, Smitbfield; 2Qd, Betty Foster, Greenwich; 8rd. -SlBltiTiytor. " - \—

Story illustrated by paper cut­ting—l8^Ruth_HenMeyJirent^ vUle! "isnu, vtr^pms BCDclretti Bethel; 3rd. Ajime Laurie BiBd-gardner, Nokesville.

Stencilled book cover—1st, Mabel Fairbanks, Smitbfield; 2nd A>ieB Rexrodc> JtokasTille; Urd, No. 206, Woodbridge.

Small basket made of skiDned honeysuekle—1st. Tucker Bryant. Greenwich; Sad, Gwdon Pickett;


Aden; Bethel



Cube, pyramid and cone, eazd-board—1«^ Agnee^ Bexrode , NcdcesviUe; 2nd, Macgi^etStsMr, CatfaarpBi; Srd. l<*tBKe Liridn, Bethlehem.

Matelr scratcher—1st, Tucker Bryant, Gripiehwich; Znd, No. 208, Woodbridge.

WoodCT paper cutter—Ist, Ed­ward fiarrell NokeavUle; did,, Na 2(M; WeodbrilReratd, ^ii-ton' ABderarai. 4a>fin.:".

Saqitary drmtdng cup-1st, Marion Oliver, Bethelr 2nd. Vlr-

in ia FlickiiiKW. Woter

fiompomtinn, fiftro nf »hi» TWth —Anna Cheslock, Smitbfidd;2Qd, Susie SLoperX Catharpin;' 3rd, Ge(Hgie BrcNckett, Bethel.

Composition. The Hocu^— 1st Annri>el Merrill, Sayfieid; 2nd. Mary Nalh>, Grwmwlch; Srt, Ba&^Sfaavaijr CMnHRi & a D ^

Composition, Pooltiy Manage ment—Ist, Ri^B<^Br,<3a!aKm Branc3i;2Qd. ~

IXig* lledgegi^wietir Composition, JPoc^ry

CoBMtmctaon—lat,—V. Bethel

Hoose Davafi.:

- Cmnpodtion. Pig Jiaaagemcat —XBC. uoara necvBB, ifetim.,

EverySidg to Efcl=

My iniei an J Faocy GroceriaEzr

QntftiiiawafB, Tin uat


New Wall Yxmd Our rnre^ of Jast yearns staek at the— oM pnee. C>OBW bctoic ~ i t k « O s o i a . '


ard. AHrie Ofw* , R »t.«i w cum - 11 ,

CfaariM Lnnsford, Smithfield

Smitbfield;! Christian—A. Heineken, «-., wailiilmnwn wwidetit -of==Ra>c»

—Budding Catharpin; ;2ad,JliaibetiSnap|);

FiMoet au9 « Fnnee wnmi

ket, was honed Satatday in St Paul's GbBrchyard, bende the

yffltott P w L

Pndsct mi4> of Virginia—1st Annabel MetTiM, fttyfidd; 2nd,

S^ieffe^, NdMivlAc; Srt,

Bird box-l^Tro.^2rWood dge; 2ad^

"fj trap-lst. WdAdkue 1 ^ ^


Nokeetillc. Ra^ Button,

W»r, p>oemi

Sons* of Love and ,-oliectx>n of the beat the Ut# Dr H. M. $1.00 poatpAKJ A<idre«« THE JOURNAL, Mana«»««, X'irginia

Bope haitflr->«Utr Pi^ne, Bethel; 2odrP»wswi B)M ley, Greenwich.

Spliced i jpea and Jtnots—let. Na 213, Woodbridgfe; 2nd. M. K. Riding, jr., Aden.

SpKt basket—1st Myrtle Corn-well. Woodbine; 2nd. Lee Mil-8t*»ad. Bethel.'.mer handle lat—— i oqu&n- 2J. L<'roy B r •- « r

.y>n: 3ra, Hajdy Duval femitr.-

WMtiam eoonty aad feiaer dent of the National Bank of Ma-

M, who died Fiidaj at "MlU

Hat's • ; puraDtee. It is wwtii reBMabmig is these days of Mkerfate aid cattMi aad waot •iilTO asd dwar ^ts . Sate

sksddr autcraJs and < eap dfCs wiD file aif cavoi WU A ^

eiyat de­

fer wuier t^eri. YM wis iM ~a vast atiatMeat ef Urict, wMSmi khe, black, fraj, pees, raatfc E ^ ^ aiitre aad aO Mw yttemT Uae a—fet saipiei aid airadMrttikrV$22id

Suits M»da ip M«wM r»t

¥ n ^ e i i & St,N.W.

On»4atf R. ttftuieit'oii

R. fare fe-

Henry K. Field & Co., Lofflber, Shh^ies, LaAs, Doors, Sash,

Blinds and Building MateriaT , ^ OF At:t. K I N D S . - ^ "

ESTIMATES FURNISHED. Union-Street.:- -. ~ ~~ ~ ~ No. U 6 U

Factory: No. I l l N I .J66 ObFOGv* ALEXANDRIA. VA.

W.8.A.THET.PropnMOT. . -e, Fornitare and all kinds of

j _ ^ OTOt-h e r commoditiea piuuipUjf iransfetretiror dcMviirat ~ —~

i» made from b ^ materiids. htflMd in an up-to-date eves,^ handled by neat, clean, care-firi workmen. Ask fax it—

-accept,no rtjwr. _ge alwn

ajstisfy yetd* appetite, line of confecttoneiry.




Saving determined to defVote our w h ^ timetothe Beal^Sstate and

-wehefeby 8(^cit all property for sale and moest iSow lavi^ pxopexity to list the same witb us prmniHJy.

