CAAS Undergraduate Courses (Spring 2015)

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Transcript of CAAS Undergraduate Courses (Spring 2015)


Center for African

American Studies


Undergraduate CoursesSpring 2015

Table of Contents

Required/Core Courses……...….2

CAAS Electives……...….2,3



Other Elective Options..….5

General Requirements:African American Studies Minor consists of total of (18) credit hours. Students must take three (3) required course; AAST 2300, AAST 4399 and one (1) core course SOCI 3338 or HIST 3365. In addition, students must take three (3) electives selected from the list below. Students who wish to minor in African American Studies should first consult with advisors in their major departments for approval and then with a CAAS academic advisor.________________________________________________Required CoursesAAST /SOCW 2300-001 INTRO TO AFRICAN AMERICAN STUDIES 3 credits TuTh 11-12:20pm Pamela K Hill (UH 02)

On CampusThis course introduces students to the African American experience in the United States, including an interdisciplinary analysis of the African American experience in politics, the arts, folklore, religion, economics, sociology, psychology, and community development; and an examination of local history, contemporary issues, and recent events in the African American community.

AAST 4399-001 Capstone African American Studies 3 creditsTBA Schnavia Hatcher (TBA) On CampusIn consultation with the course instructor, students will design a research project or an internship that will integrate their previous course work into a capstone experience in either the applied or the cultural studies stream of the African American Studies minor. Prerequisite: AAST 2300 and departmental permission.

Minor. Prerequisite: AAST 2300 and departmental permission.________________________________________________Core CoursesAAST/HIST 3366-001 African American History 1965-present 3 credits


MWF 11:00am-11:50am William Dulaney (UH 02) On CampusEmphasis on the transition from slavery to freedom, the political, social, and economic status of blacks in the late 19th century, 20th century black institutions and culture, and the evolution of the civil rights movements. Offered as AAST 3366 and HIST 3366; credit will be granted in only one department.

AAST/SOCW 3317~001 Human Behavior and Diverse Populations 3 credits

MW 4:00pm-5:20pm TBA (TH 20) On CampusIntroduction to theoretical, practical, and policy issues related to diverse populations. Historical, political, and socioeconomic forces are examined that maintain discriminatory and oppressive values, attitudes, and behaviors in society and in all levels of organizational behavior. Prerequisite: SOCW 2311, SOCW 2313. Offered as AAST 3317 and SOCW 3317; credit will be granted in only one department.______________________________________________CAAS Electives AAST/SOCW 4350-001 SPECIAL TOPICS IN AFRICAN AMERICAN STUDIESCIVIC ENGAGEMENT IN BLACK COMMUNITIES 3 creditsTuTh 9:30-10:50am Pamela K Hill (UH 02) On Campus Special topics related to African American studies. May be repeated for credit when the topic changes.AAST /SOCW 4391-001 CONFERENCE COURSE 3 creditsTBA Schnavia S. Hatcher (TBA)

On Campus Directed independent study for the advanced undergraduate. A close examination of a chosen topic through research and/or reading; format designed by instructor and student. May be repeated for a maximum six credit hours when the subject matter varies. Prerequisite: Departmental permission.

AAST/SOCW 6391-001 CONFERENCE COURSE 3 creditsTBA Schnavia S. Hatcher (TBA)

On Campus Directed independent study for the advanced graduate students. A close examination of a chosen topic through research and/or reading; format designed by instructor and student. May be repeated for a maximum six credit hours when the subject matter varies. Prerequisite: Departmental permission.________________________________________________Electives


AAST/ECON 2337-001 ECONOMICS OF SOCIAL ISSUES 3 creditsMWF 9:00-9:50am Ronnie Liggett (COBA 348) On Campus Economic consequences and solutions of current social issues. Each semester, a series of topics will be covered in line with current events and the instructor's expertise to facilitate an understanding of the economic structure. Will not serve to meet degree requirements for College of Business Administration majors.

AAST/HIST 3327-001 The New South – 1863-Present 3 credits

TuTh 12:30-1:50pm Christopher Morris (UH 01) On Campus

From military defeat to Sun Belt growth. Topics include Reconstruction, segregation, migration of Southerners to the North and West, depressions, reforms, Civil Rights, Moral Majority, cultural expressions in literature and music. Offered as AAST 3327 and HIST 3327; credit will be granted in only one department.

AAST/SOCI 3336-003 Social Inequality 3creditsW 4:00pm-6:50pm Charles Bittner (TBA) On CampusExamines the processes, characteristics, and consequences of social inequality in society. Topics include the social class structure, status groups, and elite power structure as they influence people's life chances. Offered as AAST 3336 and SOCI 3336; credit will be granted in only one department.

