C U R R I C U L U M V I T A E€¦ · “Mtazamo wa Walimu na Wanafunzi Kuhusu Maudhui ya Isimu...

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Transcript of C U R R I C U L U M V I T A E€¦ · “Mtazamo wa Walimu na Wanafunzi Kuhusu Maudhui ya Isimu...



NAME: Odeo Isaac Ipara

TITLE: Professor of Kiswahili

ADDRESS: Kibabii University

P.O. Box 1699-50200


Office Telephone: 0708085934/ 0202028660

E-mail: iodeo@kibu.ac.ke; iparaodeo@yahoo.com;


Mobile: 0733 868567; 0725 429397

DATE OF BIRTH: May 19, 1955

STATUS: Married



LANGUAGES: Kiswahili, English, Ateso and Lubukusu.

OBJECTIVE: To consolidate my stock of knowledge, skills, competencies and

experience to turn Kibabii University into a premier institution in

science, technology and innovation for the transformation of society.


Year Qualification Institution

2003 Doctor of Philosophy Moi University

1986 Master of Educaion Kenyatta University

1978 B. Ed. (Arts) Hons) University of Nairobi

1974 EAACE- 3Ps; 1Sub. Chesamisi High School

1972 EACE-Div. II (24pts) Eldoret Harambee Sec. School

1970 KJSE Eldoret Harambee Sec. School

1968 CPE Soy Primary School

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D.Phil. Thesis Title “Oral Questioning in the Pedagogy of Kiswahili Grammar: A Study of Teachers Practices in Selected

Secondary Schools of Bungoma District, Kenya.”

M.Ed. Thesis Title “A Survey of Instructional Practices of Teachers of Kiswahili in Upper Primary School in Tongaren

Division, Bungoma District of Kenya.”


Date Institution

Nov. 2015 to date Kibabii University, Depatment of Kiswahili and other

African Languages.

Mar. 2011- Nov. 2015 Kibabii University College, Depatment of Kiswahili and

other African Languages.

Jan.2007- Sept. 2015 Masinde Muliro University of Science and Technology,

Department of Language and Literature Education.

Nov.2003 – Dec.2006 Western University College of Science and Technology,

Department of Language and Literature Education.

Nov.1988 – Oct. 2003 Moi University, Department of Educational Communication

and Technology.

June 1987-Oct.1988 Siriba Diploma Teachers Training College, Kiswahi


Oct.1986-May 1987 Kaimosi Teachers Training College, Kiswahili.

Jan. 1983-Sep. 1984 Kemeloi Secondary School, Kiswahili.

Sept.1978-Dec.1982 Nyaroha Girls Secondary School, Kiswahili, History.


Date Designation Institution

July 2016 to Date Vice Chancellor Kibabii University

Nov. 14th, 2015 to

June 2016

Acting Vice Chancellor Kibabii University

April 20th, 2015 to


Professor of Kiswahili Kibabii University

June 12th, 2013 to

Nov.13th, 2015

Principal Kibabii University College

Oct. 5th, 2012 to

June 11th, 2013

Acting Principal Kibabii University College

March 2012 Cordinator Kibabii University College

May 2008 Associate Professor of

Kiswahili Education

Masinde Muliro University of Science

and Technology

May 2008 Director, School of Open

Learning and Continuing

Masinde Muliro University of Science

and Technology

Page 3 of 42


May 2005 Acting Director, School

of Open Learning and

Continuing Education

Westerrn University College of Science

and Technology (WUCST).

Nov- Dec., April,

June, 2004:

Acting Dean Faculty of Education and Social

Sciences, WUCST.

Nov. 2003 Senior Lecturer Department of Language and Literature

Education, WUCST.

Nov. 2003 Chairman Department of Language and Literature

Education, WUCST.

Mar. 2003 Faculty Timetable and

Examinations Co-


Faculty of Education, Moi University.

May, 1990 Lecturer Department of Educational

Communication and Technology, Moi


Nov. 1988 Tutorial Fellow Department of Educational

Communication and Technology, Moi


1990-2001 Seminars Cordinator Department of Educational

Communication and Technology, Moi


1990 Part-time Tutor College of Education and External

Studies, University of Nairobi.

1989-1999 Teaching Practice Zonal


Faculty of Education, Moi University.

1988 Teaching Practice Zonal


Siriba Diploma Teachers Teachers


1987-1988 Lecturer Teachers Service Commission

1981-1984 Examiner (Kiswahili) Kenya Certificate of Secondary


1978-1980 Examiner and Team

Leader (Kiswahili)

Kenya Junior Secondary Education.

1978-1987 Graduate Teacher Teachers Service Commission.


Date Institution

April, 2012 to July, 2013 University of Nairobi

August, 2011 to August, 2014 Maseno University

July, 2010 Makerere University

April, 2009 to July, 2014 Moi University

April, 2007 to July, 2010 Islamic University in Uganda, Mbale

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(a) Undergraduate Level i. Kiswahili Poetry.

ii. Special Methods in Kiswahili.

iii. Topics in General Methods of Teaching.

iv. Educational Media Practicals.

v. Oral Literature in Kiswahili.

vi. Kiswahili Morphology.

vii. Introduction to Language and Linguistics in


viii. Global Education and Linkages.

ix. Introduction to Kiswahili Literature.

(b) Masters Level i. Teaching Kiswahili as Second Language, I


ii. Teaching Kiswahili as a Second Language, 11


iii. Teaching Literature.

iv. Teaching African Oral Literature.

v. Kiswahili Drama.

vi. Instructional Methods and Resources in


vii. Adult Education Policy and Distance


(c) Doctoral Level i. Trends in the Development of Kiswahili


ii. The Teaching and Learning of Kiswahili as a

Second Language.

iii. Second Language Research.

iv. Kiswahili Literature Education.

v. Second Language Acquisition.

vi. Translation and Interpretation.


i. M.Phil, in Language Education: Kiswahili, 1990 Moi University.

ii. M.Ed in Kiswahili, 2004 WUCST.

iii. Certificate in Global Education and Linkages, 2005 WUCST.

iv. Career Guidance Progamme, 2007 MMUST.

v. Diploma in Employment and Labour Studies, 2007 MMUST and Tom Mboya

Labour College.

vi. Doctor of Philosophy in Kiswahili, 2009 MMUST.

vii. Radio Broadcast Programme in Personal and Professional Development, 2009.


viii. Diploma in Social Development, 2010 MMUST and NASCENT.


i. Proposal for the establishment of the Department of Kiswahili and other African

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Languages at MMUST. 2011.

ii. Proposal for the establishment of the Directorate of Academic Linkages and

International Relations at MMUST. 2010.


i. B.A. Kiswahili Taasisi ya Taaluma za Kiswahili, University of Dar es Salaam.


ii. Bachelor of Education Arts Kiswahili Education, Faculty of Education, Moi

University. 2003.



S.No Year Candidate University Thesis title

1. 2018 Omar Salum



Katika Skuli ya

Kiswahili na

Lugha za Kigeni

ya Chuo Kikuu

cha Taifa cha


“Usasa wa Mashairi aa Nyimbo za

Taarab ya Sasa: Fani na Maudhui.”

2. 2014 Oluoch, Stephen MMUST,

Department of

Language and



“Uchanganuzi wa Kiuamali wa Utata katika Fasiri za Sitiari za

Dini ya Kikristo Kutoka Kiluo

Hadi Kiswahili.”

1. 2009 Koteng’, Grace Anyango

Moi University,

Department of


Instruction and



“The Influence of Verbal Communication Interaction

Patterns on Learners’ Participation in the Classroom among Secondary

Schools in Kisumu Town.”


S.No. Year Candidate University Thesis title

1. 2018 Martin





“Athari za Arafa kwa Stadi ya

Kuandika Katika Shule za Upili za


2. 2015 Wasike


MMUST, Dept.

of Lg. & Lit.


“Nafasi ya Nyimbo za Kizazi Kipya

katika Ufundishaji wa Masuala


3. 2014 Wekesa


MMUST, Dept.

of Lg. & Lit.


“Uchanganuzi wa Sentensi Changamano katika Sarufi ya

Kiswahili Shule za Sekondari

Nchini Kenya.”

4. 2013 Nachari


MMUST, Dept.

of Lg. & Lit.


“Sera ya Lugha ya Kiswahili katika Shule za Sekondari katika Wilaya

ya Nyakach, Kenya.”

Page 6 of 42

5. 2013 Shikoli


MMUST, Dept.

of Lg. & Lit.


“Mlinganisho wa Matumizi ya

Baadhi ya Tamathali za Usemi

Baina ya Wasichana na Wavulana

wa Kidato cha Tatu, Kakamega


6. 2012 Peter Oginga


MMUST, Dept.

of Lg. & Lit.


“Matumizi ya Nyenzo katika Ufundishaji wa Fasihi Simulizi ya

Kiswahili katika Shule za Sekondari

Wilayani Mumias na Matungu.”

7. 2012 Toola


MMUST, Dept.

of Lg. & Lit.


“Mikakati ya Kufundisha Isimujamii katika Shule za Upili

Nchini Kenya: Uchunguzi Kifani

Wilaya ya Kakamega ya Kati.”

8. 2012 Barasa


MMUST, Dept.

of Lg. & Lit.


“Utendaji katika Ufundishaji wa

Ngano kwenye Shule za Upili

Nchini Kenya.” 9. 2012 Opunde


MMUST, Dept.

of Lg. & Lit.


“Matumizi ya Riwaya katika Ufundishaji wa Ngeli za Kiswahili

katika Shule za Upili Nchini


10. 2012 Mamai


MMUST, Dept.

of Lg. & Lit.


“Utekelezaji wa Mwelekeo Mseto katika Ufunzaji wa Kiswahili katika

Shule za Upili za Taarafa ya

Webuye, Kaunti ya Bungoma.”

11. 2012 Okwaro


MMUST, Dept.

of Lg. & Lit.


“Uchunguzi Linganishi wa Njia za Kufundishia za Makundi na

Uvumbuzi katika Ufundishaji wa

Hadithi Fupi Shule za Sekondari.” 12. 2010 Murimi


MMUST, Dept.

of Lg. & Lit.


“Uhakiki wa Maoni ya Kuandika ya Walimu wa Kiswahili katika

Shule za Sekondari Wilaya ya

Bungoma, Kenya.” 13. 2010 Sikolia


MMUST, Dept.

of Lg. & Lit.


“Ufahamu wa Maandishi: Uchunguzi Linganishi wa Utendaji

Baina ya Wavulana na Wasichana

katika Shule za Sekondari Wilayani

Teso, Kenya.”

14. 2009 Anyango



Moi University;

Dept. of


Instruction and

Educl Media.

“Construction of Gender in the Secondary School Kiswahili Course


15. 2009 Muthamia


MMUST, Dept.

of Lg. & Lit.


“Factors Affecting Recruitment of

Adult Education Learners in

Kakamega District, Kenya.”

16. 2009 Mwanzi


MMUST, Dept.

of Lg. & Lit.


“Tathmini ya Mijarabu ya Kiswahili katika Shule za Sekondari

Wilayani Bungoma.”

17. 2009 Ochieng


MMUST, Dept.

of Lg. & Lit.

“Mtazamo wa Walimu Kuhusu Silabasi ya Kiswahili katika Shule

Page 7 of 42

Education. za Sekondari.” 18. 2009 Burudi Joyce

MMUST, Dept.

of Lg. & Lit.


