Carbrook State School · Sadly Mrs Quince has requested to be released from her teaching ... Band...

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Transcript of Carbrook State School · Sadly Mrs Quince has requested to be released from her teaching ... Band...

Principal’s News Kim Egan

School Enrolment

Currently numbers are 454 across Prep to year 6.

Sadly Mrs Quince has requested to be released from her teaching

contract on Prep due to personal reasons. We are currently seeking

interviews to replace her. This information has been shared with the

Prep parents today.

PBL – Positive Behaviour Learning

The minor data collection continues this term. Mrs Karen Healy SWPBS regional coach and mentor will continue to

work with the PBL School based team.

QSR – Quadrennial School Review – 4 year strategic plan / AIP – Annual Implementation Plan / I4S – Investing for Success plan

Schools review their school planning annually to gauge the effectiveness of planned strategies in terms of progress towards the achievement of objectives and to identify any changed conditions, needs or priorities that require adjustments to the plan. It is the opportunity for a school to consult with the community, reflect on its data and review improvement planning processes. The 2017 AIP has been endorsed by the Region and the P&C President.

The Improvement Priorities are

o Reading and comprehension – U2B readers o Numeracy – Polya method of problem solving and maths mentals o Attendance – Target of 95% for the entire school year

The Quadrennial School Review (QSR) is scheduled every four years. The Teaching and Learning Audit which was the school review conducted in 2015 is considered a vital dimension of this review and its recommendations inform the QSR.

The QSR was endorsed in 2016 by the P&C in a Regional Verification meeting. The strategies from the QSR are included in the AIP for 2017 and include the priorities of reading, numeracy and attendance.


Carbrook State School Principal: Kim Egan Deputy Principal: Kerry-Ann Reese

Success with Effort Issue 2 10 March 2017

511-535 Beenleigh Redland Bay Rd Phone: 3209 0888 Absentee Line: 3209 0860

Carbrook 4130 Fax: 3209 0800

Email: Website:

ORANGE DAY – Please wear orange on Friday 17 March and join us for the

celebration of Antibullying .

There is no gold coin donation today but the P&C would like you to donate an

Easter Egg to go towards the annual Easter Raffle.

The Principal's supervisor verifies that the QSR priorities are included within the Annual Implementation Plan and that the strategies documented are authentic, collaborative and consultative, high yield and well researched. These strategies are relevant and meaningful and drive improved outcomes.

The following practices form the foundations of the 2017 Annual Implementation Plan.

- Focused intensive teaching programs focusing on reading comprehension strategies and maths problem


- Strategic professional development in the teaching of reading and numeracy

- Development of reading resources of rich texts across P – 6

- Development of structured 5 week reading plans incorporating modelled, shared and guided reading and

powerful reading practices

- Coaching and modelling by internal and external professionals in reading and numeracy

- Tracking of reading and comprehension data in 5 week data cycles

- Collegial planning in 5 week cycles and the explicit teaching of guided reading

- Formalised moderation processes across P – 6 both fortnightly and each term

- Development of a whole school differentiation model of reteach, maintain and extend as our response to

intervention and enrichment based on weekly student data

- Explicit direction instruction practices incorporating daily warm ups, checking for understanding, feedback and


- Implement effective processes related to absenteeism including monitoring attendance and response to

attendance concerns

The Investing for Success Plan (I4S) outlines strategies for school improvement to the amount of $128,685. This

money is used to strengthen the work of the Academic Performance team to monitor and track reading progress and

those students performing in and close to the upper two bands. It is used to continue the cycles of coaching and

feedback in classrooms and to develop and embed reflective feedback collegial conversations on a regular basis. The

Academic Performance Team are able to refine year level responses to intervention and enrichment through re-teach,

maintain and extend across P to 6 within the classroom learning context. Teachers are released in 5 weekly cycles for

year level planning and achievement data analysis conversations and plans.

Student Leadership

Student leadership is an integral part of growing students capacity to work as and in a team. All students in year 6 are

recognised as leaders in this school community. Each child is badged at a whole school parade and this occurred on

Monday February 20. Throughout the year all year 6 students are provided with an opportunity to chair and speak at

parade. Public speaking is a skill that needs to be developed and nurtured but not the only skill you learn as a leader.

Congratulations to the following school leaders.

