Calendar No. s · Making appl'opl'iations for the Depal'tlllent of Htatt', ('ol'eig'n opemtions,...

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Transcript of Calendar No. s · Making appl'opl'iations for the Depal'tlllent of Htatt', ('ol'eig'n opemtions,...

1 ' :\~()171U':1"1'\()I",'pl\l\ilJ\~'WOI'S 'I'1 · li .",,1 lfik· 1 ,,1':11 SI';N . AI'l'llI).


NOTICE: This bill is a draft for use of the Committee and its Staff only, in preparation for markup.


Calendar No. 000 114'1'11 ('()N(lHI~HH

~I) HI'~!-\.'·H()N s.oooo [Report No. 114-000]

i\lah:iJl:,{ appl'opriat ions feU' t ht~ I )('pm'IIIIl'1I1 of Ht.atp, I(JI'('ig'1I opl'I'al iOIlS, alUl ,'plat,l'd pl'Og'I'HIIIS few t hI' lise'HI Y<'HI' l'lltiillg' Ht'ptt'llIhl'" :W, ~() 17, alUl few oilH'I" PIIJ'POS(,S.


.J 11:.:1,; , :!o 1Ii

1\1", (;U.AIIAM, Ihun 111(' ('01llIlliu('(' 011 AIIIU'olH'iat iOlls, "('IH))'I('d t lu' I'ollowiug' O)'iginal hill; whit·" was I'('illl twit·" alHl plm,pd 011 the ('ul('JI(lar

A BILL Making appl'opl'iations for the Depal'tlllent of Htatt', ('ol'eig'n

opemtions, and related PI'Og'I'aIllS 1'01' the fiscal yeal' l'II(J·

ing' Ht'pt.prnhel' au, 2U17, and 1'01' othel' pllrposes.

13(' 'it ('II(/('tl'rl by th l' 8(' II11fl' I/.//(I lIoltsl' IIf'RI'7)/'{'s('nta'

2 l 'i,/!I',~ lif'tllI' l II ill'rl 8tl.l.lI"~ 11f' A IIl1'l'i('(f in COII,I} /'(',~S /lssl'mhil,tl,

June 27, 2016 (10:33 a.m.)

(],12()171(J,1"1'1()4""ptIBilll,WOI',' '1'I-ti.xlIIl l illi, I or:1i >\1,1'. AI'I'I{O.


I That the following sums aJ'e appl'Opl'iated, out of any

2 money in the Tl'eai-iIlJ'Y not othcl'Wisc uppl'opl'iatcd, fol' the

3 Depal'tment of Statc, fOl'cign opcmtioni-i, and I'elatcd PI'O-

4 gmms I'm' the fiscal yeaJ' ending' Septembel' 30, 2017, and

5 I'm' othcl' pUl'(JOSei-i, namely:






12 }"O1' neCCSSaI'y expcni-iei-i of the DepaJ'tment of State

13 and thc FOI'eign SCI'vice not othel'\vise pl'Ovided 1'01',

14 $6,006,296,000, of which up to $660,231,000 may I'emain

15 amilable until Septembel' 30, 2018, and of which up to

16 $1,604,755,000 may I'emain availahle until expended 1'01'

17 Wol'1dwide Secll!'ity PI'otection: Provided, That filllds

18 tnade available undcl' thii-i heading shall be allocated in ac-

19 cOl'dancc with pal'agmphi-i (1) thl'ough (4) as follows:







June 27, 2016 (10:33 a.m.)

(1) II lJ i\IAN Itl~HOIIW 'gH.- F01' neeessaJ'Y ex-

penses fOl' tmining', hUlIlan l'eSOll!'ces management,

and salal'ies ine1mlill'" ellllJlo"meut without l'eo'ul'd , b.1 h

to ci,~l sel'\'ice and e1assil'ication laws of pel'sons on

a tempOI'aJ'y hasis (not. to exceed $700,(00), as au­

thOl'ized hy section 801 of the United l::ltates Tnfol'-

lI :120171ml"I'\04""ptlllililfWOI'S--'I'1 -ILxlIIl 1111" 1 of' :11 fmN. AI'I'HO.


