CA Vantage™ Storage Vantage Storage Resource Manag… · CA ARCserve® Backup ... CA Vantage™...

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Transcript of CA Vantage™ Storage Vantage Storage Resource Manag… · CA ARCserve® Backup ... CA Vantage™...

Release Notes 12.6.00, Eighth Edition

CA Vantage™ Storage Resource Manager

This Documentation, which includes embedded help systems and electronically distributed materials, (hereinafter referred to as the “Documentation”) is for your informational purposes only and is subject to change or withdrawal by CA at any time. This Documentation is proprietary information of CA and may not be copied, transferred, reproduced, disclosed, modified or duplicated, in whole or in part, without the prior written consent of CA.

If you are a licensed user of the software product(s) addressed in the Documentation, you may print or otherwise make available a reasonable number of copies of the Documentation for internal use by you and your employees in connection with that software, provided that all CA copyright notices and legends are affixed to each reproduced copy.

The right to print or otherwise make available copies of the Documentation is limited to the period during which the applicable license for such software remains in full force and effect. Should the license terminate for any reason, it is your responsibility to certify in writing to CA that all copies and partial copies of the Documentation have been returned to CA or destroyed.


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The manufacturer of this Documentation is CA.

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Copyright © 2014 CA. All rights reserved. All trademarks, trade names, service marks, and logos referenced herein belong to their respective companies.

CA Technologies Product References

The CA Vantage SRM guides refer to the following CA Technologies products and components:

■ CA 1® Tape Management (CA 1)

■ CA 7™ Workload Automation (CA 7)

■ CA ACF2™ for z/OS (CA ACF2)

■ CA Allocate™ DASD Space and Placement (CA Allocate)

■ CA ARCserve® Backup (CA ARCserve)

■ CA ASTEX™ Performance (CA ASTEX)

■ CA Auditor for z/OS (CA Auditor)

■ CA Chorus™ (CA Chorus)

■ CA Chorus™ for Storage Management (CA Chorus for Storage Management)

■ CA Chorus™ Software Manager (CA CSM)

■ CA Compress™ Data Compression (CA Compress)

■ CA CREWS™ Catalog Recovery (CA CREWS)

■ CA Datacom®/AD (CA Datacom/AD)

■ CA Datacom®/DB (CA Datacom/DB)

■ CA Disk™ Backup and Restore (CA Disk)

■ CA Tape Encryption

■ CA Enterprise Backup

■ CA Graphical Management Interface (CA GMI)

■ CA Hyper-Buf® VSAM Buffer Optimizer (CA Hyper-Buf VSAM BO)


■ CA MasterCat™ VSAM Catalog Management (CA MasterCat)

■ CA MIM™ Resource Sharing (CA MIM)

■ CA OPS/MVS® Event Management and Automation (CA OPS/MVS)

■ CA PDSMAN® PDS Library Management (CA PDSMAN)

■ CA Portal

■ CA Service Desk

■ CA Storage Resource Manager (CA SRM)

■ CA SYSVIEW® Performance Management (CA SYSVIEW)

■ CA Encryption Key Manager

■ CA TCPaccess™ Telnet Server for z/OS (CA TCPaccess)

■ CA TLMS® Tape Management (CA TLMS)

■ CA Top Secret® for z/OS (CA Top Secret)

■ CA Vantage™ Storage Resource Manager (CA Vantage SRM)

■ CA Vantage™ Storage Resource Manager Allocation Option (CA Vantage SRM Allocation Option)

■ CA Vantage™ Storage Resource Manager Automation Option (CA Vantage SRM Automation Option)

■ CA Vantage™ Storage Resource Manager Database Option (CA Vantage SRM Database Option)

■ CA Vantage™ Storage Resource Manager Tape Resource Option (CA Vantage SRM Tape Resource Option)

■ CA Vantage™ Storage Resource Manager Host Configuration Client (Config Client)

■ CA Vantage™ Storage Resource Manager Web Client (Web Client)

■ CA Vantage™ Storage Resource Manager Windows Client (Windows Client)

■ CA Vantage™ Storage Resource Manager Interface for Adabas (CA Vantage SRM Interface for Adabas)

■ CA Vantage™ Storage Resource Manager Interface for DFSMShsm (CA Vantage SRM Interface for DFSMShsm)