School Captains: Tate, Riley, Amilie and Ava

House Captains: Albert – Charlotte, Heidi, Jayden and Tess

Kruger- Brody, Caelan, Katie and MacKenna

Logan – Harrison, Connor, Alexis and Amber

Walkers Club Captains: Bethany, Courtney, Josh and Sonni

Student Council: Dane, Emilio, Jack, Kayla, Prasun, Lexi, Georgina, Jacob, Oscar and Zane

Playground Leaders: Joseph, Lachlan, Addison, Ella, Sharmaine, Reece and Olivia

ICT Captain: Blair

Band Captain: Jordan

Strings Captain: Paige

What makes a good leader?

Good and great leaders make the hard choices.

They do what is RIGHT not what is easy!

You must never be fearful about doing what you are doing, when it’s RIGHT! Sometimes leaders make decisions that

are not ‘popular’, but if these decisions are RIGHT, then you will earn the respect of those you lead.

Great Leaders show RESPECT, EMPTHAY and CARE to those that follow them. Great leaders have a clear vision, are

courageous, have integrity, are honest, humble and have a clear focus. Great leaders don’t all get ‘As’ on a report card.

Great leaders are courageous – strong people who don’t put others down – they LIFT them UP! We say at school, ‘Be

an Upstander not a Bystander.’ When you know it isn’t RIGHT – DO SOMETHING! If you do, others will follow. They

will follow your lead.

Great Leaders have clarity of purpose. They know how to make change. They know how to make decisions for the

good of ALL, not just a few!

It is said that leadership is often about making unpopular – but important decisions.

You do not need a badge to lead. Leadership is ‘we’ not ‘I’. Leadership is about being authentic in all your actions.

Offer the best of yourself. Go beyond, when others stop! Its takes insight every day, to separate what is important,

truthful, right – from that which is deceitful, hurtful, wrong!

Great Leaders keep things in their own business…. Shut down gossip, innuendo, hearsay, rumours. It is said that gossip

is when…. “People believe the bad things or conversations about GOOD people!”

Often as leaders we have to say, ‘no’, when it is much easier to say yes.

As leaders you need to learn what your highest priorities are and have the courage to say ‘No’, to other things.

Saying ‘No’ displays a keen sense of values, goals, organisation and expectation of yourself and others.

I can’t tell you the keys to success, but the key to failure, is trying to please everyone!

It is said that you are what comes out of your mouth.

As leaders, who are you? We are all leaders!

What will come out of your mouths?

Praise …. Acceptance ….. Compliments ….. Acclaim ….. Commendations?

Remember ……. The most powerful leadership tool you have, is …. Your own personal example.

Good luck year 6 and we look forward immensely to working with you this year.

Across year 5 and 6 our students are engaged in various opportunities to practice and train for leadership. In year 5 the

students participate in YLead face to face hands on training program. They also join Joffa the Cartoonist who flies up

from Melbourne every year to lead sessions on anti-bullying, resilience and leadership through cartooning. The Year 5

students are also afforded the opportunity to lead parade in a transition program from their year 6 peers.

In 2017, a playground leadership program has been introduced as part of the student leader activities. Mrs Karyn Healy

workshopped for 2 days a group of 27 year 6 students in how to problem solve various situations with a win win outcome.

Parents you may have viewed photos of these sessions on the school face book page. It is our intention to provide all

children with many provisions of opportunities in the years they are enrolled at Carbrook. Leadership is indeed one of

these opportunities and we look forward to working with all students as they develop resilience and skills to model

appropriate behaviours and build quality relationships.


Naplan is scheduled for Tuesday 9 May, Wednesday 10 May and Thursday 11 May.

NAPLAN is not a pass-or-fail type test. Individual student performance is shown on a national achievement scale for

each test. Each test scale has 10 bands and all year levels are reported on the same scale. Six bands are reported for

each year level for each test. One of these bands represents the national minimum standard for students at each year

level. A result at the national minimum standard indicates that the student demonstrated the basic literacy and numeracy

skills needed to participate fully in that year level. The performance of individual students can be compared to the

average performance of all students in Australia. A NAPLAN report will be issued later in the year.

Sport offerings at Carbrook School

At P&C this week I talked to the meeting about the varied opportunities Carbrook offers in sport. Sport is highly valued

at Carbrook as sport in its various forms offers many children an opportunity to shine and show the community what

they are good at!

It is unfortunate that the cost of buses impacts greatly on the ability to carry out outside school sporting events. Therefore,

many years ago now Carbrook State School initiated with Shailer Park State High School a School 2 School Sporting

program for all students to participate in across years 4 to 7 and now years 3 to 6. This was introduced as a way to get

kids outside learning new skills in various sports to develop team skills and positive interactions. I am currently in

negotiation with Mr Ascott the SPSHS Principal for School 2 School Sport to occur again this year.