“Mtazamo wa Walimu na

Wanafunzi Kuhusu Maudhui ya

Isimu katika Silabasi ya

Kiswahili Shule za Sekondari

Nchini Kenya.”

19. 2009 Ilongo Nelly

MMUST, Dept.

of Lg. & Lit.


“Kujumuishwa kwa Maudhui kuhusu Ukimwi Kwenye Silabasi ya

Somo la Kiswahili katika Shule za


20. 2008 Kimenjo


Moi University,

Dept. of Educl.


and Technology.

“Kiswahili Language Competence among Students in Selected

Secondary Schools in Keiyo

District, Kenya.” 21. 2007 Mocho Joy

Moi University,

Dept. of Educl.


and Technology.

“The Interference of the Idakho Morphological Structure among

Secondary School First Language

Speakers Learning Kiswahili Noun


22. 2007 Waswa


Moi University,

Dept. of Educl.


and Technology.

“The Influence of Luo as a First Language on the Learning of

Kiswahili among Students in

Selected Secondary Schools in

Nyando District, Kenya.”

23. 2007 Wasike


MMUST, Dept.

of Lg. & Lit.


“Uchanganuzi wa Mikakati ya Kufundishia Fasihi Simulizi ya

Kiswahili Wilayani Bungoma.”

24. 2007 Ibala Harriet

MMUST, Dept.

of Lg. & Lit.


“Usawiri wa Wanawake katika Vitabu vya Kiada vya Somo la

Kiswahili Sekondari Nchini


25. 2006 Egessa


MMUST, Dept.

of Lg. & Lit.


“Uhakiki wa Matatizo yanayowakumba Walimu katika

Utekelezaji wa Silabasi za Shule za

Upili Wilayani Kakamega, Kenya.”

26. 2002 Kavochi


Moi University,

Dept. of Educl.

Comm. and


“The Competence of Secondary School Teachers of Kiswahili Oral

Literature in Kenya.”

27. 1998 Ongeti


Moi University,

Dept. of Admin.,

Planning and

Curr. Devt.

“The Influence of First Language on the Performance of Secondary

School Students in Kiswahili

Composition in Uasin Gishu

District, Kenya.”

28. 1998 Luvisia


Moi University,

Dept. of Educl.

Comm. and


“The Availability and Use of Instructional Media in the Teaching

of Kiswahili Grammar in

Selected Secondary Schools in

Bungoma District, Kenya.” 29. 1996 Moochi Moi University, “Gender Differences in Creative

Page 8 of 42


Dept. of Educl.

Comm. and


Writing in Kiswahili among

Secondary School Students in

Nyamira District, Kenya.”

30. 1994 Kariuki


Moi University,

Dept. of


“Fani katika Utenzi wa Vita vya


31. 1993 Muruguru


Moi University,

Dept. of Educl.

Comm. and


“Achievement in Kiswahili: A

Comparative Study of Rural and

Urban Secondary Schools in Nakuru

District, Kenya.”

32. 1993 Waititu



Moi University,

Dept. of Educl.

Comm. and


“Functional Writing: A Survey of Students Abilities in Writing a

Letter of Application in Selected

Secondary Schools in Molo

Division, Nakuru District, Kenya.”


S.No Year Candidate University Thesis title

1. 2015 Wakwabubi







Planning and


“The Effect of Free Tuition Secondary Education on Secondary

Schools’ Academic Performance in Kenya.”

2. 2012 Mwanzi



Department of

Language and



“Uhusiano wa mitaala ya Ualimu wa Kiswahili katika Vyuo Vikuu na ile

ya Shule za Upili Nchini Kenya.”

3. 2012 Walela Eric MMUST,

Department of

Language and



“Athari ya Kijaluo kwa Umilisi wa Kiswahili wa Wanafunzi wa Shule

za Msingi katika Kaunti ya Siaya,


4. 2009 Ongeti




Department of


Instruction and


“Language Policy Implementation at Lower Primary School Level.”


S.No. Year Candidate University Thesis title

1. 2014 Anne



Kibabii University “Thathmini ya Ufaafu wa

Walimu wa Kiswahili Nchini


2. 2014 Munyao


Kibabii University,

Department of


“Leadership Styles and Social Climate in Public Primary

Schools in Bungoma South Sub-

Page 9 of 42

Planning and


County, Kenya.”

3. 2014 Sugura



Kibabii University,

Department of


Planning and


“Teacher Motivation and its

Impact on Students’ Performance in KCSE in Public

Secondary Schools in Bungoma

South Sub-County, Kenya.”

4. 2012 Elizabeth N.


Kibabii University

Department of


Planning and


“Influence to Teacher

Motivation on Academic

Performance in Secondary

Schools in Bungoma South Sub-

County, Kenya.”

5. 2010 Ashiono



Department of

Language and



“Athari ya Sifa za Walimu kwa Wanafunzi wa Kiswahili katika

Shule za Upili Nchini, Kenya.”

6. 2006 Lukoko Lucy MMUST,

Department of

Language and



“Msamiati katika Insha za Kubuni: Uchanganuzi

Linganishi wa Matumizi yake

Baina ya Wanafunzi Wavulana

na Wasichana katika Shule za

Sekondari Wilayani Vihiga




S.No Year Candidate University Thesis title

1. 2018 Rose Ajuma


Kibabii University. “Tathmini ya Vitabu vya kiada

katika Ufundishaji wa Sarufi

kwenye Shule za Msingi za

Kaunti ya Busia, Kenya.”

2. 2018 David Kibiti


Kibabii University. “Matumizi ya Tarakilishi katika Ufundishaji wa Fasihi

Simulizi katika Shule za Upili

Nchini Kenya, Mfano wa

Kaunti ya Bungoma.”

3. 2014 Imile Carolyne MMUST, Dept. of

Language and



“Tathmini ya Kiswahili kama Lugha ya Mazungumzo katika

shule za sekondari wilayani


4. 2010 Mayoyo Peter MMUST, Dept. of

Language and



“Athari Hasi za Kimvita kwa Kiswahili Sanifu: Hali halisi

katika Ujifunzaji na Matumizi

katika sekondari Wilayani


5. 2010 Otieno Ellen MMUST, Dept. of

Language and

“Uchunguzi wa Matumizi ya Lugha – Ishara katika

Page 10 of 42



Ufundishaji wa Sarufi ya

Kiswahili katika Shule za

Msingi Mkoani Nyanza,


6. 2010 Oduor Carolyne MMUST, Dept. of

Language and



“Uchunguzi wa Athari ya Uhamishaji wa Sintaksia ya

Dholuo kwa Upatanisho wa

Sarufi ya Kiswahili.”

7. 2010 Gitau Naomi


MMUST, Dept. of

Language and



“Uchunguzi wa Changamoto Zinazokumba Ufundishaji wa

Fasihi Simulizi katika Shule za

Sekondari Nchini Kenya.” 8. 2010 Mulongo


MMUST, Dept. of

Language and



“Muziki wa Kizazi kipya

katika Ufundishaji wa


9. 2009 Bulimo Winnie



Department of


Planning and


“Equity in Access to Secondary School Education

by Private and Public Primary

School Graduates in

Kakamega South District,

Kenya.” 10. 2009 Makhakha

Richard Iyaya

MMUST, Dept. of

Language and



“Uchunguzi wa Mambo Yanayoathiri Ufundishaji wa

Ushairi katika Shule za Upili

Taarafa ya Dagoretti Mkoani

Nairobi, Kenya.”

11. 2009 Amunga Jane



Department of


Planning and


“The Effects of Ranking Secondary Schools and

Students in National

Examinations in Kenya: A

Case of Kakamega South

District.” 12. 2009 Ashioya Irene



Department of


Planning and


“Factors Affecting the Re-

entry of Teenage Mothers into

Secondary Schools in

Kakamega South District,


13. 2008 Ombito



MMUST, Dept. of

Language and



“Changamoto Zinazowakabili Walimu katika Matumizi ya

Vitabu vya Kiada katika

Ufundishaji wa Kiswahili

Sekondari, Taarafa ya


14. 2008 Mukhuyi Shabir


MMUST, Dept. of

Language and



“Nafasi ya Nyimbo za Watoto katika Kufanikisha Ufunzaji

wa Kiswahili katika Darasa la

Kwanza Manispaa ya Kitale,


15. 2008 Burudi Joyce MMUST, Dept. of “Mtazamo wa Walimu na

Page 11 of 42

Language and



Wanafunzi Kuhusu Maudhui

ya Isimu katika Silabasi ya

Kiswahili Shule za Sekondari

Nchini Kenya.”

16. 2008 Ilongo Nelly MMUST, Dept. of

Language and



“Kujumuishwa kwa Maudhui Kuhusu Ukimwi Kwenye

Silabasi ya Somo la Kiswahili

katika Shule za Sekondari.”

17. 2008 Rabasa


MMUST, Dept. of

Language and



“Matumizi ya Nyenzo katika Madarasa ya Chini ya Shule za

Msingi Katika Manispaa a


18. 2007 Wasike Charles MMUST, Dept. of

Language and



“Uchanganuzi wa Mikakati ya Kufundishia Fasihi Simulizi ya

Kiswahili Wilayani


19. 2007 Ibala Harriet MMUST, Dept. of

Language and



“Usawiri wa Wanawake katika Vitabu vya Kiada vya Somo la

Kiswahili Sekondari Nchini,


20. 2007 Abuyeka

Florence Miima

MMUST, Dept. of

Language and



“Tofauti za Kijinsia Katika Uandishi wa Insha Bunifu

Baina ya Wasichana na

Wavulana Wilayani

Kakamega, Kenya.”

21. 2007 Egesa Dunstan


MMUST, Dept. of

Language and



“Uhakiki wa Matatizo Yanayowakumba Walimu

katika Utekelezaji wa Silabasi

ya Kiswahili ya Shule za Upili

Wilayani Kakamega.”

22. 2006 Murunga


Moi University,

Department of



and Technology.

“Assessment of Factors Affecting Students’ Achievement in Kiswahili

Poetry: A Study of Selected

Secondary Schools in

Bungoma District, Kenya.” 23. 2001 Omulando


Moi University,

Department of



and Technology.

“The Effects of Kiswahili on the Use of English as a

Medium of Instruction and

Language in Kenyan

Secondary Schools: A Case

Study of Selected Secondary

Schools in Bungoma District.”

24. 1998 Shikuku Tobias

Moi University,

Department of

Kiswahili and other

African Languages.

“Utafiti wa Kiswahili Nchini Kenya: Matatizo, Utatuzi na


25. 1998 Wanyonyi John Moi University,

Department of


“Matatizo Yanayozuia Ushamirishaji wa Kiswahili

katika Shule za Upili katika

Page 12 of 42


and Technology.

Tarafa ya Kati Wilayani

Bungoma, Kenya.”

26. 1998 Marete John Moi University,

Department of

Kiswahili and other

African Languages.

“Ujadi katika Tamthilia Mbili za Emmanuel Mbogo.”

27. 1996 Okeiga Nemwel Moi University,

Department of

Kiswahili and other

African Languages.

“Sajili ya Kisheria katika Mahakama, Kenya: Vizuizi,

Athari na Visaidizi kwa

Matumizi ya Kiswahili.”

28. 1995 Barongo


Moi University,

Department of

Kiswahili and other

African Languages.

