Carbon Brief Quiz 2015

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The questions and answers from Carbon Brief's quiz night held in London on 29 October 2015

Transcript of Carbon Brief Quiz 2015


Round 1: General Knowledge

For one point each, name all four US states that start with the letter “I”...

Question 1

For one point each, name all four London railway stations in the traditional game of Monopoly...

Question 2

What's the biggest selling number 2 record in UK chart history?

Question 3

For one point each, name the five London Underground stations beginning with the letter “O”...

Question 4

What was the name of Taylor Swift's last album?

Question 5

What year did women over the age of 30 get the right to vote in the UK?

Question 6

Which novel opens with the sentence: "A squat grey building of only thirty-four stories”?

Question 7

What geological period followed the Jurassic era?

Question 8

For one point each, name the last five actors to play the official BBC TV version of Doctor Who?

Question 9

With which film would you associate the name 'Tyler Durden'?

Question 10

How many Grand Slam finals has Andy Murray played in?

Question 11

Round 2: Science

According to Factiva, which three UK national journalists have written the most articles containing the term "climate change" over the past five years?

Question 1

Who was the first chair of the IPCC?

Question 2

Which city is currently planning to build a climate change museum?

Question 3

For one point each, name three Noble gases...

Question 4

Between which two Indonesian islands did the Krakatoa volcanic eruption take place in 1883?

Question 5

In which year did Charles Keeling begin measuring the concentration of atmospheric CO2 at Mauna Loa in Hawaii, thus starting the continuous, iconic dataset known as the Keeling Curve?

Question 6

To within five parts per million, what was the average CO2 concentration in the first full year? And for another point, to within two parts per million, what was the average concentration in 2014?

Question 7

What is the name of the US research base on Ross Island in Antarctica?

Question 8

What is the name given to the global network of ocean buoys used to measure, among other things, sea temperature?

Question 9

What year did Nasa's James Hansen famously tell a US Congressional committee: "It is time to stop waffling so much and say that the evidence is pretty strong that the greenhouse effect is here."

Question 10

Who officially opened the Met Office Hadley Centre in 1990?

Question 11

According to the World Bank (2011), which country has the highest per capita CO2 emissions - Australia, Luxembourg, Saudi Arabia, or the US?

Question 12

For five points, match the following sources of anthropogenic GHG emissions with the correct percentage of overall emissions from humans:

Buildings, Electricity/Heat, Forestry/Farming (AFOLU), Industry, Transport

25%, 24%, 21%, 14%, 6.4%

Question 13

What is the most abundant greenhouse gas in the atmosphere?

Question 14

According to the WMO, Furnace Creek in California in 1913 experienced the hottest temperature ever recorded. To within three degrees Celsius, what was that temperature?

Question 15

Similarly, Vostok in Antarctica in 1983 experienced the lowest temperature ever recorded. To within three degrees Celsius, what was that temperature?

Question 16

Round 3: Policy

For one point each, name the UK's last four energy and climate secretaries of state?

Question 1

For one point each, name the last five shadow energy and climate secretaries of state?

Question 2

According to BP, what source provided 6.8% of the world's energy in 2014?

Question 3

To within two percentage points, what percent of the UK's energy needs was supplied by fossil fuels in 2014?

Question 4

For three points, fill in the blanks from the opening line of the Climate Change Act 2008: "It is the duty of the Secretary of State to ensure that the net UK carbon account for the year X is at least X% lower than the year X baseline."

Question 4

For one point each, name the six types of greenhouse gases recognised by the Climate Change Act 2008...

Question 5

Which was the first country to formally submit its INDC to the UNFCCC?

Question 6

In 2014, which country proposed the notion of "concentric differentiation" in a submission to the UNFCCC?

Question 7

Which continent is COP 23 scheduled to be held in 2017?

Question 8

In 2009, who said: "We've got to keep climate change at the top of the agenda, even in times of considerable hardship". Was it Boris Johnson, George Osborne, William Hague or Theresa May?

