Bullying is a Social Issue Affecting Children of All Ages

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Bullying is a Social Issue Affecting Children of All Ages

Transcript of Bullying is a Social Issue Affecting Children of All Ages

School bullying has serious negative effects

Contents1Graphic Organizer2Introduction6What is Bullying?7The Issue7Suggestion to solve the problem of bullying8Conclusion12References13


Introduction"Four eyes, loser!" those are a couple of words that come out of a bullys mouth. Kids everywhere are being bullied for the way they look or act. Many kids are struggling everyday because the bullying issue has been a huge problem. Bullying is common to see amongst children. Bullying occurs at all ages but is most prevalent during the middle school years.School observation research finds:1. One incident of bullying occurs every seven minutes2. Adult intervention occurs in 4% of incidents3. Peer intervention occurs in 11% of incidents4. No intervention occurs in 85% of incidents

What is Bullying?Bullying is a form of abuse. Bullying can occur in the form of direct such as teasing, threats, pressure or physical action. In addition, bullying can also take the form of indirect resulting in a student being isolated from his friends.Bullying causes both the victims and the bully to get affected, either physically or emotionally. Victims could get hurt when they refused to do what the bully wants. This is a method for bullies to get what they want from reluctant but weak people. Victims could also get emotionally scarred when bullies intimidate them to the point of breaking down. Also the bully could get more and more emotionally unstable after bullying people for a long time. Studies have shown that most of the bullies who liked to intimidate people when they are young would continue to do so when they grow up. Thus the bullies would be affected emotionally as well.

There is no excuse for bullying. Some people might think that it is 'cool' to make fun of others, but making fun of others weaker that you should not be thought of as 'cool'. Similarly, people bully others to gain respect and acceptance into their gang of friends. Well, if these 'friends' require you to bully someone in order for them to respect you, they are not the kind of friends you should have. Some people also bully others because they get bullied themselves and want to get vengeance. Well, vengeance never solves anything. In this case, it just makes the situation worse. There are many more reasons that I have not listed out, but as I said before, none of them are valid.

The IssueThe issue of bullying in schools has created a climate of insecurity in school. Almost every day in every school in the world will face a problem in the case of discipline of their students. The most popular case is bullying. In Malaysia we can see the symptoms of bullying occur in a community. This case has raised concerns among the public, especially parents.This can be proved by the death of student (died on February 21, 2009) Mohamad Mohd Hadzrin, eight-day coma after being beaten up by a group of teenagers near the school in Cheras because of fighting.Many factors affect this bullying among the declining discipline problems among students, school rules and the attitude of the weakness of the responsibility of teachers to students, school systems are too concerned with academic achievement and sporting aspects aside, curriculum, character building and teamwork.

Suggestion to solve the problem of bullyingTo solve the problem of bullying, schools need to recognize that this problem exists and it hurts the students. Victims will not complain to the school management if they knew their story would not be trusted and they are not guaranteed protection.

There are stages to solve the problem of bullying. The first stage is the school level. For schools, the first step is to obtain information about the school bullying that occurs in their schools, whether psychological or physical. This can be done by asking students to fill out questionnaires related to bullying. Students can also write the cases they have experienced bullying. To get a higher response on this matter, the identity of the student shall be confidential.

Second, schools must have clear rules relating to bullying. This will not only be done by putting up antibully in school, but also distributing leaflets to every student antibully to read with their parents. The information contained in this brochure include the concept of bullying, some simple tips for dealing with incidents of bullying, who can be contacted in the event of online bullying and phone number or e-mail to report incidents of bullying. Those who can make the report not only victims but also witnesses.

Third, a coordinating committee should be formed antibuli school level. Among the members of this committee comprising the principal, school counselor, teacher discipline, parent representatives and student representatives. They serve to manage the program and evaluate its effectiveness antibuli. Fourth, the discussion of bullying should be included in the agenda of PIBG meetings. For the class, the class rules related to a zero tolerance of bullying need to be established. The regulations should list all the behavior which is deemed as bullying behavior (physical and psychological), and what the punishment will be accepted if caught or reported it.

Each student is given a list of rules and they must sign the document and a copy kept in the student file. Before that, the parents also sign the regulations. This behavior is an agreement between the student and parents or guardians with the school.

From time to time, teachers should discuss the issue of bullying with students. For the individual level, it involves the bully and the victim. Teacher should arrange discussions to resolve the issue not only with bullies and victims, but also their parents or guardians.

