Can high intensity interval training increase exercise adherence?

Post on 26-May-2015

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Are struggling to find an exercise solution that really works around your lifestyle? HIIT could be the answer

Transcript of Can high intensity interval training increase exercise adherence?

Can high intensity interval training increase exercise adherence?

HIIT or high intensity interval training is a fitness concept that uses short bursts of

intense anaerobic exercise and minimal recovery periods. The concept is particular

effective to maximize fat burning, athletic conditioning and improve glucose


Why is it when I mention exercise, most all jump to the conclusion of the gym? As

our lifestyle increasingly become more hectic and busy, time becomes our biggest

challenge. After a holiday period such as Christmas, Easter or simmer, we all get the

sudden urge to do some exercise or physical activity. The shocking fact is that 30% of

members that join a gym in January stop attending all together in February. This

could be down to the fact that people get bored very quickly as most people begin to

plateau and stop seeing results. HIIT doesn’t require you to attend a gym in fact you

can do HIIT anywhere with minimal exercise.

It could look something like this

50 Burpees

50 Spotty dogs

50 Press ups

50 Sit ups

50 Box jumps

And because HIIT only takes

between 4-30 mins, is a great

solution to overcome your time

barrier. My 12-step methodology

uses techniques in HIIT and is particularly effective.

Adam Strong is the Author of a groundbreaking new book called ‘Move It or Lose it’

available through Amazon and Waterstones. This book is written for the corporate

executives looking at mindset, diet and nutrition and exercise on the go.

His company Xclusive Corporate Fitness specializes in working with executives and

companies in achieving peak performance in the corporate world. He has created a

12-step methodology that uses techniques in sports performance, fitness and

nutrition to enhance physical and mental well being. Do you like my regular articles?

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