Captain Cook.docx

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Cook's Life & Time-line

27 Oct 1728

James Cook is born the son of a casual farm labourer in a tiny cottage in Marton in Cleveland. His father had married Grace Pace at Stainton in Cleveland in 1725 and between 1727 and 1745 they have eight children, four dying in infancy. The eldest, John, is to die later aged just 23 and only James and two sisters Christiana and Margaret live through to adulthood.

1735 With the opportunity of full-time employment the family move to Aireyholme farm near the village of Great Ayton where James' father becomes bailiff. He is employed by Thomas Skottowe of Ayton Hall who owns extensive estates in the area.

1740 Mr Skottowe pays for young James to attend the nearby Postgate School at Great Ayton. Here Cook learns well, especially arithmetic. On leaving school at the age of about twelve, James works on the farm alongside his father and brother for a while.

1744 Cook's proficiency in letters and numbers is such that Mr Skottowe obtains a position for him as an assistant in a general dealers shop belonging to Mr. William Sanderson at Staithes. Here he hears tales of the sea and seamanship and soon Sanderson recognises that Cook's interests lie elsewhere than shopkeeping.

1746 After just eighteen months in Staithes, Sanderson recommends the youngster to a Quaker - John Walker of Whitby a shipowner who runs collier vessels to London and the Baltic. Apprenticed to Captain Walker, Cook goes to sea on the 341 ton coal-carrying ship 'Freelove'. Cook lives in the attic of Walker's house in Grape Lane when ashore, where he studies navigation and the use of nautical instruments.

1752 At the age of 23 Cook is promoted to mate on the 'Friendship', another of Walker's collier vessels.

17 Jun 1755

He declines an offer of the command of the 'Friendship' and volunteers for service as an ordinary seaman with the Royal Navy. He is drafted to the fourth rate 60 gun ship HMS Eagle where he is soon promoted to master's mate and sees action in the Channel under Captain Hugh Palliser, later to become member of parliament for Scarborough and Cook's lifelong supporter.

30 Jun 1757

Discharged from 'Eagle', Cook now joins HMS Solebay at Leith in Scotland.

27 Oct 1757

Cook, now a 'master', is drafted to HMS Pembroke, part of the squadron under Admiral Boscowen which is sent to Halifax, Nova Scotia in April 1758. The Pembroke crosses the Atlantic in record time but 29 men are lost on the way from scurvy - a fact which is to influence Cook's care for the welfare of his later crews. He was present at the capture of the French base of Louisbourg. There he meets the militaty surveyor Samuel Holland from whom he learns new techniques. His charting of the St. Lawrence leads to the storming of Quebec and the end of French domination in

Canada. Cook remains in eastern Canada carrying out survey work on HMS Northumberland, and when Captain Palliser is appointed Governor of Newfoundland, Cook gets his first command as master of the Grenville his first real survey ship.

21 Dec 1762

Cook marries Elizabeth Batts, thirteen years his junior, at St Margaret's church, Barking in Essex.

May 1763 Cook sails to Newfoundland again as surveyor, making accurate surveys of the coast from land & sea, returning to England each winter to draw up and publish his charts.

13 Oct 1763

First son, James, born. (drowned 25/1/1794).

14 Dec 1764

Second son, Nathaniel, born. (drowned 5/10/1780).

1766 Solar eclipse observed at Cape Race.

1767 Only daughter, Elizabeth, born. (died 9/4/1771).

First voyage begins

1 Aug 1768

Commissioned lieutenant, James Cook, sails on his first voyage of discovery on board the Whitby-built HM Bark Endeavour to observe the transit of Venus over the sun's disc in Tahiti, and with secret orders which are to lead him to New Zealand.

26 Aug 1768

Third son, Joseph, born. he dies just a month later on 13 September without Cook ever seeing him.

7 Oct 1769

Cook's cabin boy Nicholas Young is reputed to be the first to spot New Zealand and the point is logged as Young Nick's Head. Cook is aware that the Dutch explorer, Tasman, had sighted New Zealand some 100 years before, but was seen off by Maori and did not land. Cook charts the entire coastline of the country Tasman had seen, and discovers it is two large islands. He is also aware that there is land to the west, whose western, and in part southern and northern shores had been found by the Dutch but whose eastern seaboard was entirely unkown. Leaving New Zealand on roughly the same latitude as the known land had been plotted, Cook sails westwards.