Sporting opportunities offered at CSS

• Active before and after school sport – soccer/AFL/Aus KICK/Basketball/ golf

• Dance classes after school in the hall

• Hip Hop Teams

• Cross Country and associated training sessions

• Walkers Club – before school fitness – 3 days a week

• HPE 30 minute lesson a week

• Creative Dance P to 6

• Sports Days – P to 2 / 3 to 6

• Surf awareness program involving fitness and skill development

• Learn to Swim – Prep / year 1

• District and regional participation at carnivals

• Play is the Way lunch time club – fitness and skills with the HPE teacher

• Lunch time equipment provided – many children are playing touch footy at lunch time

• French Cricket – term 1 2017 and let me give Mr Jones father or Hosea and Jude Jones a big shout out for

volunteering to umpire for 7 weeks this term in his lunch hour

Not all sport is about being competitive. Some people do different forms of activity or sport for personal development.

I welcome any suggestions or conversations to me regarding additional sporting opportunities for our students.

Gala Day Sports

This term an expression of interest was extended to year 6 students to participate in the GALA Sports interschool sports

program over 5 weeks. On the Gala days, teams compete in a carnival style format which entails approximately 3 or 4

games to be played in the day, with rest times allocated by the team draw. Students need to be transported to and from

the venue/s by bus. The bus fare costs $13 each day per student, totalling $65.

Unfortunately, as there was a lack of interest received for student participation in this program the program could not go

ahead and therefore Carbrook State School could not be represented in this sports program.

Miss Cupitt will be extending this offer again for interschool sports in Terms 3 and 4 to year 5 and 6 students. Hopefully

we can obtain enough numbers to be able to send Carbrook students in teams to participate in this valuable learning


Miss Cupitt is also working on a school to school sport program with our schools in the cluster. Information will be

disseminated and expression of interests in this program will be extended to students in the upcoming school terms.

Cross Country

Carbrook State School will be holding their annual school Cross Country on Wednesday 29th March, 2017 (week 10).

We would like to invite all family and friends to come and support the children.

Grade 3 (500m), Grade 2 (500m), Grade 1 (150m) & Prep (150m) Beginning at 9.15am – 10.00am

Grade 4, 5 & 6 (9 yrs & 10 yrs - 1000m) (11yrs & 12yrs - 2000m) Beginning at 10.00am – 11.00am

Students will be shown the course and become familiar with it during PE lessons prior to the race. Training for students

in grades 4 – 6 can be done at home and at school. Training will be offered at school in PE lessons and on Tuesday

afternoons from 3.00pm – 3.40pm. Miss Cupitt has commenced cross country training with students in years 4, 5 & 6

on Tuesday afternoons. This Tuesday 50 Carbrook students participated in the first training session for the year.

Perceptual Motor Program

Miss Cupitt (PE teacher) has screened all students in prep in their perceptual motor skills. Students identified as

having poor perceptual motor skills have be working with Miss Cupitt every Wednesday between 12 and 1 pm on a

perceptual motor program. During this program, the students are given physical actions to help them expand the

communication between their body and brain.

Research has revealed the importance of movement to the development of the brain. The aim of a perceptual motor

program is to promote better communication within the brain and from the brain to the body. By developing a child’s

ability to move in an integrated and coordinated way, we are developing and strengthening the pathways and

connections in the brain, which are so important for formal learning.

The perceptual motor program combines music and specific movement activities that have been shown to improve

both cognitive and physical development. It aims to improve concentration, focus, coordination, balance, special

awareness, memory processing, social skills and self-esteem.


Congratulations to

President – Mr Cameron Lynch – father or Riley Yr 4 and Ava Yr 1

Vice President – Mrs Jodee Cook – mother of Emity Yr 1

Secretary – Mrs Nadine Logan – mother of Alexandra Yr 4 and Caelan Year 2

Treasurer – Mrs Julie Hansen – mother of Megan Yr 4 and Samuel Yr2

We look forward to working and partnering with this vital community parent team for the benefit of our students.

School Face book page

The school official face book page can be found at

Please down load the QSchools App as we are going to publish more information to parents via this platform which feeds information from the school website.

Hot Weather

Thank you to those parents who were supportive and appreciative of my decision to close the ovals during the peak of

the hot weather. As you would be fully aware, some children on the hottest days continue to run around despite our

very explicit instructions to play quieter games. During the hottest days, all children were provided with several

opportunities to drink water both in class and out of class. At all breaks, staff used the microphone in the covered play

area to remind students to stay hydrated for them to function effectively during play time and learning time. On several

of those hot days the entire school were supervised at the drink bubblers having a drink both prior to and after each play

break before returning to their classroom. I thank you for your understanding with this health and safety procedure.

