Capital Groundcover Management Plan - Amazon...

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suite 1, 216 carp st (po box 470) bega nsw 2550 australia t 61 2 6492 8333 e

room 15, 341 havannah st (po box 434)

bathurst nsw 2795 australia

0488 820 748

unit 18, level 3, 21 mary st

surry hills nsw 2010 australia

t (02) 8202 8333

suite 1, 39 fitzmaurice st (po box 5464)

wagga wagga nsw 2650 australia

t (02) 6971 9696

unit 17, 27 yallourn st (po box 62)

fyshwick act 2609 australia

t (02) 6280 5053

(po box 1037)

dunsborough wa 6281 australia

(08) 9759 1985

Capital Solar Farm

Development Site Groundcover

Management Plan

MARCH 2014

suite 1, 216 carp st (po box 470) bega nsw 2550 australia t 61 2 6492 8333 e

room 15, 341 havannah st (po box 434)

bathurst nsw 2795 australia

0488 820 748

unit 18, level 3, 21 mary st

surry hills nsw 2010 australia

t (02) 8202 8333

suite 1, 39 fitzmaurice st (po box 5464)

wagga wagga nsw 2650 australia

t (02) 6971 9696

unit 17, 27 yallourn st (po box 62)

fyshwick act 2609 australia

t (02) 6280 5053

(po box 1037)

dunsborough wa 6281 australia

(08) 9759 1985

Document Verification

Project Title: Development Site Groundcover Management Plan

Project Number: 5404

Project File Name: Capital_Groundcover_Management_Plan_Final_v1.1.docx

Revision Date Prepared by (name) Reviewed by (name) Approved by (name)

Final v1.0 20/03/14 Dave Maynard Brooke Marshall Brooke Marshall

Final v1.1 25/03/14 Dave Maynard Brooke Marshall Brooke Marshall

nghenvironmental prints all documents on environmentally sustainable paper including paper made from bagasse (a by-

product of sugar production) or recycled paper.

nghenvironmental is a registered trading name of NGH Environmental Pty Ltd; ACN: 124 444 622.

ABN: 31 124 444 622

Capital Solar Farm

Development Site Groundcover Management Plan

5404 Final v1.1 i


1 INTRODUCTION ........................................................................................................................ 1

1.1 THE PROJECT........................................................................................................................................ 1

1.2 RELATIONSHIP TO OTHER ASSESSMENTS AND PLANS ........................................................................ 1

1.3 OBJECTIVES OF THIS PLAN AND APPROACH ........................................................................................ 1

2 BACKGROUND INFORMATION .................................................................................................. 7

2.1 NATIVE GROUNDCOVER VEGETATION AND ITS CONDITION .............................................................. 7

2.2 DISTURBANCE AND WEEDS ................................................................................................................. 7

3 REVIEW OF POTENTIAL IMPACTS ............................................................................................. 10

3.1 CONSTRUCTION IMPACTS ................................................................................................................. 10

3.2 OPERATIONAL IMPACTS .................................................................................................................... 10

4 GROUNDCOVER MONITORING ................................................................................................ 11

4.1 OBJECTIVES OF MONITORING ........................................................................................................... 11

4.2 MONITORING PROGRAM TIMING ..................................................................................................... 11

4.3 SURVEY PROTOCOL ........................................................................................................................... 11

4.4 ANALYSIS AND INTERPRETATION OF MONITORING DATA ................................................................ 12

5 GROUNDCOVER MANAGEMENT PROTOCOLS .......................................................................... 14

5.1 MINIMAL DISTURBANCE PROTOCOL ................................................................................................. 14

5.2 WEED CONTROL PROTOCOL .............................................................................................................. 15

5.3 REHABILITATION PROTOCOL ............................................................................................................. 18

5.4 GRAZING MANAGEMENT .................................................................................................................. 21

5.5 REPORTING OF ANNUAL MONITORING PROTOCOL .......................................................................... 22

5.6 RESPONSE TO ANNUAL MONITORING PROTOCOL............................................................................ 23

6 CONCLUSION .......................................................................................................................... 24

7 REFERENCES ........................................................................................................................... 25


APPENDIX B MONITORING DATA SHEET ....................................................................................... B-I


APPENDIX D MONITORING PLOT DATA PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION ............................................... D-I

Capital Solar Farm

Development Site Groundcover Management Plan

5404 Final v1.1 ii


Table 1-1 Details of how each relevant statement of commitment and consent condition has been

addressed by this management plan. ............................................................................................................ 3

Table 2-1 Noxious weeds at the subject site and their distribution .............................................................. 8


Figure 2-1 Images of noxious weeds at the subject site ............................................................................... 9

Figure 2-2 Western area in November 2013 following weed control activities in February 2013 ............... 9

Figure 4-1 Monitoring plot arrangement .................................................................................................... 12

Figure 4-2 Distribution of vegetation types within the project area and indicative plot layout ................. 13


BA Biodiversity Assessment

CEMP Construction Environmental Management Plan

CMA Catchment Management Authority

DoE (Commonwealth) Department of Environment, formerly Department of

Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population and Communities

DP&I (NSW) Department of Planning and Infrastructure

DSEWPaC Department of Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population and


FFMP Flora and Fauna Management Plan

EEC Endangered Ecological Community

EPBC Act Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999

LHPA Livestock Health and Pest Authority

NSW New South Wales

NTG Natural Temperate Grassland

OEH (NSW) Office of Environment and Heritage, formerly Department of

Environment, Climate Change and Water

PV Photovoltaic

SoC Statement of Commitment

sp/spp Species/multiple species

WFCMP White-fronted Chat Management Plan

Capital Solar Farm

Development Site Groundcover Management Plan

5404 Final v1.1 1



The approved Capital Solar Farm is proposed in the Southern Tablelands of NSW, on farmland adjacent to

the existing Capital Wind Farm and substation, approximately 6 kilometres north-east of Bungendore and

30 kilometres east of Canberra and Queanbeyan. The project encompasses the construction and

operation of approximately 50MW of photovoltaic (PV) arrays over an area of approximately 100

hectares. It includes associated electrical infrastructure, maintenance facilities, access tracks and minor

upgrades to adjacent roads.


A Biodiversity Assessment (BA) was completed in October 2010 as part of an environmental assessment

for the project (nghenvironmental 2010a). The BA discussed in detail the potential indirect impacts to

native groundcover within areas that would be covered by the solar arrays, due to altered microclimate.

The BA identified a paucity of published information relating to the effects of solar farms on native

groundcover within Australia. The degree of impact to vegetation composition and cover from factors

such as reduced light, altered moisture distribution and near ground wind levels following the installation

of the PV arrays cannot be predicted with certainty. Specific mitigation measures to minimise impacts to

groundcover form part of the project’s consent conditions, including the commitment to prepare a

management plan to monitor and respond to adverse groundcover impacts, as required.

The plan forms a sub-plan of the Construction Environmental Management Plan (CEMP) for the project

and is linked to the Flora and Fauna Management Sub-Plan (FFMP).


This management plan has been prepared to address relevant statements of commitment made by the

proponent and the conditions of approval for the project as outlined below. It consists of a monitoring

program to identify changes in the groundcover under the arrays and a set of management measures to:

1. Maintain groundcover to resist weed invasion and erosion

2. Manage groundcover to maintain or improve its biodiversity values particularly with respect to

Natural Temperate Grassland (NTG).

Background information is included to provide context to the monitoring and management protocols.