Next, the teacher may provide counseling sessions emphatic role play behavior is not aggressive or bullies. Assertive Training will be held with the victim. It is time that responsible need to think seriously about the problems of bullying and tries to implement how to fix or prevent it from happening. We do not have to wait other extreme cases to occur before we do something to ensure the safe schools (psychological and physical) for our children.

ConclusionTaking everything into consideration, it is apparent that bullying is a significant issue affects our generations lives by different kind but we have to be strong enough to face this problem and work together to prevent school bullying by encourage students activities at school and reduce bullying in the future.

No matter what end of the bullying your child is on, you need to make sure that you are doing your part to prevent and stop this. Bullying is a serious matter, whether we like it or not. If you do not think that you can handle the situation on your own, there is no harm in asking for help. You can find help in a variety of places, even within your own family.

ReferencesArticlesnatch, Bullying Is A Social Issue Affecting Children Of All Ages, Races And Religions, Stephen Daniels, http://www.articlesnatch.com/Article/Bullying-Is-A-Social-Issue-Affecting-Children-Of-All-Ages--Races-And-Religions/2378896The Star, School bullying, CHARIS PATRICK, http://thestar.com.my/lifestyle/story.asp?file=/2011/6/22/lifeparenting/8920889&sec=lifeparentingBerita Harian Online, Kes Buli di Sekolah, http://berita-harian-online.com/kes-buli-di-sekolah-dilaporkan-media-massa-2004-2009/


Bullying Is A Social Issue Affecting Children Of All Ages, Races And Religions

Bullying is a major problem affecting our school-age children. Surveys indicate that as many as 50% have been bullied at some time during their school years, and at least 10% endure this treatment on a regular basis. Thousands of children across all races, religions and classes are being affected. Now that this has been officially recognized as a problem, schools, school boards and the general population have come to realize that it is one with dire consequences, not just for the victims, but also for the perpetrators, their respective families and for society as a whole.What Is Bullying?Bullying, defined as intentionally and consistently speaking or acting in ways that are hurtful to another person, is a serious societal issue. Victims are those who are repeatedly picked on by individuals or groups who have greater power in physical strength or social standing. People in popular groups might pick on those they categorize as different by shunning, gossiping or spreading rumors, or by taunting and teasing.Who Gets Bullied?Its not easy to identify a victim. Unless your child tells you or has bruises or injuries, it can be difficult to determine that this is occurring. However, parents must be alert to the warning signs in their children. The readily observable signs are the easy ones. They might include cuts or bruises; stolen or damaged clothing, belongings, books or homework assignments; unwillingness to travel on a bus or train to/from school; and an unwillingness to participate in school activities or sports.

