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Research Article

Carboplatin and taxol resistance develops more rapidlyin functional BRCA1 compared to dysfunctional BRCA1ovarian cancer cells

Steven Busschotsa,b, Sharon O’Tooleb, John J. O’Learya,b, Britta Stordala,c,n

aDepartment of Histopathology, Trinity College Dublin, Central Pathology Laboratory, St James’s Hospital, Dublin 8, IrelandbDepartment of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Trinity College Dublin, Trinity Centre, St James’s Hospital, Dublin 8, IrelandcDepartment of Natural Sciences, Hendon Campus, Middlesex University, London NW4 4BT, United Kingdom

a r t i c l e i n f o r m a t i o n

Article Chronology:

Received 7 September 2014Received in revised form1 December 2014Accepted 3 December 2014


ResistanceComparativeSelection strategyOvarian cancerBRCA1CarboplatinTaxol

016/j.yexcr.2014.12.001ublished by Elsevier Inc.

thor.: (S. Bussc

icle as: S. Busschots, et alA1 ovarian cancer cells,

a b s t r a c t

A major risk factor for ovarian cancer is germline mutations of BRCA1/2. It has been found that(80%) of cellular models with acquired platinum or taxane resistance display an inverse resistancerelationship, that is collateral sensitivity to the other agent. We used a clinically relevantcomparative selection strategy to develop novel chemoresistant cell lines which aim toinvestigate the mechanisms of resistance that arise from different exposures of carboplatin andtaxol on cells having BRCA1 function (UPN251) or dysfunction (OVCAR8). Resistance tocarboplatin and taxol developed quicker and more stably in UPN251 (BRCA1-wildtype) comparedto OVCAR8 (BRCA1-methylated). Alternating carboplatin and taxol treatment delayed but did notprevent resistance development when compared to single-agent administration. Interestingly,the sequence of drug exposure influenced the resistance mechanism produced. UPN251-6CALT(carboplatin first) and UPN251-6TALT (taxol first) have different profiles of cross resistance.

UPN251-6CALT displays significant resistance to CuSO4 (2.3-fold, p¼0.004) while UPN251-6TALTshows significant sensitivity to oxaliplatin (0.6-fold, p¼0.01). P-glycoprotein is the mainmechanism of taxol resistance found in the UPN251 taxane-resistant sublines. UPN251 cellsincrease cellular glutathione levels (3.0-fold, p¼0.02) in response to carboplatin treatment.However, increased glutathione is not maintained in the carboplatin-resistant sublines. UPN251-7C and UPN251-6CALT are low-level resistant to CuSO4 suggesting alterations in coppermetabolism. However, none of the UPN251 sublines have alterations in the protein expressionof ATP7A or CTR1. The protein expression of BRCA1 and MRP2 is unchanged in the UPN251sublines. The UPN251 sublines remain sensitive to parp inhibitors veliparib and CEP8983suggesting that these agents are candidates for the treatment of platinum/taxane resistantovarian cancer patients.

& 2014 Published by Elsevier Inc.



hots), (S. O’Toole), (J.J. O’Leary), (B. Stordal).

., Carboplatin and taxol resistance develops more rapidly in functional BRCA1 compared toExp Cell Res (2014),



Table 1 – Summary of BRCA1/2 and p53 mutation status inUPN251 and OVCAR8 ovarian cancer cells.



Mutation status Methylated Mutationstatus

OVCAR8 Wild type Yes Wild typeUPN251 Wild type No Wild type


Analysis of BRCA1/2 status was carried out by [59].a Homozygous deleterious mutation compensated for by another.b Reversion mutation.

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Ovarian cancer is the 5th most prevalent cancer amongst Europeanwomen and is the leading cause of death from a gynaecologicalmalignancy. The majority of patients present with late stage diseaseand have an approximately 30% 5-year survival rate [4]. Thestandard treatment is surgical debulking followed by intravenousplatinum-taxane combination chemotherapy ([41,53]). This treat-ment often fails and patients relapse with chemoresistant disease.A strong family history of ovarian or breast cancer, which is

often linked to BRCA1/2 germline mutations, is one of the greaterrisk factors associated with the disease. Deleterious germlinemutations are found in 8.6–13.7% of ovarian cancer patients([43,49,51]). These mutations cause BRCA1 dysfunction leadingto reduced expression of functional BRCA1. A recent study,examining both somatic and germline mutations in ovariancancer, has revealed that incidence for BRCA1/2 mutations mightbe even higher at18.3% [20]. A woman with a BRCA1 mutation hasa 39–46% chance of developing ovarian cancer [19]. BRCA1function has not been fully elucidated but it has been shown tohave roles in a number of cellular processes including DNAdamage repair, apoptosis, cell cycle regulation, transcriptionalcontrol and ubiquitination ([28,38]).A systematic review of the literature by [58] revealed that the

majority (80%) of cellular models with acquired platinum ortaxane resistance displayed an inverse resistance relationship,that is collateral sensitivity to the other agent. A subsequentsystematic review by [56] revealed that BRCA1 was the mostlylikely genetic player in this relationship. Cells with BRCA1 defectshave reduced efficiency in repairing DNA adducts and showincreased apoptosis in response to platinums conferring sensitiv-ity [12,66]. The response to taxanes, in BRCA1 deficient cells isreduced apoptosis conferring resistance [29]. The opposite is truefor cells with functional BRCA1 [47,61].In this study, chemoresistant ovarian cancer cell lines were

developed from established ovarian cancer cell lines using a novelcomparative selection strategy. UPN251, which has functional BRCA1(BRCA1 wild-type due to reversion mutation [59]) and OVCAR8,which has dysfunctional BRCA1 lending to reduced BRCA1 expres-sion (due to BRCA1 methylation) were used in order to investigatethe development of chemoresistance in relation to BRCA1 status.This study highlights the effects of BRCA1 function and dysfunctionon the development of resistance. In particular it focuses on itseffects on the inverse resistance relationship between platinums andtaxanes and its effect on alternating platinum and taxane doses.



