Career Clarity Coaching Programs v2 - Amazon S3 · Page 4 Program Nuts and Bolts We deliver our...

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Career Clarity Coaching Program Guide

Let’s improve your career! Alison Cardy, Program Lead at Cardy Career Coaching

Author and Career Expert Hosted by the Following Schools and Alumni Groups and Featured In:


Program Overviews

OneMonthJustGetMePointedintheRightDirectionProgramCareer Coaches: Jenny, Michele, Nav or Sara

Designed for professionals who aren’t sure which way to go with their career, but know that once they connect to a career direction they’ll be able to follow-through on moving towards it without much resistance.

If a lack of career clarity is the sole or major problem you’re encountering (and you feel confident in your ability to work through other minor issues on your own), this program is for you.

Three Month CareerDirectionClarity+ActionPlanProgramCareer Coaches: Jenny, Michele, Nav or Sara

Ideal for professionals who feel very stuck around their career and need an extra push to get “out of the mud”. This program covers the same ground as the one month program, but provides extended hands-on support and coaching to generate the additional momentum needed to get you through to the other side.

If a lack of career clarity is coupled with one or more factors, like a rough personal or professional situation, a high level of influence or pressure from loved ones, burnout, self-doubt, or many months or even years alone in your head grappling with your career direction alone, then this extended program option is the right choice for you.

SixMonthPhoenixRisingProgramCoach: Alison

Best for professionals who want to achieve career clarity and overall life improvement. This program entails the largest commitment of time and resources. It is for people who place a high value on mentorship and are fully onboard with pursuing their own personal development.

If a lack of career clarity also comes with a desire to make massive positive changes and create the life you’ve been yearning to live, then this long-term program option is the choice for you.

è Keep Reading for Program Deliverables


Program Deliverables OneMonthJustGetMePointedintheRightDirectionProgramKey Deliverables:

ü In-depth discussion and analysis of your career history and other relevant experiences ü Verbal validation of your unique strengths ü Core career themes report (these are the fundamental elements that would equate to

career satisfaction for you in an ideal world) ü Aligned, specific, and verified real-world career hypothesis developed through a multi-

step process including assignments, discussion, and action steps ü Increased career direction clarity and confidence ü Game plan for next steps and momentum towards your desired career direction

Three Month CareerDirectionClarity+ActionPlanProgramKey Deliverables:

ü All of the One Month program deliverables ü Powerful insights into what has been keeping you stuck (once you understand what’s

going on, it becomes a lot easier to address it) ü Knowledge of new tools, frameworks, and strategies that create greater freedom and ease

around your career ü Additional, personalized coaching that compassionately meets you where you are and

appropriately challenges you, resulting in forward progress

SixMonthPhoenixRisingProgramKey Deliverables:

ü All of the One and Three Month program deliverables ü Deep, personal, life-changing insights and “a-ha’s” that come from an extended, in-depth,

healthy coaching relationship ü Increased understanding of how to be more effective and satisfied in life ü Traction in improving all areas of life

è Keep Reading for Program Nuts and Bolts


Program Nuts and Bolts We deliver our coaching over the phone or Skype, based on your preference.


ü Get Acquainted Call with your Career Coach ü Weekly oversight and touchpoint from your coach for the program’s duration ü 3 coaching sessions; our standard schedule is as follows:

o 90 minute Deep Dive coaching session o 60 minute coaching session o Gap week for taking real-world action o 60 minute coaching session

ü Customized assignments between appointments ü Lifetime essential client resource library access ü One group coaching call with Alison ü Exclusive CLARITY community benefits: access to add on services, programs,

workshops, and events

Three Month CareerDirectionClarity+ActionPlanProgram

ü Get Acquainted Call with your Career Coach ü Weekly oversight and touchpoint from your coach for the program’s duration ü 90 minute Deep Dive coaching session ü Five 60 minute coaching sessions; held on a personalized schedule that incorporates a mix

of coaching weeks and assignment/ real-world action weeks ü Customized assignments between appointments ü Lifetime comprehensive client resource library access ü Three group coaching calls with Alison ü Exclusive CLARITY community benefits: access to add on services, programs,

workshops, and events


ü 90 minute Deep Dive Session ü Twenty 60 minute coaching sessions ü One half day coaching intensive ü Lifetime comprehensive client resource library access ü Six group coaching calls ü Exclusive CLARITY community benefits: access to add on services, programs,

workshops, and events

è Keep Reading for the Results Our Clients Get


The Results Our Clients Get

Four Years Happily Employed in New Role “As a result of coaching I successfully moved across the country and changed jobs. I’ve happily stayed with the same organization for four years since working with the Cardy Career Coaching team.” –Polly

