Capitalism without Capital Charlie Effect Usurism My Secret

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Transcript of Capitalism without Capital Charlie Effect Usurism My Secret

Capitalism without Capital Charlie Effect Usurism…

My Secret Bankbook Story

‘The Goldilox credit crunch slapper snow white Queen of Torts’

Tort n. (law) a breach of duty, other than breach of contract, for which the offender will be subject to legal responsibility. Tortious adj. of or involving a tort.

Anthony Crawford novel support for a Robin Hood financial transaction tax





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Open letter to NDP Leader Hon. Tom Mulcair

September 7, 2012

Subject: Capitalism without Capital Charlie Effect Usurism

As discussed in our meetings about ‘the monetization of toxic mortgages

through taxation systems’ I have written ‘My Secret Bankbook Story’ re

Capitalism without Capital academic research and NDP Petition44 signed

by past leader Hon. Jack Layton to investigate ‘Signature-Specific-Identity-

Theft’ trick loans in the Canadian banking sector.

I refer to my Responding Affidavit to a Strategic Lawsuit against Public

Participation – SLAPP as a Private Information evidencing tax credit saving

loan accounts behind rent encumbered Mortgage Derivative Credit Default

Swaps in retirement savings plans that can’t be sold or defraud without them.

My lawyer said there was no defense to police cited crime in this case and a

judge would deem releases signed to dismiss my allegations of fraud.

Despite my objections to a lawyer appearing in a court transcript to swap my

Factum for Defense and Counterclaim with a bogus Factum – judges ruled for

the Bank of Montreal to collect one of two demand notes apparently denied to

avoid trial. My lawyer witnessed BMO releases to lift paid writs on my house

while the SLAPP continued. A lawyer for Lawyers’ Professional Indemnity

Company – LPIC [LawPro] threatened if my wife and I didn’t sign consents

to dismiss lawsuits we would be sent to jail. I do not know if a judge deemed

releases signed to indemnify all parties from prosecution including apparently

suborned lawyers and those signing secret ‘Affidavit of Subscribing Witness’

I verily believe that each person whose signature I witnessed is the party of

the same name referred to in the Instrument / Consent to defraud / obstruct

justice in this Case Law example for banking reform.

A justice denied truth embargo does not change a Private Information that

usurism exists in tax arbitrage: Usurism n. the doctrine that moneymaking

is the highest good and that moral duty is fulfilled through usury. Usurist

n. someone who subscribes to prosper by usury.

Tom, as discussed, will you move a Private Member’s Bill to debate a Private

Information about tax credit fake money laundering that harms the economy?

Will you legislate to register and tax financial instrument transactions to safe-

guard consumers and protect taxpayers from manufactured sovereign debt?

Yours sincerely


Bank of Montreal signature affidavit ‘Off-site Loans Closings’

“If you want to take the money and go blow your brains out,

that’s fine, we lend to you… on your credit worthiness.” ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Royal Canadian Mounted Police

Gendarmerie royal du Canada October 23, 2006

File: 2006 - 282851

Dear Mr. Crawford,

Michael G. Perris 'et al'

This matter has been extensively reviewed and re-reviewed in order to

determine the appropriate purview into which the matter should fall.

It would seem that Michael Perris has performed an element of misrepre-

sentation in the sale of unregistered securities to you and your wife and

in the obtaining of the subsequent bank loans in your name.

If as suggested, he has performed this same act in other instances, this

would of course, multiply the number of potential alleged criminal acts.

Similarly, Michael R. Emory is subject to the same allegations of potential

criminal conduct with the addition of having uttered one or more forged

documents, as well as other potential statutory misconduct.

It remains to be determined to what degree the bank manager, Ian Fardoe,

has gained from his involvement as a potential alleged co-conspirator.

This matter is deemed to fall in the sole purview of the agency of the

local jurisdiction...

My Secret Bankbook Story Table of Contents

Capitalism without Capital Charlie Effect Usurism

My NDP Identity Theft Protection ...................................................... 2

WSJ Future of Finance priorities report for 2009 G20 Summit ......... 3

Open letter to NDP Leader, Hon. Tom Mulcair .................................. 3

RCMP Review of Potentially Criminal Bank Loans ........................... 4

Part One ~ The Snow White Princess

A snow white wedding ........................................................................ 5

"Ar'u he who knows the value of money?" ......................................... 10

My Credit Ode to Bankers .................................................................. 10

Part Two ~ The Governor King of Banks

Charlie Effect Judgments .................................................................... 12

Part Three ~ The Knave of Diamonds

Here lies a Jack of Diamonds .............................................................. 14

Part Four ~ Canadian Case Law for banking reform

ABCP Step-transaction Loans Closings ……………………...….…... 15

Case Law ‘toxic mortgage’ example for banking reform ……….…... 16

Toronto Sun ~ They can rob you blind – and its legal ….………....… 17

Guardian News ~ Lord Turner ~ Eternal vigilance over banks .......... 17

Bank of Montreal required Final Mutual Releases ............................. 18

Osgood Court pleadings to reverse a follow up SLAPP ……………. 19

Canadian Minister of Justice advice with thanks for writing ............. 20

Open letter to MP John Mann ............................................................. 20

Open letter to the Chair of Committee on Banking Standards ……... 21

Open letter to Sir Mervin King Governor of the Bank of England … 22

Open letter to Hon. Stephen Harper Prime Minister of Canada …..... 23

Ponzi Tax Credit Loans in Default ..................................................... 24

Bank of Montreal Capital Markets Allied Canadian Properties …..... 25

Bank of Montreal Allied Canadian Business Documents .................. 25

Allied Canadian Property ‘Toxic Mortgage’ sold as investment ..….. 26

Affidavit Taking Tax Credit Claiming Moneymaking Machine ….... 27

Preplanned Structural Deficit Sovereign Debt Business Model …..... 28

Open letter to Hon. Rob Nicholson Minister of Justice …………….. 29

Affidavit of Subscribing Witness to Consent to Dismiss Claim ........ 29

NDP Petition44 to investigate predatory lending practices ................ 30

Occupy Books and Presentations ........................................................ 31

Disclaimer: the Goldilox tax scheme storybook is a complete fantasy from speculation written as fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents are

creations from an inquiring mind with wild imaginings, or they are used

factitiously and are not to be thought of as real. Likeness to any actual event, locale, organization, or person living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

© Anthony Crawford all rights reserved 2012


My Secret Bankbook Story ~ Part One

A snow white wedding…

The Great White North is a magic place

of snow bunnies and the Charlie Effect

financial miracle loan dependent Ponzi

tax credit flipper, for once upon a time:

A handsome knight Sir Charlie from

Niceland went on a snofari in Snowland

where he was almost flattened by a sled

driven by a beautiful princess wearing a

furry coat and fluffy white hat. He was

smitten by a fuzzy snowflake and head

over heels in love.

Princess Snowflake had an identical

twin sister Princess Snowball as heir

apparent and artificial snow-packed

derivative in a white coat and downy hat for sleighing people can’t tell

the difference for love nor money.

Sir Charlie loved Princess Snowflake in love with loving, but not Princess

Snowball whose interest was all about the love of money.

The princess took Sir Charlie to a Mount Royal Palace on a snow bank

where Queen Snowdrop and King Snowcap of the realm were delighted to

see a big diamond ring with his affiance betrothed.

An accountant inflating property value in a net worth statement of affairs

was also good for approval. Soon, the bans were read for a grand wedding

in Snowbelt Abbey for Princess Snowflake and her fiancée good Knight


The snowbirds rehearsed marriage vows with Bishop Snowgoose, and Sir

Charlie who unsuspecting and unaware signed a prenuptial insurance con-

tract snow rider to secure future happiness. He was trusting and he didn’t

see an Asset Backed Commercial Paper – ABCP promissory note in the

small print for a preapproved pre-executed loan dependent Credit Default

Swap CDS to settle short comings in quick royal favor, for just in case of

hard time failure.

The hansom knight and beautiful princess went out to mingle in stag and

doe parties to impress snow angels and snowmen on their last night’s


The next day, television pictures of a princess in a snowy gown and snow

white veil over her face-value waltzing down the aisle to the peal of

snowbells on the arm of King Snowcap putting her hand out for a good

knight went global.

When the couple placed gold bands on each other’s fingers and promised

to bestow each other with their worldly goods, Bishop Snowgoose sang in

praise be. He raised his arms and chanted, “You can kiss the bride.”

The princess lifted her veil and lips touched briefly in a magical tender

moment. They both smiled the look of love.

The king and queen and everyone far flung beamed at a snow white vision

of a princess and a well slung knight in a final step transaction to an inner

sanctum where he signed a marriage certificate to live happy ever after.

The reverent bishop blessed the knight and said, “I shall be witness of you

signing.” And so he was, and the newlyweds turned to leave showered

with confetti until the princess threw her bouquet of lilywhite snowbells

into the air full of loud hurrahs for a wannabe princess to catch with more

hoorays to snatch another charlie.

