Camera shots

Post on 13-Jan-2017

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Transcript of Camera shots

High angle shot

High angle shot is also known as birds eye view, in this still image it is used to show the girl is less powerful as she has to look up at the other person. It also makes the girl seem more weak and scared as she is being looked down on. Using a high angle shot can also make a scene more dramatic as the person being looked down on is the main focus of the camera.

Low angle shot

Low angle shot is also known as worms eye view and in this still is used to show that the power of the character, the camera being below the character makes him look bigger and shows he is dominant.

Establishing shot/ extreme long shot

An establishing shot is a wide shot of a location that establishes the surroundings or environment, very similar to an extreme long shot which is a wide shot that places a person a long distance away from the camera. The frame usually shows a wide area, and is usually at the beginning of a new scene so the audience is aware of the location that the scene will be set in.

Long shot

Long shot is a shot in which the viewer is able to see the character from head to toe. This shows us what the characters appearance is like and normally just focuses on the character rather than everything around them.

Medium long shot

A medium long shot is a camera shot where the person/character can been seen from head to knee. Is Also known as a three-quarters shot, itFrames the whole subject from the knees up. The image Shows the subject in relation to the surroundings, And may be used when you have 2 or 3 persons in the frame.

Medium shot

A medium shot is where the character can be seen from head to waist. A medium shot is mainly used for a scene when it is desirable to see the subjects' facial expressions in the context of their body language. a camera shot in which the subject is in the middle distance, permitting some of the background to be seen

Medium close up

Medium close up is a shot in which character can be seen from head to shoulders so only the upper part of the body can be seen. The focus is on the subject and Reveals only a little of the surroundings. Medium close up Shows the facial expressions of the is Commonly used for interviews in documentaries and news programs

Close up

A close up is a shot in which a persons head is captured. A close-up of a person emphasizes their emotional state Close-ups display the most detail, but they do not include the broader scene. Moving in to a close-up or away from a close-up is a common type of zooming. Close cuts to characters often used in television than in movies

Extreme close up

An extreme close up is a shot which captures a specific feature or reaction on a persons face. the extreme close-up shot is traditionally used in film to allow the viewer to enter the character’s intimate space, revealing certain characteristics and emotions that would otherwise go unnoticed from far away. This unnaturally close view intensifies feelings that the character is experiencing and allows us to feel sympathy for them.

Point of view shot

a point of view shot is a shot captured from a persons point of view. shot as if the viewer were looking through the eyes of a specific character. The shot is a common trick of the horror film. The technique is often used in the horror and thriller genres, to suggest someone spying on someone else. 

Two shot

Two shot is any shot captured with two people in it. The shots are also used to show the emotional reactions between the subjects. this shot is used to show peoples different emotions of two people.

Over the shoulder shot

Over the shoulder shot is a shot in which we see a character over another characters shoulder. The back of the shoulder and head of this person is used to frame the image of whatever (or whomever) the camera is pointing toward. This type of shot is very common when two characters are having a discussion and will usually follow an establishing shot which helps the audience place the characters in their setting. It is an example of a camera angle.