CAB Marathon 2014 Recap

Post on 06-Apr-2016

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Transcript of CAB Marathon 2014 Recap

CAB Invitational Marathon

2014 Every time I run a marathon, I always say to Corey, “This is my last one”!!! I’ve completed a dozen. …. and each year I have organized the CAB Invitational Marathon, I

say the same thing “This is my last one”!!! But I love this event. So much hard work goes into it that I often feel like throwing my hands up and saying “ENOUGH ALREADY!” And then I see things like this….on Elkwood Terrace

And I realize we can’t break the tradition! Because I am reminded why we do this. So much fun, such passion for running, competition,

and just plain silliness (Corey apparently invited runners off the street).

So, rest assured, there WILL be a 6th annual CAB.

The day began early…I’m talking frinkin’ EARLY. Not “early bird gets the worm” early. We are talking 4 letter word early. When the first number on the clock begins with a “2”, you know it’s going to be a long day!! So, what’s a race director to do?? Make a barrel of COFFEE!!! Coffee is my miracle drug. As it worked its way down, I managed to right myself and start my long day.

Runners, volunteers, and spectators arrived at 7 am, where shirts were handed out, runners were briefed on the course, and volunteers were given instructions.

Some seemed perplexed The briefing for both runners and athletes, along with the mandatory quiz after, seemed to working out fine……..

My amazing runners!!

Of particular note, we reviewed the course, and the words “Do you have any questions?”

………were repeated by this race director many times. Crickets. Ok, everyone must know what they are doing, right? I reminded our relay runners to make sure they had their plan in place for transport to and from their relay point. Again, a bunch of nods from my eager, but perhaps half-listening athletes…

Can you see where I am headed with this??? Thankfully, my volunteers were FLAWLESS!! Dan, a newbie volunteer, was so organized and energetic, taking pictures and videos, handing out water bottles, and transporting his runners. (And I FORGOT to thank him at the awards ceremony!!! Now I know the embarrassment of the Oscar winners when they screw up their thank you speeches! Belated heart felt thank you Dan!!!)

Victim; I mean Newbie Volunteer

Dave Solo, a participant last year, decided to join the support staff this year. What an asset, driving through the course like a mad man, handing out cups of water and Gatorade, and perhaps most importantly, for me anyway, updating me on how far Howard was in

front of me as I stalked him down Ilene was on board as a veteran volunteer, keeping track of runners, cheering and handing out

water and Gatorade.

Jenna was thrown into this at the last minute, and helped as race photographer and memory helper. We hope we haven’t destroyed Josh and Jenna’s relationship as she may have been indoctrinated a little too deep into the craziness this early on……. Me: “Jenna, before I leave to run, please say ‘Phone, Gu, and Vaseline”. God knows what was going through her head, but she just smiled Jenna: “Sure!” Me: “Please don’t forget the Vaseline, that’s critical!” She may have 2nd thoughts about events at our house after this cryptic message. She then had travel in the car with not 1, not 2, but FOUR sweaty runners. ……a phone, gu and plenty of Vaseline!

And perhaps the best part of this year’s race can be attributed to the Otterstedt Family! I never want to do another race without a Gong. As a matter of fact, I want my own gong. For times when you just don’t feel like you’ve accomplished much. Simple demonstration:

Laundry folded, …GONG!!! Groceries put away…GONG!! Self-clean my oven …GONG!!

Organize my Take-out Menus ….GONG!!

You see, without the gong, just humdrum tasks. With the GONG, you can celebrate all

these amazing feats to completion!!

The morning was going great. My runners knew their responsibilities, my volunteers were all set to support my running troops, and I was whistling success as I approached the Palisades Park when panic set in! I saw what could potentially foil my entire day in front of me; the park was closed! Oh NO!!! Well, as I had already been on the road to crime with my other misdemeanors, I had to go for it. In for a penny, in for a pound. Now was not the time to be a law abiding citizen (said the Police officer’s Daughter) . Not when I had runners to get to

transfer points, water to hand out, and GONGS to be rung. No, no, NO!! So I jumped out of

the car, told Brielle, Jeremy and Jenna to keep a look out, and flung those signs to the side with a huge heave!