Cell culture

The human ovarian cancer cell lines UPN251 and OVCAR8 weresourced from the MD Anderson Cancer Centre. Cells were grown inRPMI 1640 medium (Sigma R8758-500ML) supplemented with 10%foetal calf serum (Lonza DE14-801F), free of antibiotics. All cells weremaintained in a humidified atmosphere of 5% CO2 at 37 1C. Onlycells at log phase of growth were used in experimentation. Cell lineswere routinely checked for mycoplasma and were mycoplasma-free.The cell lines are both adherent, grow in a monolayer and are of

Please cite this article as: S. Busschots, et al., Carboplatin and taxol redysfunctional BRCA1 ovarian cancer cells, Exp Cell Res (2014), http:

epithelial serous histotype. UPN251 originated from a patient whohad failed first line platinum/taxane chemotherapy and had relapsedafter subsequent treatment of 8 rounds of single-agent taxolchemotherapy (personal communication, Hamilton). UPN251 isBRCA1 wild-type due to a secondary reversion mutation [59].OVCAR8 was developed from a patient who had undergone treat-ment with high-dose carboplatin who exhibited progressive ovariancancer [54]. OVCAR8 is BRCA1 wild-type but is methylated in thepromoter region resulting in reduced gene expression of BRCA1 [59].An overview of UPN251 and OVCAR8’s BRCA1 and BRCA2 status isgiven in Table 1. The cell lines were short tandem repeats (STR)fingerprinted in order to confirm identity. Methylation status wasexamined and confirmed by Myriad Genetics.

Cytotoxicity assays

Acid phosphatase cytotoxicity assays [68] were used to determinecytotoxicity as per method used by [59]. Cells were allowed toattach overnight and then received 5-day exposures to drugs. Seesupplementary material, Table S1 for list of chemotherapy drugsused in this study including their molecular weight and conver-sion of 1 unit/ml to unit MW.

Western blotting

Western blotting was performed as per the method used by [57].Primary and secondary antibodies used are listed in supplemen-tary material, Table S2. Drug treated cells received 2 mg/mlcarboplatin or 15 ng/ml taxol for 72 h.

Total cellular glutathione assay

Analysis of total cellular levels of glutathione (GSH) was carriedout as per the method by [57] which was adapted from [60].Plates were read and kinetics measured using the FLUOstarOPTIMA (BMG LABTECH) multifunctional microplate reader(405 nM at 30 1C).

Cell selection strategy outline

Cell lines were treated with carboplatin or taxol as per Fig. 1.Sublines were named in the format of ‘Parental cell line-Round andTreatment’. For example UPN251-4T refers to UPN251 treated with 4rounds of single-agent taxol treatment’. The round parameter cantake the values ‘1’–‘7’and the treatment parameter can be ‘C’ (single-

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Fig. 1 – (A) anQ9 d (B).

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agent carboplatin), ‘CALT’ (alternating treatment starting withcarboplatin in round 1), ‘T’ (single-agent taxol) and ‘TALT’ (alternat-ing treatment starting with taxol in round 1). Treatments were 4-5weeks apart allowing for all cells to recover before subsequentdrugging. For each round of selection, below steps are followed.

Cells were plated into a T25 flask at a cell density of 2.6�104

cells per flask and drugged on day 2 as per the selection strategyoutline (2 and 4 mg/ml carboplatin and 60 and 12 ng/ml forUPN251 and OVCAR8, respectively). On day 5 drugged mediawas removed and replaced with fresh drug-free media. Oversubsequent days all T25 flasks were examined for confluenceusing a novel method to calculate an area fraction output [2].Upon reaching confluence, cells were re-seeded into a T75 flask.Leftover cells were used to freeze stocks. Cytotoxicity assays wereperformed at 1 week intervals for 3 weeks and were compared tothe parental lines in order to calculate fold resistance. Once allcells had recovered, the next round of drugging commencedfollowing the same format as above (provided the cells were 4

Please cite this article as: S. Busschots, et al., Carboplatin and taxol redysfunctional BRCA1 ovarian cancer cells, Exp Cell Res (2014), http:

weeks after drugging, otherwise drugging was delayed untilthis time).


All experiments were repeated at a minimum in biologicaltriplicate excluding the cell selection strategy. Statistical signifi-cance analysis was performed by Student’s t-test in MicrosoftExcel using a two tailed analysis and two samples of equalvariance settings.


Parental BRCA1 protein expression

The BRCA1 protein expression of OVCAR8 (methylated) andUPN251 (un-methylated) was examined by Western blotting.

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OVCAR8 has 26%77% of the expression of UPN251 (p¼3.3�10�4,Fig. 2). This correlates with the BRCA1 methylation status of thecell lines.