“Dhima ya Ushikamano katika Utendaji Kwenye Insha za

Kiswahili za Wanafunzi

wa Kidato cha Nne, Wilayani


29. 1995 Mbuthia Frank Moi University,

Department of



and Technology.

“A Study of the Effects of

Integrated Instructional Media

Approach and Conventional

Method on Students

Performance in Kiswahili

Poetry at Secondary

School in Eldoret


30. 1995 Wegesa Beritha Moi University,

Department of

Kiswahili and other

African Languages.

“Mwanamke katika Tamthilia za Ebrahim Hussein.”

31. 1993 Kipruto Maru Moi University,

Department of

Kiswahili and other

African Languages.

“Uhakiki wa Muktadha, Sanaa na Maudhui ya Methali:

Kalewenaik” (Methali) za Kinandi.”

32. 1993 Mahiri Mwita

Moi University,

Department of

Kiswahili and other

African Languages.

“Tamthilia Mbili za Ebrahim Hussein: Arusi na Kwenye

Ukingo wa Thim.”



S.No. Year Candidate University Thesis title

1. 2016 Kang’ahi M. Maseno


“Influence of pedagogical styles on students’ academic achievement in

Kiswahili in secondary

schools in Kakamega

North Sub-county,

Kenya.” 2. 2014 Owala Silas




“Uchanganuzi wa Matini za Ugaidi katika Gazeti la

Page 13 of 42

Department of

Kiswahili and

other African


Taifa Leo.”

3. 2011 Barchok


Moi University,

Department of


Instruction, and



“Effect of Collaborative Concept Mapping

Teaching Strategy on

Students’ Achievement, Motivation

and Attitudes Towards

Chemistry in Selected

Schools in South Rift

Region of Rift Valley

Province Kenya”. 4. 2011 Moochi Charles Moi


Department of


Instruction, and



“A Comparative Analysis

of Boys’ and Girls’ Spelling Errors in

Kiswahili Functional

Writing in Secondary

Schools of Nyamira

County, Kenya.” 5. 2011 Onchera Paul Onsare Moi University,

Department of


Instruction, and



“The Role of Teacher Cognition in Developing

Functional Writing Skills

for Effective

Communication in the

English Language

Classroom in Kenya.”

6. 2011 Nsookwa John

School of




“Dokezo za Sitiari katika Methali za Kiswahili na


7. 2010 Susan


Moi University.

Department of


Instruction, and



“Towards Integrated E-

Learning Approach in the

Secondary School System

in Kenya: The Perception

of Business Studies

Teachers and Students in

the Selected E-Schools.” 8. 2010 Yunguyungu Alice

Moi University,

Department of


Instruction and



“Effectiveness of Youth Polytechnics in Training

the Youth for Employment

in Kenya: A Case of

Selected Youth

Polytechnics in Machakos


9. 2010 Wanami Simon


Moi University,

Department of


Instruction and

“Facilitator Related Factors Influencing the

Integration of Computer

Skills in the Secondary

Page 14 of 42



School Curriculum in

Kenya: A Case of the

Larger Uasin Gishu

District.’’ 10. 2010 Kinoti W. Jacinta

Moi University,

Department of


Instruction and



“Characteristics of Sports Tourists and Promotion of

Sports Education: A Case

Study of Moi International

Sports Centre (Kasarani)

and Nyayo National

Stadium in Kenya.” 11. 2009 Zigama Jean Claude

Moi University,

Department of


Instruction and



“Factors Affecting Primary Schools Teachers’ Attitudes Towards the Use

of Information and


Technology in Education

in Rwanda: A Case Study

of Kigali City.”

12. 2009 Ndawula Stephen

Moi University,

Department of


Instruction, and



“Internet for Academic Information: Attitudes of

Undergraduate Students in

Kyambogo University,


13. 2009 Otieno Argwings


Moi University,

Department of


Instruction and



“An Investigation into Pre-service Teachers’ Perceptions of the Value

and Nature of Proficiency

in Spoken English:

Implications for Teacher

Training Programmes in



S.No. Year Candidate University Thesis title

1. 2013 Orinda Fredrick


Maseno University,

Department of Kiswahili

and other African


“Uchanganuzi wa Uwasilishaji

wa Kifo katika Mashairi Teule

ya Kiswahili.”

2. 2012 Anyango

Monica Awuor

Maseno University,

Department of


Communication and


“Factors Influencing Reading Culture among Secondary

School Students in Ugunja

District, Kenya.”

3. 2012 Maurine


Maseno University,

Department of


Communication and


“Influence of Classroom Communication Process on

Students’ Academic Achievement in Kiswahili in

Secondary Schools in Hamisi

District, Kenya.”

Page 15 of 42

4. 2011 Mulamba

Patrick Omoto

Moi University,

Department of

Curriculum, Instruction,

and Educational Media.

“Content – Based

Instruction: A Study of

Methods of Learning English

in Primary Schools, Butula

District, Kenya.”

5. 2011 Wasike Beatrice


Moi University,

Department of

Curriculum, Instruction,

and Educational Media.

“Factors Influencing Performance in English: A

Comparative Study of Rural and

Urban Secondary Schools in

Uasin Gishu District, Kenya.”

6. 2011 Muvango Mark


Maseno University,

Department of


Communication and


“Factors Influencing Use of Media in Teaching and Learning

of English in Secondary Schools

in Kakamega.”

7. 2011 Ogada



Moi University,

Department of

Curriculum, Instruction,

and Educational Media.

“Relationship between Nutritional Knowledge and

Practices of Pre-School

Teachers: A Case of Homa Bay

District, Kenya.” 8. 2011 Wangila Mark

Moi University,

Department of

Curriculum, Instruction,

and Educational Media.

“Factors Influencing Use of

Media in Teaching and Learning

of English in Secondary Schools

in Kakamega East District,


9. 2011 Chepsiror


Moi University,

Department of

Curriculum, Instruction,

and Educational Media.

“Learning Materials for Early Childhood Education: A Study

of the Role of Teachers

Advisory Centres in Wareng


10. 2011 Nekesa


Moi University,

Department of

Curriculum, Instruction,

and Educational Media.

“The Role of Group Discussion Method in Teaching Kiswahili

Literature: A Case of Wareng

District, Uasin Gishu County,

Kenya.” 11. 2011 Manyala James


Moi University,

Department of

Curriculum, Instruction,

and Educational Media.

“A Study of Constraints Facing Implementation of

Secondary School Chemistry

Curriculum in Rachuonyo

District, Kenya.”

12. 2011 Omar Rashid


Islamic University in

Uganda, Mbale, Master

of Arts in Kiswahili.

Department of Kiswahili.

“Athari za Lugha ya Utani kwa Mtaniwa katika Jamii

ya Wapemba, Zanzibar”.

13. 2011 Obondo



Maseno University,

Department of


Communication and


“Factors Influencing Pupils’ Achievement in Written

English in Public Primary

Schools in Bondo District,


14. 2011 Masoud Haman


Islamic University in

Uganda, Mbale, Master

of Arts in Kiswahili.

Department of Kiswahili.

“Uchanganuzi wa Kifasihi wa Kasida za Dufu Mkoa wa

Kaskazini Pemba Zanzibar.”

Page 16 of 42

15. 2011 Achoro Joshua Moi University,

Department of

Curriculum, Instruction,

and Educational Media.

“The Impact of Integrated

Approach on Students’ Performance in Composition

Writing in English in

Secondary Schools in Kenya:

A Case Study of Selected

Schools in Bondo Division,

Rachuonyo District.”

16. 2009 Cherotich Loise

Moi University,

Department of

Curriculum, Instruction,

and Educational Media.

“The Impact of Community Support Grants on ECD Centre:

A Case of Kamariny Division,

Keiyo District, Kenya.” 17. 2009 Marokoh Gideon Moi University,

Department of

Curriculum, Instruction,

and Educational Media.

“Gender Differences in

Mathematics Achievement

among Secondary School

Students: A Survey of Gucha

District, Kenya.”

18. 2009 Kimtai



Moi University,

Department of

Curriculum, Instruction,

and Educational Media.

“The Use of Peer Teaching in Secondary School Chemistry:

A Case Study of Selected

Schools in Bureti District.” 19. 2009 Nyabero Charles Moi University,

Department of

Curriculum, Instruction,

and Educational Media.

“An Investigation into Factors Affecting the

Teaching and Learning of

Mathematics in Primary

Schools: A Case of Eldoret

Municipality.” 20. 2009 Ogechi Linus


Moi University,

Department of

Curriculum, Instruction,

and Educational Media.

“Language Problems Experienced by Students and

the Availability of Culture

Materials in Teaching and

Learning Geometry in Kisii

Central District.” 21. 2009 Boit Mary


Moi University,

Department of

Curriculum, Instruction,

and Educational Media.

“The Effects of Examination on Curriculum

Implementation in Secondary

Schools in Bomet District.”

22. 2009 Chepkwony


Moi University,

Department of

Curriculum, Instruction,

and Educational Media.

“Parental Participation and Attitude Towards the School

Feeding Program and the

Impact of the School Feeding

Program on Academic

Achievement at ECDE.”

23. 2009 Obiero Beatrice

Moi University,

Department of

Curriculum, Instruction,

and Educational Media.

“Factors Affecting the Teaching and Learning of

Kiswahili Oral Literature in

Ikolomani Division.”

24. 2009 Cheruiyot Betty

Moi University,

Department of “Factors Influencing the Choice of Teaching Methods

Page 17 of 42

Curriculum, Instruction,

and Educational Media. Used by ECDE Teachers in

Kenya: A Case of Keiyo

South District, Rift Valley

Province”. 25. 2009 Mudagale

Fredrick Moi University,

Department of

Curriculum, Instruction,

and Educational Media.

“A Study of the Factors Influencing Students’ Performance in Biology

district Day Secondary

Schools, a Case of Vihiga

District of Western Kenya.”

26. 2009 Magero


Moi University,

Department of

Curriculum, Instruction,

and Educational Media.

“Availability and Use of Instructional Materials in

Mathematics: A Case Study

of Secondary Schools in

Busia District, Kenya.”

27. 2009 M’Masi Mercy

Moi University,

Department of

Curriculum, Instruction,

and Educational Media.

“Effectiveness of the Integrated HIV/AIDS

Education Programme in

Kisumu Municipality,


28. 2009 Kiprono

Jerotich Brigid

Moi University,

Department of

Curriculum, Instruction,

and Educational Media.

“The Use of Instructional Media in the Teaching of

Christian Religious

Education: A Case of

Secondary Schools in Keiyo


29. 2009 Yunusu Lubuka

Islamic University in

Uganda, Mbale,

Master of Arts in

Kiswahili. Department of


“Usawiri wa Mwanamke katika Methali za

Wanyankole, Magharibi mwa

Nchi ya Uganda.”

30. 2009 Kirwa Gilbert

Moi University,

Department of

Curriculum, Instruction,

and Educationa Media.

“Cross Linguistic Impact on the Learning of Kiswahili

Language: A Study of Nandi

Speaking Students in Selected

Nandi South District

Secondary Schools.”

31. 2009 Wanyonyi

Samuel Juma

Islamic University in

Uganda, Mbale, Master

of Arts in

Kiswahili. Department of


“Athari za Kibukusu katika Kiswahili na Jinsi Zinavyo

changia Matokeo Mabaya ya

Mtihani wa Kiswahili wa

Kitaifa Nchini Kenya.” 32. 2009 Soita Robert


Islamic University in

Uganda, Mbale, Master

of Arts in Kiswahili,

Department of Kiswahili.