W*»y»wiM to J .«HdMy « M all vrnk




DEjrrisT— M. I. C'Bullding. Manassds, ViT^

were cydncted at Us l i te limne hy Il«T.'Bobb Wblte,' jr.. former rector of St PfeidV Kpisctmsl filmrfih —.--

H M hofunmty pall bearers WMe eaarsr Andrew l«w, W. L.

fleuaer and 0.~C. Hutchison, all Heymark^t; Mr. WiUiaaL fi,

presideBt «f ihcPB^'w National Dank

Mr. Westwood Butdt-", Mr.KKi (uqitit r'

H a a t e r M Hew Yock, Mid Ife.

"S2-inclws wide; all'tfee^drnfti^ plain fi^SXX^vfMat httuiJeflag, Yard

fifeW PERCALES • - ^ !• ahi^tii ij fasi I nil

-^-in^«9 wide^ light gi-ountfe it^-dg^ted, figored, stiiped aiAdxfaBcte4 effects SUf( 9, liost of dainty patterns that suggtest a summer w rr|fvi>^ oF tm- t e tURiJBl charm for women and children. Yard.... / X d C

R. McDonald, of Gaiawwltejpres-I ^IcDt of the Natioaal B a a k ^ ITanassas and diviai^riil^mh^' tendent of scho<ils.

The active r alt bearers were Messrs. L ^f-'^c\&y. W. M. .lor-drir F ?< ".'r.c? j - -.rrj ',; Zirepa. a:: "f HaymarR.-;.. i"»if S-. Lvrir. RoDert3Qt. of .Mana.'i.' afi.


5 HIRTIWOS for aaea'a shirts aa wdl aa «roin«B'a bloasca.

In such\pc^y^t(^P«reffects; S24BelM« wide; in plain stripe l^v^der" Jirfne* blacfe-and tMC tg fancy condHiiaUwi effects^ Ymd 7.. '


C<jmplete line of-new spring colors; iraiuu: vc • and many others; black and white also -.nclu: Yard....

••per.r:iLr(--. .•?:: f'i; fnil 36-;nc' :e£


90c ^ and r>r. Gainesvin

Wade avne inn ^ —Srro-et Floor, f

f THE M^^^^^"'^ JQlJBaiM.^ giUDAY, MAY 4, 1917 i?«ir*

( Home Dressed and Western Meats

I Beef, Lamlb, Veal and Pork |

; READY TO RGHT AGAIN I Ora Soldier. Write Thrilling r " Memoin—Fightbiff asd^'

Oaya of Peace.



Cadt^B&id- for CountryLprodnce^

THE JOURNAL continues-to re-ceiv« reKponsdB to its r«qu«8t for aLort sketches o(_ Boldier life from the Confederate veteran a who live amongusor whoare^ei-i dents of other sections and well known in this coniraunity.

*T am how eighty yeiu!«"5ra;** writes Mr. Elihu Cheshire of Independent Hill," an J I jtnhed the army is 1861, at the age of twenty-four, serving under Capt. B. Norville, 49th regiment, Vir-

TB. eompmy A.

First Lieut. James Purcell, end Lieut. Richard Reed,

-CoL-Smith^J^:!!!^ Sec-


Corporal Buck Long. "We w^nt in camp at Brents-

ville.drilled'thereJuIyaO,1861,and tiftftmViiv^ tA MnwnaMH whfire w e

prison, I joined Snow's battalion of cavalry, though I could not waik withoot^a^FBteh.' iw8»i» all the. big battles and many of the small ones and Ih thtftIfK« years I believe I saw tervice as hard ais a ^ 0aidm4a4ti« COB-federate armv."

Dr. W. J. Bell, of Brentaville, who -is in faia elgiity-lirat 3reai7 says he was at school fn Lexing­ton when a company was made up of 76 men of the abident body nf IfflfHil, with Pmf Whitf as

jpuByc^sALE^QualityStore . - U P — ''

captain. The company , was

p*By, that being the name of the school when first established. It w«» trnrti TT BanrnipiUU \X>ttc8V*nQ is now Washington and J>>«» TTni.

'We-WenT m service in the lowef^lley, near Winchester,"

Sergeant WiHiam E. Upscomlvi^. i - T —rsx-Ty—=—= = n ^. ,

under Col.Preston.known as Com-


9 ! • '

night. Then we were ordered from thwe to^fchmondbotWerg rHinrorcea^aocT'^ttght~at the White HoasB 'where "tiie enemy was aiming to cut off our retreat taRichmond. After this we were ordered to Cbickahomiiiy Swamp wherie we had seveR days' ba[ttle.

"There-1 was 'captured by the "tNSPffiBPn aitty, withaBcwffi~40(for

tag comr»At>s, We were taken toFort Monroe and stationed there to. awutordffifB to eiuny us to the prison at FOrt Delatrare.

'"Wespeat U months and 11 days in fte~^w»r~ Oof n^oas

4wa?fr fat meat and tbrertiuarten of a pnnTirt nf hifatd per day. ^ I

Jewelry, Sp^rtiiig Gi9bd& When you iiiinlc oi purchasing a watch, a ring, n scarf

orbroocfe pin, or ot.h^r jewelry, rftmemherwecML:-! supply ytftir wants. Most an: - sporting goods line will be

at aft attractive p^ce.

nything in ti the

H. D. WENRKH Jewder aJiii OpticMA Manwaawa, VvgiiiM

and given a Itass to Waabmgicui. D. -C^^Wh^ abte to travel I


Let dMOB bare a

-The ciriidren always «njoy taking pjcturee—iT ~ai^^ b6sid«y takiiy t h r o i a ctem, educttional ftiir