20 April 1770

The eastern seaboard of Australia is sighted at Point Hicks.

28 April 1770

Cook lands in an area he originally charted as Stingray Harbour because of its local occupants, but because of the great profusion of plants and flowers he re-names Botany Bay. He first names the area South Wales, but later changes it to New South Wales He charts the eastern coastline of Australia and continues to New Guinea and Java.

12 Jun 1771

Cook returns to England in Endeavour after two years and 11 months, having travelled some 30,000 miles and charted over 5,000 miles of coastline.

30 Jan Now a nationally known figure, Cook returns to Whitby for a visit which

1772 is to prove his last. He also sees his father's home at Great Ayton for the last time. Later the same year, the family sell the cottage (In 1934 the cottage was transhpped to Australia and it now stands in Fitzroy Gardens, Melbourne). Cook's father later moves to Redcar to live with his married daughter, now Margaret Fleck.

8 July 1772

Fourth son, George, born. (dies 1 October 1772).

Second voyage begins

13 July 1772

The Whitby built HMS Resolution is Cook's chosen vessel for his second voyage of discovery on which he is accompanied by the A dventure, also Whitby built. Cook now a captain is tasked to map out the Great Southern Continent which is believed to lie in the temperate regions of the Southern Ocean.

17 Jan 1773

Cook and 'Resolution' cross the Antarctic Circle for the first time in history.

21 Dec 1773

Second crossing of the Antarctic Circle.

26 Jan 1774

Third crossing of Antarctic Circle takes place, the last. Cook reaches 71°10's sailing further south than any other captain and proves that an inhabitable Great Southern Continent does not exist. The Antarctic Circle is not crossed again for nearly half a century.

1774 'Adventure' returns home, while Cook continues to explore and circumnavigate the South Seas.

30 July 1775

'Resolution' returns with Cook to England after 3 years & 18 days, and anchors at Spithead. Cook has become the first man ever to have circumnavigated the world in both directions. He is received by King George III.

Feb 1776 Cook's memories of the 'Pembroke' crossing help his writing of a paper on 'The preservation of the health of the crews of ships on long voyages' of which he now has great experience. For this he is elected a Fellow of the Royal Society and awarded their gold medal.

23 May 1776

Fifth son, Hugh, born. (dies 21/12/1793).

Third voyage begins

12 July 1776

Cook's third voyage of discovery is to be his last. He sets sail on his promotion to Post Captain, with 'Resolution' and 'Discovery', the latter not joining up until 1st August. Objectives of the voyage are further exploration of the Pacific and to investigate the presence of an exit from the North West Passage.

1777 Expedition visits New Zealand, Tonga, Tahiti, and Christmas Island.

18 Jan 1778

Cook discovers the Sandwich Islands, now the Hawaiian islands.

7 Feb The Cook expedition crosses the Pacific eastwards to make landfall off the

1778 coast of Oregon. He turns northwards to discover Nootka Sound and British Columbia in his search for an exit from the elusive North West Passage.

25 April 1778

'Resolution' maintains northerly heading to reach Alaska, resting for a while in what Cook charted as Anchorage Bay.

8 Aug 1778

Cook sails into the Bering Straits but foiled by ice, returns due south to Hawaii where he arrives in January 1779 to prepare for another attempt at the North West Passage the next season.

4 Feb 1779

Cook leaves Kealakekua Bay but is forced to return because of a damaged foremast of 'Resolution'.

14 Feb 1779

The theft of a ship's cutter leads Captain Cook to put ashore to demand the return of the boat. The shore party is suddenly attacked by armed warriors and Cook is clubbed and stabbed to death. Two Royal Marines are also killed. After negotiations with the Hawaiians, Captain Clerke, now in command, is able to have parts of Cook's body returned. All have been scraped clean of flesh and burned in a fire, except some flesh from Cook's thigh, the scalp, and the hands. The hands are preserved with salt, and there are enough identifying marks that they are able to determine that it is Cook's body. The remains are put into a coffin, and with great ceremony are buried at sea in Kealakekua Bay on 21 February.

April 1779

James Cook senior dies without learning of the death of his son, and is buried at Marske near Redcar.

22 Aug 1779

Capt. Clerke dies in Kamchatka and is buried there. Lt. Gore assumes command of the expedition.

Jan 1780 News of Cook's death reaches England.

