Carbon Footprinting your site

Post on 21-Jan-2015

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The Environment Centre (tEC).

Transcript of Carbon Footprinting your site

the Environment Centre (tEC)you . your business .your community

Dr. Derek Moss

Dr. Matthew Amesbury

Carbon footprinting

your site

the Environment Centre (tEC)you . your business .your community


• More details on calculating a carbon footprint

• Scopes 1, 2 and 3

• Setting boundaries

• Examples of carbon footprints and energy



• Thinking about your carbon footprints

the Environment Centre (tEC)you . your business .your community

Carbon (CO2) footprinting – more details

• CO2 is the main thing we are measuring, but other GHGs (mostly carbon-

based) are also included, so it’s called ‘carbon’ footprinting

• There is currently no formal definition of ‘carbon footprint’

• Neither is there a formal method of measuring them, but there are several


• The currently most widely recognised one is by the World Resource Institute -

an independent environmental think tank of scientists, economists and policy

makers - calculation tools and guidance notes (by sector)

the Environment Centre (tEC)you . your business .your community

Carbon footprinting – more details

1. Relevance

2. Completeness

3. Consistency

4. Transparency

5. Accuracy

What is the point of them?!

• Baseline measurement for comparison with yourself in the future


• Measurement for comparison with others

• Publication

So, factors needing to be considered are:

the Environment Centre (tEC)you . your business .your community

Carbon footprinting – more details

What emissions to include? � Operational boundaries (Scope 1, 2, and 3)

Who’s emissions to include? � Organisational boundaries

What do you actually do?

• Decide on what you are going to include

• Make measurements of energy use

• Convert to units of CO2eq

• Report

the Environment Centre (tEC)you . your business .your community

Scope 1 – Direct Emissions

“direct emissions occur from sources that are owned or

controlled by the company”


• On-site combustion (industrial process or heating)

• Owned vehicles – work travel, transport

• Direct chemical emissions (e.g. methane)

General practical application:

• Gas/oil bills for heating

• Fleet petrol/diesel bills for transport

the Environment Centre (tEC)you . your business .your community

Scope 2 – Indirect Emissions

“accounts for GHG emissions from the generation of

purchased electricity used by the company”

• When electricity is generated, emissions occur at the power


• Locally generated electricity (micro-generation or renewable)

does not count

General practical application:

• Electricity bills

the Environment Centre (tEC)you . your business .your community

Scope 3 – Other Indirect Emissions

(put simply, an optional accounting scope which accounts for everything else!)


• Staff commuting

• Embodied carbon of all products purchased

• Energy used in transport and operating products

• Waste generated, transported and processed

“emissions as a consequence of the activities of a company,

but occur from sources not controlled by the company”

the Environment Centre (tEC)you . your business .your community

Setting boundaries

• Who’s emissions do you include?

• For a small business in one office/unit, it’s fairly simple

• For a multi-national with interests in many

subsidiaries, it is less clear what to include

� Clearly define the purpose of the measurement

the Environment Centre (tEC)you . your business .your community

CO2 footprinting examples - tEC

We are an environmental charity based in two offices, and with an

LPG-fuel car and a diesel-fuel van

This is a quick carbon footprint of the operations based in the

Southampton office, done as an example

the Environment Centre (tEC)you . your business .your community

CO2 footprinting examples – tEC Scope 1

Direct emissions from the premises: gas boiler for heating

Calendar year total = 26,364 kWh of gas = 5.3 tCO2eq

Emissions from company-owned vehicle:

Petrol: 120 litres = 0.3 tCO2eq

LPG: 620 litres = 0.9 tCO2eq

Transport Total = 1.2 tCO2eq

Scope 1 Total = 6.5 tCO2eq

the Environment Centre (tEC)you . your business .your community

CO2 footprinting examples – tEC Scope 2

Electricity used on the premises:

Calendar year total = 44,723 kWh of electricity = 22.4 tCO2eq

Scope 2 Total = 22.4 tCO2eq

A quick Scope 1 and 2 footprint of the Southampton part of our

operations is therefore:

28.8 tCO2eq

the Environment Centre (tEC)you . your business .your community

CO2 footprinting examples –

A one-off, day long conference. Footprint calculated for the purpose of offsetting

Scope 1 – Direct Emissions

Gas used for heating the venue on the day, and in the preparation of food:

171 kg

Scope 2 – Indirect Emissions

Electricity used for lighting the venue on the day, and in powering equipment:

196 kg

Staff travel on conference business:

758 kg


the Environment Centre (tEC)you . your business .your community

Eco-Island conference – Scope 3

Food miles – moving the food to the venue: 48 kg

Manufacture of products specifically for the conference: 229 kg

Delegate travel to the conference

– the conference is definitely responsible for this

– delegates filled in a questionnaire about their travel,

results were analysed and combined

Delegate travel emissions: 1568 kg


the Environment Centre (tEC)you . your business .your community

Eco-Island conference

Scope 1: 929 kg

Scope 2: 196 kg

Scope 3: 1845 kg

… which was offset by the distribution of low-energy light bulbs and insulation

Total: 2970 kg

= 2.97 tCO2eq



Delegate Travel

Staff Travel/Deliveries




the Environment Centre (tEC)you . your business .your community

Energy Audits – Hospitality Industry

A small hotel on the Isle of Wight – simple Scope 1 and 2 footprint




Gas for cooking

Oil for heating

Electricity for lighting

and power

Total footprint:

35.2 tCO2eq

the Environment Centre (tEC)you . your business .your community

Energy Audits – Manufacturing Industry



A small manufacturing business doing vacuum forming

– a simple Scope 1 and 2 footprint

Gas for heating

Electricity for lighting, office

equipment and processes

Total footprint:

202 tCO2eq


the Environment Centre (tEC)you . your business .your community

Group discussion

• Split up into groups by sector (see lists on tables)

• Discuss the following issues:

1) Which of your activities contributes most to

your carbon footprint?

2) Which areas of footprint do you think are

easiest to reduce?

• We will briefly discuss results with the larger group

the Environment Centre (tEC)you . your business .your community

Reducing Your Footprint - Heating

8% per °CIs your thermostat set above 19°C?

10%How well behaved are your staff? - windows

15%How draughty are your premises?

20%Heating: how efficient is your heating system?

40%Insulation: how well insulated are your premises?

Potential Saving

the Environment Centre (tEC)you . your business .your community

Reducing Your Footprint - Offices

Monitor your gas and electricity meters– you can’t manage what you don’t measure!

LotsHow much water do you put in the kettle?

Lots of Scope 3Could your staff car share?

Lots of Scope 3Could your staff work from home via VPN?

LotsAre your printers/copiers left on?

600 kg per yearAre your drinks machines left on?

50 kg per lightAre your lights left on?

100 kg per yearThe computers themselves?

70 kg per yearAre computer monitors left on?

Potential Saving

the Environment Centre (tEC)you . your business .your community


• Individually, write out the 5 things that you think

would reduce your carbon footprint for the least

amount of money

• Ask us …..

• You’ll have a carbon action plan!

the Environment Centre (tEC)you . your business .your community

Any Questions?

• We are considering offering dedicated carbon

footprinting training at tEC.

• If you may be interested, please talk to one of us.