A snow white lie…

At the palace the princess rushed to her chambers. She put the wedding

gown on the bed where her sister lay fast asleep. Then she swapped the

ring from her finger to its twin she pinched.

“Wake up!” she hissed. The weary sleepyhead awoke snow pie-eyed.

“Oh, what a knight last night… what’s the time?” she weakly sighed.

The duo dressed and they sat and talked in twin dresser mirror images

of a woebegone persona with mind expired, and its prima donna in the

looking glass beside. “What happened?” the dozy snowflake cried.

The mirror cracked contempt as if despised, sister hatred deep inside,

“We was wed ’cause you was fried.”


A twitter of an excited chambermaid saying her princess swooned was

quickly replaced with an official better ‘get-well-soon’ broadcast.

Good news spread quickly with twin princesses seen at a banquet. The

media followed them where they ate, drank and were merry in speeches

and celebration and dancing that lasted long into the night. A happy Sir

Charlie got off with a bride with his ring for a honeymoon, and away to a

snow castle, to live happy ever after.

A snow white sitting duck…

The next day Princess Snowball met the bishop who took a gold sovereign

to swear an affidavit her lawyer Snowizard notarized the bishop believed

a charlie was a person of the same name on a financial instrument who

signed otherwise blank promissory notes to pay on demand.

Snowpile a sly number maker wrote a ‘Statement of Affairs’ as an un-

signed application undisclosed ‘Sitting Duck’ namesake loan handled by

Snowizard the Snowbank agent-lawyer authorized to operate as if a bank

within a bank.

Goldilox rubberstamped a money-trail bank logo on a signed but other-

wise blank bank demand note received with a sworn affidavit that iden-

tified Sir Charlie as a pre-approved asset provider named as a Snowbank

client with a sample signature notarized by Snowizard for an undisclosed

unsigned loan that was filled out and accredited and dated by the bank that

paid its agent-lawyer selling Snowpile Moral Snowhazard securities.

A willful lending decision quantified the bank’s demand note and its

contingent ‘off-site loans closings’ non-banknote with credit lifted from a

charlie paper backed writer enriching the bank’s solicitor as its holder.

Affidavit taking wizards signed millions owed to non-banknotes in ac-

ceptance of legal tender in place of snow banknotes signed by Governor

Snowblown of the Bank of Snowland, as in God we trust on paper, with a

picture of King Snowcap in solemn faith the same: ‘I promise to pay the

bearer on demand’.

And so it was a princess became filthy rich in piles of bank-notes from a

crafty pyramid scheme as bank agents made shadow economy papered

non-banknotes snowball.

Goldilox said, “If you nobble a charley horse and borrow to lose, you can

claim tax credits to save interest on what you divest we digest.”

Giving a tax break to an assassin taking out insurance on a sitting duck, or

a pyrotechnic with fire insurance torching a snow shed will make a fortune

from good bad luck. It’s the golden rule for gold digger accounting in the

snow white goldfields of the north.

Millions of tied sales loans churned out tax credits in billions for income

tax savers to claim loan dependent Structured Investment Vehicle SIV-

CDS non-banknote interest charges collected and reported as investment

losses. It was a game of ‘Affiant Rules’ that lent and laundered the cost of

Ponzi toxic loans for cash through the king’s own taxation system.

Sleazy tax shelter schemes using identity theft to profit from ‘off-the-

balance-sheet’ trick loans offset by credits claimed by tax swappers given

haircuts as duped CDS insurers that snowballed into sovereign debt is the

darkest of investment banking dark secrets. Even a curmudgeon tabulator

for a princess counting out her money in the Parlour of the Bank of Snow-

land looked happy on the make.

The quick number cruncher for Princess Snowball wrung his hands in

gleeful anticipation of endless government revenue tax credits that fueled

the deficit economy engine that drove the affidavit-taking-debt-creating-


He could see clear through snowflakes falling for what next in dream laws

and politics for hungry bankers as Goldilox sold frauditor standard and

poorly rated triple-aye Snowpile Snowhazard securities that ice-cold specu-

lators hedged for preplanned default and certain bedrock failure to perform.

A snowsuit prayer to collect…

One day there was a snowstorm with a huge snowfall from a snowmaker.

Sir Charlie had no snowshoes and he was snowed under stuck on a mount

in a snowpack.

A Queen’s Park guard found him in a snowmelt with Jack Frost bites from

snowflakes under a snow belt that with no two alike he was obviously

snowbound for divorce.


Snowmakers made off like bandits with nary a Ponzi sent to jail. Sir

Charlie was disgraced and put in stocks rigged to fail without avail for

those offended to assail when not in court or free on bail.

Goldilox pressed a snowsuit in court with a prayer to a master usurist for

a summary judgment to separate a fool from his money.

A ‘Daylight Loan’ evidenced by a Snowbank demand note along with its

Snowpile Snowizard signature affidavit should have been a snow walk-

over for debt without trial.

But there was an awkward question about forged initials that changed one

note, and a banker filling out another for two in the same account that

Snowleopard, the lawyer for the Snowbank told the court didn’t exist in

the bottom snowline.

A bent Snowboard was the right man for a charlie client as the turncoat

wouldn’t challenge Snowbank perjury in court betwixt. He solicited in jest

to start with fits, then all a sudden just ups, and quits.

Judge Snowshovel threw out handwriting analysis easy proof Snowbank

filled out its second note, and Snowboard who had disappeared, reap-

peared unrobed and disheveled in a truth of the court transcript swapping

Sir Charlie’s Factum for a love story the bench and three snow-blind

judges in appeal ruled in law fit for a king: ‘…loan documentation makes

it clear there is no genuine issue for trial with respect to the bank’.

Snowmen and snowwomen in snow boots kicked seedy-swaps into global

piles with a dozen zeros hedged in snow job loads from Snowland. The big

snowbird Prime Minister Snowmobile declared a snow squall emergency

tax to bail out a usurism meltdown of frozen so-called exotic assets, if not

fan-toxic loans.

The Ponzi tax loan credit default event was just the tip of an iceberg to

float about and sink titanic.

Indeed, there was so much bogus credit the Reserve Snowbank couldn’t

print banknotes fast enough to keep up with endless Collateralized Debt

Obligations – CDO’s besnowed in piles offset by Quantitative Easing – QE

computer number quadrillions that hid inflation to recapitalize financial

conduits and refill global banks with empty tanks.

Goldilox revved up a snowplow and dug out billions for a right knight-hood

dubbing by the king. Then just for a bit of leftish drubbing in, a Big Society

Snowbank paid Goldilox a huge cash bonus in the wake of massive social

reengineering cutbacks that came with higher snowplow taxes paid by more

in working class years for less in shorter retirements.

It was the only notional deficit economic way to go; launder tax credits

from papered notes as money due, quid pro quo.

Political Snowballs…

Tax deductible identity theft loans tied to tax shelter schemes that can’t be

sold or defraud taxpayers without them is the alternative living for usurist

shysters making deals as watertight as any legal con can weasel be.

Sir Charlie dedicated his dark secret bankbook story to his party leader

friend who had the political snowballs to sign and lob a petition at Prime

Minister Snowmobile to investigate ‘signature-specific-identity-theft’ in

case of crime in Snowland. But there was cover up in a big snowfall. So,

nothing happened, and sadly, the opposition died.

No one in the Court of the Bank of Snowland wanted anyone to imagine a

fantasy king and queen and a princess in a castle played a bishop on a klep-

tocracy game board to defraud a good knight and working class pawns as

ninety-nine percent losers to the stately one percent.

The official capitalism without capital snowdrift for credits saved and lost

to lawyers, paid affiants, and bankers bent behind trick loans approved and

monies spent, blamed everything on subprime mortgages heading south.

The debt-trap spin might have ended thus, except that bank-agent lawyers

who notarized false oaths to accredit notional value papered notes still filch

wealth from credit default swap promises mistook as money witnessed in

acceptance whereof.

A Snowbank signature affidavit for a loan dependent government approved

income tax credit saving plans to own income producing real estate is a fi-

nancial miracle, its wonders to perform in cash to property dealers holding

rent paid mortgages insured by charlies who claim rent losses as bank fixed

cost of loans for tax credits saved into mortgages sold as investments on

property planned for repossession in default.


Endgame losses were personal loans to purchase subpart mortgages that

finally, in default, triggered double ‘Golden Fleece’ back-to-back hair-

cuts paid by taxpayers in homage to Goldilox doing God’s work in the

snowy playgrounds of the Great White North.

The Goldilox slapper…

A judge ruling a truth of the court was in a recorder’s sworn affidavit:

Snowleopard denied commingled notes and Snowboard who had quit

appeared in civvies in the transcript to argue with Snowleopard and Judge

Snowshovel to swap Sir Charlie's Factum for another for the court to use

to collect debt without trial for its Snowbank.