“Usawiri wa Mwanamume katika Methali za

Wabukusu: Mfano Wilayani

Bungoma Magharibi


33. 2009 Koros Symon

Moi University,

Department of

Curriculum, Instruction,

“The Factors that Influence

the Use of Selected

Page 18 of 42

and Educational Media. Instructional Materials for

Mathematics Instruction in

Secondary Schools: A Survey

of Schools in West Pokot

District.” 34. 2009 Mutaliani



Moi University,

Department of

Curriculum, Instruction,

and Educational Media.

“A Study to Investigate the Effect of Learner

Communicative Competence

on Interaction in English

Language Classrooms: A

Case of Public Secondary

Schools in Kakamega East


35. 2009 Napwora

Wekesa Jesse

Moi University,

Department of


Instruction, and

Educational Media.

“The Impact of Availability and Use of Daily Newspapers

on the Students’ Speaking Competence in English

Language: A Case of Selected

Secondary Schools in

Bungoma North District.” 36. 2009 Choge Irene


Moi University,

Department of

Curriculum, Instruction,

and Educational Media.

“Students’ Perception of English as a Subject and its

effect on Performance: A

Case Study of Nandi North

Secondary Schools.”

37. 2009 Adome Albert

Lotuk Moi University,

Department of

Curriculum, Instruction,

and Educational Media.

“Challenges of Teaching Geography in Secondary

Schools in Kenya: A case of

Geography Teachers in

Turkana District.”

38. 2009 Kimwarey


Moi University,

Department of

Curriculum, Instruction,

and Educational Media.

“The Use of Small Group

Method in History and

Government Instruction: A

Case Study of Selected

Secondary Schools in Eldoret


39. 2009 Lulley Salome

Moi University,

Department of

Curriculum, Instruction,

and Educational Media.

“The Teaching of African Traditional Religious Content

in Christian Religious

Education: A Case Study of

Secondary Schools in

Marakwet District, Kenya.”

40. 2009 Mukundi Esther


Moi University,

Department of

Curriculum, Instruction,

and Educational Media.

“A Comparative Study of the Effectiveness of Instructional

Modes in Performance in

Kiswahili Report Writing

Skills in Uasin Gishu Dstrict

Secondary Schools.”

41. 2009 Boit Mary Moi University, “The Effects of Examination

Page 19 of 42


Department of

Curriculum, Instruction,

and Educational Media.

on Curriculum

Implementation in Secondary

Schools in Bomet District.” 42. 2008 Masoud Nassor


Islamic University in

Uganda, Mbale, Master

of Arts in Kiswahili.

Department of Kiswahili.

“Uchanganuzi wa Taashira za Kauli Zilizoandikwa katika

Gari za Abiria Kisiwani

Unguja.” 43. 2008 Haji Makame


Islamic University in

Uganda, Mbale, Master

of Arts in Kiswahili.

Department of Kiswahili.

“Dhima ya Michezo ya Jadi ya Watoto katika Jamii ya

Wamakunduchi, Zanzibar.”

44. 2008 Zahor Mwalim


Islamic University in

Uganda, Mbale, Master

of Arts in Kiswahili,

Department of Kiswahili.

“Vijalizo Katika Sentensi ya Kiswahili, Mintaarau Kirai


45. 2008 Kinanga Duke

Moi University,

Department of


Instruction, and

Educational Media.

“The Effectiveness of the Integrated Approach in

HIV/AIDS Education using

Kiswahili Curricullum: A

Survey of Secondary Schools

in Kisii Central District,

Nyanza Province.”

46. 2009 Ntinyari Aileen

Moi University,

Department of


Instruction, and

Educational Media.

“A Study of Strategies Used in Teaching English

Language Pronunciation in

Secondary Schools in Imenti

North District, Kenya.”

47. 2009 Ole Choky M.


Moi University,

Department of

Curriculum, Instruction

, and Educational


“An Investigation of Factors that Contribute Towards

Students’ Poor Performance

in Mathematics in Kenya

Certificate of Secondary

Examination of selected

secondary Schools in Uasin

Gishu West District of Rift

Valley Province.” 48. 2008 Gibedya



Islamic University in

Uganda, Mbale, Master

of Arts in Kiswahili.

Department of


“Namna Mielekeo Inavyoathiri Uteuzi na

Matumizi ya Lugha Mjini


49. 2008 Yasin Musa

Islamic University in

Uganda, Mbale, Master

of Arts in Kiswahili.

Department of


“Athari za Kigweno katika Kiswahili na Jinsi

Zinavyochangia Matokeo

Mabaya ya Mtihani wa

Kiswahili- Kitaifa.”

50. 2008 Wanyenya


Islamic University in

Uganda, Mbale, Master

“Umuhimu wa Nyimbo za Tohara za ‘Khukhubulula’

Page 20 of 42

of Arts in Kiswahili.

Department of


Miongoni mwa Jamii ya

Wagisu, Wilayani Bududa.”

51. 2007 Feruz


Islamic University in

Uganda Mbale, Master

of Arts in Kiswahili.

Department of


“Athari za Dini ya Kiislamu Kwa Maendeleo ya Kiswahili

Nchini Uganda.”


i. Master of Education Research Award, Kenyatta University, 1985.

ii. Moi University D.Phil, Deans Committee Research Award, 1996.

iii. Research Award from Rockefeller Foundation, 2002.

iv. Research Award from Masinde Muliro University of Science and Technology,


v. Research Award by Kibabii University College.2014.



1. Producer, Provincial Secondary Schools Drama Festival Nakuru. Play presented:

“Tamaa Mbele”. 1983.

2. Secretary, Departmental Postgraduate Studies Committee, Department of Educational

Communication and Technology, Moi University.1990.

3. Chairman, Parish Communications Committee, St. Matthew’s Cathedral Anglican Church, Eldoret, Kenya.1993.

4. Assistant Chief Editor, Parapanda, St. Mathew’s Parish Newsletter, Eldoret, Kenya.1995.

5. Member, Chama cha Kiswahili cha Kitaifa (CHAKITA), Kenya. 1996.

6. Member University Acts and Statutes Committee, MMUST. 2008.

7. Member, Kenya Institute of Education Secondary School Panel. 2003.

8. Chairman, Chama cha Kiswahili cha Afrika Mashariki (CHAKAMA), Kenya Chapter.


Page 21 of 42

9. Member, Board of Governors, St Johns’ Karima Secondary School, Bungoma District.


10. Member, Board of Governors, Eldoret Harambee Secondary School, Uasin Gishu

District. 2007.

11. Chairman, MMUST Disposal Committee. 2007.

12. Member of Deans Committee, MMUST. 2005.

13. Member, Library, Bookshop and Publications Committee, MMUST.2004.

14. Member, Information Communication Technology (ICT Committee), MMUST.2005.

15. Member, Academic Linkages Committee, MMUST.2008.

16. Member, Staff Welfare Committee, MMUST.2007.

17. Member, Income Generating Unit Committee, MMUST.2007.

18. Member, Staff Establishment, Appraisal and Training Committee, MMUST.2007.

19. Member, Budget Committee.MMUST.2007.

20. Member, Physical Development & Project Implementation Committee.MMUST.2007.

21. Member, Planning, Quality Assurance & Evaluation Committee, MMUST.2007.

22. Member, Research and Extension Committee, MMUST.2007.

23. Member, Shows and Exhibitions Committee, MMUST.2007.

24. Member, Science & Technology Park and Industrial Linkages Committee,


25. Member, Graduation Ceremonies, Prizes and Awards Committee, MMUST.2007.

26. Member, Consultancy Committee, MMUST.2007.

27. Member, Corporate Social Relations Committee, MMUST.2007.

28. Patron, Chama cha Kiswahili cha Chuo Kikuu cha Masinde Muliro (CHAKIMAMU).


29. Member, Ministry Committee- St. Matthews Cathedral, Eldoret.2007.

30. Member, Education and Discipleship Committee- St. Matthews Cathedral,


31. Coordinator, Provincial Seminar for Secondary School Teachers of Kiswahili in

Western Province. September, 2006.

Page 22 of 42

32. Member, Student Disciplinary Committee, MMUST. 2008-2012.

33. Member, PSSP University Wide Board. MMUST. 2010-2012.

34. Member, University Quality Assurance Board, MMUST. 2010-2012.

35. Member, Advisory Board, Journal of the School of Education, Moi University. 2010

to date.

36. Patron, Teso District University Students Association (TADESU), MMUST. 2011-


37. Chairman, Bishop Delaney Memorial Secondary School Allumni Association.

38. Patron, Chama cha Kiswahili cha Kibabii (CHAKIKI). 2015.


1. Member, Chama cha Kiswahili cha Afrika Mashariki (CHAKAMA). 2005.

2. Chairman, Chama cha Kiswahili cha Afrika Mashariki (CHAKAMA). 2009-2011.

3. Vice Chairman, Chama cha Kiswahili cha Afrika Mashariki (CHAKAMA). 2007-


4. Patron, Chama cha Wanafunzi wa Kiswahili katika Vyuo Vikuu Afrika Mashariki

(CHAWAKAMA). 2007-2013.


1. May 2019: Kenya Higher Education Analytical Work, Knowledge Sharing and

Consultation in Nairobi.

2. January 2019: Multi Sectoral National Anti-Corruption Conference in Nairobi.

3. December 2018: Heads of Institutions Forum in Mombasa.

4. November 2018: Training on “Assessment to Evolve a Framework to Leverage Diaspora Resource, Partnerships & Linkages for Mainstreaming ICT Programme.”

5. August 2018: CHAKITA International Conference: “Language and Literature in

National Cohesin and Continental Integration,” at Moi University, Eldoret.

6. June 2018: First Pan-African International Research Congress (PAIRC) on

Knowledge Generation and Dissemination in Kisumu.

7. May 2018: The 8th East African Higher Education Quality Assurance Network Forum

in Kigali, Rwanda.

8. December 2017: Heads of Institutions Forum in Mombasa.

9. November 2017: Forum on the Review of the Growth and Development of Public

Universities in Kenya at the Kenya School of Monetary Studies in Nairobi.

Page 23 of 42

10. September 2017: Ist East African Kiswahili Commission Conference in Zanzibar,


11. June 2017: 8th Inter University Council for East Africa (IUCEA) Annual meeting:

“The Role of Universities in the operationalization of the East African Higher

Education Area for East African Community Integration,” in Zanzibar, United

Republic of Tanzania.

12. December 2016: Annual Heads of Institutions Forum in Mombasa.

13. September 2016: Kongamano la CHAKITA jijini Mombasa.

14. December 2015: Busia Stakeholders Consultative Forum on Overcoming Challenges

in Establishment of a University College: The Practical Perspective. Held at Busia

Agricultural Training Centre on 18th December, 2015.

15. December 2015: Western Kenya ICT Convention and Innovation Forum on Tapping

Innovative Minds for for Economic Prosperity held at Matili Technical Institute on

17th December, 2015.

16. December 2015: KENET 7th Annual Heads of Institutions Forum on Sustainability

Models for Higher Education and Research Institutions in Mombasa held from 9th to

12th December, 2015 at Serena Beach Resort, Mombasa.

17. November 2015: State Corporations Advisory Committee (SCACA) Council

Induction held at Mombasa Continental Resort, Mombasa from 9th to 12th 2015.

