By Success Tool Chest A Novacom Company Focus Wheel Mentor Program © Success Tools For leaders...

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Transcript of By Success Tool Chest A Novacom Company Focus Wheel Mentor Program © Success Tools For leaders...

by Success Tool ChestA Novacom Company

Focus Wheel Mentor Program©

Success Tools For leaders

Construction company example:Mentor Program


Copyright © 2009 Novacom International Limited

 Mentor Program Participants, 2009.

Mentors — Mentees

Participants are indentified prior to this program presentation & workshop.

For a construction company we asked seven superintendents to each pick a mentee in the

company. We then interviewed each possible mentee and asked if they were interested in participating.

100% wanted to be involved in the program. All the partnerships were listed on this slide and in the

measurement file provided to mentors.  

Copyright © 2009 Novacom International Limited.

Focus Wheel Corporate Mentor ProgramMentoring is a form of masterminding.

A successful mentor program.

Why? It assures the leadership of the company remains strong and is conducive to growth, now and in

the future. Leaders will be retiring and we want great replacements. It provides for a structure of consistent ongoing information and communication flow beginning

right now. It enhances training. It builds a healthy teamwork culture and inspires productivity and fun.

Mentor: 1. A wise and trusted counsellor or teacher.2. An influential senior sponsor or

Mentor: 1. A wise and trusted counsellor or teacher.2. An influential senior sponsor or

Copyright © 2009 Novacom International Limited.

Copyright © 2009 Novacom International Limited.

4 Spokes of Support:

• Common Mentoring. (Each mentee has a

first-call mentor in the program.)

• Cross Mentoring. (All superintendents are mentors

to all mentees in some form at times — an informal expansion of common mentoring.)

• Vertical Mentoring. (Mentees become on-site

mentors to all other workers and particularly newcomers.)

• Peer Mentoring. (Superintendants mentor each other

on mentoring and being a good superintendent — Mentees mentor each other on being a good mentee, mentor and worker — informal.)

Mentoring happens naturally and as a leader in any company, we are responsible for mentoring whether we like it or not!

Copyright © 2009 Novacom International Limited.

Mentoring opportunities:•Match a new employee with an experienced one.•Assign a mentor to an existing employee identified as future a leader.•Pair an expert with an existing worker who needs specialized education or training.•An effective leadership development plan requires mentees to spend time with different experienced workers.

Mentoring roles: (As described by Brad Humphrey: Pinnacle Development Group)

INSTRUCTOR: Delivers the right lesson providing specific tips and techniques. Adapts to mentee learning style and teaches the ‘why behind the what’.

COACH: Observes and reviews mentees performance. Confronts, corrects, encourages, pushes and looks for opportunities to put mentee in a learning situation.

COUNSELOR: Listens before guiding. Maintains honesty, accuracy and confidentiality. Provides effective feedback and positive affirmation.

RESOURCE MANAGER: Provides learning resources. Involves mentee in trying new systems, techniques, tools, etc. Asks mentee to look for new resources.

FRIEND: Shares in the highs and lows of the process. Is patient, supportive, flexible, willing to trust and push the mentee to new challenges.

"If you give people tools, [and they use them], their natural abilities and their curiosity, they will develop things in ways that will surprise you very much beyond what you might have expected." …Bill Gates:

Copyright © 2009 Novacom International Limited.

Measure the Progress

How are we measuring the progress of the mentor program at your company?

I’m looking for a lot of men who have an infinite capacity to not know what can’t be done. …Henry Ford

Copyright © 2009 Novacom International Limited.

1. Mentor opens structured mentee file. Keeps goal and evaluation sheet and updates after each meeting or discussion.

2. Make a list of Formal Training items the mentee wants to work on this year.

3. Make a list of Site Training items the mentee wants to work on this year.

4. Make a list of Skills Training items the mentee wants to work on this year.

5. Make a list of Emotional Processes the mentee would like to improve.

6. Decide how often you will communicate — Once per month? Phone or in person?

7. Your program champion will do reviews: possibly end off the year, as we see fit, and a closing review with each team or the group. We will review the file and respond to questions or concerns.

8. We expect a minimum of two face to face mentor/mentee meetings in the next six months.

"I will form good habits and become their slaves." — …Og Mandino

Copyright © 2009 Novacom International Limited.

Mentor program training focus:Formal Training:•Supervisory training•Blue print reading•Leadership in Safety Excellence + CSTS•Prime Contractor•Company proprietary software

Site Training:•Safety — Understanding and incorporating safe work practices to complete tasks•Understanding the project scope/work•Breakdown the work into tasks•Allocation of men and equipment•Coordinating subcontractors•Look Ahead — Timely ordering materials & equipment

Skills training:•Effective communication•Recognizing and inspiring workers•Time management•Empower your workforce•Plan ahead — Act decisively

Emotional training:•What emotions and internal leadership processes do I need to enhance? •Confidence, enthusiasm, patience, gratitude, encouragement, attention to detail…

Mentoring Transforms Adversity into Achievement

…The Mentor News.

Timeline — Two Years

What we focus on expands!

...Les Hewitt (business coach,

author-The Power of Focus)

Proprietary company lists are prepared for each category. Construction company e.g.

Copyright © 2009 Novacom International Limited.

Listen to, watch, identify, discuss and fine tune the processes.

Use the 4-1 positive affirmation rule! What are the best questions for mentees to ask? What are the best questions for mentors to ask?

"Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I learn."…Benjamin Franklin:

Copyright © 2009 Novacom International Limited.

