Business Retention and Expansion Manual Feb 2010

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Transcript of Business Retention and Expansion Manual Feb 2010

The South African

Business Retention & Expansion


Version 1.2 February 2010


This manual draws on experience gained since Trade & Investment KwaZulu-Natal

piloted the first South African Business Retention and Expansion visitation

programmes in 2003. It and the Durban Investment Promotion Agency programmes

that followed from 2005 onwards both relied on an adaptation of the Bank of

I.D.E.A.S. handbook for BR&E facilitators in Australia written and generously made

available by Peter Kenyon. This is turn had origins in North American experience

and particularly the booklets by George Morse and Scott Loveridge published by

Northeast Regional Center for Rural Development at Pennsylvania State University

and used in the Business Retention & Expansion International training programme

for many years.

More recent Business Retention & Expansion International training material together

with advice and suggestions have been made freely available by Henry M Cothran of

IFAS Extension, University of Florida.

Preparation of the manual was generously funded by the GTZ Strengthening Local

Government Programme: Local Economic Development Component

implemented by ICON-Institute Private Sector and Swisscontact.

This Manual was written by Gerry Delany and Claire Patterson.

This manual is the primary resource for the South African BR&E Training Course

approved by Business Retention & Expansion International for certification

purposes for courses conducted in South Africa by BREI recognised trainers.


The information contained in this document is for guidance and does not take into account every

possible factor that needs to be considered in implementing a BR&E visitation programme. It should

therefore be used in conjunction with appropriate research and specialist advice. The intent of this

statement is to exclude liability for any opinions, advice or information expressed in this document.

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 2.5 South

Africa License. See for details.


The South African

Business Retention & Expansion Manual


This manual aims to assist anyone directly involved in setting up or running

conducting a locally driven business retention and expansion (BR&E) visitation

programme in South Africa.

It was designed on the basis that the person most closely involved in the

running a local programme, i.e., the local co-ordinator, should attend a

recognised training course based on this manual.

Any BR&E facilitator supporting a local programme should have been similarly

trained and be experienced in the use of this material.

The manual should be used in conjunction with the accompanying Volunteer

Interviewer Guidelines which contains material not included in the manual.

Additional material such as sample surveys and editable resources can be

provided during the training course.

The manual is in seven sections corresponding the stages of a typical BR&E


The first section, the Introduction is designed for awareness raising – to get

BR&E on the agenda.

The next section, the Overview, aims to brief anyone who might be considering

a programme and provide the key points of what is involved.

The remaining sections provide details of how to conduct a BR&E visitation

programme in five clearly defined stages.

For each stage resource materials such as worksheets, guidelines and

examples are provided at the corresponding section.

The South African

Business Retention & Expansion Manual


Section 1 Introduction

Section 2 Overview

Section 3 Stage 1: Setting up

Section 4 Stage 2: Planning

Section 5 Stage 3: Visitation

Section 6 Stage 4: Analysis

Section 7 Stage 5: Implementation

The South African

Business Retention & Expansion Manual


In this section

What is BR&E?

Why is BR&E important?

Approaches to BR&E.

Which approach is best?


Business stays and expands where it is well treated and appreciated

The South African BR&E Manual Introduction



The Labour Force Survey released by Statistics SA in August 2008 revealed that

roughly one in every four South Africans available and willing to work could not find

employment. More specifically it recorded that 4,1 million people were unemployed

and described another 1,1 million as “discouraged work-seekers”. That is amounts to

a total of 5.2 million jobless people.

It was still an improvement on the situation when unemployment peaked in 2004 as

nearly 2 million new jobs had been created since then. Unfortunately while that was

taking place about 200 000 newcomers were entering the job market each year

which meant that the total number of people without work was actually being reduced

at the rate of 300 000 a year. It was progress, but was clearly going to take a long

time to bring unemployment down to a reasonable level.

Now even that progress has been stopped in its tracks by the world economic crisis

and the hard won gains of the last few years are being reversed. That has very

serious implications for the country as unemployment is already responsible for an

enormous amount of poverty and creates the conditions under which crime and other

social ills flourish. To stop or slow job losses and start creating new jobs again will

require a massive national effort. One in which all reasonable options must be


How can sustainable jobs be created? Reduced to the basics one can grow the

economy by:

- creating new enterprises

- attracting investment and new enterprises from elsewhere

- retaining and growing existing enterprises.

In doing so opportunities for employment are also created in government, the

academic world, NGOs and so on.

Much has been written and said about helping people to start new businesses.

Perhaps even more attention has been given to attracting investment. On the other

hand relatively little mention is made of the possibility of creating jobs by growing

existing businesses or the fact that a job saved is as good as a job created. This

manual will focus on this third, rather neglected possibility, commonly known as

business retention and expansion or BR&E.

What is BR&E?

Any strategy or programme designed to help existing businesses to grow or prevent

them from shutting down falls under the broad definition of business retention and

expansion. Turnaround Solutions implemented by Productivity SA as part of the

Department of Labour’s Social Plan is just such a programme. Through it

enterprises that employ 50 or more people and are in danger of closing down or

shedding jobs may seek technical assistance to regain competitiveness or to reduce

possible job losses.

The South African BR&E Manual Introduction


In fact there are many programmes and initiatives that directly or indirectly help

existing businesses to grow. They range from infrastructure improvements like the

Dube Trade Port that will create opportunities for businesses in KwaZulu-Natal to

skills development and learnership programmes, business development centres and

advice and assistance with exports. Since most of these initiatives are equally useful

to new businesses or in helping to attract investment, they would not normally be

described as BR&E.

Business retention and expansion is more usually defined as any local, national or

regional strategy specifically designed to help existing businesses to survive

and to grow. In practice most BR&E initiatives take place in a local or perhaps

regional context and are usually seen as an element of local economic development.

Why is BR&E important?

Actions to retain and expand existing business are important for eight very good


1. Top of the list by far is the fact that most new jobs are created by the growth

of existing business. International research shows that 60-80% of all new

jobs are created in this way. 1

In contrast attracting investment from outside accounts for perhaps 10-20% of

new jobs2 while starting new local business makes up the difference –

somewhere between 15-25% of new jobs.

The tendency to focus attention almost exclusively on investment attraction and

creating new businesses is rather like concentrating on the icing and the cherry

while forgetting to actually bake the cake!

2. A job saved as good as a job created. In fact it is usually easier, cheaper and

quicker to save an existing job that to create a new one from scratch. Existing

businesses do not have to be attracted to the community, they are already there.

New start-ups are much more vulnerable to failure than existing firms, especially

in the first year of operation.

Sources of new jobs

The South African BR&E Manual Introduction


3. Even when the economy is growing communities lose jobs each year 3 when

businesses close because, for example, they are no longer profitable, the market

changes or the owner retires. It not only affects people directly employed in

such businesses but also has a “knock on“ effect on other jobs. This is much

more pronounced in times of recession and not only will the loss of a key

employer have an impact on their local suppliers but it may also be the last straw

that closes a bank branch, retailer, engineering shop or dentist. In the USA it is

estimated that for every 100 direct jobs lost in this way another 140 to 286 jobs

will be lost in other areas of the economy as a result.4

4. Conversely the growth of existing businesses creates markets and opportunities

to start up and to grow other local businesses. Sometimes the solution to the

problems of one businesses may be to start up or recruit another such as a key

supplier or a particular service.

5. A community that supports and encourages the growth of its businesses is likely

to be attractive to outside investors. Local business people who are positive

about their business environment make the best and most credible


6. Over 70% of South African small business owners have had a formal sector job

before starting their own business. Only 5% do so without prior work

experience.5 Yet most unemployed people are young and have never had a job.

Where are they to get the experience to start a business of their own if the

growth of existing business is neglected?

7. Existing local business people are a rich source of new business ideas. They

are also the most likely ones to do anything about it to judge by Australian

experience where local businesses account for 70% investment in a region.

According to McKinsey & Co “a region's number one lever for encouraging

growth is its existing people and businesses”.6

8. Locally owned businesses, some of which may have been in the same

community for generations, are more likely to remain in hard times than those

attracted from outside. Firms attracted by incentives may well move on as the

value of the incentives declines or they get a better offer from somewhere else.

Approaches to BR&E

Most formal business retention and expansion programmes are based on the

premise that to help existing businesses to survive and grow, the best way to start is

by listening to the ideas, suggestions and concerns of business people themselves.

There are two broad approaches to how this is done.

In the continuous approach professional staff are employed by an economic

development agency to systematically interview business in their area. .

Interviews are conducted throughout the year and may be face-to face or by

telephone. The staff member is in a position to respond immediately to requests

for information or to act as a broker between the business and various resources

to address particular problems.

The South African BR&E Manual Introduction


Although the focus tends to be on individual businesses rather than the

environment in which they operate, there is nothing to prevent the economic

development agency from convening workshops or initiating action to solve

common problems.

In the locally driven or “traditional” approach management and implementation

of the programme is in the hands of the community in which it takes place. The

community is normally defined geographically but it may also mean a community

of interest such as tourism or motor manufacturing. It is also known as the

“volunteer” approach because it uses local volunteers to implement much of the

programme and emerged from programmes pioneered by New Jersey Bell in the

1970s. In 1986 a model was developed in Ohio that combined this approach

with good practice from elsewhere in the USA and eventually became the basis

for a training and certification programme for Business Retention & Expansion

International (BREI), the professional association for BR&E practitioners.7

In this model a BR&E visitation programme is initiated and managed by a task

team of local leaders who recruit businesses to participate in a survey conducted

by a team of volunteers. The results form the basis for an action plan to improve

the local business environment which is then implemented over the next 2-3

years. Outside resources may be used to assist at various stages, e.g.,

preparing the survey, analysing the results or implementing specific proposals.

Although the main focus is on common issues and the local business

environment, the concerns of individual businesses are also addressed.

Both approaches have advantages and disadvantages as follows.

Continuous Locally driven

Conducted by paid professionals Conducted by local volunteers, may be

assisted by professionals

Survey firms throughout the year Visit 50-100 local firms in 2-3 weeks

Shows broad regional trends Snapshot of local issues

Usually targets specific industries Usually targets specific localities

Tends to focus on larger firms Usually visits cross-section of firms

Action plan for individual business Action plan for business environment

Can address common issues over time Can respond to needs of individual firm

Input to regional policies, programmes Input to LED strategies

Can broker resources quickly May have difficulty accessing resources

Does not attempt to build local capacity Builds local capacity and social capital

Little local buy in Local buy in usually much higher

Depends entirely on professionals Robust process, minimises use of


Relatively costly Relatively inexpensive

Indefinite life Limited life, 2-3 years

The South African BR&E Manual Introduction


Both are already in use to some extent in South Africa. The Wesgro BR&E

programme in the Western Cape is an example the of the continuous approach but

used on a limited scale. The BR&E programmes supported by Trade & Investment

KwaZulu-Natal and the Durban Investment Promotion Agency programmes have

used the locally driven approach for a number years.

One could perhaps identify a third approach which in South Africa at least is rarely

termed BR&E, but nonetheless aims to assist existing local businesses to survive

and grow. In this case an economic development expert is appointed to survey local

businesses and to develop proposals for action to improve the business environment

or perhaps address the problems of a local sector or even specific firms. The extent

of interaction with local role-players varies considerably, local buy in is often

disappointing and access to resources to implement the recommendations can be a

problem. Despite good intentions all too often the main outcome is little more than a


Although it has many of the disadvantages and few of the advantages of either the

continuous or locally driven approaches, this “expert-driven” approach to BR&E is

probably more widely used in South Africa than either of the other two!

Which approach is best?

For a formal BR&E programme the choice is essentially between the continuous or

locally driven approach. Both have their virtues as can be seen from the table on the

previous page. In certain circumstances, e.g., where it is limited to the clients of an

investment promotion agency like Wesgro, the continuous approach may well be a

viable option. In practice, however, the cost and the scarcity of skilled professionals

would usually rule it out in most South African situations where even the better

resourced metropolitan councils might have difficulty maintaining a continuous


It means that the locally driven approach is a far more practical option for South

African conditions. It is the most widely used approach internationally and is easily

integrated into a local economic development strategy. The fact that it builds local

social capital is a particularly attractive extra given the low levels of trust and co-

operation that exist in many communities and without which economic development

is very difficult.

For these reasons the locally driven approach is strongly recommended for South

Africa and is the approach employed in this manual.

The South African BR&E Manual Introduction



1 Study after study has shown that existing businesses are responsible for creating anything

from 40% to as much as 90% of new jobs. See, for example, David Birch, Job Creation in

America, 1987 or David Kraybill, Ohio's Challenge, Retention and Expansion First, 1995.

2 “80-90% of jobs are created from within the community” says Mike Stolte in Tools for

Building Strong Communities, CEIL, 2007.

3 Up to 10% according to Henry M Cothran quoting Kotval in Business Retention and

Expansion (BRE) Programs: Why Existing Businesses Are Important, University of Florida,

IFAS Extension, 2006.

4 Kentucky Economic Expansion Program (KEEP), 1998.

5 Chandra, Moorty, Nganou, Rajaratnam & Schaefer, Constraints to Growth and

Employment in South Africa; Evidence from the SMME Firm Survey, World Bank, 2001.

6 McKinsey & Co, Lead Local Compete Global: Unlocking the Growth potential of Australia’s

Regions, Final Report to the Commonwealth Department of Housing and Regional

Development, 1994.

7 For many years the BREI training programme was based on Implementing Local Business

Retention and Expansion Visitation Programs, by George Morse & Scott Loveridge, North

East Centre for Rural Development, Pennsylvania State University, 1998.

The South African BR&E Manual Introduction


Some Abbreviations

BEE Black economic empowerment

BR&E Business retention & expansion

BREI Business Retention & Expansion International

BREV Business retention & expansion visitation (programme)

CCTV Closed circuit television

CI Confidence interval

DCCI Durban Chamber of Commerce and Industry

DIPA Durban Investment Promotion Agency

DVD Digital versatile (or video) disc

FET Further education and training

IDP Integrated development plan

Km Kilometres

KZN KwaZulu-Natal

LED Local economic development

NGO Non-governmental organisation

PASTA Popular, affordable, short term, achievable

SA South Africa

SEDA Small Enterprise Development Agency

SETA Sector education and training authority

SMME Small, medium and micro-enterprise

TIKZN Trade and Investment KwaZulu-Natal

USA United States of America

VIP Very important person

The South African

Business Retention & Expansion Manual


In this section

Common terminology

Goals and objectives


Programme stages


The goal of BR&E programs is to stimulate local economic development by helping existing

business increase their sales and employment, through a combination of programs that not only

increase these firms' competitiveness but also improve the community's quality of life.

George Morse

The South African BR&E Manual Overview


COMMON TERMINOLOGY The following key terms used in this manual are consistent with those used in training

resources accredited by Business Retention and Expansion International (BREI).1

Business Retention and Expansion (BR&E)

Includes all programmes and initiatives aimed at helping local businesses to survive

and grow.

BR&E Visitation Programme (BREV)

A locally driven initiative that uses a structured interview process to learn about the

concerns ideas, and priorities of local business and initiates specific action plans and

local economic development projects to address them.

Local Economic Development (LED)

A sustained effort by community stakeholders working together to make use of local

resources, advantages and opportunities to create sustainable jobs and economic

opportunities and improve the quality of life for all, especially those who are most


Sustainable Jobs

Economic and employment opportunities which are not just economically viable but

also satisfy local environmental and social norms. It includes new business and self

employment options.


Community is used in the dictionary sense of "all the people living in a specific


1 Business Retention & Expansion International (BREI) is a non-profit association of economic

development practitioners formed to promote BR&E, to share knowledge through research,

publications and meetings and to train and accredit practitioners. See

The South African BR&E Manual Overview



Goal and Objectives

The goal and objectives of a local business retention and expansion visitation

programme are as follows.


To stimulate local economic development and create employment opportunities by

retaining and expanding existing business.


To identify the ideas, concerns and priorities of local business and the obstacles

that prevent them expanding.

To respond immediately to urgent concerns.

To develop an action plan to assist business to solve problems, improve

performance and explore opportunities.

To enhance the relationship between local business and the wider community.

To establish a partnership of local role-players to implement strategic actions for

sustained economic development.

Where possible to inform provincial and national business development policies

and programmes.

The South African BR&E Manual Overview



Implementation of a BR&E programme involves a number of local and external role-


Local host partnership (local sponsors).

Task team.

Local (project) BR&E co-ordinator.

Volunteer interviewers.

Local action teams.

Trained BR&E Facilitator (BR&E professional).

BR&E Programme Manager.

For a local BR&E programme to succeed it is essential that all roleplayers are clear

about the part they are expected to play and fully committed to playing it.

Local host partnership

The local hosts initiate and support the local programme and are ultimately

responsible for its success and ensuring it takes place as it should. For this reason

they may also be referred to as the local sponsors. Their task is to:

Promote the concept and programme locally;

Recruit and participate in the task team;

Secure or provide adequate funding;

Provide administrative support.