Question 9

Which country said the following in its INDC:

"The structural cause that has triggered the climate crisis is the failed capitalist system. The capitalist system promotes consumerism, warmongering and commercialism, causing the destruction of Mother Earth and humanity. The capitalist system is a system of death."

Question 10

Round 4: Special Guest questions

For three points, can you name all the previous heads of the UNFCCC, the UN treaty charged with coordinating climate action?

Question 1 - Christiana Figueres

For one point each, identify five climate system ‘tipping points’ from the following list …

1. Squid & Cassava replace Fish & Chips as UK's iconic meal 2. Global mean surface temperature increase exceeds 2 degrees C 3. West Antarctic ice sheet collapses 4. Amazon rain forest dies back 5. Extreme rainfall events increase in frequency and intensity 6. Arctic permafrost melts releasing stored methane 7. Atlantic thermohaline circulation ceases 8. Severe forest fires increase 9. Areas of Arabia become uninhabitable 10. Indian Monsoon becomes unstable 11. Daily Mail accepts climate change is real .. and predicts fall in house prices

Question 2 - Chris Rapley

Attach the names of these four climate science pioneers with the manner of their death:

Roald Amundsen (polar climate), Robert FitzRoy (founder of the Met Office), John Tyndall (discovered of the CO2 greenhouse effect), and Alfred Wegener (continental drift and paleo-climate)

A) Accidentally poisoned B) Skiing C) Airplane crash D) Committed suicide

Question 3 - Gavin Schmidt

Who was the last Conservative Secretary of State for Energy?

Question 4 - Amber Rudd

For one point each, name five MPs who voted against either the Climate Change Act 2008 or the Energy Act 2013 at third reading?

Question 5 - Ed Davey

What five-year period does the UK's fifth carbon budget cover?

Question 6 - Lord Deben

Round 5: Match the country to the energy mix

Match the country to the electricity generation mix

Countries: Brazil, Chile, China, Denmark, France, India, Saudi Arabia, South Africa, UK, US

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Round 6: Picture round





















Round 1 Answers

For one point each, name all four US states that start with the letter “I”...

Question 1

Answer: Indiana, Iowa, Illinois, Idaho

For one point each, name all four London railway stations in the traditional game of Monopoly…

Answer: Fenchurch St, Marylebone, Kings' Cross, Liverpool St

Question 2

What's the biggest selling number 2 record in UK chart history?

Answer: Last Christmas/Everything She Wants, by Wham!

Question 3

For one point each, name the five London Underground stations beginning with the letter “O”…

Answer: Oval, Oxford Circus, Old Street, Osterley, Oakwood

Question 4

What was the name of Taylor Swift's last album?

Answer: 1989

Question 5

What year did women over the age of 30 get the right to vote in the UK?

Answer: 1918

Question 6

Which novel opens with the sentence: "A squat grey building of only thirty-four stories”?

Answer: Brave New World, by Aldous Huxley

Question 7

What geological period followed the Jurassic era?

Answer: Cretaceous Period (145–66m years ago)

Question 8

For one point each, name the last five actors to play the official BBC TV version of Doctor Who?

Answer: Peter Capaldi, Matt Smith, David Tennant, Christopher Eccleston, Paul McGann. We will also allow John Hurt.

Question 9

With which film would you associate the name 'Tyler Durden’?

Answer: Fight Club

Question 10

How many Grand Slam finals has Andy Murray played in?

Answer: 8 (4x Australian, 2x US, 2x Wimbledon)

Question 11

Round 2 Answers

According to Factiva, which three UK national journalists have written the most articles containing the term "climate change" over the past five years?

Answer: Damian Carrington (387), Tom Bawden (248) and Emily Gosden (223)

Question 1

Who was the first chair of the IPCC?

