CANDDi Insights

Post on 28-Jul-2015

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Transcript of CANDDi Insights

CANDDi Insights

See who visited your website and increase your sales 161 242 7234@canddi

Today you probably know about leads when they enquire

Website Visitors����������� ������������������  (incl.����������� ������������������  leads)



(*) average conversion rate from e-commerce website - MRG Capgemini e-Retail Sales Index, UK market. Lead generation conversion rate often well below this figure.

?But there’s a lot of people who visit your website you don’t know about

What if you could know all that

Someone from MyCompany ltd visited 3 timesand looked at your offering for 12 minutes

Frank (a prospect from 2 months ago) just came back to your website

Jane downloaded This.pdf but looked at two other products

Knowing who would probably help your business

Reduce cold calling Identify and prioritise new leads See the impact of your marketing activities Understand your traffic beyond # of pages views Help your sales team

CANDDi Insights tells you who visited your website

Filtering options

Many options, including export

Quick view of who visited your website, including company name, # of visits and location

And shows you details at visitor level

Where is he located?

How engaged is he?

What product did he look at?

Which product did he enquire on?

Who is he?

And more details at visitor level

How did he find you?

What pages did he look at?

What did he download?

And more details (again) at visitor level

What products did he look at?

What did he add or remove from the basket?

CANDDi Insights can capture identity

Identify visitors from clicks on emails you send

Identify visitors from Forms (eg. enquiry)

Installation is a 2 minutes job

Single code to paste on each page of your website - nothing else, really.

And our customers tell us it works for them

"With Canddi Insights, we enjoy a level of detail that goes far beyond that of traditional analytics tools. This has helped us to identify new opportunities that previously might not have come our way. Canddi is very easy to use, does not pose us any data protection worries and works well with our email marketing system."

Richard Clothier, Marketing Manager, Phoenix Datacom

"Seeing prospects returning to our website and downloading materials has dramatically helped our sales team focusing on the right leads and win business we would not have suspected otherwise."

Amy Green, Marketing Manager, SolutionsPT

And our pricing is suited to all

Monthly Unique Visitors (up to)

CANDDi Insights

Monthly cost ££49 ££99 ££199 ££299 ££499

1,000 5,000 10,000 50,000 100,000

And CANDDi doesn’t stop here

Talk to us if you have more traffic or if you want access to the real time data (we’re talking in milliseconds at CANDDi), or if you think automation would be a good thing

Contact us today for a free Trial and discover who’s visiting your