Although a single organisation could undertake all of these responsibilities,

experience has shown that a partnership has greater credibility and is much more

likely to succeed. The partnership might be an existing local economic coalition or

LED partnership or could be formed specifically for BR&E by two or more of the


Local and/or district municipalities;

Local business chambers or associations;

Regional or local economic development agencies, investment promotion

agencies or local development companies;

Business Development Centres and SEDAs;

Institutions for tertiary education and research;

Community development organisations and NGOs;

Service clubs or faith based organisations.

Task team

The task team is a group of 6-8 credible local leaders who have the time, enthusiasm

and commitment to take responsibility for promoting and implementing the local

The South African BR&E Manual Overview


programme. Although members do not take part in order to represent any interest

group, the team should nonetheless broadly reflect the main role-players in the local

economy, e.g., municipality, business associations, local tourism body, agriculture,

emerging business, business support organisations and so on. Members should be:

Credible and influential champions for the programme.

Respected for their knowledge of and contribution to the local community.

Able to think and act strategically.

Enthusiastic about the programme and prepared to commit the necessary time to

attend at least six meetings and to take part in the survey as a interviewer.

Able to respect and exercise confidentiality.

The size of the team is determined by its role and responsibilities. The temptation to

convene a large body representing every interest group in the community should be

resisted. It should be small enough to ensure efficient decision making, encourage

commitment and guard confidentiality, yet large enough to generate ideas and

information and to undertake all its responsibilities. The recommended size is

therefore 6-8 people, perhaps 10 at the most.

The task team is responsible for promoting and managing the BR&E visitation

programme and implementing the plan of action that emerges from it. Collectively

the task team is responsible for:

Setting the key dates, determining the overall programme and timing, monitoring


Selecting a local co-ordinator.

Reviewing key information about the local economy,

Determining the scope of the business survey.

Design of the survey questionnaire.

Recruiting participating businesses and volunteers.

Taking part in the survey as volunteer interviewers.

Reviewing the survey questionnaires between them.

Developing proposals for action based on the survey findings.

Presenting results and proposals to participants and the wider community,

Setting up teams to implement the agreed programme of action.

In addition individual team members will take particular responsibility for one of the


Chairing task team meetings.

Promoting the programme locally and working with the media

Responding to “red flag” issues

Developing a business information kit, responding to requests for information.

The South African BR&E Manual Overview


Preparing and managing the launch and feedback events.

Local co-ordinator

The local co-ordinator provides hands-on capacity for the day to day management

and implementation of the visitation programme. This involves the following.

Providing a secretariat function to the task team, arranging meetings, initial

briefing and results workshop.

Working with the appropriate task team members to develop and disseminate

promotional and publicity material.

Working with the whole task team to identify potential participants and


Arranging launch, volunteer training and feedback events.

Preparing survey forms, information kits and the survey database.

Identifying business to be visited, arranging and managing the interview


Collecting and monitoring survey results and entering them in the database.

Initiating responses to “red flag” issues and requests for assistance or


Organising the survey analysis and the preparation of the feedback report.

Facilitating the establishment of teams to implement the agreed action plan.

The task of local co-ordinator is a critical one. It could either be assigned to a staff

member employed by one of the local host partners or someone might be contracted

specifically for this purpose. Either way it is absolutely essential that they are in a

position to devote an average of 2-3 days a week exclusively to the task for the

duration of the BREV programme.

Such a person does not need to be highly qualified but should certainly have the

following skills and qualities.

Excellent interpersonal skills;

Proven organisational skills with a concern for detail and accuracy;

A professional approach with the ability to maintain confidentiality;

Sufficient language skills and understanding of the subject to be able to extract

and summarise survey results for entry into the database;

Reasonably familiar with the area to be covered by the survey.

Volunteer interviewers

The survey interviews are conducted by volunteers all of whom are trained in the use

of the survey questionnaire. Working in pairs they will normally undertake two to four

(and certainly no more than six) interviews which, on average, means recruiting one

volunteer for every two businesses to be interviewed.

The South African BR&E Manual Overview


The primary task of a volunteer is to use the structured questionnaire to obtain

the views, concerns and priorities of local business with regard to the local

business environment.

They also need to be able to recognise and bring to the attention of the task team

any instances where there is a need for urgent action or assistance.

Their responsibility is to listen and record. It is never to defend local institutions

or programmes, offer suggestions or make promises.

Volunteers have an opportunity to make a contribution to the economic development

of their community while taking part in an interesting and stimulating programme. It

offers useful insights, learning and contacts but is not an opportunity to promote a

personal agenda or interest.

Volunteers will typically have the following qualities.

Enthusiasm for the programme.

Good communication and listening skills in the language of those being


The ability to record information clearly and accurately in the language of the

survey form.

Reliability in keeping appointments and sticking to deadlines.

Commitment to maintaining confidentiality.

The programme relies on volunteers treating the information they receive during the

interview in the strictest confidence. It is strongly recommended that all task team

members and volunteers sign a code of practice and confidentiality agreement before

the survey begins.

Why Volunteers?

The use of volunteers is central to this approach to BR&E and plays a key part in its

success. Volunteers by definition are interested in the outcome and have a stake in

the success of the programme. They form an important part of the audience when

the findings and recommendations for action are presented and are potentially

valuable and informed members of action teams.

The involvement of volunteers sends a powerful signal to local business that their

community is genuinely interested in their well-being and what they have to say. In

turn the knowledge and experience that volunteers gain makes them more aware of

local business issues and the part they play in the community.

None of this can be achieved by hiring students or unemployed people to conduct the

survey. This is sometimes proposed in the mistaken belief that volunteers are used

simply to save money and that they may be more difficult to recruit and control.

Most importantly, experience has shown that the use of local volunteers to conduct

the survey makes it more likely that the outcome will be action rather than just

another report gathering dust on a shelf. This is because people believe what they

discover for themselves and are therefore more likely to take action as a result.

The South African BR&E Manual Overview


Local action teams

Local people must take responsibility for initiating action or implementing it directly if

they are to ensure it delivers what they hope to achieve or indeed that it takes place

at all. In a typical BREV programme this involves the formation of small action teams

to address each of the priorities, typically 3-6 people who are passionate about a

particular issue and committed to doing something about it. They often include

business people who have taken part in the survey or volunteer interviewers. They

do not have to be experts in the subject they are dealing with as their task is to

mobilise the necessary resources and expertise to address the problem.

This implies focussing on short term achievable actions in the early stages in order to

develop the skills and confidence to tackle more difficult issues later.

BR&E Facilitator

Although it is important that ownership and control should remain in local hands, it is

helpful to make use of a trained BR&E facilitator for advice and information and to

facilitate certain stages of the programme. This is particularly necessary when the

local co-ordinator and task team are running a BREV programme for the first time.

With time and experience they will rely far less on external resources. An external

BR&E facilitator may assist in the following way.

Briefing the local host partnership and task team on how to run a BREV


Facilitating decisions on the scope of the survey and the questionnaire.

Acting as a source of advice and information on the running of the programme.

Training volunteer interviewers.

Providing a quality check on the completed surveys and database entries.

Analysing survey results and preparing findings

Conducting a task team workshop to develop recommendations for action.

Facilitating the community feedback event and the formation of action teams.

Advising on monitoring and reviewing progress.

In certain circumstances the BR&E facilitator may be asked to provide additional

assistance such as capturing survey results in a database.

BR&E Programme Manager

BR&E Programme Managers are the organisations that initiate and host the

programme at provincial, regional or metropolitan level. They are responsible for the


Promoting the concept and raising awareness of the potential benefits of running

a BREV programme.

Arranging and possibly subsidising the training of local co-ordinators.

Promoting the development of BR&E practitioners.

The South African BR&E Manual Overview


Providing resources such as BREV programme manuals, sample surveys,

databases and information kits.

Subsidising the cost of local programmes where appropriate.

Facilitating access to resources for implementing action plans.

Monitoring trends in order to recommend improvements to business support

policy and programmes.

A word of caution

BR&E Programme Managers and other champions may be tempted to see a BR&E

visitation programme as the solution to the problems of every ailing local economy.

This is definitely not the case. It is not a just question of how much a community

needs to retain and grow its business. What matters is whether a sufficient number

of local people actually see that need and want to do something about it.

The South African BR&E Manual Overview


Programme stages

The programme may be divided into a number of stages each separated by a key

event or milestone.

Stage 1: Setting up

This typically begins when potential local hosts are briefed about the benefits of a

BREV programme by the BR&E Programme Manager or a BR&E practitioner. If they

decide they want to proceed, the next steps are as follows.

Form the local host partnership,

Identify potential task team members and gain their commitment.

Obtain or provide all the necessary funds and in kind resources.

Recruit and if necessary arrange the training of a local co-ordinator.

Acquire suitable office accommodation and services for the co-ordinator.

Secure the services of a BR&E facilitator to the extent necessary.

Only when all of these are firmly in place can the next stage begin.

Stage 2: Planning

Stage 2 begins when the task team meets for the first time; it includes the following


Conduct a task team briefing on the BR&E programme and the part they are

expected to play.

Review the main features of the local economy as input to the task team.

Determine the scope and form of the visitation programme.

Agree the programme steps, budgets and timelines.

Promote and publicise the programme.

Identify and contact the businesses to be visited.

Recruit volunteer interviewers.

Launch the programme publicly.

Stage 3: Visitation

Train volunteer interviewers.

Conduct the survey and capture the data.

Respond immediately to “red flag” issues.

Stage 4: Analysis

Analyse the survey results.

Respond to requests for information.

Task team members workshop results and prepare recommendations for action.

Identify potential resources and partners.

The South African BR&E Manual Overview


Present findings and proposals at stakeholder feedback event, set priorities, form

action teams.

Stage 5: Implementation

Convene action teams, initiate action plans.

Monitor progress.

Task team review results after six months

Conduct report back meeting, set new priorities.


Timescales can vary significantly but normally it should be possible to set up a

programme from scratch, conduct the survey and start to see tangible results from

the programme of action all in the same year. A diagram of a typical programme is

shown overleaf.

The starting date is very important as once the launch at the end of Stage 2 is held, it

is essential to continue without interruptions – such as the December holidays – until

the action teams have begun their work and Stage 5 is firmly under way.

Stage 1: Setting up the programme rarely takes less than two months and it

frequently takes quite a bit longer to get all role-players on board and secure all

the necessary resources.

Stage 2: While planning and preparation takes a full six weeks, there is rarely

good reason to extend much beyond that.

Stage 3: Volunteer training, interviews and data capture, should be completed in

three to four weeks. Any longer and the programme can suffer a serious loss of


Stage 4: In order to maintain stakeholder interest it is important to be able to

feedback results and recommendations as soon as possible after the survey.

Two to three weeks should be quite sufficient.

Stage 5: Action plans should be selected and structured to yield tangible results

within six months in order to build capacity and maintain enthusiasm. The task

team review and report back event at the end of this period is an opportunity to

decide whether to continue the implementation as a BR&E programme or to

integrate action plans into a broader LED programme.


Programme Stages and Timelines



Convene task


Six month

Report back

All visits

completed Feedback



1 Set up 2 Planning 3 Visitation 4 Analysis 5 Implementation

2-3 months (Feb – Mar)

6 weeks (April – May)

3-4 weeks (May – June)

2-3 weeks (June)

6 months (July – Dec)

The South African

Business Retention & Expansion Manual


At the end of Stage 1

A local host partnership to initiate and support the programme will have been


Task team members will have been identified and will have agreed to serve.

Local and external resources in cash or kind will have been secured.

A local co-ordinator will have been recruited and trained.

Office accommodation, equipment and services for the co-ordinator will have

been acquired.

To the extent necessary, the services of an external facilitator will have been


The host partners will then have taken a final decision to proceed.

The wisdom of the community always exceeds the knowledge of the experts.

Harold Flaming, Ontario BR&E Programme.

The South African BR&E Manual Stage 1: Setting up


STAGE 1: SETTING UP Bringing local role-players on board and assembling all the resources necessary to

run a local BR&E visitation programme requires patience and persistence. There is

little room for compromise as the difference between getting it right and getting it

nearly right can make or break the programme.

Forming the host partnership

A local programme typically begins when potential host organisations are introduced

to the possibility as a result of a promotional campaign conducted by the BR&E

Programme Manager or perhaps at a briefing session by a BR&E practitioner.

Bear in mind that a BREV programme is not the answer for every community (see

Resource 1.1) and that more than one briefing session may be necessary to enable

potential host organisations to make an informed decision about whether and how to

participate. To do so they need to be clear about the following.

The goals, objectives, benefits and limitations of a local BREV programme.

Why the locally-driven volunteer-based approach is recommended.

The different role-players and their responsibilities.

Programme steps and timing.

The resources required and – where appropriate – available.

Potential host partners could be any of the organisations listed in the Role-players

section of the Overview but to date the most common arrangement is a partnership

between the local municipality and the local business organisation. South African

experience to date suggests that a partnership has important advantages and should

be regarded as the norm in all but the most unusual circumstances.

Obviously partnerships can also have disadvantages such as the possibility that one

partner will find itself doing most of the work or providing most of the resources. The

risk of this happening can be reduced if all partners are quite clear about the

contribution each is expected to make and record this is in a simple agreement or

memorandum. Better still if they then publicise the details!

Advantages of a partnership

Any one of the potential partners could initiate and run a BREV programme

provided it had the resources and capacity but even under these circumstances

there are definite advantages to forming a partnership.

A partnership gives the programme broader credibility and appeal.

Signals joint local action, self reliance and co-operation.

Brings in more resources, skills and contacts.

Mobilises a wider network of businesses participants and volunteers.

Increases local ownership, more people have a stake in its success.

The South African BR&E Manual Stage 1: Setting up


Identifying the task team

In identifying possible members of a task team it helps to remember that they are not

being selected to represent any interest group, instead their role is to plan, manage

and take action. Obviously they must have the necessary time, skills and

enthusiasm to do so.

Time commitments?

A task team member should be able to make time to undertake the following.

Participate in about six task team meetings - particularly the initial briefing

meeting and the results workshop.

Help to identify and recruit participating businesses and volunteers.

Take part in the launch and feedback events.

Conduct at least two interviews.

Convene the first meeting of one of the action teams.

Spread over 3-4 months this is not as demanding as it might seem. When Step 5 is

under way task team members may opt to join one of the teams implementing the

action plan. It is also an opportunity for members who wish to drop out to be

replaced by action team representatives. Thereafter task team members will:

Participate in a meeting every 4-6 weeks to monitor progress.

After six months take part in a short workshop to review achievements.

Play a part in a report back event for local stakeholders.

Task team members should have local credibility and influence. Who they are may

be just as important as what they say when it comes to convincing people to support

and participate in the programme.

It follows therefore that task team should reasonably reflect the main interest

groups and role-players in the local economy including the host organisations.

This is important not only for its credibility but to ensure a sufficiently wide range of

skills, knowledge and networks.

For the same reason it is also necessary to be conscious of the gender balance.

However it can a mistake to try and make a team more representative by recruiting

someone who simply does not have enough time or interest to contribute fully.

Indeed by not being up to date or missing critical decisions they can easily become a


The task team should be made up of local people. Augmenting it, for example, with

representatives of government departments and development agencies in the hope

they will offer access to resources is to misunderstand its purpose. Unless they too

are local people they are unlikely to have the necessary local knowledge, contacts or

stake in the development of the local economy.

The South African BR&E Manual Stage 1: Setting up



The cost of a BREV programme depends on the willingness and resourcefulness of

local role-players in begging, borrowing or adapting existing resources in order to

avoid having to pay for them in cash. Indeed the extent to which this happens is

often a useful indicator of how well the rest of the programme will run.

Local resources

Both local and external resources are required. Clearly offer the most scope for local

role-players to find non-cash alternatives.

Local Co-ordinator. This is usually the biggest local expense unless a local

partner can assign or second a competent staff member to the job. The co-

ordinator must be available exclusively to the programme for roughly 50% of a

normal working week throughout Steps 2 to 4.

Where the co-ordinator has to be contracted allow a total of about 12 days a

month for four months, i.e., 48 days. This can be reduced to about 42-44 days

for the three month survey programme shown in Resource 1.2. Further savings

many be possible by assigning specific responsibilities to members of the Task


Office. The local co-ordinator will need office space as well as access to a

computer, e-mail, telephone, fax and photocopier. In most cases one of the local

host organisations will provide this free of charge and even absorb the cost of

phone calls and stationary. The cash value of these will have to be budgeted for

if the co-ordinator works from his or her own home or business.

Launch and feedback events. Local custom should dictate the timing and

nature of these events. They should be designed to suit the target audience

rather than the sponsors. Typical would be a simple breakfast or an early

evening function at which light snacks are served. Finding a free or low cost

venue is often possible but getting sponsorship for catering may be more difficult.

Volunteer training. Volunteers must attend one of the two a half-day training

sessions conducted by the co-ordinator and/or facilitator - this is non-negotiable!

The venue(s) should be easily accessible, tea/coffee should be provided and

video/DVD equipment is required.