■ CA Vantage™ Storage Resource Manager Interface for CA Disk™ (CA Vantage SRM Interface for CA Disk)

■ CA Vantage™ Storage Resource Manager Interface for USS (CA Vantage SRM Interface for USS)

■ CA Vtape™ Virtual Tape System (CA Vtape)

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Documentation Changes

The following documentation updates have been made since the last release of this documentation:

■ Delta Objects (see page 11)—Short overview of a new feature

■ DFSMShsm Fast Replication (see page 10)—Short overview of a new feature

■ Peer-to-Peer Communication (see page 10)—Short overview of a new feature

■ Support for EMC Disk Library for Mainframe (DLm), Virtual Tape Facility (see page 11)—Short overview of a new feature

■ SMPE Install in the Same SMPE Zone (see page 11)—Short overview of a new feature

■ New Actions for zSeries File System Data Sets (see page 11)—Short overview of new options

■ Enhancements to Existing Features (see page 13)—Added descriptions of Scheduler time limit, Scheduler force activation, multiple monitor support, enhancements to the Storage Groups (Pools) component, SMTP server communication, filter in multiindex objects, VMware support, enhanced support for zFS, DB objects include real-time DB2 statistics

Contents 7


Chapter 1: New Features 9

The Software Configuration Service (SCS) Component of CA CSM is Supported ......................................................... 9

zIIP Processing is Supported ......................................................................................................................................... 9

DASD Value Classification ........................................................................................................................................... 10

Peer-to-Peer Communication .................................................................................................................................... 10

DFSMShsm Fast Replication ....................................................................................................................................... 10

Delta Objects .............................................................................................................................................................. 11

Support for EMC Disk Library for Mainframe (DLm), Virtual Tape Facility ................................................................. 11

SMPE Install in the Same SMPE Zone ......................................................................................................................... 11

New Actions for zSeries File System Data Sets ........................................................................................................... 11

Chapter 2: Enhancements to Existing Features 13

New Object for (UNIX) zSeries File Systems (zFS) ...................................................................................................... 14

New Filter Capabilities ............................................................................................................................................... 14

Include-Exclude Configuration for Multiple Systems Simplified ................................................................................ 15

Codepage Language Support ..................................................................................................................................... 15

Some CA SRM (Open System) Objects Can be Accessed in the z/OS Object Tree ..................................................... 15

New SMF Component Support Added ....................................................................................................................... 15

Passphrase is Supported ............................................................................................................................................ 16

Remove Ambiguity Between Value and Field Comparisons ...................................................................................... 16

New Current Allocations Object ................................................................................................................................. 17

New Flash Copy Volumes Object ................................................................................................................................ 17

Field-to-Field Comparison Filter Statement ............................................................................................................... 17

Windows Client Improvements .................................................................................................................................. 18

Web Client Changes ................................................................................................................................................... 21

Enhancement to Storage Groups (Pools) Component ............................................................................................... 22

Use IBM’s Extended Address Volumes (EAVs) ........................................................................................................... 23

Disk Checkpoint (DC) Mode for DFSMShsm Objects .................................................................................................. 23

Performance Improvements - CA TLMS Control Data Set .......................................................................................... 23

Usermod SAMUM01 is no Longer Supported ............................................................................................................ 23

SMTP Server Communication ..................................................................................................................................... 24

Filter in Multiindex Objects ........................................................................................................................................ 24

DB2 Objects Include Real-Time DB2 Statistics ........................................................................................................... 24

Chapter 1: New Features 9

Chapter 1: New Features

This chapter contains a cumulative list of the new features added to CA Vantage SRM for Release 12.6:

■ The Software Configuration Service (SCS) Component of CA CSM is Supported

■ zIIP Processing is Supported

■ DASD Value Classification

■ Peer-to-Peer Communication

■ DFSMShsm Fast Replication

■ Delta Objects

■ Support for EMC Disk Library for Mainframe (DLm), Virtual Tape Facility

■ SMPE Install in the same SMPE Zone

■ Creating zSeries File System Data Sets

For a list of changes to previously existing features included with the new releases and subsequent service packs, see the chapter Enhancements to Existing Features (see page 13).

