Byke Workshop with BBC v2

Post on 16-Apr-2017

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Transcript of Byke Workshop with BBC v2

PowerPoint Presentation

Byke Workshop
with the
Bangalore Byking Community

Ok. Although the presentation stated that its about surviving a bicycle commute in Bangalore, that was just to pique your interest. I would like to change it to How to Enjoy a bicycle commute in Bangalore

My Name is Rohan and I am representing a community of over 600 bikers in the city many of which regularly commute by bicycle.

How Much???

Please switch off your mobiles or silence them and think about how much you spend on them.

Why the presentation?

30 % of kids have respiratory issues!

I want you to commute cause I want a better Bangalore for myself. I want to be able to peacefully ride in the city without all you guys sitting all by yourself in your air conditioned cars whizzing past me spewing out pollution.

With great powers comes...

Global Warming and Climate Change

Escalating Obesity

Increasing Congestion on roads and in chests!

We live in interesting times with great technology and...

The picture of the polar bear is not doctored!

average child has a shorter life expectancy than his parentsinactivity and obesity are compromising out healthglobal warming is threatening our futurecongestion is eroding our patience and mobility

Flabulous or Fabulous?

Weight-loss programmes?Honey, do I look fat?Love handles?Old Clothes?Foodie?Age?


March 1998: Weigh 85-90 Kilos Chain Smoker(A pack of 20 Marlboros on some days)Dec 31st 1998: Went cold turkey Stopped smoking put on weight. Switch form cigarette to sour cream Feb 2003: Weight 101KGs. Wife gets me into a crazy fitness routine/severe diet (only iceberg lettuce, tofu & dal) Jun 2003: Weight 74kgs Jul/Aug 2008: Move to Bangalore. Fitness schedule gets thrown out of whack. Put on kgs - move up 82kgs Have discovered RFL and BBC since feels normal again :-)It's been eleven years since I quit smoking. I feel like I have tons of stamina now!


From 106 Kilos as a teenager to an athlete at 78 Kilos training for Endurance Sports!And the award goes to...

It's not my problem!

Imagine an ambulance amidst this with you and your loved ones.On an average a Bangalorean loses an hour in traffic each day!Check this presentation

Transport Mode share Bangalore

While 5600 BMTC buses transport about 40 lakh people daily, 20 lakh cars carry about 25 lakh people!

Lies, damned lies and statistics!

So much for Car Pooling...

Need we say more?

Mass Trasnport Solution

Reality Bytes!

Watch the Story of Stuff

Ever wondered if/what/how we city dwellers contribute to the farmer suicides?And now -The Story of Carbon Credits!

A simple thing that you could do!

Something as simple and powerful as the pigeon hole principlePaper TowelsSave/Plant Trees!Bottled Water?No to meatPaper/Plastic Cups

Go VegetarianElectricityZero Waste Mgmt

The bicycle is extraordinarily efficient in both biological and mechanical terms.

It is the most efficient self-powered means of transportation in terms of energy

Save time

Save your body

Save your brain

Save the planet

Save Money

5 Good Reasons

Each morning I wake up torn between the desire to change the world and to enjoy it. One can always enjoy it a little responsiby -Be an agent of Global Cooling! :)

Save Time - For most city commutes, a bicycle gets you there faster: door to door.Save Your Body - Riding to work helps you get fitter as you go about your daily business. Cycling therefore tends to be a more sustainable route to staying trim than, say, making time to visit the gym.Save Your Brain - The endorphin-enducing ride to work makes you more alert. The ride home helps you wind down.Save the PlanetSave Money - Compared with using public transport or running a car, biking is very cheap. Poll states they save atleast Rs 2000 per month

An article on how some techies saved $3000 in a yearSwitching to byking!

I spend my money on Bykes, Burgers, Pizza & Donuts! What about u?

Saving the 'Buck' (Pun intended)

Your average expense on:

Fuel per year

Medicines annually

The gym annually

Vehicle Maintenance

Bangalore traffic

21 km in 55 mins (Ravi)

11 km in 30 mins (Rohan)

6km in 12 mins (Pramod)

4 km in 15 mins (Siva)

Average: 22kms/hr (any other mode?)

( however fictitious the numbers may look, they are all accurate )Look at the extensive study here done by Manoj. Another article here.The Fast and NOT so Furious! :)

these are again numbers drawn up by asking the biking community. We have a few real numbers out there of folks who regularly commute on a bicycle. And its astounding that in most cases folks seem to be moving faster on their bicycles .

For most city commutes, a bicycle gets you there faster: door to door.

Cycle Reacts faster to your reflexes.

Impact at 30-40 kmph

Accident Stats

Pedestrian accidents: 44%

Cycle accidents : 5%


A detailed article Is Cycling Safe on Indian Roads?How Safe?

Safety on the bicycle is a common question.

