Called by God, We 23, 2015  · Special Music: “Andante...

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Transcript of Called by God, We 23, 2015  · Special Music: “Andante...

  • Trinity United Methodist Church

    WelcomeOpen Hearts Open Minds Open Doors

    Thirteenth Sunday after Pentecost August 23, 2015

    ✛ Closing Hymn “Abide with Me” #700

    ✛ Benediction

    ✛ Song of Blessing “Shalom to You” Shalom to you now, shalom, my friends May God’s full mercies bless you, my friends In all your living, and through your loving, Christ be your shalom, Christ be your shalom

    Prayers of the People Jeff Manildi

    Offertory: “Reverie" by Steven Scott

    The Lord’s Prayer: Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name, thy kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread; and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil for thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory forever. Amen.

    Doxology No. 94 “Praise God, From Whom All Blessings Flow” Praise God, from whom all blessings flow; Praise God, all creatures here below: Alleluia! Alleluia! Praise God, the source of all our gifts Praise Jesus Christ, whose power uplifts Praise the Spirit, Holy Spirit! Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia!

    Offering our Gifts to God

    Trinity United Methodist Church 490 Los Osos Val ley Road at Pine 

    Los Osos, Cal ifornia 93402 Phone: 805-528-1649 Website: tr in ity

    Church Email: Pastor’s Email:

    Called by God, We Gather

    Welcome and Announcements Sandy Green Lighting the Candle of Peace In silence, we pray for peace in our world.

    Spoken to by God, We Listen

    Prayer before the Word Donna McSpadden

    Blessed by God, We Respond

    Sent By God, We Go Out

    Let us greet one another, by passing the peace of Christ. Response: “Sanctuary” (The Faith We Sing #2164)

    Postlude: “Fanfare in C Major” by Henry Purcell

    We believe, O Lord, that you have not abandoned us to the dim light of our own reason to conduct us to happiness, but that you have revealed in Holy Scriptures whatever is necessary for us to believe and practice. How noble and excellent are the precepts, how sublime and enlightening the truth, how persuasive and strong the motives, how powerful the assistance of your holy religion. Our delight shall be in your statutes and we will not forget your Word. Amen. (Richard Allen, African Methodist Episcopal Bishop, U.S.A., 19TH CENT., ALT.)

    ✛ Opening Prayer

    ✛ Please stand as you are able Chimes: The chimes mark the beginning of worship.

    ✛ Opening Hymn “O  For  a  Thousand  Tongues  to  Sing  ” #57

    ✛ GreetingI was glad when they said to me, “Let us enter into the house of the Lord” God’s faithfulness and steadfast love are with us, Let us praise the name of the Lord forever.

    ✛ Hymn “Help Us Accept Each Other” #560

    First Lesson: 2 Samuel 12:1-13

    Sermon: “I’ve Fallen and I Can’t Get Up” Pastor Gilbert Stones

    Children’s Message Pastor Gilbert Stones Children & youth are invited to Sunday School

    Prelude: “Meditation for Worship" by Franklin Ritter

    ✛ Gospel Lesson: John 8:1-11

    “You are the man.”

    Psalm: Psalm 146 #858

    Special Music: “Andante espressivo” by Jacques-Fereol Mazas Thomas Tatton, Viola

    Prayer of the Thanksgiving

Asking for your continued support in prayer for

    those in need.

    If you or someone you

    know needs to be included on the prayer list, please fill out a prayer request located on back

    of your Communication

    Card. Names will

    remain on the prayer list for four weeks

    unless otherwise requested.

    To be removed from the list, please contact

    the church office.

    SUNDAY 8/23 10:00 a.m. Sunday Worship - Sanctuary 11:30 a.m. SMC: The Bible on Film - Opal Room 5:30 p.m. Youth Fellowship- Upstairs MONDAY 8/24 5:30 p.m. ANIMATE: Bible - Manildi’s Home TUESDAY 8/25 9:00 a.m. Tuesday Crew - Opal Room Check In 10:00 a.m. Late Summer Bible Study - Fellowship Hall WEDNESDAY 8/26 11:00 a.m. Prayer & Care Group - Pastor’s Office THURSDAY 8/27 12 noon People’s Kitchen - Prado Day Center, SLO SATURDAY 8/29 10:00 a.m. Reconciling Ministries - Upstairs SUNDAY 8/30 10:00 a.m. Sunday Worship - Sanctuary 11:30 a.m. SMC: The Bible on Film - Opal Room

    EVENTS & HAPPENINGS SMC (Sunday Morning Class) - Sundays at 11:30am in the Opal Room. An ongoing adult education class. Childcare is provided. SMC - “The Bible in Film” - 7/12 to 8/30 - Led by Jeff Manildi, this is a class on films throughout the decades inspired by biblical narrative.

