Call for Entry Contro-Sguardi festival 2012 eng

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Transcript of Call for Entry Contro-Sguardi festival 2012 eng

Fourth  Edition  of  "Contro-­‐Sguardi:  International  Anthropological  Film  Festival  "    

Theme  of  the  year  2012:  "For  a  culture  of  Work"  

Perugia  (Italy),  April  2012    

CALL  FOR  VIDEO,  PHOTOS,  SOUNDS  AND  PERFORMANCE  (Deadline:  20  February  2012)    

 The Ass. “Contro-Sguardi”, in collaboration with the Anthropological Section of the Department Man and Environment

(Uomo e Territorio) of the University of Perugia (Italy), the city council of Perugia, Informagiovani and the cultural association Macadam, promotes the fourth edition of “Contro-Sguardi: International Anthropological Film Festival”. Theme of the year 2012: “For a culture of work”.

With this call we would like to solicitate the submission of documentary films, fictions, ethnographic, photographic exhibitions, and proposals for theatrical and musical performances related to the topic in question.

Since 2008 the festival, founded to bring together works of anthropological cinema, is open to diverse forms of visual representations. Since last year the festival became biennial, and each edition will concentrate on a specific thematic topic related to socio-cultural dynamics and contemporary societies. Contro-Sguardi 2012 proposes several kinds of differently structured workshops and debate sessions on a broad range of topics related to the “culture of work”. The aim of this theme is to reflect on the crisis of current economic and social models which progressively shrink the spaces of work, especially of young people, with many repercussions for personal and social life. Specifically, with “Culture of Work” we mean the multiplicity of social contexts, anthropological, economic, political and emotional that define work as a practice, knowledge, and existential status of the human being through which it is realized as well for self-determination.

The call here proposed intends to gather materials and experiences, both at a national and international level, and addresses the issue in its broader facets and issues: the relationship health/disease, socio-economic inequalities, the protests for the place of work in a precarious world, and including the political uses of music, theatre and cinema. Through the presentation of the materials, “the Festival” tries to create a space of comparison beetwen different actors involved in the field of work, such as associations and civil society, political institutions, academia and research, the “virtuous” that despite a strong crisis manage to maintain standards positive of production, or that, bucking the system, create employment by investing in cutting-edge work patterns.

In the awareness of social research, which increasingly requires a dialogical and experimental comparison of new techniques and technologies with their visual productions, “the Festival” opens a Call for video aimed at filmmakers, students, researchers and teachers.

The purpose of a dialogue that would take account of the complexity of the issues and research contexts, as well the plurality of production techniques, will be accepted ethnographic character material, documentary, fiction and animation. The selection of work will be based on the quality of content, methodological innovation and relevance to topics socio-anthropological interest.

The video participants at the event will be divided into two categories 1) “Competition” divided into “Documentary” and “Fiction”; 2) “Festival”, which will make the text of the regulation Contro-Sguardi festival 2012.

A short list of films selected for the “Festival do Filme Etnografico do Recife 2012” to be held in Recife in Brazil and Contro-Sguardi is twinned.

 Call  for  photo,  sounds  and  performance    

In  addition  to  the  videos,  we  solicit  proposals  for  photo  exhibitions,  sounds  and  performance.  Ethnographic  photos  and  exhibitions,  in  relation  to  different  themes,  will  be  exhibited  in  personal  or  group  exhibition,  during  the  festival  in  appropriate   spaces.   The   term   “sounds”   and   “performance” refers   to   audio   recordings   of   various   kinds,   organic   to  ethnographic   research,   and  musical   and   theatrical   proposals   which   are   in   a   critical   perspective   and   reflective   the  “culture  of  work”.            


 How  to  participate    

All   entries  must   arrive   no   later   than   20th   February   (postmark   stamps)   and  must   be   in   the  DVD-­‐PAL   format   (cd  picture  and  sound)  accompanied  by  a  written  permission  for  the  screening  and  the  completed  registration  form.    The  materials  must  be  sent  to:    

Contro-­‐Sguardi  c/o  Sezione  Antropologica  del  Dipartimento  Uomo  &  Territorio    Piazza  Morlacchi  ,  30  06123  Perugia  (PG)  ITALY  

A  copy  of  the  entry  form  can  also  be  sent  by  mail  to  within  5  days  after  the  deadline.    By  March  5,  20102  the  organization  committee  will  communicate  the  participants  of  the  accepted  video,  pictures  and  sounds  selected  for  the  festival.      

