By Moulana Muhammad Shoyaib Nurgat - Welcome to · PDF file · 2011-01-02it is...

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Transcript of By Moulana Muhammad Shoyaib Nurgat - Welcome to · PDF file · 2011-01-02it is...

By Moulana Muhammad Shoyaib Nurgat

Rasool Sallallahu Alaihi Wassalam has said:

There are Two Nemats (Bounties) regarding which many people are at a loss :

1. Good health

2. Free time

Hadhrat Abu Hurrairah RA reported that Rasool SAW has said “Remember death much and often, which is the terminator of Worldly pleasures”. (Tirmizi, Mishkaat)

Dua of the Prophet

“O Allah bless me with life until life is good for me, and grant me death when death is better for me”. (Bukhari)


Whatever difficulty afflicts a Muslim, illness, even if a nettle was to pierce one, ones sins are forgiven. (Bukhari)

Talqeen Remind the dying person of the Kalima by Reciting

the kalima

Once Kalimah has been recited, remain quiet

Surah Yaseen Rasool SAW has said “ Read Surah Yaseen over your dying

man” (Abu Dawood, Ibn Majah)

If possible turn towards the Qiblah

Make dua that Allah eases the pain of death

The breath quickens

Knees slacken

The nose bends

The temples subside

These are clear signs that the time of death has come; recite Kalimah loudly

When the time of death has approached, the dying person should recite this dua:

Trans: O Allah, forgive me, and have mercy on me and join me with the companions who are in the highest stage.

(Bukhari, Muslim, Tirmidhi)

When there are indications that the soul is departing, recite this dua:

Trans: O Allah, assist me through the difficulties of death


When a person passes away recite:

Trans: Verily to Allah we belong and to Him shall we return. O Allah, reward me in my difficulty and grant me some thing better in


Then hastily reciting

Close the eyes and the mouth

Straighten the legs

Tie the two big toes together


Home, Hospital or Other

Cause of Death Certificate from Dr or Hospital

Death is Registered with the Registrar

Undertaker takes the Deceased

Ghusul Performed

Funeral/Janazah is Held

Deceased is Buried

GP/Hospital Informs Police

Coroner carries out Post-mortem to establish Cause of Death

Coroner Authorities Hospital / Dr to issue Cause of Death Certificate


Type of Death Doctor/Coroner gives Registrar gives

Expected death and Unexpected death not referred to Coroner

Formal Notice and Medical Certificate on Cause of Death

Certificate for Burial (known as the Green Form)

Unexpected death referred to Coroner

Form 100 (Pink Form) orForm 101, Order for Burial

Certificate for Burial (known as the Green Form) if Form 100 given. Nothing further needed for burial if Form 101 Given

Stillborn below 24th

week of Pregnancy

Form giving details of stillbirth

Nothing further needed for burial

Stillborn in the 24th

or higher week of Pregnancy

Medical Certificate of Stillbirth

Certificate of Registration of Stillbirth

If the body of the deceased is covered the Holy Qur’aan could be recited near the deceased before the Ghusl, according to reliable narrations

If it is not covered then it is advisable not read the Holy Qur’aan in an audible voice Fatawa Darul Uloom Zakaria Vol 2 Pg 609

Bathing the dead started from Hadhrat Adam (AS) When Hadhrat Adam Alaihis Salam passed away the Angels : Bathed him

Applied perfume on him

A Lahad grave was prepared

He was buried

When performing Ghusl they laid him on a bench

Covered him with cloth to conceal the Satr

(Musnad Ahmad Vol 5 Pg 136)

Amongst the six rights that one Muslim has upon another is that when one dies he is given a bath (Bukhari, Muslim)

The person who bathes the dead body and hides its faults, forty of his major sins will be forgiven; and one who shrouds the dead body, Allah will bless him with a clothes of Paradise; and one who digs a grave for the deceased to be buried, then it is as though he has made a house for him to reside in until the resurrection

(Mustadrak Hakim)

For ghusl of the body, the following things are needed Scissors


Two pieces of dark thick material to cover the body whilst ghusl takes place


Thick gloves+ ordinary disposable gloves

Cotton wool




3 sheets for a Male

5 sheets for a Female

The Sunnah way of condolence is to go to the house of the Deceased before or after Burial and offer them comfort and solace; encourage them to endure patience, and offer words of Dua for the Deceased person

The person who offers condolence in times of ones difficulty will gain the same reward as a person who is inflicted with the calamity and he has remained patient. Ibn Majah

" To Allah belongs what He takes and to Him belongs what He gives. And there is a set time by Him for everything. Do exercise patience and expect reward(from Allah)."

The Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “Whoever attends the funeral from the house (of the deceased) [according to one report: whoever follows the funeral of a Muslim out of faith and the hope of reward] until the funeral prayer is offered will have one qeeraat, and whoever attends the funeral until the deceased is buried will have two qeeraats.” He was asked, “O Messenger of Allaah, what are the two qeeraats?” He said, “Like two huge mountains.”

(Narrated by al-Bukhaari, al-Janaa’iz, 1240)

"I begin in the name of Allah,Most Kind,Most Merciful. From Muhammad, Allah's Messenger to Mu'az- Ibn-Jabal. May the peace of Allah be on you.l praise Allah before you,the One besides whom there is none worthy of worship.

After praising and glorifying Allah, (I say the following.) May Allah give you great reward and may He guide you to exercise patient endurance and may He (also) guide us and you to be grateful to Him

Surely, our souls, wealth and families are wonderful gifts from Allah Azza Wajallawhich He has loaned to us so that we may take benefit from them for a set period; and he takes them away after the termination of that period Thus, gratitude becomes binding on us when He gives, and patience becomes obligatory when He takes away.

Your son was also from among the wonderful gifts (of Allah) and a loan (from Him) AIlah enabled you to enjoy him in away that was both enviable (to others) and pleasing (to you); and now, in return for great reward, mercy and forgiveness providing you exercise patience- he has taken him away from you. So do exercise patience and do not let your bewailing and complaining destroy your reward, for you will be sorry (if this happens) Know that bewailing and complaining does not help bring back anything nor does it repel grief and sorrow. And whatever is to happen is set to happen. May you be in peace."

Q) Can a lady in her menses sit in the room where the deceased is?

A) If one does not sit very near the deceased but a bit far away it is permissible Fatawa Darul UloomZakaria Vol 2 Pg 610

Q) Can a husband view his wife’s face after she has passed away?

A) Yes he can; he can also lift her Janazah; and even bury her in the grave. (Contact with the body must be with something in between e.g. a cloth) Ahsan ul Fatawaa Vol 4 Pg 215

Q) If someone passes away and he/she has contact lens in his/her eyes do we take them out?

A) Contact lenses cannot be used for anyone else, taking them out can be difficult, and it is not seen as something extra, hence you shouldn’t take them out. Fatawa Darul Uloom Zakaria Vol 2 Pg 614

Q) If the body of the deceased is mutilated how will the bath be given?

A) If the body is not fit to be given a bath, then just pass water over the whole body, if this is not possible then just do tayyamum. Fatawa Darul Uloom Zakaria Vol 2 Pg 619

Q) If after Ghusl has been given blood comes out of the body of the deceased, will the Ghusl have to be repeated?

A) No it will not have to be repeated; neither will Wudhu be done again. Al Bahrur Raaiq Vol 2 Pg 173

Even if some blood or other uncleanliness/Najaasat comes out and spoils the Shroud after Ghusl and shrouding was completed, it is not necessary to change or wash the shroud. Fatawa Darul UloomZakaria Vol 2 Pg 619

Q) If a Deceased person was buried without Ghusl will he be taken out and given a bath?

A) No. the Deceased person will not be dug out from the grave. Ghusl now is no longer Fardh. FatawaDarul Uloom Zakaria Vol 2 Pg 621

Q) How should the Deceased person be laid on the Bench?

A) The most accepted opinion is that which ever position is easier. Fatawa Darul Uloom Zakaria Vol 2 Pg 622

Q) Is it necessary to have an odd number for the rows in Salat ul Janazah?

A) In the books of Hadith and Fiqh three rows is proven, even if people are less make three rows… if there are Four rows then do not lessen the fourth row to make the fifth row as the Istihbab and virtue has been achieved by the three Rows. Fatawa Darul Uloom Zakaria Vol 2 Pg 627

Q) Can you perform Salat ul Janazah with your shoes on?

A) Yes, if there is no uncleanliness on the shoes or the ground. If one takes the Shoes off and stands on them, as long as the top part of the shoe is clean/Paak Salah will be valid. Even if the sole of the shoe, or the ground is unclean. Ahkaam ul Mayyit Pg 67

Q) Can you use a coffin to bury the deceased?

A) In times of necessity ( for example the ground is too soft) a coffin can be used. If there is no necessity it is Makrooh. Al Bahrur Raaiq Vol 2 Pg 193

Q) Is there evidence of congregational Dua after Burial?

A) Yes, after the Burial before people leave, there is evidence for Dua from a narration in Abu Dawood, and it can also be understood from the same Hadith (Arabic) that the Dua was congregational. Hadhrat Uthman ibn Affan RA Narrates that when the Rasool of Allah Sallallahu Alaihi Wassalamcompleted the burial of the deceased, he stood on the (side of) the grave and said; seek forgiveness for your brother and seek steadfastness for him as he being questioned now. Fatawa Darul UloomZakaria Vol 2 Pg 648