It was a while before a charlie knew his lawyer hid a Noted in Default to

defend against the bank agent property dealer signature affidavit taking

lawyer in another court. It was never revealed to Sir Charlie or in court

where it could have made a difference to a judge still collecting in favor of

its bank. Indeed, in all fairness even a charlie should have won judgment to

recover debt in default from a bank agent-lawyer noted in default to de-

fend. But, there was also a matter of lawyers hiding Crossclaims, so…

Not a chance with Snowbank lawyers in Snowjustice courts in Snowland!

Illegal acts to create debt and obstruct justice in an inconvenient sworn

truth of court transcript of epic lying under oath with no holds barred for

years went passed judges and over statutes of limitations.

Snowleopard lurked behind a snow bank and refused to lift paid writs held

ransom on property for two years more, until a snow white head lawyer

convinced poor charlie in hospital after a stroke to yield to barratry to be

home free of debt.

If a charlie wanted the bank to lift judgment debt paid writs from his

house, he knew he had to relent to blackmail and sign mutual releases the

bank so desperately needed for itself and its agent-lawyer to avoid trial of

its second commingled note the bank told the court didn’t exist in a des-

perate act of obvious perjury to collect its first note without trial.

Civil litigation should have ended with a swapped Factum court ruling

for the bank and property rights chosen over litigation rights in surrender

to an evil ten year legal stunt.

But, a charlie with a broken heart wasn’t enough for suborning lawyers

paid to punt.

Legal smoke and mirrors…

It was a déjà vu moment for a victim of identity theft all over again:

What had once been a bank taking a falsified undisclosed statement of

affairs with a signature affidavit from a lawyer for a tied loan a judge

ruled a charlie and his wife were bank clients as if they signed a liar-loan

to borrow more money than they had equity in property, or income to

invest... Was now a court filing an unsigned misconduct insurance claim

with an affidavit from a lawyer for a judge to rule a charlie and his wife

by misrejoinder were solicitor client as if signing a liar-lawsuit to have it

dismissed with releases deemed signed to protect the bank and all and

sundry was an eerie echo from the past.

Defense lawyers threatened the plaintiffs with jail if they didn't sign.

Charlie's double-crossing lawyer said because there was no defense he

could not stop a judge deeming charlie and his wife signed releases to

indemnify the bank and defendants from prosecution in the snowy haze

of legal smoke and mirrors.

The Snowbank wanted Snowleopard to knock good Knight Charlie out

cold as ice with snow blown over to cover up barratry in the legal killer

price. A Snowblower class action stalled up front, a heaver cleaver up to

hunt, hypnotic lawyer suborned to bunt.

It was an unexpected surprise to slapping lawyers and judges that a pen

pushing charlie appeared to note another abuse of procedure and strange

courtroom drama to write about.

Sir Charlie wasn’t falling to sign a law pro forma release for a Snowbank

and its allied lawyer as its agent, and accountant sales rep free from pro-

secution with a gag order to silence a victim with a hefty whack of legal

costs to boot.

Sir Charlie moved quickly to dodge a judge slapped shot with a nimble

motion to adjourn. And, collect insurance by summary judgment.


When the fast pucker missed its framed goal a wily Judge Snowforecast

illegal icing would lose the puck, so ordered slapping hard again.

Crack shots rebounded with contusion and ricocheted in wild confusion

until the player backslapped a summary judgment to win a crazy bogus

madcap claim.

If crackpot justice to each the same, fair jackpot due could end the game.

A good knight has another bad day in court…

The Goldilox snow slide was too steep for a Snowbank too big to fail with

all its risk too deep to bail albeit lawless no judge it jail.

Snowboard served a counterclaim hairy fairy with Crossclaim facts et al

too scary. And so it transpired Ministers of Finance Snowdriven Justice

Snowdunder, Chief of Police Snowdover and lawyers conspired a charlie

locked in rotten stocks ’til defrocked in cotton socks, confessed it all to


Judge Snowforecast a twisted Snowboard bent beyond belief would

squeal unless troops with snowballs blew reliefs. It was then and how Sir

Charlie became a plaintiff with Princess Snowflake mistook by stolen

identity styled in barely legal misjoinder briefs.

Barraters jeered and barratry sneers conjoined griefs in his and her direc-

tions, “Sign, or a judge will deem you signed to grant us all protections.”

It took ten years plus two in house arrested until an eleventh judge with a

grudge forced Sir Charlie sign in words protested.

No defendant was ever examined and none appeared in court is how law

fails in Snowland. Even a slapper caught in court red handed a chap nicks

lies in duty stranded. Truth is skipped by judge commanded, flipped and

tipped in justice branded.

Which was why a sticky lawyer pleading costs for slapping was sorely

vexed, paid a paltry sum from pocket money lip kissed to charlie still per-

plexed… If banks scam tax saved to prey on and lawyers sign notes as

fake money and fix lawsuits for judges to pray on who so hexed!

Let’s hope it’s you, not me what next!

In Snowland where Snowbanks never fail or fall, Snowjustice rules what’s

bad for one, is fair to all.

My Secret Bankbook Story…

As the tortious wonky tortoise wheels of injustice turned in Snowland, Sir

Charlie fantasized counterfeit as a weapon of mass destruction with a ‘G20

Tax Invaders Plan’ for debt that is ‘Contaging’. It was reviewed by con-

cerned citizens who cared about a poor Princess Snowflake in a meltdown,

said in debt, and rumored slapped.

Charlie Effect papered notes changed everything for everyone everywhere

as Ponzi tax credit derivatives spread global.

Queen Snowdrop met the Frauditor Chief of the School of Financial Arts

and Economics in wonder how so many loyal royal subjects accumulated

so much in assets for borrowing, “If the debt crisis was so big, why didn’t

you see it coming?”

The answer was that modern finances are exotic and notional leverage is

too confusing for the public and even executive bankers and politicians to

explain how deficit economies work with all its risk dumped on taxpayers.

Politicians shrugged off wanting to know how casino banking worked to

pay huge cash bonuses to rogue traders taking revenue from ninety-nine

percent personal accounts to service impossible shadow banking debts…

until commercial banking crashed in default with investment banking,

with each crafty dealer in step-transaction collusion to the next.

The retiring governor king of banking admitted the problem in contem-

plation of a worsening crisis for a future new governor, “With the benefit

of hindsight, we should have shouted from the rooftops.”

No one thanked Sir Charlie writing bank roles in sleaze long before its

tipping point in the global credit crunch. Lawyers and judges stopped his

counterclaim defense, and politicians didn’t want to know his cause and

affect analysis, or take advice to fix the problem. Politicians divided

social engineering fact from fiction in endless arguments about what and

who to tax, or whether to force debt on debt to revitalize arrear zones, or

choose which austerity cutback, or tax more to recapitalize bankrupt

banks. Indeed all the above, whatever, anything but tax moneymaking to

keep an ever weakening currency afloat.


A snowy sleigh knight ride…

Sir Charlie was between judges back in stocks one night when he flinched

at a familiar swoosh of what next coming from a Snowbank. He expected

the splat of a wet snowball to sting in zooming, but it didn’t, and it wasn’t

a snowball, it was more like gleaming snowflakes looming.

Sir Charlie wondered if he was dreaming. A girlish ghoulish ghost perhaps?

But pale, even for a snowflake injustice slapped.

Sir Charlie was anxious when he saw his princess step into view. She

smiled bravely and whispered, “No two snowflakes are alike and

nothing’s what it seems in Snowland”.

Princess Snowflake freed his hands and feet and rolled Sir Charlie over to

lay him in her snow sled. She covered him with a furry bearskin rug and

kissed his face and murmured, “A snow bunting twittered me.”

She sounded pensive, “We are going to Niceland where you can write your

thesis to tax financial instrument transactions to save the world from trick

bank loans and sovereign debt.”

The princess looked at her secret pseudo wedding band wistfully, “We

can marry as ourselves, with new gold rings to live happy ever after.”

And so it was a beautiful princess mushed, “Hip-hop” to encourage a

snow bunny pull her honey as they lollopped away from Snowland on a

Snowbank trail of bad paper funny-money made for charlies.

Soon they were sledding in the top gear hard court of public opinion for a

happy ending as due diligence ruled as law in Niceland.

This is how my secret bankbook story could have ended…


Except for a King of Spades, Queen of Torts and Knave of Diamonds

tryst known to fix interest paid on interest paid on interest, according to

dream laws and politics for hungry bankers and the amazing ‘Capitalism

without Capital’ Charlie Effect lie bort that continues…

It was a narrow escape.

Soldiers and a bailiff appeared with a ‘Lettre de Cachet’ warrant in early

morning rays to exile Sir Charlie from his stocks found empty in default

bar an epic sonnet ‘My Credit Ode to Bankers’ nailed on the bench and a

cartoon about usury tax for charlies.

Making Sense Fake Money…

No one denied a charlie lost his identity to a Sir Charlie superhero alter

ego wanting to find himself in the truth of a fair trial, which a Snowbank

disallows, and Snowjustice disavows in Snowland.

