Bullying (edit1)

Post on 31-Jul-2015

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Transcript of Bullying (edit1)

Don’t Laugh at Me

By Cassidy Spurck

Bullying is:-Hitting or pushing-Name calling-Isolating someone on purpose-Trying to belittle someone -Forcing someone to do something

It can be done in person, on the phone, on the computer, through texting, or any method of communication.

Cyberbullying takes bullying home. It is just as damaging as verbal or physical bullying.

Victim:-Afraid to go to school-Depressed-Anxious-Gives up easily-Lack confidence-Grades declining-May attempt or threaten to commit suicide

Students: Stand up to the bully! Get the victim away from situation, and tell an adult what is going on!

Your teacher is there to make sure you can learn safely. If you ever feel that you or your peers are unsafe, find your teacher.

Don’t take on a bully by yourself!

By working together, we can have a bully-free school!