International Client Now Living Her Dream “As a result of working with the Cardy Career Coaching team I am living my dreams right now. Now the worst day in my current field is better than the best day in my old job. That’s how big a difference there is. I feel awesome and very lucky.” –Suriya

Life is Changed Despite Fatigue “I was exhausted constantly and sick all the time. The coaching work gave me confidence and clear sightedness to say, ‘This is what I want, and I can do it.’ It was completely life changing. I changed my whole life. I left my job and did what I wanted to do. Our work was so incredibly helpful. I moved through a lot of stuff.” –Lily

“I Was So Far in the Hole” “My job was awful and I was miserable. I was in a place where I felt like I couldn’t go on. The impact of working with the Cardy Career Coaching team on my life has been huge. I landed and prepared for a new job. I learned tools to handle things. I needed those practices.” –Emily


Dad is Much More Pleasant to Be Around

“It’s an understatement to say I’m very pleased with how everything’s worked out. I’m three months into my new job, and I love it. It’s wonderful. I can’t say enough good things about it. I’m much more pleasant to be around for my family too.” –Tom

“I Was Tired of Being Confused”

“The coaching work cleared the fog of the landscape. I’m less judgmental about where I am. I’m more comfortable. I’m in such a better place and so much better equipped for future situations. Working with the Cardy Career Coaching team was a huge help.” –Brittany

From Lost to On Track

“The coaching work impacted my life hugely. I basically figured out what I could see myself doing and the next steps to get there. Now I’m doing it. I’m employed in my new profession, and I see a future for myself in it.” –Mariah

College Student Sets Course for Success

“I love my major. I know what I want to be doing after school. I have a long term dream that I’m keeping an eye on as well.” –Emma


“What Do I Do? Where Do I Start?” “I wasn’t quite able to get my arms around the process of making a change. It’s one thing to know we need to make a change. It’s something else to do it. As a result of the coaching work, I felt much more confident with where I was at professionally, more equipped to take on challenges that were new to me, and take action in the face of the unknown.” –Stephanie

New Job and New Husband “Building my confidence helped me to leave the city and try something new. I believed I could get a new job and got one. I got my act together personally too. I met an amazing man and got married.” –Courtney

“Before working with the Cardy Career Coaching team I was so confused about which way to proceed. I knew I needed to make some changes, but just couldn’t get started. Working with the team helped me drill down to a practical path forward. The program was amazingly well done.” –Susan D., Paralegal, Just Get Me Pointed in the Right Direction Client “Before working with Alison my mind was in a million directions and my ego was trained to tell me ‘no’ and steer me in the exact opposite direction of where I wanted to go! I needed an outsider’s perspective. Since our work together I’m clear on where I’d like to go. Alison is an expert at what she does and an inspiration.” –K.K., Travel Coordinator “Deborah had an amazing ability to pinpoint my blind spots with laser-like precision from my seemingly insignificant habitual behaviors. Then she was able to gently bring them out to the forefront and help me see them. The experience of finally coming face-to-face with some of my own blind spots after all these years was mind-blowingly profound! She was such a powerful voice of reason. I am so grateful for her help. So needless to say, I would highly recommend her to all my friends (or anyone else) who are in need of career coaching. If I had to sum up my experience with Deborah in one word, it would be ‘insightful’.” –S.L., Project Manager, Just Get Me Pointed in the Right Direction Client “I was really down on myself – lacking the confidence needed to be successful in my job search. Julia truly helped me get over my last work situation and being laid off. She helped me understand that I’m competent, intelligent and would be an asset to another organization! I’m now in a better mental state and ready to take on my next challenge.” –B.K., Marketing, Career Direction Clarity + Action Plan Client


