Can Exercise Overcome a Poor Diet?

Post on 17-May-2015

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Can you eat whatever you want (and still lose weight) if you exercise? This common question is answered in this short presentation.

Transcript of Can Exercise Overcome a Poor Diet?

Can You Eat Whatever You Want

If You Exercise… And Still Lose Weight?

By James

It's a sad sight but a common one, nonetheless: the same people sweating on the treadmills – week after week –

without making an inch of progress.

No doubt you've witnessed this, first-hand, if you're a regular gym-goer.

And if you're not, you probably know someone that fits

the profile (i.e. the chronic exerciser who's always battling

their weight).

So, what gives? Why can't these people drop the

pounds despite so much physical fitness?

For the most part, it has to do with a very damaging myth as far

as fat loss is concerned…

believing that you can eat whatever you want as long as

you work out.

In fact, not only will this stop you from losing weight, it will likely

cause you to gain it.

Here's why… For starters, working out burns far fewer

calories than you think.

How much fewer? Here are a couple of examples to put

things in perspective:

A 163 pound woman (the average weight of an

American woman according to NHANES) walking at a speed of 3

miles/hour for 45 minutes will burn about 242 calories.

That same 163 pound woman will burn approximately 313 calories running on the treadmill for 30


Now, keeping these numbers in mind, take a moment to think about what people usually do

after exercising…

they "reward" themselves – maybe not immediately after, but later in the day (or the next one)


So, if our hypothetical woman decided to eat a Snickers after her walk (packing 271 calories

per bar), she'd essentially cancel out the calorie burn…

and add 29 more to her daily total. If she decided to drink a

Gatorade (310 calories / 12 oz.) after her run to rehydrate, again,

she's back to square one.

To make matters worse, consider the fact that people don't just

stop at Snickers bars and energy drinks.

They go on to indulge far more than that - believing that

they're burning it off.

And that's how the pounds stay on despite constant bouts of

activity. It's simple math (for the most part).

Listen, if you're trying to lose weight no amount of exercise can

make up for a poor diet.

Furthermore, exercise alone is the worst way to go about it. Sure, it does help but much less

than you think.

In fact, as far as fat loss is concerned, about 80% of your

results come from the foods you eat, while 20% can be attributed

to exercise.

Therefore, get your diet in check first, and then focus on

working out.

By having a sensible eating program in place you'll be able to

really reap the benefits of exercise.

So unlike the "treadmill junkies" mentioned at the beginning of this video, you'll make progress that you (and everyone around

you) can be proud of.

Alright, that wraps it up forthis video. Be sure to like it and

leave me your comments below…

And for more fat loss tips you can put to use immediately, be sure

to visit my website at