Cell selection strategy

The baseline IC50 values of OVCAR8 were carboplatin 1.370.2 mg/ml(n¼11) and taxol 1.270.2 ng/ml (n¼10). The baseline IC50 values ofUPN251 were carboplatin 0.870.1 mg/ml (n¼7) and taxol17.975.6 ng/ml (n¼9). OVCAR8 has a slightly higher baseline IC50to carboplatin and a much lower baseline IC50 to taxol whencompared to UPN251.


Dose optimisationDoses of drug for carboplatin and taxol used in the selectionstrategy were selected from the following ranges respectively:—UPN251 (0.7–2 mg/ml, 10–100 ng/ml) and OVCAR8 (2.3–18.5 mg/ml,2.3–14 ng/ml). Ranges were selected from the results of 3-daycytotoxicity assays on parental cell lines (Table S3) initially encom-passing inhibitory concentration (IC) values ranging from 20 to 80.Clinical relevance was validated by investigating clinical trialpublications and using pharmacokinetic studies to translate dosesfrom the clinic into usable doses in the laboratory.For carboplatin and taxol a dose range of up to 20 mg/ml and

120 ng/ml respectively was deemed clinically relevant followingpharmacokinetic studies for a dose of carboplatin at AUC 5 andtaxol at 175 mg/m2 which are often administered to patients inclinical trials as single agents ([8,16,23,24,35,37,39,42,45,50,65]).Cells were subjected to 3-day drug exposures and the time taken

for cells to recover was recorded and compared to a drug freecontrol. Desired criteria for the selected doses were that cellswould display an initially large amount of cell death (495%)followed by growth to confluence after drug exposure. Carboplatin

435436437438439440441442443444445446447Fig. 2 – (A) and (B).

Fig. 3 – (A)

Please cite this article as: S. Busschots, et al., Carboplatin and taxol redysfunctional BRCA1 ovarian cancer cells, Exp Cell Res (2014), http:

doses of 4 mg/ml and 2 mg/ml and taxol doses of 12 ng/ml and60 ng/ml were chosen for OVCAR8 and UPN251, respectively. Fromthe recovery plots (Fig. 3(A) and (B)) we can see that recovery fromtaxol differed from carboplatin. Taxol treated cells saw a sharpdecline in cell number over the first number of days followed by aquick return to confluence thereafter. With carboplatin a moreprolonged decline and recovery was noted.

RecoveryIn general, all cells recovered quicker after drugging as the roundsof selection progressed. Fig. 4(A) shows recovery plots for eachcell line grouped per ascending rounds of selection. In round 7single-agent treatments received twice the usual dose and con-sequently recovery time increased. UPN251 cells recoveredquicker than OVCAR8 cells and in both cell lines it took longerto recover from carboplatin treatments than taxol. Fig. 4(B) showsthe sublines that were treated with carboplatin in each roundgrouped together for comparison purposes. Single-agent carbo-platin treatments (solid bars) were compared with alternatingtreatments (dashed bars) that received carboplatin in each round.There was little difference in recovery between cell lines receivingtreatment with the alternating agents compared to cell linesreceiving single-agent carboplatin. Round 2 is the only exceptionto this. Fig. 4(C) shows the same as above but for taxol treatments.In this case alternating treatments always took longer to recoverthan single-agent treatments when receiving taxol.

Fold resistanceThe fold resistance of each subline at weekly intervals for 3-weeksin each round of selection for carboplatin is shown in Fig. 4(D) and(E) and for taxol in Fig. 4(F) and (G) for UPN251 and OVCAR8,respectively. By round 6, UPN251-6T treated solely with taxoldisplayed the highest level of resistance (7-fold, p¼0.1�10�5).The sublines developed from UPN251 showed higher levels ofresistance compared to those developed from OVCAR8. UPN251-6CALT, UPN251-6T and UPN251-6TALT all had significant resistanceto taxol (4–8 fold, p¼0.4�10�6–0.6�10�6) while OVCAR8-6CALT,OVCAR8-6T and OVCAR8-6TALT all had significant resistance totaxol but to a lower extent (1.5–2.5 fold, p¼0.02�0.2�10�6). AllUPN251 sublines after their final round of selection (includingUPN251-7T treated only with taxol) had significant resistance tocarboplatin (1.6–3.5 fold, p¼0.3�10�3–0.5�10�6). Only OVCAR8-7C and OVCAR8-6TALT had significant resistance to carboplatin inthe OVCAR8 sublines (1.3–2.6 fold, p¼0.04�0.3�10�3). But againthis was lower than in UPN251 sublines. In as early as the firstround of selection UPN251-1C and UPN251-1T was significantly

448449450451452453454455456457458459460and (B).

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Fig. 4 – (A)–(G).

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resistant to carboplatin (1.5-fold, p¼0.3�10�2) and taxol (1.7-fold,p¼0.8�10�2), respectively. These sublines retained significantresistance with fold resistance increasing from round to round. AllUPN251 sublines receiving the opposite selecting agent in round 2retained some degree of significant resistance to carboplatin, exceptUPN251-2TALT. However UPN251-2TALT regained a significant levelof resistance by round 3.

