CARICOM EDUCATION FOR EMPLOYMENT PROGRAM (C-EFE) background info/C-EFE Jamaica...famous “Niagara...

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Transcript of CARICOM EDUCATION FOR EMPLOYMENT PROGRAM (C-EFE) background info/C-EFE Jamaica...famous “Niagara...


Institutional Partnership Proposal in Reference to Institutional Partnership

Ref No.: CAR-12 Excelsior Community College, Jamaica (LOGISTICS)

PROJECT LEAD: Niagara College, Ontario, Canada PARTNER COLLEGE: Marine Institute of Memorial University, Newfoundland, Canada

September 30, 2013

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CCAANNAADDIIAANN LLEEAADD PPAARRTTNNEERR IINNFFOORRMMAATTIIOONN Niagara College (NC) 135 Taylor Road Niagara-on-the-Lake, Ontario L0S 1J0 Contact: Jon Ogryzlo, Dean, International Partnerships, Niagara College Canada T: 905-641-2252 ext 7716; Fax: 905-735-2413

PPAARRTTNNEERR IINNSSTTIITTUUTTIIOONN Marine Institute of Memorial University (MI) P.O. Box 4920, 155 Ridge Road St. John’s, Newfoundland A1C 5R3 Contact: Bill Chislett, Director, MI International T: 709-778-0558; Fax: 709-778-0371

TTYYPPEE OOFF IINNSSTTIITTUUTTIIOONN AANNDD MMAAIINN CCHHAARRAACCTTEERRIISSTTIICCSS OOFF IINNSSTTIITTUUTTIIOONNAALL PPAARRTTNNEERRSS Niagara College is a publicly-funded, post-secondary college located in the Region of Niagara, Ontario, Canada which is renowned for attracting 15 million visitors each year to the world-famous “Niagara Falls”, as well as for its strategic location next to the United States. Logistics, supply chain management, transportation, and a wide variety of export-support organizations make their home in the Niagara Region. Established in 1969, and enrolling about 10,000 students annually, Niagara College is recognized as a leader in student engagement, ranking first out of all 24 Ontario colleges in Student Satisfaction eight of the past nine years in provincial Key Performance Indicators. Niagara offers more than 100 post-secondary certificate, diploma and graduate certificate programs, apprenticeship programs, and a four-year bachelor’s degree program in International Commerce and Global Development. All programs are developed through labour market analysis, industry input, the development or updating of program standards, and competency-based curriculum development principles. Prior learning assessment practices enable students to assess their credentials and experience for credit in college programs. The Marine Institute of Memorial University of Newfoundland (MI) is Canada’s most comprehensive institution for education, training, applied research and industrial support for the ocean and aquatic industries. It is a post-secondary technical institute within Memorial University (MUN), located in historic St. John’s, Newfoundland and Labrador. Established in 1964, the Marine Institute’s mission has been to foster economic development in strategic sectors of Newfoundland and Labrador’s economy by delivering market-oriented training to the province’s citizens, thereby enabling them to participate in the marine industry both at home and internationally. MI is a unique entity in Canadian post-secondary education, providing seamless articulation between the provincial vocational training system and post-secondary. The modularized system gives students various entry and exit points into full and part-time study, and progression from short course study into certificates, multi-year programs, diplomas, bachelors, masters and PhD study. An innovative system of PLAR allows non-traditional learners access into the post-secondary system. MI/MUN is also a global leader in the use of distance education and ICT in the delivery of education and training.

NNAATTIIOONNAALL// RREEGGIIOONNAALL// IINNTTEERRNNAATTIIOONNAALL EEXXPPEERRIIEENNCCEE Over the past fifteen years, Niagara College’s International Department has implemented multi-faceted CIDA and ACCC projects and consultancies in Brazil, Argentina, Peru, Ecuador, Chile, Mozambique, Kenya, Tanzania, South Africa, Sri Lanka, India, China and Vietnam. Each project has specialized in the development of practical training programs, as well as environment and entrepreneurship training. Niagara College has a proven international track-record of working with teams of trainers, industry and communities to deliver on-site and by-distance training and support including: labour market needs analysis and standards development; partnership

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development with local communities and industries; competency-based curriculum development, PLAR training, and the development of gender-sensitive practices. Specific projects include training programs for colleges in Brazil supported by PLAR policy development and implementation for disadvantaged women; and a leadership development program for the Centre for Rural Development in South Africa. Internationally, the Marine Institute is one of the most active and experienced Canadian colleges in the technical education/training sector, having completed over 200 projects in more than 50 countries, funded through sources such as CIDA, the World Bank, Caribbean Development Bank, Asian and African Development Banks, UN agencies and private sector entities. In addition, MI has been extensively involved in the EFE Caribbean and EFE Africa Programs, for example, as the Canadian lead on a project in Suriname; a partner on two additional C-EFE projects in Guyana and Antigua; and the Canadian lead on three projects in Tanzania and Mozambique. Niagara and MI’s national experience in logistics management is described on page three of this proposal.