I mation and Educational Exchange Act or 1948,

2 $2,606,152,000, of which up to $463,417,000 is 1'01'

3 WoJ"!dwide Secll\'ity PI·otection.

4 (2) OVlmHgAH 1'({()(mA~IH.-FOI' necessaJ',Y ex-

5 penseI'; fOl' the regional bUl'eaus of the Department

6 of State and ovel'seas activities as authOl'ized by law,

7 $1,477,436,000,

8 (3) DII'I,OMA'I'«' I'OI,«;Y AND HIl I'I'OIt'I',- FOI'

9 necessaJ',Y elqJenSes for the functional bureaus of the

10 DepaJ'tment of State, including representation to

II cCl'tain international organizations in which the

12 United States participates pUl'suant to treaties rati-

13 fied pursuant to the advice and consent of the Sen-

14 ate 01' specific Acts of Congress, general administra-

15 tion, and aJ'ms control, nonproliferation and disar-

16 mament activities as authOl'ized, $759,125,000,

17 (4) SIWlTItI'I'Y I'IW(l(tAMH,- FOI' necessary ex-

18 penses for security activities, $1,163,583,000, of

19 which up to $1,141,338,000 is for Worldwide Secu-

20 rity Protection,

21 (5) Fg(~H AND I'AYMI~N'I'H COI,I,gC'I'Im,- In ad-

22 dition to amounts othel'\vise made available under

23 this heading-

24 (A) as authorized by section 810 of the

25 United States Information and Educational Ex-

June 27, 2016 (10:33 a.m.)

l ' :120 17H1~1"I'\04r<'pl.\Billl;WOI'''-'I'l , li . xlIIl liil,' 1 ,,1':11 HI~N. APPI{O,


























June 27, 2016 (10:33 a.m.)


change Act, not to exceed $5,000,000, to )'e-

main available 11ntil expended, may be c)'edited

to this app)'o)))'iation fJ"()m fees 01' othe)' pay-

ments I'eceived fl'om English tcaching, libl'lll',Y,

motion pictm'es, amI publication pl'Ogl'ams and

fl'Om fees fl'om educational advising and C011n-

seling' and exchange visitol' Pl'ogJ'aI11Sj and

(B) not to exceed $15,000, whieh shall be

del'ived fl'Oll) )'eimblll'sements, sm'ehm'ges, and

fees 1'01' use of BIai)' House facilities,

(6) 'l'I{AN;Wlm (II<' I" IJNDK, Iml'l{()OI{AMMINO,

AND ()'I'III~I{ MA'("('lmK,-

(A) Notwithstanding any othe)' pl'Ovision of

this Act, filllds may be I'epl'ogrammed within

and between pal'Ugraphs (1) thl'ough (4) undel'

this heading slli{ject to section 7015 of this Act,

(B) Of the amount made available ulldel'

this heading, not to exceed $10,000,000 may bc

tl'ansfel'l'ed to, and me)'ged with, filllds made

available by this Act nnde)' the heading "Eme)'-

g'encies in the Diplomatic and Consulm' SCI'V-

icc" to be available onl" rOJ' elllCl'o'enc" evaeu-, ,1 b.7

ations and )'ewm'ds, as allthOl'ized,

(C) Ji'llnds appropl'iated unde)' this heading

al'e available 1'01' acquisition hy exchange OJ' PIII'-















chase of passenger' lIIotor' vehicles as author'ized

by law and, plll'slIant to section 1l08(g) of title

:31, United 8tates Code, for' the field examina­

tion of progl'ams alld activities ill the Ullited

States limded fr'om allY accollnt cOlltailled in

this title,

(D) Funds appropr'iated ullder' this head­

IIIg may be made available for' COllt1ict Sta­

bilization Oper'ations and for' I'elated l'eCollstl'llC­

tion and stabilization assistance to pr'event or'

respolld to cOlltlict or' civil strife in for'eign

countl'ies 01' regions, 01' to enable tr'ansition

fl'Om such str'ife,


15 Fol' necessm'y e»qJenses of the Capital Investment

16 Fund, as authol'ized, $12,600,000, to r'emain available

17 until e;.,:pended,

18 ()\o'I"ICg ()fo' INHI'I~("I'OIt <lI~NgllJ\l,

19 For' lIecessary expenses of the Office of Inspector'

20 Gelleml, $87,069,000, notwithstanding section 209(a)(1)

21 of the For'eign Ser'vice Act of 1980 (Public hnv 96-4(5),

22 as it r'elates to post inspections: Provided, That of the

23 funds appl'opriated ullder' this heading, $13,060,000 may

24 r'emain available until September' 30, 2018,

June 27, 2016 (10:33 a.m.)