The Software Configuration Service (SCS) Component of CA CSM is Supported

You can now use the SCS component of CA CSM to configure CA Vantage SRM subsystems after installation and deployment. We recommend you continue to use the Host Configuration Client (HCC) included in the Windows Client for reconfiguring and to perform maintenance configuration of your existing CA Vantage SRM subsystems.

zIIP Processing is Supported

CA Vantage SRM is designed to exploit IBM zIIP specialty processors when they are installed and enabled on the system where CA Vantage SRM will run and the appropriate parmlib parameter is specified. By default, CA Vantage SRM will not attempt to make work eligible to run on the zIIP processor. You must activate zIIP processing using the ZIIPIT parameter in parmlib.

DASD Value Classification

10 Release Notes

Special zIIP servers are made for CA Vantage SRM. These are designed to run in Service Request Block (SRB) mode, a prerequisite of zIIP processing. When the zIIP feature is activated, CA Vantage SRM will create the environment necessary to ship functions to those zIIP servers where work will be scheduled on the zIIP processor. The most processor intensive functions of CA Vantage SRM, sort, join, summary, statistics, totals, LI object filtering, DTOC creation and POOLS scan are made eligible to run on the zIIP processor.

For information and statistics about the CA Vantage SRM ZIIP servers see the object zIIP Server Information. To watch zIIP exploitation for all address spaces see the object zIIP Time For Address Spaces. These objects are located in the CPU Usage and HPCS sub-folder under CA Vantage Internal Management folder in the Object Tree.

You can also watch zIIP usage for CA Vantage SRM tasks in the CPU Time for Active TCBs, zIIP Server Information, and zIIP Time for Address Space objects. These objects are located in the CPU Usage and HPCS under the CA Vantage Internal Management folder in the Object Tree.

A new health check VANTAGE_ZIIP_ENABLED@jobname is provided that monitors if zIIP processing is being exploited.

DASD Value Classification

Allows for classifying DASD and assign different values (tiered storage analysis) by assigning data sets a value based upon size, type of Raid device where they reside, and if they are mirrored. The Dataset Table Of Content (DTOC) has been enhanced to provide new fields to classify; Raid Type, DASD Replication, and Value.

Peer-to-Peer Communication

The Peer-to-Peer feature enables you to use more CA Vantage SRM hosts and manage storage across the hosts. Peer-to-Peer communication enables CA Vantage SRM hosts to connect to one or more hosts using TCP/IP. You can distribute members of a source PDS, for example, GOA scripts, MA scripts, or configuration members, to one or more target systems. You can also collect SMF records from one or more systems.

DFSMShsm Fast Replication

CA Vantage SRM supports DFSMShsm Fast Replication.

You can interact with DFSMShsm Fast Replication by executing backups and dumps or by checking the Fast Replication status and details.

Delta Objects

Chapter 1: New Features 11

Delta Objects

Delta Objects show changes in numeric values for object keys in any Source Object. Delta Objects extract information from large amounts of logged data and help you measure business impacts and costs. You can produce trend reports on metrics that are not available from the original raw data.

Delta Object report shows changes in numeric values for object key values over time.

Support for EMC Disk Library for Mainframe (DLm), Virtual Tape Facility

Support for the EMC Disk Library for mainframe (DLm), virtual tape facility is added. Along with this support, new sysparm DLMDIPFX and configuration job J06DLM are introduced. You find the new objects for DLm in the Object Tree directory: Tape Resource Management, Virtual Tape Systems, and EMC DLm Virtual Tape.

CA Vantage SRM supports multiple DLM systems on one LPAR.

SMPE Install in the Same SMPE Zone

You can do an SMPE install of CA Disk, CA Allocate, and CA Vantage SRM in the same SMPE zone.

New Actions for zSeries File System Data Sets

You can create and mount zSeries File System (zFS) data sets. You can also apply actions, such as mount, aggregate, and automove to existing zFS data sets from the All Data Sets object or the VSAM Data Set Attributes object. Mounted zFS data sets are displayed in the Mounted zSeries File Systems object.