PPRROOGGRRAAMMSS OOFF RREELLEEVVAANNCCEE TTOO TTHHEE TTEERRMMSS OOFF RREEFFEERREENNCCEE Niagara College offers a wide variety of programs and curriculum related to international trade, logistics, and operations management. Credentials offered in these sectors include certificates, diplomas, degrees, and post-graduate training. Several dozen Niagara courses in the logistics areas specified by Excelsior are available to be mapped into new Excelsior College programs, and augmented by business management support courses. All Niagara programs provide prior learning assessment and recognition for previous student learning and skills, and have transferability options across college programs and across the country. The College provides upgrading and preparatory programs for under-prepared students at both the high school equivalency and post-secondary level. Programs are supported by business-led Program Advisory Committees and curriculum is developed through clear program outcomes and competency-based curriculum development. The Marine Institute has extensive education and training programming of specific relevance to the Supply Chain Management, Transportation and Logistics, and Humanitarian and Disaster Relief Logistics components of the proposed project. These include programs and curriculum at the certificate, diploma, degree and post-graduate levels in quality management, supply chain management, advanced technical operations (including global sourcing and logistics, forecasting, and lean systems), transportation risk management, ship operations management, shipping, port operations and management, maritime security, international maritime compliance and business continuity planning. In addition, MI provides education and training programs through its Offshore Safety and Survival Centre (OSSC) and its Safety and Emergency Response Training Centre (SERT) in the areas of industrial safety and emergency response (including environmental emergency response to oil spills). As a result of the movement towards enhancing Jamaica’s logistics capabilities in light of the Panama Canal expansion and the potential of Jamaica becoming a global logistics hub, aspects of marine-specific logistics will be highly pertinent to training needs in the region. Both Canadian College partners are experienced curriculum designers, developing program vocational standards with the assistance of industry and incorporating employability skills that help ensure graduates obtain and succeed in work in their fields of study. Both colleges are successful in developing and meeting high performance standards for their programs, with reviews from all relevant stakeholders, including students.


CVQ Caribbean Vocational Qualification KPIs Key Performance Indicators

PAC Program Advisory Committee PLAR Prior Learning Assessment

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MMAAJJOORR UUNNDDEERRTTAAKKIINNGGSS IINN TTHHEE EECCOONNOOMMIICC SSEECCTTOORR IIDDEENNTTIIFFIIEEDD IINN TTHHEE TTEERRMMSS OOFF RREEFFEERREENNCCEE In Canada: Innovative programs and services for regional economic development. The Niagara Region of Canada has become one of the country’s leading trade and logistics sectors, with a billion dollars a day of goods crossing its international borders with the United States. It is also a marine centre with international shipping through the waterways and canal systems of the Canadian and U.S. Great Lakes. Niagara College offers extensive curriculum in supply chain management, procurement and asset management, distribution, transportation logistics, operations, and international trade through a core of full time Business programs in International Commerce and Global Development, International Business, and Operations Management; as well as part-time programs offered in evenings and on weekends in Customs and Logistics, Supply Chain and Logistics Management, and Occupational Health and Safety. All full time programs provide practical work experience for students, including international experience opportunities. Graduates enter fields in customs brokerage, distribution and logistics, freight forwarding, procurement, transportation, trading and consulting, and many others. Graduates can also qualify for the national Forum for International Trade Training (FITT) certification as well as recognition by the International Association of Trade Training Organizations. The province of Newfoundland and Labrador has the fastest growing economy in Canada, dominated by the oil, gas and mining sectors. The province is faced with a myriad of logistics challenges stemming from its location as an island as well as Labrador’s isolated geography. The transport and management of resource assets are the keys to the province’s growth and development. The Marine Institute is a major contributor to this success by designing and delivering its wide range of industry responsive technical education and training courses. These include short industry response courses, technology diploma programs, bachelor and master’s degree programs, as well participating in applied research and technology transfer initiatives. MI specializes in quality industry and community responsive technical training, supporting local industry by supplying skilled technicians for strategic sectors. MI has completed thousands of industry-based projects throughout Canada. Programming at MI has been inclusive of marine-based logistics and a comprehensive suite of emergency response training courses in response to the institute’s strong connections with the offshore petroleum, marine transportation and land-based industries, thus preparing its graduates for employment locally, regionally and internationally. Internationally: International economic development. Niagara College has a wealth of international development experience. The College’s international projects in many countries have almost always involved labour market analysis, education/training program development, competency-based curriculum development, PLAR, and the infusion of gender training, and environmental sustainability in its program outcomes. We are experienced project managers who use a train-the-trainer approach to build capacity in the local project management teams. The Marine Institute has completed many international many projects in areas relevant to the project with Excelsior Community College. For example, MI has assisted with the design of industry responsive maritime training programs in the Philippines, Vietnam, Malaysia, Ukraine, Guyana, Papua New Guinea, Kazakhstan, Ireland, France and the Netherlands. MI has also completed numerous development projects that include relevant expertise such as: Competency-based Education and Training (CBET), Labor Market Information, college management/administration, Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET), career guidance systems, distance education, gender mainstreaming, food safety, aquaculture and fisheries management. Through an existing memorandum of understanding, MI has worked with the Caribbean Maritime Institute to secure work placements for MI graduates in Jamaica.