1' :\:!OI7W'I""1I4r<'pllllil/"'iJo'OI'K-'I'I-(i.xu,1 I iii" I "r :11



2 FOI' e~l)enses of educational and cnltlll'Hl exchange

3 pl'ograms, as anthol'ized, $572,668,000, tu I'emain avail-

4 able lIntil expended, of which not less than $236,000,000

5 shall be fO!' the FullJl'ight Pl'og'l'lun and not less than

6 $107,690,000 shall be 1'01' Citizen gxehange Pl'ogl'am, in-

7 duding $4,000,000 fOl' the Congl'ess-Bundestag Youth

8 gxchange: P.rovidl'd, That fees 01' othel' payments I'eceived

9 fl'om, 01' in connection with, English teaching, educational

\0 advising' and counseling pl'ogmms, and exchange visitol'

II pl'ogmms as author'ized may be cl'cdited to this Hcculllrt,

12 tu I'emain Hvailable until expended: P.rovided .fkrthcl', That

13 a pOl'tion of the Fulbright awm'ds fr'om the glll'asia and

14 Centl'al Asia I'egions shall be dcsignated as Edmund S,

15 Muskie Fellowships, following consultation with the Com-

16 mittees on Appr'ol)('iations: P.roIJ'iderlfurt/u'1', That Depal't-

17 ment of Statc-desig'nated sponsol's may not issne a For'l11

18 DS-2019 (Cel'tificate of gligibility rO!' gxchangc VisitOl'

19 (J-l) Statns) to place stndent pal'ticipants in scafood

20 pl'oduct pr'epamtion 01' packaging positions in the Snmlller'

21 "Vol'k 'l'l'Hvel pl'Ogr'am in fiscal yem' 2017 unless IJI'iol' to

22 iflslling such FOl'm thc sponsor' pr'ovides to the Secr'etm',)'

23 of titate a dcscl'iption or sllch pl'ogr'alll aJl(l vel'ifies in wl'it-

24 ing to the ticcl'etm',)' that snch pl'Ogl'Hm Ii.llly cOlllplics with

25 pm't 62 of titlc 22 of thc Code of Fcdcl'al HegulatioJ)f;,

June 27, 2016 (10:33 a.m.)

(H~O ( 7IUW'I'\04 ... ·pllllill\.'WOI'.. 'l'I ·li.xlIIl I iii,· I "I' :11 HI~N. AI'I'IW.


notwithstanding subsection G2.32(h)( Hi) of such pUl't, and

2 with the I'equil'emellts specified in the I'l:!pUI't accom-

3 panying this Act: ProIJ'ided furth!'-r, 'rhat any substalltive

4 Illodifications from the ]wiol' fiscal year to pl'Ognum; fillld-

5 ed by this Act IIndel' this heading shall be slIQject to PI'iOl'

6 consultatioll ,,~th, and the I'egulm' 1I0tification procedures

7 of, the Committees 011 Appr'o]JI'iations,


9 FOI' representation

10 *8,030,000.

e~l)enses as authorized,

11 I'IW'l'I~( "PION ()I~ 1·'()ltgIUN MIHHIONH AND (WI"((,IAI,H

12 FOI' expenses, not otherwise pl'Ovided, to enable the

13 Secretary of State to pro,~de for e~'traordinar'Y pl'Otective

14 services, as authorized, *30,344,000, to I'emain available

15 until September 30, 2018.


17 For necessary e~l)Cnses fOl' carr'ying Ollt the FOI'eign

18 SClvice Buildings Act of 1926 (22 U ,S,C, 292 et seq.),

19 pl'esen~ng, maintaining, r'epair'ing, and planning for build-

20 ings that are owned 01' directly leased by the Department

21 of State, renovating, in addition to funds otherwise avail-

22 able, the Harry S 'l'l'urnarr Building, and carrying out the

23 Diplomatic Security COllstl'Uction Pl'ogmm as allthol'ized,

24 *759,161,000, to remain available until expended, of

25 which not to exceed $25,000 may be IIsed fOl' domestic

June 27. 2016 (10:33 a.m.)