“Before working with Alison, I was extremely frustrated with my lack of progress in searching for my career path and was feeling defeated. I had for the most part given up on the possibility of finding a new career that would excite me. In our work together, Alison was extremely patient and was able to help guide me to a place where I felt re-energized and focused, with a clear strategy for next steps. It was a pleasure to work with her.” –A.O., Program Officer “I had a wonderful experience working with Alison and truly feel in a better place after our time together. After our last session I felt like I had a clear idea of where I needed to head and what to do. This is a feeling I had not had since before graduate school. I am refreshed and refocused.” –A.G., Director of Business Partnerships “Before working with the CCC team, I spent significant time running in mental circles about my career dissatisfaction. I knew I was unhappy and needed a change, but struggled to see how and when to make change happen. My coach provided structure and context to make sense of my mental circles. Now, I am more appreciative of the fact that looking for one big change to improve my career satisfaction isn’t the best way forward. Rather, looking to a series of small changes that will get the ball rolling and make progress feel real will alleviate stress and provide me more time to understand where I am going next.” –Holly R., Just Get Me Pointed in the Right Direction Client “Sara had this beautiful way of connecting with me/meeting me exactly where I was in the process. There wasn’t anything pushy or condescending about her, and I really appreciated that. She also seemed very intuitive. She noticed right away that I needed to recharge before jumping head first into a major change and gave me a lot of suggestions for how to go about that. I found Sara’s approach to be very gentle, but focused. She genuinely cared and wanted to help me make the best decisions for where I was without adding unnecessary stress.” –B.Z., Lawyer, Just Get Me Pointed in the Right Direction Client “I was a little unfocused, under-informed and felt like I was going in circles before working with the CCC team. Although I was mainly happy, I wanted to be sure I had thought everything through. Sara got me to talk about me in a way that was very illuminating, like a sculptor brings the shape from a stone. Now, I feel so much more focused, and also more relaxed with where I am. Part of the process for me was recognizing that a need for radical change what not really needed. I’m also more in tune with what components of a job would make me happy versus those that might feed ego or simply meet other people’s expectations.” –Just Get Me Pointed in the Right Direction Client “Julia is an excellent listener and asked really interesting questions that got me thinking outside of the box. I appreciated her understanding with scheduling conflicts, too. Julia was an excellent sounding-board for me!” –Career Direction Clarity + Action Plan Client


“Before working with the Cardy Career Coaching team I was lost. I knew I needed to move, but I didn’t know where to go. You kept me in check and made me focus on what action I should take. You were also kind and understanding in listening to my situation.” –E.H., Marine Biologist “Deborah was more than warm and personable over the phone, and I felt like we had maintained a great connection throughout the process. She was a great cheerleader and fair critic when I was showing unfairness and ignorance towards myself!” –Just Get Me Pointed in the Right Direction Client “Nav helped me with bringing to light the key themes, competencies, and desires connected with my working identity. I particularly appreciated how she helped with positively reframing negativity and anxiety. She also helped me to see things from a different perspective and used comparisons, metaphors, precise language and connections to help me process and gain insight into my working identity. If I had to sum up my coach in a few words, she was reflective, analytical, thoughtful, positive, kind, open-minded, non-judgmental, and articulate.” –S. R., Education Professional “I began the process skeptical of the whole idea of life/career coaching and cynical about the possibility that it might help me in any way. By the halfway point of the first session, both feelings had melted away. Alison manages to walk the tightrope of empathizing like a close friend while providing an insightful diagnosis of the problem like the objective professional that she is. I would recommend her services to anyone who is floundering or searching for guidance in life or career.” –John K., Lawyer, Career Direction Clarity + Action Plan Client “Sara is terrific, and I’m really enjoying working with her. She’s empathetic, realistic, and knows when to push back with some thought-provoking twist. I feel like she’s really hearing me and helping me. She’s a wonderful member of your team!” –Just Get Me Pointed in the Right Direction Client “Before working with Alison I felt lost and trapped. I was convinced that I would never be able to leave my job and find something more fulfilling. Alison helped me realize that I am a good employee, and that better options do exist. She helped me make my first cold networking connection, an action of which I was previously terrified. As a result of working with Alison I am more confident that I will be able to find a more fulfilling job.” –R.Z., Technical Project Manager, Career Direction Clarity + Action Plan Client “Abby helped me identify the specific things that I wanted as I tackle the next step in my career. There are a lot of things that were there internally, but I just didn’t see them all so clearly until I worked with Abby. She asked the right questions that led me to the right answers, without projecting any ideas on me. My overall experience was awesome!” –W.W., Small Business Owner