Witb every Kodak or Brownie purcbaaed—

a free, yeaf^a i

montbly tofrapber/


^. Doweli's Pharmacy ^ THE R£XALL STORE"

were engaged in the first battle of the Civil war, July 21, l861. Aftwr/the battle we camped at Manassas until the spring of 1862 when we marched to Clark's Mts. and from there to Orange C. H., where we took the train to Rich-mend. From Riehmond wo took

early afternoon we were placed behind the Rockbridge battery, where we lay under fire of shells for over two hours. During this tiiQe Genera! Jackstm rode ak«g inv front three times. The last time he passed hesaidj 'Boys^this

a rteamboat down to Pile's Land-ing. and marched 19 miles to Ywktown where we remained for several months. Then one lught we marched 22 miles to WilUamsburg. fought all next day and held the battlefield ail

VaBuSIelhuurry fmatj Under lud b^ *inM of » decree of ihc oir-

euit oDuri of iSioo* WilliMB eouaty, •Dtaivd on ihe 4lh da; of April. 1017, ID ttia peadins cbsBoery CMM of The Peoplw National Bulk of UaaiweM, Va., apaioM The Gaitber Con-

lner,-ifae vadammad- waiuuit ippeiutad t« mafca aal* «< tba rMl

eatato in the M l and proeeadiogi in wid eaoae maatioaad, «h*U on

Monday, June 4, 1917

01 tlk* ooart booae of aaid oouotj, olTar lor aa)a Lflmm- Halt -eom^ n>«J>i*h"* fe«^.«« '^'^S°*^^r^ . " •'^ -TTTm.-: attar at >tad the ref 1 aatata of Tlia Qaither CoDMmctioa Co., Isc , coataining

1 0 . 9 8 AC REST '^ lying op Kettle Run, io aaid oouatj, and be->»g die aaiaa lud aa»»ay*d t» rfa Q«rth« ConairoctlOB-CS)., loe., by S. t : Q«fthw t y dead ragordari in Liber S6, y a y iOTj tt

My goods are guaranteed and moat prave satisfactory

or your money back



A freab aupply of Groceries alwayv on band, sucb Canned Com, Toniatoea,Cab ba^e, Cetery^Cranbefries Etc

Priooa -William eouul; i!l»it'i ogee. Tlii« property ia geoerall; known aa the Gaithar yoarrr-^TERMST^Qpe tialf caah aTfd the l)«tanor

the purchaaer to

pany I, Stonewall Brigade. Very suddenly we were hustled across

—eseoaw iniafea%~voanB^ DOBQ lor'tne oaiawao^ payment and the title to be retained ontit the

the Blue Heacbihg'

Ridge to BaEfFT

Manassas, hne m the

day we will drive them into the Potomac!'

shore time we were or-I t n r dered up, to charge, and with the R^>el yell we went after them, drivibg them batck probably half a mile. Then we fell bai^jind Biafle ready fdfcA aaiiond cbaygft

J About -this .time -General SmitK rnmr np on onr Vft .with rein-

was coold not be exchanged. In the sonuQ^ of 1863 ( i do not remem-

A»v\ am wem liberatad- the ntgghfaoriiood of_Kernatewn>. day> we^wew UBerawofj^ j.^^^j_.j^ OnSanday even-

came home and and helped to , . ^j , , . . . . - _ ,^u «.«th^ . ^ tmthmr i l « k , attd Jaekaon. made hia

rare for my mntheE- oM xatnerv s ^ . —___—_—————— who'were M people, and scouted some wit^ the soIdiegr» ^ G « n .

"1 am-BO* old att4 fdeble; and anaUe to w<vk fur xny Hting," he condudes, "tot if I w«re youQfl today I .would be reac^ to answer the call of Bijr

The next letter in point-of re-4 ceipt w y yrittpn by ^r - ^

3ayder. o lTazewell coanty. Mr: l^yclM- si^s be enlqted in llay7

1862, in Company Cj 58»h Vir-ginia infaa^. then und« G«l. Loring in the anath* <M»tu pf rt nf

[ISatfec:_' 'kb the, M oT IJg aane year." savs-Mr Swydei'. "f waa BCBttoBlaekwater. nearflaf-

' feft rad oar Gelenei. Mr..

4a-tfae spring we tofredetidcabarg afid ipon took Hart in the battle of (jhanceBet»^ Vflte. Af trr -eenerat iiritaott

jjtttJftholGjmwriJiwell tocfc cwn-mand and in Tuna

. IPwniayiTania.- AtWim^flierwe lovtared Miboy'a bold anny and went on to Gettgaborg. Aftar Gettysburg weJiad a Jiattle M

kd., and.afUr that we Ibaght nearly every day for more than a month, the last

Brandy Station. XSor lB^ we went into win-

a few miles from Orange C. H ~ Ja the apring faOaawng rame the

battto of the WBdemeaa, at which 1 waa gaptorad, I waa taken to Point Lookout and then in July toCElmira, N. Y. In the following fall I was parded. unable to walk, and sent to Savannah, Ga., and turned over to the Confederate

foreements. Then waa struck the blow which started the roatfrom Manassas to the Potomac aodbe-yond. In our second chaive we captured <me of their guna and ttumed it on thein with good ef-

, ' Oar Qompany loet five men

purchase price ii paid in full. C. A. SINCLAIR,

Commiaaioaer of Sale. J. P. Iverliu, Auctioneer.

I, Pan fl Tylerjrlark Jif Ihii rirniit ntiiLrt et Princto William doaUtT; do certify t£iat the hood of f 10d0.00 n^aind in thia caaae baa bw)n executed.