The cell lines were stable in culture for up to 6 weeks afterdefrost at which point resistance began to decline (Supplementary

Please cite this article as: S. Busschots, et al., Carboplatin and taxol redysfunctional BRCA1 ovarian cancer cells, Exp Cell Res (2014), http:

material (Fig. S1)). Experiments were therefore performed in 6week blocks.Fig. 5(A) shows the extent of resistance development after 6

rounds of selection for single-agent treatments in OVCAR8 andUPN251 sublines. This was examined to investigate whether cellswith BRCA1 defects (OVCAR8) would develop resistance to plati-nums slower than taxanes with the opposite being true for cellswith functional BRCA1 (UPN251). We found that taxol resistancedeveloped quicker in both models irrespective of BRCA1 status.

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Fig. 5

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Fig. 5(B (i) and (ii)) shows the results of fold resistance after 6rounds of selection for carboplatin and taxol, respectively. Thiswas investigated as we hypothesised that cells receiving alternat-ing treatments of carboplatin and taxol should develop resistanceslower or not at all when compared to single-agent treatments.We can see from these graphs that single-agent treatments havehigher fold resistance than all of the alternating treatments.Fig. 5(C (i) and (ii)) shows the results of fold resistance compare

the point in time when each subline had received 3 doses ofcarboplatin or taxol, respectively. In this case resistance hasdeveloped at the same rate in alternating treatments comparedto single agent administration in OVCAR8 and resistance hasdeveloped quicker in alternating treatments compared to singleagent administration in UPN251.

Mechanisms of drug resistance in UPN251 sublines

Investigation of drug resistance mechanisms were carried out onUPN251 sublines only. OVCAR8 sublines were not examined anyfurther as they developed only low levels of unstable resistance(Fig. 4(E and G)).

Drug screenA drug screen was performed in order to evaluate cross resistanceto other drugs and to help elucidate resistance mechanisms thathave developed in the cells. A total of 11 drugs and 2 inhibitorswere used. Inhibitors include, buthionine sulphoximine (BSO) aninhibitor of glutathione (GSH) (Drew, Miners [7]) and elacridar aninhibitor of P-glycoprotein (P-gp) a member of the ATP bindingcassette (ABC) transporter family [22]. Table 2 gives a summary ofall cytotoxicity data collected.All of the sublines of UPN251 were significantly resistant to

carboplatin (fold change¼1.5–3.2, p¼0.2�10�2–0.5�10�8),with single-agent carboplatin developed UPN251-7C being thehighest. The addition of 12.5 mg/ml BSO had the effect of loweringIC50 values across all UPN251 sublines. UPN251 and all sublines(except UPN251-7T) showed significant decreases (p¼0.0003–0.008). Fold resistance however, stayed at a similar level. Sig-nificant cross resistance to cisplatin and copper sulphate (CuSO4)

Please cite this article as: S. Busschots, et al., Carboplatin and taxol redysfunctional BRCA1 ovarian cancer cells, Exp Cell Res (2014), http:

was also seen in sublines developed with carboplatin treatments.One exception to this is UPN251-6TALT, which is not resistant toCuSO4. Oxaliplatin showed significant cross resistance for sublinesdeveloped as single-agent treatments while alternating treat-ments showed no significant cross resistance. UPN251-6TALTshowed collateral sensitivity to oxaliplatin (fold change¼0.6,p¼0.01).

The UPN251 sublines developed with taxol all have significanttaxol resistance (fold change¼4.3–9.0, p¼0.5�10�3–0.2�10�7),with UPN251-7T having the highest fold resistance. UPN251-7Cdeveloped with carboplatin was not resistant to taxol. Comparingtaxol, with and without 0.25 mg/ml elacridar, across all cell linesreveals significant drops in IC50 values (p¼0.1�10�3 to0.4�10�7). An almost identical trend is seen with vinblastine,and olaparib7elacridar which are all P-gp substrates ([3,30]).Doxorubicin and docetaxel also displayed crossresistance insublines developed with taxol. A significant degree of collateralsensitivity to docetaxel was observed in UPN251-7C (foldchange¼0.4, p¼0.002).

Parp inhibitors veliparib and CEP8983 both showed no sig-nificant change in IC50 when compared to the parental cell linesand could both be candidates for treating platinum/taxane-resistant ovarian cancer.

Total cellular glutathione assayUsing a total cellular glutathione (GSH) assay (Fig. 6) no significantdifference in GSH levels were seen when UPN251 sublines weretreated with carboplatin. However UPN251 parental cells saw asignificant 3-fold increase in total cellular GSH levels with theaddition of 2 mg/ml carboplatin (p¼0.02) for a 3-day exposure.Treatment with 12.5 mmol BSO for a 3-day exposure gave signifi-cantly reduced levels of GSH for UPN251 and its sublines, whencompared to treatment free control cells (fold reduction¼9.3–27.8,p¼0.5�10�2–0.02). This was the same dose of BSO which wasused in our drug screen.

Post selection Western blotsP-gp protein expression for UPN251-6CALT and UPN251-7T (con-trol and taxol treated) and UPN251-6TALT (taxol treated) aresignificantly up-regulated when compared to UPN251 control(Fold Change¼2.370.9–7.372.8, p¼0.04–0.003, Fig. 7(A)). P-gpis significantly decreased in UPN251-7C (carboplatin treated).There are no significant changes in protein expression for bothATP7A (Fig. 7(B)) and CTR1 (Fig. 7(C)) when compared to UPN251control. MRP2 was not expressed in UPN251 and resistantsublines (supplementary material Fig. S2(A)). There was nochange in BRCA1 protein expression between UPN251 parentalcells and UPN251-7C and UPN251-7T resistant sublines (supple-mentary material Fig. S2(C)).