This plan is structured as follows:

• Background information

• Groundcover monitoring methodology

• Management protocols specific to:

o Minimising disturbance

o Weed control

o Rehabilitation of temporarily disturbed areas

Capital Solar Farm

Development Site Groundcover Management Plan

5404 Final v1.1 2

o Grazing

o Responding to the results of monitoring

While the monitoring program is specific to detecting changes in groundcover vegetation within the array

area, management protocols for minimising disturbance, weed control and rehabilitation, apply to the

entire project site. Table 1-1 below identifies the statements of commitment and conditions of consent

(State and Federal) relevant to groundcover management and how they have been addressed in this


The NSW OEH has also been consulted with regard to refining the monitoring protocol (John Briggs, Unit

Head, Flora and Vegetation Management, Ecosystems and Threatened Species, South East Region).

Capital Solar Farm

Development Site Groundcover Management Plan

5404 Final v1.1 3

Table 1-1 Details of how each relevant statement of commitment and consent condition has been addressed by this management plan.

ID Commitment/condition Comment Section Reference

Statements of commitment

10 A groundcover management plan would be developed in consultation

with an agronomist that would include regular monitoring of vegetation

cover and composition and allow for adaptive management.

This plan would aim to maintain thick and continuous pasture cover

across the site including during winter and drought periods if possible

and viable.

Preference would be given to native species however, the aim of the

plan will be to ensure ground cover and may therefore require that

non-native species be considered.

Where information on establishment of groundcover under shade is

lacking, trials may be required onsite to test suitable shade tolerant

groundcover varieties for planting if required.

This management plan satisfies this commitment. It

has been developed with reference to several

botanical investigations of the site over several

years. The input of an agronomist was not

considered necessary in developing the protocols

contained herein. Consultation with an agronomist

is included within this plan’s protocols, where

rehabilitation targets are not being met.

Entire document

14 The noxious weed Serrated Tussock will require control before, during

and following the works. Soil disturbance should be minimised to

reduce germination. A herbicide strategy should be used which

minimises the potential for resistance, and minimises impacts to non-

target grasses.

The weed control protocol provided in this

document satisfies this commitment.

Section 5.2

Capital Solar Farm

Development Site Groundcover Management Plan

5404 Final v1.1 4

ID Commitment/condition Comment Section Reference

15 A weed management plan would be developed for the site including

but not limited to the following outcomes:

• The control of noxious weeds recorded on the site

• Preventative measures for the spread or introduction of

weeds, including machinery washdown and sourcing

weed free sediment control materials.

• Monitoring of control and preventative measures and

ongoing adaptive management

The weed control protocol provided in this

document satisfies this commitment.

Section 5.2 and 5.4

NSW Department of Planning Conditions of Consent

C17 b) a Ground Cover Management Plan, developed in consultation with

DECCW and an agronomist, to outline measures to ensure adequate

vegetation cover and composition beneath the solar PV array. The Plan

shall include, but not necessarily be limited to

This management plan satisfies this commitment.

The input of an agronomist was not considered

necessary in developing the protocols contained

herein. Consultation with an agronomist is included

within this plan’s protocols, where rehabilitation

targets are not being met. The NSW OEH

(previously DECCW have been consulted

throughout the preparation of this plan.

Entire document

i) procedures to minimise disturbance to ground cover not impacted by

the project particularly in the area of the native pasture in good


Section 5.1

ii) procedures for the stabilisation, rehabilitation and revegetation of

disturbed ground cover including reference to field trials where


Section 5.3 and 5.4

iii) weed management measures to control and prevent the spread of

noxious weeds;

Section 5.2

iv) monitoring methods to assess the impact of the project on the ground

cover vegetation; and

Section 4

v) a procedure to review management methods where they are found to

be ineffective.

Section 5.4

Capital Solar Farm

Development Site Groundcover Management Plan

5404 Final v1.1 5

ID Commitment/condition Comment Section Reference

F8 The proponent shall implement a revegetation and rehabilitation

program for all areas of the development footprint which are disturbed

during the construction of the project but, which are not required for

the ongoing operation of the project including temporary construction

facility sites and sections of construction access roads, The Proponent

shall ensure that all revegetation measures are implemented

progressively where possible and in all cases within six months of the

cessation of construction activities at the relevant area. Unless

otherwise agreed to by the Director-General, the Proponent shall

monitor and maintain the health of all revegetated areas until such

time that the plantings have been verified by an independent and

suitably qualified expert (whose appointment has been agreed to by

the Director -General) as being established, in good health and self


The rehabilitation protocol provided in this

document satisfies this condition

Section 5.3

EPBC Conditions of Consent

2 To assist in mitigating the impacts of the proposal on NTG, the person

taking the action must prepare and submit a NTG Management Plan

(NTGMP) for the Minister's written approval prior to commencement of

the action. The NTGMP must include:

This Groundcover Management Plan has been

prepared in consultation with the DoE and satisfies

the requirements of the NTG Management Plan

within the Development Site. This management

plan applies to all groundcover within the array

area which includes the total occurrence of NTG

within the development site.

Entire document

a Management actions designed to improve the ecological quality of NTG

on the project area (refer to Map at Schedule 1) and offset lands and

protect it from degradation for the duration of the action's impact on


This management plan outlines four (4)

management protocols designed to protect NTG

within the project area from further degradation

and improve the quality of NTG over time. An

additional two (2) protocols ensure that this

management is adaptive for the duration of the

actions impact.

Section 5

Capital Solar Farm

Development Site Groundcover Management Plan

5404 Final v1.1 6

ID Commitment/condition Comment Section Reference

b Regeneration and revegetation strategies for NTG on the site of the

action and the proposed biodiversity offset area (refer to Map at

Schedule 1) to improve the ecological quality of these areas of NTG

The rehabilitation protocol provided in this

document satisfies this condition with regards to

revegetation on the site of the action. The minimal

disturbance, weed control and grazing management

protocols will promote ongoing regeneration and

improvements in ecological quality.

Section 5.3, 5.1, 5.2

and 5.4

c An ecological monitoring program to monitor the success of the

management actions in the NTG and define measurable targets of

management actions, performance indicators, and an adaptive

management framework for the duration of the action's impact on


This management plan outlines a detailed

monitoring program to monitor the condition of

NTG within the site of the action. It includes

statistical analysis to demonstrate changes in

groundcover composition and protocols to report

and adaptively respond to monitoring results

Section 4, 5.5 and 5.6

Text from Environmental Assessment (page numbers provided as ID)

p20 Once the construction phase has finished, any tracks not used for

normal farming practice or PV array maintenance would be

rehabilitated, or reduced to a width of 3-5 metres, subject to

consultation with the landowner.

The rehabilitation protocol provided in this

document satisfies this commitment

Section 5.3

p25 Weed control would be undertaken seasonally and as required using a

spray unit mounted on a vehicle. Groundcover vegetation around the

panel rows would be either slashed or grazed by sheep to maintain an

effective height below the panels.

The weed control and grazing management

protocols provided in this document satisfies this


Section 5.2 and 5.4

Capital Solar Farm

Development Site Groundcover Management Plan

5404 Final v1.1 7



At the time of the Biodiversity Assessment (2010), the area where the solar array is to be located was

comprised of grazed native grassland on soils derived from both granitic and metasedimentary geology.

While generally dominated by native grasses and sedges (particularly Corkscrew Grass Austrostipa scabra

ssp falcata and Curly Sedge Carex bichenoviana), the pasture supported very few native forb or woody


The Biodiversity Assessment for the project (nghenvironmental 2010a) determined that the grassland

was most likely to be derived from the surrounding Snow Gum Ribbon Gum Grassland, possibly in a

mosaic with natural grassland and ephemeral wetland assemblages. Some valley floor and low-lying areas

are dominated by Swamp Tea-tree (Leptospermum myrtifolium) with a dense Curly Sedge groundcover.

