Calliope State High School Newsletter

Post on 14-Jan-2022

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Transcript of Calliope State High School Newsletter

April 1st, 2021

Term 1, Week 10

Key Dates

Monday, April 19th

First day of Term 2

Tuesday, April 20th

Term 1 Interim Reports

emailed home

Wednesday, April 21st

CSHS Cross Country

P&C Meeting - 5pm

Friday, April 23rd

CSHS Anzac Day Service

Period 5

Sunday, April 25th

Anzac Day

Monday, April 26th

Anzac Day Public Holiday

Monday, May 3rd

Labour Day Public Holiday

Inside this Issue

Principal’s Piece

Term 2 Timetable



Anzac Day 2021

Premier's Coding


Rotary Ag Project

Interact Induction

Calliope State High School


Principal’s Piece

Dear Parents/Caregivers

This term went very fast, with a bit of a twist at the end in the form of added restrictions

due to COVID rearing its head again. However, we were able to finish the term properly,

for which I am grateful for and so far, the news has been good for Gladstone. If that

changes please check our Facebook page and your email accounts for updates near the

end of the holidays.

The winter uniform jacket is now available from the uniform shop. We are working on a

timeline of Term 2 to get all students into the winter jacket. From Term 3 onwards, the

transition time will be over and the jacket will be compulsory for students to wear as their

school uniform; no ‘free dress’ jumpers will be permitted from this time on. Thanks for

supporting the school to ensure your child is in the uniform, as soon as practicable for your


Our communications officers are:

Miss Mel Miss Bonnie

Email: Email:

Work phone: 0436 916 866 Work phone: 0436 916 869

Please communicate concerns, complaints and compliments to our Communication

Officers by text, Facebook message, email or telephone.

We are endeavouring to get students to use the crossing in front of our school for those

students who are walking to the primary school, or to that side of Calliope. This is to

minimise the number of students crossing Morris Road towards the kindy/daycare. This is a

busy intersection. We are trying to get staff up to the intersection a couple of times a week

to work with students on safely crossing as well. In addition, we are going to be working

with relevant stakeholders about possible ways to make the crossing safer. Thank you for

driving carefully near our school.

I am looking forward to seeing our students and staff back next term, continuing the great

learning and teaching occurring in our classrooms. Thank you for choosing to send your

child to our school. If you are finishing up with us at the end of the term, we wish you all

the best in your future endeavours. Have a happy and safe break with family and friends.

Kind regards


Pete Stansfield


Calliope State High School

Thank you, Ms Carolyne and Ms Robbie

Calliope SHS would like to thank Ms Carolyne and Ms Robbie for their term

with us and wish them well on their future endeavours. Both Ms Carolyne and

Ms Robbie finish up with us this week and will certainly be missed.

With Ms Carolyne and Ms Robbie leaving us, there will be changes to our

Languages (Japanese) program – and consequently student timetables – in

Term 2. For students in Years 7 and Years 8, the plan is for students to

complete an extra unit of The Arts. For our Year 9 students who are

completing the Japanese elective this term: contact will be made with families

to discuss the options available for students. Be assured, we are working to

secure a Languages teachers as quickly as possible.

Timetable Changes – Term 2

In addition to waiting to secure a Languages teacher for our

Japanese program, there are few additional changes that may

be required with our school timetable. For example, we are in

the process of filling our three curriculum Head of Department

positions. All efforts will be made to minimise disruption and

ensure changes made are in the students’ best interests.

Consequently, there will be changes to our students’

timetables next term. This information will be emailed to

students the weekend before school resumes – keep your eyes

out on our school Facebook page and Instagram account for

notification of when these emails have been sent.

Cooking up a Storm in Technologies! This term, students in Year 7 have been enjoying their Food Specialisation unit as a part of their

Technologies subject. Here are students in 7D enjoying the burger they designed and produced

in Week 9.

A reminder to all members of our school community that certain items are banned from Calliope SHS for workplace health

and safety reasons. As per our Student Code of Conduct, two of those items are energy drinks and aerosol deodorants.

Energy drinks are not sold at school, and we ask our students and their families to ensure they are not brought into school

grounds. All aerosols are banned from school grounds, including deodorants, primary for respiratory reasons. If students

are found with either of these items on them at school, the items will be temporarily confiscated and available for collection

after school.