18. Oktoba 2015: Kongamano la CHAKAMA juu ya mada: Utafiti na Maendeleo ya

Lugha ya Kiswahili lililofanyika katika Chuo Kikuu cha Mount Kenya 15-16 Oktoba

2015, Thika.

19. October 2015: Sensitization of Heads of State Corporations on Citizen Participation

in Security in Nairobi. Held on 7th October at the Kenya Schoool of Government,


20. September 2015: Global Education Dialogue held at the Kenya Institute of

Curricullum Development in Nirobi on 22nd September 2015.

21. August 2015: Stakeholders Workshop on Universities (Amendment) Bill 2015 held at

the Kenya Schoool of Government, Nairobi on 24th August 2015.

22. August 2015: Stakeholder’s consultative meeting on Peace and Security in University

and University Constituent Colleges held at the Kenya Schoool of Government,

Nairobi on 3rd August 2015.

23. June 2015: Curricullum Review workshop on the Bachelor of Science degree in

Nursing held at Kibabii University on 23rd June 2015.

24. June 2015: New Paradigms in Ntional and International Security: The Role of

National and County Governance, Education, Science, Technology and the Media held

at Masinde Masinde University of Science and Technology held from 10th to 11th June

at Bishop Stam Pastroral Centre, Kakamega.

25. June 2015: Workshop on National Education Sectro Plan Volume III held at the

Kenya Institute of Curricullum Development in Nirobi held on 4th June, 2015.

26. March 2015: Academic Conference for Bungoma County Secondary Schools Heads

Association held at Ndupawa Hotel in Eldoret on 25th March 2015.

27. December 2014: ICT Convention organized by the Bungoma County ICT Directorate

held on 22nd December 2014 at Kibabii University College.

Page 24 of 42

28. December 2014: Kongamano la Tatu la Kimataifa la Kiswahili kuhusu “Back to Basic Research” lililofanyika tarehe 17 hadi 19 Desemba 2014 katika Ukumbi wa Taasisi ya Uchunguzi wa Kiswahili Mashariki (TUSIMA), Mombasa.

29. December 2014: Higher Education PPP Sensitization Workshop held on 15th

December 2014 at Hilton Hotel, Nairobi.

30. December 2014: Heads of Institutions Forum on Innovation in Human Capacity

Development for Higher Education and Research Institutions organized by the Kenya

Education Network (Kenet) on 9th t0 12th December 2014 at Mombasa Serena Hotel,


31. Oktoba 2014: Kongamano la CHAKITA kuhusu Kiswahili na Utandawazi

lililofanyika tarehe 22 hadi 25 katika Taasisi ya Kukuza Mitaala Nchini Kenya,


32. June 2014: Kongamanao la kwanza la kimataifa la CHAKAMA. Mada Kuu: Taaluma

ya Kiswahili katika Elimu ya Juu. Chuo Kikuu Kishiriki cha Rongo, Kenya. 5-6Juni


33. March 2013: Workshop on Enhancing Management Culture, Intergration and

Internalization held on 21St March, 2014.

34. June 2013: Kiswahili Symposium for Regional Integration in Arusha, Tanzania, 28th

May 1st June, 2013.

35. December 2013: Kenya Education Network (Kenet) Heads of Institutions Forum

2014 – Held at Mombasa Serena Beach Hotel December 10-11, 2013.

36. November 2013: Kibabii University College Council Retreat Theme Quality

Education in a Challenging Environment held at Sunset Hotel Kisumu County 6th to

8th November 2013.

37. October 2013: Validation Workshop. Stakeholders workshop on draft Universities

regulations, 2013 and Draft Standards & Guidelines, 2013 held on 28th and 29th

October 2013 at Kenya School of Monetary Studies, Nairobi.

38. September 2013: First Interdisciplinary International Conference of University of

Eldoret and Anambra State University theme knowledge and Technology Innovation

for Global Competitiveness held at Eldoret University, Kenya on 3rd to 5th September,


39. September 2012: Perfomance Negotiation Workshop for Newly established

Constituent University Colleges, Ministry of Higher Education Science and

Technology, Jogoo House, Nairobi.

40. July 2012: Performance Contract Negotiations Workshop for Universities Rift

Valley Technical Training Institute, Eldoret, Kenya.

41. June 2012: 4th MMUST Annual International Conference. Theme: Action Research in

Higher Education and Development in Africa, Kakamega, Kenya.

42. February 2012: 2nd Council Retreat Mombasa Beach Hotel Theme: University

Management for Quality Education in a Challenging Environment, Mombasa,


43. October 2011: Chama cha Kiswahili cha Afrika Mashariki International Conference,

Bontana Hotel, Nakuru, Kenya.

44. September 2011: Chama cha Kiswahilki cha Taifa (CHAKITA) International

Page 25 of 42

Conference, Lenana House, Nairobi, Kenya.

45. February 2011: Academic intergrity and Excellence Seminar: Promoting Original

Writing in the Digital Era: Eliminating Copy and Paste Habits, Kenya Institute of

Education, Nairobi. Kenya.

46. October 2010: Chama cha Kiswahilki cha Taifa (CHAKITA) International

Conference, Lenana House, Nairobi, Kenya.

47. October 2009: Chama cha Kiswahili cha Afrika Mashariki International Conference,

Pope John Paul IV Memorial Hotel, Kampala, Uganda.

48. March 2009: MMUST Council Retreat at Mombasa Beach Hotel.

49. November 2008: Introduction to the Development of Distance Learning Materials

facilitated by Commonwealth of Learning at MMUST, Kenya.

50. May 2008: Global School Partnership Programme Workshop, at Mericca Hotel,

Nakuru, Kenya.

51. September 2007: Chama cha Kiswahili cha Afrika Mashariki (CHAKAMA)

Conference held at Golden Rose Inn, Arusha, Tanzania.

52. August 2007: Chama cha Kiswahili cha Taifa – Kenya (CHAKITA) Conferenceheld

at Moi University Eldoret, Kenya.

53. May 2007: Orientation Workshop for Writers and Reviewers of Open and Distance

Learning Study Materials.

54. May, 2007: Workshop on Implementing an Integrated University Management

Information System, at Strathmore University, Nairobi, Kenya.

55. March 2007: Global School Partnership Workshop, Bontana Hotel, Nakuru, Kenya.

56. March 2007: Master Plan and Strategic Plan Workshop, Blue York Hotel, Busia,


57. February 2007: University Statutes Workshop, Busia Farmers Training Institute

Busia, Kenya.

58. October 2006: CHAKITA Conference, Kungste Hotel, Nakuru Kenya September,

2006: Workshop for Secondary School Teachers of Kiswahili, Namachanja Secondary

School, Bungoma, Kenya.

59. July 2006: Workshop for Proposal Writing at Hotel Eland, Arusha, Tanzania.

60. June 2006: Workshop for Stakeholders on Open and Distance Learning Policy at the

Kenya Institute of Education. Nairobi.

61. February 2006: Workshop for Academic Advisers, Bishop Stam Pastoral Centre,


62. March 2006: Workshop for Chairmen of Departments, Bishop Stam Pastoral.Centre,


63. February 2006: Workshop for Secondary School Teachers of Kiswahili, Aga Khan

High School, Mombasa.

64. February 2006: Workshop of Teachers of Kiswahili in Keiyo District, Keiyo County

Council Hall, Iten.

65. January 2006: Workshop on Kenya Education Sector Support Programme (KESSP).

Maseno University Kisumu City Campus.

66. November 2005: CHAKAMA Conference. Sirikwa Hotel Eldoret, Kenya.

67. November 2005: ATWS Conference Bishop Stam Pastoral Centre, Kakamega,

Page 26 of 42

Kenya.November, 2005: Training Workshop for Module Writing Organized by

SOLACE, Bishop Stam Pastoral Centre, Kakamega, Kenya.

68. October 2005: CHAKITA Conference. Fort Jesus, Mombasa.

69. August 2005: Workshop on E-Learning Organized by Institute of Open Learning,

Kenyatta University, Kenya.

70. July 2005: TUKI Silver Jubilee Conference, University of Dar es Salaam, Dar es


71. March 2005: Kiswahili Lexicography Workshop organized by Oxford University

Press, Outspan Hotel, Nyeri, Kenya.

72. Nov. 2004: Conference on University Reforms, Silver Spring Hotel, Nairobi, Kenya.

73. Dec.2004-Jan.2005: Writers Workshop organized by Oxford University Press,

Sirikwa Hotel Eldoret, Kenya.

74. November 2004: Chakama Meeting. Eland Hotel, Arusha, Tanzania.

75. October 2004: Chakita Conference. Silver Springs Hotel, Kenya.

76. August 2004: Staff Induction Workshop at Bishop Stam, Kakamega. Organized by


77. April 2004: Kiswahili Lexicography Workshop organized by Oxford University

Press; Outspan Hotel, Nyeri, Kenya.

78. February 2004: Institute of Kiswahili Research Conference, Kenyatta University


79. January 2004: Western University College Council and Academic Board Retreat,

Sunset Hotel Kisumu.

80. December 2003: Oxford University Press Writers Workshop, Oakwood Hotel,


81. October 2003: CHAKITA Seminar, Kungste Hotel, Nakuru

82. Sept. 2003: Seminar of Teachers of Kiswahili in Nairobi Province, Kenya Institute of

Education, Nairobi.

83. May 2003: Vihiga District Academic Workshop, Mbale High School, Vihiga.

84. May 2003: Academic Workshop for Secondary School Teachers, SirakaruHigh

School, Bungoma.

85. April 2003: Writers Workshop, Oxford University Press, Outspan Hotel, Nyeri,


86. March 2003: Speech Day, Chwele Girls’ High School, Bungoma, Kenya.

87. March 2003: Western Province Secondary School Heads Association Workshop,

Blue York Hotel, Busia, Kenya.

88. October 2002: Secondary Kiswahili Panel Meeting, Kenya Institute of Education,

Nairobi, Kenya

89. October 2002: Conference on “Kiwahili Language and Modern Thought”, Lenana Hotel, Nairobi, Kenya.

90. August 2002: Workshop for Heads of Department on the Implementation of the

Revised Curriculum, Ministry of Education, Kisumu, Kenya.

91. July 2002: Writers Workshop – Oxford University Press, Marble Arch Hotel, Nairobi,


92. June 2002: Workshop for the Development of Teachers’ Handbook and In-Service

Page 27 of 42

Manual (Kiswahili), Kenya Institute of Education (KIE), Beach Hotel, Mombasa,


93. April 2002: Writers Workshop Oxford University Press, Milimani Hotel, Nairobi,


94. February 2002: Workshop for Curriculum Designs – Kiswahili Secondary School

Level, Kenya Institute of Education (KIE), Mombasa Beach Hotel, Mombasa, Kenya.

95. November 2001: Meeting of the Secondary School Kiswahili Panel to Review Books

for Kiswahili Secondary School Level, Kenya Institute of Education (KIE), Nairobi,


96. August 2001: Workshop to Review Moi University Faculty of Education Curriculum:

‘Teacher Education in the 21st Century, Challenges and Opportunities”, Farm View Hotel, Busia, Kenya.

97. July 2001: Workshop for Curriculum Design – Kiswahili Secondary School Level,

Kenya Institute of Education (KIE), Mombasa Beach Hotel, Mombasa, Kenya.

