Cacique presentation (english)

Post on 28-Jun-2015

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Cacique is an automated testing tool, based on ruby, easy to use and collaborative.

Transcript of Cacique presentation (english)


“Process that converts manual tasks in automatic tasks.”

Why invest in automation?

• Cost reduction.• Time reduction.• Minimize effort.• Optimize resources. • Improve the range of tests.

Cacique premises

No programming skills needed

Collaborative Tasks

Data Tables

100% Web Application

DB and HTML Validations

Multiple environments and platforms

Test business "end to end"

What is Cacique?

Cacique is a Web tool for automating tasks

Large amount of input Data

SAP TestIntegration Tests




• it´s free…be open source, allows the community to develop new features to improve the product continuously.

• it´s easy… To automate on websites, you can use Selenium-IDE (Record & Play) to create scripts quickly and easily.

• is powerful…Advanced users have possibility to create and use libraries and functions to automate any task.

Why choose Cacique?

• Multiproyect …The project organization to order and limit access and visibility to employees from different areas. Many projects ...? One Tool.

• Colaborative…Allows sharing scripts, suites and functions of other projects to increase productivity through reuse of code.

• Multi-environment…Cacique can run the same test machine in different environments. Example: Production, Stage, Development.

Why choose Cacique?

• Multiplatform…Cacique can run automated test cases in different browsers concurrently.

• End to end business…Cacique can obtain data at run time on a circuit and ensure that the output data, are the input values of the next circuit. This will test the business from end to end. For example: Publish – Offer.

• Flexible and customizable…Cacique can connect with other tools. For example: BDD, SAP, Jira, Bamboo, Wiki, MS-Excel.

Why choose Cacique?

How to use Cacique?


Scripts Suites




Registration Registration and Login

Login and Publish

Login, Publish and Offer


Cacique Scripts

Cacique Scripts

• Data Set…Cacique uses its own set of data completely customizable by the user.

• Scripts Editor…Cacique editor lets you create or modify scripts, return to a previous version, check its syntax, insert functions and queries, see Help and run.

• Quick Ejecution Cacique can run the test without associated data.

Cacique Suites

• A Suite is a set of scripts that run together, one after another.

• The scripts in the suite can be linked to share data at run time.

• The outputs of a script, can be input to the scripts below.

Cacique Suites

Other Features

• Environments, Platforms and Environments Customizable.

• Compatible with virtual environments.

• Modular architecture.

• General functions and Project.

• Scheduled executions.

• Local and Remote Execution.

Cacique in 6 steps1. Record the circuit

2. Upload your file.rb

Cacique in 6 steps

3.Define fields

Cacique in 6 steps

4. Add Cases

Cacique in 6 steps

5. Test runs

Cacique in 6 steps

6. Check results

Cacique in 6 steps

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