Following consultation with the NSW Office of Environment and Heritage (OEH) and the then

Commonwealth Department of Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population and Communities

(DSEWPaC, now the Department of Environment), further investigation by nghenvironmental

(nghenvironmental 2012) identified that much of the grassland within the western half of the project site

and a smaller area in the east could be considered to be Natural Temperate Grassland (NTG), an

Endangered Ecological Community (EEC) listed under the Environment Protection and Biodiversity

Conservation Act 1999 (EPBC Act). The distribution of NTG within the development site and adjacent

offset lands is mapped in Appendix A.

As part of this investigation, extensive surveying of vegetation condition was undertaken, demonstrating

while some small areas were in good condition, the majority of the native vegetation was found to be in

relatively poor condition as a result of extensive grazing. The distribution of the vegetation types within

the project area at the time of the Biodiversity Assessment is shown on Figure 4-2.


Forests and woodlands have been cleared and thinned at the site to provide pasture. Clearing and

agriculture has produced a range of direct and indirect impacts to flora habitats, including altered

microclimate, loss of fauna responsible for pollination and dispersal, sheet erosion of soils, watercourse

bed incision and damming, localised sedimentation and elevated soil nutrients. Gully erosion in drainage

lines is widespread and active in some parts of the subject site.

Agricultural activities have also resulted in the colonisation of a range of introduced plant species, with

greatest displacement of natives occurring in moister, more fertile valley floor areas. In many areas,

grazing has reduced or eliminated selectively grazed or grazing sensitive species, such as Kangaroo Grass

(Themeda australis), terrestrial orchids, forbs, wattles and pea shrubs.

Minor pasture weed species were common across the majority of the study area. Several noxious weeds

declared for the Palerang Shire Council Area under the Noxious Weeds Act 1993 were recorded at the

subject site. The status and distribution of these weeds at the site are summarised in Table 2-1. Images to

assist in identification are provided in Figure 2-1

Capital Solar Farm

Development Site Groundcover Management Plan

5404 Final v1.1 8

All of the recorded noxious weeds are listed as Class 4 weeds, meaning that the growth and spread of the

plant must be controlled according to the measures specified in a management plan published by the

local control authority.

Table 2-1 Noxious weeds at the subject site and their distribution

Weed species Status Abundance and distribution

African Boxthorn

*Lycium ferocissimum

Class 4 Central solar farm site and transmission line route

African Lovegrass

*Eragrostis curvula

Class 4 Sparsely scattered at site, some sprayed

Paterson’s Curse

*Echium plantagineum

Class 4 Uncommon in pasture across the site

Scotch Thistle

*Onopordum acanthium

Class 4 Widespread in pasture across the site

Serrated Tussock

*Nassella trichotoma

Class 4 Widespread across the site, some sprayed. Particularly

dense in parts of transmission corridor.

Sweet Briar

*Rosa rubiginosa

Class 4 Widespread in pasture across the site, particularly within

the eastern paddock of proposed solar farm site

African Boxthorn

African Lovegrass

Paterson’s Curse

Scotch Thistle

Capital Solar Farm

Development Site Groundcover Management Plan

5404 Final v1.1 9

Serrated Tussock

Sweet Briar

Figure 2-1 Images of noxious weeds at the subject site

Noxious weed control activities in February 2013 (independent of the solar farm project) resulted in

extensive modification of the western area where exotic species are now dominant (Figure 2-2). This area

comprised the majority of the Natural Temperate Grassland within the array area. In addition, surveys

conducted to collect baseline pre-construction data (refer to Appendix D) during 2013 identified that the

condition of the native grassland in the eastern area has further degraded due to continued high grazing

pressure and weed invasion, particularly by Serrated Tussock.

Figure 2-2 Western area in November 2013 following weed control activities in February 2013

Capital Solar Farm

Development Site Groundcover Management Plan

5404 Final v1.1 10



The environmental assessment for the project estimated that around 20-22 ha of groundcover vegetation

would be removed for the construction of the solar farm. Most of this clearing will result from the

establishment of the perimeter and internal access tracks. The access tracks required during the

construction phase may need to be up to 8 metres wide (worst case scenario), but could be scaled back

to 3-5 metres width for the operational phase of the project. An additional one hectare of native

grassland may also be cleared during the construction of the transmission line access track.

Approximately 500 m2 (0.05 ha) of native groundcover within the PV array area will be removed for the

pile driven steel posts that are to support the array.

Approximately 2.7 ha of native grassland would be affected during construction for compound and

laydown areas but would be rehabilitated at the end of the construction period according to the

rehabilitation measures outlined in Section 5.3.


Once construction has been completed, the solar farm will affect grassland at the site in two ways;

through microclimatic changes, particularly in terms of rainfall distribution, shading from ground covering

by the solar array and through trampling of vegetation caused by vehicle movements within the array

area required for maintenance activities. The predicted impacts are discussed further below.

Rainfall distribution

There will be a concentration of rainfall runoff in a strip below the lower edge of the solar panel

rows. This will increase rain splash intensity and soil erosion potential in this area during heavy

rainfall events. A rain shadow below the solar panel rows will also be created. Soil in this area

may be drier than surrounding soil, but this will be offset by reduced evapo-transpiration losses

due to shading and reduced air movement, variations in the angle of rainfall and lateral

movement of soil water from adjacent rain-exposed areas. The soil is known to be sandy and

free-draining which may assist to even out differences in soil moisture.


The total area of permanent shading has been modelled to be 38.44% of the area under the

array (Suntech Shading Analysis, included within the Offset Plan for the project;

nghenvironmental 2013) affecting 28.18 ha of low quality native groundcover. 61.66% (45.11 ha)

will be partially shaded depending on the season and time of day.

As discussed within nghenvironmental (2013), the shading effect is likely to lead to reduced

insolation and daytime temperatures and result in lower rates of plant growth and biological

productivity under the array. Growth may be offset by increased soil moisture in some seasons

but the shading is likely to result in some shift in species composition (favouring more shade

tolerant species).

Capital Solar Farm

Development Site Groundcover Management Plan

5404 Final v1.1 11

Vehicle movements within the array

Periodically, vehicles will be required to move between the rows of solar panels for access and

maintenance. This activity may result in compaction of the soil which may impede vegetation

growth. The risk of compaction is particularly high during periods where the soils are wet..

Vehicle, equipment and the movement of personnel also provides a vector for the introduction

and spread of weeds at the site. The current highly degraded and weedy nature of the site is

documented within the Biodiversity Assessment (nghenvironmental 2010a) and summarised

above in Section 2.2.

The groundcover monitoring protocol in Section 4 and the management measures outlined in Section 5

within this plan, will allow for adaptive management to avoid and minimise these impacts.



The effects of the PV panel arrays on native groundcover vegetation at the Capital Solar Farm site cannot

be predicted with certainty. The primary objective of this monitoring is to determine these effects. This

information can then provide a trigger for additional management, where required, and be utilised to

tailor remedial actions. It is intended that the monitoring results will also address a paucity of research

information on this topic in Australian temperate grasslands.


Monitoring will be undertaken annually during late spring (November). This timing is considered most

suitable as the number of native forb species that are able to be detected is maximised.

The surveys require an experienced botanist and are optimally undertaken by the same person, to reduce

variations due to subjective assessments (for example in estimating percentage ground cover).

For at least the first three years, data will be collected annually by a suitably qualified person and

reported to the OEH. After three years the monitoring and reporting interval will be extended to every 3

years up to a total monitoring period of 15 years.


Permanent 1m x 10m monitoring plots have been established throughout the array area. Plots are

grouped in threes and located in the following areas:

• Areas in permanent shade, directly beneath panels

• Areas in partial shade, located 0.5 metres south of the trailing edge of the panels

• Areas between panels that will receive the most sun, 0.5 metres north of the leading edge

of the panels

The arrangement of each group of plots is illustrated in Figure 4-1.

