carded Sent flowers to Mrs A Willis Robertson Awake made...

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Transcript of carded Sent flowers to Mrs A Willis Robertson Awake made...

Ruffles an d flourishes , 21-gu n salut e an d th e tw o President s reviewe d th e troop s

calls ushersof checked

in NIH

George Reedy

Sent flowers to Mrs A Willis Robertson


Awake made public todayletter to President ofSenate and Speaker

re pollution

Secretary McNamara

George Reedy

George Reedy

To the office

AG Katzenbach

White House

March 29 , 196 5


Jack Valent i

Bill Moyer s

Jack Valent i

To South Law n with Mrs . Johnso n fo r WELCOMIN G CEREMONIE S fo rH. E . Mauric e Yameog oPresident o f the Republi c o f Upper Volt a

Ruffles an d flourishes, 21-gu n salut e an d the two Presidents reviewe d th e troop s

Education Bil l i n the House an d t o as k fo r sam e hel p i n the Senat e (J},/)

White House

March 29 1965


Welcoming REMARK S on the Sout h LawnPresident Yameog o respond Presented Chess set to President for Mayor BrandtWhite HouseApril 14, 1965WednesdayReturned to the S. Lawn, White House and went to the Mansion to the secondfloor ; met w/ Ambassador Lloyd Hand Mayor Willy, Brandt of West BerlinHon. Heinrich Knappstein - Ambassador of Germany; and Hon. McG. the Treaty Room.Then to the Yellow Oval Room for a short talk --to the Truman Balcony for picture -takingby Capt. StoughtonTo State Dining Room and party for Senatorial briefing. ... to greet Senators. . .introduced Mayor Brandt to the Senators and then moved to the Blue Room.Mayor Brandt and party departed, (and went to West Lobby on the porch for press coverage)To the Blue Room for Senatorial briefing^ Secretary McNamaraSecretary RuskHon Lloyd HandThe Vice PresidentSenator Daniel B BrewsterSenator Robert C. Byrd C.Senator Howard W. CannonSenator Frank CarlsonSenator Peter DominickSenator J. William FulbrightSenator Erenst GrueningSenator Bourke B. HickenlooperSena or Daniel InouyeSenator Jacob JavitsSenator Pat McNamaraSenator Jack MillerSenator A. S. Mike MonroneySenator Wayne MorseSenator Karl E. MundtSenator Claiborne PellSenator Leverett Saltonstalled.

PARADE t o Blai r House wit h Presiden t Yameog o

At Blai r House , th e Hon. Walte r Tobrine r presente d th e Ke y to the Cit y toPresident Yameog o and he responde d with a lengthy acceptance speec h

Arrived Whit e House wit h Mrs . Johnson . Me t by his dogs , Hi m an d Blanco ,and with the m to the office .

Larry O'Brien

Bill Moyers (pl )

George Mean y - - r e Zagori a appointmen t an d to thank hi m fo r his hel p on theEducation Bil l i n the House an d to as k fo r sam e help in the Senat e (J},/)

President o f th e Republi c o f Uppe r Volt a

To mansion w/ J V M W

Secy Freeman

Cong Phil Landrm ret his call

Henry Wilson had asked for Larry O'Brien but was on the Hill

Marvin Watson

Larry O'Brien ret his call

Geo Reedy


Willie Day Taylor

White House

March 29 , 196 5


Dick Goodwi n

McGeorge Bund y

To th e offic e

George Reed y

H. E . Mauric e Yameog oPresident o f the Republi c o f Upper Volt a

The Honorabl e Thoma s S . Estes . America n Ambassador t o th e Republi c o f Upper Volt a

Bill MoyersIn office

Press photogs in

Walking on South Portico w/ President Yameogo and partyescorted him to the car

White House

March 29 , 196 5


To th e Cabine t Roo m wit h Presiden t Yameog o an d /joine dH. E . Begno n Kone. Presiden t o f the Nat l Assembly o f Upper Volt aH. E. Lompol o Kone . Ministe r o f Foreign Affair sH. E. Joh n Kabore. Am b o f the Republi c of Upper Volt aHon. Abdoulay e Konate. Chie f o f Protocol o f Upper Volt aFirst JfiKidxisod x Lieutenan t Gabrie l Some . Aid e de Cam pandHon. G . Menne n WilliamsWilliam TrimbleRobert Kome rUlric Hayne sEdmund S Glen n (interpreter )The Honorable Thoma s S . Estes . America n Ambassado r t o the Republi c of Upper Volt a

White House

March 29 , 196 5


AG Katzenbach (b . 2)

Cong. Hal e Bogg s and Mayo r Victor Schir o of New Orleans OF F RECOR : )

Dr. Walte r Heller (steppe d out during McN's call )

Secretary Rober t McNamar a (returnin g hi s call )

Mildred Stegal l (pl)

££ldx&&x9B£KS£:5{-jSLkfcc Mildre d Stegal l

Bill Moyers (pl)

Dr. Helle r returne d to Ova l Offic e

To mansion

Marvin Watso n

Victoria McCammon

The guest s arrived for th e State Dinne r an d went to the East Room

Hon. an d Mrs. G . Menne n Williams arrive d an d went t o the secon d floor ,followed a t 7:52 p bv Secretary o f State an d Mrs . Dea n Rusk.