Good Mentor QuestionsAm I meeting your expectations as a mentor?

How am I doing as a mentor?How could I be a better superintendent? What are good company/organization specific


Copyright © 2009 Novacom International Limited.

Good Mentee QuestionsWhat skills do you think I need to improve? Am I meeting your expectations of me?Is my quality of work up to your

expectations? What are good company/organization specific


Copyright © 2009 Novacom International Limited.

Make your company an environment where employees want to stay. Help the mentee’s in your mentor program

guide the new employees and practice their own mentoring skills!

Orientation and training.

Identify four key things new workers must be informed of, or trained on, when they start. Make mentees responsible for new worker orientation and training. Open a training specific file, outside of the employee payroll file, measure the progress and discuss and fine tune your processes. Arrange for the mentees in the program to meet once a year, or more, to discuss this part of the program and how its working for them.

Success Tool Chest provides a list of 5 key questions to ask that work well for any process. They assure progress.

Copyright © 2009 Novacom International Limited.

Success Tool Chest ©

A Novacom Company and Proud Sponsor of

Be a Mentor, Find a Mentor!

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Focus Wheel Communications Spokes

1. (PAUSE) Be aware of communications process. 2. (SNAP ON and ZIP IT) Effective listening. 3. (PAUSE) Effective word choice. 4. (PAUSE) Walk in their shoes before expressing

concern. Consider their emotion and thought process and ask if not sure. Allow it to be valid. Think of intentions. State yours and clarify theirs. Empathy builds trust.

5. (SNAP ON) Manage expectations — CLARIFY.

Success Tool Chest Business Leadership Communications Card©

Do not be too timid and squeamish about your actions. All life is an experiment.…Ralph Waldo Emerson

Prepare your feedback

strategy ! Write out how the

meeting will go.

Copyright © 2009 Novacom International Limited.

Humans Natural Communications Process Order

As defined in an awareness wheel by PHD’s Sherod Miller, Elam Nunnally, Daniel B. Wackman in their book, ‘Alive and Aware.’

1.We sense something. One of our five physical sense kicks in.

2.A thought/perception is triggered.

3.An emotion is triggered.

4.An intention is derived.

5.We choose to act in some way — Silence — Speaking — Body movement — Etc.

6.The cycle happens over and over again when we are interacting with another.

When I’m aware of this process, focus on, honor and own my position and responsibility within it, it’s

easier to navigate and inspire as a leader. Clarifying, honoring and allowing the other persons

perception, thought, emotion and intention to be valid is key, whether I judge it negatively or positively!

Each of our processes is valid whether I like it or not, because they are real.

Success Tool Chest Business Leadership Communications Card©

Copyright © 2009 Novacom International Limited.

Effective Word Choice Spokes:

‘You’ and ‘I’ word choices. Utilize ‘You’ in behavioral, situational and circumstantial descriptions or in questions. Utilize ‘I’ in thought, perception, feeling and intention statements.

Own and articulate perceptions with I. Own and articulate emotions with I. Own and articulate intentions with I. Ask questions and clarify with You.

Word Choice Watch Outs The word ‘should’ is an unhealthy guilt motivator in general. Could is an

excellent option and an inspirational motivator. Remember to state consequences when using ‘could’.

Avoid All’s and None’s. (Use Mostly, Often instead of Always — Rarely, Sometimes instead of Never — Most, Many instead of Everyone or All — Few, Very Few instead of No-one).

Avoid Labeling and Name Calling.

Success Tool Chest Business Leadership Communications Card©

"The way we communicate with others and with ourselves ultimately determines the quality of our lives." … Anthony Robbins

Copyright © 2009 Novacom International Limited.

Effective and Active Listening Spokes:

Clarify — What I heard you say was… , and how I interpret that is… , Am I right? PAUSE in SILENCE — LISTEN.

SNAP ON. Make eye contact and nod sometimes to acknowledge that you’re listening.

Keep an open posture, arms and legs uncrossed. Be aware of the facial expressions you are sending. Be firm and serious

when necessary and smile sometimes — make a joke. Be aware of personal space and make an effort to honor individual

boundaries on closeness of physical contact.

Success Tool Chest Business Leadership Communications Card©

What do I need to say? What do I need to hear?

…Bob Vaughn

Copyright © 2009 Novacom International Limited.

Articulating Emotion and Intention Effectively Emotions are most effectively articulated using three word sentences:

I Feel _______________. Avoid using the words ‘like’ and ‘that’ when stating emotion. When I say: I feel ‘that’ … I am actually stating a perception or thought, not emotion. When I say: I feel ‘like’… I am actually stating a perception or thought, not emotion. My Intention is…, I want…, Best case scenario for me is…, (I want you to know that

because…) etc.

Articulating Thought & Perception Effectively Perceptions and thoughts are articulated most effectively in ‘I’ statements” expressing

what I heard, saw, smelt, tasted, touched: When I saw you … I think that… When I hear you say, I think that… and my __________ (emotion) is triggered…..

Success Tool Chest Business Leadership Communications Card©

Communication paves a path for progress.

Copyright © 2009 Novacom International Limited.

Success Tool Chest Focus Wheel Mentor Program — 2009 Copyright © 2009 Novacom International Limited. All rights reserved. No part of this Success Tool Chest Focus Wheel Mentor Program may be reproduced by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photography, recording, or any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher. The Publishers Novacom International Limited #401, 9923-103 Street, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada T5K 2J3

Success Tool ChestA Novacom Company  

Ph. 780-445-0020Fax. 780-482-0931
