BUSINESS EDITION€¦ · Rodan and Dr. Kathy Fields, are about to change the face of skincare …...

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Transcript of BUSINESS EDITION€¦ · Rodan and Dr. Kathy Fields, are about to change the face of skincare …...

World-renowned dermatologists and creators of the acne treatment Proactiv® Solution, Dr. Katie Rodan and Dr. Kathy Fields, are about to change the face of skincare … again. The Rodan + Fields® Business System is a ground floor business model with products and programs that can change your life and the lives of those around you.

We are so proud to highlight the success of our Independent Consultants. These Consultants have demonstrated true leadership and dedication as they worked hard to grow their businesses by leveraging the Amp Up Your Fast Start Program in June 2011. Read on for the compelling stories of:



• Laura Barnard• Melissa McCarthy• Jennifer McIntyre• Sarah Robbins• Stacey Roney

Thank you to everyone who shared their stories with us for this edition of Spotlight on Success. Stay tuned for our next edition for a look at other top leaders at Rodan + Fields. And remember, you could be next.

Personal testimonials reflect individual experiences of Rodan + Fields Consultants. Rodan + Fields makes no guarantee that Consultants

participating in the Rodan + Fields program will generate any income. Earnings depend on a number of factors, including the area in which

you live and your individual effort. The results depicted in the testimonials above substantially exceed the results realized by all Rodan +

Fields Consultants. The average annualized income for all Paid R+F Consultants in the 1st Quarter of 2010 was $1,077.

LAURA BARNARDLevel I Executive Consultant from Dothan, Alabama

Capitalizing On a Good Thing Level I Executive Consultant Laura Barnard from Dothan, Alabama is the first to tell you she was always a skeptic when it came to direct selling companies. But when her friend and former CPA for the upscale fitness center Laura created and later sold told her she “was retiring as a CPA” because of her Rodan + Fields® business, Laura took notice. A self-proclaimed “skincare junkie,” Laura first wanted to try the products before joining the business. So, in January 2011 Laura bought the ANTI-AGE Regimen and AMP MD™ System and immediately began seeing results. “I could feel [my face] changing, pulling and tightening. They had me within a week—it’s the best thing I’ve ever put on my face.” Shortly thereafter Laura enrolled as an Independent Consultant.

Today, Laura is capitalizing on the Convention 2011 Amp Up Your Fast Start Program to invigorate her business this summer. She signed up five new Consultants in June with more “in the works.” Plus she has a list of others to approach this summer. Prior to the launch of the Amp Up Your Fast Start Program, Laura had focused on enrolling Preferred Customers through one-on-one skincare “clinics” she holds at her home—effort that has her “batting a thousand,” she says. But the bonus program enticed her to shift her focus and move into business building mode, and now her goal is to build her team strong this summer.

Although Convention 2011 will be her first with Rodan + Fields, Laura understands the power of attending and is so impressed that the company is trying to help Consultants earn extra money so they can attend. “The program has definitely been an incentive for me to get creative with how I approach Prospects,” she says. “Not every person is going to be the same. You want to think of ways you can help people earn money back and the best way to do that is by starting with one of the business building kits. And the Amp Up Your Fast Start Program has made this conversation easier than ever before.” Her goal is to get all of her new Consultants launched and to Executive Consultant status by convention, and she advises all her new Consultants and Prospects to embrace this opportunity and “see a good thing when you’ve got it.”

The Amp Up Your Fast

Start Program has

enticed Laura to shift

her focus and move into

business building mode,

and now her goal is to

build her team strong

this summer leading up

to Convention 2011.

MELISSA MCCARTHYExecutive Consultant from Hoboken, New Jersey

A Lucrative Opportunity Just Made for ExpansionNew Executive Consultant Melissa McCarthy from Hoboken, New Jersey understands the power of a lucrative incentive—and she’s quickly making the most of the Rodan + Fields® Convention 2011 Amp Up Your Fast Start Program that is offering Rodan + Fields Independent Consultants across the country the potential to earn meaningful money this summer. Melissa is new to Rodan + Fields; she enrolled in April 2011 when she caught the vision and ultimately saw a way for her to transition from her full-time job as a senior executive for a major media company to a lifestyle where she can work and spend time with her 13-month-old-son, Dylan.

Just two months after enrolling, Melissa has already enrolled six Consultants, all of whom chose to begin with the Big Business Launch kit, and is on track to reach the Level II Executive Consultant Title shortly. This is a huge accomplishment to reach in just 60 days, which Melissa attributes to the power of the Amp Up Your Fast Start Program to engage and excite Prospects, especially those who have been following her business for a while. “With the Amp Up Your Fast Start Program, these people are finally realizing that NOW is the time to join Rodan + Fields.”

For Melissa, this is just the beginning. Her goals are to reach the Level V Executive Consultant Title in the next three months, which will qualify her for both the Rise to V and Arrive in V recognition at Convention 2011, and to help her get her new Consultants “up and running” and registered for Convention 2011. She has her sights set on expanding into the New York area next. “There aren’t very many Consultants in the area,” says Melissa, “so we’ve been trying to build a team and expand here. With this summer program, I just feel now is the time to do it.”

For Melissa, this is just

the beginning. Her goals

are to reach the Level V

Executive Consultant Title

in the next three months,

which will qualify her for

special convention

recognition, and to help

her get her new

Consultants “up and

running” and registered

for Convention 2011.