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MMAAJJOORR UUNNDDEERRTTAAKKIINNGGSS BBYY TTHHEE TTEEAAMM WWHHOO WWIILLLL BBEE IINNVVOOLLVVEEDD WWIITTHH TTHHEE PPRROOJJEECCTT Jon Ogryzlo, Dean, International Partnerships. Jon has led a number of international projects for Niagara College including creating partnerships with technical Institutes in Germany, establishing an environmental Centre in Thailand and assisting in the development of environmental programs at colleges in Jordan, India and Sri Lanka. Jon has a long list of accomplishments in his former role as dean of the Canadian Food and Wine Institute, opening the Wine Visitor and Education Centre, and launching Canada's first Teaching Winery and Brewery. Jon is now developing new contract training initiatives for Niagara College around the globe and expanding international partnership opportunities for our students, faculty and academic programs. Jon will provide overall leadership for the deliverables of this project. Dr. Agostino Menna, Faculty Lead, International Trade. Agostino has developed and taught Business courses at Niagara College since 2003. His expertise lies in micro and macro-economics, entrepreneurship, operations management and supply chain management. He conducts research into Ontario competitiveness and economic progress. He holds a Ph.D. from the University of Toronto, and is fluent in Spanish and Italian. Rob Shepherd, Faculty Lead, Operations Management. Rob has been a program coordinator in Operations Management at Niagara College for almost 30 years. He has developed and taught courses in Operations Planning, Analysis and Control, Supply Chain Management, Entrepreneurship, Transportation and Logistics Management, and Operational Quality Standards. David Pastirik, Coordinator, International Business programs. David brings a wealth of private sector experience with over 27 years in the steel industry managing sales, marketing, operations and technology adoption. He has been a faculty member at Niagara College since 1984, and coordinates the College’s International Business programs. Derek Howse, Instructional Design/Curriculum Development Specialist. Derek has over 20 years of experience in educational delivery, design and development, working nationally and internationally with secondary and tertiary level institutions specializing in competency-based education in TVET. Derek has been engaged on numerous international projects involving the implementation of competency based curricula, including the Marine Institute’s EFE Africa project in Mozambique and its ongoing C-EFE project in Guyana. Frederick Anstey, Faculty Lead, Maritime Logistics, Security and Emergency Response. Fred is the director of the Marine Institute’s Offshore Safety and Survival Centre (OSSC). He has more than 30 years of experience in industry and his various roles at MI as a senior lecturer, Coordinator of Programs and Head of the School of Maritime Studies in subject areas such as international maritime transportation, transport security regulations, marine safety, industrial response and nautical science. He has extensive professional international experience in the Caribbean (including Jamaica), Middle East, Asia, and Europe. Bill Chislett, International Project Manager. Bill is the director of the project and consultancies division of the Marine Institute, MI International. He is a senior manager with 18 years of professional international experience in the Caribbean (including Jamaica) and Latin America, sub-Saharan Africa, the Middle East, and Asia and holds a master’s degree in international development from the University of East Anglia. Bill oversees strategic planning, project development, proposal writing, project management, and international contract negotiation. He will serve as project lead for the Marine Institute.

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EEXXCCEELLSSIIOORR CCOOMMMMUUNNIITTYY CCOOLLLLEEGGEE,, JJAAMMAAIICCAA Our Understanding of the Excelsior Community College Need Jamaica’s Vision 2030 strategic plan seeks to build internationally competitive industry sectors using a variety of economic development tools, one of which is an effective educational system that links graduates to industry need and meets the accreditation requirements of the CVQ. Of particular interest to the Jamaican government, in anticipation of the 2015 completion of the expanded Panama Canal, is to transform into a global logistics hub. Excelsior Community College enrolls about 2,500 students annually across four Faculties that provide good opportunities for new cross-disciplinary programming in the School of Engineering, Logistics and Built Environments, as well as opportunities for entrepreneurial skills development. The College plans to develop a new program cluster in Logistics Management that will provide graduates with the knowledge and skills to support a logistics-dominated economic environment in Jamaica. As a Methodist tertiary institution, Excelsior articulates core values that support student access, success, and learning opportunities for “adults of all ages and academic backgrounds” (Institutional Profile, page 4). Consequently, academic upgrading for under-prepared students, as well as assessment of prior learning and appropriate recognition and program placement for adult learners become key components of academic programming. Enhanced quality assurance mechanisms that measure program and delivery quality are also of interest to the College. The specific Excelsior institutional need, as defined in its RFP, is to develop, in collaboration with an international educational partner, modularized curriculum in five academic Logistics Management areas that can be organized into individual programs with multiple entry and exit points, and delivered through a variety of methods, including classroom-based, on-line, and through industry placements. The objective is to produce employment-ready graduates in various occupations in the broad Logistics Management sector. Added to the initial four program areas of Supply Chain Management, Strategic Procurement and Asset Management, Warehousing and Distribution, and Transportation Logistics is a unique program in Humanitarian and Disaster Relief Logistics. How Niagara College and the Marine Institute Can Help Excelsior Community College Fulfill its Goals Our international project experience has helped us develop a proactive approach to collaboration whereby the project is driven by our partner’s goals, builds on our partner’s experience, and is informed by expertise that we bring to the partnership. Based on our experiences, challenges, successes, and results related to student success and program/curriculum development with multiple delivery methods, we are confident that we have the expertise and replicable models to assist with the achievement of Excelsior’s goals to support Jamaica’s strategic objective as a logistics centre. We also have demonstrated success in developing modularized curriculum that can be organized into various types and lengths of programs, with cross-disciplinary links. Both Colleges have extensive logistics and international business experience and programming. MI has specific curriculum in disaster relief and management. Overall Methodology All of Niagara College and the Marine Institute’s international projects have been founded on the principles of collaborative development. We bring the experience, expertise, and best practices or models of the Canadian partners to the goals of the international partner. We anticipate a very collaborative working relationship with Excelsior administrative staff and faculty, with annual visits for Excelsior representatives to Canada, and consultancy/training sessions in