Chapter 2: Enhancements to Existing Features 13

Chapter 2: Enhancements to Existing Features

This chapter contains a cumulative list of enhancements to existing features of CA Vantage SRM for Release 12.6:

■ New Object for (UNIX) zSeries File Systems (zFS)

■ New Filter Capabilities

■ Include-Exclude Configuration for Multiple Systems Simplified

■ Codepage language support

■ Some CA SRM (open system) objects can be included in the z/OS object tree

■ New SMF Component Support Added

■ Passphrase is Supported

■ Remove Ambiguity Between Value and Field Comparisons

■ New Current Allocations Object

■ New Flash Copy Volumes Object

■ Field-to-Field Comparison Filter Statement

■ Windows Client Improvements

■ Web Client Changes

■ Enhancement to Storage Groups (Pools) Component

■ Use IBM’s Extended Address Volumes (EAVs)

■ Disk Checkpoint (DC) Mode for DFSMShsm Objects

■ Performance Improvements - CA TLMS Control Data Set

■ Usermod SAMUM01 is no longer supported

■ General SMTP server communication supported

■ Multi-index Objects use filters instead of index pointers.

■ Multiple DLM systems on one LPAR are supported.

■ Virtual Storage Constraints relieved.

■ The space used within the EAS on EAV volumes is easily viewed and analyzed.

■ Better management of above the bar memory enables more appropriate limits to be set.

New Object for (UNIX) zSeries File Systems (zFS)

14 Release Notes

New Object for (UNIX) zSeries File Systems (zFS)

The new object Mounted zSeries File Systems has been added to the UNIX for z-Series folder in the object tree. This object displays information about mounted zFS files.

Note: For more information about configuring the new object, see the Configuration Guide.

New Filter Capabilities

Filter expressions have been enhanced in two ways:

■ External Filters can now be combined with other External Filters and expressions.

The restriction that prevented an External Filter from being combined with additional filter expressions or another External Filter has been removed. A filter string can now reference any number of External Filters as well as other filter expressions using the appropriate AND and OR Boolean operations. To refer to an External Filter, use the "Insert Class" service within the filter dialog. It will appear as "class:mbrname" within the filter string as shown in the following examples:

Class:baseflt1 AND vsorg = KSDS

(class:baseflt1 OR class:baseflt2) AND blksize = 80

DSN INCL app1/ OR class:app2flt OR class:app9flt

External Filters can also refer to other External Filters, but only to 3 nested levels. That is, the 1st External Filter (class) can refer to a 2nd, and it to a 3rd. If the 3rd level refers to a 4th, the filter will be rejected.

■ Any field can be used with the BETWEEN operator

For ease-of-use, a filter test of "fldname between (value1 value2)" can now be used. It is merely a quick way of generating these two tests:

fldname GE value1 AND fldname LE value2

Notice that it uses the GE and LE comparison operators, not GT and LT. For example, the expression "blksize between (800 3120)" will find all entries with a blksize of 800 and larger, up to and including 3120.

Include-Exclude Configuration for Multiple Systems Simplified

Chapter 2: Enhancements to Existing Features 15

Include-Exclude Configuration for Multiple Systems Simplified

If you run multiple CA Vantage SRM systems and each requires a different configuration (for example, different system parameters in VKGPARMS, different INCLEXCL lists, and so on) you can configure all of them in one local parmlib and then distribute the parmlib data set to your other systems.

Note: For more information, see the chapter "Configuring Multiple Systems" in the Configuration Guide.

Codepage Language Support

Conversions to codepage 1142 for Danish and Norwegian, and to codepage 1147 for French are now supported to meet your SMTP server requirements.

Note: For more information, see the description of system parameter CODEPAGE in the Configuration Guide and the section Codepage Language Support in the Reference Guide.

Some CA SRM (Open System) Objects Can be Accessed in the z/OS Object Tree

You can now add some CA SRM (open system) objects to the z/OS Object Tree if you have a license for CA SRM. For more information, see the Configuration Guide.

New SMF Component Support Added

Additional support for the SMF (System Management Facility) component is added. You can use this new capability to go back in time and analyze why Storage Groups contain data set allocations spikes and identify which job, user, or STC is causing the data set allocations spikes to occur.

This support includes the following:

■ New workflow scenario “How to Manage Spikes in Storage Groups” is provided in the User Guide. This scenario tells you how to set up and use this new capability.

■ New space allocation factory-supplied Summary Objects that use the Data Set Allocation (source) object are provided. These new factory-supplied Summary Objects can be found in the Data Set Management, Data Set Allocations, Summary Objects directory in the Object Tree.