“Nav helped me to find some beginning points to moving toward a new job, namely finding areas of interest, my core career values, and setting up some informational interviews. I got waaaay more than anticipated out of the coaching experience. Mostly because I feel scattered and a bit all over when I think of a new job – lots of ideas and not knowing how to sort them. Nav helped me to sort through my ideas, use my core career themes, and find a starting point that was manageable.” –E. H., Education Specialist “Before working with the Cardy Career Coaching team I felt unhappy, aimless and deflated. Through my work with the coaching team, I explored ideas and areas I never considered before. I now feel more confident in potential opportunities, and more aware of what truly drives my career satisfaction.” –Cecilia, Career Direction Clarity + Action Plan Client “If I had to describe working with Abby in one word – wonderful! She was very knowledgeable and pointed me to different resources that can be utilized to help me get ‘unstuck’. She strikes a nice balance between being understanding and holding a person accountable – all while having a calm demeanor! Abby is supportive and invested in her client’s progress.” –R. M., Graduate Student “Sara was tremendous. We were naturally a very good fit and I trusted her immediately. I felt like she very quickly picked up on where I was coming from and knew how to talk with me to allay fears, challenge assumptions, and encourage novel thinking. She was also really fun to work with so I looked forward to our sessions. I deeply appreciate her support and guidance.” –Just Get Me Pointed in the Right Direction Client “Julia did excellent work! She is thoughtful, kind, and insightful. She helped me to identify clear criteria on what I would like to see in my ideal job. She also gave me a lot of helpful information and ideas about how to develop my career. I learned to listen to my body as well as my mind when entering new situations. She was non-judgmental, had a lot of empathy, and I could be very open with her. I gained so much from working with Julia.” –J.B., Organizer, Just Get Me Pointed in the Right Direction Client “Lisa helped me to get a better idea of who I am. I felt an overwhelming sense of relief after speaking with her each time. She did a great job of showing empathy and pointing me in the right direction. Overall, my experience with Lisa was not only fun, but also useful.” –E. D., Analyst “Before working with Alison I felt lost in terms of my career. I didn’t have a clear idea as to why I wasn’t happy with my job, and I wanted to discover a more suitable career path for myself. Now things are going great. I love my new employer and place of work. I like what I am doing, and not only do I see potential for growth, but so do they! I will be recommending Alison in the future—she’s great!” –A.K., Executive Assistant


“Lisa was patient, attuned, resourceful, kind, empathetic and understanding, and a great listener. She helped with structuring my time so that I can be an effective freelancer and deal with the overwhelm of many different projects and figure out my next set of action steps. She’s great at taking a big, overwhelming feeling and breaking it into smaller, more manageable parts. My experience with Lisa helped me to move from the rut I was in.” –G. L., Freelance Writer “I was feeling rather directionless in my career and unsure how to begin to make a change. Alison acts as a great sounding board to listen to my varied thoughts and was able to succinctly point out where my mindset was holding me back. From our work, I’m feeling more confident that I am on the right track.” –T.H., Art Museum Giving and Campaign Manager “Nav is patient, focused, and encouraging. She helped me to figure out what career path I want to take. She took the time to dig into what I really want out of a career, to help me stop and think about why I like and dislike certain aspects of my current job and how I can use that to my advantage. Then, we discussed strategies to start getting my foot in the door in the field of interest. My experience was great!” –B. O., Engineer “Before working with Cardy Career Coaching, I was unsure of how to reach career goals. I knew what I ‘thought I wanted to do’, but wasn’t sure how to get there. I had applied for multiple jobs online but found I was getting frustrated and needed to narrow down what career might make me happy instead of just what I thought I was qualified for. Now, I much more confident on my abilities to transition outside of director healthcare delivery. Although that has not happened yet, I have transitioned to a new position within healthcare that I feel will make me happier. I was also able to negotiate a significantly higher salary with my new opportunity thanks to the online salary negotiation tutorial.” –Lindsay, Just Get Me Pointed in the Right Direction Client “I was trying to figure out the best next step for my career before working with Cardy Career Coaching. The 1:1 sessions allowed me to talk about some of my professional dreams in a judgement-free zone. Deborah was warm and helpful.” –S.P., Just Get Me Pointed in the Right Direction Client “Alison listens, draws up a plan, discusses options with you, keeps you on track, acknowledges your effort and comes up with amazing solutions that makes you go ‘what???’. And it works. Even after my coaching with Alison finished, I can hear her talking whenever I’m at a loss for what to do. Whenever I slip back into my comfort zone she appears in my head and reminds me of the outcome of inaction.” –S.H., Cost Analyst