Capital Solar Farm

Development Site Groundcover Management Plan

5404 Final v1.1 12

Figure 4-1 Monitoring plot arrangement

Twelve groups of plots have been placed across the array area (five in the western paddock and seven in

the eastern paddock). For each group of monitoring plots a “control plot” has been established in areas

not affected by the PV arrays (within the development site, to the north of the array). Control plots

consist of a single 1m x 10m plot. The layout of the monitoring plots is provided in Figure 4-21.

For each plot the following will be recorded on data sheets as provided in Appendix A:

• Species richness using Braun Blanche or percentage cover estimates in 10% classes. Where

cover is < 5% for a species the number of individuals in the plot will be counted.

• Total biomass using the rising plate method. Measurements will be taken at one metre

intervals along the plot and then averaged to give a single figure for each plot.

In addition to the plot data recorded above, incidental records of any noxious weeds will also be recorded

across the broader site.

Data will be collected by an experienced botanist. Where possible, the same person will collect data to

minimise variation in recording.


Given the high levels of recent disturbance within the western paddock, data collected for the western

and eastern paddocks will be analysed separately. The data will be analysed using ordination analysis

within statistical software to determine whether a significant change in the variables within each plot is

occurring. The data will also be used to inform the requirement for management actions such as weed

control or seeding/planting as outlined in the response to monitoring protocol. Base line data was

collected during the establishment of the plots in November 2013 and is provided in Appendix D.

1 The location of the plots was based on the concept design plans of the array area. Subsequent refinements

have been made in the preliminary design stages as shown in Figure 4-2. Following construction, the precise

location of plots will be modified to ensure placement is in accordance with the design in Figure 4-1 and that

the number of monitoring and control plots is maintained.

Panel array

Monitoring plots 4m




Capital Solar Farm

Development Site Groundcover Management Plan

5404 Final v1.1 13

Figure 4-2 Distribution of vegetation types within the project area and indicative plot layout

[� �)



[� �)




































0 200 400100 Meters


A4 @

Name: 5404 - GCMP

Author: DM

Preliminary design array areas Mar 2014

Original concept design array area

�) Monitoring plot, western paddock

[� Control p lot, western paddock

�) Monitoring plot, eastern paddock

[� Control p lot, eastern paddock

Vegetation types

Box-Gum Woodland

Box-Gum Woodland Derived


Brittle Gum Dry Forest

Brittle Gum Dry Forest Derived


Broad-leaved Peppermint

regrowth forest

Natural Temperate Grassland (NTG)

Curley Sedge dominated NTG

Myrtle Tea Tree dominated NTG

Ribbon Gum - Snow Gum

Grassy Woodland

Ribbon Gum - Snow Gum

Derived Grassland (RSDGL)

Bracken dominated RSDGL

Capital Solar Farm

Development Site Groundcover Management Plan

5404 Final v1.1 14


Six protocols have been developed to manage impacts to ground cover as a result of the construction and operational phase of the Capital Solar Farm:

1. Minimal disturbance: most relevant to construction impacts

2. Weed controls: required throughout construction and operation

3. Rehabilitation: required at the end of construction

4. Grazing management

5. Reporting

6. Response to monitoring


OBJECTIVE: Minimise disturbance to ground cover not permanently impacted by the project

The following protocol outlines procedures to minimise disturbance to ground cover not permanently impacted by the project particularly in any areas in good condition or

those that are subject to monitoring. This protocol applies during construction and operation.


1 Define areas in good condition: • With input from an ecologist, areas of good condition (defined as

groundcover vegetation that scored a 10 or higher within the

Natural Temperate Grassland Comparative Quality Assessment;

nghenvironmental 2012) will be clearly marked on the ground for

avoidance (for example: flagging, paint, pegs). These areas are

additional to those areas identified as constraints within the

CEMP FFMP and do not necessarily coincide with monitoring


EPC Construction


2 Communicate about areas in good condition

and those utilised for monitoring:

• The locations of areas in good condition and monitoring plots will

be made known to all on ground staff (annotated site plans to be

displayed in lunch room or site office).

• Specific management required near areas in good condition and

monitoring plots will be discussed in environmental inductions.

EPC Construction


Capital Solar Farm

Development Site Groundcover Management Plan

5404 Final v1.1 15


3 Activities in areas in good condition: • No spoil, rubbish or construction materials are to be placed in

areas in good condition

• No vehicles, equipment or machinery are to enter good condition

areas unless absolutely necessary for construction or to complete

maintenance or other management actions (for example weed


EPC Construction


4 Activities within monitoring plots • No vehicles or heavy machinery are to enter monitoring plots

unless absolutely necessary for construction

• Post construction, any disturbance within monitoring plots would

be avoided unless it is an activity that is occurring across the

entire area of the array such as grazing or slashing. If access is

required for other maintenance or management activities, this

would be on foot and minimised where possible.

EPC Construction


5 Activities in all other areas: • Vehicle, equipment and machinery movements will be confined

to disturbed areas or formalised tracks wherever possible.

• Vehicles, equipment and machinery will not be parked in areas

outside of disturbed areas or formalised tracks for periods in

excess of 24 hours.

EPC Construction



OBJECTIVE: Treat existing weeds / minimise new infestations

The protocol below ensures that all relevant weed control mitigation measures are followed during construction works. This protocol applies to the entire

development site.

Capital Solar Farm

Development Site Groundcover Management Plan

5404 Final v1.1 16


6 Treat existing infestations: • Treat existing weed infestations in accordance with the noxious

weed management methods outlined below this table

EXCLUDING White-fronted Chat habitat, identified within the

White-fronted Chat Management Plan (WFCMP). Control of

noxious weeds within these areas are to be undertaken

according to the recommendations that are reported as a result

of monitoring that is undertaken according the WFCMP. No

weed control activities would be undertaken in these areas prior

to the provision of the first WFCMP monitoring report.

• Herbicides will be selected to minimise impacts on non-target

species. Palerang Council or a qualified person (ecologist or

agronomist) will be consulted to determine suitable herbicides

based on the weeds present at the site prior to treatment.

EPC Construction


7 Minimise new infestations: • Minimise the area of disturbance by implementing the

Vegetation Clearing Protocol within the Flora and Fauna

Management Plan.

• Imported fill and hay bales, if required, will be weed free

(confirmed by supplier).

• Vehicle and machinery movements and temporary storage of

equipment/materials will be confined to disturbed areas and

defined tracks where possible.

• Vehicles and machinery will be cleaned (tyres brushed or washed

down) prior to accessing and leaving areas where noxious weeds

have been identified.

• Post works, rehabilitate all disturbed areas according to the

Rehabilitation Protocol in Section5.3.

EPC Construction


8 Reuse of weedy material: • Mulched vegetation, if non-weedy, can be used in rehabilitation

works however, weedy vegetation cannot be reused. The status

of the material will be confirmed by the environmental site

officer or ecologist.

• Weedy vegetation will be treated onsite in preference to carting

it away for disposal (mulching preferred over burning). Cartage

of weedy material carries risk of spreading infestations.

EPC Construction


Capital Solar Farm

Development Site Groundcover Management Plan

5404 Final v1.1 17


9 Maintain records: • A map(s) will be prepared identifying the locations of existing

noxious weed infestations. Maps will be updated following the

groundcover monitoring if material changes are identified.

• Methods used for weed control and the timing of weed control

activities will be documented.

CSFPL Site Manager

Noxious Weed Management Methods

The works areas contain a number of Class 4 noxious weeds as outlined in Section 2.2. Class 4 weeds must be controlled according to the measures specified in a

management plan published by the local control authority.

The proposal is located within the Palerang Council Local Control Area. Palerang Council have produced a Noxious Weeds Policy which includes a management plan

for Class 4 noxious weeds. The most up to date policy and other relevant noxious weed information from Palerang Council can be found on their website at A

copy of this is provided in Appendix C.