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Jamaica. It is anticipated that working sessions will manage two or three objectives concurrently to make the most effective use of project resources. As well, early in Year One, we will establish an on-line project portal to communicate, share curriculum and practices, and advance project objectives. Other technology tools (Skype, webinars, etc.) will also be used as appropriate. Objective 1: Logistics Occupational Analysis and Standards Development (Excelsior request 2.9: NVQ or CVQ Standards, and 2.10: Industry Involvement) Once project teams from Niagara College, the Marine Institute, and Excelsior are established, they will review existing labour market sources and information for both Canada and Jamaica relative to employment needs in the logistics sector. They will also analyze individual job descriptions to form a base of information on which to build the early curriculum framework for the new Logistics Management program curriculum. Consultations will be held with industry, local trade associations, government, and business support organizations. An interim Program Advisory Committee (PAC) of key industry representatives will be recruited in Jamaica, guided, where appropriate, by the Canadian college PAC terms of reference. The initial meeting of this PAC will be held to develop a first draft of program standards for all sectors of logistics management. It is anticipated that a separate PAC may be needed for curriculum in Humanitarian and Disaster Relief. Standards will reflect the requirements of the CVQ, levels 4 and 5. Partners will use a DACUM (designing a curriculum) process to draft a proposed modularized curriculum framework of courses and work experience requirements that will then be organized into the separate programs of Supply Chain Management, Strategic Procurement and Asset Management, Warehousing and Distribution, Transportation Logistics, and Humanitarian and Disaster Relief Logistics.

Results: Interim Program Advisory Committee(s) established Draft Logistics Management Programs Standards established Draft Humanitarian and Disaster Relief Program Standards established

Additional Outcomes:

Excelsior enhances methods to gather and analyze labour market information Excelsior establishes relationships with the logistics industry and participates in the Logistics Task Force of the Ministry of Industry, Investment and Commerce

Objective 2: Professional Development for Faculty and Institutional Leaders in Logistics and Disaster Relief (Excelsior Request 2.13: Development of Institutional Leaders, and 2.14: Instructor Capacity) In Year one, peer visits to Canada and workshops in Jamaica will focus on knowledge and skill requirements for logistics and disaster relief jobs, focusing on competency-based /outcome-based requirements. PAC members at Niagara College and the Marine Institute will provide valuable information on the requirements of the industry. On-line resources and professional development opportunities will be sourced and analyzed.

Results: Logistics Industry Guide for Curriculum Development Professional Development Plan for Excelsior leaders and faculty

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Objective 3: Development of Logistics Curriculum Clusters, Work Placement Methodologies, and Assessment Tools (Excelsior Request 2.11: Curriculum and Lesson Plan Development, and 2.18: NTA Approval for NVQ/CVQ Programs) This objective contains the greatest amount of output. It will begin with the first visit to Jamaica by Niagara and Marine Institute team members, and develop incrementally throughout Year One and Two using the project’s on-line portal. Niagara and the MI’s Business, Logistics, and Disaster Management program frameworks, software tools and curricula are available for use as models or tools for developing a unique cluster of Excelsior Logistics program modules. Preparatory program curriculum will develop concurrently, and link to the existing Employability Skills and preparatory programs at Niagara and MI, as well as to relevant Caribbean Examinations Council (CXC) courses. Requirements for work placements, methods of securing placements, and methods of assessing these placements will be developed collaboratively with Canadian models available as appropriate. Industry partners will be recruited as work placement sponsors. Occupational analyses conducted in Objective 1 will be used to develop a list of technology, equipment, and software needs for the logistics industry. Research by Excelsior and its Canadian partners will be conducted to locate and purchase the most cost effective, relevant equipment and technology available. Partnerships with industry will be leveraged for discounts and/or donations of equipment in addition to the funds available through the EFE budget. Where feasible, the project team will seek to make arrangements for use of industry equipment for on-site training so as to reduce equipment procurement requirements. Teams will develop assessment strategies and tools that effectively measure learning outcomes for each course.

Results: Logistics Curriculum Development Guide Humanitarian and Disaster Relief Logistics Curriculum Guide

Logistics Management Program Outlines:

Course Outlines for all 5 academic programs, Assessment Methods, and Assessment Tools

Preparatory Program Outline, Curriculum, and Assessment Tools Program equipment lists/other infrastructure needs List of Confirmed Work Placement Opportunities Additional Outcomes:

Excelsior staff enhance their familiarity with competency-based training (CBT) principles and models Excelsior faculty gain practical experience in developing CBT curriculum and assessment tools Access to software licenses secured Equipment identified and secured, or plan developed to secure

Final Outcome:

Logistics programs are granted CVQ level 4/5 accreditation (Year Three) Objective 4: Prior Learning Assessment and Recognition (PLAR) Development (Excelsior Request 2.12: Development of Assessment Tools for PLAR) PLAR initiatives will be most effective if developed following the Logistics Management program and curriculum development. PLAR involves a potential student’s identification of an academic goal, the identification of past education and experience that is related to that goal, the

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documentation and presentation of this knowledge and skill to educators (and ultimately to employers), and the recognition by educators of the validity of the documentation or demonstration. Students may be able to transfer existing college or other course credits to the new programs, shorten the time needed in the programs, reduce requirements for work placements, or potentially re-assess their initial educational goal. Training in PLAR principles, practices, and processes will occur during the Year Two visit of Canadian College team members to Jamaica.

Results: PLAR approved policy and practices PLAR assessment tools and techniques Excelsior faculty trained in PLAR PLAR information/marketing materials Flexible entry and transferability criteria for Logistics program cluster Objective 5: Development of ToolKits: Program Marketing and Career Guidance (Excelsior Request 2.17: Career Guidance Considerations) Collaborative development of these toolkits and materials will build on both partners’ existing methods and tools, with an emphasis on the new CVQ levels 4/5 accreditation (expected or achieved), practical skills training, and work experience opportunities.