More subtle warning signs include:Change in behavior; appearing anxious, nervous or depressed without any apparent causeDifficulty sleepingLoss of appetiteMoodiness or becoming more easily upset than usualAvoidance of certain situations or locations, such as the cafeteria, playground, bathroom, or unsupervised hallways at schoolWho Are These Bullies?Just as children of all ages, races, religions and classes can be victims, so too can they be bullies. Boys generally resort to physical intimidation, regardless of the gender of the victim. Girls generally attack verbally, and make other girls their targets. They might snub another girl, encourage exclusion or threaten to withdraw a friendship in an effort to maintain control.Identifying PerpetratorsYou may wonder how to identify a bully. What qualities characterize his/her behavior and personality? What drives this menacing behavior? The bully may:Appear outgoing and aggressiveStart malicious rumors just to see what will happenAppear reserved on the surface, while being manipulative in subtle, deceptive waysTake attention off him or herself by dominating and controlling othersFeel upset or angry regarding home life where anger, intimidation and physical force are commonOften bullies grow up to be spouse abusers; they have shorter, less productive lives and unfortunately often teach their children the same patterns that they have embraced throughout their lives. Another chilling fact is that one out of every four elementary school bullies will have a criminal record by the time they turn 30!Where Does It Take Place?Schools provide an optimal environment for harassment because they house a captive population of potential victims and areas with little to no adult supervision, such as long hallways and far corners of playgrounds. While it is a basic right for students to feel safe and to be safe at school, often they are not.This behavior doesnt necessarily end when children leave school grounds. The transition from school grounds to cyberspace is all too easy these days, as our kids spend more and more time online. With cell phones for texting and social networking for friending and unfriending, cyberspace tormenting of a victim can occur 24 hours a day, any time and any place. The child victim is often alone when experiencing electronic hazing, but knows that indeed the whole world could be watching the humiliation and shame.Ramifications of BullyingFor victims, the ramifications of this abuse include low self-esteem; heightened stress as evidenced through depression or anxiety; health issues such as irritable bowel syndrome, insomnia, ulcers; and/or a deterioration of school performance. Some victims will attempt suicide rather than endure harassment or punishment.People often say that Kids will be kids; theyll outgrow this. However, psychologists who have studied and become experts on this problem have recognized that those who exhibit bully behavior patterns share some common traits that have contributed to this problem. They deal with situations differently than other children, as exhibited by their behavior:They may perceive slights where none existThey havent learned ways to deal with negative emotions other than through physical aggressionThey havent learned appropriate ways to deal with conflict and stressThey may exhibit poor social skills and judgment, and lack empathyThey tend to dominate others while focusing on themselvesAccording to psychologists with years of experience in family counseling and therapy, and who have become societys experts on this problem, a large part of the onus for policing their grounds will fall on the schools. They need to implement more programs to enforce no toleration policies and must provide safe ways for victims or witnesses to report it.For their part, parents need to learn, teach and model healthy ways of managing anger and conflict. If they need assistance, family counseling is readily accessible around the country, both in the private sector, as well as through public health agencies and the schools.Understanding the serious social costs of bullying and how to deal with it are vital components in our efforts to keep our children safe as they make the long journey to adulthood.---------------------------Bullies dominate, blame and use others. But the good thing is, they are not born that way.SHE was dumped in a rubbish bin on a street corner by a group of boys from her class while the girls laughed mercilessly at her. She was mortified, and at the tender age of 14 was left feeling worthless.She was the future Lady Gaga.The world-famous American pop star isnt the first nor will she be the last celebrity to publicly admit to being a victim of bullies at school. Feeling the pain: Having been a victim herself, Lady Gaga empathises with children who have been bullied.Indeed, school bullying is rampant. Students in the United States are not spared. When he was young, superstar Tom Cruise, too, was bullied because he was dyslexic. Megan Fox was teased and called names because she wanted to be an actress. Olympic swimming champion Michael Phelps, despite his big built, was also victimised. Ironically, he was mocked because of his tall, gangly form and the fact that he was a swimmer instead of a footballer!Closer to home, there was the recent saga involving four teenage girls of a secondary school in Kepong, Kuala Lumpur, whose humiliating bullying of their classmate created an uproar when it was filmed and uploaded on YouTube. A 14-day suspension imposed on the perpetrators, a cup of tea and a word of apology may have provided some form of closure but many are still asking, How can such a thing happen?Lets examine the scourge.Bullying is when a persons behaviour is purposely meant to harm or disturb another person. It is not the same as aggression or violence, although elements of these may be present when bullying occurs.It is not simply a desire to hurt. Bullying is actual hurtful behaviour directed by more powerful individuals or groups against those who are less powerful. It is typically repeated, often enjoyed by the bully or bullies, never justified. It is experienced as oppression.Types of bullying include verbal belittling regarding religion, race, looks, or speech; hitting, pushing or slapping; rumours; and sexual comments or gestures. An indirect way of bullying prevalent among teens is forming their own cliques and intentionally isolating the outcast.Psychologists used to believe that bullies have low self-esteem, and thus, tend to put down other people to feel better about themselves. While many bullies are themselves bullied at home or at school, new research shows that most bullies actually have excellent self-esteem. Bullies usually have a sense of entitlement and superiority over others. They lack compassion, impulse control and social skills. They enjoy being cruel to others and sometimes use bullying as an anger management tool, the way a normally angry person would punch a pillow.All bullies have certain attitudes and behaviours in common. Bullies dominate, blame and use others. They have contempt for the weak and view them as their prey. They lack empathy and foresight, and do not accept responsibility for their actions. They are concerned only about themselves and crave attention.The good thing is, bullies are not born that way, although certain traits such as impulsiveness and aggression may be predisposing factors. But this does not mean that they will automatically become a bully. Bullying is a learned behaviour, not a character trait.Bullies can learn new ways to curb their aggression and handle conflicts. Bullies come from all backgrounds, and girls are just as likely as boys to bully and abuse others verbally, although boys are three times more likely to be physically abusive.Different homes, different bulliesInterestingly, author Susan Coloraso suggests that there are different types of bullies produced in different homes:> The hyperactive bully who does not understand social cues and therefore reacts inappropriately and often physically.> The detached bully plans his attacks and is charming to everyone but his victims.> The social bully has a poor sense of self and manipulates others through gossip and meanness.> The bullied bully gets relief from his own sense of helplessness by overpowering others.Family upbringing and parenting have a big part to play. A bullys parents may be permissive and unable to set limits on their childs behaviour. His parents may themselves have been abused as children and view disciplinary measures as a form of child abuse. As a result, the child never internalises rules of conduct or respect for authority.On the other hand, self-centred, neglectful parents can create a cold, calculating bully. Since no one takes an interest in his life, he abuses others to get attention. His bullying can be planned and relentless, as he constantly humiliates his victim, often getting other children to join him. As if the act of bullying is not enough, the bully uploads it onto social media to show off his achievements, thereby getting maximum attention and bringing ultimate shame to his victims.There are yet others who are from relatively healthy families who participate in the act of bullying due to peer pressure and in the name of fun, without realising the serious implication.Indeed, there are many reasons for bullying. The key is that in understanding it, we hope to prevent it. Lady Gaga has expressed empathy with teenagers who are bullied at school. Bullying really stays with you your whole life, and it really, really never goes away, she has said.When you listen to her songs and watch her performances beyond her fame, popularity and eccentricity one cannot help but wonder if she is still hurting.... Charis Patrick is a trainer and family life educator who is married with four children.