Capital Solar Farm

Development Site Groundcover Management Plan

5404 Final v1.1 18


OBJECTIVE: Successfully rehabilitate temporarily disturbed areas

Procedures for the stabilisation, rehabilitation and revegetation of disturbed groundcover are required as part of the project’s consent conditions. The following

protocol will be implemented to maximise the success of rehabilitation in areas that are temporarily disturbed such as the laydown area and temporary access

routes. The objective of this protocol is to rapidly re-establish stable surfaces resistant to erosion and weed ingress and to ultimately return disturbed areas to their

undisturbed state.

Activity PROTOCOL Responsibility

10 During



• Non-weedy top soils from excavation will be stored separately and respread prior to

rehabilitation. Trenches will be filled such that top soil is placed above subsoil in the


• Where practicable, whole sods will be removed with an excavator where these areas

are well-vegetated with dense root systems. Sods will be stored in moist, shaded

conditions and replaced following the works. Sod storage time will be minimised and

sods will be replaced in a manner that maximises the chances of re-establishment.

• Disturbed areas will be rehabilitated progressively throughout the construction phase

as outlined in the after construction work activity below.

Ecologist to identify weedy

areas where top soil is not to

be reused.

Capital Solar Farm

Development Site Groundcover Management Plan

5404 Final v1.1 19

11 After



• In all areas, native species that were present prior to disturbance will be used for

reseeding. A mix of native species that were present prior to disturbance would be

appropriate and may include species such as Austrostipa scabra subsp. falcata,

Microlaena stipoides, Themeda australis, Rytidosperma spp. and Bothriochloa macra.

Seed will be sourced from local province stock2.

• In areas with limited topsoil, hydromulch or imported non-weedy topsoil will be used.

• If rainfall is insufficient to establish the growth of vegetation, reseeded areas will be

watered weekly until plants are established and self-sufficient (evidenced by

germination and active growth of seeded species based on weekly monitoring). If

germination is not occurring within two (2) weeks of reseeding, follow-up works would

be considered as outlined below.

• In rehabilitation areas that are actively grazed, stock will be restricted until a stable

surface (70% grass cover) is achieved.

• The success of the rehabilitation works will be monitored on a monthly basis post

works to ensure stable surfaces (70% grass cover) are achieved within three (3)

months of the commencement of rehabilitation. Follow-up works would be conducted

if this is not achieved.

• Follow-up works may include, surface ripping or scarification, using additives during

watering to assist in water penetration, weed control and reseeding, as required by



Additional strategies may be required to achieve 70% cover, dependent on season, amount of top soil

and species selected.

Strategies will involve an ecologist or agronomist where 70% cover has not been achieved within three

months of the commencement of rehabilitation activities.

Site Construction Manager to

ensure rehabilitation is

undertaken as soon as possible

as works progress.

Site Construction Manager to

ensure grass cover achieves

70% before ceasing

maintenance and monitoring

of these areas.

Benchmarks and indicators

2 Substantial lead time may be required to obtain appropriate seed stock. It is recommended that local seed suppliers are engaged as early as possible to ensure that seed

can be provided when required

Capital Solar Farm

Development Site Groundcover Management Plan

5404 Final v1.1 20

The protocols will be adapted as required to ensure the objective is achieved. Indicators to be monitored will include:

• Percentage grass cover – 70% is the minimum required

• Weed ingress – bare ground is susceptible to weed infestation.

• Active soil erosion - bare ground is susceptible to soil erosion, further reducing the ability to re-establish ground cover

Additional resources

Restoration techniques can range from simply replacement of top soil, allowing the natural seed bank to germinate, through to importation of topsoil and planting of tube

stock. Maintenance (watering and follow-up seeding or planting) will similarly depend on the seasonal and other environmental conditions at the time of the works. The

key to effective restoration will be using strategies appropriate to the location and condition. These decisions will be made with input from an ecologist or agronomist.

If native tube stock is used, several months lead time will be required from local nurseries.

Weed control methods will be specific to the species and in line with local management plans – refer to Weed Control Protocol.

Erosion control devices work hand in hand with restoring ground cover – refer to Soil and Water Management Sub-plan.

Species lists for each vegetation type can be found in the Biodiversity Assessment, to aid the selection of native pasture species.

Capital Solar Farm

Development Site Groundcover Management Plan

5404 Final v1.1 21


OBJECTIVE: Successfully manage grazing within the development site to maintain appropriate groundcover while reducing weeds and enhancing native species


Grazing by sheep may be utilised within the array area to control biomass. Strategic grazing can also be implemented to assist in the management and rejuvenation

of degraded native grasslands such as those within the development site. A number of strategic grazing strategies can be implemented, for example; optimised,

short-term or long-term deferred grazing or timed grazing. The strategy to be implemented will depend on the condition and composition of the grassland at the

time and should be informed by a professional agronomist. If grazing is to be utilised, the following protocol would be implemented.

ID Activity PROTOCOL Responsibility

12 Determine and


suitable grazing


• Following construction, consult with an agronomist and the land owner to determine

the most suitable grazing strategies for the array area. Different strategies may be

required for the western and eastern paddocks considering their past management

and current composition.

• Document the recommended strategy and append to this GCMP.

• Not more than 7.5 sheep per hectare would be grazed within the array area at any

one time.

• Stock brought into the area would come off pastures that are free of noxious weeds or

subject to regular weed control.

CSFPL Site Manager

13 Adapt grazing

strategies to



condition and


• Following each monitoring event, consult with an agronomist to discuss the suitability

of existing grazing regimes and adapt if recommended.

• Document any alterations to the strategy.

CSFPL Site Manager

Capital Solar Farm

Development Site Groundcover Management Plan

5404 Final v1.1 22


OBJECTIVE: Document the results of monitoring

Annual groundcover monitoring is to be conducted as outlined in Section 4 (annually for the first three years). The following protocol will ensure that

results of monitoring are recorded to track progress and the effectiveness of management over time.

ID Activity PROTOCOL Responsibility

14 Report on the

outcomes of



• Within 3 months of monitoring, the results will be written up in a report and

submitted to the OEH. The report will contain as a minimum:

o Raw monitoring plot data (similar to that included as Appendix D of this plan)

and updated maps of monitoring plot locations if they have changed

following construction.

o The results of any statistical analyses conducted

o Details of management activities carried out such as weed control and


o A discussion of the current groundcover condition relative to the results of

monitoring from previous years monitoring

o Recommendations for adaptive management

CSFPL Site Manager

Capital Solar Farm

Development Site Groundcover Management Plan

5404 Final v1.1 23


OBJECTIVE: Respond appropriately to annual groundcover monitoring

The following protocol will ensure that management activities are adapted to respond to the results of monitoring.


15 Noxious weeds are recorded

during monitoring.

• The noxious weed map(s) will be updated to reflect the current

distribution of noxious weeds on the site.

• Weed control activities will be undertaken as per the Weed Control


Ecologist conducting

monitoring to inform Site

Construction manager (or

Operations manager) and

provide advice

16 Less than 70% plant cover is

recorded within monitoring


• The OEH and an agronomist will be consulted to determine an effective

approach to maintaining groundcover greater than 70% if this target is

not being met by most plots.

Ecologist conducting

monitoring to inform Site

Construction manager (or

Operations manager) and

provide advice

17 A significant change in relative

species abundance is detected

based on statistical analysis.

• The OEH will be consulted regarding the species change.

• Additional management measures will be implemented as

recommended by the OEH, if required.

Ecologist conducting

monitoring to inform Site

Construction manager (or

Operations manager) and

provide advice

Capital Solar Farm

Development Site Groundcover Management Plan

5404 Final v1.1 24

6 CONCLUSION This Groundcover Management Plan has identified the potential impacts to native grassland at the

proposed solar farm site (including NTG), developed a monitoring framework to monitor these impacts

and identified a series of protocols to adaptively manage impacts. With the implementation of this plan,

new information will be provided on the impacts of PV solar arrays on Australian temperate grasslands

and impacts to the groundcover vegetation at the site are expected to be minimised.