A charlie was an inconvenient idiot writing his story facing down a bank

debt collector and umpteen lawyers in hot pursuit with judges too scared to

try a snow white-collar crime trick identity theft loan in his wife’s name.

The mystery of the Case Law story is why the bank and its codefendants

didn’t accept free offers to settle. Someone must have paid a lot to retain

shysters in legalities and court proceedings for ten years to finally win a

summary judgment from a judge quoting from a Factum transplanted by

lawyers to obstruct justice.

Aside from a hidden Noted in Default against the bank agent-lawyer to

defend, it must have been Crossclaims between codefendants that reduced

lawyers to threatening behavior.

Whatever the reason, it wasn’t smart of the bank to evidence so much in

sworn testimony, or for judges to give a victim of predatory lending an

education as a whipping boy, knowing he was a political advocate prone

to creative writing.

It wasn’t just the Charlie Effect with no one stopped arrested for trick

loans in debt protested. It was how bankers justified usurism as doing

God’s Work in a weird spin that got everyone’s attention. That and a

crime story about a bank fixing the usury cost of money in the news.

If banking is a virtue, thrifty people want what Sir Charlie wanted when

he went to the Snow Whitehouse to tell his story about being sued by a

bank for a capital difference. He was the only non-banker advising world

leaders to regulate a deregulated mob of potentially criminal banksters.

The whistleblower promoted a ‘Reverse Onus Rule’ that lenders must

prove identity validation and financial due diligence before transacting

loans to collect.

As a charlie, he played the lobby game as bankers do.

He voted all resolutions low except his motion own for due diligence until

it surfaced as the number one top priority for a Prime Minister hosting the

world to meet to legislate bankers behave responsibly befitting positions

of trust in society.

Charlie wrote a report of what he had done to his tax paid Minister of

Finance who’d promised to table the ‘Reverse Onus Rule’ idea in debate

to resolve the ‘Sitting Duck’ crisis and restore financial stability.

Say goodnight charlie…

A past party leader’s signature on a petition for an inquiry, a new leader

willing to pursue it in parliamentary debate, a Minister of Finance prom-

ising to discuss the ‘Reverse Onus Rule’ with world leaders, and a crim-

inal investigation into interest rate fixing was all agog in Snowland.

Arbitrage is a trade between discrete parties not taking possession such as

a house flipped on paper to a future live-in buyer. Tax arbitrage is a slick

‘personal-credit-tax-credit’ double flip with papered loans secured by

potential income tax credits pawned from future living wages.

Professional tax arbitragers’ levy rigged loan interest charges on tax

deductible ‘off-the-balance’ sheet credit derivatives to collect interest and

principal owed. Arbiter judges rule trick loans to collect by court summary

judgments with occasional barratry served on the side for a judge to deem

releases signed to indemnify potential criminals from prosecution.

If Charlie Effect judgments are estopped with estovers rules of law, then

taxpayers need a financial health warning to protect the public wealth.


Loan package label finks tax stealth; tortious banking shrinks your


And it came to pass, tort in court upheld capitalism without capital until

Snowbanks were snowed under a quadrillion snowflakes in Snowland.

So-called ‘naked’ buyers felt a deep chill of unsecured honor hedged for a

king with no cloths on crown jewels exposed for yet another bailout.

Heed a retiring reserve banker from an arrear zone about benign neglect

that signatures must be honored in all its tranches.

Listen, and be careful what you sign, because under investigation both

Goldilox and the Knave of Diamonds point digits at the bank King of

Spades they say fixed interest rates for the Queen of Torts. If they’re not

making money make sense, or making sense fake money… it’s goodnight



~ So ends a bedtime story that continues ~

My Secret Bankbook Story ~ Part Two

Charlie Effect judgments… And it came to pass; people in the

ninety nine percent divide heard of

fractional reserve banking that charges

lie bore face value interest fixed on

Ponzi tax credit loans.

Snowbanks still lend more capital than

cash without gold in its vaults.

And,Goldilox continues to leverage as

much interest on as much risk for as

many fractional bonuses on as many

usury tricks bankers play with poetic

license voluntary guidelines interpreted

from the Snowbank Act.

Contrariwise nobody trusted Sir Charlie they called a sophisticated

investor saving lifetime wages into lifelong debt in the Goldilox illusion

of deregulated banks in Snowland.

No one believed a secret bankbook story alleging a bank agent-lawyer

notarized bank paid witness for signatures on blank bank demand notes

rubberstamped and filled out to launder tax deductible interest as govern-

ment expenditures to besnow tax revenue losses into a Snowbank.

The first rule of Snowjustice in Snowland is that there is no law except

lawyers’ prayers for acts by numbers that judges grant as needed.

A sworn affidavit notarized in God’s name by a bank agent-lawyer paid to

witness a promise signed is as legally binding as any papered note can be.

Snowjustice judges with tort-oaths of Court have to make signees honor

promises by credit makers no matter how many notes made, or whichever

bank agent affidavit taker took sworn witness signed. The only way out for

a duped credit maker is to declare bankruptcy to make prosecution worth

less than the court claim paper it’s written on.

Otherwise: Judges are bound to rule tax credit savers make money out of

government approved tax losses paid saved in unnumbered undisclosed

bank ‘tied’ loan accounts transferred to bank agents signing promissory

notes in acceptance of tax notional value received including paid witness

whereof collateralized debt mistook for legal charlie tender.

The genius of the truth of the court wealth transfer genie out of the bottle is

that Charlie Effect judgments collect stolen promises for imaginary value

received in real banknotes.

It is a seedy swap bank loan future tax credit flip. Neither the principle is

regulated, nor usury principal to defraud taxpayers, so it’s not criminal.

Which is why judges blame charlies as greedy for tax credits creating bank

asset loans as money in debt of their own making is how a Contra Profer-

entum lied. So, why expect the usurist sponsor banker tried?

All that remains of a Sir Charlie truth embargo is records of phone calls

and bank sworn testimony. All that’s left of a charlie defending tax Ponzi

loans collected through courts is a wounded whistleblower aged by de-

menting lawyers stringing justice denied through ever decreasing statutes

of limitations to protect a bank and its agent-lawyer with no defense.


In the end, being slapped by law society lawyers and judges was the last

straw for a charlie who wrote the Queen about his experience of injustice

in a Private Information Affidavit also copied the Prime Minister and law

enforcement officers to arrest a perpetrator of crime in this case.

Or stop the casino banking risk to public wealth, which is as much if not

greater than greedy over-fractionalized reserve banking.

The snow white Queen of Torts…

Sir Charlie wanted a pardon that false witness to signatures and sworn

words counted instead of numbers tabulated for tax losses in his name he

would have gladly paid as his duty to the realm. He wanted identity theft

usury tricks criminalized and he wanted authorities to charge who’s guilty

of tort by failure to protect taxpayers’ money in willful ignorance of

expensing stolen tax credits through the public purse.

It was high hope for a charlie where ignorance was bliss in Snowland.

Snowizard became a Court Judge on the King’s Bench.

Prime Minister Snowmobile and Finance Minister Snowdriven promoted

Governor Snowblown the best Snowbank protégé to rule the World Bank

moneymaking machine.

Governor Snowblown was well known in Snowland revered as a place of

self-regulated self-righteous banking with a firm grip on stupidity in case

of culpable cupidity checked by Snowhazard rules of law in Snowbank

stats the envy of the world.

Princess Snowball was crowned Snow Queen of Torts to reign over new

money the king of banking minted on coins and freshly printed banknotes

signed in praise of her image that lavish people spent and thrifty saved in

Main Street bank accounts for a rainy day.

Snow Queen money came with ghastly news its daily lie bore face value

was fixed between the Knave of Diamonds and the bank governor King of

Spades bidding the cost of money up or down in potentially criminal deals

to fix interest rates for casino bankers to win placed bets.

The gig was up; banks were caught breaking rules.

“Dude, I owe you big time,” implied crime in a wacky email charming

thanks. “Come over after work and I’m opening a bottle of bubbly.”

Interest is the staple of stable banking: It is the cost of Snow Queen bank-

notes and Charlie Effect non-banknotes and all manner of shadow banking

credit derivatives and pseudo bond papered debt in notional principal am-

ounts and rigged interest that revolves through taxation systems.

Understanding Charlie Effect Ponzi cost a pretty penny short of a spent

sovereign for anyone to read my secret bankbook story.

Would the Sir Charlie and Princess Snowflake and the Jack of Diamond

and King of Spades story unfold with a charge to scold with spanking,

whosoever’s naughty behind unlawful banking?

The Court of Public Opinion…

Sir Charlie was slapped and gone with judges wanting done the Goldilox

'Sitting Duck' affair when news of fixing the cost of money broke the big

Snowbank Governor Snowblown and all the little Snowbanks denied in


A legal nightmare for a charlie with a sovereign debt theory in academic

limbo. Authorities read his step-transaction thesis without comment to con-

firm or deny tax evasion research in peer review.