    People’s Kitchen - August 27, 12:00 noon - Prado Center, SLO - Our TUMC P.K. crew will be preparing and serving lunch to those in need on Thursday. Please see Carole Harden (661-619-4539) or Marcia Munson after the service today in the Fellowship Hall if you would like to donate a dish and/or help serve. Back to School Hot Dog BBQ & Ice Cream Social - Sep 13, 11:30am - Join us for this annual event immediately following Church Service. Family and friends are welcome. We will provide the hot dogs and fixings and, this year, even the ice cream. All you need to provide is the toppings for the sundaes. A sign up sheet is posted in the Social Hall to attend, bring toppings, and/or to help serve, set up or clean up. Sign up to come even if you are not bringing anything. We need you to sign up for a count for purchasing the food. Hunger Walk!! - Sep 19, 2:00pm - Morro Bay - The annual SLO Food Bank Hunger Walk is right around the corner. Sign up to walk with Team Trinity or to donate to your favorite Hunger-Walker today at Contact Eileen Murta or the church office, 528-1649, for more information. Food Pantry Volunteers Needed - Can you give 2 hours a week to this ministry? - Trinity’s emergency food pantry program is being revamped. Effective Sep 1st emergency food boxes will be available on Tuesdays and Fridays, 10am to noon, from the kitchen patio door. Volunteers will greet those coming for food boxes, record the distribution information and hand out the pre-packed boxes. Contact Eileen Murta or sign up on Sunday morning. Painting in the Sanctuary - Painters will be in the Sanctuary all week during the first week in September to give us a fresh, new look.

    Trinity UMC is a Reconciling CongregationWelcome to this place of worship and gathering of Christian seekers. May your worship experience be a source of spiritual renewal as you seek to faithfully live out God’s call upon your life. Our congregation

    strives for open minds, open hearts and open doors, toward all people without regard to race, age, gender identity, sexual orientation or

    physical abilities. Please silence all cell phones.

    Ushers: Mollie Devine Richard Glodo

    Greeters: Jeanne Harr

    The ministers of Trinity United Methodist Church are all its baptized members: adults, youth and children. We are equipped and encouraged in ministry and mission by the following Representative Ministers and staff:

    Bishop:Rev. Minerva G. Carcaño District Superintendent: Rev. James R. Powell

    Pastor: Gilbert Stones Lay Leader: Dick Kane Pastor of Environment Ministries: Mike Eggleston
Dir. of Discipleship: Jeff Manildi Music Director/Organist: Barbara Hoff Admin Asst: MaryAnn Jakes Praise Band Director: Marian Kaser VCC Director: Valerie Voglin Trinity Ringers Director: Ev Whitbeck

    Peggy Basinger Paula Bomstad

    Morgan Buffaloe Jaeden Campos Brad Carpenter

    Susan Carpenter Diana Casey

    Susie Christian Bob & Jane Christiansen

    Phillip Collier Mateo Cota

    Delores Doyle Daniel Eggleston Janet Fullwood Hayden Ganta

    Bill Gittins Judy Hastings

    MaryAnn Jakes & Family Julie

    David Karsgard Family of Bob King

    Family of Botso Korisheli Temmo Korisheli

    Caryn Lugo Christan Luna Bea Maxwell

    Family of Rev. Linda Murray Cindi Nunes

    Dick Omelveny Rioichi & Emiko Otake

    Roger Carol Scott

    LaVerne Sherritts Sherry

    Indy Stankovitz Andrea Wells

    Matthew White The North District’s covenant

    of prayer this week lifts up Arroyo Grande UMC and Santa Maria First UMC

    Pastor Gilbert and Rachel Stones in their transition from

    Lompoc to Los Osos

    Names will remain on the prayer list for four weeks unless

    otherwise requested.

    The flowers on the altar are provided today by Jeanne Harr in memory of Berdy Harr, wonderful

    husband, father and son