QEO. O. TYLER, Clerk. By hia Deputy, L. LEDMAX.




taaiiLSattifiJ&OjMaaa irlthlB' U» uuuiiiy af ti'uiat Waiiaiu. ginia, to aatiafy [laid e eoationa, die aiulerr n s n d i A ^ oo —=

Saturday, M«y^ 12^1917 in front'ofliSTw"p[ea"SaSonJ^BanY.Tn"ffie" town of ManawM, Va,at abbot 11 p'doek, a. m.tpfiar for aaU to the highest iHOder, for oafa the one-fifih usfiyidad inteieat of'tbe aaid Mettle L.-Ouriaoo in and to the follow-ing real aatata Ijingamd beinff aitnate ia said coost; of Prince'WUliam, Yiiwaia:

First: The aAdi Tided omt-fifth interest of the Mid Natti* f. fh;

and had seven'wounded, two of nrflUIXI UIVI4 aXX W H?W- tnHjrK

^'Aad Jaekaon's j)iop|teca^wfB. lof&lleS. '^ Tlwt day the owmr .was driven to the Potmnac.

"Aftw BOme weeks we #enti back to the Valley and wintered at Winchester. In the spring

Bawkinatomi, Sbomndoab o o ^ ty, and then wetnoved back to

ing. Mardl 23, 1862. we bad our 'ooa^tlttt.iaij recurded. from A» hwi oeeond battfe, whidi tiartod untiT ' °^*^^ m^i BSM^.

cape. Your humble servant in^ wooaded'through the hip joint and left en the <idd.—lOaataken to 'Wineheater . and_ after four wedts there I had the pleasure of bd;ag sent to.a Baltimore jail for a few weeJEELBiid'tiMB pr^Ffxt

Kaze^ ,0n thftfirat of An-, gnst I ilaa arat to Bkhxafio^^fi one ho good for further service.

"T iraat teU- you about my last flKllL I WW' MinbcDft good on foot bur coukl ride a horsey .you bet So whoi Gai«srHimcifr #ai in StkohtM, f6nr Or flV* <tf >ia beys get Umgl a arantHtg_toBr._.wg_eapiared aiT. Yanks and their horawi, inSZ 2

jtLkryeand kin&enandean aay that I have b u o ^ aomeof tbem bat never fciaaed war of them. I told a few of the Yanka-atibe \X!9SfmmQI% iWlflWWl HUU t^ O M r

tbeniglit of Ibreh 23,1862. when tBey cwTM^nie'dB aganMtween them from where I waa wounded t e ^ toe tbey hti Idadled some Sadinee awiqr in tiie webda. ai^ Igueaabad aa well bog two more now." ^ - —

aa noeh as you can. but be bnef. v a p i R r<4piMUoni oometunea bar the best of good "copy."

[tenames j^ainly.

» t i » A a V. •f Vatama. Waihh^aa , D. C _

i^KU 4A.Stli. taS". Aimmiut lav a <yve occaaioa tSoaibem Bail'sy vtU havr oo sale at etatooa* in Virgiaia greatly redooed round IT.p fare tickMo to iu,h.BgU>B, D. C . June Sad to 7th, lS17,baann{| EMI return 'ua,.: oL. I S M Slav 1^17. Enwi i ia of Saal liimt caa ha aecared by dapost of Uokat with Spaniel AgMU aad pari^ laa nf Sp. Oeasa& A«eMa lor iHiili er « n t » S ; B. DeBalta, n p. A . Soolheni Railway ; • .0-8

acres of land ahoata on the road leadiag

MagiMwial Diatrict, a part of aaid land dso lying on the road from Bradley to Sbdair'a iUUr aad.haiag thar-aMBa -piops which Mot Sterens at praaMt Uraa

Seooad: The ondirided oofifth interMt of tlw aaid Nettie I.. Oarriioa in and to a oartain lot of land lying aw* *^f"g «•'"«>« aa. l ^ l « atraet extended, in tb« town of Maoaa-

Vk..adjfiiiiiaa the land* xif W..N. Up-, lb, C. A. S a ^ r a«d others, eoBtaimug

rtani OM ad aa luH ustk. The Mid i*v

v*a M\» l\r<f<l«Y. imTmJtrintmmm^m—

SpraUVOySiaad ibBas*as,ra.


Under and by mtaa (rf oartain azacation* in my bands in favor of il(e Commonwealtli ot'Virginia aoainat Nettie L. Oarna«i,lnd hj Tirtue of levy of tha said oieen&nii on Tor it is becauso it coutains Mag-

T h e w a y »JI malfP t w n hluHoa nf nass grown where one ^oes now i Buy the celebrated Magnesium Lime from<i<«^urg Lime Co., the lime that has been sold in Loudoun and Fairfax for the past twenty-five years, and'oot pro­duced them all. aind the reason

• IQxideof Ironji tion to Cricium^"


~|he United Statea Agricul­tural-Department in Year Book 1901. pag» 161. atategJihat Mag^-neaium is absolutely i plant growth and nothing elae will tuce ita place. Send crden to Contwdl Snnily Co.. Manaa-sa8,Va.: A. S. liobertaoti, Well-fagton, Va.; M. Rollina, Bristow,

on dircet lo ua and aamg will havepromptatientico. ^ ^

iee$biir|LiBeCo.,Iiic B. V. W H l t ^ INUnager ^

of which the late Jadge Wm. E. U acDOab died aeazed and pfieaeesed. The interest of. tha said'Mritia L, Oarrison in and to> said raa^ lalati wilt be sold eahjact to tha Ufa aatata tharun ot lira. Beoriatta E. Lipaooak, «i>e-faa>n]ig« lileMtate tberun by Tiitoe ota

^ " ' "' hwaa at

AiyihB j n waat

sail the

Olr mini mt jartdhfiw af fa tTW a ipwarti hr Ae Basri af.