Justice Snowshovel said Sir Charlie was a sophisticated investor hiding

behind his accountant while robbing a bank. The crafty accountant got

away without being sued by the bank.

But not his wife and clients he swore into debt. All they could say at the

time was they paid bank requests for cash receipted as if a mortgage offset

by government income tax credits.

The bank never issued statements that if 'Sitting Duck' loans were num-

bered credit bureaus could rate bad loans. In which case charlies would not

save tax credits for capital losses into personal debt.

But, how would identity theft victims know about signature affidavits for

undisclosed loans behind secret 'toxic mortgage' Collateralized Debt

Obligations - CDO's?


A bank can choose to lend a charlie more than net worth, or a charlie can

fool a bank to borrow more than he could ever pay back. People couldn't

believe a story of a bank doing God's work with hands laid on books of faith

swearing oaths to witness signatures to close loans, any more they could a

tale of Jack climbing a magic beanstalk that grew up to a castle in the sky to

steal a hen that laid gold eggs from a sleeping giant.

My Secret Bankbook Story ~ Part Three

Here lies a Jack of Diamonds…

The bank gave enough ‘Sitting Duck’

evidence to figure how to rule out the

Charlie Effect. If papered notes were

numbered, bankers wouldn’t be able to

save stolen credit into unnumbered

toxic loan accounts.

Even in Snowland, if non-banknotes

signed in acceptance of money were

numbered the same as Snow Queen

Banknotes they could be identified to

poor Sir Charlie’s swiped assets to

flush used paper away the same as

soiled bills end up burnt.

And it came to pass the Jack of Diamonds paid a fine for his bank crime

while the Queen of Torts reigned over the largest bankruptcy of a tax de-

ductable financial conduit in Snowland history. The scandal raised issues

of who was involved in the rate rigging game. The libertine banker said

the king of banks encouraged low bids and he threatened to spill the

magic beans if authorities asked too many awkward questions.

The bank governor denied collusion. The king denounced banks for

deceitful products, shoddy treatment of customers and bad behavior for

excessive bonuses. The press reported ‘light touch’ regulations hadn’t

worked in banks with an abusive predatory ‘take what you can attitude’.

With a major bank fined for misconduct, the Prime Minister said bad

culture was a major problem as big as the sovereign debt and waffled

whether to change the law or dig a bit more with an inquiry.

It was a last hand Jack. The Knave of Diamonds trumped everything with

a declaration of love for a bank proclaimed blameless except for rouge

traders said to have rigged the game for personal profit.

The flawless diamond was sick to see evidence of crime and cut out with

a golden handshake to retire in millions.

A political man on the committee said the deal was simply not credible

and called for sworn testimony for a judicial inquiry that a whistleblower

charlie wanted in parliamentary debate long before the crisis.

The Prime Minister was right about the size of the Charlie Effect problem

in quadrillions. It was brinksmanship at its highest level and sharpest edge.

A mere tenth of one percent on the cost of money could flip taxpayers in

shadow structural deficit economies into bankruptcy overnight.

And it came to pass tax savers lost about half their net worth to central

banks recapitalizing toxic loans in so-called bad banks holding worthless

bad-paper at government expense.

It's obvious… If banks lien judgment debt on houses remortgaged above

value, and confiscate homes and lawyers legalize fantasy for a judge to

deem a whistleblower signed releases to indemnify the bank and alleged

criminals from prosecution... Then even a charlie wouldn't expect a govern-

ment to cancel and refund Third Party Notes to stop sovereign paper debt

holders hedging toxic mortgage tax credits to profit in default.

Sympathy for a charlie legalized to death came instead of an investigation

by the police as the government advised the hapless whistleblower find a


A petition signed by a party leader to investigate predatory lending won’t

go far without a rarely allowed Private Member’s Bill.

Would anyone point an accusing finger at criminal lawyers behind Snow-

justice? Who would impeach a storybook Prime Minister Snowmobile and

Finance Minister Snowdriven for turning a blind eye to tax avoidance

schemes that still filch public wealth?

Would charging Governor Snowblown breach of tort restore value to

banknotes how it was when Snowbanks saved snow white gold in reserve

as money to never melt in Snowland?


Whatever judges might rule from bank sworn testimony and lawyers’

affidavits in Snowland, a political man read my secret bankbook story

and questioned bankers for a Treasury Select Committee report expected

to be a snow whitewash due to ignored experts and whistleblowers.

Even with questions asked as like as not in Snowland, a snow white-

wash collar inquiry is still an inquiry.

In which case, a judge deeming releases signed by a charlie under

duress in an uncontested Private Information Affidavit tells the whole

Case Law and nothing but the law about a bank ‘making money make

sense’ motto sold to another bank motto ‘honesty, integrity and plain

dealing’ fined millions for fixing interest rates to scam in default.


~ And it’s all in the closings what next? ~


My Secret Bankbook Story is an advocacy infotainment with presentation charts

that replay a tax deductible Ponzi on the ninety-nine percent. Crawford writes the

pen is mightier than the fraud dedicated to supportive politicians including: NDP

Leader MPP Andrea Horwath reading signed by the late

leader Hon. Jack Layton and NDP constituents wanting an investigation of

identity theft behind potentially criminal Ponzi loans tied to tax shelter schemes.*

Also, new NDP leader MP Tom Mulcair for reviewing Canadian Case Law for a

Private Member’s Bill to debate the issue of loan dependent ABCP Third Party

Notes ** laundered for cash through taxation systems. And, MP John Mann for

raising the issue with the UK Treasury Select Committee.

* ABCP Crisis in Canada: The Implications for the Regulation of Financial Markets

by John Chant Government Source -

** CanLII


Capitalism without Capital

Charlie Effect Usurism

My Secret Bankbook Story ~ Part Four

Canadian Case Law:

Bank of Montreal signature affidavit

loan dependent ‘toxic mortgage’

example for banking reform.

Bank of Montreal v Crawford Milton 1678/02

Crawford v Bank of Montreal, 2009 ONCA 98 (CanLii)

January 30, 2009 Docket # C49171


Gillese, MacFarland and LaForme JJ.A.

We see no error in the decision below: The essence of the defense

in this matter is that the appellant failed to read the loan

documentation when he initially took out the loan or at any

point in the following ten-year period when he made payments

to the loan. The loan documentation makes it clear that there is

no genuine issue for trial in relation to the Bank of Montreal.


Republish License: Copyright Sun Media 2011

Republish License: Copyright Guardian News & Media Ltd 2011


FULL AND FINAL MUTUAL COUNTERCLAIM (MILTON 1678/02) RELEASE IN CONSIDERATION of the payment of the sum of EIGHTY THOUSAND DOLLARS ($80,000.00) and other good and valuable consideration paid to the BANK OF MONTREAL, the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged in the first (1st) of three (3) co-dependent full and final mutual releases (which 1st Release is hereinafter referred to as the "BMO Claim Release"), and the removal of writs and garnishments the receipt and sufficiency of which is required in the full and final mutual counterclaim release Milton Court File 1678/02 set out in the second (2nd) of three (3) full and final mutual releases herein (hereinafter referred to as the "Counterclaim Release"), the Plaintiff to the Counterclaim in the Superior Court of Justice as Court File No. 1678/02 (hereinafter referred to as the "Counterclaim"), ANTHONY CRAWFORD also known as TONY CRAWFORD, and each of his heirs, administrators, successors, executors, and assigns (hereinafter collectively referred to as the "Plaintiff to the Counterclaim") and BANK OF MONTREAL and AVALON SECURITIES CORP. (also known as IPC Securities Corp. by amalgamation since 2001) and MICHAEL PERRIS and MIKARY INVESTMENTS LTD. and GORDON E GLENN and JOHN M GRAYDON and WILLIAM WRIGHT and DONALD IVY and ROBERT PELL and DOUGLAS FERGUSON and their administrators, executors, successors, assigns and each of its affiliated, associated or related companies, partnerships, proprietorships and businesses and each of its respective directors, officers, employees, shareholders, agents, representatives, servants, heirs, successors and assigns (hereinafter collectively referred to as the "Defendants to the Counterclaim"), and hereby fully and mutually release and forever discharge each other of and from any and all claims, demands, debts, accounts, arrears, payments, actions and causes of action whatsoever which were raised or which could have been raised in the claim action commenced by BANK OF MONTREAL Milton Court File 1678/02 (hereinafter referred to as the "BMO Claim") as defended by Anthony Crawford, the Plaintiff referred to in this Counterclaim Release. AND IT IS ACKNOWLEDGED THE PARTIES hereby agree that this Counterclaim Release and any consent to dismissal of the Counterclaim is conditional upon and effective only as of, the removal of any writs and garnishments against the plaintiff by the Parties and in particular the BANK OF MONTREAL has agreed to undertake to remove writs within 14 days of the date of execution by the Plaintiff to the Counterclaim Release:

(Second of Three Bank of Montreal Releases)

FULL AND FINAL MUTUAL CRAWFORD CLAIM (SCJ 2940/07) RELEASE IN CONSIDERATION of the payment of the sum of EIGHTY THOUSAND DOLLARS ($80,000.00) and other good and valuable consideration paid to the BANK OF MONTREAL, the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged in the first (1st) of three (3) co-dependent full and final mutual releases (which 1st Release is hereinafter referred to as the "BMO Claim Release"), and the removal of writs of seizure and sale of property by the BANK OF MONTREAL as set out in the second (2nd) of three (3) full and final mutual releases (hereinafter referred to as the "Counterclaim Release") the dependency, receipt and sufficiency of which is a prerequisite to be proven by BMO satisfaction piece in this third (3rd) and last of three (3) co-dependent full and final mutual releases (hereinafter referred to as the "Crawford Claim Release") by the Plaintiffs JILL CRAWFORD and ANTHONY CRAWFORD to the Crawford claim Milton Court File 2940/07 (hereinafter referred to as the "Crawford Claim"), and each of their heirs, administrators, successors, executors, and assigns (hereinafter collectively referred to as the "Plaintiffs") and BANK OF MONTREAL, AVALON SECURITIES CORP. (also known as IPC Securities Corp. by amalgamation since 2001), MICHAEL PERRIS, MIKARY INVESTMENTS LTD., GORDON E GLENN, JOHN M GRAYDON, WILLIAM WRIGHT, DONALD IVY, ROBERT PELL and DOUGLAS FERGUSON and their administrators, executors, successors, assigns and each of its affiliated, associated or related companies, partnerships, proprietorships and businesses and each of its respective directors, officers, employees, shareholders, agents, representatives, servants, heirs, successors and assigns (hereinafter collectively referred to as the "Defendants to the Crawford Claim"), hereby fully and mutually release and forever discharge each other of and from any and all claims, demands, debts, accounts, arrears, payments, actions and causes of action whatsoever which were raised or which could have been raised in an action commenced by the BANK OF MONTREAL in the Superior Court of Justice as Court File No. 1678/02 (hereinafter referred to as the "BMO Claim") and a counterclaim action commenced by Mr. Anthony Crawford in the Superior Court of Justice Court File 1678/02 (hereinafter referred to as the "Counterclaim") and an action commenced by the Plaintiffs in the Superior Court of Justice as Court File No. 2940/07 (hereinafter referred to as the "Crawford Claim").

(Third of Three Bank of Montreal Releases)


Osgood Court April 4, 2012 pleadings to reverse follow up SLAPP

Anthony Crawford – written pleadings for summary judgment re CV-10-414951: According to the RCMP my wife and I are victims of identity theft fraud that is only poten-tially criminal. I am a victim of a biased unfair justice system that seems rigged to protect alleged criminals and lawyers that serve them. I refer to an apparent Strategic Lawsuit Against Public Participation court Order from Justice Allen (“Allen”) dated December 21, 2011 (the “SLAPP”) that my wife and I must answer to an instant Motion Record only made known to us on December 15, 2011 from Mr. Michael Kestenberg (“Kestenberg”) acting for Noik & Associates (“Noik”) and Lawyers’ Professional Indemnity Corporation (“LawPRO”) to dismiss a contingency professional misconduct insurance claim set up by Mr. Brian Hunt (the “Hunt Claim”) that Mr. Robert Riteman (“Riteman”) appears in a court transcript as if as my lawyer swapping a Factum for Defense and Counterclaim of mine for a nonsensical Factum with apparent intent to obstruct justice re the Bank of Montreal v Anthony Crawford File 1678/02 (“BMO Claim”). In 2008, Mr. Joshua Siegel (“Siegel”) acting for BMO denied a second commingled promissory note in the loan (“BMO Loan”) and BMO also denied litigating Anthony and Jill Crawford v BMO (the “Crawford Claim”) File 2940/07 that Riteman served on Siegel. It is evident Justice Ron Harris (“Harris”) cited a vague “Chinese wall” defense quoting an assertion as if mine in his ruling for BMO from a bogus Factum that I recall Siegel handed to Harris from Riteman in what seems like an inaccurate court transcript. The underlying BMO Claim concerns an undisclosed pre-executed loan the RCMP cites as potentially criminal: Mr. Ian Fardoe (“Fardoe”) of BMO possibly colluded with Mr. Michael Emory (“Emory”) of Allied Canadian (“Allied”) promoting a rent encumbered tax Credit Default Swap (“CDS”) mortgage on [his] property promoted as an investment sold by accountant Mr. Michael Perris (“Perris”) who apparently received a secret commission from an undisclosed BMO loan that he signed witness to my signature notarized by Emory to close the sale. The deal created mortgage value CDS signed by Emory to perform like money with rent expensed as interest charges for tax credits until mortgage default as my loss, and CDS non-banknotes bailed out by taxpayers in 2009. When Harris ruled judgment debt in 2008 BMO seized my house and refused to lift writs unless my wife and I released BMO, Allied a.k.a. Avalon Securities a.k.a. IPC Securities, Chenney Glen Graydon, and Perris from the Crawford Claim arising from my defense of the BMO Claim alleging Perris witnessed my wife’s signature and trafficked her identity that BMO apparently used to create a commingled loan to close another Allied sale. In January of 2012, BMO signed Mutual Releases in consideration of lifting paid writs from our house and the Milton Local Registrar signed Orders to dismiss Crawford Claims that I signed consent under duress to end a ten year legal nightmare that Hunt appears to have extended to my wife as a SLAPP by misrejoinder as Plaintiff to a legal action for his client Mr. Eldon Hunt, which he quit after Kestenberg examined her.

Hunt told me there was “no defense” as a judge under oath would assess costs and deem his Release (“Release”) effective. It seems Kestenberg set up an improperly served SLAPP motion that despite not “falling” to sign the Release, a judge would grant a so-called “prayer” to indemnify BMO and all involved lawyers and accountants free from civil prosecution with a gag order worded in the Release to be executed with legal costs set against us. Hunt contradicted his sworn affidavit: He pretended to act as our Lawyer of Record. He composed Release(s) to absolve apparent misconduct by lawyers and BMO lifting paid writs after perjury to collect a questionable loan and Siegel holding liens ransom with harassment to avoid trial, about which Hunt says… “There is no defense”. Having given up litigation rights for property rights and being coerced to sign consents to dismiss actions arising from the BMO Claim in January 2012, I am shocked a judge might sentence us to jail unless we accept ten dollars ($10.00) to settle a seven hundred thousand dollar ($700,000.00) claim. I am a senior terrorized in fear of acts of legal vengeance by such as Siegel accusing me of shortchanging his full cash receipt of legal costs over the phone that triggered a stroke, and BMO writing it will use the justice system to renegotiate paid settlement held ransom for signed releases. For this to be followed by an apparently improperly served SLAPP that LawPRO pled for a judge to misrejoinder my wife as Plaintiff seemingly mistook by identity theft for a court to execute the Release in my absence at my cost if I had not filed just in time to adjourn the SLAPP – is unbelievably unconscionable. I trust the court will review my sworn affidavit, which is also a Private Information addressed to authorities to assess the impact of laundering notional value commercial paper for cash through taxation systems. And in my case, to investigate potentially criminal acts behind the BMO Claim and its settlement, and the Hunt SLAPP. In the circumstances I plead that I signed release and consent to dismiss a SLAPP action under extreme pressure. My wife has sworn an affidavit she had no knowledge of the instant action that she only saw just three (3) days prior to its hearing. I trust whether or not I win summary judg-ment for $700,000 to compensate odious debt as a good way to solve this problem – my wife and I will not be sent to jail as we have replied to Justice Allen who ordered SLAPP on my wife by misrejoinder and we have signed the Release for Noik from the Milton 3259/10 and Toronto CV-10-414951 Actions as demanded by LawPRO except the Order is reworded we will not suffer costs or a gag order on us and that the Release is strictly limited to NOIK as opposed to any other corporation and lawyer and accountant that may have been involved in the BMO Claim 1678/02 or any claim arising from it. End of written pleadings by Anthony Crawford for SLAPP summary judgment to avoid jail re CV-10-414951.


Open Letter to MP John Mann,

August 21, 2012

Subject: Potentially Criminal LIBOR Inquiry Banking Reforms

Reference: Financial Consumer Safeguards and Taxpayer Protection

Further to our meeting last year I write to thank you for your support for

an investigation into the LIBOR interest rate fixing scandal on predatory

commercial and investment bank lending practices we discussed behind

the 'Monetization of Toxic Loans for Cash through Taxation Systems'.

In reply to your interest in sworn testimony for a bank inquiry I enclose

my Responding Motion Record to a barratry lawsuit improperly served on

me since our meeting. The Strategic Lawsuit against Public Participation

– SLAPP Pleadings and Private Information stand as uncontested truth

addressed to Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth the Second and authorities

entrusted to protect her subjects in case of crime.