Info:  ;  ;  ;    Entry  form:­‐content/uploads/2012/01/Entry-­‐form-­‐Contro-­‐Sguardi-­‐Festival-­‐2012.doc  Regulation:­‐content/uploads/2012/01/Regulations-­‐Contro-­‐Sguardi-­‐festival-­‐2012-­‐eng.pdf          Presentation Association “Contro-Sguardi” Contro-Sguardi Piazza Morlacchi n. 30 – 06123 – Perugia 0039 – 3471000854 0039 – 3334717436

Officially formed February 21, 2010 by five founding members, the Association was established to protect and promote the culture and art with a particular attention to demo-ethno-anthropological heritage. Constituted by university researchers, students and videomakers, Contro-Sguardi promotes its goals through the organization's annual of the International Festival of Documentary Films “Contro-Sguardi” and other cultural events such as exhibitions, concerts, conventions, with a particular focus on relevant issues in the contemporary world as migration, conflict, health and work.

The Association pursues its aims in cooperation with different associations and national and international bodies including: the city council of Perugia, the Province of Perugia, the University of Perugia, the School in Heritage conservation on demo-ethno-anthropological of Castiglion del Lago (PG), Ass. Cultural Macadam, the audio/visual lab. L.I.S.A. of São Paulo (Brazil), the Festival do Filme Etnografico do Recife (Brazil), the Adivasi Art Trust, London (England\India), the University of Muenster (Germany) and others. Addressing a diverse audience and identified on the basis of individual initiatives, Contro-Sguardi offers, initiatives to training through workshops and labs to promote the development of music, literature, film and visual arts with specific attention to the cultural diversity that characterize our contemporaneity.

TITLE: “Contro-Sguardi Festival 2012”. – Culture, Work, Multimedia – PROJECT DESCRIPTION

The project aims to build and promote the fourth edition of “Contro-Sguardi Festival” (formerly International Festival of Anthropological Cinema) this year dedicated to the theme of “work” which will last for three days and take place in the municipality of Perugia at the end of April 2012.

In a historical moment when the right and the very essence of work seem to be reformulated contradictorily, or even

questioned by a global economic crisis, debate, analyze and promote a “Culture of Work” becomes indispensable and urgent action. From this perspective, the overall goal of Contro-Sguardi 2012 is to browse with a critical look at the multiplicity of social, economic, cultural, political and emotional that define the extent of work practices, knowledge, existential states contested between exploitation and creation, between stillness and transformation between the limits and possibilities.

In continuity with previous editions (see attached programme), the specific objective of “Contro-Sguardi 2012” is to offer

at the citizenship, through visual tools (documentaries, photographic exhibitions, video art), moments of encounter (debates, concerts, presentations of books, theme dinners) and multimedia proposal spaces built on the basis of contemporary production techniques, the occasion of a reflection and a focus on a wide range of phenomena that characterize our contemporary world, the world of work locally and globally. Health and work, art and work, gender and work, new migrations, environmental issues, the new social conflicts and the new possibilities that characterise the world of work, are some of the topics of a confrontation with national and international experts, which will involve different institutional actors, academics, trade unions, associations, local entrepreneurs and civil society. ORGANIZATION

The festival will be organized on three levels defined in accordance to specific objectives and dissemination that will be pursued in an intersected.

The first level, intended for deepening, provides the organization of debates on diverse topics and the projection of

film on the topic of work selected by a Committee of experts, from a “call for video” spread four months earlier at the international level. To stimulate a proposal for quality and testing, the best videos will receive prizes aimed at encouraging new productions.

The second level, for the dissemination, will aim to present the theme of the work in ways that encourage a wide

involvement of civil society. It will include the organization of artistic events (music, theatre, exhibitions, multimedia installations and video art), film screenings identified in large distribution circuits of the documentary, and the participation of national and international guests.

The third level is dedicated to new media aims to promote the most innovative media forms to work in the audio-visual field. During the three days of the festival will be proposed multimedia installations of various kinds and meeting times will be organised with experts in the field. Programming Although the festival both at design time, is possible locate the four central points on which you build programming.

1) Anthropological Film Festival. During the three-day event scheduled for the selected films will be projected through the call for videos that will have as theme the "work" in all its possible variations. During the screenings will be attending the filmmakers and the last day of the event will be the award ceremony of the best movies.

2) Thematic meetings. During the days of the festival will be organized public meetings related to specific aspects of work such as: health and work, gender and work, work and art, multimedia and work; political\entrepreneurship and work. During each day will be arranged on a differentiated basis discussions with experts, educational and entertainment moments related to the themes in question.

3) Exhibitions and installations. Per la durata della manifestazione saranno organizzate mostre fotografiche, istallazioni video e multimediali riguardanti specificatamente il tema del lavoro o temi ad esso legati. Saranno presenti, inoltre, stand di case editrici, di produzione video e multimediale.

4) Music\Theatre. The event will feature a theatrical opening and a closing concert. All festival events are free.