Volunteer expenses. Paying volunteers even a modest stipend can lead to all

sorts of complications and is not recommended. On the other hand they should

be reimbursed for out of pocket expenses such as travel and parking. This

should be borne in mind when determining the scope of the survey and assigning

interviews. In practice relatively few volunteers actually claim such expenses.

External resources

Decisions taken by local role-players also have an influence on the cost of external


The South African BR&E Manual Stage 1: Setting up


Co-ordinator training. The local co-ordinator must complete a BR&E co-

ordinators’ training course before running a BREV programme for the first time.

Currently no more than one or two such course take place each year, usually in

the second quarter. The cost of training may be subsidised but the co-ordinator's

travel and accommodation expenses will have to be covered by the local budget.

Facilitator time. This is generally one of the larger items on the budget and can

vary considerably depending on the skills and experience of the local co-

ordinator and Task Team. A newly trained co-ordinator would typically need

about 14-15 days support. With experience this can be reduced significantly. A

co-ordinator who has completed a couple of successful BREV programmes and

is backed by good Task Team might need only 4-5 days of facilitator’s time to

help with analysis, recommendations and feedback. (See Resource 1.5.)

Facilitator expenses. While the analysis and report writing can be done

electronically, the rest of facilitator's input is generally made during short visits of

a day or less at a time. Travel and accommodation expenses can therefore

become prohibitive if the facilitator is not based within, say, 200-300 km.

Database. A database package such as MS Access or even a spreadsheet can

be adapted to record and analyse findings and it is not necessary to use a

statistical package. The cost of customising costs will depend on the survey

questionnaire being. A database customised for BR&E in Australia has been

used in KZN For a number of years and should be available from the supplier for

about R1 000. Although it is based on a questionnaire that can be used in most

circumstances, the database itself is not easily adapted to other formats.

A sample “first time” budget

A budget for a three month survey with a newly trained co-ordinator might look like the

following (see Resources 1.4 - 1.5 ). NB Facilitator and co-ordinator rates are illustrative!


Co-ordinator R66 000 44 days at R1 500/day

Office R15 000 Phone and consumables only

Launch and feedback events R7 000 Venue (subsidised) and catering

Volunteer training R3 000 Venue, catering, and video

Volunteer expenses R2 000 Re-imbursements

R93 000


Co-ordinator training R4 000 Typical, depends on location

Facilitator fee R42 000 15 days at R2 800/day

Facilitator travel and accommodation R10 000 200km radius, 3 overnight stays

Database R1 000 Minor customisation

R 57 000

Total R150 000

The actually cash outlay may be a great deal less especially if the co-ordinator is seconded

to the programme e.g., from one of the local hosts. External costs will be considerably

reduced if the co-ordinator is already trained and experienced.

The South African BR&E Manual Stage 1: Setting up


Local Co-ordinator

Selection of the right person for the task is an important early decision (also see

Role-players section of the Overview). For practical reasons it is generally taken by

the local host partnership before the task team meets for the first time but the task

team should be given an opportunity to endorse it and where possible to be involved

in the selection process.

A local co-ordinator might be an employee of one of the host organisation or could be

seconded to the programme by a company, government agency or educational

institution. An intern, familiar with the subject and the area might also be an option or

it may be necessary to engage someone specifically for the programme.

Skills and qualities

A good co-ordinator does not have to be highly qualified but is likely to have a track

record which reveals the following qualities and skills.

Able to organise events and/or short programmes. Gets things done and delivers

on promises.

Methodical and organised. Thinks ahead.

Pays attention to detail and is concerned about “getting it right”.

Maintains confidentiality.

Gets on well with people at all levels.

Communicates well in writing, on the phone and face to face in the language of

the survey.

Understands enough about the business environment to be able to extract and

summarise survey results for entry into the database.

Computer literate – word processing, simple spreadsheets, email.

Reasonably familiar with the area to be surveyed.


It is absolutely essential that the local co-ordinator is available to work exclusively

on the BR&E programme for approximately 50% of the working week for the duration

of Stages 2-4. There will be peaks which will demand significantly more than 50% of

the working week but these should be offset by quieter periods.

Clearly it is just as important that the local co-ordinator should be enthusiastic about

the BR&E visitation programme and having an opportunity to play a key part in it.


A local co-ordinator without prior experience should have completed the BREI

accredited South African Local BR&E Co-ordinator Certification Course within four

months of the start of the programme. (N.B. This should be planned for well in

advance as courses are held fairly infrequently.) Experienced co-ordinators should

be able to produce evidence of a satisfactory track record; alternatively as BREI

certification of South African co-ordinators becomes more common it should serve a

similar purpose.

The South African BR&E Manual Stage 1: Setting up


Office accommodation

The local co-ordinator will clearly need some sort of office accommodation during

Stages 2-4 together with access to computer, internet and email, phone, fax and

photocopying facilities. It should be preferably be located fairly close to the area of

the survey and thus accessible to volunteers during the visitation stage.

Office space is often made available by one of the host organisations and if so the

extent to which they are willing to cover costs such as phone calls, printing and

copying should be clarified and recorded at the outset. Similarly when a local co-

ordinator makes use of a home office or their own business premises it is important

to agree on a budget for such charges as well as how they will be claimed and paid.

Payment should, of course, be made promptly. Failure to do so signals a lack of

commitment to the co-ordinator which is hardly the best way to ensure their

commitment to the BREV programme!

BR&E Facilitator

The BR&E facilitator contributes to the local programme in three ways. The first is to

act as a source of information and guide the task team and local co-ordinator through

the various steps of a BREV programme. The need for this largely falls away when

the co-ordinator is experienced. The second contribution is to facilitate decision

making at key stages, e.g., determining the scope, workshopping results, setting

priorities for action. Even with an experienced co-ordinator there are advantages in

using a skilled outsider for this task. Finally the BR&E facilitator analyses the results

and is a valuable resource in developing proposals for action.

Using a facilitator

The facilitator’s task is not to run the programme but to make it easier for local people

to plan, manage and implement a BREV programme themselves. It. One of the

virtues of this approach to BR&E is that it does not rely unduly on scarce and often

costly expertise. Instead it makes use of the skills and knowledge of local people

who, if they follow the programme, should be able to achieve satisfactory results with

the minimum of outside help.

However, a balance has to be struck. Minimising the facilitator’s contribution in order

to save money may put the programme at risk if the co-ordinator and task team lack

experience. On the other hand the more they ask the facilitator to do for them the

more expensive it becomes and the less ownership, understanding and commitment

they will have. This also puts the success of the programme at risk.

Deciding how much support will be necessary depends very much on how familiar

the task team and co-ordinator are with how to run a BREV programme. The

Resource 1.5 worksheet shows the normal minimum that an experienced team would

call on the assistance of a facilitator. It also recommends a number of additional

activities where a team new to BR&E would need help. Finally, it identifies some

occasions where a facilitator might be considered in certain circumstances.

The South African BR&E Manual Stage 1: Setting up


Finding a facilitator

What is a BR&E facilitator? Basically it is someone with an in-depth knowledge of

how to run a BREV programme and who has good facilitation skills coupled with a

sound understanding of local economic development in general and business

retention and expansion strategies in particular.

An initiative is under way to enable South African practitioners to obtain BREI

certification as BR&E Professionals. In the meantime it is a matter of consulting

BR&E Programme Managers and looking at individual track records.

The BR&E facilitator may be contracted directly by one of the host organisations. In

other situations the BR&E Programme Managers may make a facilitator available for

a certain number of days. In either case it is important to agree and record in

advance both the number of days and the tasks to which they will be allocated. Any

variation on this is should also be agreed and recorded by all parties.

Final commitment

Up until this point the preparations have been largely low cost, low profile activities

and a decision to delay or cancel the programme would not involve serious

embarrassment. All this will change from the beginning of Stage 2. It is therefore

recommended that having satisfied themselves that all the preparations have been

made and the necessary resources are in place (see Resource 1.3 Assessing

readiness ) the local partnership ends Stage 1 with a formal decision to proceed with

the BREV programme.

The South African BR&E Manual Stage 1: Setting up


RESOURCE 1.1 Do we really want a BREV programme?

A business retention and expansion visitation programme is not the answer for every

community. Clearly if the local economy is booming, the business community will see

little need for a business retention and expansion initiative and will be too busy to

take part in it anyway.

In contrast if the local economy is deeply depressed or has just experienced a

serious shock such as the closure of a major local employer, it may be difficult to

motivate local people. They may well believe that their problems can only be solved

by a major intervention by government or big business. It would be better to

postpone a BR&E programme until at least some of them start to believe that their

own actions can make a difference.

What counts is not the local economic situation but whether local people want to do

something about it themselves. If the answer is even a cautious “yes”, a BREV

programme can be an excellent way to start as it is relatively easy to implement and

helps to build local confidence and capacity.

Assess your community

Status Characteristics Recommendation

Too busy to


Local economy is thriving, no

shortage of opportunity, everyone

doing own thing.

NO GO BREV not needed or likely

to win support .

Centre of


Big outside interventions or

investments taking place or planned.

NO GO BREV unlikely to get

sufficient attention



Key stakeholders have a history of

planning and working together.

GO BREV should be successful

Amicable Local stakeholders sometimes work


GO BREV should build

confidence and capacity.

Directionless No one takes the lead or seems to

know what to do.

GO BREV could provide the

framework for action.

Finger pointing Local stakeholders see others as the


MAYBE Proceed with caution, get

commitment of key players




Key role-players do not work together NO GO Identify and fix the problem

before considering a BREV.

Conflict Serious disagreement or antagonism

between key role players

NO GO Get expert help to solve


The South African BR&E Manual

RESOURCE 1.2 Typical BR&E Programme (timescale in weeks)

January February March April May June July August September October November December January

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 1 2 3 4

Stage 1: Setting up

Brief potential partners

Partners commit to BREV

Secure local funds - - - - - >

Identify Task Team

Select and train co-ordinators - - - - - >

Secure extenal funds (if req'd) - - - - - - - ->

Appoint facilitators - - - - - >

Stage 2: Planning

Convene and brief task team

Baseline briefing - ->

Agree scope of programme

Identify & contact businesses to be visited - ->

Recruit volunteers - ->

Publicity, promotion & launch

Step 3: Visitation

Train & assign volunteers

Conduct BR&E Visitation interviews

Prepare database, capture results - ->

Respond to red flags

Step 4: Analysis

Analyse data

Respond to requests for information - - ->

Task team results workshop

Prepare report

Prepare and conduct feedback event

Step 5: Implementation

Convene action teams

Implement action Continues - - - ->

Monitor progress

Task team review

Report back event

Roleplayers ready,

resources secured

Public launch of

BREV programme



Action agreed at

feedback event

Action reviewed at

report back

The South African BR&E Manual RESOURCE 1.3


RESOURCE 1.3 Assessing readiness

The set-up stage ends and you are ready to begin a BR&E visitation programme

when you can answer yes to all the following questions.

1. Has a local host partnership been formed to initiate and support the programme?

Have the contributions each will make been recorded?

Organisation Input


2. Have 6-8 credible and capable local people been identified to form the task team?

Have they agreed to serve and to make the time available?

Name Agreed

3. Has a budget been prepared? (Attach budget.)

4. Have firm commitments in cash or kind been obtained for all the local cost items?

5. Have firm commitments in cash or kind been obtained for all the external costs?

(Attach details.)

6. Has a local co-ordinator been recruited and trained? (Attach appointment letter.)

7. Has office accommodation, equipment and access to office services been secured

for the co-ordinator? (Attach details and terms.)

8. Has a trained BR&E facilitator been engaged? (Attach appointment letter and

schedule of days required.)

9. Have all the host partners formally agreed to proceed with the programme?

The South African BR&E Manual RESOURCE 1.4


RESOURCE 1.4 Budget working sheet

BR&E Budgeting

Cost Source


Co-ordinator Rate x no of days/weeks

Office cost

Accommodation Rate x weeks/months

Phone and fax Monthly cost x months

Internet and email Monthly cost x months

Photocopying and printing Surveys, info kit, reports


Launch Venue and catering

Volunteer training x 2 Venue, tea/coffee

Feedback event Venue and catering

Volunteer expenses Reimbursements

Other (specify)


Co-ordinator training

Course fee

Travel and accommodation Depending on location


Fee See Resource 1.5

Travel and accommodation See Resource 1.5

Database software Software, customisation

The South African BR&E Manual RESOURCE 1.5


RESOURCE 1.5 Budget working sheet – facilitator days



Add if

new to







No of



No of



Brief local partners ½

Assess readiness ½

Brief task team 1

Baseline briefing ½

Determine scope ½

Identify who to visit ½

Publicity and promotion ½

Launch ½

Volunteer training 1

Check first surveys 1

Database prep 1

Red flag response ½

Data capture 3

Analyse results 3

Results workshop 1

Prepare report 1

Prepare feedback event ½

Feedback event ½

Action planning ½

First follow up ½

Mid term follow up ½

Six month review 1

Report back ½


Min 5½ Add 9 Add 5½

Fees: No of days _____ x R _______ per day = R _________

Travel: No of return trips _____ x distance _____ km = ______ total km

Total km _____ x R _____ per km = R _______

Overnights: No of overnight stays _____ x R _____ allowance per night = R _______

The South African

Business Retention & Expansion Manual


At the end of Stage 2

The task team will have been convened and briefed on the programme and the

part they will play.

The task team will have reviewed the main features of the local economy in a

“baseline briefing” session.

The scope and form of the survey will have been determined.

Programme steps, budgets and timelines will have been agreed and recorded.

A promotion and publicity programme will have been initiated.

The businesses to be visited will have been identified and invited to participate.

Volunteer interviewers will have been recruited.

The programme will have been formally launched.

I always wondered why somebody doesn't do something about that.

Then I realised I was somebody.

Lily Tomlin

The South African BR&E Manual Stage 2: Planning


STAGE 2: PLANNING This stage encompasses all the activities from the first meeting of the task team to

the formal launch of the programme at which point everything should be in place for

the visitation stage to begin.

Convening and briefing the task team

The local host partnership is responsible for convening and hosting the first meeting

of the task team which should be chaired by an appropriate representative of the

partnership. The purpose of the meeting is to:

- introduce team members to one another and to the local partnership, the co-

ordinator and the facilitator;

- explain why the BREV programme has been initiated and what it might achieve;

- describe the programme steps and possible timing for each;

- explain the responsibilities of each role-player and the task team in particular;

- use a sample survey and mock interviews to illustrate how the survey is


- deal with any concerns or misconceptions and ensure all team members are fully

on board;

- agree a draft schedule of future meetings and key events.

After representatives of the host partnership have explained why they have initiated

the programme and what they hope it will achieve, they would normally hand over to

the BR&E facilitator to continue the meeting as a short orientation workshop or

induction programme. See Resource 2.2 Task Team Meeting Plans.

Time should be allowed at the end of the meeting to set tentative dates for future

meetings and key events and to make firm arrangements, including the election of a

chairperson, for the baseline briefing in Meeting 2.

Even an experienced team and co-ordinator will benefit from an orientation

“refresher” at their first meeting but this can be kept appropriately short. It may even

be possible to combine the agendas of Meeting 1 and 2 in a single session by

including an update on the state of the local economy.

Baseline briefing

The purpose of the baseline briefing is to give the task team a broad overview of

what is already known about the local economy including any initiatives and

investments in the pipeline. The purpose of this is to:

- enable the task team make more informed decisions about the scope and nature

of the survey;

- reduce the risk of duplicating previous enquiries;

- provide the background against which the survey results will be examined and

recommendations drafted;

- act as a reference point against which progress might be assessed.

The local municipality and other member of the host partnership will almost certainly

have in their possession a number of reports and analyses containing useful and

relevant information. They may also contain much else and simply giving the task

The South African BR&E Manual Stage 2: Planning


team copies to read is unlikely to be welcome or a sensible use of their limited time.

Instead it is recommended that people familiar with the context and contents of such

documents make short presentations on the key information to the task team.

The presentations would normally draw on documents such as the Integrated

Development Plan (IDP), Spatial Development Framework and related land use

schemes, local economic development strategy as well as analyses and

development strategies for various economic sectors. Previous business, consumer

and visitor attitude surveys could be useful if any are available. Background

information and key features of major economic or infrastructure investments likely to

take place in the next few years should also be included.

Ideally the presenters should also be task team members or at least available to act

as an information resource when key decisions are being made, e.g., when

determining the scope of the survey or when analysing the survey results.

When the presentations are complete the task team should identify what they

consider to be the key issues as well as any obvious information gaps and the

implications this could have for the survey.

Before concluding the task team should prepare for the next meeting at which key

decisions will be taken on the scope of the survey, work-plan and the responsibilities

of individual team members.

Task Team Responsibilities

Responsibilities all task team members have in common:

Review existing information.

Set the direction of the programme, take key decisions such as the scope and

timing of the survey, monitor progress.

Recruit participants and volunteers.


Review surveys (shared).

Develop proposals for action.

Manage the launch and lead the feedback event.