Capital Solar Farm

Development Site Groundcover Management Plan

5404 Final v1.1 25


nghenvironmental (2010a) Biodiversity Assessment - Capital Solar Farm, October 2010

nghenvironmental (2010b) Submissions Report - Capital Solar Farm, December 2010

nghenvironmental (2012) Natural Temperate Grassland Comparative Quality Assessment - Capital Solar Farm,

October 2012.

nghenvironmental (2013) Offset Plan - Capital Solar Farm, August 2013

Capital Solar Farm

Development Site Groundcover Management Plan

5404 Final v1.1 A-I




Lot 1

Lot 11

Lot 5

Lot 5

Lot 1

Lot 11

Lot 5

Lot 2

Lot 2

Lot 179

Lot 1

Lot 90

Lot 22

Lot 5

Lot 11

Lot 90

Lot 1

Lot 1

Lot 75

Lot 5

Lot 52

Lot 77

Lot 5

Lot 183

Lot 5

Lot 1

Lot 70

Lot 21

Lot 9

Lot 76

Lot 1

Lot 91

Lot 10

Lot 1153 Lot 174

Lot 45

Lot 175

Lot 1

Lot 1155

Lot 1154

Lot 45

Lot 2

Lot 2

Lot 1

Lot 4








































0 0.5 10.25 Kilometers

Capital Solar Farm Proposed Biodiversity Offset Area


A4 @ Ref: 4605 - 1Author: DM

Solar Farm

Offset Area


Natural Temperate Grassland (NTG)

NTG within solar farm site (not all directly impacted*)

NTG within offset area

Notes:- Aerial imagery provided by Infigen (2010)- Solar farm site boundary and offset areas supplied by Infigen and digitised by nghenvironmental (June 2013) - Cadastre layer provided by infigen (2011)* Direct impacts include all permanent infrastructure and 38.44% of the array area as discussed in the offset plan for the site.

Bungendore 8km

Tarago 16km

Bungendore Road

Capital Solar Farm

Development Site Groundcover Management Plan

5404 Final v1.1 B-I


Capital Solar Farm ground cover monitoring program

General details

Recorder: Date: Vegetation type:

Plot identifier:

Bare ground coverage


Flora observations

Species Coverage




(if cover




Coverage scores

% cover Score

<5% 0

5% - 20% 1

20% - 30% 2

30% - 40% 3

40% - 50% 4

50% - 60% 5

60% - 70% 6

70% - 80% 7

80% - 90% 8

90% - 100% 9

Total number of native species:

Total number of exotic species:

Biomass observations (rising plate)

Interval (m) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Avg.

Plate height (mm)

Capital Solar Farm

Development Site Groundcover Management Plan

5404 Final v1.1 C-I



The following information was sourced from the Palerang Council Website

noxious-weeds-management-plan&catid=211&Itemid=757 on the 1 November 2013. It is recommended

that the accuracy of this information be checked with Palerang Council on a bi-annual basis which is the

review period of the plan.

Local Noxious Weeds Management Plan

The purpose of the Local Noxious Weeds Management Plan is to specify the control measures required

for the various Class 4 noxious weeds listed in the table below.


To specify the control measures required for the various class 4 noxious weeds listed in table below.

Control class

According to the Weed Control Order 19 under the Noxious Weeds Act 1993 (dated 23 December 2005),

issued by the Minister for Primary Industries. The noxious weeds listed in table below are classified as

class 4 weeds (A locally controlled weed).

Class 4 weeds are plants that pose a threat to primary production, the environment or human health, are

widely distributed in an area to which the order applies and are likely to spread in the area or to another


Control Objective

The control objective for this class of weed is to minimise the negative impact of those plants on the

economy, community and environment of New South Wales.

Control Measures

As listed in table below.

Management Plan

An owner/occupier (other than a public authority) of land in Palerang Council area must control class 4

noxious weeds according to the control measure specified in the table below. The management plan will

be reviewed every two years.

Common Name Botanical

Name Specified Control Measure Weed


African boxthorn Lycium ferocissimum The plant must be fully and continuously

suppressed and destroyed. 4

African lovegrass Eragrostis curvula The plant must be prevented from

spreading and its numbers and

distribution reduced.


Bathurst/Noogoora/Californian/cockle burrs Xanthium species The plant must be fully and continuously

suppressed and destroyed. 4

Capital Solar Farm

Development Site Groundcover Management Plan

5404 Final v1.1 C-II

Common Name Botanical

Name Specified Control Measure Weed


Blackberry Rubus fruticosus aggregate species

The plant must be fully and continuously

suppressed and destroyed and plant may

not be sold, propagated or knowingly



Chilean needle grass Nassella neesiana The plant must not be sold, propagated or

knowingly distributed. 4

Fireweed Senecio

madagascariensis The plant must be fully and continuously

suppressed and destroyed. 4

Harrisia cactus Harrisia species The plant must be fully and continuously

suppressed and destroyed. Or biological

control agents introduced, maintained

and monitored


Hemlock Conium maculatum The plant must be fully and continuously

suppressed and destroyed. 4

Horehound Marrubium vulgare The plant must be prevented from

spreading and its numbers and

distribution reduced. Or biological control

agents introduced, maintained and



Nodding thistle Carduus nutans The plant must be prevented from

spreading and its numbers and

distribution reduced. Or biological control

agents introduced, maintained and



Pampas grass Cortaderia species The plant must be fully and continuously

suppressed and destroyed. 4

Paterson's curse, Vipers bugloss, Italian

bugloss Echium species The plant must be prevented from

spreading and its numbers and

distribution reduced. Or biological control

agents introduced, maintained and



Prickly pear Cylindropuntia species

The plant must be fully and continuously

suppressed and destroyed Or biological

control agents introduced, maintained

and monitored and the plant may not be

sold, propagated or knowingly



Prickly pear Opuntia species

except O. ficus-indica The plant must be fully and continuously

suppressed and destroyed Or biological

control agents introduced, maintained

and monitored and the plant may not be

sold, propagated or knowingly



Rhus tree Toxicodendron

succedanea The plant must be fully and continuously

suppressed and destroyed. 4

Capital Solar Farm

Development Site Groundcover Management Plan

5404 Final v1.1 C-III

Common Name Botanical

Name Specified Control Measure Weed


Scotch broom/English broom Cytisus scoparius The plant must be fully and continuously

suppressed and destroyed. 4

Scotch thistle, Stemless thistle, Illyrian thistle,

Taurian thistle Onopordum species The plant must be prevented from

spreading and its numbers and

distribution reduced. Or biological control

agents introduced, maintained and



Serrated tussock Nassella trichotoma The plant must be fully and continuously

suppressed and destroyed. 4

Sweet briar Rosa rubiginosa The plant must be prevented from

spreading and its numbers and

distribution reduced.