1' :12017WWTI04"ppIIBiIlIHI"OI',' 'l'I-li.xII,1 I lilt, I "I' :1\ HEi'I. AI'I'HO.


1 and overseas l'epl'cseniation cxpcnses as autllOl'ized: Pro-

2 vided, That none of the fimds appl'opl'iaied in this pam-

3 gmph shall be available 1'01' acquisition of fi\l'llitl\l'e, fin'-

4 nishing-s, 01' g'enel'HtOl's 1'01' other dcpm'tments and agen-

5 cies of the United States Govel'llment: Provided ,f/nth('1',

6 That reimbursements received by the Department of State

7 fl'om othet, departments and agencies of the United Statcs

8 Govel'llment 1'01' improvement 01' constl'Uctiol1 costs of

9 ovel'seas facilities shall be credited to this account and

10 shalll'elllain available until expended.

11 In addition, 1'01' the costs of wol'ldwide sccUl'ity up-

12 gl'lldes, acquisition, and constl'l1ction as authorized,

13 $358,698,000, to remain available until expended: Pro-

14 'vided, 'fhat not later than 45 days aftcl' cnactment of this

15 Act, thc ~ccl'ctm'y of State shall submit to the Committecs

16 on Appropriations the proposcd allocation of funds made

17 available \lIulel' this heading' and the actual and antici-

18 pated pl'oceeds of sales 1'01' all pl'qjects in fiscal yem' 2017.


20 HlmVI< 'I~

21 1"01' necessary expenses to enablc the SecretaI',)' of

22 State to meet unfol'esccn clllerg'encics arising in the Diplo-

23 matic and Consulm' ~ervice, as authOl'ized, $7,900,000, to

24 remain available until expended, of which not to excecd

25 $1,000,000 may be tl'llnsfel'l'ed to, and merged with, funds

June 27, 2016 (10:33 a.m.)

P:12017Iml"I'\041'l'plll\illl.'WOI',' '1'1 ·10,,,,,1 lIile I fll':1I


appropl'iated by this Act undel' the heading "Repatl'iation

2 J,Joam; Pl'ogmm Account", sUQject to the same ten11S and

3 conditions,

4 Iml'A'I'ItlA'I'ION I,OANH I'IW<Hu\M A('('OIJN'I'

5 FOI' the cost of dil'ect loans, $1,300,000, as authol'-

6 ized: Provided, That snch costs, including the cost of

7 modilYing such loans, shall be as defined in section 502

8 of the Congl'essional Budget Act of 1974: Provided ./1t1'-

9 tlW1', That sneh funds a1'e available to subsidize gl'oss obli-

10 gations fol' the pl'incipal amount of dil'ect loans not to ex-

11 ceed $2,433,545,

12 I'AYl\ll~N'I' '1'0 'I'1I1~ Al\Il~lU< 'AN INH'I'I'I'IJ'I'B IN 'I'AlWAN

13 Fol' necessaJY expenses to cany out the Taiwan Rela-

14 tions Act (Public J,J<1W 96-8), $31,963,000,



17 Not to exceed $1,806,600 shall be dCl'ived fl'om fees

18 collected fl'om othel' executive agencies fol' lease 01' use of

19 facilities at the Intel'national Centel' in accol'dance ,,~th

20 section 4 of the Intemational Centel' Act (Public hlW 90-

21 553), and, in addition, as authOl'ized by section 5 of such

22 Act, $1,320,000, to be del'ived fl'om the I'esel-ve authOl'ized

23 by snch section, to be used tOl' the pUl'poses set ont in

24 that section and fOl' development, maintenance, and secu-

25 I'ity of additional pl'opel,ties fOl' use as an Intel'national

June 27, 2016 (10:33 a,m,)

:-mN .• II'PHD.


Centel' by f()J'cign govcl'llmcnts 01' intcl'llational ol'ganiza-

2 tions.