Please review my analysis of the origins sovereign debt in tax arbitrage

designed to bypass ring-fenced operations intended to separate commer-

cial from investment banking. The trick is bank agent notarized signature

theft affidavits for unsigned undisclosed bank loans that charge LIBOR

behind tax shelter schemes that can't be sold or defraud without them.

I attach my academic research of notional value non-banknotes that

perform as if money paying LIBOR revenues to banks and third party

holders that hedge scammed Collateralized Debt Obligations – CDO

promissory notes created for the sole purpose of preplanned default at

taxpayers' expense.

I trust the committee will consider my advice to number non-banknotes to

protect consumers and taxpayers from criminal loans behind papered

quadrillions as per this Civil Case Law example for banking reforms.

Yours sincerely,


Open Letter to Mr. Andrew Tyrie, Chairman of the

Parliamentary Commission on Banking Standards

August 21, 2012

Subject: Treasury Select Committee bank whistleblowers.

I refer to Select Committee incentives and immunity from prosecution for

bank whistleblowers and my March 1, 2012 report alleging potentially

criminal financial instruments in LIBOR global markets.

Banks have been fined to settle accusations of crime and Sir Mervyn

King, Governor of the Bank of England explains banks “borrowed” too

much, and, “with the benefit of hindsight” could have done more to pre-

vent bankruptcy. “…paper fortunes in financial markets can disappear

overnight.” He misses Olympic culture in banks, “…our inspiring Team

GB could teach bankers a thing or two.”

The governor approves separating investment from commercial banking

to decouple personal risk from various tax evasions and money laundering

schemes with LIBOR fixed interest on hedged bets, “What I hope is that

everyone, everyone, now understands that something went very wrong

with the U.K. banking industry. And we need to put it right.”

Lord Turner, Chairman of the FSA – Financial Services Authority, has

stronger views and seeks eternal vigilance over banks that “…reflect the

objective of tax avoidance and regulatory arbitrage”.

The genius of bankers doing God’s work with financial miracles that

create structural deficit economies is best described by former UK Prime

Minister Gordon Brown as ‘Capitalism without Capital’ in his story,

“After the Crash”. Media interest in Tax Justice Network research papers

reviews taxing offshore transaction billions and a Financial Instrument

Registry to safeguard consumers and protect taxpayers from papered


As a whistleblower, my report illustrates personal loans ‘tied’ to

investment sales with agent notarized paid witness of signatures for

unsigned undisclosed unnumbered personal tax credit loans in my case

upheld in a ten year lawsuit as legally binding to collect.

Ring-fenced Credit Default Swap – CDS won’t change a market society

culture with vested interests in unethical banking that seems to benefit

from financial secrecy and no tax reporting of unnumbered untraceable

instruments. The fact is that ‘notional value’ CDS Third Party Notes are

signed by ‘Makers’ for the benefit of ‘Holders’ who accept ‘non-

banknotes’ as lawful currency hedged to default and profit in banknotes.

In my opinion, a governor who signs street money value to banknotes is

responsible for prudent fractional reserve banking and financial stability

of private and public wealth. Taxpayers are entitled to transparency and

accountability of QE – Quantitative Easing good money after bad paper

anyone signed tax deductible imaginary value to non-banknotes behind

toxic mortgages such as banks sold as investments should be as illegal as

rigged LIBOR is criminal.

Please advise me if you accept or deny my testimony, and need me to

appear before the UK Treasury Select Committee as a whistleblower

about tax deductible non-banknote bank step-transaction Ponzi that

appears to defraud consumers and taxpayers by design.

Yours sincerely


Open Letter to Sir Mervyn King, Governor of the Bank of England

August 21, 2012

Subject: Monetization of 'Toxic Loans' through taxation systems.

I refer to my previous letter and 'Capitalism without Capital' thesis re-

garding the monetization of 'toxic loans' for cash through taxation sys-

tems. The scope of the study is a tax shelter scheme lending work-flow

and bank information data inputs and outputs with the research objective

to find correlation between flawed investments and bank computer oper-

ation design gaps in lending practices known to have resulted in failed

accreditation behind the largest bankruptcy of a deregulated tax deduct-

able investment product in financial history.

The research sample is four (4) banks with approximately; three hundred

(300) investors borrowing some twenty million ($20MM) loans in a

property deal worth five million ($5MM) with a five million ($5MM) rent

encumbered ‘toxic mortgage’ illustrated in business charts that highlight

points of accreditation failures with recommended consumer and taxpayer


1) Ninety-nine percent accreditation failure was due to fraud and willful

ignorance of personal credit alerts and omission of step-transaction Credit

Default Swap – CDS secondary risk in Total Debt Service Ratio – TDSR

calculations for undisclosed pre-executed tied loans. Deals were contin-

gent to a bank agent notarizing paid witness of tax creditworthy savers'

signatures for unsigned unconfirmed loans including undisclosed com-

missions from one bank as the main sponsor underwriting loans and

closing sales;

2) Public debt resulted from reconciliation failures of hidden mortgages

sold as investments offset by tax deductible Asset Backed Commercial

Paper – ABCP Third Party Notes. ABCP performs as 'like' money to

report rent paid into the mortgage as if interest due on notional ABCP

mortgage value that investors claimed as personal expenses for income

tax credits. And, 3) Capitalization failure of banks resulted from aborted mortgages in de-

fault in first wave market seizure of ABCP financial conduits behind the

credit crunch with consequential second wave currency collapse due to

ABCP/CDS assets resold as unnumbered untraceable unsecured so-called

'Naked' CDS as if money hedged to profit in default as sovereign debt.

In consideration of my findings, I trust you agree that if toxic assets traded

as money was traceable, then fake money could be cancelled and returned

as paid to their makers after onetime supposed legitimate use in tax shelter


I therefore recommend ABCP third-party-non-banknotes be numbered to

deter identity theft loans and audit end-to-end contracted debt with controls

to prevent systemic fraud behind pre-planned defaults of recycled repack-

aged notional value counterfeit traded as money in financial markets.

Sir Governor, in addition to my previous letter, research thesis, and

Private Information Affidavit, it seems you have new information that,

"With the benefit of hindsight, we should have shouted from the rooftops".

In reflection of the crisis due to ABCP Third Party Note holders collecting

cash from duped tax savers who insured so-called sub-prime mortgages,

and LIBOR cost of fake money, should taxpayers that might be unwitting

money makers be entitled to repayment receipts to cancel debt that govern-

ments bail out at taxpayers' expense?

In which case, issue receipts to cancel sovereign debt due to non-banknotes

that might otherwise be hedged by unscrupulous bankers as if legal tender.

Yours sincerely,


Open Letter to Hon. Stephen Harper Prime Minister of Canada

August 21, 2012

Subject: Tax Avoidance Schemes that Defraud Taxpayers

Ref: Monetization of 'Toxic Loans' through taxation systems

I refer to my diarized correspondence to your office since 2004 that

expresses my concern about the legality of identity theft bank loan

dependent Asset Backed Commercial Paper – ABCP Third Party Notes

‘toxic loans’ laundered for cash through taxation systems.

All my letters have been ignored or returned in standard rejections with

thanks for writing. The Minister of Justice has written twice that system-

atic tax fraud is my personal problem with advice that I find a lawyer to

serve my needs as the government cannot get involved.

A so-called personal problem of twelve year litigation by the Bank of

Montreal with nineteen lawyers and eleven judges has ended.

A lawyer witnessed me and my wife sign releases that in consideration of

BMO lifting paid writs on judgment debt gained from apparent perjury and

a swapped Factum – a judge confirmed we will not go to jail and courts

appear to have deemed releases signed to end a legal nightmare.

I understand courts have filed orders that relieve Allied Canadian a.k.a.

Avalon a.k.a. IPC Securities and others the RCMP cites as involved in

potentially criminal acts, including all lawyers and all corporations from

civil prosecution in past and any future actions that might have or may

arise from 2009 Canadian Case Law ONCA 98 Docket C49171.

Now my 'signature-specific-identity-theft' counterclaim has been crushed

with releases deemed signed by courts to indemnify RCMP alleged

criminals from prosecution, will you address the issue that a tax loophole

apparently expenses income tax credits for interest paid to ABCP Third

Party Note holders until default when the underlying principal is taken as

losses in peoples' retirement savings plans as well as deducted from the

public purse in government bailouts to rescue insolvent banks.

I believe my findings endorse Lord Turner's views about “eternal

vigilance over banks” apparently engaged in tax arbitrage. I trust my

linked affidavit will assist government inquiries about bank practices in

need of reform.

Given that banks are accused of crime and fined for fixing LIBOR costs

of money it is time to establish consumer safeguards to protect taxpayers

from banks making sense fake money as sovereign debt. ABCP appears to

be papered counterfeit hedged to default at taxpayers' expense in financial


As in my previous letters, I urge the government to legislate to numerate

non-banknotes shown in the following charts and my Private Information

Affidavit witness of Ponzi origins of debt in Bank of Montreal v Anthony

Crawford Case Law example.