Palerang Council Contact Details

Neville Plumb

Senior Environmental Services Officer (Weeds)

Phone: 02 6238 8111

Fax: 02 6238 1290

Capital Solar Farm

Development Site Groundcover Management Plan

5404 Final v1.1 D-I



Species Exotic MP1a MP1b MP1c MP2a MP2b MP2c MP3a MP3b

Cover #indiv Cover #indiv Cover #indiv Cover #indiv Cover #indiv Cover #indiv Cover #indiv Cover #indiv

Bare ground NA 2 NA NA NA 0 NA 0 NA 0 NA 2 NA NA

Acetosella vulgaris * 5 5 6 6 6 7 3 2

Aira sp. * 0 20+ 0 5 0 10 0 20+ 0 20+ 0 20+ 0 1

Arctotheca calendula *

Austrostipa bigeniculata

Austrostipa scabra subsp. falcata 0 5 0 7 0 8 0 1 0 4 0 6

Avena barbata * 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1

Bothriochloa macra

Briza minor *

Bromus racemosus * 1 1

Carex bichenoviana

Carex inversa

Chrysocephalum apiculatum

Cirsium vulgare *

Conyza sp. * 0 20+ 1 0 20+ 0 2

Cynodon dactylon *

Cynosaurus echinatus *

Dichondra repens

Echium plantagineum *

Elymus scaber

Eragrostis curvula *

Erodium cicutarium * 0 5 0 5 0 2 0 7

Gamochaeta calviceps * 0 10 0 5 1 0 20+ 0 20+

Gamochaeta coarctata *

Haloragis heterophylla

Holcus lanatus *

Hordeum leporinum * 0 20+

Hypochaeris radicata * 0 3 0 15 0 20+ 0 10 0 15 0 12 0 4 0 10

Juncus ?australis

Juncus filicaulis

Juncus sp.

Lolium perrene *

Microlaena stipoides

Nassella trichotoma *

Onopodum acanthium * 0 4 0 20+ 0 1 0 5

Oxalis perrenans 0 5 0 10 0 20+ 0 20+ 0 20+ 0 20+

Panicum effusum

Paronychia brasiliana 0 2 0 5 0 5 0 1 0 2

Plantago coronopus *

Poa labillarderi

Poa sieberiana

Rytidosperma carphoides

Rytidosperma pilosum

Rytidosperma racemosum

Rytidosperma sp.

Schoenus apogon

Sonchus oleraceus * 0 5

Taraxicum officinale *

Tolpis umbellata * 0 1

Trifoilium repens *

Trifoilium sp. * 0 2

Trifoilum dubium *

Trifolium arvense * 0 10 0 5 1 1 0 15 0 2 1 1

Trifolium glomeratum *

Vulpia bromoides * 0 10 0 20+ 0 20+ 0 20+ 0 20+ 1 0 20+ 0 20+

Wahlenbergia ?communis

Species Exotic

Bare ground NA

Acetosella vulgaris *

Aira sp. *

Arctotheca calendula *

Austrostipa bigeniculata

Austrostipa scabra subsp. falcata

Avena barbata *

Bothriochloa macra

Briza minor *

Bromus racemosus *

Carex bichenoviana

Carex inversa

Chrysocephalum apiculatum

Cirsium vulgare *

Conyza sp. *

Cynodon dactylon *

Cynosaurus echinatus *

Dichondra repens

Echium plantagineum *

Elymus scaber

Eragrostis curvula *

Erodium cicutarium *

Gamochaeta calviceps *

Gamochaeta coarctata *

Haloragis heterophylla

Holcus lanatus *

Hordeum leporinum *

Hypochaeris radicata *

Juncus ?australis

Juncus filicaulis

Juncus sp.

Lolium perrene *

Microlaena stipoides

Nassella trichotoma *

Onopodum acanthium *

Oxalis perrenans

Panicum effusum

Paronychia brasiliana

Plantago coronopus *

Poa labillarderi

Poa sieberiana

Rytidosperma carphoides

Rytidosperma pilosum

Rytidosperma racemosum

Rytidosperma sp.

Schoenus apogon

Sonchus oleraceus *

Taraxicum officinale *

Tolpis umbellata *

Trifoilium repens *

Trifoilium sp. *

Trifoilum dubium *

Trifolium arvense *

Trifolium glomeratum *

Vulpia bromoides *

Wahlenbergia ?communis

MP3c MP4a MP4b MP4c MP5a MP5b MP5c MP6a

Cover #indiv Cover #indiv Cover #indiv Cover #indiv Cover #indiv Cover #indiv Cover #indiv Cover #indiv

NA 0 NA 1 NA 1 NA 0 NA NA NA 0 NA

2 7 6 6 7 7 8 0 20+

0 20+ 0 20+ 1 0 20+ 0 20+ 0 3 0 5

0 2 0 3 0 6 0 2 0 1 0 5

0 20+ 0 20+ 0 20+ 0 20+ 0 10 0 20+ 0 10


0 1

0 5 0 3 0 1


0 20+

1 0 2 0 2 0 3 0 20+

0 3 0 20+ 0 5 0 5 0 7

0 3

0 5 0 10 0 10 0 15 0 5 0 1 0 4 1

0 10


0 3

0 12 0 10 0 6 0 11 0 20+ 0 11 0 20+

0 20+ 0 20+ 0 10 0 1

0 1 0 1 0 3

0 1



0 2

0 3 0 1

2 1 1 1 1 1 0 3

0 3

0 20+ 0 20+ 1

Species Exotic

Bare ground NA

Acetosella vulgaris *

Aira sp. *

Arctotheca calendula *

Austrostipa bigeniculata

Austrostipa scabra subsp. falcata

Avena barbata *

Bothriochloa macra

Briza minor *

Bromus racemosus *

Carex bichenoviana

Carex inversa

Chrysocephalum apiculatum

Cirsium vulgare *

Conyza sp. *

Cynodon dactylon *

Cynosaurus echinatus *

Dichondra repens

Echium plantagineum *

Elymus scaber

Eragrostis curvula *

Erodium cicutarium *

Gamochaeta calviceps *

Gamochaeta coarctata *

Haloragis heterophylla

Holcus lanatus *

Hordeum leporinum *

Hypochaeris radicata *

Juncus ?australis

Juncus filicaulis

Juncus sp.

Lolium perrene *

Microlaena stipoides

Nassella trichotoma *

Onopodum acanthium *

Oxalis perrenans

Panicum effusum

Paronychia brasiliana

Plantago coronopus *

Poa labillarderi

Poa sieberiana

Rytidosperma carphoides

Rytidosperma pilosum

Rytidosperma racemosum

Rytidosperma sp.

Schoenus apogon

Sonchus oleraceus *

Taraxicum officinale *

Tolpis umbellata *

Trifoilium repens *

Trifoilium sp. *

Trifoilum dubium *

Trifolium arvense *

Trifolium glomeratum *

Vulpia bromoides *

Wahlenbergia ?communis

MP6b MP6c MP7a MP7b MP7c MP8a MP8b MP8c

Cover #indiv Cover #indiv Cover #indiv Cover #indiv Cover #indiv Cover #indiv Cover #indiv Cover #indiv


0 20+ 0 20+ 1 1 1 0 20+ 0 10

0 2 0 10 0 3 0 10 0 2

1 1 1 2 1 2 2 1

0 1

0 2 0 10 0 5 0 20+ 0 5

0 1 0 2

2 1 1 1 1

0 1

0 20+ 0 20+

1 1 1 1 1

0 1

0 10 0 10 0 10 0 10 0 10 0 20+ 0 20+

0 5 0 10 0 10 0 15

0 2 0 1 0 1

0 20+ 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

0 2 0 2

0 15 0 6 0 5 0 3 0 2 0 2

0 5


0 4 0 4 0 10 0 1 0 10 0 3 1

0 1

0 1 0 2 0 3 0 10

0 1

0 20+ 2 1 1 1 1 1 1

4 3 1 1 1

1 1 2

0 3 0 3 0 10

0 5 0 1 0 10 0 1

0 1

0 6 0 2

1 1 0 20+ 0 20+ 0 20+ 1 1 1

0 3 0 2 0 5

Species Exotic

Bare ground NA

Acetosella vulgaris *

Aira sp. *

Arctotheca calendula *

Austrostipa bigeniculata

Austrostipa scabra subsp. falcata

Avena barbata *

Bothriochloa macra

Briza minor *

Bromus racemosus *

Carex bichenoviana

Carex inversa

Chrysocephalum apiculatum

Cirsium vulgare *

Conyza sp. *

Cynodon dactylon *

Cynosaurus echinatus *

Dichondra repens

Echium plantagineum *

Elymus scaber

Eragrostis curvula *

Erodium cicutarium *

Gamochaeta calviceps *

Gamochaeta coarctata *

Haloragis heterophylla

Holcus lanatus *

Hordeum leporinum *

Hypochaeris radicata *

Juncus ?australis

Juncus filicaulis

Juncus sp.