IN MY MIND I SAW This ……..

In reality I moved these……

Race on! GONG!!!

The first half of the run went off without a hitch! Gabrielle FLEW down the hill, giving us barely a second to catch a picture. She was followed by CAB, and our other relay runners..

Gaberielle 1st by a long way!!!!!!!!

Everyone else! My athlete, however, was a bit tardy. You see, he started that first mile STRONG, up front with the leaders!!! He let some runners pass him on the first uphill, and kept looking behind him, scanning the road for his competitors. Since he saw none, he thought, “I’m good, I got this thing. I knew there was no need train for this! ” It wasn’t until he paid attention to that car that was slowly driving along side of him that he began to question his assessment of the situation. You see, it was Dave Solo behind him; in the “sag-wagon” or “sweep car” as we call it!! Luckily, he quickly realized the error of his ways and barreled down the hill to a grandiose finish, and passed off his part of the relay to Wonder Woman (note the socks)

Brielle coolly and steadily made her way though the park, and Jeremy took over from there.

At the boat basin, the Gong was in full action as runners made their way the exchange point.

. Now, for the first year, I was not only race director but a competitor as well. With the eye of the Tiger, I knew it was up to me to set things right when I realized my team was in last place. Jenna reminded me of my Gu, phone and Vaseline , (with a straight face I might add) and off I went.

Why the phone you ask? GOOD QUESTION!! I will tell you why! As race director, I got texts DURING my run, like this one, from Allison: “I gave Rich a ride home to Oradell, he couldn’t

find his keys”. You see, Neil told Rich, “I will leave the keys in the wheel well”. I don’t know about you, but I’ve always thought a wheel well was kind of like “WELL, I will leave it near the WHEEL” And then the key gets hidden somewhere on or under the wheel area, where later folks just search around the ground under the car like this:

However, what many of us have since learned is that THIS is a wheel well

This is an ACTUAL place on a car. WHO KNEW?? Certainly not Rich or the other 5 racers searching on their hands and knees with him! I would say about 75% of those surveyed at the party had NO IDEA about this, so I feel happy that the race provided some useful vocabulary to many of us. (Though apologies to Allison for the added responsibilities of the day!)

Hey YOU; Im in the Wheel

Well-STOP looking on the ground!!

The race continued on, and I slowly made progress in my quest to catch up with other athletes. Dave, Tammy/Allison, and the Otterstedts were driving along the course, and I often wondered if I should Rosie Ruiz it and take a little ride in the car, but instead I soldiered on. Meanwhile, back at the house, Brielle was busy with post-race carb recovery. For those of you reading this, 3 miles burns a lot of calories and you might not recognize what is required to replenish all of those spent calories, we are so proud that Brie understands the importance of ensuring she is re-nourished!

Runners made their way back to the house without a hitch ….well, Rob did find the GPS on phone helpful. You see, it seemed he may not have had the benefit of my morning drug of the Gods, because though the rest of the field heard “Run back down Palisades AVENUE”, he somehow took a turn onto the Palisades PARKWAY. Good thing he figured it out, because though I had many fun, inspirational signs up

This was not one of them:

The finish line was festive with neighbors and fans, and I am happy to report that I finally passed Howard in the last block. You’ve been ‘Chicked’!

The awards and party were great fun as always

As for the Mother of all Trophies, there is a choice to be made:

Which camp do you fall in?? Size isn’t everything? Or Quality over quantity? Until next year… Your re-dedicated race director,


= (I’m just sayin’)

PS. I would be dishonest to say it was all smiles and fun. Malcolm’s loss was felt throughout the process... the jeering and teasing back and forth through the emails was not the same, his laugh and penchant for fun and joy was missing from the festivities. Still heartbroken, we wanted to come up with a way to commemorate Malcolm. But coming up with a sappy, sad award just wouldn’t do it. That wasn’t Malcolm, he would have hated that. Coming up with a silly, joyful award, gently (or perhaps not so gently) picking on him seemed WAY more appropriate. --