Fol' lJayment to the li'ol'eio'n Service RetiJ'elllent a))(1 , I:>

6 Disability Fund, as llnthOl'ized, ~n58,!J00,000,



9 FOl' necessm-y expenses, not othel'\\~se pJ'ovided for,

10 to meet annual obligations of membcJ'ship in intel'l1ational

II mllltilateml ol'ganizations, ptll'SlHUlt to treaties mtified

12 pm'sJUlnt to thc advice and consent of the Senate, conven-

13 tions OJ' specific Acts of CongJ'ess, $1,27H,084,000: Pro-

14 voided, That the Secretm'y or State shall, at thc time of

15 the submission of the PJ'esident's budget to CongJ'ess

16 under section 11 05(a) or title 31, United States Code,

17 tJ'ansmit to the Committees on ApPJ'ol))'iations the most

18 I'ecent biennial budget pl'epm'ed by the United Nations fol'

19 the opemtions of the United Nations: P.rov-ir/('Ii .!it:rthm',

20 That the SecJ'etm'y or State shall notify the Uomlllittees

21 011 ApPJ'opl'iations at least 15 days in advancc (OJ' in an

22 emcrgency, as rar in advance as is pl'acticahlc) of any

23 United Nations action to incJ'ease lilllding fol' any United

24 Nations pl'ogTam withont idcntifying an offsctting de-

25 cl'ease clsewhel'c in the United Nations budgct: Provid('d

June 27, 2016 (10:33 a.m,)

P:\~()17Iml'I'\()41'L'l't\BiJllfW()I''' 'l'I -H.x",1 iii It, I (I f :\1 SgN. AI'I'I{().


I fnrt/w1', That not latCl' than May 1, 2017, and 30 days

2 aftel' the end of fiscal veal' 20 17 the Secl'etm'" of State .1 , .1

3 shall report to the Committees on Appropriations any

4 credits available to the United States, including fJ"Om the

5 United Nations Tax Equalization Fund, and pl'Ovide up-

6 dated fiscal yea.' 2017 and fiscal year 2018 assessment

7 costs including offsets fl'Olll available l'redits and updated

8 foreign currency exchange I'lltes: Provided flt1tlw1', That

9 any such credits shall ollly be available for United States

10 assessed contl'ibutions to the U lIited Nations and the

II Committees Oil Appr'opriations shall be notified when such

12 credits m'e applied to any assessed contl'ibution, including

13 allY payment of arl'em'ages: P.rov'idedfnrther, That any 110-

14 tification l'egal'ding funds appropriated 01' othCl'Wise made

15 available under this heading ill this Act OJ' IJI'ior Acts mak-

16 ing appropriatiolls fOl' the Depm'tment of State, fOl'eif,,'l1

17 opemtions, and related programs submitted Plll'SIHUlt to

18 section 7015 of this Act, sectioll 34 of the State Depm't-

19 ment Basic AuthOl'ities Act of ] 956 (22 U.S,C. 2706), OJ'

20 any opemting plan submitted pUI'suant to section 7076

21 of this Act, shall include an estimate of all known cr'edits

22 cUl'l'ently available to the United States and provide up-

23 datt.'{1 assessment costs including offsets from available

24 credits and updated foreign cUJ'I'ency exchange mtes: Pro-

25 vided fu.1ihm', That any payment of m'l'eamges under this

June 27, 2016 (10:33 a,m,)

1 1 :\2()17H1~1"1'\(HI'I'pl\lIill\i'WOI'S-'I'I-(i.xlIIl Iii(" I of :II



heading shall be directed to activities that are mutually

2 ag'l'eed upon by the United States and the I'espective intel'-

3 natiOlwl ())'ganization and shall be subject to the l'eb'11lar'

4 notification pl'ocedul'es of the Committees on ApPI'op)'ia-

5 tions: Pro/Fidel! .fkrthcl', That none of the fllm!s appl'o-

6 pl'iated undel' this heading shall be available for a United

7 States contJ'ibution to an international ol'ganization fot,

8 the United States shm'e of intel'est costs made known to

9 the United States Govel'llment by such OI'ganization f()),

10 loans inclll'J'ed on 0)' aftel' OctobeJ' 1, H)84, thl'ough cxteJ'-

11 nal bOl'l'owings,

12 ('ON'l'ltlBlJ'I'IONH 1"OI{ IN'I'lmNNI'IONAL I'gACI~KggI'IN(l

13 AC'I'IVI'I'mH

14 l"01' necessnJ'y expenses to pay assessed and othel' ex-

15 penses of international peacekeeping activities diJ'ected to

16 the maintenance or ,'estol'Htion of intel'llational peaee and

17 secul'ity, $781,930,000, of which 15 pel'cent shall remain

18 available until September 30, 2018: Provided, 'l'hat none

19 of the filllds made available by this Act shall be obligated

20 01' e:qJended for any new 01' expanded United Nations

21 peacekeeping' mission unless, at least 15 days in advance

22 of voting' 1'01' such mission in the United Natiom; Security

23 Council (01' in an cmel'gency as fal' in advance as is Pl'HC-

24 ticable), the Committees on ApPI'o))J'iations nJ'e notilled of:

25 (1) the estimated cost ami duration of the mission, the

June 27, 2016 (10:33 a.m.)