Banned Items: Deodorant and Energy Drinks

LUNCH BOXES This is your courtesy reminder that, with today being the

last day of term, to make sure that school bags are

emptied as soon as possible – especially lunchboxes. We

don’t want anyone to find any ‘interesting’ surprises

growing in their bag on the first day of Term 2!

Anzac Day 2021

Anzac Day (April 25) lands on the first Sunday after school resumes for Term 2. At Calliope SHS, we will be holding a school-

based service in Period 5 (2pm) on Friday, April 23.

There will be a community service in Calliope at the Calliope Cenotaph at 11am on the Sunday, following a march from

Bunting Park. Our student leaders have been invited to represent the school in the march, as to respect the number

guidelines in place for school groups. All other students are welcome to watch the march and pay their respects with the


Premier's Coding Challenge #digitalwellbeingqld

The Premier's Coding Challenge is an annual statewide initiative for all Queensland students in Year 3 to Year 10. The

Premier's Coding Challenge aims to encourage an interest in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) in

Queensland students.

Technologies and digital services can have an impact on people's mental, physical, social and emotional health. Developing

skills to improve digital wellbeing is important in today's world and who better to help raise awareness amongst

Queenslanders than our budding developers and designers, aspiring engineers and young innovators.

The challenge in 2021 is to code an interactive and innovative digital solution to raise awareness of digital wellbeing. This can

include themes such as:

• work and study life balance

• postural considerations of using technology

• personal security and safety online

• adhering to social media ethics and protocols.

Entrants can develop an app, game, animation or website, and they must submit a short video showcase with their entry.

Students can enter as individuals or as a pair, in one of 8 categories.

Winners receive prizes of coding and robotic kits (total prize pool $10,000).

Any students interested in participating, please see Miss Janelle.

P&C Meeting

Wednesday, April 21st

5pm - Home Base

All welcome!


Watch Phone 13 17 88

Rotary Ag Project

The Calliope SHS’s STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics) Program of

Excellence, is designed to provide opportunities for engaging learning that will go far to shape our

students into confident and capable 21st century citizens. We are excited to announce that, as a part

of this program, next term we will be introducing a new Agriculture and Innovation subject for Year 9


This program emphasises the Technologies learning area of the Australian Curriculum and the

opportunities within to explore authentic problem-solving and collaborative learning. A special class

of Calliope SHS students will utilise land available through key community partnerships to access the

curriculum through exploration of agriculturally based technology and innovation. The students will

study ‘best’ and emerging practices in myriad areas, including (but not limited to): farming practices

using drones and robotic tools; effective land management; erosion control; pest eradication; water

management and conservation; and stock control.

Our teaching and learning for the rest of 2021 will revolve around recruiting a great bunch of like-

minded Year 9 students eager to build something great and probably all day on Fridays each week.

In Term 2, this program will be by invitation only. It will open up to applications from students ready

for Semester 2, 2021. So, if you are a student in Year 9 and you could see yourself being part of this

subject this year, talk to your parents first and then to Ms Mel or Mr Chris (ITD- Thursday/Friday)

about your enthusiasm to join our class in 2021.

Week One - Term 2


Communications Officers (for most general queries, complaints, compliments)

Ms Mel Daniels Ms Bonnie Assman 0436 916 866 0436 916 869

Student Absences Uniform Shop Bring Your Own Device


4975 9777 #1 Absences 4975 9777 #3 Uniforms 4975 9777

Via the QParents app

Interact Induction

It has been a big term for Calliope SHS’s

Interact Club! On March 25, we proudly

inducted six new members. Welcome to the

club, Gracie, Emily, Maddalyn, Amy, Jai and

Annabelle! It was lovely to have three

representatives of Calliope Rotary Club, our

sponsor club, there for the presentation.

Our Interact Club has been working on two key projects. Next term, the club will be actively collecting bread tags as part of

‘Bread Tags for Wheelchairs’. We will be holding a competition between the houses to see which house can donate the

most tags. The club’s other project will be to collect containers as a fundraiser with the goal to purchase a ShelterBox, which

is a kit to help people when affected by natural disasters. Stay tuned for more details on how you may be able to help next