Passphrase is Supported

16 Release Notes

■ New sysparm DSALLOCS is added.

■ New operator commands F SAMS,SMF,START,SMFTYPE=nn and F SAMS,SMF,STOP,SMFTYPE=nn are added.

Passphrase is Supported

You can now use a phrase password (a passphrase) to log on to hosts from the user-interfaces.

Note: For information how to implement passphrase in your host security system, see the Reference Guide.

Remove Ambiguity Between Value and Field Comparisons

Now you can explicitly indicate how operand2 is to be treated in the filter expressions in the filter dialogs. You can do this using the filter dialogs in the following user-interfaces:

■ Windows Client

■ Web Client

■ View 3270 Client

In a few cases, a test value you enter may also match a field name within the object and your intent is ambiguous. Did you intend to compare the field against a value, or the field against another field? In these rare cases, filter processing assumes that you intended a field-to-field comparison. Message VAN1582I is given to inform you that operand2 is being interpreted as a field, for a field-to-field comparison.

To override the assumption being made, you can now explicitly indicate how operand2 is to be treated. Prefix it with v: to indicate it is a value, or with f: to indicate it is a field. For example:

■ fieldname comparator v:value

■ field name comparator f:fieldname2

New Current Allocations Object

Chapter 2: Enhancements to Existing Features 17

New Current Allocations Object

This object displays the DD statements that are currently allocated to the CA Vantage SRM started task. It includes the DDs that are in the JCL, as well as those that are dynamically allocated. The data set associated with each allocation is listed, as well as its allocation attributes.

It can be used to identify dynamically allocated data sets that are not being freed as they should be. When a dynamically allocated data set has not been freed, the InUseTcb and TcbName fields identify the TCB that did it.

This new object is located in the Object Tree in the Data Sets subfolder under the main folder CA Vantage Internal Management.

New Flash Copy Volumes Object

FlashCopy enables you to make copies of a set of tracks, with the copies immediately available for read or write access. This set of tracks can consist of an entire volume, a data set, or just a selected set of tracks.

The Flash Copy Volumes object is located in the RAID Devices folder in the Object Tree.

The following Actions are available for this object:

■ Establish FlashCopy

■ Withdraw FlashCopy

Field-to-Field Comparison Filter Statement

You can now make Field-to-Field comparison filter statements using the filter features of the user-interfaces:

■ View 3270 - Filter

■ Web Client - Filter page of the Customize View Wizard

■ Windows Client - Filter dialog

Windows Client Improvements

18 Release Notes

Windows Client Improvements

The Windows Client has been enhanced to provide better usability and management, this includes:

■ Object menus are changed (this change is available in 12.7 SP1)

Note: The object menu options can vary dependent on the object. The following is a summary of the changes.

– The Commands menu no longer exists (the command options have been moved to the new Options menu).

– Two new menus are added. Some menu options have been moved to these new menus and no longer exist in the previous menus:

■ Operate - Contains the following options: Execute, Refresh, Open Zoom, Monitor, Mode, and Show Log/Cap.

■ Options - Contains the following options: View and Output Definition, Selection Method, Commands, Object Logging, Object General Automation, New Summary Object, New Joined Object, and JCL Model List.

– In the View menu, Summary sub menus Totals and Statistics is changed to Statistics sub menus Full and Totals.

– The Edit menu now contains the following options: Select All Lines, Deselect, Copy, Adjust Column Width, Go to Row, Find (row), and Locate.

■ Passphrase is supported.

■ New options in the Filter Method page of the Summary Object Designer (this change is available in Service Pack 12.6.01 Patch 2).

The UNASSIGNED row, ALL RECORDS row, or both can now be turned off so that they do not appear in the table.

■ Client Menu Option Changes (this change is available in Service Pack 12.6.01).

The Desktop Layout option is removed from the Windows Client Main Menu. The Desktop Layout options are moved to the Client menu on the main menu, this includes the following:

– Home

– Object Tree

– Host List

– Consoles

– Solutions

Windows Client Improvements

Chapter 2: Enhancements to Existing Features 19

– Active Objects

The new Recently Used Views option is added to the Client option drop-down list. This option displays a list of most recently viewed objects. You can set the number of object views to display in the General page of the Windows Client Options wizard.