Answer: Bert Bolin

Question 2

Which city is currently planning to build a climate change museum?

Answer: New York

Question 3

For one point each, name three Noble gases…

Possible answers: Helium, Neon, Argon, Krypton, Xenon, Radon

Question 4

Between which two Indonesian islands did the Krakatoa volcanic eruption take place in 1883?

Answer: Java and Sumatra

Question 5

In which year did Charles Keeling begin measuring the concentration of atmospheric CO2 at Mauna Loa in Hawaii, thus starting the continuous, iconic dataset known as the Keeling Curve?

Answer: 1958

Question 6

To within five parts per million, what was the average CO2 concentration in the first full year? And for another point, to within two parts per million, what was the average concentration in 2014?

Answer: 316ppm (311 to 321ppm) 399ppm (397 to 401ppm)

Question 7

What is the name of the US research base on Ross Island in Antarctica?

Answer: McMurdo (Sound)

Question 8

What is the name given to the global network of ocean buoys used to measure, among other things, sea temperature?

Answer: Argo

Question 9

What year did Nasa's James Hansen famously tell a US Congressional committee: "It is time to stop waffling so much and say that the evidence is pretty strong that the greenhouse effect is here.”

Answer: 1988

Question 10

Who officially opened the Met Office Hadley Centre in 1990?

Answer: Margaret Thatcher

Question 11

According to the World Bank (2011), which country has the highest per capita CO2 emissions - Australia, Luxembourg, Saudi Arabia, or the US?

Answer: Luxembourg (20.9); Saudi Arabia (18.1); US (17.0); Australia (16.5)

Question 12

For five points, match the following sources of anthropogenic GHG emissions with the correct percentage of overall emissions from humans…

Answer: Electricity/Heat - 25%; AFOLU - 24%; Industry - 21%; Transport - 14%; Buildings - 6.4%

Question 13

What is the most abundant greenhouse gas in the atmosphere?

Answer: Water vapour

Question 14

According to the WMO, Furnace Creek in California in 1913 experienced the hottest temperature ever recorded. To within three degrees Celsius, what was that temperature?

Answer: 57C (54C-60C)

Question 15

Similarly, Vostok in Antarctica in 1983 experienced the lowest temperature ever recorded. To within three degrees Celsius, what was that temperature?

Answer: -89C (-86C - -92C)

Question 16

Round 3 Answers

For one point each, name the UK's last four energy and climate secretaries of state?

Answer: Amber Rudd, Ed Davey, Chris Huhne, Ed Miliband

Question 1

For one point each, name the last five shadow energy and climate secretaries of state?

Answer: Lisa Nandy, Caroline Flint, Meg Hillier, Ed Miliband, Greg Clark

Question 2

According to BP, what source provided 6.8% of the world's energy in 2014?

Answer: Hydro

Question 3

To within two percentage points, what percent of the UK's energy needs was supplied by fossil fuels in 2014?

85% (83-87%)

Question 4

For three points, fill in the blanks from the opening line of the Climate Change Act 2008…

Answer: “It is the duty of the Secretary of State to ensure that the net UK carbon account for the year 2050 is at least 80% lower than the year 1990 baseline.”

Question 5

For one point each, name the six types of greenhouse gases recognised by the Climate Change Act 2008…

Answer: Carbon dioxide (CO2); methane (CH4); nitrous oxide (N2O); hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs); perfluorocarbons (PFCs); sulphur hexafluoride (SF6)

Question 6

Which was the first country to formally submit its INDC to the UNFCCC?

Answer: Switzerland

Question 7

In 2014, which country proposed the notion of "concentric differentiation" in a submission to the UNFCCC?

Answer: Brazil

Question 8

Which continent is COP 23 scheduled to be held in 2017?

Answer: Asia-Pacific

Question 8

In 2009, who said: "We've got to keep climate change at the top of the agenda, even in times of considerable hardship". Was it Boris Johnson, George Osborne, William Hague or Theresa May?