AAST/SOCI 3337-001 RACIAL & ETHNIC GROUPS IN US 3 creditsTuTh 12:30-1:50pm Krystal Beamon (UH 104) On CampusCompares the immigration, acculturation, and adjustment processes of various racial/ethnic groups in the U.S. Examines historical and contemporary discrimination in relation to the social conditions of racial/ethnic minority groups in the U. S. Topics include classical and contemporary theory; individualistic, cultural, and structural arguments about social arrangements; and conflict among majority and minority groups. Prerequisite: SOCI 1311. Credit will not be granted for both SOCI 3337 and SOCI 4310 or for MAS 3337 and MAS 4310. Offered as AAST 3337 and SOCI 3337; credit will be granted in only one department.


AAST/SOCI 3339 Race, Sport & Media 3 creditsTuTh 11:00am-12:20pm Krystal Beamon (UH 104) On CampusThe media, including television, film, print, audio, and online outlets, influence how we view the world. This course analyzes overt, subtle and subliminal messages about culture, race, ethnicity, and sport as presented to us through various forms of the media. Through examinations of media portrayals of race, both past and present, students will analyze media artifacts, identify recurring themes, and examine research focused on the societal effects of stereotypical media portrayals. Offered as AAST 3339 and SOCI 3339; credit will be granted in only one department.

AAST/SOCI 3344 Sociology of the 1960’s 3 creditsTuTh 8:00am-9:20am Ben Agger (UH 10)

On CampusThis course presents a sociological analysis of the sixties, stressing the connection between grassroots mobilization and large structures of power, war, race and gender. The legacy of the sixties is examined through stories told by and about activists of the period. Parallels between the sixties and the present are identified. Movements covered may include civil rights, black power, anti-war and women's rights. Offered as AAST 3344 and SOCI 3345; credit will be granted in only one department.

AAST/CRCJ 3380~002 Race, Crime, and Justice 3 creditsTBA Robert Bing Off Campus WebAn examination of race in the context of the criminal justice system. Emphasis is on social construction of crime; and the treatment of racial minorities as victims and offenders by law enforcement, courts, and corrections. Offered as CRCJ 3380 and MAS 3380; credit will be granted only once. Offered as AAST 3380 and CRCJ 3380; credit will be granted in only one department.

AAST/SOCI 4365-001 TOPICS IN SOCIOLOGY 3 creditsTu 2:00pm-4:50pm Beth Anne Shelton On CampusSelected topics in social issues, policy, processes and/or structure. Prerequisite: junior standing or permission of the instructor. May be repeated for credit with departmental permission.


TuTh 8:00am-9:20am Alusine Jalloh (UH 01) On CampusThis course examines the history of West Africa and how this region was integrated into the Atlantic world through the Atlantic slave trade. The course adopts an interdisciplinary approach that integrates traditional classroom instruction with field-based learning in West Africa. This learning method,


combined with cultural immersion, challenges students to develop their academic and cross-cultural knowledge and skills. Offered as AAST 4378 and HIST 4378; credit will be granted in only one department.________________________________________________Other Elective Options W/PermissionMANA 4326-001 Diversity in Organizations

3 creditsTuTh 8:00am-9:20am Alison Vania Hall (COBA 251) On CampusThis course examines the implications of employee diversity in organizations, an issue of increasing importance. It includes study of the changing demographics of workers, including multiple demographic groups and areas of differences important to organizational treatment and outcomes. This course examines research on treatment, access and customer discrimination. Legislation related to diversity is also reviewed. This course also provides suggestions for individual and organizational to increase opportunities and outcomes for workers of all backgrounds. Prerequisites: Junior standing.

MANA 4326-002 Diversity in Organizations 3 creditsTuTh 11:00am-12:20pm Alison Vania Hall (COBA 141) On CampusThis course examines the implications of employee diversity in organizations, an issue of increasing importance. It includes study of the changing demographics of workers, including multiple demographic groups and areas of differences important to organizational treatment and outcomes. This course examines research on treatment, access and customer discrimination. Legislation related to diversity is also reviewed. This course also provides suggestions for individual and organizational to increase opportunities and outcomes for workers of all backgrounds. Prerequisites: Junior standing.

PSYC 3315-001 Social Psychology 3 credits

TuTh 8:00am-9:20am Shannon Layman(LS 118) On Campus

The theories and research dealing with individual behavior in the social environment. Social influence processes, interpersonal attraction, group behavior, aggression, conformity, and attitude formation and change. Prerequisite: PSYC 1315

PSCY 3315-002 Social Psychology 3 credits

TuTh 5:30pm-6:50pm Shannon Layman(LS 124) On Campus

The theories and research dealing with individual behavior in the social environment. Social influence processes, interpersonal attraction, group


behavior, aggression, conformity, and attitude formation and change. Prerequisite: PSYC 1315