Resistance models

The mechanism of resistance that develops in a drug-resistancemodel can differ depending on the method of selection used. Themost common methods of selection used to model resistance areincreasing continuous administration ([33,55,64]) and low-doseintermittent incremental inducement ([17,27,62]) where cells are

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Table 2 – Resistance profile of UPN251 drug-resistant sublines.

Parent Carboplatin single agent Alternating carboplatin first Taxol single agent Alternatingtaxol firstDrug (Units) UPN251 IC50 UPN251-7C IC50 UPN251-6CALT IC50 UPN251-7T IC50 UPN251-6TALT IC50

Mean7SD n Mean7SD n F Mean7SD n F Mean7SD n F Mean7SD n F

Platinums and heavy metalsCarboplatin (μg/ml)

1.070.01 3 3.570.07 8nnn 3 3.3 1.870.02nnn 3 1.7 1.670.14 nn 3 1.5 2.070.07 nnn 3 2.0

þBSO (12.5 mg/ml)

0.870.03 # # # 3 2.970.16 # # 3 3.4 1.670.06 # # 3 1.8 1.370.23 3 1.5 1.770.07 # # 3 2.1

Cisplatin (μg/ml) 0.1570.01 3 0.4870.08 nn 3 3.3 0.2170.02 nn 3 1.6 0.1570.01 3 1.0 0.2770.04 nn 3 1.9Oxaliplatin (μg/ml)

0.0870.01 3 0.270.03 nn 3 2.1 0.0870.02 3 1.0 0.1270.003 n 3 1.3 0.0470.008 n 3 0.6

CuSO4 (ng/ml) 15.371.7 5 28.5711.4 n 5 1.9 34.7710.6 nn 5 2.3 17.072.9 5 1.1 15.071.3 5 1.0TaxanesTaxol (ng/ml) 14.971.9 3 14.971.7 3 1.0 63.674.4 nnn 3 4.3 133.374.7 nnn 3 8.9 84.4711.6 nnn 3 5.7þElacridar(0.14 μg/ml)

1.870.34 # # # 3 1.870.26 # # # 3 1.0 1.970.17 # # # 3 1.1 1.970.17 # # # 3 1.0 2.970.51 # # # 3 1.6

Docetaxel (ng/ml) 4.170.3 3 1.570.6 nn 3 0.4 8.571.5 nn 3 2.1 20.374.0 nn 3 4.9 9.072.6 n 3 2.2Parp InhibitorsOlaparib (μg/ml) 1.770.36 4 3.370.85 n 4 2.0 3.970.73 nn 4 2.3 5.470.98 nnn 4 3.2 3.770.4 nnn 4 2.2þElacridar(0.14 μg/ml)

1.370.14 4 2.570.6 4 1.8 1.770.36 # # 4 1.2 1.370.2 # # # 4 1.0 1.470.14 # # # 4 1.0

Veliparib (μg/ml) 13.172.91 3 14.570.7 3 1.1 14.671.29 3 1.1 10.471.58 3 0.8 14.771.6 3 1.1þElacridar(0.14 μg/ml)

13.772.83 3 15.271.79 3 1.1 14.071.9 3 1.0 10.771.81 3 0.8 14.371.6 3 1.0

CEP-8983 (μg/ml) 1.470.12 3 1.770.3 3 1.2 1.370.24 3 0.9 1.170.25 3 0.8 1.370.19 3 0.9Vinca AlkaloidsVinblastine(ng/ml)

9.971.1 4 11.972.84 4 1.2 29.274.54 nnn 4 3.0 62.173.8 nnn 4 6.3 31.2711.11 nn 4 3.2

þElacridar(0.14 μg/ml)

3.270.57 # # # 4 5.470.65 # # 4 1.7 3.370.73 # # # 4 1.1 4.671.22 # # # 4 1.5 3.670.73 # # 4 1.1


39.1710.15 5 46.872.96 5 1.2 62.873.02 nn 5 1.6 117.9720.2 nnn 5 3.0 59.676.44 nn 5 1.5

InhibitorsBSO (μg/ml) 5.171.87 4 14.472.07 nnn 4 2.8 7.670.22 4 1.5 7.972.8 4 1.5 29.2711.12nn 4 5.7Elacridar (μg/ml) 2.570.4 5 1.570.3 nn 5 0.6 0.870.2 nnn 5 0.3 1.370.5 nn 5 0.5 0.870.2 nnn 5 0.3

#Q10 Indicates a significant difference on the addition of a modulator (po0.05 Students t-test).

n Indicates a significant difference between UPN251 parent and UPN251 drug-resistant sublines (po0.05 Students t-test).nn Indicates a significant difference between UPN251 parent and UPN251 drug-resistant sublines (po0.01 Students t-test).nnn Indicates a significant difference between UPN251 parent and UPN251 drug-resistant sublines (po0.001 Students t-test).## Indicates a significant difference on the addition of a modulator (po0.01 Students t-test).### Indicates a significant difference on the addition of a modulator (po0.001 Students t-test).


























881882883884885886887888889890891892893894Fig. 6 – (A)–(D).

