CARBOHYDRATES energy. Carbohydrate Molecules ENERGY Storage of energy Cellular structures.

Post on 18-Jan-2016

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Transcript of CARBOHYDRATES energy. Carbohydrate Molecules ENERGY Storage of energy Cellular structures.



Carbohydrate Molecules

ENERGY Storage of energy Cellular structures


Carbohydrates are sugars. Sugars are carbohydrates. Sugar = energy YAY! Saccharide means sugar

Saccharides are divided into three categories

1. Monosaccharides (means one sugar)

2. Disaccharides (made of two single sugars, snapped together)

3. Polysaccharides (many sugars snapped together)

Monosaccharides (simple sugar)Contain 3 – 7 carbon atoms in a chain or ring

2 examples of 5-carbon atoms Ribose and Deoxyribose.   Ribose is found in RNA.   Deoxyribose is found in DNA.  A deoxyribose is

missing one oxygen, which is why it’s called “de-oxy.“

Nest 3 examples are 6-carbon atoms long:  Glucose, Fructose and Galactose.  All three = 6C atoms, 12H atoms & 6O atoms.  The

molecular formula for all three of them is C6H12O6

Wait What?


Isomers = same type

Chemical Isomers = the same atoms but arranged


Dehydration Synthesis

Two monosaccharides are joined w/ synthesis

Creates a disaccharide Dehydration synthesis is due to H2O

molecules being released during synthesis

Disaccharide (double sugar)

Example is Sucrose (table sugar) Lactose.  “Lacto-” means milk and it’s

found in all milk.  Milk doesn’t taste sweet but that’s because

not all sugars taste sweet.  Lactose is actually made of glucose + galactose.


Water is used in the decomposition = Hydrolysis

Catabolism = decomposition of nutrients

Polysaccharides (many sugars) Complex Carbs

Many monosaccharides joined by dehydration synthesis Structural function Fuel Storage Function

Amylose= “starch” is the way many plants store sugars.  Plants and other photosynthetic organisms join glucose

sugars made from photosynthesis into a big chain called amylose. 

Cellulose. Cellulose is made up of a bunch of glucoses, just like starch, however the way they are joined together forms a branching pattern, unlike starch.  We cannot digest or break apart these sugar molecules.

which is why it is also known as “indigestible fiber,” “roughage,” or “insoluble fiber.” 

Monosaccharides (one) Ribose, Deoxyribose, Fructose,

Glucose, Galactose Disaccharides (two)

Sucrose (glucose+fructose), Lactose (glucose+galactose), Maltose (glucose+glucose)

Polysaccharide (many) Amylose (starch), Cellulose

(indigestible fiber), Glycogen (animal starch)

Can be added to other molecules Can join proteins and lipids Creates macromolecules


Stored in fat = future energy

The skinny on Lipids

Used for energy storage Stored in fat Chemical Messengers in some form of

hormones Four Classes

Neutral Fats Phospholipids Steroids Eicosanoids

Neutral Fats (triglycerides)

Contains 3 fatty acids & 1 glycerol molecule Glycerol = 3 carbon monosaccharide

(C3H8O3) Fatty Acid = chain of carbon w/ 1 or 2 H

molecules attached to each C by single or double bonds Saturated fatty acid – single bond Unsaturated fatty acid – double bonds


Macromolecules of amino acids and carbohydrates found in cell membranes


Macromolecule made of lipids and proteins

Hydrophilic allows fats to be sheilded from the blood plasma

Transports fats within the body


Similar to triglycerides w/ a glycerol backbone

Two fatty acids attached in one direction Make up cell membranes – lipid bilayer


Lipids that take up the form of four interlocking hydrocarbon rings

Hydrophobic, non polar w/ very minimal O



Digests food Makes hormones Makes some vitamins Builds cell walls Carried through bloodstream by

lipidprotein Too much can lead to heart disease


Lipids formed from 20-carbon fatty acids Highly potent


Inflammatory response Gastric integrity Hyper-sensitivity Renal function Regulates smooth muscle contraction Regulation of blood vessel diameter Platelet homeostasis


Local action Not stored, metabolized rapidly Produced in much smaller quantities

Most all tissues make their own eicosanoids



Most abundant organic molecule Catalyst – speed up all reactions in

the body Transport ions/molecules into and

out of cell Used for cellular structure Structural body tissues Process molecules to harvest energy Control chemical reactions Regulating growth

Protein make up

C, O, H, N Sometimes sulfur, iron and/or phosphorus


Protein carries out most ALL functions within cell other than genetic storage of information Hemoglobin – picks up O2 in body for

transport Antibodies – immune cell dispatched to

fight off Hair and Nails

Amino Acids

Molecule containing central C attached to H 20 different amino acids!

Amino Acids

Metabolized in the muscles Used for immediate energy Group of amino acids

Peptide Dipeptide Tripeptide Polypeptide

When an amino acid chain exceeds 100 it is called a protein

Protein Structure

Shape = function Globular proteins (antibodies) look like a puzzle Collagen are long and firm

Four levels of structure Primary structure

Sequence and number of amino acids Secondary structure

Natural bend of peptide chain Tertiary structure

Overall shape of a single protein molecule Quaternary structure

Two or more proteins bond into a macromolecule

Structural Protein

Stable and rigid, hydrophobic to add stregnth Fibrous proteins

Functional Proteins

Hydrophilic, flexible, three-dimensional shape Globular proteins Hemoglobin Antibodies Protein-based hormones enzymes


Biological molecules that act as catalysts Lock and Key

Enzyme examples


AKA “Boss Man”

Nucleic Acids Largest molecule in the body


DNA Deoxyribose Exists mainly in nucleus Also in mitochondria Provides all instructions for protein building


Instructions are coded in segments called genes


RNA Ribonucleic acid Transfers instructions OUT of the nucleus

into the cytoplasm Builds proteins

DNA – boss manRNA – worker


Molecular building blocks of nucleic acids Formed by sugar (pentose) and phosphate groups joined in long chain with

nitrogenous base open for metabolic activity

5 difference nucleotides / same structure N (base) + 5C pentose sugar +



Long chains of genes combined with protein

Replicate during cell division so that all daughter cells inherit an identical copy from parent to child



Glucose is broken down into monosaccharides, the energy stored from this is called ATP Adenosine triphosphate

The energy currency the cells need fuel

Cellular respiration Cells use nutrients in process called cellular


ATP creates energy

Energy needed in body is stored in phosphate bonds of ATP molecule

ATP is an RNA nucleotide High-energy bonds release energy from

ATP molecule Temporarily losing a phosphate group After loses becomes an ADP


ADP Adenosine diphosphate

Chapter 2………….FINALLY