Convene action teams.

Specific roles for individual members.

Chair: a good facilitator, organised, committed and available.

Publicity: 1-2 people to brief role-players, deal with media, acknowledgements.

Red flags: 2-3 people with a bias for action, able to respond to urgent situations.

Information: 1-2 members to respond to requests for information.

Events: 1-2 people to prepare and manage the launch and feedback events,

mobilise participants.

Also see meeting plans in Resources 2.2 and 2.3.

The South African BR&E Manual Stage 2: Planning


Scope and form of the survey

The first major decision facing the task team is where to conduct the survey and how

many businesses should participate in it. As with any decision is it important to

agree on the objectives or criteria before trying to evaluate the alternatives, otherwise

the task team may get bogged down in futile discussion without a clear means of

resolution. Key considerations in deciding where to conduct the survey are as



What the businesses to be surveyed have in common, e.g., locality, sector, size,

value chain or cluster. Alternatively they might be emergent or BEE enterprises

or located in a disadvantaged community. Unless participating businesses are

bound together by a shared interest they will be difficult to mobilise. Moreover

the results of a survey of businesses scattered over wide area and in different

sectors would have little meaning and result in few useful conclusions unless

focussed on some particular feature they had in common.

The extent to which a particular business community is likely to respond. This

will be more difficult where there is conflict, a history of failed initiatives or where

businesses are simply too busy to spare the time (also see Resource 1.1).

How many

Whether the business community to be surveyed is big enough for the outcome

to have a significant impact on the local economy.

If the number of businesses being considered is not so large that it difficult to

survey a reasonably representative sample. This will be determined by the

number of volunteers available and the degree of precision required (see

Resource 2.4 Sample size). It will rarely be fewer than 30 or more than 85 in any

one business community.

What degree of precision is required? No more than strictly necessary is the short

answer, bit it does depend on the questions being asked and the use to which the

answers will be out. In general BR&E surveys focus on the broader trends and the

questions are rarely framed so that a variation of a few percent makes much

difference. It is quite good enough to know, for example, that “most” businesses in a

particular area think that parking is a problem - it is far more important is to be able to

identify clearly where that area actually is!

If a particular issue does require a precise answer for some reason, it may be better

to obtain it at a later stage through a separate, more statistically accurate exercise.

How many volunteers?

Volunteers work in pairs. Each volunteer is expected to interview 2-4 businesses

and certainly no more than six. If, on average, each pair of volunteers is to visit

four businesses, then the rule of thumb is simply one volunteer for every two

businesses to be surveyed.

The South African BR&E Manual Stage 2: Planning


Form of survey

Surveys can be conducted in many different ways, e.g., phone, website, focus

groups or mini-workshops, email or postal survey and so on. However a key

objective of a locally driven BR&E programme is to engages the community in a

conversation with its business people. A very direct way of doing this is through face

to face interviews and it is one of the reasons why volunteer interviewers are so

important. For consistency of information and because not many volunteers will have

had experience of interviewing the most practical option is to use a structured


Survey design

Designing a questionnaire is not a simple matter. Research organisations and

academic institutions will certainly have the capacity to assist but would normally rely

on the task team to brief them on what it needs to know. Unless the task team has

prior experience it may not be in a position to do this.

Another option is to make use of one of several BR&E survey packages that are

available internationally. These would still need to be tailored to local requirements

and are likely to be expensive in rand terms. On the other hand if a provincial or

regional BR&E programme manager purchased a web based package the costs

could be shared by a number of different users.

Often the most practical option will be to adopt – and perhaps adapt – a

questionnaire that has been proved in a similar environment. This is not quite as

limiting as it sounds since many questionnaires follow a broadly similar pattern and

the differences tend to be in the detail. (See Resource 2.11 Survey Questions.)

Changes or additions should always be tested because it is not easy to predict how

interviewees will interpret a question or if it will bring out the required information.

The need to know

A disadvantage of using existing questionnaires is that it can perpetuate bad

practice. An analysis1 of over 50 BR&E questionnaires in the USA revealed that

more than half the questions did no more than confirm information that was already

known or could have been learned without troubling the owner or manager.

The survey should focus on obtaining information such as the following.

Opinions about the local business environment.

Immediate issues and concerns – “red flags”.

Opportunities for growth.

Obstacles to expansion.

Future plans.

Particular needs, e.g., information, skills, services.

Opinions about existing local services and support organisations.

1 Canada and Rendleman, 1996 quoted by Henry M Cothran, BRE Programs: Developing a Business

Retention & Expansion Survey, 2006,

The South African BR&E Manual Stage 2: Planning


Programme steps, budgets & timelines

The broad timelines and budget established by the host partners and at the first

meeting of the task team should be developed into a more detailed action plan in

which responsibility, timing and resources are agreed and assigned. Sub teams

dealing with publicity or events for example will prepare simple action plans and

budgets of their own. All it requires is list of action steps setting out the following.

What will be done, i.e., the action step.

Who is responsible for doing it (and where appropriate who else is involved)?

When will it be done (start and finish)?

What resources are required to do it?

Resource 2.1 provides a programme master checklist which may adapted for this

purpose and for tracking progress.


Making the plan and current progress highly visible helps to maintain momentum,

focus and enthusiasm. It is particularly important when working with volunteers like

the task team as they spend a relatively small part of their time thinking about BR&E.

It could be done, for example by a prominent display in the co-ordinator’s office as

well as the room used for task team meetings. This could be supplemented by

regular updates emailed to members of the team.

A bar chart such as the above is a useful means of showing the broad picture. It

should be supplemented by key information on progress against the most important

targets during the planning, visitation and implementation stages.

BR&E Plan and Progress at 22 April

January February March April May June July August September October November December January

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 1

Stage 1: Setting up

Brief potential partners Done

Partners commit to BREV Done

Secure local funds Done

Identify Task Team Done

Select and train co-ordinators Done

Secure extenal funds (if req'd) Done

Appoint facilitators Done

Stage 2: Planning

Convene and brief task team

Baseline briefing - ->

Agree scope of programme

Identify & contact businesses to be visited - ->

Recruit volunteers - ->

Publicity, promotion & launch

Step 3: Visitation

Train & assign volunteers

Conduct BR&E Visitation interviews

Prepare database, capture results - ->

Respond to red flags

Step 4: Analysis

Analyse data

Respond to requests for information - - ->

Task team results workshop

Prepare report

Prepare and conduct feedback event

Step 5: Implementation

Convene action teams

Implement action Continues - - - ->

Monitor progress

Task team review

Report back event


launch 15 May

Survey deadline 6


Feedback event 24


Report back

11 Dec

Bus Vol

Target 60 30

To date 36 11

The South African BR&E Manual Stage 2: Planning


Publicity and promotion

A publicity campaign to inform the local community about the BR&E programme

should begin as early as possible. It could be initiated as soon as the local host

partnership is formed and taken over later by 2-3 members of the task team once the

scope of the survey has been determined.

It should be designed to achieve the following objectives:

- encourage businesses in the survey target area to participate;

- recruit volunteers to conduct the survey interview;

- keep the general public interested and informed.

Local media

An effective campaign can be mounted at little cost. Local newspapers and radio

stations are generally hungry for stories and willing to make use of well written press

releases (see Resource 2.5), offer interviews and even cover the launch or feedback

events. Other ways of communicating include background briefing sessions,

invitations to meetings and events, phone in programmes and letters to the editor.

Use may also be made of electronic and printed newsletters and newsflashes

produced by business associations, business support organisations and local

government, particularly those of the BR&E host partnership. .

Information updates should be released at key points in the programme in order to

stimulate interest in the findings, proposals and subsequent plan of action. However

it is important to make sure it really is news and not a just a rehash of earlier

releases! (See Resource 2.7 Publicity milestones).

A word of warning, however. A locally driven BR&E programme is a still a little out of

the ordinary in South Africa and may not be fully understood by the journalist writing

or editing the story. Any consequent misinformation is difficult to correct and may

have an adverse effect on the programme. Interviews and background briefings

should always be backed by clear, well written press releases or information sheets.

Some journalists will make it possible to check articles for accuracy before

publication, others will not - especially with a deadline looming.


A brochure providing basic information about the programme in plain straightforward

language may be used to introduce the programme to the general public. It could be

supplemented by information leaflets designed specifically to recruit volunteers or to

encourage businesses to participate.


It pays to acknowledge contributions and achievements right from the beginning –

better still with photos. Good quality pictures with captions of the task team, launch

participants, volunteers in training or in action, feedback event and action teams will

probably be welcomed by local media and will maintain interested and enthusiasm.

This becomes even more important once the excitement of the visitation stage and

feedback event starts to fade and when it is essential to publicise achievements and

milestones reached in the implementation plan.

The South African BR&E Manual Stage 2: Planning


Identifying and recruiting businesses

Compiling a list of businesses in a locality or sector is not as simple as it sounds.

Local directories and the databases of business associations often depend for their

information on businesses subscribing, becoming members or registering in some

way. Obviously those that do not do so will not be listed. Lists of property owners or

telephone subscribers may be more comprehensive but the name recorded may be

quite different from that of the business – and they may not be up to date.

The practical solution to combine two or three different types of lists and then pay a

visit to the area to check for obvious changes and omissions.

A representative sample?

The statistical accuracy described in Resource 2.4 depends on obtaining a

genuinely random sample. This might be done, for example, by making a

numbered list of all the businesses in the target group and using the random

function in a spreadsheet to select the ones to visit. It sounds simple, but – as

described above – the first problem is to get a complete list!

The next problem is how to deal with the wide variety of differences that exist within

a business “community”. It is not up to a random number generator to decide

whether to interview the 2-3 major employers in a small town. Their opinions and

concerns are vital! On the other hand their perspectives may be very different to

those of smaller businesses around them.

One way around this problem is to stratify the sample into, e.g., large,

medium/small and micro enterprises and then taking a random sample from each.

If there are a small number of businesses in one particular group it will, of course,

be necessary to interview them all.

A stratified survey makes it easier to identify important differences within the

business community as well as what they have in common.

Getting them to take part

Once the target businesses have been identified it pays to take time to consider the

best means of inviting each of them to take part in the survey. This requires more

than just sending an invitation – most businesses receive a steady stream of

invitations, promotions, offers and announcements.

It usually means some combination of a personal approach or phone call backed up

by a written invitation. The important point is to decide who is the best person to

make that initial approach or phone call in each case, i.e., someone the business

person will listen to and respects and who understands and supports the BR&E

programme. Task team members will clearly have a major part to play in this regard.

Once a business has agreed to participate they should be sent a confirmation letter

and questionnaire and their details recorded in the survey database. This should be

followed by an invitation to the launch. Afterwards it is important to maintain their

interest by keeping them informed of progress from time to time.

The South African BR&E Manual Stage 2: Planning


Recruiting volunteers

Some task teams are intimidated by the idea of recruiting volunteers and feel that the

culture of volunteering is a thing of the past. Yet the track record of BR&E in South

Africa to date suggests quite the opposite. But for the same reason that it takes

more than a written invitation to get businesses to take part in the survey, it takes

more than advertisements, posters and hand-outs to recruit volunteers. These, in the

language of salespeople, “tell not sell” . It is thus essential to approach people

directly either individually or by speaking at meetings of associations, business

organisations, clubs and educational institutions.


Volunteers should be recruited from a wide variety of sources, some of which could

include the following:

- the task team,

- staff members of the host organisations,

- businesses participating in the survey,

- members of local business organisations and associations,

- local community organisations such as service clubs or retirement associations,

- university or FET students especially those engaged in business studies,

- business support and development organisations,

- NGOs involved in economic development.

Volunteer profile

A volunteer interviewer should have the following qualities.

Familiarity with the area of the survey.

Competence in the language in which the survey is being conducted.

Good listening skills.

The ability to record information clearly, accurately and concisely.

A reputation for reliability and punctuality.

Enthusiasm for the programme.

Above all, the ability to maintain confidentiality.


In speaking to groups or individuals it is useful to remember that people volunteer for

to take part in a BR&E survey for different reasons, e.g.,

- they are keen to play a part in their community and to make a difference,

- it is in their interest to see improvements in the local business environment,

- working with others and being part of something is good fun,

- people enjoy feeling useful and appreciated,

- interested to learn more about local business.

Focussing on just one of these – doing something for the community, for example –

will appeal to some people, but not to others. That means giving potential volunteers

a variety of good reasons to come forward. In doing so it is also important to address

some of the reasons why people do not volunteer. These could include:

The South African BR&E Manual Stage 2: Planning


- lack of confidence about their ability (training will be provided);

- shyness (they will work in pairs);

- feel it will take up too much time (typically four, maximum six interviews);

- have commitments at certain times of day (they can specify their availability and

will make their own appointments);

- need paid work (no promises, but the BR&E programme should help to create

opportunities), etc.

Follow up

Once someone has volunteer to be an interviewer they should be given a volunteer

information sheet (Resource 2.8) and asked to record their contact details and

availability on a volunteer details form (Resource 2.9).

Quick follow up is important. Acknowledgement and thanks should be sent by email

or SMS as soon as the local co-ordinator receives the volunteer details form. This

should be followed by an invitation to the launch. Final details of the volunteer

training courses may sent as a separate communication in the same way.

VIP Treatment

It should not be forgotten that volunteer interviewers and the business people being

interviewed are giving up their time to make the BR&E Visitation programme a

success. Without them there would be no programme. The deserve the best

possible treatment!

Confirmation letters or acknowledgements should be sent out promptly and

without fail.

They must be invited to both the launch and the feedback event.

They should get the information they need in good time, e.g., survey form and

names of interviewers in the case of the business, training details, assignments

and materials for volunteers.

Their contribution and names should be recorded in the feedback report. Each

should receive a copy.

Volunteer interviewers should be presented with a certificate of recognition.

Further recognition can be given in the form of appropriate media publicity and

on local host websites.

Payment of agreed volunteer out of pocket expenses should be made quickly.

It means getting the details right, honouring all commitments to the letter, returning

their calls promptly, being on time for appointments and at all times treating them

as Vitally Important to the Programme.

The South African BR&E Manual Stage 2: Planning


Launching the programme

The event to launch the programme signals that the planning and preparation has

completed and the more visible visitation stage is about to begin. It is important for a

number of reasons.

It provides a platform for local leaders to endorse the programme and give it


It signals to participants and the wider community that the business survey is

about to begin.

It is another opportunity to explain the purpose of the programme and how it

works to both participants and a wider audience. Key dates and arrangements

may be announced. Questions or concerns may be answered.

Seeing who else is involved encourages and reassures those who have agreed

to take part in the survey or as volunteers.

It is a last opportunity to recruit additional business participants or volunteers if

there is a need to do so.

It should raise energy and enthusiasm and motivate people to action.

For all that, it does not have to be an elaborate or lengthy event (see Resource 2.10

Launch agenda). In fact the reverse is much more likely to appeal to the business

people who will make up a large part of the guest list. This should focus on local

people who are:

- owners or managers of the businesses targeted to take part in the survey,

- volunteers, potential volunteers or people from organisations from which they

might be recruited,

- in a position to help with the implementation of the action plan to be developed

as a result of the survey,

- representatives of the media who might publicise the programme.

Again it is rarely enough just to send everyone an invitation. Following up to check if

invitations have been received gives the local co-ordinator an opportunity to

encourage people to attend. Task Team members can do much to ensure a good

turn out by telling people about the event and inviting them personally. Email or SMS

reminders can be sent a day or so beforehand.

The promotion and publicity team should prepare an information pack for any

members of the media who attend, If necessary this can be supplemented

afterwards with a media release and pictures of the event.

The South African BR&E Manual RESOURCE 2.1


RESOURCE 2.1 Programme master checklist

Activity Who When Resources

Planning & Preparation

o Agree scope of programme

o Draft media release to announce BREV

o Review and adapt survey questionnaire

o List target businesses, select sample

o Draft invitation to participate

o Set up database

o Book launch and feedback venues, catering

o Arrange results workshop and meeting venues

o Arrange venues for volunteer training

o Issue invitations to launch (including media)

o Recruit businesses to participate

o Enter participants into database

o Email/fax/post confirmation and questionnaire

o Issue media release to promote participation

o Identify potential volunteer interviewers

o Recruit potential volunteers

o Email/SMS acknowledgement to volunteers

o Communicate volunteer training details

o Prepare coordination list for visitation

o Prepare "Business Grow" Resource Kit

o Prepare follow up information resources

o Arrange launch programme and speakers

o Prepare media kit for launch

o Hold programme launch


o Finalise business and volunteer team lists

o Assign 2-6 businesses to volunteer teams

o Prepare volunteer materials and agreements

o Arrange survey drop-off points if needed

o Run volunteer training on two alternative dates

o Finalise teams and assignments

The South African BR&E Manual RESOURCE 2.1


o Prepare, issue media release on training and

visitation stage

o Email, fax, deliver details and survey form to

participant businesses

o Undertake business visits

o Check and follow up initial survey returns

o Enter surveys into database as they return

o Immediately follow up “red flags”

o Task team review of completed surveys

o Monitor visitation progress, address problems

o Close out survey at cut-ff date.

o Send letters of thanks to participating firms

o Prepare, issue media release

Analysis & feedback

o Issue, follow up invitations to feedback event

o Follow up “yellow flag” information requests

o Check, analyse data; prepare initial report

o Conduct task team results workshop

o Agree feedback event programme and roles

o Prepare report on findings and proposals

o Prepare feedback event venue, materials, etc

o Present findings, proposals at feedback event;

set priorities, identify action team members

o Draft, issue media release on findings and

agreed action plans


o Convene initial meetings of action teams

o Merge task team and action team reps

o Introduce resource organisations as needed

o Monitor implementation progress

o Issue media release(s) on progress

o Conduct six month review

o Book venue, arrange report back event

o Hold six month report back event

o Issue media release on report back event

The South African BR&E Manual RESOURCE 2.2


RESOURCE 2.2 Task team Stage 2 meeting plans

MEETING 1: Orientation

Purpose: Introduce all the local role-players, brief them on how a BREV

programme is conducted and what it is hoped it will achieve.