Results: Marketing (including Social Marketing) Toolkit Career Guidance Toolkit Objective 6: Performance Measures Development (Excelsior Request 2.18: Approval for NVQ/CVQ Programs) Year Three will see the development of a Performance Measures Framework for the new Logistics Management program cluster. We recommend adapting the Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) used by the Ontario provincial government to measure college performance.

Results: Performance Measures Framework and Tools Additional Outcome:

Excelsior becomes Caribbean leader in measuring educational performance.

Objective 7: Gender Equity through Gender Policy/Strategies Development (Excelsior Request 2.15: Gender Equity Considerations) Based on lessons learned managing CIDA projects in Argentina, Peru, Brazil, and South Africa, Niagara College has developed a targeted gender strategy and a corresponding “Gender Tool Kit” for use in international educational development projects. The project team can use this toolkit to determine recruitment strategies for the Logistics Management programs, student selection processes, curriculum design and implementation strategies including appropriate work placements, program management strategies, and recommendations for student support services.

Results: Excelsior Community College Gender Tool Kit

Additional Outcome: Greater awareness of gender issues and commitment to change

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Objective 8: Environmental Sustainability Policy Development (Excelsior Request 2.16: Environmental Sustainability and Community Engagement) This project will develop two policies related to environmental sustainability – one that is curriculum focused and one that is institution focused. A minimum of two environmental sustainability courses will also be prepared for use across all Logistics Management programs. The institutional policy will identify “Green” initiatives that may be implemented on its campuses. “Green” strategies and practices are becoming common in Canadian colleges, including alternatives to the use of plastic bottles, recycling initiatives, awareness initiatives, “green days”, and others. Results: Environmental Sustainability policy at the institutional level

Curriculum for two logistics-focused environmental sustainability courses

Additional Outcomes: Closer linkages to national and international sustainability bodies

Increasing student awareness and practice of environmental stewardship Project Partnership and Sustainability Developing and maintaining a strong partnership is integral to the success and sustainability of the project’s achieved results, outputs and outcomes. The following principles will be used to guide our participation in the partnership:

Local Ownership: Excelsior will be the drivers of the project. Niagara and MI will respond to needs identified by Excelsior and the other project stakeholders.

Partnership: In addition to assisting build and strengthen Excelsior’s partnerships with industry, Niagara and MI hope to build an open, synergistic and long-term relationship with Excelsior that continues beyond the 3-year scope of the project and draws on and values the experiences of the partners and stakeholders.

Capacity Development: Niagara and MI acknowledge the substantive capacity that already exists and the valuable local knowledge of our partners. We will attempt to develop that capacity further by enhancing the existing skills and knowledge of our partners and by sharing our own lessons learned and best practices.

Accountability: Niagara and MI are accountable to the Canadian government which funds ACCC’s EFE program and to Canadian tax payers whose taxes are used for development initiatives. We are accountable to ourselves as an institution; and above all, to our project partners and stakeholders in Jamaica.

Project Management If selected as a partner by Excelsior Community College, Niagara and MI will gladly share their experience, expertise and logistics program curriculum, as well as preparatory program curriculum. We will provide hands-on training and workshops for Excelsior faculty and staff in the policies, methods and materials needed for labour market assessment, competency and standards-based curriculum development, PLAR, and the development of appropriate work placement strategies to provide students with real-world business experience. A Project Management Team (PMT) composed of representatives from Excelsior, Niagara and MI will guide and advise the project’s implementation and delivery. Niagara will be the lead Canadian Institute assuming overall project and financial management and lead for correspondence with Excelsior and ACCC. Excelsior will be responsible for in-country logistics, correspondence with their respective ministries and mobilizing project personnel. We look forward to meeting with you to discuss our proposal further.

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Section F: Institutional Partnership Consultant Curriculum Vitae’s

Rob Shepherd Contact Information

Niagara College, Niagara-on-the-Lake, Ontario, Canada; 905-641-2252 Ext 4134

Core Competencies

Skilled and experienced Program Coordinator and Educator.

Skilled and experienced in curriculum design, development and writing for certificate, diploma, professional and undergraduate level programs and courses.

SAP/ERP certified instructor and trainer. HEC Montreal completed level 2 SAP training.

Skilled and accomplished writer: Contributed to and recognised in numerous Operations Management and Supply Chain Management text books.

Employment History

1996-Present: Business and Management Division, Niagara College of Applied Arts and Technology. Niagara-on-the-Lake, Ontario. 1996-Present: Coordinator Business Administration-Operations Management Program 2007-Present: Coordinator SAP/ERP curriculum and implementation

As Coordinator, I was the faculty lead for all levels (1-6) of the Operations Management program. I was responsible for curriculum review and development. Recent curricular updates include integration of an Environmental Sustainability course into the operations program. This was proceeded by implementation of SAP/ERP curriculum; firstly in the operations program and then integrating this curriculum into three other programs within the business cluster.

Taught both theoretical and practical courses that focused on operations management. Specific courses include supply-chain-management, six sigma quality, logistics, purchasing, project management, material requirements planning, just-in-time and theory of constraints.