Aaa 3faa aia t ana J y ^jgf_i^m^faetJK^^mp^fy^

TO* Bwt«« ihw I rtuai.'oii 28th^^U7rbeaianii«-at lO-nrm uiy oBoe in the town oi "Wahaasas, lYmre William Cooatr, Viroima, bagitt tfaeuacn-. tioa ot a dautae of W eircait ooart o aaid' a o u ^ , entered en ilm iad d ^ of April, VA7, en'the paadiag thatatj eawae of r<riij If. Plait. E m . of B. P. UuUun. Jau'd. y» CMm L. BorUa, Adatftx. of J. E. darkle, dec'd , directing me "to examiae,et#M and aaOlethe. jMitnawSiia a e w I hieratefera a«ia>i^ be­tween J. R. Bufcle and E B. Dobeen, and make report totAiaeaartinwntmg, wiih any

iH-aMisaw liaaiwH |Mirljinan*-bj hiui.« L <«B-aH-Ml«aii BaMiwI pailiiwiil hj tiiiii ni r~ whidh maT be reonirad bf a»* piaon inter-astad ta fail stated, iaoiodii^^debta doe hf

aud Ath day ot May, 1617, tlaa eame will to

nntil eoadadad- Th* o~t.t/». el add paiinsrabtp aw warned to appear h»-

Oivea nder my hand thia 2S(a day of April, 1612, M QoMMiasiaaar ia Cbaaoery km th» (Oiiwut OuuTt of Bgnee WilKaB

Tahe aotieaahat the Sehool Board of Dro-tnm Dimrtet,''. giasa, wili oa lioadar, ' n e 4ti>. Ttl7, a p ^ to the Circwit Court of the said oovaty Cor tka nppointaiaat af ooaaiaBioaers to aaoe ta»a what will ha a laat eewipansatina im

aaad eeoaty sad State. ooBteaiag ooe and bete i»» »m» haadnahs swse sad b—

Fairikx Street and th» real estate of R T

t erchaat, Hr*. B. UelaMar and M. J. Kay*. S g J T i ^ g s i i w I lut Wm.Tiii>ll died eetiW

beiaga past of kia eatate; which aaid lot of laad la to be eeadHBSMd1trii» trict S^Mol Board. And to award tha dam ^*^-i l J i l . raanltiag to tht jdgMWt OLi^ other prapeity.

Thia BOtiae is gim to the above partiea i hair* at law of the said Taetl.


C. A 55in<dair, .Kvtj. ••*-*.

• ••IT wiTfftMiT juinr.

LntaiOMATSD tevosrrMiT ov THS UNTTai) STATBS,

9UXS^ • • - iiauoa UliHILUSJ)'"

a. L. •OOTHE. -BT-rwiwrTttrr, j . i> junn. WatX»«0«««T«, B BJ»8R.J»

DOOOLAM STUA*T Ja<»», alwMBYC*]>«ctW>«>tkra««kowt I k r V s l t w l s u i t

a-a^ »»r»«« .

of Virginia F a S B t S c h o o l SyitfTT <rf Vir


CoOeare, Graduate. L>AW, Medi­cine, Engincennt

THK JOUKN'AI, fifty-two times for tl.iXi in advarr^e.

LOAN i ""-C' to AM"^. - :,i '• . .er, coatu •••• • iTjr!n<« nfci Departnoi u> ^nd


Vlx i*A.;:u^ .*! Li.e A'v ><: c u e

1 If ft


II ,, . . l l l i l U J t l I I III! I :y.._::J^-

•-^mm^ H A Y M A R K E T


S^rvictis will bfciimilucttd at, Ertintavlik St. i'aui V Church Sunday morn- kueijiiii^ tiitj ' ing h\ a n i iuis ter or .slLideiil w a y " t h a i yuu from t h e K[,iisco|ial Thei>l(igical St^riiitimy, near A k-xarv^'r'ia.

SUM (lay School tin d p r H y e r int-i-l;ii^'; wiJi U hcM at tlie Ba[)-lisi ( hu]-ch Suijila^\ at tiie usua l hours - "»

A if-ugue Hireling icust tii^'ht at t he in

, Afr- Mid Mg8>-W. A. i)ane and Ls SO noiieie&sly

e\L-ii t t l iur uf iU^ iiivRPrvP^j •At Anrit»-h nfi StiinMay currt'spi-'iiilent,

c-ituld find no mate r i a l for a let-I t r last week. . • i

Notwithstarid' .njr t h e ' i ' li i I !, liii'ealejii/i^' uea t ln j r , i i e a v y road.- i'rum l e c e n l j 'ains ami iier-. >r)nat indisfKj.sltlon, Kev.J .K' iyal

was held i< ".,kc hilcii his a|)poinlnic]it 'h sch(y>l Suiida;. inw.rnmjj^: This ifs-

uUdin^'. A)! iiitere^Ling pro- >o;i to ••slackers" in L-hure!. ai g;^ram w a s r ende red and refresh-^ tendance . Mr. ( i i .ke p r e a m e i i

d moat exce l l en t se rmon fi-om t h e l a t t e r p a r t of the 8th ve r se

ments were servedlo the guesEsT TOWN l.MPliOVEMENTS

A new kitchen is being added to the Parish Hall.

The rcK f of the Masonic Hall has been repainted. ~ Mr. Grayson Tyler aiid his iittia aon worn Haymark«t visi- minor prophets and a contem'

of the 6th c h ajD t e r of the prophecy of Micali ^"But to do justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with thy God." Hft sail], Micrih wiiaiineaf lhe_jJVVa*hingU)n,-wi*traf*?e**»tr¥teti*«

April 22, the two candidates be­ing from Haymarket .Baptist

.Church , Rev. W. I.. Naff filled his I'e^-

ular ap iKuniment he r e on t he four th Sunday evening ' and I<reachod in his usua l i n t e r e s t i n g /Kariner t" a iar^t:: ci>ii^'regiUiun.