Participants: Task team, representatives of host partnership (as convenors), local

co-ordinator, BR&E facilitator, BR&E Project Manager (if appropriate).

Venue: Seating in U-shape or horseshoe facing screen with data projector.

BR&E facilitator to provide or arrange laptop and extension speakers.

Serve tea/coffee at break or with light breakfast on arrival

Timing: Typically 3 hours including a 15 min break. Could be run as a

breakfast session with time for a light breakfast beforehand.

Materials: One copy South African BR&E Manual per task team member.

One copy of sample survey per person.

Orientation presentation and DVD (BR&E facilitator).

Preparation: Draft proposals for key dates (Convenor).


1. Welcome, thanks to task team members for coming

forward. Introduction of team members, host

partners, co-ordinator and BR&E facilitator.

Convenor 15 min

2. Why the BREV programme has been initiated and

what it might achieve.



10 min

3. BREV programme steps and possible timing for




15 min

4. Role-players and their responsibilities with particular

reference to the task team.



20 min

5. Break. 15 min

6. Example of survey, interview guidelines, practice




35 min

7. Interview DVD. 20 min

8. Questions and concerns. BR&E


20 min

9. Election of task team chairperson BR&E


10 min

10. Preliminary schedule of key dates. Chairperson 15 min

11. Arrangements for Meeting 2 (Baseline briefing) Chairperson 5 min

The South African BR&E Manual RESOURCE 2.2


MEETING 2: Baseline briefing

Purpose: Provide the task team with an overview of what is already known

about the local economy as well as plans for the short to medium term.

Participants: Task team, local co-ordinator, presenters, BR&E facilitator (optional).

Venue: Seating in U-shape or horseshoe facing screen with data projector.

Local co-ordinator to provide or arrange laptop.

Serve tea/coffee at break or with light breakfast on arrival

Timing: Typically 1-2 hours. Could be run as a breakfast session.

Materials: Presentations with appropriate handouts.

One full set of the documents for reference purposes.

Preparation: Chairperson assisted by co-ordinator to identify and brief presenters in

consultation with host partners.


1. Welcome. Introduction of presenters. Summary of

meeting purpose and agenda.

Chairperson 5 min

2. Presentations. Presenters 10-15

min each

3. Discussion of key issues, information gaps. Chairperson 20 min

4. Preparation for meeting 3:

- confirm date, time place,

- review agenda,

- remind team to consider individual roles.

Chairperson 20 min

The South African BR&E Manual RESOURCE 2.2


MEETING 3: Scope and work-plan

Purpose: Agree scope and focus of the survey including number of firms to be

visited and the number of volunteers required. Agree work-plan,

responsibilities and timelines.

Participants: Task team, local co-ordinator, BR&E facilitator .

Venue: Seating around boardroom or circular table. Provision for tea/coffee.

Timing: Typically 1½-2 hours early morning or late afternoon.

Materials: Wall map of area. Local directories. Reference documents from

meeting 2. Sample size graphs. Felt pens, 21 x 10 cm cards, tape.

Preparation: All to consider what individual responsibilities they will take on.


1. Welcome. Summary of meeting purpose and


Chairperson 5 min

2. Review of criteria for selecting survey area. BR&E


15 min

3. Discuss and assess proposals, agree survey area

and sample size.



30-45 min

4. Agree key action steps and dates. Agree




20-30 min

5. Confirm individual (sub-team) roles:

- chairperson (if necessary),

- publicity and promotion,

- red flags,

- information (yellow flags),

- events.

Chairperson 10-20 min

6. Set meeting dates:

- survey design group,

- publicity and promotion sub-team,

- information sub-team,

- events sub-team,

- next task team meeting,

Chairperson 10-20 min

The South African BR&E Manual RESOURCE 2.2


MEETING 4a Survey design

Purpose: To agree (and if necessary test) the survey questionnaire format.

Participants: Assigned task team members, local co-ordinator (if available), BR&E

facilitator (optional), advisor on survey design (if necessary).

Venue: Office or small meeting room, access to computer and internet.

Timing: Within 2 days of meeting 3. Duration depends on how much survey

departs from proven standards, anything from 2 hours to 2-3 sessions.

Materials: Sample surveys. Record of key issues and gaps from Meeting 3.

Preparation: Nil.


1. Review requirements.

2. Select closest standard survey and adapt.

3. Obtain advice and test if necessary

MEETING 4b Recruitment

Purpose: To identify and recruit businesses to participate in the survey. To

identify and recruit volunteers.

Participants: All team members not involved in Meeting 4a, local co-ordinator,

BR&E facilitator (optional).

Venue: Breakaway or meeting room, may require visit to survey area.

Timing: One or more sessions of 1-2 hours soon after Meeting 3.

Materials: Map, directories, sample letters, info sheets, forms .

Preparation: Obtain municipal and/or business organisation listings for area.


1. Review survey sample parameters (number, size, location, type of business).

2. Identify exemplars and potential participants (visit area?).

3. Agree who/how to approach each business, timelines, report back system.

4. Identify potential volunteers, sources of volunteers.

5. Agree who/how to approach, report back system.

6. Publicity implications (link to sub-team).

7. Agree progress meeting dates.

The South African BR&E Manual RESOURCE 2.2


MEETING 5 Progress

Purpose: To ensure all Stage 2 Preparation activities are on track. To make

final arrangements for the launch.

Participants: Task team, local co-ordinator.

Venue: Seating around boardroom or circular table. Provision for tea/coffee.

Timing: Typically 3-4 weeks through Stage 2, duration 1½-2 hours. Could be

held as a breakfast session.

Materials: Draft survey and publicity materials. Participant and volunteer lists.

Preparation: All to identify further potential participants and volunteers.


1. Review and agree draft survey.

2. Progress report on recruitment.

3. Promotion and publicity progress report.

4. Information sub-team progress report.

5. Events sub-team progress report. Assign team roles for launch.

6. Next meeting.

The South African BR&E Manual RESOURCE 2.3


RESOURCE 2.3 Sub-team meeting plans


Purpose: To plan and implement a promotion and publicity campaign including

information leaflets, media releases, briefings and interviews.

Participants: Sub-team and any co-opted members, local co-ordinator.

Venue: Office or small meeting room with access to computer.

Timing: First 1-2 hour meeting within 2-3 days of meeting 3; followed by brief

progress meetings at intervals throughout the programme.

Materials: Schedule of key dates. Guidelines, sample media release.

(See Resources 2.5-2.7).

Preparation: Nil.

Agenda: Meeting agendas will be set around the following activities.

Review guidelines and examples

Agree key steps, responsibilities and timelines.

Agree contents first media release.

Draft volunteer and programme information leaflets.

Agree sub-team meeting schedule.

The South African BR&E Manual RESOURCE 2.3



Purpose: To prepare to respond to urgent situations revealed by the survey. To

take urgent action as and when the need arises. To monitor and

follow up referrals to support organisations.

Participants: Red flag sub-team, any co-opted members, local co-ordinator.

Venue: Office or small meeting room, access to computer and internet.

Timing: At least 2 sessions of 1-1½ hours for preparation and to review survey

responses. Remaining programme determined by need.

Materials: Information sheets, contacts, websites for local, provincial and national

resource organisations.

Preparation: Review networks, update contact lists .

Agenda: Meeting agendas will be set around the following activities.

Identify possible scenarios and sources of assistance.

Obtain updated information on resource organisations and


Monitor incoming surveys through co-ordinator.

Provide first response to red flag issues. Clarify requirements and

secure assistance/action from appropriate organisations.

Monitor progress. Close out when issue resolved or satisfactory

hand-over achieved.

The South African BR&E Manual RESOURCE 2.3



Purpose: To prepare business information kits for the survey. To assemble

additional information resources to respond to requests.

Participants: Information sub-team, any co-opted members, local co-ordinator.

Venue: Office or small meeting room, access to computer and internet.

Timing: Approx 2-3 sessions of 1-1½ hours.

Materials: Any existing local business information resources.

Preparation: Get business information resources from municipality, chamber, etc.

Agenda: Meeting agendas will be set around the following activities.

Agree information required for kits and identify sources.

Allocate responsibility and timelines for obtaining material.

Agree additional information to be offered in survey.

Identify potential sources and allocate responsibilities.

Agree sub-team meeting schedule.

The South African BR&E Manual RESOURCE 2.3



Purpose: To prepare and manage the launch and feedback events.

Participants: Events sub-team, any co-opted members, local co-ordinator.

Venue: Office or small meeting room, access to computer and internet.

Timing: Approx 3-4 sessions of 1-1½ hours spread over Stages 2, 3 and 4.

Materials: Nil.

Preparation: Monitor response to recruitment, survey, etc.

Identify potential venues.

Agenda: Meeting agendas will be set around the following activities.

Agree parameters for both events, possible numbers, time of day,

refreshments, venue requirements, budget.

Select appropriate venue (obtain and review quotations where


Prepare invitations, monitor responses (issued and managed by


Prepare programme and chairperson’s notes, secure and brief


Identify and source equipment and materials.

Agree sub-team meeting schedule.

The South African BR&E Manual RESOURCE 2.3


RESOURCE 2.4 Sample size

The number of businesses to be interviewed (sample size) depends on

- the total number in the business community being surveyed

- how precise the survey results are required to be.

Samples size calculators are available as a free service from on websites such as This was used to construct the following

graph which illustrates, for example, that to interview 65 businesses randomly

selected out of a community of 200 gives the same degree of accuracy as

interviewing, say, 49 businesses out of another community of 100. On the other

hand to get similar results in a population of 400 businesses it would only be

necessary to interview 78 firms.

What is meant by accuracy? For a given population (total size of the business

community being surveyed) and random sample size, the calculator will give the

confidence interval, i.e., the plus-or-minus range showing the most the results could

vary compared to the results of surveying all the businesses.

The extent to which one can be sure of that is given by another figure, the

confidence level. Thus a confidence level of 95% means that one can be sure that

at least 95% of the time the answers will fall in the given range.

For practical purposes samples based on a confidence level of 95% and a range of

plus-or minus 10% are quite good enough for a BR&E surveys and approximate

samples sizes for various populations can be read directly from the graph.

Sample size for 95% Conf 10% CI












0 200 400 600 800 1000

Total population



le s


The South African BR&E Manual RESOURCE 2.3


RESOURCE 2.5 Media releases

A well written media release is probably the most efficient way of making information

available to the media. By summarising the key facts it not only saves time all round

but also reduces the risk of mistakes and misunderstanding.

Some points to remember in preparing a media release.

Begin by making a checklist of the key facts to be conveyed – the what, when,

who, where of the message – in order of importance.

Check the list for accuracy of details, e.g., dates, times, spelling of names, etc.

Use a letterhead that acknowledges the local host partnership, programme

managers and any external sponsors, but keep it simple and uncluttered.

Date and number the release and provide a contact name and phone number for

further information. (The contact person must be available to take calls!)

Ensure headline and opening paragraph catch the reader’s attention. Keep the

first paragraph short, say, 2-3 lines.

Present the most import information first and continue in descending order of


Use simple language, short sentences and paragraphs. Write in the third person

using “he”, “it” and “they” instead of “I”, “you” and “we”.

Keep it positive but avoid “hype” and raising unrealistic expectations.

Use direct quotations where possible, e.g., “The Mayor said…”.

Keep abbreviations to a minimum and always write them in full the first time they

are used.

Use double spacing, avoid small fonts.

Try not to exceed a page in length.

Attach high resolution pictures and graphics such as logos and maps.

The South African BR&E Manual RESOURCE 2.3


RESOURCE 2.6 Example of media release

(On letterhead)


For immediate release Contact: (Name)

(Date) Phone: (Cellphone number)

Partnership to help local business grow

(Host organisation 1) and (host organisation 2) today announced a joint programme

to identify opportunities for local businesses and address obstacles to expansion and


The (place name) Business Retention & Expansion (BR&E) visitation programme will

be driven by a local task team of local government, business and community leaders

with the full support of (host organisation 1) and (host organisation 2). “Job creation

is one of our highest priorities” said (senior representative, host organisation 1)

adding that “International research shows that up to 80% of new jobs are created by

the growth of existing businesses.”

BR&E programmes have been in existence in some parts of the world for many years

and in South Africa since 2003. The basics are simple and involve a survey of the

opinions of local business people by trained volunteers. The survey is confidential

and no financial or other sensitive information is required. Critical issues and

common concerns will be identified by a local task team who will draft proposals to

address them. These will be presented at a stakeholder meeting for approval and to

mobilise local support and action.

“We are completely behind this exciting initiative. It is a unique opportunity for the

ideas, concerns and opinions of local business to he heard”, said (senior

representative, host organisation 2).

The programme will initially focus on businesses in (area of focus) It will be formally

launched on (date). For further information contact Local Co-ordinator (name) on

(office phone or cell number).

The South African BR&E Manual RESOURCE 2.3


RESOURCE 2.7 Publicity milestones

Milestone Emphasis Means

When decision to

proceed is taken at

the end of stage 1.

What the BR&E programme is

about why it is important, what it

could achieve.

Media release,

interviews, background

briefing, brochure.

When the task team

have agreed the

scope of the survey.

Details of survey target and why

selected. Call for businesses to


Media release, pictures

of task team, maps.

Three weeks before


Details of launch, call for

volunteers, encourage

businesses to participate.

Media release,

brochures, information


Launch. What programme is about, timing

and details of visitation stage,

encourage participants and


Media invitations,

interviews, pictures.

Volunteer training. Acknowledge volunteers Pictures of training, etc.

Survey complete. Record completion, thank

participants and volunteers, next

steps and details of feedback


Brief media release,

pictures with captions.

Before feedback


Details of event. Phone call, invitation.

Picture of task team at


Feedback event. Summary of key findings and plan

of action. Acknowledge all


Media release, pictures

of event.

After first action team


Details of action plans and team

contact people.

Contact lists, interviews,


Progress report as

milestones achieved

or three months from


Details of target and progress,

achievement or milestone


Pictures, background

briefing. Media release

if key achievement or


Review. Details of report back event. Invitation, phone call.

Report back. Progress report, next steps,


Media release, pictures.

The South African BR&E Manual RESOURCE 2.3


RESOURCE 2.8 Volunteer information sheet

(The volunteer information sheet should explain who is responsible for introducing

the BR&E visitation programme and display the names and logos of the local hosts.

It could also include something along the following lines).

Thank you for volunteering to be an interviewer in the (name) Business Retention &

Expansion visitation programme. The survey aims to discover what opportunities

exist for the growth of local business and what obstacles prevent them from growing.

This information will be used to develop an action plan which will be driven by local

people to address the key issues and create new jobs and opportunities in our


What does being a volunteer involve?

All volunteers should attend a short training session on either (date) or (date) to be

briefed about the programme and learn how to conduct an interview using the BR&E

questionnaire. You will not be able to take part in the programme without attending

one or other session in full. At the end of the training you will be asked to sign an

undertaking to keep the information obtained during the survey strictly confidential.

You will be paired with another volunteer and assigned two to four (rarely up to six)

businesses for you both to interview together during the two weeks from (date) to

(date). An interview typically takes 1-1½ hours and you should allow another 20-30

minutes to review the interview with your team-mate immediately afterwards.

Volunteers are expected to represent the programme in a thoroughly professional

manner particularly in regard to keeping appointments, being on time and

maintaining confidentiality.


Those taking part in the BR&E visitation programme as volunteers invariably enjoy

the experience and will also:

- have the satisfaction of making a valuable and very practical contribution to the

development of our community;

- be invited to the launch of the programme;

- have an opportunity to develop their understanding of local business issues;

- meet new people and expand their network;

- be able to learn and practice interviewing skills;

- be invited to attend the feedback event where they will receive a certificate of

recognition and a copy of the survey results and recommendations.

Your details

If you have not already done so please use the Volunteer Details form to provide us

with your contact details and the times you would be able to conduct interviews. The

form should be sent to (local co-ordinator name and contact details) who will send

you an acknowledgement as soon as it is received.