2012-Present: Niagara College DTAPP (Digital Technology Adoption Pilot Program) faculty lead

DTAPP is a federally funded program designed to increase the productivity growth of small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in Canada across all sectors through the adoption of digital technologies. As faculty lead I am responsible for curriculum review and development. Curriculum development involves designing one course in productivity measurement and improvement and another in the use of digital technology in business operations. These two courses will be delivered to SME’s in the Niagara Region. The end goal of the DTAPP program is to establish a productivity centre of excellence at Niagara College. This centre will act as a resource for small to medium size business owners who seek ways to improve productivity and integrate technology into their business operation.

1995-2002: Niagara College of Applied arts and Technology-Instructor in Continuing Education

Taught courses and developed curriculum in supply-chain-management, operations management, material requirements planning, logistics,

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Rob Shepherd Contact Information

Niagara College, Niagara-on-the-Lake, Ontario, Canada; 905-641-2252 Ext 4134

warehousing, quality control, TQM and just-in-time. 1999-2002: American Production and Inventory Control Society (A.P.I.C.S.)

Served on an international panel of subject matter experts involved in curriculum development. Developed five courses as part of the professional certification program. These five courses were delivered globally as part of the A.P.I.C.S. professional certification program.

2001-2002: Facilitator, Western Region College Educator Development Program

Provided professional development for new educators to the College system. (These skilled professionals would have little experience as teachers and this program facilitated the development of their skills as educators).

1994-1996: Plant Manager, Niagara Piston, Beamsville, Ontario 1994: Materials Manager, Kindred Industries, Midland, Ontario 1992-1994: Materials Manager, Hill Refrigeration, Barrie, Ontario

1989-1994: Production Scheduler/Quality Control Technician/Logistics Coordinator, Welland Forge, Welland, Ontario 1978-1989: General Labourer/ Production Scheduler TRW, St. Catharines, Ontario


Spring 2014 (expected completion): International Bachelor of Business Southern New Hampshire University, New Hampshire, U.S.A.

Major: International Business and Operations Management. 2011: SAP University Alliance Instructor Training-Level 2 University HEC Montreal, Quebec 2004: American Production and Control Society (A.P.I.C.S.) Certified Production/Inventory Management (C.P.I.M.) recertification. Original C.P.I.M. professional certification-1988. 1994: Logistics Management Certificate York University, Toronto, Ontario 1985: Diploma in Business Administration – Industrial Management, Niagara College of Applied Arts and Technology, Welland, Ontario

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Derek Howse


Information Marine Institute of Memorial University of Newfoundland; 709-778-0586

Profile Derek has over 20 years of experience in educational delivery, design and development, working provincially, nationally and internationally with secondary and tertiary level institutions specializing in competency-based education in technical vocational education and training. Derek’s expertise falls in three areas: instructional media, curriculum development and course facilitation. Derek holds undergraduate and post-graduate degrees in education and has presented at and attended numerous educational conferences. His experiences include research in evolving educational technologies, use of simulations in distance education, course implementation, program design and development, and teaching at both TVET and university levels. Derek has been involved in the development and implementation of many new programs at the college level including bachelor, technical, and community-based programs. Derek has also been engaged on numerous domestic and international projects involving the implementation of competency based curricula.



Instructional design, curriculum development, competency-based education and training (technical and short courses)

Teaching/facilitation (Physics, Mathematics and Computer Application)

Applied research and development; sectoral assessments (labour, training, needs, research and development)



1996 – Present: Fisheries and Marine Institute, Instructional Designer/Curriculum Development Specialist Manage instructional design and curriculum development projects for external industrial and international educational clients and facilitate development and/or revision of in-house courses and programs. Lead instructional design projects for distance and in-house delivery. Key duties: developing strategies/plans for developing new programs, working with institutional and community stakeholders, demonstrating strong time/project management skills, assessing human resource requirements, collaborating with multiple subject-matter experts, and networking; excellent analytical skills as well as solid written, verbal, and interpersonal communications; strong knowledge of TVET and training sector and demonstrated sensitivity to working in teams and within a multi-cultural environment. 1990 – 1996: Fisheries and Marine Institute, Instructor Responsible for the development and teaching of courses in Physics, Mathematics and Computer Applications.


1998: Master of Education (Teaching and Learning) Memorial University of Newfoundland, St. John’s, NL, Canada 1991: Bachelor of Science (Mathematics), Bachelor of Education Memorial University of Newfoundland, St. John’s, NL, Canada

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Derek Howse


Information Marine Institute of Memorial University of Newfoundland; 709-778-0586



Participation in national accreditation programs

Canadian Vocational Association (CVA)




Guyana, C-EFE (CIDA-funded ACCC project): Technical Lead to provide training in occupational analysis implementation and to support CBET delivery and curriculum development/revision activities for mining project. Scheduled to travel to Guyana in October/November 2013.

Mozambique, EFE (CIDA-funded ACCC project): Travelled to Mocimboa da Praia, Mozambique in February 2012, November 2011, May 2011 and June 2010 as Technical Lead to provide training in occupational analysis implementation and to support CBET delivery and curriculum development/revision activities.

Mozambique, EFE (CIDA-funded ACCC project): Travelled to Mocuba, Mozambique in June 2012, April 2011 as Technical Lead to provide training in occupational analysis implementation and to support CBET delivery and curriculum development/revision activities.

Malawi (CIDA-funded ACCC project): Travelled to Mangochi, Malawi in June 2008, April 2011 as Technical Lead to expand the mandate and capacity of the Malawi College of Fisheries to deliver training in post-harvest training.

Ireland, Netherlands: Travelled to Cork, Ireland and Terschelling, Netherlands in April 2006 as part of a multi-Institutional analysis regarding the feasibility of developing and offering a course in Telemedicine. Project funded by and report prepared for the Centre for International Maritime Education and Training, a joint European / Canadian effort exploring potential for curriculum exchange.