Watcr fa l ; .Sidio(»l ra ised dt. 1 j-iday, • April 2<», i >r, ttie fm-ti'\^'n[.'' 'lay a:, ( ' [ i terlainri ient VK1.-5 .L!Tvf(j Ly it-aciu-i 'and pa|.iiis.

Mis.-_^ Ktiifi S r o u , i.f Tile Plain.^, \ \ a s a ix'i'eiii (^'ues; of lier s i s te r , Miss Edi t i ; Scut t , a t ili. h o m e of Mi's. Hovsai'd l>eli.

Mr. Carroll S. S lu i i ev . of

C. C-were

Dulany; in town

tors Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs.

of Broad Run, We<JbeaS^,.,.;;_ JI^_. , i , -^-

Mrs. R N . Hulfisfa visited this u -j j u i.- ^ -week at her former home rii4f^^«as^a«*v'«^"<^,^y his^ry.

porary of Isafal^one of the Iea3^ ing major pro^phets of Israel His people, at the time he was writing,"were living iir"weallh|} sn& Itixury and, as is always

-ftnckhttid. — Master Thomas Gar net t, who

hdftbeen quite ill, is improivug. IfriA-B.G.Bass, who has been

in Washington as the guest of "her daughter, Mrs. Stewart Tul.-ioss, bias return*^ to Haymarket


Misses Clara "Akers and Es-. tella Perkins, of Savage. Md,

spent -auncU^ - a t the. h<»ne of Mr..R.L. Shumate, _

Mr, Lucian I ^ n e is much improved in health, ,

Mrs.^»Isaac Carter, her daugh­ter Liilias >end Hiss Eiiith Gill recently visited-Mta_5i^H^ Rob-erfeoji, of Bristow.

MKVenue Oarterwhois vifiit-ing^lns brother, Mr. Ti ter, speitt Svuidav with his sif­ter, Mrs. Panftie Mauck, of Lin-. ^ } ^ j ^ . _ _ . _ / _ ,,_ :s

Bfi". Arthur Kirig, of Alexan­dria, who is associated with the firm of Chi^rles, EiQf^& Sc»i, spent sev^ra^rday^ ittiHajrpaiur-ket this'week," . •

and ceremonies, but outraged His laws by evil practices. Their oflferings were made but they <iealt unjustly and dishonestly in their transactions. MrrCooke asked, "What is meailt by deal-

tlyjwith your fellow-man'T-'This,.

CHERRY K H i : tr- definition is, "to lessen the pun-ishntent r e q u i i ^ by law for an offense." Another is, "to show The people of Cheiry Hill are

gres^tly encotj^ged over tfae«:-tioii of the coun^ supervik)rs a t a meeting held at tiie court house in Manassas, on April 12, when the boaKi"^prov«i flie findings ^ a reviewing cbnynit-Jthe "&maritan^ tee wni<ai ^ y j s ^ changes m certain aectiwtt of the Qieary HilL4«ad.^ - „ , .

The. people,hQre fully j^alize the greiat ampont of work n e c ^


sary to put ail of our county reads in good condition We •have no FoaA^rorthy'of uientiMii d\wn in this npctr and tha afftion of \ the bpard of superviseoB shows that ttyey know persoi the donditic and d^i re to reriiedy thera.

, , .-«*«'mAklK COUNTY SOLONS

No greater service could be rend»e<J to a struggUng com-munityfor betterxaaCTtteManff the pe^ le denre- to ^imress their sincei^ awpjeciatipnJo the supervisors and to alh otlw^ who biyr Inhnnid sa^mestly« in gettiiifthis project through. .

Mr. Richard Rison,of S ^ l ^ mtvywnr

at thahogwof hjgroothw, Ifeor John CMTO

ry Hill Saturday on business. PERgONAI. Mg!«mnN

Mr William Brewn, been on the sick list for the past two weeks, has recovered an i

--resumed his-work witJi tHe Washi ntr ton Fertit^yfr Cn i g t o r

Lett "NTrs. Xettie Geoi]ge,j8CQompa-nied by her busbiaod, ^>ent tbe week-end with bML ' W. G. Bushey.

Mr. John O'Neal ha&Jb6ttioon-_ fined to his hnrn^. ^\^ pyg» ^ ' ^ \ by sickness.—'•n ——-—-•

Miss C.ora Kennedy, of Alex a.'idna. was a gfuest^f Mr. and

Tt 1l repo Kinchebe phms to ae l l « j t his

they had become selfish, arro­gant and indifferent to the laws of mortality and God, and the prophet, w a s endeavoring to arouse them to a sense of their true condition. The heart of humanity craves some sort of worship, and"if the true form is not found the conscience tries to satisfy itself with e m p t y forma and OGrcmonicb.—The Is'

a f O a k S l u i d t L " Mr. and Mrs . Stafford KL

and their small son Paul, of Louiioun, last week were the

Mr. John L GUirke madeti fly­ing tpip to Freesteaw Sunda;y.

Boatwri^lrtfcalled at the home of Mrs. E. J. Alexander Sunday.

Mi. s E.stt?ila L. Alexander was I a ><uest at the home of her aunt,! .\li-s. (', K, Clarke,-Monday even-

Ml'. Moore jja^sed t h r o u g h ' MiJilue.ville .Monday e n r o u t e to ' I. olonial Beach..