Thank you for offering to play a part in the BR&E Visitation programme.

We look forward to working with you!

The South African BR&E Manual RESOURCE 2.3


RESOURCE 2.9 Volunteer details

Thank you for volunteering to be an interviewer in the (name) Business Retention &

Expansion visitation programme. Please use this form to record your contact details

and preferences and send it to (local co-ordinator name and contact details) who will

send you an acknowledgement as soon as it is received.









YOUR PREFERENCES (please circle when you are most likely to be available

Time of day

Morning Afternoon Evening

Days of week

Mon Tues Wed Thurs Fri Sat

Are dates during the period (date) and (date) that could be a problem?

____________________ ____________________ ____________________

Any other information we should take into account in assigning your interviews?


___________________________________ Date ____________________

The South African BR&E Manual RESOURCE 2.3


RESOURCE 2.10 Launch agenda

The launch should be held at a time that best suits the guests, not the organisers!

Depending on local custom it may be a breakfast or early morning event, in others it

will be in the late afternoon or early evening. It would not normally intrude too much

on the working day. It should not be too long (1-1½ hours is quite enough) and some

sort of refreshments should be served to encourage people to socialise.

To avoid sending the wrong signals it should start and end on time and be conducted

in a businesslike fashion.

Agenda items might look like the following.

Brief opening by a member of the task team

Welcome by a credible local leader, e.g., mayor.

Brief background to the programme, what it is hoped it will achieve presented by

a representative of one of the host organisations, e.g., president of the local

business organisation.

Speaker with first hand experience of a BR&E programme to share experience

and generate enthusiasm.

Practical details of the visitation stage and the feedback event from a member of

the task team. Opportunity for questions.

If necessary call for additional participants or volunteers and distribute cards or


Invitation to stay for refreshments. Close.

The temptation to pack the speaker list with dignitaries and local worthies should be

avoided. It makes timekeeping difficult and the is a risk that one or more will get it

wrong and create avoidable confusion. This may well be compounded if media

representatives just listen to whoever they think is the most important speaker before

rushing off to another event.

Like everyone else, the person with first hand experience should be brief and to the

point. He or she should tell some stories and perhaps show some pictures of what

the programme was like and what it achieved and to illustrate it was fun.

The South African BR&E Manual RESOURCE 2.3


RESOURCE 2.11 Survey questions

Whether the questionnaire is based on existing material or designed from scratch the

task team will still have to decide what it wants to know. In most cases this is likely to

include questions on the following.

1. The business:

1.1. General information: Age, legal form, ownership (local, branch, etc),

1.2. Main products/services.

1.3. Competition: Competitors competitive advantages, change in market share.

1.4. Customers: Where they are, growing/declining market, outlook.

1.5. Suppliers: Local/external, what bought externally, why; local opportunities.

1.6. New entrants/substitutes: Potential for new competitive/alternative products.

2. Employment:

2.1. Number of employees in different categories

2.2. Plans to increase/decrease numbers

2.3. Occupations and skills needed

2.4. Recruitment issues

3. Future plans:

3.1. Plans for expansion, new or changed products/services. Implications.

3.2. Plans to close, relocate or downsize. Could this be prevented?

4. Constraints to growth:

5. Local business environment:

5.1. Advantages, disadvantages.

5.2. Infrastructure, services, local facilities.

5.3. Support institutions: Municipality, other government, business organisations,

other institutions.

5.4. Local business: Availability cost and quality of local products/services;

opportunities for new business.

5.5. Barriers to local growth, ideas for improvements.

6. Business information needs

7. Local questions on topical issues.

8. Willingness to play a part in future action.

Questionnaires used by professionals from economic development agencies may

focus more on the business and less on the environment, particularly where their

BR&E philosophy is to improve competitiveness company by company. In contrast a

BR&E survey driven by local stakeholders is more likely to be interested in opinions

about the local business environment, constraints to growth and plans for the future.

NB Avoid questions that might require disclosure or turnover or profit. Such

information is of little value when devising action plans and will reduce confidence

and participation dramatically. Likewise exclude “nice to know” questions and any

that are unlikely to result in action.

Examples of survey questionnaires may be found on websites such as that of the

Ontario Government’s REDDI programme,

various state programmes in the US and Australia and the members section of BREI

The South African

Business Retention & Expansion Manual


At the end of Stage 3

The volunteer interviewers will have been trained and have signed a

confidentiality statement.

The business interviews will have been completed.

The data from the survey questionnaires will have been captured

“Red flag” issues will have been identified and followed up with an immediate


Participants will have been thanked by letter and through the media

The power of communication begins with the art of listening and

community surveys are a great way to listen.


The South African BR&E Manual Stage 3: Visitation


STAGE 3: VISITATION This is the most intense and visible stage of the programme. For this reason it may

give the impression that the primary purpose of a BR&E programme is to gather

information whereas the survey is just a means to an end – that of developing and

implementing an action plan to retain and grow local business.

The beginning of the visitation stage is signalled by the launch and it ends when all

the interviews have been completed and the survey questionnaires have been

handed in for processing.

Training of volunteers

All volunteers must complete one of the volunteer training sessions – in full – before

being assigned businesses to visit. Untrained volunteers should never be allowed to

take part in interviews and it should be made clear from the outset that this is a non-

negotiable requirement. The purpose of the training is as follows.

To enable volunteers to understand the purpose and main steps of the BR&E

visitation programme in order to be able to convey this during the business


To explain what is expected of volunteers interviewers and to respond to any

queries or concerns they may have.

To ensure they understand the meaning and intention of all the survey questions.

To obtain from each volunteer a signed undertaking to keep information obtained

during the survey strictly confidential.

The training is conducted by the BR&E facilitator or an experienced local co-ordinator

and typically takes the form shown in Resource 3.1 Typical volunteer training

sessions. To make it easier for volunteers to attend, it is recommended that two

training sessions are held on two separate days and at different times of day, e.g..

Tuesday afternoon and Wednesday morning.

It is a good idea to remind volunteers about the training by sending an SMS a couple

of hours beforehand. It is also an opportunity to emphasise that they must be on

time to satisfy the requirement of attending the training in full. Anyone arriving after

the welcome and introductions should be asked to attend another session –

if there or is one – or they will have to drop out of the programme.

At the end of the training session it is important to give participants an opportunity to

consider whether they are happy to continue or would prefer to withdraw from the

programme. Those that wish to continue should each sign an undertaking to keep all

information obtained during the course of the survey strictly confidential (see

Resource 3.2 Sample confidentiality statement).

Training sessions offer a chance to express appreciation to everyone who has

volunteered and provide a useful photo opportunity for the publicity team or local


The South African BR&E Manual Stage 3: Visitation


Volunteer materials

Each volunteer should receive the following material during the training session.

- Volunteer Interviewer Guidelines,

- the letter of confirmation sent to participating businesses (Resource 3.3),

- two copies of the survey questionnaire,

- details of the feedback event or a copy of the invitation,

- copies of the local BR&E programme brochure,

- two copies of the confidentiality agreement for signing (one for them to keep).

An example of the Volunteer Interviewer Guidelines accompanies this manual. It

summarises the basic information a volunteer needs to know including:

o An overview of the BR&E programme

o Frequently asked questions

o Key dates and deadlines

o Volunteer’s role and responsibilities;

o Volunteer’s code of practice

o Tips for interviewing

o Confidentiality statement

o Key contact details


As soon as volunteers sign the confidentiality statements at the end of the training

session the local co-ordinator should be in a position – as far as possible – to pair

them into teams and assign them to the businesses they will visit. This is a lot easier

than trying to get hold of them later and allows people to make arrangements or deal

with problems there and then.

Volunteers are normally paired so that their skills and backgrounds complement one

another and to reflect the diversity of the community, e.g., government and private

sector, male and female, experienced business person and student. The training

sessions are an opportunity to identify problems and make last minute changes.


Pairing volunteers to interview business people in a multilingual community means

that language is a potential problem. The guideline is simply this.

The person being interviewed must understand the question;

whoever completes the survey form must understand the reply.

Interview packs

Together with an assignment schedule (Resource 3.4) each two person volunteer

team should receive the following for every business to be interviewed:

- a Business Information Kit (see Resource 3.5) for the person being interviewed,

- a numbered questionnaire with completed cover sheet (Resource 3.6) attached,

- a follow up and Red Flag sheet (Resource 3.7),

- a spare copy of the questionnaire,

- an envelope in which to seal the questionnaire and follow up sheet after the


The South African BR&E Manual Stage 3: Visitation


Conducting interviews

Each team of volunteer interviewers is responsible for contacting the business people

they are to interview and scheduling their own appointments during the two week

survey period. Appointments should always be made with the owner or manager,

i.e., the person with the best overall view of the business. If for some reason this

person is not available on the day, instead of interviewing someone else it is better to

reschedule the appointment.

Although the interview itself will usually take about an hour, another 30 minutes

should be allowed for delays, interruptions, being shown around the business and

other contingencies. Adding time to review the interview immediately afterwards

would bring the total for planning purposes to about two hours per interview.

Both team members must be present at every interview. If one of them is not

available, the appointment should be re-scheduled. This should only happen for very

good reason and always with an appropriate explanation to the person to be

interviewed. Without it they may lose interest on being interviewed at all.


Volunteers should remember that the person being interviewed is taking time from

running the business to take part in the programme. Courtesy, professionalism and

common sense all demand that the interviewers are on time for their appointments.

The training session should make it clear that missing or being late for an interview

is an absolute no-no and will soon bring the visitation programme into disrepute. A

volunteer who is unwilling to accept this condition should not take part.

After introducing themselves volunteer interviewers will conduct an interview in the

following way.

Explain the purpose of the BR&E visitation programme and the steps involved.

Introduce the questionnaire by explaining the confidentiality undertaking and

“skip it” rule. They will have a spare copy of the questionnaire in case the person

being interviewed has mislaid the one sent with the letter of confirmation.

Systematically complete the survey questionnaire with one interviewer asking the

questions while the other records the answers. Both the interviewee and the

person recording the responses should feel free to stop and ask for clarity about

a point they do not understand.

Close by thanking the person interviewed, presenting the business information kit

and inviting them to the feedback event to receive a copy of the report and

comment on the findings.

Immediately afterwards, the volunteers should take time to:

- check the questionnaire to ensure everything has been recorded and is clear,

- complete the follow up and red flag form,

- return the questionnaire and follow up form to the local co-ordinator in the

envelope provided,

The South African BR&E Manual Stage 3: Visitation


- advise the co-ordinator of any problems or matters requiring urgent attention

- update the assignment schedule.

Completed questionnaires may be delivered directly to the co-ordinator or placed in a

drop box at one or more pre-arranged collection points.

Monitoring the progress and performance of volunteers is a primary task of the local

co-ordinator who should make regular contact with teams for this propose and also to

deal with any difficulties or concerns they may have. It is particularly important to do

this soon after their first interview.

Reviewing and capturing data

Returning the completed questionnaires to the local co-ordinator without delay is

important as it enables him or her to:

- detach the cover sheet to preserve confidentiality,

- check whether answers recorded on the questionnaire are clear and complete,

- identify anything that requires urgent attention,

- see if interviewers are having difficulty interpreting any questions,

- start capturing responses using a database or spread-sheet.

There is always a risk that some of the meaning of a comment or response will be

lost as it is summarised for entry into the database. For this reason it is important for

all members of the task team to play a part in reviewing completed survey

questionnaires. Ideally this should be divided up in such a way that each

questionnaire is read by two team members. This is not always possible in practice

but every questionnaire should be read by at least one task team member and, of

course, the local co-ordinator.

A database or perhaps a spreadsheet (see Stage 4 Analysis and Feedback) will

normally be used to record and collate the survey responses. The local co-ordinator

may be tempted to delegate the task of capturing this information but this has a

number of disadvantages. Capturing the information personally gives the co-

ordinator a much better understanding of what was said in the interview that simply

reading the questionnaire. It also makes it easier to spot inconsistencies or errors on

the part of the interviewers. Not only will this be lost if the task is delegated but

additional errors may be introduced if the person who takes it over is less familiar

with or enthusiastic about the visitations programme.

Red Flag issues

Urgent situations in a business that require the immediate attention of the task team.

Red Flags

A “red flag” issue may be highlighted by the interviewers, the co-ordinator or when

the questionnaire is reviewed by a member of the task team. As soon as it has been

picked up the co-ordinator should refer it to the red flag sub-team who will

immediately make an appointment to visit the business concerned in order to:

- clarify the issue and ensure they understand it adequately,

- discuss what could be done to address the problem,

The South African BR&E Manual Stage 3: Visitation


- obtain permission to refer the matter to a source of assistance,

- agree the next steps and when they will be taken.

It should be understood that the red flag sub-team is not responsible for addressing

all red flag issues directly, on the other hand it is responsible for ensuring all red

flag issues are addressed. This means identifying an organisation or person

competent to do so and bringing them into contact with the business concerned.

When they have undertaken to deal with the matter and have started to do so the

sub-team should continue to monitor the situation until either the matter is resolved

satisfactorily or it is incorporated in to the Stage 5 programme of action.

The red flag sub-team should prepare themselves for this by working with the

information sub-team to familiarise themselves with various sources of assistance,

learn what different organisations can offer and identify contact people in each case

(see Resource 2.3).

Cut off

Every attempt should be made to complete all the interviews by the survey deadline.

This is not always easy when working with volunteers and business people who may

have other more pressing matters on their minds. It is therefore tempting to extend

the deadline when the programme is behind schedule. There are times this cannot

be avoided, for example, when the number of completed interviews is well below

target or certain key businesses have not been interviewed.

The trouble with doing this is that is reduces the time available to analyse the results,

draft proposals and prepare the report. It may even jeopardise the timing of the

feedback event. Any changes to that date would be very public, very embarrassing

and potentially fatal to the credibility of the whole exercise.

It is therefore wise to build a little leeway into the programme to allow for the

inevitable last minute scramble but no interviews should be conducted after the final

cut-off date.

What happens if an interview still outstanding after the cut off date? This is a no-win

situation. On one hand the business owner or manager has agreed to participate

and may well be anxious to have his or her say. If so, they will not be pleased by a

cancellation. On the other hand interviewing them after the cut-off will almost

certainly mean their opinions will be excluded from the findings. They would be even

less pleased about that! Cancellation with appropriate apologies is the best option.

Better still not to get into that situation at all.


A letter of thanks should be sent by email or post to each business that takes part in

the survey. It may also serve as an invitation or reminder of the feedback event. The

letter may be sent as soon as the co-ordinator receives the completed questionnaire

but certainly no later than a day or so after the cut off date.

In addition participants may be thanked in a media release announcing the end of the

survey and publicising the feedback event.

The South African BR&E Manual RESOURCE 3:1

RESOURCE 3.1 Typical volunteer training sessions

Morning session

08:45 Registration

09:00 Welcome, brief background, introductions

09:15 Overview of the BR&E Visitation Programme (objectives, benefits,

programme steps and role players)

09:30 Role of volunteer, code of conduct, confidentiality, interview steps

09:45 Survey questionnaire

10:15 Tea/coffee

10:30 Tips for interviewing

10:40 Practice interviews, role play

11:00 DVD: Conducting an interview

11:30 Confirm participation; sign confidentiality agreements

11:50 Next steps - assignments and deadlines, issue materials.

12:10 Thanks and close

Afternoon session

13:45 Registration

14:00 Welcome, brief background, introductions

14:15 Overview of the BR&E visitation programme (objectives, benefits,

programme steps and role players)

14:30 Role of volunteer, code of conduct, confidentiality, interview steps

14:45 Survey questionnaire

15:15 Tea/coffee

15:30 Tips for Interviewing

15:40 Practice interviews, role play

16:00 DVD: Conducting an interview

16:30 Confirm participation; sign confidentiality agreements

16:50 Next steps - assignments and deadlines, issue materials.

17:10 Thanks and close

The South African BR&E Manual Stage 3: Visitation


RESOURCE 3.2 Sample confidentiality statement


I, …………………………………………………………………… (full name), understand

the importance of confidentiality to the Business Retention and Expansion visitation

programme in (place).

I undertake to keep any information obtained in the course of my duties as a

volunteer interviewer strictly confidential.

I understand that all information obtained from businesses is to be treated as

confidential and is not to be disclosed to others except for the purpose for which it

was collected.

…………………………………… ……………………………………..

Signature Print name

…………………………………… ……………………………………..

Witness Date

The South African BR&E Manual RESOURCE 3:4


RESOURCE 3.3 Sample confirmation letter

Dear (name),

Business Retention & Expansion Visitation Programme

Thank you for agreeing to take part in the (name) Business Retention & Expansion

(BR&E) visitation programme. Our trained volunteer interviewers will contact you

within a few days of the launch of the programme on (date) to arrange an interview at

a time to suit you between (date) and (date).

The BR&E programme is a locally driven initiative designed to develop and then

implement a plan of action to help local businesses to develop and grow. The survey

is a means of listening to the opinions, ideas and concerns of local business people

in order to draft proposals for action.