P:\2() 17Iml"I,\IH ""pl\lIil\\;;Jo'OI'X---'1' l -ii.,,,,1 11iI.. I .. 1':11 ;;gN. AI'I'IW.


I ol~jectives of the mission, the national interest that will

2 bc served, amI the exit stl'lltegJ'i amI (2) the sOlll'ces of

3 fi.lIlds, including any l'cI)l'ognumnings 01' transfers, that

4 will he used to pay the cost of the new 01' e:qJan<1ed mls-

5 sion, and the estimated cost in nltlll'e fiscal years: Pro-

6 v-ili.f'd further, That none of the funds appropriated Ilndet,

7 this heading may be made available fOl' obligation unless

8 the Secl'etat-y of State certifies and reports to the Commit-

9 tees on Appropriations on a peacekeeping mission-by-mis-

10 sion basis that the United Nations is implementing effec­

II tive policies and proccdlll'es to l)J"event United Nations em-

12 ployees, contmctor pel'sollllel, and peacekeeping tl'OOPS

13 selving in such mission fl'om trafficking in pel'sons, ex-

14 ploiting victims of trafficking, 01' committing acts of se:-.:ual

15 cxploitation and abuse 01' other violations of human I'ights,

16 and to bring to justice individuals who cngage in sllch acts

17 while participating in such mission, including prosecution

18 in their home countl'ies and making infOl'mation about

19 such l)J'osecutions publicly available on the Web site of the

20 United Nations: Prov-ided fnl'thcl', That the Secl'ebu-y of

21 State shall work with the United Nations and fOl'eign gov-

22 el'llments contributing peacekeeping tl'OOPS to implement

23 effcctive vetting pl'ocedmes to ensUl'e that such tl'OOpS

24 have not violated human I'ights: Provided ,fu11.lwr, That

25 fimds shall be available for peacekeeping expenses unless

June 27, 2016 (10:33 a.m.)

1':I!lOI71{1~IVI'\04J"('pt\llillli .. a·'()!'K-'I'I .. (i.xlIIl 1m" I "j" :11 HEN. A!'!'ltO.


I the Secl'etmy of State determines that United States man-

2 IIfaeturel'S and slIppliCl'S are not being given oPPol'tllnities

3 to provide equipment, services, and matel'ial for Unitcd

4 Nations peacekeeping activities equal to those being given

5 to fOl'eign rnanufaetlll'C1's and suppliers: Prol!ided fn1'tlw/',

6 'fhat lIolle of the tilllds appl'opl'iated 01' othel'Wise made

7 available ulldel' this headillg may be used fOl' any U lIited

8 Natiolls peacekeeping lI1issioll that will involve Ullited

9 States Armed Forces ulldel' the commalld 01' opel'Utiollal

10 cOlltl'01 of a fOl'eigll lIational, ullless the President's mili­

II tal'Y advisOl'S have submitted to the President a I'ec-

12 ommelldatioll that such illvolvemellt is in the natiollal in-

13 terest of the United States ali(I the Pl'esident has sub-

14 mitted to Congl'ess such a recommendation: Prol)'idcil fn/,-

15 thc1', That not later than May 1, 2017, and 30 days after

16 the end of fiscal yem' 2017, the Secl'etmy of State shall

17 report to the Cornmittees 011 Appropriations any cl'edits

18 available to the United States, including those I'esulting

19 from United Nations peacekeeping missions 01' the United

20 Nations TiL"\( Equalization Fund, and pl'Ovide IIpdatcd fis-

21 cal yeill' 2017 and fiscal year 2018 assessment costs in-

22 cluding offsets from available credits: P1"O/Jidcd .lit-rth('}',

23 That any such cl'edits shall only be available 1'01' Unitcd

24 States assessed contributions to the United Nations, and

25 the Committees on Appl'o]lI'iations I>hall he notified when

June 27,2016 (10:33 a.m.)