-Mrs. Cha r l e s Knnis, ui F red-'.-.'•..•K^'hur^', and .Mrs. . \ n n a L^ee, "t .Veabsco, \ ' i-de(l at Minnie--. :'ii- T!a.'sda\',

.Servli-es wiii Im iield a t f t r t ^ n - 1 vrnmi H a p t i ^ C h u r c h ^5anirday a i .Liki-p^ Ui. iuui .^Sunday a t l\ a. m.

Ml-, i;, Cj;::.ide i-:nhi>, ^A Ne-

dren and Mr. Arthur Guilford motored from Washington re­cently and were the guests of relatives here. They were ac­companied home'by Mrs. C. W. Guilford, who has been visiting in the neighborhood, and Miss Margaret Shirley, who visited friends in Washington last week. ^ " ' . —Mr. W. M. Foley, furnierly of

raeliteswOTshipped God in forms- this place, but now of Savag«,

a(i-i-ii, :- if. a Washin.g;t(in Hos-g u e s t s o f . M r s . ' G : W : l ) o w n s , x > r : p i u i , ' iW undf^rwenl a * r i o u . s ' WooLsey. 'opei'aticm ami is g'ettlnK alijn.t,C

Mr. Wil l iam Dodge a n d ch j i - !as well a s could )»' e x p e c t e d . ' W e hope to :5e€ him ^honie in a few days .

^ * € AHErHO\ki SHOW VHG C O M P L E T C LINE O f ^

RunabouSllop Buggies, dur jeys and Spring Wagons

Little Gem Sifigie Wagons Birdsell Farm Wagons

^i«it o u r W a r e r o o m s a n d i n s p e c t o u r B u g g i e s a n d W a g o n s

s t o c k of

Larkin-Dorrell Co., Inc. M A N A S S A S , V I R G I N I A

question, is one' a ten days' stay in WasMngton. difficult to properly answer. It mganss^ do- the very^est you CsnJn^rtHrown sphere^^of lifgj to make the most of your opjpor-ttanitieSjShouldei" your own bur­dens, meet thenti Tjravely and honestly and not try to cast them on someone else^ThfiJiext' command is to show mercy. One

tendoTjess Mid compassion for the Sick and afflicted." Jesus illustrated this in the story of the good Sanriaritan. ThgugH the. Jews were tefeerenemies of

yet this man •djowed that Hseicy to his^nemy which ys^ stamped ^ t h God's approval.' ^

"To walk humbly." Humility is not servility. We are not re­quired ae Christians to cringe to any one, ^esus Qirist the em­bodiment of true humility.never cringed J,o, and the bit-tereet denunciations eyer ex-

insfe sin and wrong l e l i pB . ^mjF

mility means a^ absence of ««•-

do «Bto others as yoH woaM they should <io ^ you." We think prSp'ri ty ' means happi­ness, but^jt ofeQLpxoves, as in thengaaea-Of these Israeiit^, th4 cause of our being' f a r t e r offf from God. Sickness,' sorrow les^

a T«w»wt vi^tA.»[iiLnH yr ipf urt^ rif^;^ t>>o T n ' ^ f B l ' ^ i " ^ " ^ " ^ ^ ^ ^ A l e x a n d e r Were l e s t s a t t h e h o m e of M r . C. EIr of fcaeping -the heart tender and

^DsbHng us to show tha^ justice, "'TTOnttJ^^andjSejgy-which lift I us mto the tayoro l onriGed:

Mr. and Mrs. R. S.~STe= Manassas, attended churc^ he

who h J ^ ^ ^ S a of Washing­ton, was Jhe guest on Sundaji^ last oT her sister, Mrs. George MeUonaki ~"—

JArs. Sandy Cooper is.visiting her daughter, Mrs, Samuel Po-gle, in Washington.

Km. A} i c e lCinchek>e has opened her house for the sum­mer. M.


Our people have been blessed ear in the pT«fching at M.

^ "• Rev.

Minnieville School and Civic League will be held that even­ing at 7:45, at which time new officers Will fS e\&ile^^^tM -C<3ini.n^ H ear An intereatmg

gTocer\-business hereancT take^^"^ fe^'to^^grea^ here on third proj^ram. '^ ' Tie trver The up'farming. - jantf',1tfnr»una£yB 'at-3^ p."m,*pubEc is (.erliaTFy ir;\Tted and

-m^..^^ __. • jJir. MillJ<aitfi)<&forhistext.on|all patr-.-t^ v^d friend? '^t't>^ OROVETOff ^SohdayftelHlHv«9frof-the-84^school are •i-^on to he p-< 9er t

.Psalm. The aver.•. ^-e i: ai iy ^ t t iv i&nce \ ciosung entertainment Willi The subject of hij; Permr. : on of thp M:—-**rrHe ^ehf^- wa?

Md., visited friends here recentr l y . .

Miss Pauline Gossom and Mr. Benoni Gossom, jr., attended the exhibit at the Haymarket School Building last week, »

Miss Rose Shirley has" re-tfr her-honr» hereafter


The Civic and Sciioi •! lm}ii-ovf-ment League will hiild its regu­lar meeting at Sgiithtield Sthool tomorrow e v e n i n g at 7:30 o'clock. An excellent program "has'^tteen a r r a n ^ d ahd^ eveiy~ body is invited to attend.

Several of the young people of tb£ neighborhood attended the county school fair at Manas­sas Friday.

Miss Harriet Simpson is the guest of Mrs. R. B. Hayes.

The dance given at the home .of Mrs. Eli Kincheloe Saturday evening 'was largely attended in ^ i t e of the rain and^he mud The bloom in the,-apple, or­

chards in this s«rtion is quite [Among the guests were Mrs. heavy jand wei.lK>ipe a^good crop will result.