■ New columns added to the Host List window (this change is available in Service Pack 12.6.01)

The following changes are made to the Host List window:

– The Object Tree Ver column is removed

– The System/Subsystem column divided into two new columns: System and Subsystem

– The Release column is renamed to SysRelease. It displays the operating system release version.

– A new Release column is added. It displays the CA Vantage SRM release version.

– A new Level column is added. It displays the CA Vantage SRM PTF level.

– A new High Date column is added. It displays the CA Vantage SRM highest assembly date found in the modules.

■ New fields added to the Source Object page of the Summary Designer (this change is available in Patch 2 of the Release 12.6 Windows Client)

Depending on the object included in the Summary Object the following fields can be displayed in the Source Object page of the Summary Designer:

– Input List (optional or mandatory)

– Input Range (optional)

– Input Pattern (optional)

■ New Windows Client Options wizard

The new Windows Client Options wizard replaces the Global Options dialog. To display the new Windows Client Options wizard, click Tools and then Options from the Menu bar.

■ New Export wizard

The new Export wizard replaces the Export dialog. To display the new Export wizard, click Tools and then Export from the Menu bar.

Note: Because of changes in the database structure, you cannot export or import entities from or to Windows Client systems that are less than Release 12.5.

Windows Client Improvements

20 Release Notes

■ New Import wizard

The new Import wizard replaces the Import dialog. To display the new Import wizard, click Tools and then Import from the Menu bar.

Note: Because of changes in the database structure, you cannot export or import entities from or to Windows Client systems that are less than Release 12.5.

■ Excel Export and Support

The Windows Client now exports data for Excel in the XML+XSD file formats instead of using the CSV (comma-separated values) file format. That is, the Windows Client exports two files; one in XML format containing data and the second one in XSD format containing XML schema definition. This allows Excel to present the data in precise and color view.

The number of records allowed for exporting is increased to 1 million.

■ New Discover Dependence feature

A new option, Discover Dependence, is provided. It shows the dependent entities of an object. The dialog looks for and displays the following categories of dependent entities: Joined Objects, Summary Objects, Loaded Scripts, JCL Models, External Filters, User Views, Consoles, Solutions, and Collectors.

To use this new feature, right-click an object in the Object Tree and click Discover Dependence from the menu displayed.

■ New External Filters/Classes Manager

The new External Filters/Classes Manager replaces the External Filters/Classes dialog. The External Filters/Classes Manager is displayed when you select External Filters/Classes from the z/OS menu.

The External Filters/Classes Manager provides an easy way to manage External Filters. It categorizes External Filters and groups them by the source objects. A number of aid tools are incorporated in the dialog.

Note: You can create External Filters using the External Filters/Classes Manager or the normal Filter dialog (as before). You can modify or delete existing External Filters using only the External Filters/Classes Manager.

■ Email

– Email control is upgraded to improve diagnostics and configuration abilities.

– Mail Tester is upgraded to provide more solutions, improve diagnostics, and better user experience.

■ New Zoom selection box

A new Zoom selection box replaces the old one. The new Zoom selection box is displayed when you select an object line item and click the Zoom icon on the object toolbar or double-click an object line item. The new Zoom selection box is displayed above the selected row or below the selected row (depending on the availability of space).

Web Client Changes

Chapter 2: Enhancements to Existing Features 21

■ Exporting data of More objects

More objects are z/OS objects that are retrieved in chunks. Previously, exporting of More objects only exported the chunk currently displayed in the object view. Now, exports of More objects includes all the chunks of the More objects until the range criteria that is specified in the Record Range page of the output or export wizards is met.

■ A number of tool icons displayed in menus and toolbars have been replaced to provide better visibility.

■ Installing on a Windows 64-bit system

The Windows Client is a 32-bit application. If you install it in a Windows 64-bit system, we recommend you install it in the …/Program files(x86) directory.

If you have installed it in the …/Program files of a Windows 64-bit system, we recommend you uninstall it and instead install it in the …/Program files(x86) directory. Backup the BrightStor SRM Data directory, prior to uninstalling, so you can restore it after re-install.

■ Scheduler time limit

You can define a particular time limit for generating reports for the scheduled tasks.

■ Immediate schedule activation

You can force a scheduled task to activate immediately.