Date Claimers for Semester 1, 2017

Date Item Information Friday, 10 March Easter tickets going out to children Please return tickets and butts back

to the school no later than Monday 20 March 2017. Winner Drawn Monday 27 March.

Friday, 10 March Year 3 Excursion Planetarium

Friday, 17 March Orange Day Wear orange and please donate an Easter egg for P&C Easter Raffle.

Friday, 17 March Subway Day Orders due NO LATER than Wednesday, 9am

Tuesday, 21 March Interim Reporting 8 -10 minute intervals 3.30 – 7.30pm

Monday, 27 March Last Parade for Term 1 Easter Raffle Drawn

Wednesday, 29 March Cross Country P- 3 9am Yr 4 to 6 10am – 11am

Thursday, 30 March Creative Dance Night - Celebration of Learning P-Yr 2 5pm Yr 3 to 6 6pm

Friday, 31 March Student Council Funky Hair Day Gold coin donation – All hair MUST be done at home. NO coloured hairspray is allowed at school.

Friday,31 March LAST DAY OF TERM 1


Monday, 17 April Easter Monday Holiday

Tuesday, 18 April First Day back to school TERM 2

Monday, 24 April ANZAC Day Commemorative Parade 2pm

Tuesday, 25 April ANZAC Day Holiday

Monday, 1 May Labour Day Holiday

Tuesday, 2 May & Wednesday, 3 May

Mother’s Day Stall – Gifts available up to $20 each. Volunteers always welcomed.

Please note that this stall is being held 1 week before Mother’s day as NAPLAN Testing is the other week

Wednesday, 3 May P&C meeting 6.30pm

Friday, 5 May Whole school photos Wear Formal green uniforms

Tuesday, 9 May Wednesday, 10 May Thursday, 11 May

NAPLAN Testing All Grade 3 and 5 Students

Wednesday, 17 May Walkers Club - Obstacle Course Student Council Fundraiser. More information to follow

Friday, 12 May P&C Disco

Wednesday, 24 May Getting Ready 4 Book week Simulcast Storytime 11am - whole school

Tuesday, 6 June School Tour 9:30 am

Friday, 16 June P&C Spell a thon fundraiser commences

Tuesday, 20 June Report cards SEM 1 home electronically Please remember to update your email address at the office if you have changed your email address

Monday,12 June Sports Day P – Year 2

Wednesday, 14 June Senior Sports Day Year 3 – 6

Thursday, 22 June 100 Days Smarter – Celebration of Learning

Friday, 23 June LAST DAY OF TERM 2


Monday, 10 July First day back to school TERM 3

Parent Teacher Interviews

We have scheduled Parent/Teacher Interviews for Tuesday 21 March to allow you to meet with

your child’s teacher to discuss your child’s progress to date this year. On these days, from 3:30pm

until 7:30pm, classroom teachers will be available for interview by appointment. Interviews will be

10 minutes in duration. A bell will signal the end of each interview time. To ensure the interview

process runs smoothly, we would appreciate parents being on time for their interviews.

Interviews will take place in the school hall for all year levels. Parents who are unable to attend

the interviews should speak to their child’s teacher to directly arrange an alternative time. In addition, if you require a

longer interview please speak with your child’s teacher to arrange an alternative time.

You will receive a letter over the coming weeks that will include an interview timetable, whereby you nominate three

preference times for interviews. You will then receive a confirmation letter confirming your interview time from your child’s

class teacher.

At your parent teacher interview a parent teacher partnership agreement will be completed. Information regarding your

child’s academic progress, behaviour, attendance and learning goals will be for-fronted and an agreement will be

reached on how you can best support your child’s learning needs at home.

Robotics Club

This term 20 students have been

participating in a robotics program

before school on a Wednesday

morning. Students have thoroughly

enjoyed the program and have

keenly arrived at school each week

at 7:30am ready to learn coding

skills and program robots. Next

term this program will be offered

again to students at a cost of $99.

Expression of interests are now

welcome for Term 2 intake. Please

register your interest at the office.

Deputy Principal’s News Kerry-Ann Reese

Coding Projects

26 students in year 5 have been currently participating in a code breaker project through BSDE online learning courses.