PAINTING Frame d paintin g o f th e Whit e Hous e a s viewe d through Lafayett ePark(by Lil y Spandorf)

Chess Box containing a set of chessmen

President Yameogo gave to the PresidentSaddle leather saddle of type used in Upper Volta

Model Upper Volta villate Huts becomecigarettes boxes and their pointed roofs ashtrays

Spears Spears bows and arrows fr Upper VoltaPhotograph autographed photo in large framePainting landscape framed

White House

March 29 , 196 5


The Presiden t and Mrs. Johnso n wen t to the North Portico to greet th ePresident o f the Republi c of Upper Volta , Mauric e Yameogo , an d Mrs .Yameogo an d their part y (approximatel y 1 5 minutes tardy )

The Presiden t and Mrs. Johnso n escorte d thei r guest s t o the secon d floorfor GIF T PRESENTATION :The Presiden t presented to th e Presiden t o f YameogoBOX Larg e sterlin g silve r bo x with Presidentia l sea l and engraved

inscription - - includin g quotation -- "Ou r defens e i s i n thepreservation o f the spiri t which prizes libert y a s th e heritag eof al l men , i n all lands , everywhere. " Abraha m Lincoln , September , 1858 .

DRUM Authenti c Indian Artefect - Cochit i Tribal Dru mPHOTOGRAPH Autographe d photograph in sterling silve r fram e wit h Presidentia l

seal. "T o His Excellency Mauric e Yameogo -- wit h warm persona lregards, Lyndo n B . Johnson "

BOOK Autographe d leatherbound cop y o f "My Hope fo r America. " "T oPresident Yameogo with best wishe s an d high estee m o f your goo dfriend, Lyndo n B. Johnson "

PAINTING Frame d paintin g o f the Whit e House a s viewe d throug h Lafayett ePark(by Lil y Spandorf )

White House

March 2 9 196 5


To the East Roo m t o welcome guests . Selectedi x names fro m the118 guests includ e thes e notables :Cong, an d Mrs. Fran k T . Bo wSenator an d Mrs. Thoma s J . Dod dCong, an d Mrs. Georg e H . Fallo nMr. an d Mrs. Jame s FarmerSenator Hira m L . Fon gMr. an d Mrs. Garnet t Horne rMr. an d Mrs. Charle s Lun aSenator an d Mrs. Gal e W . McGe eSenator an d Mrs. Thoma s J . McIntyr eSenator an d Mrs. Fran k E. Mos sCong. Barrat t HJO £ O'HaraCong, an d Mrs. J . J . Pickl eHon. an d Mrs. Car l Rowa nSecy o f State an d Mrs . Dea n RuskSenator an d Mrs. Hug h ScottCong, an d Mrs. Willia m L . Springe rHon. an d Mrs. G . Menne n William s

To STATE DINING ROOM for STAT E DINNE R honoring the Presiden t o f theRepublic o f Upper Volta and Mrs . Yameog oThe guest s dine d o n Lobster newberg , roas t sirloan . rissol e potatoe s wit htomatoes an d mushrooms, sala d mimos a wit h Bri e cheese , an d glace Yameogofor dessert .

Exchange o f Toasts (whil e Presiden t Yameogo was returnins the President' s toas ta. message from th e Situatio n Room concernin g the bombin g of the American Embass y i n Saigon was receive d i n theUsher's offic e b y Usher Pierce . „ Mr.. , Pierc e too k the message t o th e Presiden t a t th e table ,

the Presiden t rea d it carefully , an d then handed i t to Secy Rusk .

the Stat e Department had hoped he coul d visit an Indian tribe i n our Southwest. )

See March 30 for continuance of Yameogo festivities.

SJ Res 47 Joint Resolution to authorize the President

White House

March 24 1965



to designate the week of May 2 8 asProfessional Photography Week

SJ Res 48 Joint Resolution to provide the BennettPlace commemoration

To apartments wit h Secretary Rus k

To the East Roo m for entertainmen t provide d by a group of young India n dancersfrom th e American Institite o f Indian Art i n Santa Fe , Ne w Mexico(President Yameog o reportedly i s ver y much interested i n the art an d cultureof America n Indian s an d a t on e poin t i n the plannin g stage s o f his U.S . Visit ,the Stat e Departmen t had hoped he coul d visit a n Indian tribe i n our Southwest . )

See Marc h 3 0 for continuanc e of Yameogo festivities .