98. May 2001: Workshop on “Teaching Practice for Effective Teaching in the 21st

Century,” Moi University, Eldoret, Kenya.

99. October 2000: Conference on “Kiswahili for Specific Purposes”, Fort Jesus/Polana

Hotel, Mombasa, Kenya.

100. September 2000: Kiswahili Panel to Review Books for Kiswahili (KIE), Nairobi,


101. May 2000: Workshop on Teaching Practice for “Total Education and Training,” Moi University, Eldoret, Kenya.

102. September 1999: Conference on “The Future of Kiswahili Research” Sunset Hotel, Kisumu, Kenya.

103. August 1999: Seminar, Department of Kiswahili and Other African Languages, Moi

University, Eldoret, Kenya.

104. May 1999: Workshop on the Teacher as a Facilitator of Learning, Moi University,

Eldoret, Kenya.

105. May 1999: Workshop on Evaluation for Effective Teaching, Moi, University, Eldoret,


106. April 1999: Workshop on the Improvement of Teacher Performance, Moi University

Chepkoilel Primary School, Eldoret, Kenya.

107. June 1998: Seminar, Department of Kiswahili and Other African Languages, Moi

University, Eldoret, Kenya.

108. May 1998: Workshop on “Assessment of Teaching Practice Teachers”, Moi University, Eldoret, Kenya.

109. Sept. 1997: Conference on Kiswahili as a Tool for Development, Sirikwa Hotel,

Eldoret, Kenya.

110. June 1997: Symposium on Kiswahili for Specific Purposes, Moi University, Eldoret,


111. June 1997: Workshop on Evaluation for Effective Teaching, Moi University, Eldoret,


112. September 1996: Workshop on Integrated Kiswahili Textbooks for Teacher Training

Colleges, Jomo Kenyatta Foundation, Nairobi, Kenya.

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113. July 1996: The Second Kenya OSSREA Conference, Bongo Hotel, Kitale, Kenya.

114. May 1996: Seminar on Communication, St. Mathews Pro-Cathedral, Eldoret, Kenya.

115. September 1995: Seminar for Secondary School Teachers of Fasihi ya Kiswahili in

Keiyo District, Tambach Teachers Training College, Kenya.

116. February 1995: Semina Kuu ya Kiswahili (SEKUKI Na. 7) for Secondary

School Teachers of Kiswahili, Uasin Gishu Arts Theater, Eldoret, Kenya

117. September 1994: Seminar for Secondary School Teachers of Kiswahili, Franka Hotel,

Kakamega, Kenya.

118. September 1994: Semina Kuu ya Kiswahili (SEKUKI Na. 6) for Secondary School

Teachers of Kiswahili, Denniz Hotel, Nakuru, Kenya.

119. September 1994: Semina Kuu ya Kiswahili (SEKUKI Na. 5) for Secondary School

Teachers of Kiswahili, Uasin Gishu Arts Theatre, Eldoret, Kenya.

120. June 1994: Semina Kuu ya Kiswahili (SEKUKI Na. 4) for Secondary

School Teachers of Kiswahili, YMCA Complex, Kisumu, Kenya.

121. March 1994: Semina Kuu ya Kiswahili (SEKUKI Na. 3) for Secondary School

Teachers of Kiswahili, Uasin Gishu Arts Theatre, Eldoret, Kenya.

122. February 1991: Semina Kuu ya Kiswahili (SEKUKI Na. 1) for Secondary School

Teachers of Fasihi ya Kiswahili, Uasin Gishu Arts Theatre, Eldoret, Kenya.

123. November 1991: Tutor, Zonal In- Service Course for Primary School Teachers, Moi

University, Eldoret.

124. August 1991: The Creative Use of Language in a Multilingual Society: The Case of

English and Kiswahili in Kenya, Organized by the British Council and Literature

Department, Moi University, Eldoret, Kenya.

125. August 1991: Workshop on Book Publishing, Desktop Publishing Unit, Faculty of

Information Sciences, Moi University, Eldoret, Kenya.

126. May 1991: Teaching Practice Workshop, Faculty of Education, Moi University,

Eldoret, Kenya.

127. May 1990: Teaching Practice Workshop, Faculty of Education, Moi University,

Eldoret, Kenya.

128. Dec 1985: Workshop on Evaluation of Materials and Strategies of Managing

Educational Change, Organized by Faculty of Education, Kenyatta University and

Institute of Education, London University, Silver Springs Hotel, Nairobi, Kenya.

129. April 1984: Drama Workshop Kenya Technical Teachers College, Nairobi, Kenya.


1. Uchanganuzi wa Mikakati ya kufundishia Isimujamii katika Somo la Kiswahili

kwenya Shule za Sekondari. Makala yaliyowasilishwa katika Kongamano la

CHAKAMA katika Chuo Kikuu cha Mount Kenya, Thika Kenya tarehe 10-11

Oktoba 2015.

2. Matumizi ya Kiswahili Kufundishia Maudhui ya Ukimwi katika Shule za Sekondari

Nchini Kenya.Presented at RISSEA Conference held at National Museums of

Kenya, Fort Jesus Mombasa, Kenya.2014.

Page 29 of 42

3. Mageuzi na Maendeleo katika Mitaala ya Kiswahili kwenye Vyuo Vikuu Nchini

Kenya.Presented at First International CHAKAMA Conference held at Rongo

University College, Kenya.2014.

4. Usawiri wa Wanawake katika Vitabu vya Kiada vya Shule za Sekondari Nchini

Kenya. Presented at First International CHAKAMA Conference held at Rongo

University College, Kenya.2014.

5. Kiswahili, Elimu na Utandawazi. Presented at the CHAKITA conference held at

Kenya Institute of Development Studies, Kenya.2014.

6. Matumizi ya Kiswahili Kufundishia Maudhui ya Ukimwi katika Shule za Sekondari

Nchini Kenya. Presented at the Research Insitute in Swahili Studies in Eastern

Africa, National Museums of Kenya, Mombasa, Kenya. 2014.

7. Action research in Educational School partnerships: An Evaluation of the Process

and Impact. Presented at the 4th Annual International Conference held at Masinde

Muliro University of Science and Technology, Kakamega, Kenya.2012.

8. Matumizi ya Gazeti la Taifa Leo Kama Wenzo wa Kufundishia. Preented at

CHAKITA Conference held at Lenana House, Nairobi, October, 2011.

9. Mageuzi ya Mitaala na Athari zake kwenye Lugha ya Kiswahili na Jamii. Presented

at the CHAKAMA International Conference held at Bontana Hotel, Nakuru,

October, 2011.

10. Mchango wa Vyama Vya Kiswahili Katika Kukuza Kiswahili: Mfano Wa Chama

Cha Kiswahili Cha Chuo Kikuu Cha Masinde Muliro. Preented at CHAKITA

Conference held at Lenana House, Nairobi Octobe.r 2010.

11. Matumizi Ya Kiswahili Kufundishia Maudhui Ya Ukimwi Katika Shule Za

Sekondari Nchini Kenya. Presented at CHAKAMA Conference, Pope John Paul IV

Memeorial Hotel, Kampala. Uganda October. 2009.

12. Evolution of Conservation Policies and Laws and Their Implication on Indigenous

Wildlife Resource Conservation Systems. Presented at the 7th Association of Third

World Studies International Conference held at the Catholic University of East

Africa, Nairobi, MMUST, Kenya. 2007.

13. “Sera ya Elimu ya Kiswahili katika Shule za Sekondari Nchini Kenya na Utekelezaji Wake: Nafasi ya m Mwalimu”. Presented at the CHAKITA Cnference held at Moi University Eldoret, Kenya.2007.

14. “Sera ya Lugha ya Kiswahili katika Mfumo wa Elimu “ 1981 – 2007”. Presented at

the CHAKITA Conference held at Moi University, Eldoret, and Kenya.2007.

15. “Nafasi ya Kiswahili katika Shirikisho la Afrika Mashariki”. Presented at the

CHAKAMA Conference at Golden Rose Inn, Arusha, Tanzania. 2007.

16. “Mwelekeo Mseto katika Ufundishaji wa Kiswahili Sekondari,” Presented at Workshop for Teachers of Kiswahili in Secondary School in Coast Province held at

Aga Khan High School, Kenya.2006.

17. “Athari za Ulimwengu wa Nje kwa Kiswahili”.Presented at TUKI Conference at University of Dar es Salaam, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania.2005.

18. “Mtazamo wa Walimu Kuhusu Utekelezaji wa Silabasi Mpya katika Shule za Sekondari Nchini Kenya.”Presented at CHAKITA Conference at Fort Jesus, Mombasa, Kenya. 2005.

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19. “The Role of Kiswahili in Enhancing the Potential of Science and Technology for Development in the 21st Century.” Presented at ATWS Conference held at Bishop Stam Pastoral Centre Kakamega, Kenya.2005.

20. “Nafasi ya Nadharia katika Ufundishaji wa Kiswahili katika Shule na

Vyuo.”Presented at CHAKAMA Conference at Sirikwa Hotel, Eldoret, Kenya. 2005.

21. “The Implementation of the New Secondary Schools Languages Syllabus: Emerging Issues, Prospects and the Role of the Head Teachers” Presented at the Western Provincial Secondary Schools Head’s Association Workshop held from 19th – 21st March, 2003 at Blue York Hotel, Busia, Kenya.

22. “Silabasi Mpya ya Kiswahili Sekondari Nchini Kenya: Mkondo wa Fikra Mpya” Presented at a Kiswahili Conference held from 3rd – 5th October, 2002 at Lenana

Mount Hotel, Nairobi, Kenya.

23. “Developing and Marketing Community Tourism Around the Kakamega Forest: Potentials, Opportunities and Challenges”. Presented at the Second Atlas Conference held at Arusha, Tanzania from 20th – 22nd February, 2003.

24. “Fumbo la Kitumbua katika Tamthilia ya Kitumbua Kimeingia Mchanga”. Presented at a Seminar of Teachers of Kiswahili in Nairobi Province, Kenya

Institute of Education, Nairobi, Kenya. 2002.

25. “Umuhimu wa Usanifishaji wa Istilahi katika Taaluma ya Elimu ya Ualimu wa

Kiswahili Sekondari” Presented at a Kiswahili Conference held from 3rd –6th

October, 1999 at Fort Jesus/Polana Hotel, Mombasa, Kenya.

26. “The Future of Kiswahili Research: The Case for a Classroom Based Approach” Presented at a Kiswahili Conference held from 8th – 11th September, 1999 at Sunset

Hotel, Kisumu, Kenya.

27. “Athari za Lugha-Mama katika Ufundishaji wa Kiswahili: Mifano Kutoka Shule za

Sekondari Magharibi mwa Kenya” Presented on 26th August,1999 at a Seminar of

the Department of Kiswahili and Other African Languages, Moi University,

Eldoret, Kenya.

28. “Umilisi wa Lugha: Hali ya Walimu wa Kesho wa Kiswahili Sekondari”. Presented on 26th August, 1999 at a Seminar of the Department of Kiswahili and

Other African Languages, Moi University, Eldoret, Kenya.

29. “Demokrasia katika Elimu: Hali Halisi Darasani”. Presented on 15th June, 1999 at

a Seminar of the Department of Kiswahili and Other African Languages, Moi

University, Eldoret, Kenya.