JENNIFER MCINTYRELevel IV Independent Consultant from Minneapolis, Minnesota

From Garage Sale Failure to Level IVMinneapolis’ Jennifer McIntyre has gone from a self-proclaimed “garage sale failure” to a successful Rodan + Fields® Level IV Independent Consultant with over 400 people in her organization since enrolling in June 2010. Jennifer considers the Convention 2011 Amp Up Your Fast Start Program a key part in her recent success since she used the program to enroll four Consultants in the first 17 days of June—three of them enrolling with the RFX Express Business Kit.

As a physician assistant, Jennifer put her career on hold eight years ago to stay home with her children, now 10, 7 and 4. Her friend, Nicole Cormany, introduced her to Rodan + Fields and she was immediately impressed by the clinical trials and the science behind the products. But what really caught her attention was the chance to be one of the first to bring Rodan + Fields to Minnesota! “I felt it would just be foolish not to give it a shot, even though I had no business or sales experience,” she says.

Jennifer credits the Amp Up Your Fast Start Program with offering one more way new Consultants can quickly become profitable. “Three of the four [who enrolled in June] had had some interest in the business for quite some time,” she says. “For people just starting, [the program] makes it just that much easier to immediately earn back your initial investment and start profiting,” she adds. Although Jennifer says her time is always well spent with Rodan + Fields, she feels the program makes it that much more worth her while—and she loves that. She “absolutely” intends to keep enrolling new Consultants this summer to take advantage of the bonus program and will be at Convention 2011 to cash in. She is also working with all of her team members to ensure they join her in San Francisco to redeem their Amp Up Your Fast Start earnings and take part in the business changing trainings and experiences only convention offers. After convention, she has her sights set clearly on her next goal: qualifying for the Road to RFX and earning her Starfire Pearl Lexus!

Although Jennifer says

her time is always well

spent with R+F, she feels

the program makes it

that much more worth

her while—and she loves

that. She “absolutely”

intends to keep

enrolling new

Consultants this summer

to take advantage of the

bonus program and will

be at Convention 2011 to

cash in.

SARAH ROBBINSRFX Independent Consultant from Michigan

Leading the Charge for Convention CashRFX Independent Consultant Sarah Robbins from Michigan has always loved teaching and finding ways to improve people’s lives. She joined Rodan + Fields® because she loved how the products improved her skin, she wanted to supplement her elementary teacher’s salary and she really wanted to change skin and change lives. Now, a few short years later, she has reached every Rodan + Fields milestone … she was one of the first Consultants to reach the RFX Title and entered the RFX Circle just four months later for maintaining this high Title. She is a proud Lexus recipient and has been invited on every premiere recognition trip available through Rodan + Fields. Sarah was also named the 2010 top earner and continues to be a top earner with the Company.

Even in the midst of all these accomplishments, Sarah continually strives to continue to grow her business. And the Convention 2011 Amp Up Your Fast Start Program has helped her do just that this summer. As a leader, she feels the program presents an additional challenge because it requires her to “lead the charge in terms of duplication.” And she’s proving she is definitely up to the challenge; Sarah’s goal was to bring on board 10 new Consultants in June—and she has! “The reason I think I’m achieving it is because I set the goal, built a plan of action, had a ‘do what it takes’ attitude and was relentless about it.”

In addition to continuing to recruit (she’s setting another lofty goal for July), Sarah is working hard to help her new team members meet their financial goals. Encouraging them to register for convention is also very important, she feels, since to her “convention is like school for Rodan + Fields and people who are serious about their business need to be there.” She couldn’t be happier the company is reinforcing this with the Amp Up Your Fast Start Program. “With the Amp Up Your Fast Start Program, the company is rewarding those who are motivated and want to be successful in this business for the long run.”

“Convention is like

school for

Rodan + Fields and

people who are serious

about their business

need to be there. ”

STACEY RONEYLevel V Executive Consultant from Chicago, Illinois

The Perfect Leveraging Tool Level V Executive Consultant Stacey Roney credits the Rodan + Fields® Fast Start Program with helping her get off to a great start when she began her business in September 2010. Today, she believes the new Convention 2011 Amp Up Your Fast Start Program offers added leverage for helping Consultants recoup their initial investment, grow their team and help pay their way to Rodan + Fields 2011 Convention in San Francisco. In June she signed up seven new Consultants—four with a Big Business Launch Kit and three with an RFX Express Business Kit —which, assuming those Consultants meet program qualifications in July, will qualify Stacey to receive a net total of $2,350 in bonus income now through September.

Stacey feels the bonus income potential the program offers creates a sense of urgency for those who have been considering enrolling. “I’ve been able to explain to them that if we can get them on board now, there’s still plenty of time for them to leverage [the program] to start building their teams much quicker than normal—if they duplicate and if they’re coachable, they’re going to see an immediate return on their investment within their first month.” In addition to supporting prospecting efforts, Stacey has also discovered that the Amp Up Your Fast Start Program has “lit a fire” under people already enrolled who haven’t yet recruited team members. “It brought some of those people out of their incubation stage and now they’re running with it,” says Stacey. Most important, all of these team members are registering to attend Convention 2011 which is exactly where Stacey wants them to be.

Stacey reached the Level V Executive Consultant Title in just four months and is on track to become one of the company’s top recruiters—an accomplishment the Amp Up Your Fast Start Program is certainly enhancing.

“The Amp Up Your Fast

Start Program has ‘lit a

fire’ under my team. It

brought some of my new

recruits out of their

incubation stage and

now they’re running with

it, and even

committing to attend

Convention 2011.”