4 October 1780

After a further unsuccessful search for the North West Passage, remnants of the expedition under Lt. Gore return to England via Java and Cape Town, and arrives in the Thames having sailed via Stromness in Scotland due to unfavourable weather conditions.

13 May 1835

Death of Mrs Elizabeth Cook in Clapham, Surrey (aged 94).

There were no direct descendants of Cook bearing his name, his male children all died unmarried.

World renowned as explorer and navigator, Captain James Cook RN., FRS, was a supreme technician. His skill as a surveyor and draughtsman were to set the seal on the quality of British prepared charts which still exists today. His work led to the formation of the Royal Navy Survey Squadrons whose charts are second to none with every ship afloat carrying its share of Admiralty Charts.

Cook rose from the humble farm labourer's cottage to being commissioned in the Royal Navy, received by George III and acknowledged by the country for his achievements. It was said of him: "His general knowledge was extensive and various... the most determined resolution, he pursued his object with unshaken perseverance... Cool and intrepid among dangers : patient and firm under difficulties and distress... In every situation he stood unrivalled and alone; on him all

eyes were turned: he was our leading star, which at its setting left us involved in darkness and despair".

© The Captain Cook Tourism Association

In general market info of salt

The Indian salt market is estimated to be around Rs 1 Billion. The market is dominated by unbranded players. Tata salt have a market share of around 40% in the branded segment and 18% in the total

market. The product salt is a low involvement and low value product with little scope of differentiation.

Tata salt had the first mover advantage and was able to consolidate its position in the market thorough brand building.

1990 saw organised players eyeing the market. Captain Cook salt was launched in the market taking the " free flowing " feature as a differentiating factor.

1996 saw HLL extending its Annapurna brand to salts and positioning its brand on the platform of health and iodine content.

2001 saw the high profile launch of Dandi salt from Kunwar Ajay sari fame.Still 70% of the market is dominated by unbranded players.

How did captian cook die

Monday, April 26, 1999

Captain Cook salt back in the fray 

Chandan Dubey  

Mumbai, Apr 25: Bestfoods India, the 74 per cent subsidiary of the $ 8.4 billion International Bestfoods Limited has relaunched Captain Cook salt in the Indian market.

Acquired from DCW Home Products Ltd for an estimated price of Rs 85 crore, the brand is back on retail shelves after a hiatus of nine months. Captain Cook is available at an introductory price of Rs 6 per one kg pouch, which is a 25 per cent discount to brands like Kissan Annapurna from Hindustan Lever and Tata Chemicals' Tata salt. Although the company was not available for comment, International Bestfoods has not made any major changes in the product packaging. Even the ad campaign which went on air late last week, is a re-run of the mid-nineties campaign. However, the company is working on a fresh communication initiative to be unleashed next month in conjunction with O&M Advertising, say industry observers.

During the past one year, the complexion of the Rs 100 crore branded salt market has changed considerably. There is a new entrantin the market -- Marico Industries Limited - which launched

two variants of branded salt under the Saffola umbrella early this year. The existing players, Tata Salt and HLL's Kissan Annapurna salt have been aggressively pitching for market shares. Tata Salt and Annapurna have gained market share at the expense of Captain Cook, which has lost around four per cent market share to 11 per cent due to erratic supply over the past one year. Tata Salt leads the market with an estimated share of 33 per cent. The second in the rung is Annapurna, with close to 16 per cent share.

Owing to increased competition in the marketplace, the `free flow' proposition that had established the Captain Cook brand in the early 1990's, is quite basic to the category by now. Marketers have started `adding value' and hard selling ingredients in the branded commodities market.

While Tata salt changed its positioning to `vacuum evaporated ' from `iodised salt' a few months ago, the product ingredient `iodine K15' is the focal point ofcommunication for Annapurna salt. Marico Industries is also not offering anything basic with its `potassium enriched salt' that hinges on the strong `heart care' equity of Saffola. Analysts say that Captain Cook has challenging times ahead in a competitive environment. With branded salt contributing close to 20 per cent of a five million tonne market, this category has huge potential going by the 20 per cent growth per annum.

