
Post on 29-Jul-2015

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Transcript of Canada

Canada is the second largest country in the world, smaller only to Russia.

I’m one of the 34 million people that actually live in Canada.

The capital of my country is Ottawa that is localized in the south-east of the country. The major important and industrial cities are in this area.

Canada is characterized for have large and green forest. Also it have some big lakes with crystalline water.

Canada stretches from the Pacific Ocean on the west, to the Atlantic Ocean on the east.

The Rocky Mountains cover a major part of western Canada

The west-central Canada is mostly prairie, consisting of a large territory with farms with different animals.

The east-central part of Canada are the provinces of principals industrial cities like Ontario and Quebec, and this with the many part of the population.

The climate

In Canada the climate is a little bit extremely. It is characterized for the cold winters and isn’t very know that it have hot summers, shorts, but summers.

In this winters they organized some competitions of “Winter games”, where participate people that do snow sports like snowboard, ski…

The people in Canada love the snow and the cold so they love also the games that are related with the ice.

The Hokey is the favorite sport, so, many people plays at this active and sometimes dangerous sport.

Is like the football in Spain.

In Canada there are fantastic animals all of them are used to live in cold areas.

Artic fox


Linx Elk

Artic white wolf

Polar bear

One of the things that I like more is the Canadian mounted police and also this is a symbol of this country.

This police wear a special uniform: black trousers, red jacket with a hat and also the ride boots.

They are the principal represent of the federal authority in Canada. They are like the normal police that all we know, but they go on horse.