Thailand: Travelled to Bangkok, Thailand in March 2003. Developed and delivered a workshop covering the Design and Facilitation of Online Courses. Delivered to members of the Training Division of the Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Centre (SEAFDEC).

Canada: October 2002. Developed and delivered a workshop on Instructional Design Concepts, Facilitating Online and the use of WebCT as an Online Learning Environment. Delivered to members of the Training Division of the Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Centre (SEAFDEC).

Indonesia: Travelled to Jakarta, Indonesia in April 2002. Developed and delivered workshop on Development of Online Teaching Techniques Using Simulation. Delivered to members of the Southeast Asian Ministry of Education’s (SEAMEO) Open Learning Centre (SEAMOLEC).

Canada: March 1998. Developed and delivered a short course on Curriculum and Instructional Resource Development. Delivered to curriculum specialists from the Jordanian Ministry of Education.

Canada: March 1996. Developed and delivered a workshop on an Introduction to Computer Concepts. Delivered to representatives of the Jordanian Ministry of Education.

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Agostino Menna

Contact Information

Niagara College, Niagara-on-the-Lake, Ontario, Canada

Core Competencies

Highly respected educator in the international business sector

Developed programs in International Business and International Commerce & Global Development for Niagara College, 2005

Currently developing courses and learning and program outcomes for

an applied degree program in Entrepreneurship

Curriculum development expertise includes Entrepreneurship courses,

Micro and Macro Economics, Supply Chain Management, Global Logistics Management, Quality Control, and Operations Management

Focus on student mentoring; including as Coach, Business Case

Competition (Gold Award, Montreal, 2009), and 2012 Faculty Advisor ,

Students for Free Enterprise

Dr. Menna’s achievements include numerous publications and conference presentations on business theory and management.

Employment History

2003-Current Business Professor, Niagara College, Ontario Canada

2009-2010 Business Coordinator, Niagara College, Ontario

2002-2010 Adjunct Professor, Niagara University Lewiston, New York

2003-2004 Instructor, Canadian School of Management, Toronto, Ontario

1999-2005 General Manager, Community Education Group, Niagara Falls

1991-2001 Seminar Leader, Brock University, St. Catharines, Ontario

2001 Adjust Professor, Brock University, St. Catharines, Ontario

1994-1998 Instructor, Institute for Enterprise Education/Business Education

Council, St. Catharines, Ontario


2008 Ph.D., Education and Economics, University of Toronto, Ontario

1998 M.B.A, Business-Economics, Niagara University, U.S.A.

1994 M.Ed., Education Administration, Niagara University, U.S.A.

1991 B.B.A., Business Administration, Brock University, Ontario

Additional Teaching Experience

Adjunct Professor, International Economics, Niagara College (1995-98)

Adjunct Professor of International Business Management, Global Finance and Economics (Niagara University, Lewiston, NY)

Steelmaking lecturer at McMaster University

Technical and commercial presentations for customers, owners, unions, and potential investors including Business Plan Reviews, S.W.O.T. Analysis, Market Development Initiatives, and numerous seminars on the selection, fabrication, application, and marketing of industrial products.

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Section G: Project Summary Sheets

Marine Institute of Memorial University: Philippines

Name of Project or Initiative: Maritime Transport Sector, Philippines Maritime Training Compliance Project (4yrs) and the scaling up sub-project, Distance Education for Seafarers (3yrs)

Location of Activity: Philippines

Client(s): CIDA through ACCC Partner(s): Marine Institute of Memorial University Commission on Higher Education Philippine Merchant Marine Academy John B Lacson Foundation Maritime University

Number of Personnel Involved (numbers & person months) (input from Canadian college or institute) No. of Staff: 14; Person Months: 24

Start and End dates: Maritime Training Compliance: 1999/2000 – 2003/2004 Distance Education for Seafarers: 2007/2008 – 2010/2011

Other Partners involved in implementation: North Island College, Canada (only involved on first in-Canada activity of MTC project)

Inputs provided by other partners: Hosted Philippine delegation

Detailed Narrative Description of Project/Initiative: Maritime Training Compliance Project: The project goal was to maintain and enhance the Philippines capacity to participate in the international marine transportation industry. The project purpose was to facilitate organizational institutional and programmatic developments necessary to maximize the capacity of International Maritime Organization (IMO) compliant training institutions in the Philippines. Distance Education for Seafarers: The project goal was to enhance the capacity of the Commission on Higher Education (CHED) and Philippine Higher Education Institutions to reduce structural and financial barriers to officer-level education in the maritime sector. The project purpose was to reduce poverty and improve livelihoods in the Philippines through improved access to education and training, especially for those already working in the maritime industry and/or living in remote areas. The project addressed policy formulation, strategic planning and management of education systems. Project undertakings were designed such that new programming for the transport sector could be developed in a modularized and competency based format.

Description of Actual Services Provided: The Maritime Training Compliance project provided: 1. national policy level support to the Government of the Philippines (GoP) focused on enhancing its global position in transport/shipping; 2. strategic planning support (Technical Education Level) and 3. capacity development for more than 30 technical institutes in the transportation sector. The follow up project entitled Distance Education for Seafarers (scaling-up) built on the successful results of the first project. The focus was on developing national level capacity in the distance delivery of maritime transportation training programs. The project assisted the GoP with the development of maritime policy, management and programming dimensions of the foregoing issue. John B Lacson Foundation Maritime University has now joined the International Association of Maritime Universities. Through this venue MI and JBLFMU have been able to collaborate on a number of faculty exchanges, presentations at international conferences (including conferences hosted at JBLFMU and at MI) and through other funded projects.

