Calm at the center of the distributed whirlwinds

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Calm at the centers of the distributed whirlwinds

Galen Charlton16 October 2013KohaCon 2013

Circles and cycles

Let's embrace the codename for the upcoming major release of Koha...


CC licensed ( BY ) flickr photo by Paul Smith:

Hurricane Bud by the NASA Earth Observatory (used per CC-BY)

What patrons can look forward to

A new OPAC theme

Course reserves

OverDrive integration

More secure password hashing microdata

What librarians can look forward to

HTML5 offline circulation

Patron lists

Z39.50 search of authority records

Ability to merge authority records

DOM indexing for UNIMARC

Ability to move orders

More things for the librarians

Look up items by keyword or title during circulationLook Ma, no item barcodes!

More options for lost item fine policies

Serials enhancements

What sysadmins can look forward to

Improvements to the management scripts

More hooks for OPAC customizations

System preference overriding

Translation fixes

What developers can look forward to


More and better testsDatabase-dependent tests coming into their own

Search testing

More Template Toolkit plugins

What cats can look forward to

CC licensed ( BY ) flickr photo by Lindsey Turner:

Stability and instability

Imagine a perfectly stable Koha...

Imagine a perfectly unstable Koha...Let's pause for the folks who have been active in the project for years to stop shuddering

Innovation and conservation

Koha is not done yet!

Folks hate having stuff taken away from them

The lifecycle of a feature









Well, yes, of course

But it's an ever-present challenge

A single purpose ramifies

Multiplicity of place

The mission that Koha supports is more or less the same...

But the whys, wherefores, and means, not so much

This both helps and hinders

Multiplicity of perspective

Public, academic, consortium

And just plain odd

Traditional vs. new

Multiplicity of size

Who charges their friends overdue fines?

Special libraries


National libraries

Keepers of the metadata kitchen sink

Diversity of project

You may have heard of Evergreen

And others...


Koha can be most things for most libraries

That doesn't remove the need for judgment

The word no must be used at times


Production means something

The eye of the storm

Our mission binds us together

Even in our differences


Brass tacks with gears

Continuous integration

Automated testing

Workflow analysis

Squishy brass tacks





Bored brass tacks?

Patch review


More testing

Where, o where, is the janitor?

Brick-like brass tacks

Wherein the metaphor explodes

Out of many small pieces is a wall made

Incrementalism vs. saltation

Structural brass tacks

You can't keep a good metaphor down!

Module maintainers

Creative tensions

Expedience vs. the unknown future

Generality vs. specificity vs. nothing

Security vs. the panopticon

Delegation vs. centralization

Funded vs. unfunded

Unity of vision vs. pipelines

Approaching storms

Ending the tyranny of MARCLinked Data

MARC still has its place

Koha's place in the ecosystem



Koha is for librariesWhat is a library?

Koha is for libraries, viewed broadly as possible

Koha is for people

Koha is by the people

Koha is excellent

and can be made more excellent


We're all in this together

We're all in this together

Messiness happens, but can be transitory

CC licensed ( BY SA ) flickr photo by Jnatas Cunha:


Galen CharltonKoha 3.14 Release

KohaCon 2013
Copyright 2013 Galen Charlton (CC-BY-SA)

KohaCon 2013Copyright 2013 Galen Charlton (CC-BY-SA)