30. “Planning and Organization for the Improvement of Teacher Performance” Presented on 26th April, 1999 at a Workshop on the Improvement of Teacher

Performance, Moi University, Chepkoilel Primary School, Eldoret Kenya.

31. “Uwezekano wa Kiswahili Kuwa Lugha ya Kufundishia ya Pili katika Kiwango cha Juu cha Shule za Msingi Nchini Kenya”. Presented at a Conference on ‘Kiswahili as a Tool for Development” held from 10th – 12th September, 1997, Sirikwa Hotel,

Eldoret Kenya.

32. “Proficiency in Kiswahili: The Needs of Teacher Trainees with Specific Reference to Moi University Undergraduates.” Presented on 5th June, 1997 at a Symposium

Page 31 of 42

on Kiswahili for Specific Purposes”, Moi University, Eldoret, Kenya. 33. “Evaluation for the Effective Teaching of Secondary Language”. Presented on 5th

June, 1997 at Moi University Faculty of Education Workshop on “Evaluation for Effective Teaching”, Moi University Eldoret, Kenya.

34. “Terminologies in Tertiary Kiswahili Teacher Training Programmes in Kenya: Retrospective and Prospective Remarks”. Presented on 8th May, 1997 at the Moi

University, Faculty of Education Inaugral Seminar, Moi University, Eldoret,


35. Secondary School Teachers of Fasihi ya Kiswahili in Keiyo District, Tambach

Teachers Training College, Kenya.

36. “Ufundishaji wa Fasihi Simulizi na Nafasi Yake katika Kukuza Lugha ya Wanafunzi Wilayani Keiyo”. Presented on 27th September, 1995.

37. “Nafasi ya Mwalimu wa Fasihi katika Elimu ya Sekondari”. Presented on 28th

August, 1996 at a Seminar of Secondary School Teachers of Kiswahili, Mukumu

Girls High School, Kakamega, Kenya.

38. “The Potential of Kiswahili in Human Resource Development in Kenya: The Case

of the Informal Sector”. Presented on 26th July, 1996 at the Second Kenya

OSSREA Conference, Bongo Hotel, Kitale, Kenya.

39. “Mwongozo wa Kufundisha Riwaya ya Shamba la Wanyama”. Presented on 9th

October, 1995 at a Seminar of Secondary School Teachers of Fasihi ya Kiswahili in

Keiyo District, Tambach Teachers Training College, Kenya.

40. “Umuhimu wa Taaluma ya Uhakiki kwa Walimu na Wanafunzi wa Fasihi Sekondari”. Presented on 25th July, 1995 at a Seminar of Secondary School

Teachers of Kiswahili, St. Patricks High School, Iten, Kenya.

41. “Assessment as an Integral Part of Effective Performance of Kiswahili Student-Teachers in Secondary Schools”. Presented on 4th May, 1995 at a Teaching Practice

Workshop, Moi University, Faculty of Education, Moi University, Eldoret, Kenya.

42. “The Potential of Kiswahili in Human Resource Development: The Case of Jua Kali Artisans”, Presented on 30th March, 1995 at a Staff Seminar of the Department

of Educational Communication and Technology, Moi University, Eldoret, Kenya.

43. “Ufahamu wa Maandishi”. Presented on 30th June, 1994 at a Semina Kuu ya

Kiswahili, YMCA Complex, Kisumu, Kenya.

44. “The Teaching of Kiswahili in Secondary Schools: Challenges and Tips for Teaching Practice Assessors”. Presented on 19th May, 1994 at a Teaching Practice

Workshop, Faculty of Education, Moi University, Eldoret, Kenya.

45. “Maswali ya Ufahamu wa Maandishi”. Presented in March 1994 at a Semina Kuu ya Kiswahili, Uasin Gishu Arts Theatre, Eldoret, Kenya.

46. “Tathmini ya Masomo ya Ushairi Sekondari”. Presented at Semina Kuu ya

Kiswahili, Denniz Hotel, Nakuru, Kenya.

47. “Jinsi ya Kufundisha Tamthilia ya Mashetani katika Shule za Sekondari”. Presented on 23rd February, 1994 at a Semina Kuu ya Kiswahili, Uasin Gishu Arts

Theatre, Eldoret, Kenya.

48. “Misingi ya Kufunza Sarufi ya Kiswahili”. Presented on 18th November, 1991 at a

Zonal In-Service Course for Primary School Teachers, Moi University Primary

Page 32 of 42

School, Eldoret, Kenya.

49. “Kufunza Kiswahili cha Kuandika”. Presented on 19th November, 1991 at a Zonal

In-Service Course for Primary School Teachers, Moi University Primary School,

Eldoret, Kenya.

50. “Ufundishaji wa Msamiati katika Shule za Sekondari” Presented on 19th November,

1990 at a Seminar of the Department of Educational Communication and

Technology, Moi University, Eldoret, Kenya.

51. “Language Policy and Language Practice: The Case of Kiswahili in Kenya (1963 –

1989)”. Presented on 26th February, 1990 at a Seminar of the Department of

Educational Communication and Technology, Moi University, Eldoret, Kenya.


1. April 2019: Leadership Training Workshop for Vice Chancellors in Naivasha.

2. March 2019: Accounting Officers Program at Kenya School of Government, Matuga


3. February 2019: Federation of Kenya Employers training on Effective Industrial

Relations for Senior Administrators at Kibabii University.

4. March 2018: Training of University Senior Management on Governance and Strategic

Management in Naivasha.

5. January 2018: Induction Training for University Council and University Management

Board in Naivasha.

6. April 2017: Induction Training for newly Appointed Public University Council

Members at Simba Lodge, Naivasha.

7. November 2015: State Corporations Advisory Committee (SCAC) Induction held at

Mombasa Continental Resort, Mombasa, Kenya November 9-12, 2015.

8. March 2014: Five-Day Corporate Governance Training Course for Directors held at

Sarova Whitesands Beach Resort, Mombasa, Kenya March 24-28, 2014.

9. May 2014: Two-Day Corporate Governance Trainining Course held at Kibabii

University College from May 15-16, 2014.

10. April 2008: Leadership Development Training Workshop (LEDEV), at Hotel des

Mille Colline, Kigali Rwanda.

11. April 2007: VICRES Training Workshop, Nile Resort, Jinja, Uganda.

Page 33 of 42


1985-1986: A Survey of Instructional Practices of Teachers of Kiswahili in Upper Primary

School in Tongaren Division, Bungoma District of Kenya. Completed for

M.Ed. (P.T.E.) Project.

1997: Athari za Lugha – Mama katika Ufundishaji wa Kiswahili, Western Province,


1999: Umilisi wa Lugha wa Walimu wa Kesho wa Kiswahili Sekondari. Conducted

for Seminar Organized by Department of Kiswahili and Other African

Languages, Moi University, Eldoret, Kenya.

1999: Demokrasia katika Elimu: Hali Halisi Darasani. Conducted for Seminar

Organized by Department of Kiswahili and Other African Languages, Moi

University, Eldoret, Kenya.

2002: Public University Reform in Kenya: Mapping the Key Changes of the Last

Decade, a Case of Moi University.

2002: Developing and Marketing Community Tourism Around the Kakamega

Forest: Potentials, Opportunities and Challenges.

2003: Oral Questioning in the Pedagogy of Kiswahili Grammar: A Study of

Teacher’s Practices in Selected Secondary Schools of Bungoma District,


2004: Matatizo ya Kufundisha Fasihi ya Kiswahili katika Shule za Upili Nchini


2004: Utekelezaji wa Silabasi Mpya katika Shule za Upili: Mtazamo wa Walimu.

2007: Attitudinal and Linguistic Factors that Define Street Community: A study of

Street Children in Urban Centres of Western Province of Kenya.

2008: Training of Developers of Distance Education Study Materials in Kenya:

Challenges Facing Institutions of Higher Learning, the Case of Masinde

Muliro University.

2014: The Origin and development of Kibabii University College.

2014: Factors Affecting Performance in Public Examinations at Primary School Level

in Bungoma County.

Page 34 of 42


a) Community Projects

1. Contibution to Construction of Church Building of

East African Yearly Meeting of Friends (Quakers)

at Naitiri, Bungoma North District.

2. Contibution to Construction of Church Hall and

Vicarage at St. Matthew’s Cathedral Eldoret. 3. Organizing Fund raising for Bro. Edward

Endowment Fund for Bishop Delany Memorial

Secondary School in Octoberr, 2012.

4. Contribution to construction of Katakwa ACK

Cathedral, 2013.

5. Contribution to construction of St. Mary’s Catholic Church, Kibabii Parish in July 2014.

b) Membership of

Community Based



1. Jilinde Self Help Group – Member from 2000;

Chairman, 2007 to date.

2. Upper Elgon View Welfare Group- Secretary from

1995 – 2006; Vice Chairman 2007 to date.

3. Eldoret Scouts Local Association - Member 2000-


4. Member, Board of Governors, St. Johns Karima

Secondary School. Bungoma. 2003-2011.

5. Member, Board of governors, Eluuya Girls

secondary School. Bungoma.

6. Member, Board of Governors, Nabing’eng’e Secondary School. Bungoma. 2010-2012.

7. Member, Board of Governors, Bishop Delany

Secondary School. Eldoret. 2008 to date.

8. Bishop Delany Old Students Association,

Chairman 2011 to date.

9. St. Thomas International Training Institute,

Amagoro, Chairman 2012 to date.

10. Member, Board of Governors, Sang’alo Institute of Science and Technology.2013 to date.

11. Member and shareholder Milembe Investments.

c) Other Activities 1. Raising funds for various community projects

including Bridge at Mukuyuni, Bungoma North,

and Access road, Upper Elgon View Eldoret.

2. Donating books to several universities and schools

for instance MMUST, Kibabi University College,

Friends School Kamusinga, Bishop Delany

Memorial School, Busiada Girls High School, St.

Johns Karima Secondary School, Eluuya Girls,

Kolanya High School, Katakwa Secondary School,

Friends Bukembe Secondary School, Nyaroha

Girls Secondary School, St. Theresa Girls,

Kimilili, Namawanga Girls Secondary School, and

Baptist Girls High School, Bungoma, PAG

Page 35 of 42

Lodwar Girls High School, Trans-Africa High

School, Lodwar.

3. Giving motivational speeches to teachers, parents

and KCSE Kiswahili candidates in universities and

secondary schools.



Odeo, I.I. 2019. “Haiba ya Mwalimu: Uchanganuzi wa Sifa za Mwalimu Bora wa

Lugha ya Kiswahili”. Katika Masuala Ibuka katika Elimu ya Kiswahili. Nairobi:

Oxford University Press.

Oluoch, J.S., Ipara, I.O. and Kobia, J.M. Ambiguity in translation of metaphors: A case

of Dholuo and Kiswahili. African Journal of Education, Science and Technology,

December, 2014 Vol 2, No1 pp182-190.ISSN: 2309-9240.

Charles N. Moochi, Margaret Barasa, Isaac P.O. Ipara, Ogata B. Rose, and Anakalo

Shitandi. “Performance Differences and Gender in Kiswahili Creative Writing: A Case Study of Selected Secondary Schools in Nyamira County, Kenya. Journal of Pan

African Studies, vol.6, no. 4, September 2013.

Ipara, odeo and Mbori, Bob. “The Role of Kiswahili in Enhancing the Potential of Science and Technology”. The Journal of Pan African Studies, vol. 2, no. 8, March 2009. Pp.139-150.