Attached for you information is the survey questionnaire that the volunteer

interviewers will go through with you. Please note that all information will be kept

strictly confidential. Your answers will help to develop a picture of local business

issues, but no individual opinions or business information will be made public and no

individual details will be disclosed to third parties without your permission.

You will have an opportunity to hear the results of the survey, comment on the draft

proposals and set priorities Survey Results Feedback event at (time, date, place).

A brochure describing the BR&E Visitation programme is attached. If you have any

questions or concerns please do not hesitate to contact me on (phone/cell phone

number) or by email at (email address).

Thank you again for your participation,

Yours sincerely,

(Local Co-ordinator)

The South African BR&E Manual RESOURCE 3:4


RESOURCE 3.4 Assignment schedule

Each team of interviewers should receive a schedule showing details of their

assignment in a form such as the following, e.g. extracted from a spreadsheet. A file

copy, updated to show any changes, may be used as a record of assignments.





The South African BR&E Manual RESOURCE 3:4


RESOURCE 3.5 Business Information Kit

The Information sub-team is responsible for putting together the business information

kit that is given to every person interviewed during the survey. It should contain

easy-to-use information and contact details about services and programmes that

could help improve business performance.

The local municipality, business organisation or investment promotion agency as well

as the BR&E programme manager for the region should all be able to offer ideas and


The kit might include the following:

- a community profile,

- a local business directory,

- key government contacts,

- information on business advice and planning services,

- sources of financial advice and assistance,

- details of trade and investment incentives and support schemes,

- sources of technical advice and information,

- training and skills development programmes and incentives.

A community profile summarises in a few pages the information about a

community that would most interest a business person. This includes key statistics,

demographics, services and contact details, industry data as well as “quality of life”

information about schools, hospitals, shopping, recreation and so on. Relatively

few South Africa communities produce community profiles but an increasing

number are presenting similar information on a local website or portal.

The South African BR&E Manual RESOURCE 3:4


RESOURCE 3.6 Survey cover sheet
















Confidentiality: All your answers to this survey will be kept confidential. The volunteer

interviews have signed an undertaking to this effect. The information you provide will be

combined with that from other businesses and presented as percentages or averages and

you will not be quoted directly. The task team will respond to your requests for information or

specific assistance but will not give your name to a third party without your permission.

“Skip it” Rule: If you do not wish to answer a particular question, please just say so. No

explanation is required.

The South African BR&E Manual RESOURCE 3:7


RESOURCE 3.7 Follow up and Red Flag sheet.


To be competed immediately after the interview

1. Is the business facing any particular difficulty at present? RED FLAG?


2. Did the person interviewed highlight any especially important issues? RED FLAG?


3. Did the person interviewed ask for any follow up from the task team? RED FLAG?


4. Were there any requests for information? INFORMATION?


5. How did the interview go? Would you do anything different next time?

Please return completed form and questionnaire to the co-ordinator in the envelope provided

The South African

Business Retention & Expansion Manual


At the end of Stage 4

The survey results will have been collated and analysed.

Requests for information will have received a response.

Task team members will have workshopped the results and prepared

recommendations for action.

Potential resources and partners for the recommendations will have been


Findings and proposals will have been presented to stakeholders at a feedback


Stakeholders will have set priorities and formed action teams to implement them.

This report, by its very length, defends itself from the risk of being read.

Winston Churchill

The South African BR&E Manual Stage 4: Analysis


STAGE 4: ANALYSIS After the excitement and visibility of the launch and interviews it is important to keep

the analysis stage as short as possible to avoid participants and potential role-

players “going off the boil”. Stage 4 begins as soon as all the interviews have been

completed and all the questionnaires have been returned. It ends after the feedback

event when priorities have been agreed and teams established to implement them.

Analysing the survey forms

The duration of Stage 4 is largely determined by the method is used to collate and

analyse the survey questionnaires. A tailor made BR&E package will start to

produce reports seconds after of the last questionnaire has been entered. Output

from less sophisticated software will need to be manipulated before it can be used.

In fact smaller simpler surveys could even be analysed manually – although few

would consider doing so.

Whatever system is used (see Resource 4.1 Software), everything should be in place

and tested and the details of the participating businesses recorded before the first

interviews. The first questionnaires to be returned should be recorded immediately

(this is a much better time to discover and fix problems than a day or two before the

results workshop). If the remaining questionnaires are recorded as they arrive and

not allowed to accumulate the process of analysis can begin soon after the last

interview has been completed.

Percentages and averages

Interpreting the results demands at least as much common sense as statistical skill.

Consider the following examples:

The town’s main employer has a problem with water quality. No other

respondents so much as mentioned water. Is it an issue?

About 45% of respondents say the business chamber meetings are too early.

Another 35% say they are too late. What does the average member think? How

many members are actually happy with the starting time?

About 15% of respondents complained about chronic traffic light problems.

Compared to other issues this is quite a small percentage. Can it be given a low

priority? Would it make any difference if they were all in the same area?

The point is that percentages and averages convey only part of the story. It is often

necessary to look beyond them to discover the real issues.

The analysis of a typical BR&E survey is not difficult but an experienced BR&E

facilitator can assist both to process the data and to interpret the results. Another

possibility is to enlist the help of a local academic or research institution.

In either event what is required at this stage is not a final product but an intermediate

document for the task team to consider. This will present answers to all the

questions in numerical form as tables or graphs and for each question will also

include a complete list of all the comments made. Businesses would be identified

only in separate reports on red flags and requests for assistance where appropriate.

The South African BR&E Manual Stage 4: Analysis


Information requests

BR&E surveys very often include a question about whether a business would be

interested in receiving information on a list of possible topics. This may be

supplemented by a question offering a choice about the form in which the information

could be received. The question should be framed by the information sub-team (see

Resource 2.3) as it would clearly by unwise to offer something that was not available

or difficult to obtain.

Including such a question in the survey creates the opportunity for some “quick wins”.

In addition to any benefits the information itself might bring to a business, a prompt

response to requests will also generate useful credibility for the programme at a

critical stage.

Yellow Flag issues

Requests for information are sometimes called “yellow flags”. They are not critical

but deserve a prompt response.

A report summarising all the requests for information can be produced independently

of the other results and acted on immediately. Many businesses prefer to receive

information in written form or perhaps face-to-face which means it may be possible to

respond to some requests soon after the co-ordinator receives the completed

questionnaire. The quicker the reaction the more it does for the image of the


It may be more practical to provide certain information in meetings, seminars or

workshops. This creates an opportunity to arrange and set a date for the first of

these in time to be able to announce it at the feedback event.

The role of the information sub-team in all this is similar to that of the red flag team.

They are responsible for ensuring someone responds to the requests for information

without necessarily doing it themselves. There is, of course, nothing to stop them

getting stuck in and playing an active part.

Results workshop

The results workshop is arguably the most important meeting of the task team. It

typically lasts 4-6 hours and is when the preliminary results of the survey are

reviewed in detail, the key issues are identified and proposals for action are drafted.

A BR&E facilitator or some other “outsider” capable of facilitating the workshop will

make this a great deal easier.

Reviewing the results: The results in the form of the interim document

described earlier are typically presented by the co-ordinator or whoever

processes the data. It may be easier to divide it into half a dozen sections and

consider one section at a time. The objective is for the task team to gain a

common understanding of the results and this will be obviously be facilitated by

having read all the completed questionnaires between them. Any points that

need to be clarified should followed up immediately.

The South African BR&E Manual Stage 4: Analysis


Key issues: Once the initial findings have been reviewed the next step is to

decide which are the key issues. By this is meant the relatively small number of

things that have or could have the greatest impact on local business – an

example of the 80/20 rule or Pareto Law. A quick and effective technique for

reaching agreement about this is described in Resource 4.2 Pareto.

Proposals: Having identified the key issues the task team then has to develop

proposals for action to address them. Again, as when determining the scope of

the survey, it is essential to agree on the criteria for selecting them in advance.

Resource 4.3 PASTA test offers a tool for generating and prioritising proposals.

It should be applied rigorously as it is far more likely that there will be too many

proposals than too few.

Feedback agenda: The final step, once draft proposals have been agreed, is to

set the agenda for the feedback event and decide what part each task team

member should play. An external facilitator certainly has a role but is should be

very clearly that of a facilitator and it is vitally important that the task team leads –

and is seen to lead – this event. (See Resource 4.4 for a sample agenda.) In

particular it is important for a member of the task team to present and be seen to

champion each of the proposals. If no task team member volunteers to do so for

a particular proposal, the message is clear. It should be dropped.


The report summarising findings and recommendations that is presented at the

feedback event is sometimes termed the summary report. This is to distinguish it

from a longer report that might be written for funders or the BR&E programme

managers. It is normally drafted by the local co-ordinator and/or BR&E facilitator and

should be reviewed by the task team.

Everyone involved in the programme should get a copy. Every organisation or

individual that played a part should be acknowledged. In the case of local hosts and

important sponsors this can be done by displaying logos on the front cover.

Everyone else – task team, co-ordinator, facilitator, volunteers and participating

businesses – should be listed by name in a prominent place in the report.

The report should be short – 15 pages is ample. It should be written in plain

straightforward language with the minimum of jargon and abbreviations. It will

typically cover the following.

Acknowledgements as described above.

A short introduction giving the background and an overview of the programme.

A summary of the findings in about half a dozen sections using a combination

of text, tables and graphs. The comments of participant businesses may be

given but only in a general way and provided no individual business can be

associated with them, e.g., “several businesses said…”

The key issues identified by the task team.

The selection criteria and reasons for choosing them for the proposals.

The proposals for action together with the rationale for selecting them and

some key steps for implementation.

The South African BR&E Manual Stage 4: Analysis


Resources and partners

As soon as proposals for action are drafted, the task team and local hosts with the

help of the BR&E facilitator and BR&E programme managers should begin to look for

resources and potential partners to help with implementation. The more of these that

can be identified the more likely it is that the proposal can be implemented and the

more credible it will seem at the feedback event.

The use of local resources and partners avoids the possibility that an outside

organisation will be seen to take responsibility for the proposal away from local

people leaving them to play the part of recipients. Clearly, local sources should get

first preference but to rely on them exclusively would unrealistic and very limiting.

Feedback event

All those who have participated in the programme so far – volunteers, participating

businesses, task team, local hosts – are invited to the feedback event. The invitation

list should also include those who might play an active part later. On the other hand

this does not mean packing the audience with representatives of government

departments and development bodies in the hope they will fund proposals. That

would defeat the objective of mobilising local people.

The feedback event serves the following purposes.

It is an opportunity for all concerned to hear and comment on the survey results.

The comments may shed new light on the findings but they are also likely to

reinforce them. It is harder a sceptic to remain unconvinced about an aspect of

the report if the people who expressed that opinion in the interviews are present

in the audience.

It engages more people in discussing which are the critical issues. Consensus

on this will help put the proposals for action in context and maintain focus during

the implementation stage.

It enables the task team to make their recommendations for action and to explain

what criteria they used in selecting them.

It provides a platform for people to comment on and amend these proposals or to

introduce new ones before expressing their preferences by voting.

It is when people are asked to play a part in turning the agreed proposals into

reality by signing up as a member of an action team.

As the stepping stone to the implementation stage it is when the next steps are

outlined by the task team, dates are set for action teams to meet and their

convenors are identified.

Finally it is time to celebrate what has been accomplished so far, to thank all

concerned and to recognise the part played by volunteers in particular.

The event should be chaired by a member of the task team who may be grateful if

the co-ordinator prepares brief guidelines on each agenda item. In some situations

the BR&E facilitator may present the survey findings, particularly if a controversial

issue is involved. Otherwise task team members will play a visible part throughout

the proceedings and will share the presentation of proposals between them.

The South African BR&E Manual Stage 4: Analysis


Like the launch, the feedback event should take place at a time and venue that suits

the majority of the BR&E programme role-players. It can be expected to take a bit

longer, perhaps 2-2½ hours. As an important landmark in the process and an

opportunity for celebration it should include refreshments of some sort and a chance

for people to socialise.

Formation of action teams

Action teams are simply groups of people who want to see action taken on a

particular issue and are willing to play a part. They will have the same variety of

motivations as volunteer interviewers (see Stage 2: Planning) and in many cases will

be the same people. This should be remembered when inviting them to sign up.

It may also be necessary to deal with concerns that by joining an action team they

will be stuck with “mission impossible” or a lot of extra work. The selection criteria

should have ensured that all the proposals are achievable. If this turns out not to be

the case in practice, they should be modified or dropped. Moreover the role of action

teams is to ensure action is taken and does not mean doing everything themselves.

The process of signing up will vary with local custom. Placing a sheet of flipchart

paper on the wall for each of the proposals allows people to sign up literally either

directly or with cards. In other communities people may prefer to group themselves

around a convenor. Yet others may find the use of a signing up form to be more

effective (see example in Resource 4.5).


A task team member will be assigned to convene the first meeting of each action

team. This is typically the person who presents the proposal and is thus easily

identifiable to members of the audience. At the end of the feedback event he or she

will play a part in recruiting people to the team, answer their question or concerns

and negotiate with them the time and place of the first meeting.


Publicising the findings and proposals will help to win support for the programme and

make it easier to recruit people and resources to implement the action plan. It is also

a way of acknowledging volunteers and the business people who were interviewed.

Inviting media representatives to the event is one way this might be achieved,

particularly if the promotion and publicity team are available to provide material,

answer questions and introduce them to key role-players. Briefing the editor of the

local newspaper is another option to consider. He or she is likely to have a stake in

the outcome as a local resident and be open to the idea of running a regular feature

on the action plan.

The South African BR&E Manual Stage 4: Analysis


RESOURCE 4.1 Software

Processing the survey does not need much in the way of statistical analysis but it

does need a way of recording, in summary form, the comments the interviewees

make in response to each question. That probably means using a database rather

than a statistical package. Spreadsheets have been used for this purposes in the in

the past and may be suitable for simpler surveys.

At the time of writing the only BR&E package being used in South Africa was

developed by for Bank of I.D.E.A.S. in Australia. The package was adapted for

Trade and Investment KwaZulu-Natal who purchased it in 2003 for use in KZN. It

consists of a Microsoft Access database customised for the Bank of I.D.E.A.S. BR&E

questionnaire developed by Peter Kenyon.

Although it is beginning to show its age and is a bit inflexible and cumbersome it

remains an fairly effective means of processing a BR&E survey. A big disadvantage

is that although the text of questions may be changed, the structure of the questions

and the reports may not. In addition there is no way to export numeric data directly

to a spreadsheet which means having to cut and paste from text reports. No longer

promoted by Bank of I.D.E.A.S., the package is still available from the designer,

Peter Palmer, at email

More recently web based applications have become available and in Australia the

Queensland government offers on-line access to participants in the state BR&E

programme. It uses the Bank of I.D.E.A.S. survey format and may be tested on line

(see the Regional Services section of their website In Canada

the Ontario government programme ( uses a package

designed by a Executive Pulse a firm that specialises in BR&E surveys


Numerous companies internationally and in South Africa offer on-line survey services

that could be used for the design and processing of BR&E surveys. The issue is

which questionnaire to use.

The time and cost involved in developing an dedicated package by whatever means

puts it out of the reach of most local BR&E programmes. The answer is to develop

one using a questionnaire that with minor modifications would suit a number of other

users. No doubt it is just a matter of time before someone does just that and puts a

South African BR&E package on the market.

The South African BR&E Manual Stage 4: Analysis


RESOURCE 4.2 Pareto

The 80/20 Rule or Pareto Law is aptly described as “the law of the vital few and trivial

many”. It is named after an 18th century economist and in essence says that 80% of

the benefits are achieved by dealing with 20% of the issues. The point is to identify

these critical issues.

There is no foolproof way to do this but drawing on the combined wisdom of the task

team is a step in the right direction. A facilitator may do this as follows.

Provide each task team member with half a dozen 10 x 21 cm cards (an A4 cut

into three) and a marker pen.

Ask everyone to make a list of what they personally think are the 3-4 most

important issues using cards and applying the following rules.

Collect and mix the cards before reading them out loud in turn while showing

them to everyone.

Where a card is unclear or unfocussed ask the whole group for ideas about what

it means. NEVER ask who wrote the card. When it has been clarified ask

someone at random to re-write or amend the card.

Display the cards by attaching them with tape to the wall or a flipchart.

Exclude duplicate cards and place them on the floor.

When all cards have been read, arrange them so that any closely related cards

are clustered together. Draw a line around each cluster and if necessary add a

different colour card to the cluster as a heading.

Count the number of clusters and isolated cards. Give task team members one

adhesive circle – “sticky dot” – for every such five clusters and isolated cards,

i.e., 20%.

Invite them to place one or more dots on or next to the cards describing what

they believe are the most important issues.

Tally up the number of dots next to each card or cluster.

The results are a persuasive indication of the views of the task team.