Fig. 7 – (A

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Please cite this article as: S. Busschots, et al., Carboplatin and taxol redysfunctional BRCA1 ovarian cancer cells, Exp Cell Res (2014), http:

exposed sporadically to increasing doses of drug over time. Anumber of studies have used a pulsed strategy of a 4-h drugexposure at weekly intervals for 10–12 weeks ([15,32,69]). Ourmodel has 1 prolonged pulse over 3 days and then recovery indrug free media for 4–5 weeks, which is a more accuraterepresentation of the clinical setting in ovarian cancer, wherepatients receive drug infusion every 3–4 weeks [41]. Ref. [67]compares the differences in using the pulse versus intermittentincremental strategy in the same ovarian cancer cell lines. Theyfound great differences in the resistance mechanisms thatappeared from both strategies. The consensus was that althoughthe intermittent incremental strategy produced higher levels offold resistance, the mechanisms evolved using the pulse strategywere closer to the mechanisms seen in the clinic and serves as a


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more ‘appropriate’ model in studying drug resistance in ovariancancer. Therefore mechanisms produced from this study have thepotential to closely mirror the clinical mechanisms of resistancefor ovarian cancer.

Resistance development

We hypothesised that ovarian cancer cells with BRCA1 defects(OVCAR8) would develop resistance to platinums slower thantaxanes with the opposite being true for cells with functionalBRCA1 (UPN251). Fig. 5(A) shows the extent of resistance devel-opment after 6 rounds of selection for single-agent treatments.This hypothesis holds true for OVCAR8 sublines, but not forUPN251 sublines, as taxol resistance developed quicker in bothmodels irrespective of BRCA1 status. Possible reasons for thisoccurrence may be that taxol treated cells recover quicker thancarboplatin-treated cells, and therefore resistance can developfaster in taxol-treated cells.

We hypothesised that cells receiving alternating treatments ofcarboplatin and taxol should develop resistance slower or not atall when compared to single-agent treatments. On first inspectionthis seems to hold true. Fig. 5(B) shows the results of foldresistance after 6 rounds of selection for taxol and carboplatin.We can see from these graphs that single-agent treatments havehigher fold resistance than all of the alternating treatments.Alternatively, however, if we compare the point in time wheneach subline had received three doses of taxol (Fig. 5(C) (i)) orthree doses of carboplatin (Fig. 5(C) (ii)) during the course of thetreatment strategy and compared the extent of resistance devel-opment, the opposite conclusion could be reached. In UPN251,despite the fact that alternating treatments received the sameamount of taxol or carboplatin over a longer period of time whencompared to single-agent treatments (five or six rounds inalternating versus three rounds for the single-agent), resistancedevelopment was higher in alternating treatments when com-pared to single-agent treatments. In OVCAR8, alternating andsingle-agent treatments are at a similar resistance level. Thisambiguity in our results may stem from an inability to directlycompare the results of the two drugs due to their differentmechanisms of action and speed of recovery from drug treatment.

An interesting finding from the selection strategy is that cellstreated with taxol, having received carboplatin in the previousround, show large increases in taxol resistance, larger than theincrease seen when cells were treated with taxol in the previousround (Fig. 4(E)). Cells with carboplatin pre-treatment also takelonger to recover compared to cells which have only receivedtaxol as seen from our area fraction data (Fig. 4(C)). Carboplatintherefore seems to enhance a cell’s capacity to become taxolresistant. Further to this, alternating treatments generally dis-played notable jumps in taxol resistance in a round in which theyreceived taxol. This is usually greater than the increase inresistance seen per round from single-agent taxol treatments.This is the opposite of what we would have predicted given theinverse resistance relationship between platinum and taxanes(Stordal et al. 2009). We hypothesised that pre-treatment withone agent would sensitise to the other. We saw no evidence of anopposite effect. Taxol pre-treatment did not affect the amount ofcarboplatin resistance that developed.

In the literature an in vitro study showed that when cisplatinpreceded taxol treatment, lessened antitumor activity was seen

Please cite this article as: S. Busschots, et al., Carboplatin and taxol redysfunctional BRCA1 ovarian cancer cells, Exp Cell Res (2014), http:

when compared to taxol before cisplatin [26]. In ovarian cancercell lines the sequence of cisplatin before taxol reduces taxolinduced apoptosis. This was found using DNA fragmentationassays, fluorescence microscopy and flow cytometry [25]. Anin vivo mouse study showed that this sequence (cisplatin thentaxol) had significant increases in morbidity and mortality asso-ciated with it when compared with taxol before cisplatin [36]. Inthe clinic taxol is given 3 h before carboplatin in order tocircumvent carboplatin’s myelosupressive affects [42]. Taxolreduces the proportion of bone marrow precursors circulating atthe time when carboplatin is given which reduces toxicity whencompared to the opposite administration. In non-small cell lungcancer clinical studies, with chemotherapy naive patients, thesequence of carboplatin then taxol administration in combinationtreatments, showed no sequence-dependant toxicities or phar-macokinetic interactions. However it is not clear whether thedifferent sequences affected response data ([14,21]).Some evidence which supports the inverse resistance relation-

ship hypothesis is that increased P-gp expression was seen insublines which had taxol treatment during selection whiledecreased expression was seen in UPN251-7C (carboplatin trea-ted) (Fig. 7(A)). Long term monitoring of UPN251-7C’s resistanceto taxol showed significant sensitivity to taxol (data not shown).Down regulation of P-gp in this cell line may explain thisoccurrence. As UPN251-7T is resistant to taxol and has highP-gp expression it may imply that P-gp is involved in the mecha-nism of the inverse resistance phenotype.Having received an equivalent cytotoxic drug treatment as