Five Forces Model of Salt Industry:

 Threats of new entrantsPotential for the Growth of Salt Industry• India has very long coast line and out of that Gujarat Coast line is of  1600 Kms• In Gujarat in addition to existing salt industry lot of Land availablealong the side of coast for developing more salt works.• Climatic conditions are suitable for salt industry.• Easy Availability of skilled labours• Good Administration of our Govt. and their Corporation.• Our low cost of production• Govt. supports for critical infrastructure facilities.• Minor Ports have loading capacity 5000 tons /day to 20000 tons /dayin mids t r eam load ing whe re a s b ig po r t l i ke Kand l a have ach i eved t he av . rate of loading of 25000 tons / day. We have a big advantage that ships of thecapacityfrom 5000 tons to 100,000 tons could be loaded at our ports. There ispotential fordeveloping more ports as per requirement. In south India there is alsoa big port.Tuticorin close to salt manufacturing area.•   N o w   o n l y   2 0 %   i n d u s t r i e s   h a v e   g o n e   f o r  m e c h a n i z a t i o n   a n d modernization, 50%from balance can also go immediately.•

Average yield of salt works is only 100 tons per hectare. This can beincreased to300 tons per annum by adopting modernization.Opportunities• Export Market- 1) Quatar 2) Malaysia 3) Philippines) Japan 5) China 6)Vietnam 7) Indonesia 8) Nepal• India’s location is very suitable to supply salt to China, Japan, MiddleEast and to other Asian countries.• India has potential to increase productivity as well as quality.• Available manpower.

Potential for the Growth of Salt Industry• India has very long coast line and out of that Gujarat Coast line is of  1600 Kms• In Gujarat in addition to existing salt industry lot of Land availablealong the side of coast for developing more salt works.• Climatic conditions are suitable for salt industry.• Easy Availability of skilled labours• Good Administration of our Govt. and their Corporation.• Our low cost of production• Govt. supports for critical infrastructure facilities.• Minor Ports have loading capacity 5000 tons /day to 20000 tons /dayin mids t r eam load ing whe re a s b ig po r t l i ke Kand l a have ach i eved t he av . rate of loading of 25000 tons / day. We have a big advantage that ships of thecapacityfrom 5000 tons to 100,000 tons could be loaded at our ports. There ispotential fordeveloping more ports as per requirement. In south India there is alsoa big port Export Market- 1) Quatar 2) Malaysia 3) Philippines) Japan 5) China 6)Vietnam 7) Indonesia 8) Nepal• India’s location is very suitable to supply salt to China, Japan, Middle East and to other Asian countries.• India has potential to increase productivity as well as quality.• Available manpower

Bargaining power of buyers

There is plethora of players in the salt industry. There is not much difference in the product quality as the raw material is same, the constituents are same; the difference is in the positioning of brands. . Also price range is between 10-12Rs per kg therefore brand loyalty can be easily retained. Since the product is a necessity so unavailability of one may lead to switching over. The competitive advantage will be strong supply and chain logistics. Bargaining power of buyers will not gain much relevance in salt industry as-there is less fluctuation in prices.-per capita consumption is 12 kgs including both edible and industry salt.

Threat of substitute:

There is plethora of players in the salt industry. There is not much difference in the product quality as the raw material is same, the constituents are same; the difference is in the positioning of brands. . Also price range is between 10-12Rs per kg therefore brand loyalty can be easily retained.

Rivalry among existing firms

TATA is a clear market leader in salt industry.-we have achieved surplus in the edible salt industry in 1950s so the supply is more than demand thus showing the sign of maturity stage in the salt industry.-also the people of bottom of pyramid have easy access to non-branded salt. Thus giving a space to the unorganized sector.


There is a clear market leader i.e. tata salt. The share of tata salt in the branded market segment is 60 percent. There is no near competition to existing brands according to their market share. Besides the market of branded salt is growing at 20% so there is great scope for brands to put forth themselves because of prevalence of almost 40% unorganized sector .

Future prospects of salt industry

Still 70% of total market is in the hands of unorganized sector.

Brand switching extremely easy and brand loyalty very difficult to attain

Intense struggle in terms of positioning and promotion

Companies are reluctant to enter the market.

Recent trends in salt industry

As we know production of salt is18 to 20 million tons per annulment it is the third largest manufacturer of the world. Out of this 3.5 million tons salt is washed in mechanized washing plants & upgraded to international standard having purity 99.5%.&it is exported to countries like Quatar, Japan, etc. In order to meet the increasing demands of high quality salt more of

15 salt washing

plants have come up .Not only this the price of above salt having such purity is even entertaining marginal profits of 15-16 USD per ton. Tata Chemicals is weighing the possibility of foraying into the low-volume, high-margin business of flavoured salt. Industry sources said the company wouldtarget the global markets, and produce the quality accordingly.Although the company will produce the salt in India, it would export its flavouredsalt to international destinations such as south-east Asia, the Middle-East andEurope.Flavoured salt, which has an aroma, is mainly used in cooking non-vegetarianfood items like fish, chicken and meat.Internationally, various flavours such as lime, rosemary, basil, sariette, marjoramand thyme are available. The commodity is also available in certain select shops.