And the best part is most folks who commute on the bicycle think its safe whereas all the rest think its not ! We recently asked the biking community how safe they felt on their bicycles while commuting. A majority of which were neutral. (The really safe is me :D )

Im sure if you put out a similar survey for motorists the numbers saying that their commute is unsafe is going to be higher than this.

The Jist - bicycling is safe. So lets get that excuse out.

Be an organ donor, but not yet!

Not everybody gets a second chance...Wear a helmet!


Helmet - protect the peanut head adds to visibility! :)

Lights - To make yourself more visible in the dark

Bright clothing - make a fashion statement

Get a good bicycle


violate the traffic rules (use your brains not the mobile)

forget a bicycle is a vehicle too

Visit Bicycle Safe for some gr8 tips. Some tips @ BOTS Blog

Cardio exercise comes for free ur heart smiles...

No mental stress what's that?

You feel good gr8 actually!

Immunity say good bye to medical bills!

Endorphin inducing ride to work makes you more alert

Ride home helps you wind down sleep like a baby! :)

Chuck RSIs / Spondylitis / Arthritis out of ur dictionary!

The water intake shoots up which is good

Fat se Fit Fatafat!

Be a cardiac patient or a _possible_ road kill. The choice is ur's!An article on Bupa.

Tired - Not as much as in your car (Stressed)

Stinky Bath / Deo / Swim

Time - Commuting and Gyming at the same time. You actually save time

Rain - Mudguard or just enjoy it

Pollution Pollution mask

Sun Tan/Burn Mera complexion!

Mugging / Eve teasing Chance to learn a new skill ;)

Traffic, congestion n safety

Fit - I am not fit enuf; let me get fit first!

The saddle is too tiny and my ... hurts!



Lack of respect on the road

Social mindset towards a person on a bicycle

Lack of knowledge of what a good bicycle means

No cycle lanes who needs them anyway?

Real Issues?

See some of the activities of RAC-F in this area

Wright BrothersSome Famous Bykers

The CEO of Philips & BIAL.

VP, Accenture, India

Founder of Cadem

CTO of Strand life Sciences

Many many more! :)

Einstein apparently thought about his famous equation E=mc(2) when he was on a bicycle

The wright brothers used to own a bicycle shop and that knowledge played a major role in the first airplane

Bush - well. Bush rides a bike :)

We Recommend Hybrids for City Riding:

BSA Hybrid 3200 + 1000

Hercules ACT 110 9800

Schwinn 12K, 15K, 18K

Trek 7. 1 19.5K

Trek 7100 21.2K

Merida Crossway 22K

Canondale Quick 5 24K

Kona Dew 24K

You can find prices of some of the other bikes here.

Mera wala byke

What is the right size for me?

Your Height

(foot, inches)Your Inseam Length (inches)

Bike Frame Size (inches)

Bike Frame Size

4'11" - 5'3"

25 - 27

13 - 15


5'3" - 5'7"

27" - 29"

15 - 17

S / M

5'7" - 5'11"

29" - 31"

17 - 19

M / L

5'11" - 6'2"

31" - 33"

19 - 21


6'2" - 6'4"

33" - 35"

21 - 23


Find the frame size you need using this frame size calculator.A more detailed sizing table is available here.

The sizing is comparable to sizing of mountain bikes, which means they'll run a couple inches smaller than the road bike you'd probably ride.

And the saddle height?

Youll be most efficient if your seat is the right height and your knees and balls of your feet are in line.Your knee is bent at around a 25 to 30 degree angle.

Too low.It will make it harder to pedal. If you want to travel a long distance, it will soon become tiring.

Too high.Your knee is locked.

For step-by-step instructions, visit this site.

To find the right seat height position you need to sit on your bike with your feet on the pedals. Position one pedal at the very bottom of it's stroke. Your seat height should be adjusted so that in this position your knee is bent at around a 25 to 30 degree angle. It's that simple.

Be an agent of change - Spread the Byke Flu - contagious just like a Smile! :)Byke Workshops

Byke Maintenance Workshops

Byke Clinics to deal with the Byke Flu! :)


BOTS University

Visit there happening blog!

Critical Mass

Visit the blog

BBChDo you have
it in you?

BSA Tour oF

The 900km+ bicycle ride called the Tour oF Nilgiris (TFN) is the longest organised bicycle ride in the country with the highest participation. A quick introduction to the TFN can be found in Wikipedia. Also,visit the site -

A very enthusiastic group of cyclists who are keen to promote cycling by conducting weekend Cycling Trails.

They also offer customized cycling tours and corporate group Trails.

Organized Trails to exotic locations like Chikamagalur, Coorg and Waynad so far and more to come.

There is more!

Tandem Trails - a cool group to join - learn about bike safety a forum to discuss bikes - watch cool videos - a NGO promoting byking - for race enthusiasts - a lot of useful information - a 900+ km tour of the Blue Mountains - donate your old bike for a student



Column 1



2 Wheelers17

Public Transport35


Intermediate Public Transit7