The Code Breaker project navigates students through online structured coding and computational problem solving

activities. It engages students to think and problem solve while acquiring an understanding of how technologies can

work for them. The Code Breaker project provides an introduction into computer programming using Block Code and

progresses to the basics of Python, including an understanding of computer programming syntax. The Code Breaker

Project exposes, engages and challenges students to embrace innovation in a digital age. The Code Breaker Project

also provides a great opportunity for the children to experience online learning. Our Carbrook students have thoroughly

enjoyed this opportunity to engage in an online learning platform, learning code breaking skills. Students in Years 4 and

6 will also get opportunities to engage in this project throughout the year. These projects have been funded through our

Investing for Success Initiative.

Every Minute Counts: School Attendance

Every Minute Counts ensures that we support our parents in having their child attend school for the maximum amount

of time, as well as ensuring that our teachers make the most of instructional time, that we do not miss an opportunity for

learning to take place.

School starts at 8:50am. Teaching our children to be punctual is a life- long quality habit. Ensuring children are ready

for school and ready for instruction is paramount for the trajectory of their learning.

At Carbrook State School, our attendance target is 95%. To achieve this target, children must have less than 10 days

absent in the school year. All absences must be explained. If your child has a serious illness that requires more than 3

consecutive days off from school, the school must be notified and a medical certificate provided. Of course, sickness

cannot be avoided, however it is important children know the importance of attending school and how every minute of

every school day counts.

This year, we will continue to track and monitor attendance in class and on parade. An attendance trophy will be

presented on parade to the classes that have achieved the highest attendance in the previous week. A trophy will be

presented to a class from P – 2 and 3 – 6 each week on parade. Parents your support in building attendance as a quality

habit in your child’s educational journey is greatly appreciated, this also includes being ready for instruction at 8:50am.

Below are the attendance rates for each year level at the end of week 5. Well done to the classes that have been

exceeding the school attendance target of 95%. This is wonderful to see that children are attending school and being

active learners.

P & C Report Cameron Lynch

Creative Dance Lessons

Students have been thoroughly engaged in the creative dance lessons this term. They are all getting excited to

showcase their dance routines at the celebration of learning evening on March 30. Dance is a curriculum area that is

assessed and reported on each year. Creative Dance industries provides a fantastic dance program that promotes

teamwork, confidence, coordination, balance, memory skills, fitness and creativity.

Thank you to those families that value this program and have paid for their children to participate in this worthwhile

learning opportunity. Can we respectively ask for those parents that have not paid yet for their child’s participation in

the program to make payment immediately as we near the conclusion of this program? Thank you.

Payment of $27 can be made via direct debit to:

Creative Dance Industries – BSB 064 170 Account Number – 1043 6477

President report 2016/17

Thank you to the committee for all their hard work over the past 12 months. All the volunteers (from the fete to selling

ice blocks, helping in the canteen, tuckshop, organising stalls, disco’s and cooking bbq’s)

Last year was a challenging year with many projects, including the fete, which was well organised and enjoyed by the

whole community. Whilst not a huge fundraiser, the community goodwill and lessons learnt made it a valuable


As committee in its second year, we are still making progressive changes to processes, that allows the dissemination

of information, to parents, in a timely fashion. We have published a 2yr fundraising plan with small amounts of money

going to the school for various items such as gardens, excursions, and ground works. Our major project in 2016, the

new playground, will commence during the Easter holidays.

Key goals for 2017 are: continued development of yearly projects, migrating into a four-year plan moving in line with

the school reviews and focuses. Using this to identify key areas for fundraising and allowing the P&C to set targets for

each year.

I would like to thank everyone who has contributed so far this year, with lots of new faces helping out. We have set

ambitious targets for ourselves in the number of fundraising events, including the Easter raffle and Spell a thon. I’m

looking forward to a great year with the P&C and school working together for the benefit of our students.

The AGM was held this week, and I would like to publically thank Jens Tempe for all his hard work as P&C Vice

President for several years. He has always put the welfare and benefit of the students first and served Carbrook with

the utmost levels of respect and responsibilities. This year we welcome Jodee Cook to the executive committee as

Vice president. I am sure she will do a fantastic job, bringing enthusiasm to the position.

The P&C welcomes all new parents to the school and hope it is an easy transition into life at Carbrook. A friendly

reminder that P&C meetings are held the first Wednesday of each month at 6.30pm in the school admin building.

Communication at Carbrook is key to a cohesive relationship between school and parents. If you need to talk to the

P&C or have suggestions, please email us at

Any school concerns need to be expressed to a member of administration staff, by making an appointment, through

the office; as P&C does not condone the use of social media to air grievances or concerns.

Once again, welcome to 2017 at Carbrook and we hope you enjoy you time at the school and all it has to offer our