Answer: George Osborne

Question 10

Which country said the following in its INDC:

"The structural cause that has triggered the climate crisis is the failed capitalist system. The capitalist system promotes consumerism, warmongering and commercialism, causing the destruction of Mother Earth and humanity. The capitalist system is a system of death.”

Answer: Bolivia

Question 10

Round 4 Answers

For three points, can you name all the previous heads of the UNFCCC, the UN treaty charged with coordinating climate action?

Answer: Yvo de Boer (2006-2010); Joke Waller-Hunter (2002- 2005); Michael Zammit Cutajar (1991- 2002)

Question 1 - Christiana Figueres

For one point each, identify five climate system ‘tipping points’ from the following list …

1. Squid & Cassava replace Fish & Chips as UK's iconic meal 2. Global mean surface temperature increase exceeds 2 degrees C 3. West Antarctic ice sheet collapses 4. Amazon rain forest dies back 5. Extreme rainfall events increase in frequency and intensity 6. Arctic permafrost melts releasing stored methane 7. Atlantic thermohaline circulation ceases 8. Severe forest fires increase 9. Areas of Arabia become uninhabitable 10. Indian Monsoon becomes unstable 11. Daily Mail accepts climate change is real .. and predicts fall in house prices

Correct answers: 3,4,6,7 and 10

Question 2 - Chris Rapley

Attach the names of these four climate science pioneers with the manner of their death…

A) Accidentally poisoned: John Tyndall (his wife overdosed him trying to administer chloral hydrate for his insomnia)

B) Skiing: Alfred Wegener (lost while skiing across Greenland on a mission to supply a winter base camp, to be fair)

C) Airplane crash: Roald Amundsen (in a plane helping conduct a search in the Barents Sea for survivors of the downed Airship Italia on an ice floe near Svalbard)

D) Committed suicide: Robert Fitzroy (cut his own throat after a severe bout of depression, brought about by - amongst other things - a lack of government funding).

Question 3 - Gavin Schmidt

Who was the last Conservative Secretary of State for Energy?

Answer: John Wakeham

Question 4 - Amber Rudd

For one point each, name five MPs who voted against either the Climate Change Act 2008 or the Energy Act 2013 at third reading?

CCA 2008: Christopher Chope; Philip Davies; Peter Lilley; Andrew Tyrie; Ann Widdecombe

EA2013: Brian Binley; Peter Bone; Christopher Chope; Philip Davies; Philip Hollobone; David Nuttall; Mark Reckless; Sammy Wilson; Paul Flynn; Andrew Smith

Question 5 - Ed Davey

What five-year period does the UK's fifth carbon budget cover?

Answer: 2028-2032

Question 6 - Lord Deben

Round 5 Answers

1. Denmark

2. UK

3. South Africa

4. China

5. Brazil 6. US

7. India

8. France

9. Saudi Arabia

10. Chile

Round 6 Answers

1. Su Wei, China's lead negotiator at UNFCCC

2. Hoesung Lee, chair of the IPCC

3. John Tyndall, who proved the greenhouse effect with observations

4. Claudia Salerno, Venezuela’s veteran negotiator at UNFCCC

5. Stewie, from Family Guy

6. Frida Kahlo, Mexican artist

7. Bonnie, from Toy Story 3

8. Bill Murray, actor

9. Prince, musician

10.Sia, musician

11. Elizabeth Fry, prison reformer on £5 note

12. Christopher Booker, journalist

13. Dr Maggie Aderin-Pocock MBE

14. Carl Sagan, astronomer

15. Dave Myers, Hairy Biker chef

16. Craig (Phillips), first winner of Big Brother in 2000

17. Sonic the Hedgehog, computer game character

18. Julia Slingo, chief scientist at the Met Office

19. Stephen Schneider, late climate scientist

20. Cecil the Lion, shot by US dentist in 2015