Write clearly

One idea per card Only 7-10 words

or 3-4 lines

per card

The South African BR&E Manual RESOURCE 4.4



There are certain fairly obvious criteria for selecting proposals for action, but unless

they are articulated they may be overlooked in the heat of discussion. They might

include the following.

A proposal should be Popular, i.e., it should have the support of local role-

players and not be imposed by a minority pressure group or from outside. It

should also have a clearly identifiable champion. Without a champion and

support it will not succeed no matter what its other merits may be,

It should be Affordable. The resources to implement it should be available

locally or readily accessible. Anything depending on external resources beyond

the control or influence of local people is a long shot. The list of proposals

should include no more than one of these if any at all.

It should be possible to start work on the proposal at once (i.e., next week) and it

should yield tangible results in the Short Term. Unless local role-players can

see something to celebrate within six months - even if it is only an important

milestone – they will soon lose hope and interest.

It should be Achievable – in other words it should not be “pie in the sky: It

means that local role-players really do have the time, the skills and above all the

enthusiasm to make it happen.

These criteria may be used in the PASTA test to select proposals and screen out

those that are unlikely to yield results in the foreseeable future. This can be done

using a matrix similar to the illustration as follows.

Set out all the proposals on the vertical

axis as shown opposite.

Display the PASTA criteria on the

horizontal axis overhead.

Test each proposal in turn against the

criteria. The only possible answers are

“Yes”, “No” or “Maybe”.

A “Yes” answer should be supported by

some information, e.g., the name and

cell number of a champion.

A “Maybe” should reflect who has

undertaken to establish the facts one

way or another – and by when – failing

which it becomes a “No”.

A “No” means the proposal should be

dropped immediately. There is no need

to consider it further.

The South African BR&E Manual RESOURCE 4.4


RESOURCE 4.4 Feedback event agenda

A typical agenda for a feedback event might take the following form.

Welcome and brief background by the task team chairperson.

If a local dignitary such as the mayor is present he or she may then be invited to

say a few words.

Presentation of findings. May be done by the local co-ordinator, a task team

member or the BR&E facilitator. Questions for clarification.

Key issues presented by a member of the task team.

Comments from the floor on the findings. Depending on numbers these may be

made on card and subject to a Pareto vote to determine majority opinion.

Proposals presented in turn by a task team member. Time allowed for questions

in each case.

Brief discussion in proposals to establish if any new or counter proposals will

emerge from the floor.

Pareto vote on proposals.

Call for action team participants using cards or sign up forms (see Resource 4.5).

Next steps, identify convenors, set date(s) for first action team meetings.

Thank all participating businesses.

Presentation of recognition certificates to all volunteers by senior representative

of host organisation(s).

Close, refreshments.

The South African BR&E Manual RESOURCE 4.4


RESOURCE 4.5 Example of sign up form


Name ____________________________________________________


Phone ( _____ ) ________________ Fax ( _____ ) _________________

Cell ( _____ ) ________________ Email _________________________

I am willing to play the following part in implementing the BR&E Action Plan (Please

tick appropriate boxes.)

Priority 1: Address crime

Action 1.1 Form a local Business Watch

Action 1.2 Clean up “grime spots”

Action 1.3 Create a local CCTV network

Priority 2: Buy Local

Action 2.1 Establish a local business directory/web-page

Action 2.2 Regular local trade fairs and networking events

Action 2.3 Business linkages office

Priority 3: Develop Business Skills

Action 3.1 Breakfast sessions on staff issues

Action 3.2 Financial management seminars

Action 3.3 “Put your website to work” workshops

Priority 4: Skills Development

Action 4.1 Establish SA Host Partnership

Action 4.2 Negotiate technical college outreach programme

Action 4.3 Develop local computer skills programme

Priority 5: Infrastructure

Action 5.1 Signage upgrade

Action 5.2 Address electricity outages

Other (as proposed from the floor) :

The South African

Business Retention & Expansion Manual


At the end of Stage 5

Action teams will have been formed and will have planned and initiated action.

The task team, adapted as necessary, will have co-ordinated the action plan and

monitored progress.

The first tangible outcomes will have been achieved.

A formal review will have been conducted by the task team after six months.

A meeting to report back to stakeholders will have been held.

New priorities will have been set and if necessary new teams established to

implement them.

To effect any permanently beneficial change to society I found it was far more necessary

to act than to speak.

Robert Owen (1771-1858)

Winston Churchill

The South African BR&E Manual Stage 5: Implementation


STAGE 5: IMPLEMENTATION The implementation stage begins as soon as the action teams are formed after the

feedback event. It continues for as long as it needs to! Since the action plan will

probably be modified and added to over time, the implementation stage could last

from six months to a couple of years.

Action teams

The role of the action teams is to ensure the proposals adopted at the feedback

event are translated into action and tangible outcomes. In some cases they will have

the means to do this themselves or will be able to co-opt them into the team. More

often it will be a matter of persuading others to do something or to change what they

are doing already.

The ideal action team will have 4-6 members and experience shows that it is

more likely to get results if it includes both men and women.

The convenor should call the first meeting as soon as possible after the feedback

event and certainly no longer than a week afterwards.

A chairperson should be elected at the first meeting and someone (not

necessarily the chairperson) identified as the representative on the task team.

The key steps of a broad plan of action should be agreed at the same meeting

together with the people responsible, timelines and resources for each step (see

Resource 5.1 Planning Action). Details should be communicated to the task


Thereafter the team will follow the steps outlined in their plan and would expect

to meet to review progress at least monthly.


Sometimes people, particularly public officials, ask to whom the action teams are

accountable. In a sense they are accountable to the task team who in turn are

accountable both to the people who mandated them at the feedback event and to

the BR&E host organisations.

In another sense the question suggests a misunderstanding of their role. A task

team is no more than a group of citizens who have volunteered to do something

like run a training or networking event, raise a services issue with the municipality,

initiate a local Business Watch to fight crime, conduct a local clean up campaign,

develop a local business directory or set up a local internet portal. They are not a

structure or organisation and are only accountable to the people who want these

things done – themselves and people like them.

Money or other resources to achieve their objectives would normally be channelled

through existing structures. If it becomes necessary to establish a new entity for

this purpose, issues of accountability will be addressed in the course of doing so.

The South African BR&E Manual Stage 5: Implementation


Task team

The role of the task team changes in the implementation stage to that of monitoring

and if necessary co-ordinating the progress of the action teams. Each of the action

teams should be represented on the task team and the person assigned to this may

not have been on the task team before. At the same time there may be task team

members who originally only committed themselves to seeing the survey through to

the feedback event. This is a good time to allow them to stand down if they wish.

The newly constituted task team should meet soon after the first meetings of the

action teams in order to hear of their plans and deal with any gaps or overlaps

between them.

Thereafter it should meet monthly or as often as necessary to monitor progress

and deal with any problems that arise.

After three months it would be prudent to conduct a “mid-term review” and

assess whether satisfactory progress is being made against targets or if changes

should be made to priorities or perhaps new resources found.

The task team is responsible for conducting a formal review of progress at the six

month mark and holding a report back meeting with local role-players. This

meeting will determine its mandate thereafter.

Tangible results

If the proposals are not clear about what is to be done and there is no way of telling

anyway it will be very difficult to convince people it was all worthwhile and motivate

them to do more.

So if after six moths the programme cannot point to outcomes that are of benefit to

local business then it will have failed – or will be seen to have failed. For practical

purposes these are the same and either way it is highly unlikely that more than a

couple of diehards will want to persist. On the other hand reaching a convincing

milestone on the way to achieving an important outcome might be considered a

reasonable substitute providing there were other accomplishments as well.

This has two important implications.

The first is that the proposals for action really must be achievable in the six

month timeframe (see Resource 4.3 PASTA test). In this case “tangible” should

not be confused with the word “big”. It is far more important to achieve a number

of small things than to fail in achieving something really big. In this context there

are no prizes for trying. On the other hand every little success can be celebrated

and publicised and will generate the confidence and momentum to tackle more

challenging issues with longer timeframes.

The second is that it is essential to be able to demonstrate beyond argument

when an objective has been achieved. This does not warrant a complex

monitoring and evaluation exercise. A simple indicator will do, e.g., the traffic

light problem was fixed, crime is down since the Business Watch was

established, three firms report an increase in sales as a result of the website and

one of them has taken on extra staff.

The South African BR&E Manual Stage 5: Implementation


Local co-ordinator

Although the local co-ordinator’s assignment may come to an end the need for a

co-ordinator does not entirely disappear in the implementation stage. It really helps

to have someone to arrange meetings, chase reports and ask if commitments have

been met. The task is not nearly as onerous as in the previous stages and could

easily be taken over by an enthusiastic volunteer with organisational skills and

access to an office environment.


The commitment made to participants at the feedback session was to show tangible

results in six months. The task team should therefore meet to see to what extent this

can be done. If they have been monitoring progress properly over the previous

months there should be no nasty surprises. Any problems that arise will have been

reported and dealt with earlier.

It is nonetheless time to take stock, not only to see what has or has not been

accomplished but also to understand what lessons have been learned on the way

(see Resource 5.2 Lessons from KZN).

The review might take the following form.

A brief presentation by each of the action team representatives on where the

their initiative is in relation to its targets.

A group exercise on what has been learned on the way. This should include

what has been gained from success at least as much as what has been learned

from mistakes.

A discussion on what to recommend for the next six months in the light of this.

Determine the agenda and assign responsibilities for the report back.

The Ugu Review

A BR&E visitation programme was conducted in part of the Ugu District in KZN late

in 2003. Being a holiday destination means that December is peak season so the

implementation stage did not really get underway until early 2004.

In August the task team reviewed their programme by asking themselves the

following simple questions.

What are our achievements?

What were our biggest surprises?

What would we do differently?

What will we do next?

They used cards for their answers and Pareto to help reach consensus on what

they would do next. It was exactly what was needed and took no more than a

couple of hours.

The South African BR&E Manual Stage 5: Implementation


Report back

The report back meeting is not unlike the feedback event in its objectives and

structure. The potential audience will be much the same but the with the addition of

new role-players who have become involved in the interval. The purpose is to:

- report on what has been achieved to date compared with the agreed action plan,

- share what has been learned in the process, positive and negative,

- make recommendations for the future,

- agree a new programme of action,

- recruit new action team and re-organise existing ones,

- recognise and celebrate achievements and contributions.

Again the media should be there and the whole process should renew and re-

invigorate the programme.

What next?

In most communities the implementation programme could continue like this for the

next year or two. The need for BR&E activities is unlikely to disappear but it is hard

to sustain voluntary initiatives indefinitely. In theory another visitation programme

would establish a new set of priorities and initiate a new round of action.

In reality very few communities actually go that route but what they may do is

conduct a visitation programme that focuses on a particular sector or a section of the

business community that was omitted during the previous exercise. If this taps into a

new set of volunteers and role-players an entirely new programme can begin. But

the same local economy will still experience the benefits.

The Golden Rule

Business stays and expands where it is well treated and appreciated.

The South African BR&E Manual Stage 5: Implementation


RESOURCE 5.1 Planning Action

It should be possible for the action team to develop a plan of action at their first

meeting. It may be necessary to fill in a few gaps later but anything more elaborate

is not often needed.

The first step is to agree what the plan will achieve and how it will be possible to

show it has been achieved.

The main action steps should be set out in logical sequence on a flip chart or

using cards (cards have the advantage of being easy to rearrange or replace).

Who is responsible for the first step should be identified i.e. which member of the


When the first step will be done is then agreed. This may involve both starting

and finishing times.

In broad terms what resources will be needed to complete the step should then

be identified.

The process continues with the next steps in turn.

The plan may be recorded using a digital camera. If cards are used they should be

attached to a sheet of paper that can be rolled up for use at the following meetings.

WHAT will we do?

With what RESOURCES?

WHEN will it be


WHO will do it?

Action step 1

Action step 2

Action step 3

Action step 4

Alf 071 123 1234

Zandile 072 123 1234

Friday 3 Oct 08

XYZ meeting room

WHAT will we do?WHAT

will we do?With what



WHEN will it be


WHEN will it be


WHO will do it?WHO

will do it?

Action step 1Action step 1

Action step 2Action step 2

Action step 3Action step 3

Action step 4Action step 4

Alf 071 123 1234

Alf 071 123 1234

Zandile 072 123 1234Zandile

072 123 1234

Friday 3 Oct 08

Friday 3 Oct 08

XYZ meeting room

XYZ meeting room

The South African BR&E Manual RESOURCE 5.2


RESOURCE 5.2 BR&E stories from KZN

Although attempts were made in the late 1990’s to initiate Business Retention and

Expansion Visitation programmes in South Africa, it was only from 2003 when Trade

& Investment KwaZulu-Natal (TIKZN) commissioned the development of a strategic

framework and resource material for a provincial BR&E programme that any South

African results can be documented and compared.

TIKZN pilot programme

In 2003, TIKZN piloted BR&E visitation programme in three KZN municipalities

namely uMhlathuze, KwaDukuza, and Ugu. Since then, the Durban Investment &

Promotion Agency (DIPA) operating in the eThekwini metropolitan area have run a

number of their own programmes in and around the city. Regardless of who the host

partners have been or where the programmes have been initiated, each programme

has yielded a number of interesting results.

Some of the outcomes from the Trade & Investment Pilot in 2003 were:

A satellite business chamber office: When the Zululand Chamber of Business

moved its offices from Empangeni to Richards Bay the BR&E survey revealed

that Empangeni businesses felt they were no longer receiving a benefit from

membership of the organisation. The task team recommendation that a satellite

office be established in Empangeni to service local businesses was implemented

soon afterwards.

Business support: Through the Empangeni Survey, businesses were able to

raise the issue of outdated rates and service charges. Action teams consisting of

business people and municipal officials were set up to develop interim solutions

while the re-evaluation process took place.

SA Host Partnerships: To address the issue of poor customer service in Port

Shepstone and Margate a SA Host Partnership was established and a number of

businesses as well as the municipality sent staff to be trained on the SETA-

accredited national customer service training programme.

Skills development committees: Local tertiary training institutions established

a working group in Empangeni in partnership with business to provide

appropriate courses for local students to match local job requirements.

Development Plans – To address the concern of Empangeni business that the

Municipality lacked a clear vision for the economic development of the town the

municipality and Empangeni business leaders established a action group to

develop a shared vision and marketing strategy for the economic future of the

town as an integral part of uMhlathuze.

DIPA programme in eThekwini

The DIPA BREV programmes began in 2005 and to date have been initiated in

Pinetown to the west of the municipality, and to the south in Prospecton and Maydon

Wharf. The programmes were run in partnership with the Durban Chamber of

The South African BR&E Manual RESOURCE 5.2


Commerce and Industry (DCCI) and in Prospecton and Maydon Wharf also with the

South Durban Basin Area Based Management unit (SDB ABM). All three have had

the advantage that DIPA has made a full-time coordinator available for their


Some DIPA BREV results have been as follows.

Business mobilisation: A feature of the DIPA programme was the way the

BREVs mobilised business leaders to take an active role in local economic

development. In Pinetown in particular the task team was able to respond to the

survey findings with a programme of action that required very little assistance

from outside resources.

Local Business Directory: A area-specific directory of local businesses contact

details was developed in both the Pinetown and South Durban Basin BREV


Understanding BEE: With support from the DCCI, the action teams in Pinetown

implemented a number of training seminars to help businesses understand BEE

policy and implement it effectively.

Improving chamber visibility: The Western Area Committee of the DCCI

initiated a process through the BR&E programme to re-engage members and

increase the value for Chamber membership in the Pinetown area.

Cleaning and Greening campaigns: In the Prospecton BREV, an action group

was established to improve the appearance of the area and among other things

mobilised local people to conducted a successful Clean-up Day to collect litter

and rubbish. This has now been extended to addressing conditions in an

informal settlement bordering the industrial area.

Managing traffic congestion: A number of measures are being taken to

manage serious congestion of heavy vehicle traffic on a main transport link that

has affected businesses in Maydon Wharf. These include CCTV cameras linked

to the Metro Police control room, a dedicated track lane and an extended truck

holding area.

Value from websites: The Pinetown survey revealed that while 64% of

businesses surveyed had a website only a handful felt it benefited their sales. A

task team member who runs his entire business from the internet, offered to host

a number of short seminars free of charge on how to maximise the benefits of a


Municipal issues – Businesses in the Prospecton area raised their frustration

through the survey at how difficult it was to reach the appropriate municipal

department to deal with a particular complaint or issue affecting their business.

The SDB ABM very soon published and distributed an up-to-date directory of

municipal contact numbers to all businesses in the area.

The South African BR&E Manual RESOURCE 5.2


A more most recent programme initiated in the Umdoni municipality followed a

slightly different approach to the other programmes, in that it was not supported

financially by a local/provincial organisation as in the previous examples, but from

Gijima KZN the European Union funded LED programme for the province. The

programme host in this case was the municipality as there was no organised

businesses at the time to partner with. While this approach provided a number of

challenges, the programme did succeed in mobilising local businesses to the extent

that a long debated local chamber of business for the area has now been launched.