Misses Florence- Gosisom and Annie Pickett, of Haymarket, spent Sunday at "Mt Atlas.""

Miss Ws

Ruth Shirie Stanley* Green, of Warrenton, w«?e: recent guests of the MJases-Shirleyr at *<Oak Sbade."


ahd-Jdr^-ence, Harriet 3im tKa

Busy as bees! Busy as beep! is the cry of fanners ' i id house­wives at this season.

A l a ^ number of people went to Greenwood Pre^jnteiian Church Sunday, but owing to such inclement weather l&ev. Mr. Kelley wa& u n a b l e ^ miake the trip. *

Mr. and Mrs. Paul E. Clvke and Mr. JohiiT. Clarke moldred to Dumfrioo Thuraday evening.

P^me, a n T and Carlton Payne, Bence Cole, Ray and Geoi^e FairbankSjCttrl-ton Hill, Clarence Bailey, Clar­ence* ¥feodyaFd^Smd Johii Oies-lock. -<- * —Refreshments were served abundantly, after w h i c h the guests bade their hostess adieu, expressing their enjoyment of fhe evening. _ Mrs: James Hoi mi monarand. her two children,An-drew and Lois, are visitinig Mrs. Holmes father, Mr. Andrew Kinchdoe. PETER RABBIT.

Misses Maud L Norman iuid Lucile S. Clarke were gi^astj of 'MiiRB F.Kt,ft11a T .Alexander Th|fB-

Roid woo

attitude toward G c ^ ^ a T S ^ . i ^ S f l S S t T ; f g t i e Milst Prank Milstead.

_ - ' WEEK-END VISrrOR i

Mr. Harry M. P e a r a-o n, of Eastern, spent tiie weeknene at his home here. ;

JCessrs. W. A. Dane, J. L

Clarke Sunday evening. A O0mmitti>ft tTnftpta'ngr V

att Minnievjyfr-Schoor . Monday-»k>rnit>g at which lime a place waa_5elat

Eva Payne, Misses Lucy Kin­cheloe, Elsie Fairbanks, Anna, Mary and Helen Gheslock, Osie Bailey, May and Nancy Keys, Grace, Ethel and Pauline Flor-

andMafe Rozier


The coramenc6ment exercises of Woodbridgg. School were held

SpringandSummerGoods Now feady fCH" YooT iffspectioii^^

T[ We are showing this season, we think, one- of the most varied and up^to-date lines ever shown in Manassas. We are showing a beautiful line of the Sport Goods in many different materials. Also a nice line of Silk and Cotton Poplins, Chiffon T^e t a , Etc. We have a; nice line of materials suitable-for Commencement Dre§ses. • .-^ , "

Shoes! Shoes] Shoes!"Shoes! Tf We have a big up-to-dale stopk of Shoes, bought early, direct the factories at p r i c ^ way under to-day^s marketj-but while they last we are^oing to give our customers advantage of our early buying; .- , H We nave Several tables full of Pumps and Oxfords—mostly small sizes—if you can get your fit,Jthey are yours at less than HALF THE;_ORIGIN^L_£gICES^.^ • - _ i „ _ . -HWe invite your Inspection. Always glad to show^our goods, whether you want to buy or not. •

CAMPER & JENKINS The Ladies' Store ^ Manassas, Va.




on rnursaay, Apni ib. ATarge ;bering; from Fmrfax "and nee William counties was

present. The p r o g - r a m consisted of

^ODgs and recitations. A-miii^ tary drill given by the boys and a rose drill given by the girls were received with much ap­plause. . ^

Several prizes were awarded. A prize offered by Miss Akers was awarded te-GHften Ri ley for rhaking the highSl~average on the final examinations. Miss

ofinson offered a prize for J:he'

1 0 u r new 'Stock, o r MiTIineTy_has just arrivfwJ and is now on (Eplay. A good assortment of Hats anid Tiimmings at gj



mc^erale prfces.

10ther spring goods are arriving daily, such as Ginghams, Percales, White Groods,~Etc:~ ~~

1 Give us a caU. Will be glad to send samples upon request._ J ^





li rnote: mk on hy fnei. EMlSQOOSX^egXX^QgSOgt^OOOgXXXXXXXKX g ^ - ^ . j winner being Henrj- Da\ns. Miss'

T*rw> ,,^1^ «vio .^* »».-fha^sJu^' '^^6 Smitfir was awarded a prizei

^ T r ^ T l Z ^ f ^ t l ^ e w i ^ ^ s o T S d ^ p ^ e e S ^ i ^ ' i S ^ ^ ^ S ? L p t Mc! % ^ ^^^P^^ *° ^ ^ erectionof ( I

n u r " f ^ ^ , 2 5 ^ 2 S 1 J ? 1 ^ t h e c lo^ o'f th . oro^ram : our former supenntendfiaMtr. ^ j , _ .

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • a

of th' program ^ children presented t)o t h e *



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tokens of thek • aroreciation. The exer^ses dosod with the

Tbe regular m««tieg«f th*f3tngir^i:<rf^''?4KS^

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en a t d r o v e t o n Schw>H>n J t i ie th i rd S u n d a y is to he a; y. May 18. b e g i n n i n g a t 8 : priar<^ tr. MriThVr> Os-is s e c o n d > „ : . . . ay o f t nc- ;-.- • :

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Call on us before buying l^ ypWf arm machinery. See our Une cuid look for furth­er announcement in these columns.


r . h,^i

-Ct ' W > ::.v iT-ie^^t,- o . Mr.

imencement at the cent»-a


Cornwell Supply Comj MANASSAS, VIRGINIA

• > . • • • • • • ' m i l I