Lolium perrene *

Microlaena stipoides

Nassella trichotoma *

Onopodum acanthium *

Oxalis perrenans

Panicum effusum

Paronychia brasiliana

Plantago coronopus *

Poa labillarderi

Poa sieberiana

Rytidosperma carphoides

Rytidosperma pilosum

Rytidosperma racemosum

Rytidosperma sp.

Schoenus apogon

Sonchus oleraceus *

Taraxicum officinale *

Tolpis umbellata *

Trifoilium repens *

Trifoilium sp. *

Trifoilum dubium *

Trifolium arvense *

Trifolium glomeratum *

Vulpia bromoides *

Wahlenbergia ?communis

MP9a MP9b MP9c MP10a MP10b MP10c MP11a MP11b

Cover #indiv Cover #indiv Cover #indiv Cover #indiv Cover #indiv Cover #indiv Cover #indiv Cover #indiv

0 NA 0 NA 1 NA 0 NA NA NA 0 NA 0 NA

1 0 20+ 0 10 0 20+ 0 10 0 5 0 5 0 4

0 1

0 2

0 2

1 1 1

0 20+ 0 10 0 5 2 3 2 3 4

0 1

0 5

0 1 0 3 0 2

0 4 0 1

1 1 1

0 20+ 0 5 0 5 0 15 0 5 0 10

0 2 0 3 0 3

0 1 1

0 5 0 20+ 0 20+ 0 5 0 3 0 5

0 6 0 8

0 1

0 1 0 2 0 3

1 0 20+ 0 20+ 3 3

0 20+

0 2 0 1 0 3 0 1 0 4 1 0 1 0 1

0 3 0 8 0 4

0 1

0 10 0 1 1 1

0 2

4 4 5

2 2 3 2 1

0 20+ 1 20+

0 5

0 10 0 20+

1 0 5

0 2 0 1

0 10 0 20+ 0 20+ 2 1 0 20+ 0 20+

0 3

Species Exotic

Bare ground NA

Acetosella vulgaris *

Aira sp. *

Arctotheca calendula *

Austrostipa bigeniculata

Austrostipa scabra subsp. falcata

Avena barbata *

Bothriochloa macra

Briza minor *

Bromus racemosus *

Carex bichenoviana

Carex inversa

Chrysocephalum apiculatum

Cirsium vulgare *

Conyza sp. *

Cynodon dactylon *

Cynosaurus echinatus *

Dichondra repens

Echium plantagineum *

Elymus scaber

Eragrostis curvula *

Erodium cicutarium *

Gamochaeta calviceps *

Gamochaeta coarctata *

Haloragis heterophylla

Holcus lanatus *

Hordeum leporinum *

Hypochaeris radicata *

Juncus ?australis

Juncus filicaulis

Juncus sp.

Lolium perrene *

Microlaena stipoides

Nassella trichotoma *

Onopodum acanthium *

Oxalis perrenans

Panicum effusum

Paronychia brasiliana

Plantago coronopus *

Poa labillarderi

Poa sieberiana

Rytidosperma carphoides

Rytidosperma pilosum

Rytidosperma racemosum

Rytidosperma sp.

Schoenus apogon

Sonchus oleraceus *

Taraxicum officinale *

Tolpis umbellata *

Trifoilium repens *

Trifoilium sp. *

Trifoilum dubium *

Trifolium arvense *

Trifolium glomeratum *

Vulpia bromoides *

Wahlenbergia ?communis

MP11c MP12a MP12b MP12c CP1 CP2 CP3 CP4

Cover #indiv Cover #indiv Cover #indiv Cover #indiv Cover #indiv Cover #indiv Cover #indiv Cover #indiv

0 NA NA 0 NA 0 NA 3 NA 1 NA 1 NA 1 NA

0 1 0 20+ 0 20+ 1 2 2 3 2

0 20+ 0 20+ 0 5 0 4 0 5

0 1 1 0 3

2 2 1 1

3 1 0 20+ 0 5 0 20+ 0 20+

0 2

0 4 0 2

0 1

0 20+ 0 10

2 0 1


0 1

0 12 1 0 3

0 4 0 1 0 2 0 3 0 5 0 20+ 0 2 0 5

0 10

0 1

1 0 20+

1 0 20+ 0 10 0 3 0 1 0 7

0 7

0 1


0 20+ 1 1

0 8 0 10 0 12 0 2

0 5 0 20+ 0 5 0 20+

1 0 5 0 1

1 0 1

0 4


0 20+ 2 2 1

0 7 0 5

0 1

0 20+ 0 20+ 1

0 5 0 10 0 5 0 2

0 1

0 1 0 3 3 2

0 6

2 3 4 0 5 0 20+ 0 20+ 0 20+

Species Exotic

Bare ground NA

Acetosella vulgaris *

Aira sp. *

Arctotheca calendula *

Austrostipa bigeniculata

Austrostipa scabra subsp. falcata

Avena barbata *

Bothriochloa macra

Briza minor *

Bromus racemosus *

Carex bichenoviana

Carex inversa

Chrysocephalum apiculatum

Cirsium vulgare *

Conyza sp. *

Cynodon dactylon *

Cynosaurus echinatus *

Dichondra repens

Echium plantagineum *

Elymus scaber

Eragrostis curvula *

Erodium cicutarium *

Gamochaeta calviceps *

Gamochaeta coarctata *

Haloragis heterophylla

Holcus lanatus *

Hordeum leporinum *

Hypochaeris radicata *

Juncus ?australis

Juncus filicaulis

Juncus sp.

Lolium perrene *

Microlaena stipoides

Nassella trichotoma *

Onopodum acanthium *

Oxalis perrenans

Panicum effusum

Paronychia brasiliana

Plantago coronopus *

Poa labillarderi

Poa sieberiana

Rytidosperma carphoides

Rytidosperma pilosum

Rytidosperma racemosum

Rytidosperma sp.

Schoenus apogon

Sonchus oleraceus *

Taraxicum officinale *

Tolpis umbellata *

Trifoilium repens *

Trifoilium sp. *

Trifoilum dubium *

Trifolium arvense *

Trifolium glomeratum *

Vulpia bromoides *

Wahlenbergia ?communis

CP5 CP6 CP7 CP8 CP9 CP10 CP11 CP12

Cover #indiv Cover #indiv Cover #indiv Cover #indiv Cover #indiv Cover #indiv Cover #indiv Cover #indiv

0 NA 0 NA 1 NA 0 NA 1 NA 1 NA 1 NA 0 NA

1 1 1 0 10 0 20+ 1 1

0 1 0 2 0 3 0 20+ 0 20+ 0 2

0 5 0 1

0 2 3 3 0 20+ 2 2

2 1

0 1 0 20+

0 10 0 20+ 2

0 20+

0 5 0 8

0 3 0 1 0 20+


0 20+ 0 2 0 20+

0 10 0 10 0 20+ 0 12 0 8

0 5 0 5 0 3 0 10

0 10 1 1 2 0 20+ 0 5 0 20+

0 1

0 2

0 5 0 2

1 0 5 1

0 4 1 0 2

0 1 0 1

0 1

0 1

0 20+ 0 2 0 5 0 3

0 1

2 3 2 4 5 0 10

1 1

2 0 5 0 10


0 20+ 1

0 4

0 20+

0 2

0 5 0 1 1

4 0 1 0 5

1 0 20+ 1 0 20+ 1 0 20+ 1 1

0 8