Please act on my sworn testimony that despite proposed reforms unscru-

pulous bankers can still use 'Off-site Loan Closings' loopholes with intent

to defraud income tax usury by design.

Yours sincerely



BMO Capital Markets Allied Canadian Properties

Affidavit taking lawyers ‘Signature-Specific-Identity-Theft’

BMO Loan Sales Rep: “I verily believe that each person whose signature

I witnessed is the party of the same name referred to in the instrument.”

Judge ordered lawyer: “I verily believe that each person whose signature

I witnessed is the party of the same name referred to in the consent.”


Bank paid Sales Rep: “I verily believe that each person whose signature I witnessed is the party of the same name referred to in the instrument.”






Open Letter to Hon. Rob Nicholson, Minister of Justice and

Attorney General of Canada

September 18, 2012

Subject: Crawford Private Information for prosecution in case of crime

Ref: Affidavit of Subscribing Witness ‘Signature-Specific-Identity-Theft’

Ref: The monetization of ‘toxic loans’ through taxation systems

Thank you for your letter of June 20, 2012 advising me to seek the advice

of a lawyer to settle a Bank of Montreal v Anthony Crawford Court File

#1678/02 BMO Claim and Crawford Counterclaim with Allied Canadian

a.k.a. Avalon a.k.a. IPC Securities Noted in Default to Defend and Claim

#2940/07 with defendants’ Crossclaims regarding so-called ‘Sitting Duck’

loans behind RCMP cited potentially criminal acts in the BMO claim that

gave rise to Anthony Crawford v Noik Law Firm File #3259/10 and my

wife by misrejoinder to a contrived Crawford v Noik File # CV-10-414951.

Your advice to find a lawyer coincided with a Court Order that my wife

and I appear in court with a lawyer, and a lawyer threatening we would be

sent to jail subject to a judge ruling: a) an Order for the dismissal of the

action; b) an Order dispensing with the necessity of the Plaintiffs execut-

ing a Release in favor of the Defendant and the Lawyers’ Professional

Indemnity Company; and c) an Order that the attached Full and Final

Mutual Release is effective despite the Plaintiffs falling to execute same.

I do not know if a judge deemed releases signed to indemnify alleged

criminals from prosecution in this affair, including a lawyer notarizing an

‘Affidavit of Subscribing Witness’: a) I verily believe that each person

whose signature I witnessed is the party of the same name referred to in

the Instrument apparently used for a BMO loan in my wife’s name; and,

b) I verily believe that each person whose signature I witnessed is the party

of the same name referred to in the Consent to end litigation of an alleged

crime by legal subterfuge the way it seems it started.

Thank you for your interest in this matter in a Private Information Affidavit

for crown intervention to prosecute in case of crime.

Yours sincerely


Canadian Case Law example for banking reform…

Thank you for your interest in an endless debt fantasy Crawford became

victim to identity theft investment loans in the 90's with judgment debt

paid in 2009. He ran as an NDP New Democratic Party candidate in the

Canadian Federal Election in 2007 on the issue of identity theft, which

the government criminalized in

‘Contaging’ was inspired by a judge ruling bank loan documents deemed

signed by an Instrument Affidavit of Subscribing Witness for a lawyer to

profit by tax evasion. ‘My Secret Bankbook Story’ was inspired by lawyers

threatening jail when a judge ordered the author and his wife get a lawyer

who signed a Consent Affidavit of Subscribing Witness for releases deemed

as if signed to indemnify alleged criminals from prosecution.

Crawford replays lawyers' prayers that argue the legality of 'Sitting Duck'

loans evidenced by promissory notes designed to defraud taxpayers with

financial miracles from bankers doing God's Work. The G20 Tax Invaders

Plan is enjoyable, witty and incisive indictment of the lunacy embodied in

letting the world's most avaricious people have so much power over the

global economy.

Contaging reduces bank jargon and the ludicrous complexity of financial

machinations to a sophisticated nonsense in dream laws and politics for

hungry bankers that waves over readers while they grasp the essentials of

tax avoidance scams.

Visit for more information about credit default swaps

and need for a simple 'Reverse Onus Rule' for consumer and taxpayer


NDP Petition 44... was launched in 2006

signed by former NDP Leader Hon. Howard

Hampton and past leader Hon. Jack Layton

for public debate of the author's Private

Information re Canadian Case Law ONCA 98

C49171 for banking reform.

Crawford is the author of 'Contaging' ~ The G20 Tax Invaders Plan that

reenacts Bank of Montreal and Allied Canadian 'Off-site Loans Closings'

behind potentially criminal so-called 'Daylight Loans'.

Melrose Books, St Thomas Place, Ely, Cambs. CB7 4GG UK

Tel: 01353 646 608 'Contaging' ISBN Ref: 978

1 907732 00 3 from WH Smiths and includes links to Crawford presentation

materials that can be printed in PDF Format; including a March 1, 2012

Print Private Information for police to prosecute in case of crime.

Please sign

Essex University July 4-5, 2011 Presentation YouTube Titles:

Tax Justice Network Capitalism without Capital Part One

BMO lawsuit analysis Capitalism without Capital Part Two

BMO lawsuit testimony Capitalism without Capital Petition44

‘My Secret Bankbook Story’ is also available with Bank of Montreal

testimony and news audio and related web links.


When Anthony Crawford took his company accountant’s advice to save income tax credits into an Allied Canadian Front Street office unit as a safe investment in

Toronto commercial real estate in 1989, he had no idea he was set up with a ‘toxic mortgage’ and a namesake so-called ‘Sitting Duck’ loan in a Bank of Montreal

lawsuit in 2002 for ten years to collect, currently evidenced in a Private Information for government authorities to review in 2012, in case of potentially criminal acts.

Critics fault Crawford for poor grammar that his invented book title ‘Contaging’ is not a word any more than ‘Usurism’ and ‘Usurist’ in ‘My Secret Bankbook

Story’ vision of the largest $32 billion bankruptcy of a financial conduit in Canadian history. ‘The Goldilox credit crunch slapper snow white Queen of Torts’ is a

fable for people to recognize tax fraud and beware sovereign debt that is contaging in ‘The G20 Tax Invaders Plan’ from Melrose Books WH Smith and Amazon.


Occupy Books and Presentations...

'My Secret Bankbook Story' is an infotainment about everything people

want to know about banks, but are too afraid to ask.

It was my pleasure to join Occupy LSX at Saint Pauls Cathedral London

and Occupy TSX at Saint James Cathedral Toronto to discuss the global

credit crunch as I know it from my experience of Bank of Montreal so-

called ‘Sitting Duck’ loans, with thanks to lawyers standing up for justice.

My 'Occupy Presentation' outside the Library describes the Ponzi origins

of sovereign debt with a petition for consumer and taxpayer protection on

the door. My Secret Bankbook Story presentation includes the same charts

presented July 2011 at the Essex University for Tax Justice Network, and

a crowd pleasing Occupy LSX presentation October 2011.

'Contaging' was published in May 2011. It can be found in libraries in-

cluding the Occupy Toronto for a while with Canada's best kept secret

Queen's Park Legislative Assembly Petition44 signatures hung on the

door for an investigation into Canadian bank lending practices.

I left a copy of 'Contaging' at the OccupyTO-Bay-Street library for as

long as the Occupy Library stood for knowledge bravely defended in

defiance of police who showed up with demolition crews – to crush it

and haul it away.

A flip book version is made for Occupy

Everywhere readers.

Visit for more information about the G20 Tax

Invaders Plan for debt that is 'Contaging', enjoy…







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2006 Federal Election: Crawford, “This to do with consumer protection and a scam known as ‘Sitting Duck’ loans. If a government knew

of a sleazy bank practice that tricks people into debt with ‘tied loans’ based on third parties representing other peoples’ signatures to make

secret debts in retirement investment plans, would a government side with banks to allow profiteering to continue, or would a government

expose it and do something to protect people from a debt crisis?” Government, “I am aware of his case, and nothing could be done.”

2012 Crawford v Bank of Montreal et al. litigation releases for all defendants in consideration of BMO lifting paid writs: Plaintiff,

“You told me a judge would sign on my behalf.” Lawyer, “A judge would never sign on your behalf, they would make an order that is

equivalent to you signing.” Crawford, “How is that?” Lawyer, “There is no defense, they would basically say the actions are dismissed.”

If you subscribe to an income tax

shelter retirement savings plan with

‘I promise to pay the aforementioned bank’

in small print ahead of sign here…

you get a ‘Sitting Duck’ namesake

signature identity theft tax credit

savings loan lawsuit to collect!

‘My Secret Bankbook Story’ is a novel introduction to our

‘Charlie Effect’ sovereign debt

‘Capitalism without Capital’

in ‘The G20 Tax Invaders Plan’

for debt that is ‘Contaging’.

Do you know where the credit went?