Salt Industry Analysis

Salt is one of the most essential commodities in households. The Salt Satyagraha was acampaign of non-violent protest against the British salt tax in colonial India which beganwith the Salt March to Dandi on March 12, 1930. It was the first act of organizedopposition to British rule after Purna Swaraj, the declaration of independence by theIndian National Congress.The art of salt making in India has been carried on, from the time immemorial. In Indiamanufacturing of salt along with sea coast in Bengal, Bombay, Madras and the Runn of Kutchch, flourished as cottage industry for centuriesThe history of Salt production can be traced back to the don of human civilization. Inancient time when seawater evaporated in pits, white layer was formed and it was foundtasty and people started consuming it. The white layer was nothing but ‘Salt’. Like this itwas the beginning of civilization as well it was the beginning of salt production. This hasa long and intriguing history.During the British regime the indigenous salt manufacturing in certain region of thecountry was so much suppressed that the local Salt Producer lost their lively hood due toclosure of their self employed units, on the other hand salt was imported on the pretextthat Indian Salt is black. This challenge was accepted by Indians and a best salt workswas designed not only for human consumption but also for industrial use in 1924 at TataChemicals, Mithapur. Since than, Indian Salt Industry not lagged behind in production of salt. Salt Production touched about two millions tons by 1947.While the salt industry generally refers to the top global dry salt producers, many smaller community or family businesses and their distributors can be considered part of theindustry for their roles in salt “farming” and channeling the product to local and globalmarkets

Salt’s role in Indian Independence

The government dictated that the sale or production of salt by Indianswas a criminal punishable offence and this had an impact on all of India as saltwas a basic need.

The Dandi march

Hurt the very core of the British belief that the common man hardlycared.

The Indian Kitchen Salt Market Brand Wars

India is the third largest salt producer(after US and China).

Average annual production of about 148 lakh tones.

Exports Salt from 1953.


Exports touched an all time high of 1.6 million in the year 2001.


Exported to Japan, Philippines, Indonesia, Malaysia, Nepal, and Bhutan etc

Size of salt industry:

Salt Production touched two millions tons by 1947.

According to ORG-MARG's retail store audit data , the size of the iodized branded salt market is estimated at 15 lakh tonnes per annum (by value, about Rs500 crore)

Now, salt production of India is 18 to 20 millions tons per annum .

Average annual production of about 148 lakh tones in India.

Exports touched an all time high of 1.6 million in the year 2001.

The salt consumption for edible purpose is 6 million tons per annum. The capacityof iodization plants is 16 million tons with 42 refineries and two giant vacuum salt plants. . Indian salt industry is ready to meet the growing demand of iodized salt.

Growth of salt industry:

‘Indian salt Industry’ is going global by adopting modernization /mechanization

Indian salt industry is estimated to be growing at 20 per cent annually.

India, particularly Gujarat has very long coast line with favorable climaticconditions; has potential to increase salt production in many folds and to exportabout 10 millions tons salt per annum

The Indian Salt Manufacturers Association is an apex body of Indian saltmanufacturers. There is “Central Salt and Marine Chemicals research Institute” atBhavnagar in Gujarat. Their main function is to help salt industry through their research work. This institute was established in 1956. In addition to R & D work the institute provides training courses for salt manufacturers for salt production &quality.

The production of iodized salt is now more than 5.0 million tons as against thetotal requirement of 6 million tons of edible salt. There are 900 iodization plantsthe usual process of iodization adopted is spray method with acapacity of 16million tons per annum. There are 42 salt refineries with a total capacity of 3.76.

Captain cook

While Captain Cook is positioned on the basis of its unique selling point, the free flowing nature of its salt, Tata Salt is positioned on the purity platform and Annapurna is positioned on the health benefit impact of the iodine content in the salt." Tata Salt, the first branded salt in the country, was launched in 1983, DCW launched its brand in 1991 and Hindustan Lever’s Annapurna was launched in 1996.