“My experience with Sara was excellent. She helped me with identifying my core career themes and identifying next steps in a relationship. I particularly appreciated how she knew and understood me so well after such a short period of time, listened and could translate all my thoughts into a few main themes, made me laugh, helped turn my frustration into action, and was easy to talk to. Sara is attentive, supportive, and awesome. I really appreciated working with her!” –D.P., Director of Finance, Just Get Me Pointed in the Right Direction Client “As a result of working with the Cardy Career Coaching team I am happily employed in a new position. Not only is it a far better fit and in alignment with my major themes in life and work, but I know exactly why it works for me.” –Ann K., Policy Analyst, Just Get Me Pointed in the Right Direction Client “I was not sure of what to do and whether my feelings with regard to my job were healthy. Working with the Cardy Career Coaching team helped me understand who I am and, specifically, what is most important to me. I am now okay with knowing that I have a creative side, even if I don’t make a living at it.” –N.R., Mechanical Engineer “I enjoyed Alison’s demeanor and support, but mostly I was amazed at how many sessions were incredibly productive and helpful. With Alison as my coach I really made some life changes! Alison, thank you so much for everything and for all of your nonjudgmental help. I loved your approach, and I appreciated your flexibility.” –J.M., Graduate Career Advisor “Before I started working with Cardy Career Coaching, I seemed to be spinning in circles. I knew I wanted to make a change, but I was uncertain where to begin looking. I was afraid that picking the wrong option would lead to wasting years in another field I didn’t enjoy. Sara was great to work with! I appreciate how she helped me work through some of my own doubts and fears. Now, I’m researching a field that I am excited about, investigating schools with the degree I will need, and feel like I have the tools to continue this change. I really enjoyed the program and would recommend Cardy Career Coaching to a friend.” –J.M., Just Get Me Pointed in the Right Direction Client “I truly wasn’t quite sure what to expect when I initially signed up for the program, but working with Alison completely exceeded my expectations. Her calm demeanor and “life will be okay” perspective was great match for me. I also greatly appreciated her commitment to staying current on the job market and being so knowledgeable about different resources. Overall, this experience was incredibly positive and beneficial!” –R.M., Education and Literacy Advocate “I was vacillating between trying to pursue my former career and trying something else entirely. Alison really helped me understand, without directly telling me, what the answer was to my question. Then she reinforced my decision with feedback.” –M.T., Senior Project Manager


“Julia expertly led our conversations and provided me with insights that helped me to think about my situation in new ways. I thought she asked great questions, summarized our discussions well, and provided concrete ideas to help me move forward. My role often involves supporting others, so it was quite appealing to be the one getting the support! I had a positive experience working with Julia and felt very comfortable throughout the process.” –E.H., Accountant, Just Get Me Pointed in the Right Direction Client “Before working with the Cardy Career Coaching team I was confused and doubting myself and just all over the place in terms of what direction I was going. You inspired me, gave me clarity, and helped me align with what I want.” –K.A., Actress and Film Producer “I was struggling to understand my frustrations at work, and how that was impacting my personal life. Alison helped me assess my problem from a totally different perspective, which really helped me to move towards a solution. THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU. Our sessions have really opened my eyes to how I struggled, and gave me real strategies to help me improve things.” –M.O., Foreign Service Officer “Before I started my work with Julia, I was just going through the motions of looking for a job. It was helpful to have an impartial person to discuss things with about the job search process. Julia was amazing, thoughtful and humorous – all the things I needed at that time of my career crisis. The work with my coach helped me reflect and determine what I wanted out of my next position. I’m now more confident about the direction I am heading in.” –Andrea K., Just Get Me Pointed in the Right Direction Client “Working with the Cardy Career Coaching team was especially helpful because it gave me specifics–making the list of what I wanted and researching companies that would be a good fit. Some of it had been there all along (and over time to my surprise), and I just needed to see the light.” –S.W., Accountant “Alison is an extremely genuine, kind-hearted person. She is smart, thoughtful, creative, and has excellent values. I thought she listened and received everything I had to say during our work together.” –J.B., Labor Organizer “As a result of working with the Cardy Career Coaching team I am no longer thinking myself in circles, and I have taken real world steps towards a life I want to build. The anxiety that guided my decisions (or lack thereof) is no longer there. I had a wonderful experience with you!” –S.R., New Graduate “Before working with Alison I was stuck in a cycle of inaction, or ineffective action. Working with Alison was helpful because she is EXTREMELY patient and able to adjust her plan for me as she saw fit. She was a positive support while guiding me through exercises that pushed me outside of my comfort zone.” –G.T., Artist and Community Programs Manager