UPN251 (BRCA1-wildtype), OVCAR8 (BRCA1-methylated) devel-oped much less resistance to carboplatin or taxol over the sametime period. All OVCAR8 sublines were less than 2-fold resistantto carboplatin and less than 2.5-fold resistant to taxol after 6rounds of selection. This may be due to the cells BRCA1 methyla-tion status. Cells deficient in BRCA1 have reduced efficiency inrepairing DNA damage caused by cytotoxic agents. It has beenshown that hypermethylation of the BRCA1 promoter regioncauses increased sensitivity to platinum drugs ([63]). Also intwo ovarian cancer cell lines decreasing BRCA1 mRNA usinginhibition assays correlated to increased sensitivity to platinums[46]. They also show that patients with low/intermediate levels ofBRCA1 mRNA have a significantly improved overall survivalfollowing platinum-based chemotherapy compared to patientswith high levels of BRCA1 mRNA. Ref. [71] showed that theovarian cancer cell line SNU251, having a mutation in BRCA1inhibiting its sub-nuclear assembly, increased its sensitivity totaxol. Also UPN251 and OVCAR8 have had different baselinesensitivities to the drugs used as they originated from patientswho had had different levels of exposures to carboplatin and taxolwhich may have affected the development of resistance.One caveat to our ability to directly compare resistance devel-

oped with carboplatin and taxol is that these drugs may not bedirectly comparable to each other, due to their different rates ofrecovery after drugging. This was seen in our dose findingexperiment for the selection strategy (Fig. 3) and in the selectionstrategy itself (Fig. 4). Cells treated with taxol show high initialcell death followed by fast recovery, while carboplatin showedmuch slower recovery with slight elevations in cell number afterdrugging, followed by cell death and slow recovery. This differ-ence could be due to the differences in platinum and taxanemechanisms of action. Platinums act mainly by forming nuclear

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platinum adducts on DNA strands ([13,16]), while taxanes act bystabilising microtubules within the cell ([34,48]). Another caveatis that the cell lines used in this study were of different geneticbackgrounds having been obtained from different patients. Anumber of different elements may be at play that has thepotential to affect our results. Future studies could be carriedout in a BRCA1 mutant cell model and a transfected model whereBRCA1 functionality is restored such as UWB1.289 and UWB1.289-BRCA1 [6].

Mechanisms of taxol resistanceTaxol resistance cell models are very common and many havebeen developed for ovarian cancer cell lines ([10,11,18,44,70]).Most of these models use different variations on the abovementioned intermittent incremental inducement and increasingcontinuous administration strategies. Our work is novel as apulsed strategy which closely mirrors the clinic has not beenused before in ovarian cancer and a model of taxane-resistancehas not been previously developed in UPN251 to our knowledge.Over-expression of P-gp often arises as a mechanism of taxol

resistance in cell models. P-gp is the main mechanisms of taxolresistance in our models. Cytotoxicity assays for P-gp substratestaxol, vinblastine and olaparib7elacridar (Table 2) all show highlysignificant drops in IC50 when P-gp is blocked with elacridar.Western data showed increased P-gp expression for sublineswhich had taxol treatment during selection (Fig. 7(A)). Thereforeit is likely that taxol is being actively pumped out of the cell byP-gp causing taxol resistance.

Mechanisms of carboplatin resistanceCarboplatin resistant ovarian cancer cell lines are rare in theliterature. This is most likely because a combination of cisplatinand taxol was the standard chemotherapy treatment for advancedovarian cancer before 2003, until carboplatin and taxol wasdeemed more favourable due to reduced toxicities associatedwith carboplatin ([9,42]). A publication by [31] reports on thedevelopment of 5 resistance cell models for ovarian cancer celllines (2 carboplatin, 2 cisplatin and 1 taxol). They found a numberof genes which were differentially expressed compared to par-ental cells across all resistant models. Another study has devel-oped carboplatin resistant sublines from human larynx carcinomacell line Hep 2 by continuous 5-day exposure of increasing dosesof carboplatin. All of the 3 sublines developed had elevated levelsof GSH, but only one of these had significant elevations [40].From the results of our GSH assays (Fig. 6) we can see that only

UPN251 showed a significant increase in total cellular GSH levelsin response to carboplatin treatment. The developed UPN251sublines had no significant increases compared to UPN251 with acarboplatin treatment of 2 mg/ml. This suggests that elevated GSHplays a role in the parental cells initial response to carboplatinand that UPN251 resistance sublines utilise other mechanisms.Treatment with a 12.5 mM dose of BSO significantly decreases GSHin UPN251 and all sublines. This was the same dose of BSO used inour post selection drug screen with carboplatin (Table 2). Smallbut significant drops in IC50 were noted in UPN251 sublines, butno difference in fold change was noted. This indicates thatincreased total cellular GSH may not be a major mechanism ofcarboplatin resistance in our developed models.CuSO4 (Table 2) had significantly higher IC50’s for UPN251-7C

and UN251-6CALT. This indicates the possible involvement of

Please cite this article as: S. Busschots, et al., Carboplatin and taxol redysfunctional BRCA1 ovarian cancer cells, Exp Cell Res (2014), http:

copper transporters ATP7A, ATP7B and CTR1 in carboplatinresistance (Safaei, Howell [52]). However Western blots for ATP7Aand CTR1 showed little difference in protein expression. Theseproteins may instead be relocated to different parts of the cellcausing a resistance phenotype. An increase of ATP7A and ATP7Bin the cellular membrane or a relocation of CTR1 to the golgiapparatus may lead to platinum resistance without a change inprotein expression [57].