From time to time, there are extreme cases of physical bullying that occurs among students in the limelight these extreme media. Its cause suicide, serious injury and even death.

Examples of physical bullying are pushing, slapping, hitting or extortion. In a few cases have been reported, it is not only the boys but also girls.

In a study that was done to the writers 2.600 students from 26 secondary schools from two states, the report found they engaged in bullying activities (physical and psychological) are high.

According to Professor Olweus from Bergen University, Norway is a pioneer in the study of bullying in the world, if the bullying occurs in the range of 10-15 percent is considered serious. There are many reasons why students bully. The bulk of the bullies said they bullied other students because the fun-fun. In fact there are bullies who proudly stated that he had the head of bullying at school! Some victims of bullies deserve to be bullied states and others said they were bored with school and bullying other students is a way to relieve boredom. Bullying because they are angry or dislike for the victim. New students at the school are individuals who are frequently victims of bullying. A student who loved teacher will not be favored associates.

For physical bullying, they are small-sized prey. Do not want to share stationery or an idea for doing homework is also a reason for bullying. For boarding students, the form of bullying also occurs by asking the victim to wash their clothes, cleaning toilets or taking food from the canteen. Those who prefer to speak in English were not liked. Different What can be inferred here is that they are the victims were students who are not preferred because they are different from the majority of students. When asked to the school as school counselor, teacher or principal of discipline, students who are bullies are not interested in education, mischievous, and have discipline problems. In terms of family background, said bullies come from families with problems, not getting full attention from their parents or are too spoiled. The school also recognizes the new students are also being targeted.


What Is Bullying?Physical or psychological intimidation that occurs repeatedly over timeBullying can be overt (i.e., teasing, hitting, or stealing); boys are most often overt bulliesBullying can covert (i.e., spreading rumors or exclusion); girls are most often covert bullies

Who Are Bullies?Children who bully typically demonstrate a strong sense of self-esteemThey like to feel powerful and in control

Who Are The Victims of Bullying?Children who are bullied are often insecure, socially isolated, anxious, and have low self-esteemThey are unlikely to defend themselves or retaliateThey tend to be weaker than their peers

Typical Adult Responses To BullyingBullying is often perceived as a harmless rite of passage that all children will experienceUnless bullying is likely to lead to physical injury, many adults believe it is best left to be resolved by children and their peers

Long-Term Implications of BullyingChildren who are bullies are likely experience legal or criminal problems as adultsChildren can carry bullying behaviors into adulthood and experience difficulty in forming and maintaining relationships

Responding To The Problem Of Bullying Develop a school-wide bullying policy to: raise awareness of teachers and administrators create a framework for responding to bullyingimprove overall school environmentensure change is occurring in the classroomempower students through programs such as peer counseling, mediation, or conflict resolution

Responding To The Problem Of BullyingDevelop a school-wide bullying policyImplement classroom curriculum:Develop classroom rules against bullyingDevelop cooperative learning projects that encourage teamwork and reduce social isolationCreate activities or assignments that teach problem-solving or conflict-resolution skillsParticipate in role-playing or other activities to help children understand the perspectives of others and identify feelings