“I walked away from my work with Deborah with a list of career themes, which has guided me with having conversations with potential employers. And I can see how it will continue to guide me as I build my career, through the drawing and enforcing of boundaries for what I will and will not deal with. Deborah also helped me to get clear on the types of work and work environment I most prefer to work in. I had never really given it much thought before – usually just taking what I could get and feeling like I had to be grateful just to have a job (and not really like I had a choice). My experience with Deborah was SUPER HELPFUL!” –L.G., Executive Assistant, Just Get Me Pointed in the Right Direction Client “Thanks again for all of your support. I could not have gotten this far without you. I mean that sincerely.” –B.Z., Contract Negotiator “Most of all, thank you for all of your guidance these past six or so months! It’s been a long journey and you’ve helped me sharpen my focus on things. I’m glad you turned up in my Google search! Keep changing lives! :)” –E.A., Communications Specialist “I got the job!! :) THANKS! Just think- a couple of months ago we were talking and who knew what was coming! I am incredibly thankful for this opportunity.” –S.C., Sales Associate “I appreciate you helping to get me to this point by reflecting back to me what my inner voice is asking for, and providing tools to overcome fears. Thanks again for your effective + gentle guidance in the right direction.” –J.S., Education Human Resources Department “You have been the best ‘medicine’ for my daughter. You have given her confidence and encouragement, and great advice. I am so grateful on many levels.” –K.M., Interior Designer “So far my work is going well, and I’ve been really happy! I also really love the team and their work/life balance and friendliness — it seems like people really love working there and also have other things going on in their lives. On the whole, it feels really gratifying to work in a place where a lot of different parts of myself get to be present (and valued!) at once. So, at the moment, I feel open to the future and great. I feel more brave and excited about piecing together the job and life pieces that make sense for me. Thank you again for your help in this transitional moment, and I do appreciate your checking in!” –L.F., Writer and Non-Profit Marketer “Thanks so much!!! It’s so helpful to have someone supportive even though I know I have made a series of mistakes. It helps to see the way forward despite that and in a warm supportive way. I appreciate your assistance in helping me see the carrot and not just the stick. Your calls come in as a ray of hope to me.” –P.V., Physical Therapist


“I was browsing through old emails this morning, and I came across our conversations from two years ago. Reading them over, it really hit me how helpful you were when I was going through a difficult time and how grateful I am for the career-guidance you gave me. I’m in the second year of my job, and I absolutely love it. So many of the things that you helped me realize I needed in a job–collaboration, freedom, growth, teamwork–are exactly what I love about what I do now.” –P.F., Teacher “Thank you again for taking time to speak with me today. It really helped to discuss my situation with someone with experience and new ideas. I really appreciate it, and, already, I’m feeling better.” –C.W., Market Researcher “Thank you for everything–without you, I’m not sure that I’d have been able to make the career-change I needed. I hope you’re doing well! The job is going wonderfully! I love my team of coworkers, I enjoy (my work), and I’ve learned (a ton). There is A LOT I can take advantage of under one roof to help me develop professionally, and I already have the network set up!” –S.R., College Health Department “I did a session with you maybe a year ago about finding what I really want to do with my life. I wanted to share with you that I have my dream job now. Exactly what I wanted. I went from a frustrated retail worker to leading a fun team of people creating really great content for our fans. Our talk helped me get focused. I appreciate what you do!” –K.O., Social Media Manager