Ndiku J. Mwaluko, Muthamia Hellen, Ipara Odeo and Obaki Samuel. “Adult Education Learners’ recruitment: Challenges and prospects for re-engineered access to adult

education in Kenya”. Educational Research and Review Vol. 4 (7), July 2009. pp.

Odeo, I.I., Simiyu, A.M. and Mukwa, C. W. 2008. “Oral Questioning in the Pedagogy of Kiswahili Grammar in Secondary Schools in Kenya. Journal of Science,

Technology, Education and Management (J-STEM) of MMUST Vol. 2 pp.134-145.

ISSN 1991-2889 ** This paper was not submitted for position of Associate

Professor because it was released in 209 by printer.

Ipara, H. I. and Ipara, Odeo, I. 2006. “The Evolving Role of Tourist guides in Enhancing Community Tourism”: The Kenyan experience. African Journal of Business

and Economics, Volume 1, No. 2, 2006:121-138.ISSN 1990-9217.

Ipara, Odeo, I. “Athari za Ulimwengu wa Nje kwa Kiswahili katika Ukanda wa Afrika Mashariki”: Balaa au Neema? In the proceedings of the Institute of Kiswahili Research

Page 36 of 42

Jubilee Symposium, 2005.ISBN 9987 442 19 6.

Ipara, Odeo, I. “School Heads Passing the Buck”. Daily Nation 19/6/1996 P. 7.

Ipara, Odeo, I. “Ufundishaji wa Fasihi Simulizi” The Spectator No 1, 1993.

Education Services Centre: Dar es Salaam.

Ipara, Odeo, I. “Fasihi Simulizi Katika Elimu ya Sekondari”. Jarida la Kiswahili JK. Na 3, 1992. Education Service Centre Ltd.: Dar es Salaam.

Ipara, Odeo, I. “Nafasi ya Kiswahili katika Mfumo wa Elimu Nchini Kenya”: 1963 –

1989” Mshindo No. 1, September, 1990, Department of Kiswahili, Moi University,



Wasike, M. & Odeo, I.I. 2018. Masuala Ibuka katika asomo ya Kiswahili katika Shule

za Sekondari: Mfano wa Maudhui kutoka Nyimbo za Kizazi Kipya. Eldoret: Moi

University Press.ISBN:978-9966-1879-7-0.

Wamalwa, M. & Odeo,I.I. 2018. Matumizi ya Nyimbo za Kizazi Kipya kama Mbinu ya

Kufundishia Masuala Ibuka kat ika Shule za Upili Nchini Kenya. Eldoret: Moi

University Press.ISBN: :978-9966-1879-7-0.

Odo,I.I. & Wamalwa, E.W. 2017. Mchango wa Marehemu Naomi Shitemi katika

Kuendeleza Taaluma ya Kiswahili Nchini Kenya. Kandagor,M., Ogechi,N. & Vierke,

C. Lugha na Fasihi katika Karne ya Ishirini na Moja. Eldoret: Moi University

Press.ISBN: 978-9966-1879-7-3.

Odeo, I.I. 2017. Challenges Facing New Kenyan Higher Institutions: The Case of

Kibabii University. Proceedings of Kibabii University 2nd International

Interdisciplinary Conference 2017. ISBN: 978-9966-59-011-4.

Odeo, I.I. Curriculum in Kiswahili Education. In Otunga, R.N., Odeo, I.I. and Barasa,

L.P. A.2011. Handbook for Curriculum and Instruction. Eldoret: Moi University

Press.ISBN 9966-854-65-7.

Odeo, I.I., Wando, D., Barasa, P. and Omulando, C. Instructional Methods. In Otunga,

R.N., Odeo, I.I. and Barasa, L.P. A. 2011. Handbook for Curriculum and Instruction.

Eldoret: Moi University Press. ISBN 9966-854-65-7.

Odeo, I. I. Terminologies in Tertiary Kiswahili Teacher Training Institutions in Kenya.

In ogechi Nathan(Ed) 2011. Themes in Language, Education and Development in

Kenya. Nsemia Inc, Publishers. Ottawa: Canada. ISBN 978-1-926906-06-5.

Page 37 of 42

Ipara Odeo, I. “Utekelezaji wa Silabasi Mpya ya Somo la Kiswahili katika Shule za Upili: Mtazamo wa Walimu”. In Kimani Njogu (ed) 2007.Kiswahili na Elimu Nchini

Kenya.Twaweza Publications, Nairobi.ISBN 9966 9743 9 3.

Ipara Odeo, I. “Nafasi ya Nadharia katika Ufundishaji wa Kiswahili katika Shule na

Vyuo”. In Ogechi N.O., Shitemi, N.L. and Simala, K.I. (eds) 2008.Nadharia katika

Taaluma ya Kiswahili na Lugha za Kiafrika.Eldoret: Moi University Press.ISBN 9966-


Ipara Odeo, I. “Uwezekano wa Kiswahili Kuwa Lugha ya Kufundishia ya Pili Katika

Kiwango cha Juu cha Shule za Msingi Nchini Kenya”. In Shitemi N. et al. 2000. Kiswahili: A Tool for Development – the Multidisciplinary Approach. Moi University

Press, Eldoret.ISBN 9966-854-19-3.

Ipara Odeo, I. “The Future of Kiswahili Classroom Research”. In Inyani, Simala K.

2000. Utafiti wa Kiswahili. Moi University Press, Eldoret.ISBN 9966-854-36-3.

Ipara Odeo, I. “Matatizo ya Kufundisha Fasihi Simulizi katika Shule za Sekondari”. In Kimani Njogu, Momanyi C. and Mathooko, M. (Eds) 2006. Fasihi Simulizi ya

Kiswahili. Twaweza Communications, Nairobi.ISBN 9966 9743 1 8.

Ipara Odeo, I. “Kiswahili” in The Teaching Practice Guide. Eldoret: Moi University, Faculty of Education, May 1990.

Ipara Odeo, I. “Kiswahili” in The Teaching Practice Guide. Eldoret: Moi University, Faculty of Education, May 1990.


Waititu, F. and Odeo,I.I. 2019. Ijaribu na Uikarabati. Nairobi: Oxford University


Waititu F.G and Ipara, I.O. 2015. Kiswahili Fasaha Book 4(Pupil’s). Oxford University Press: Nairobi.2nd Edition. ISBN 978 19 5732855 3.

Waititu F.G., Ipara, I.O., Vuzo, A.M. and Okaalo, B. 2015. Kiswahili Fasaha Book 3

(Pupil’s,). Oxford University Press: Nairobi. 2nd Edition. ISBN 978 019 5742305.

Waititu, F.G., Ipara, I.O., Vuzo, A.M. and Okaalo, B. 2015. Kiswahili Fasaha (Pupil’s) Book 2. Oxford University Press: Nairobi. 2nd Edition. ISBN 978 019 5742282.

Watiitu, F.G., Ipara, I.O. and Okaalo, B. 2015. Kiswahili Fasaha (Teacher’s) Book 1.

Page 38 of 42

Oxford University Press: Nairobi, Kenya. 2nd Edition. ISBN 978 019 574226 8.

Ipara I.O. and Waititu F.G. 2014. Ijaribu na Uikarabati (Revision Book for Secondary

School Kiswahili) Oxford University Press. 3nd Edition.ISBN 978 019 573999 2.

Ipara I.O. and Waititu F.G. 2011. Ijaribu na Uikarabati (Revision Book for Secondary

School Kiswahili) Oxford University Press. 2nd Edition.ISBN 978 019 573764 6.

Ipara, I.O., Burudi, J. and Wakesho, N. I. 2010. Upeo wa Sarufi. Nairobi: Oxford

University Press.ISBN 978 019 573560 4.

Kaduguda, R., Kiango, J. & Ipara, I. 2009. Kiswahili Shule za Sekondari Kidato cha

Pili. Dar es Salaam: Oxford University Press.ISBN 978 9976 4 0170 7.

Kaduguda, R., Kiango, J. & Ipara, I. 2009. Kiswahili Shule za Sekondari Kidato cha

Kwanza. Dar es Salaam: Oxford University Press.ISBN 978 9976 4 0168 4.

Ipara, I.O. and Njoroge, G. 2008. Fani ya Isimu Jamii katika Shule za Sekondari.

Oxford University Press: Nairobi.ISBN 978 019 573423 2.

Kiango, J.G., Lodhi A.Y. Ipara I. and Nassir A. 2007 Kamusi ya Shule za Msingi.

Oxford University Press.ISBN 978 019 573306 8.

Ipara I.O. and Waititu F.G. 2006. Ijaribu na Uikarabati (Revision Book for Secondary

School Kiswahili) Oxford University Press: Nairobi.

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June 2010: Translating Citizens Service Charter for Masinde Muliro University

of Science and Technology.

July 2010: Training of Trainers for Bukura Agricultural College.

June 2010: Kenya National Examinations Council.

July 2009: Assessment of Status of Kamusi Kamili ya Kiswahili, by

Longhorn Publishers for Oxford University Press.

September 2008: Kenya National Examinations Council, Nairobi.

September 2008: Assessment of Kiswahili Dictionary Manuscript for Baraza la

Kiswahili la Zanzibar.

June 2006: Kenya Examinations Council, Nairobi.

March 2005: Assessment of Manuscript for Oxford University Press:

a) Tamaa Si Tamaa by Said Ahmed Mohammed (Short Stories).

b) Mfuko Mtupu by Said Ahmed Mohammed.

March 2003: Assessment of Manuscript Entitled: Mwongozo wa Fasihi Simulizi kwa

Shule za Sekondari. Oxford University Press: Nairobi.

Assessment of Secondary Course Book Entiled: Stadi za Lugha Book 1. Jomo Kenyatta


2001-2002: Design of the Revised Secondary School Kiswahili Syllabus

March 2003: Training of Trainers for the Revised and Rationalized Secondary School

Kiswahili Syllabus, Kisumu.


i) Mnara Wawaka Moto (Play) by Rocha Chimerah (1999). Jomo Kenyatta

Foundation: Nairobi.

ii) Dunia Yao (Novel) by Said Ahmed Mohammed (2006). Oxford University Press:


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i) Vice Chancellors and Principals Association. 2013 to date.

ii) Kenya Institute of Education Secondary School Panel.

iii) Chama cha Kiswahili cha Taifa,Kenya (CHAKITA).

iv) Chama cha Kiswahili cha Afrika Mashariki (CHAKAMA).

v) Organization of Social Science Research in East Africa (OSSREA).

vi) Association of Third World Studies (ATWS).

vii) Kenya Red Cross Society (KRCS).

viii) Board, Kenya Red Cross Society, Bungoma Branch.


1. Kiswahili Terminology in Science and Technology – Desk Dictionary.

2. Trends in Higher Education.




Watching Soccer.

Listening to African Music.

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(i) Prof. Nathan Ogechi

Deputy Vice Chancellor, (Student Affairs)

Moi University

P.O. Box 3900-30100,

ELDORET Email: ogechinathan@yahoo.com

Tel: 0726297952

(ii) Prof. Egara Kabaji

Deputy Vice Chancellor, (Planning, Research and Extension)

Masinde Muliro University of Science and Technology

P.O. Box 190-50100


Email: egarakabaji@yahoo.com

Tel: 0722646574

(iii) Prof. Ernest Sangai Mohochi

Kibabii University

P.O. Box 103-40404

RONGO Email: smohochi@gmail.com