Combined resistance to platinums and taxanesModels of taxane-platinum resistance are rare in the literature.One study developed a taxane-platinum resistant model for non-small cell lung cancer by exposing the cells to cycles of taxol andcarboplatin, two cytotoxic agents with different mechanisms ofaction [5]. Another study developed a dual carboplatin anddocetaxel resistant subline from A2780 ovarian cancer cells whichare cross resistant to both agents as well as two singularlyresistant sublines resistant to each agent but not cross resistantto the other. All of the sublines were selected for in parallel [1].Gene profiling revealed that the dual model contains geneticchanges not present in the singularly resistant models demon-strating that combined drug resistance may not be a simplecombination of changes present in single-agent resistant cell linesbut can contain novel changes.

Our model presents this novel aspect of subline developmentfor ovarian cancer where sublines were exposed to alternatingsequences of taxol and carboplatin. As a result UPN251-6CALT andUPN251-6TALT show significant cross resistance to both carbo-platin and taxol used in their development. They show acarboplatin fold resistance of 1.7 and 2 and a taxol fold resistanceof 4.3 and 5.7, respectively (Table 2). This is less than the UPN251sublines selected with single agents but these have no significantcross resistance to carboplatin or taxol except UPN251-7T whichis 1.5 fold resistant to carboplatin.

The cytotoxic agent which our sublines were exposed to firstinfluenced the mechanisms of resistance that arose. UPN251-6CALT and UPN251-6TALT both received 3 rounds of druggingwith carboplatin and taxol. The only difference is that UPN251-6CALT received carboplatin in the first round whereas UPN251-6TALT received taxol. As a result UPN251-6CALT displays signifi-cant fold resistance to CuSO4 (2.3 fold, p¼0.004) while UPN251-6TALT shows no significant fold resistance. Also UPN251-6TALTshows significant sensitivity to oxaliplatin (p¼0.01) whileUPN251-6CALT has no significant fold change. This would indicatedifferent resistance mechanisms being selected in these cellsdepending on initial drug exposure. Also, as neither UPN251-7Cnor UPN251-7T had significant sensitivity to oxaliplatin whileUPN251-6TALT did, this may indicate a novel mechanism ofresistance being generated between this dual carboplatin/taxolresistant model and our singularly non-cross-resistant models.This evidence is supported by the finding of [1] discussed above.

Treatment options for platinum/taxane resistant ovariancancers

The baseline IC50 values of parp inhibitors CEP8983 and veliparib inOVCAR8 was 2.0270.3 mg/ml (n¼6) and 5.871.1 mg/ml (n¼4)respectively and in UPN251 was 1.6370.1 (n¼5) and 17.576.8(n¼4), respectively. UPN251 cells were intrinsically more resistantto CEP8983 than OVCAR8 but had similar baseline sensitivity to

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veliparib. It would be expected that UPN251 cells would be moreresistant to both PARP inhibitors as they have functional BRCA1when compared with OVCAR8 that has non-functional BRCA1.

These two parp inhibitors, CEP8983 and veliparib, were notaffected by the multiple mechanisms of resistance that arose inour UPN251 sublines. They did not show any significant resistancedevelopment and may be candidates in treating platinum/taxaneresistant ovarian cancers. This data and the results of our recentstudy on a panel of 41 ovarian cancer cell lines [59] suggests abroader activity of parp inhibitors in BRCA1 wild-type ovariancancer. This activity is likely due to a variety of mechanismscausing dysfunction in homologous recombination repair.



The development of taxane resistance was not slower that thedevelopment of platinum resistance in cells with functional BRCA1as was expected per the inverse resistance relationship. Taxolresistance developed quicker in BRCA1-wildtype and BRCA1-methylated cells. Both resistance to carboplatin and taxol devel-oped quicker and more stably in UPN251 (BRC1-wildtype) com-pared to OVCAR8 (BRCA1-methylated). Also alternating carboplatinand taxol treatment delays but does not prevent resistancedevelopment when compared to single agent administration. Thiswas expected from the inverse resistance relationship. However,interestingly, the sequence of drug exposure influenced the resis-tance mechanism that developed in resultant sublines. UPN251-6CALT and UPN251-6TALT have different profiles of cross resistanceto drugs, one having received carboplatin and one having receivedtaxol in round one of development being their only difference.Finally over expression of P-gp is the dominant mechanism of taxolresistance present in our UPN251 resistant sublines whereasmultiple mechanisms of carboplatin resistance are postulated tobe present in our cell models.



This study was funded by a PhD Scholarship from the Royal City ofDublin Hospital Trust (S.B.), the Emer Casey Foundation (S.B) aspart of the DISCOVARY Consortium, an Irish Cancer SocietyPostdoctoral Fellowship (B.S.) and a Marie Curie Re-integrationGrant from the European Union P7 programme (B.S.).


Appendix A. Supporting information

Supplementary data associated with this article can be found inthe online version at


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