■ Multiple monitor support

The Windows Client works in multiple monitor setup. You can span the Windows Client window over multiple monitors.

■ VMware support

The Windows Client is certified with VMware ESX version 5.0.

Web Client Changes

The Web Client has the following changes:

■ Passphrase is supported.

■ The Web Client email sender address is changed to

■ The Customize View Wizard available for zoom to objects

You can activate the Customize View Wizard for the zoomed to object and use many of the Customize View Wizard features. The Save, Save As, and Host Selections features of the Customize View Wizard are not available for zoomed to objects.

Enhancement to Storage Groups (Pools) Component

22 Release Notes

You are not able to save object view customizing of zoomed to objects. If you customize the zoomed to object view, for example by applying a sort or filter, the Save and Save As options in the Customize menu are also disabled.

■ The Web Client name is changed to "CA Vantage SRM Web Client"

The Web Client name is changed to "CA Vantage SRM Web Client" on screen displays and the documentation.

Enhancement to Storage Groups (Pools) Component

Changes to the Storage Groups (Pools) component include the following:

■ New component POOLCOMP is defined.

■ POOLS collector and the processing remains the same.

■ PAWINTVL interval special values supported (9999, 9998).

■ QUIESCE command supported.

■ POOLCOMP component is able to handle POOLS commands even if a scan is in progress.

■ Reduced CPU time by enabling the zIIP support. Eight threads are now used to retrieve space information from all volumes that are processed, allowing for faster response time.

■ You can drive Pool collection on only one Pool or Storage Group instead of collecting all data for all Pools when you request only one Pool.

The following new commands are provided:


Starts Storage Groups (Pools) component.


Stops Storage Groups (Pools) component.


Starts a new POOL interval scan.


Refreshes Storage Groups (Pools) processing.


Stops Storage Groups (Pools) PAWINTVL interval collecting (no scan will be started, but if a scan is already in progress, it finishes).

Use IBM’s Extended Address Volumes (EAVs)

Chapter 2: Enhancements to Existing Features 23


Turns on or off diagnostic tracing of the Storage Groups (Pools) component and its parts.

Valid options are:

– Y - Activate complete tracing.

– N - Deactivate all tracing.

– COMP,Y - Activate normal component tracing.

– COMP,N - Deactivate normal component tracing.

– SCAN,Y - Activate scan processing tracing.

– SCAN,N - Deactivate scan processing tracing.

Use IBM’s Extended Address Volumes (EAVs)

CA Vantage SRM can now use the previously unused portion of the head address used by IBM’s Extended Address Volumes (EAVs). New fields are added to the The Dataset Table Of Content (DTOC) to display EAV related information.

Disk Checkpoint (DC) Mode for DFSMShsm Objects

Provides the option to allow DFSMShsm Control Data Sets (CDS’es) to be written to disks and read sequentially. Performance improvements can be recognized for sites with millions of records.

Performance Improvements - CA TLMS Control Data Set

Significant improvements are delivered in addressing the CA TLMS control data set.

Usermod SAMUM01 is no Longer Supported

The IGDACSSC and RSTACSSC modules distributed in the CCTULPA library are both IGDACSSC exit modules. The IGDACSSC exit module looks for the CA Vantage SRM RSTACSSC routine, and calls it (if found).

IGDACSSC will also look for the IGDACUXT routine and call it (if found). IGDACUXT is your locally-written user exit.

SMTP Server Communication

24 Release Notes

SMTP Server Communication

CA Vantage SRM now supports direct communication with a general SMTP server using SMTP protocol. The user interface in script statements does not change.

Filter in Multiindex Objects

Multi-index objects DTOC4VOL and DTOC4POl use a filter instead of index pointers. Space used within the EAS on EAV volumes is easy to view and analyze. Virtual Storage constraint relief and better memory management enables reduced usage below the 2 GB bar. Wasted space within VVDSs is easy to view. More objects in the DTOC remain available so that better analysis and storage management is possible.

DB2 Objects Include Real-Time DB2 Statistics

Two new real-time DB2 statistics objects are provided. The DB2 catalog statistics available before DB2 RTS are not comprehensive and often outdated as the data depends the DB2 administrator regularly running a RUNSTATS utility. The new objects names are Real-Time Index Space Statistics and Real-Time Table Space Statistics.