Description of Results Achieved: Policy level recommendations on the transport sector provided to the GoP; Strategic plan in place for the maritime training sector; training and TA provided to JBLFMU and 30 Philippines technical institutes and universities in STCW guideline modifications, international shipping program development, competency based education and training, maritime simulation, distance delivery, train-the-trainer, and institutional mentorship. The initiatives have helped increase access to maritime training programs in the Philippines.

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Niagara College Canada: Brazil

Name of Project or Initiative: Mulheres Mil (2006-2011) and Mulheres Mil Impact Assessment Project (2012-2014)

Location of Activity: Canada and Brazil – various locations in the north and north-east of Brazil (Fortaleza, Manaus, Natal, Belem, Salvador) as well as Brasilia

Client(s) / Partner(s) Brazil Ministry of Education (MEC), and 12 colleges (Institutos Federal - IFs) Niagara College Canada Association of Canadian Community Colleges

Number of Personnel Involved Canadian partners: approx. 25 Brazilian partners: institutional partners: approx. 40 (Mulheres Mil); and approx. 12 (Mulheres Mil Impact Assessment) Women program participants: approx. 1,000

Start Date August, 2006

End Date March, 2014

Other Partners involved in implementation: Canadian Colleges including Red River College, New Brunswick Community College, and George Brown College

Inputs provided by other partners: Expert personnel in PLAR, upgrading programs for women, various short-term training programs

Description of Project/Initiative: Since 2006, Niagara College and several Canadian colleges have partnered to transfer their combined knowledge, educational best practices and skill training methodologies to help build the capacity of the Brazilian college system to serve disadvantaged groups, in particular women. Mulheres Mil (Empowering 1000 Women) focuses on developing structures, policies and programs that provide access to education and the workforce for disadvantaged women. Ultimately, results include improvements to family life, regional and national economic development and greater participation of disadvantaged women in the political process. In 2012, the Brazilian government committed to making Mulheres Mil a national program to roll out across its entire college system. Following the initial Mulheres Mil project, a 2 year project led by Niagara College was supported by MEC and the Canadian International Development Research program (IDRC) for the collaborative development, with Brazilian partners, of a framework, tools and methods for assessing the on-going impact of the Mulheres Mil project.

Description of Actual Services Provided:

Short-term, competency-based technical training programs for disadvantaged women

Train-the-trainer sessions in PLAR, course design and delivery to 12 Brazilian colleges

Life skills training provided to the first two pilot groups of women to enable them to create resumes, interview for jobs and conduct themselves in the workplace.

Professional development workshops on how to develop community and industry partnerships and identify industry economic need and opportunities.

Development of a database system and on-line portal for communications

Workshops and collaborative development of a framework and draft tools and methods (as of September, 2013) to assess the impact of the Mulheres Mil program

Description of Results Achieved: By improving their skills and employment prospects, these women improved not only their own lives, but the lives of their families and communities as well. Over a dozen groups of dedicated women have graduated from the project and have successfully been able to transition from an informal economy to the formal workplace, and continue building confidence and skills in order to secure and succeed in employment in hotels, hospitals and other service companies. The capacity of Brazilian colleges has been dramatically enhanced and expanded.

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Niagara College Canada: Peru

Name of Project or Initiative: Entry Points for Tourism Work

Location of Activity: Peru/ Arequipa

Client(s) / Partner(s) Instituto Superior Tecnológico del Sur (ISUR) Niagara College Canada Movimiento Acción Social Arequipa (MASA)

Number of Personnel Involved Over 500 individuals were involved as participants or trainees Start Date

April 2005 End Date March, 2010

Other Partners involved in implementation: n/a

Inputs provided by other partners: n/a

Description of Project/Initiative: This project contributed to the achievement of the national priority of reducing poverty by strengthening the capacity of ISUR to actively collaborate in enhancing employability and quality of service in the tourism industry, thereby contributing to the economic development of the southern macro-region of Peru. The purpose of this initiative was three-fold: 1) increase ISUR’s capacity to deliver tourism training, especially to marginalized groups, 2) empower the disadvantaged with competencies for work in tourism and with basic life skills, 3) provide cross-sector and cross-class networking opportunities that will assist the unemployed to access entry points for tourism work.

Description of Actual Services Provided:

Structured Train-the-Trainers sessions in Peru and Canada responded to a need that ISUR had previously identified: systematizing its approach to education

Developed relationships and strengthened networks with the business sector of Arequipa in a variety of ways that helped ISUR to position itself in the community

Conducted needs assessment as a first-stage approach to training and development to ensure that course designs attended to the needs and interests in promoting gender equality and inclusion

Collaboratively designed training workshops and modules for short-term courses carried out in the outreach community creating solutions for the local context

Provided a platform for ISUR to contribute to the development of the tourism economy in Arequipa that also raised the level of tourism awareness of its citizens

Conducted entrepreneurship training workshops for variety of personnel at ISUR

Description of Results Achieved: Disadvantaged groups (over 150 people) were certified in tourism training and life skills, thereby improving their employability. New opportunities for self/employment were created and skilled labour for the tourism industry of Arequipa was provided. An industry-led advisory board now meets twice yearly. ISUR strengthened its position as a regional tourism trainer. It created a Business Development Centre (CEN) using Niagara College as a role model. In addition, an International Business program was incorporated using the Niagara College program as a model.

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