Business models / Business Innovation

Post on 17-Oct-2014

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Developing your business model. These slides help you to describe your business and the business model. If you are changing your business model, for example changing in pricing methodology or Go2Market Strategy, these slides help you to understand the impact. It is based on a well studied methodology of business model innovation.

Transcript of Business models / Business Innovation


• A Business Model is a strategic management tool for describing existing businesses or developing new ways of doing business.

• A business model is a visual chart ‘‘a statement of how a firm will make money and sustain its profit stream over time. With elements describing a firm's value proposition, infrastructure, customers, and finances.

• The Business Model Canvas was initially proposed by Alexander Osterwalder


The offer



Incoming money

Critical resources

e.g. people, technologies,

patents, production skills, etc.

What do we do with

the key resources

Money out